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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 926 KB, 2224x2837, __cookieswirlc_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_rin_yuu__06e45cb06ee912aa31bc11fbb7667d5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46238871 No.46238871 [Reply] [Original]

shota lover

>> No.46240064

hag sex

>> No.46240197

I wish I was a kid, imagine the fetishes you would get from her videos

>> No.46240391

I was there for when the board was discussing her debut and she sounded like she was completely oblivious to the sheer scale of sexual devastation she's bringing upon younger generations and thought this was just a cool design that makes her seem "down with the kids".

>> No.46243047

Why does this hoe keep trying to seduce my son.

>> No.46243120

what's her foot game like

>> No.46243153

Thousands of kids will have/have had their first fap to her.

>> No.46243155

despite the fact her hair gives me eyestrain and a splitting headache i find her design mucho sexo

>> No.46243559


>> No.46245986

Not a vtuber.

>> No.46246336

based groomer keeping her millions of shota to herself. I can respect that level of greed

>> No.46246338
File: 338 KB, 526x488, 1597409216310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exclusively uses a live2d avatar
>not a vtuber

>> No.46246440
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1680174856781805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the pigmentation of her epidermis...objectively inferior.

>> No.46246443

Brown with white hair just doesn't work.

>> No.46246588
File: 110 KB, 505x959, 1680113351339326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, continue your train of logic, you're about to earn the ire of /lig/.

>> No.46246790

We've been over this, faggot

>> No.46246874

No, you've cried while everyone laughed at you.
She is a vtuber, period.
Maybe she never earned all the subs as a vtuber, but she is STILL A VTUBER.

>> No.46246891
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1679460491530468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been over it, below, inside and and and I still haven't seen a good reason she shouldn't be considered a Vtuber.

>> No.46246939

The crux of the issue is that she had more subs than Gura so she can't be a vtuber despite technically fulfilling the definition in every sense

>> No.46247170

>no soulless king cover
>no corporate overlords micromanaging her every move
>no mindnumbingly boring streams of her sucking ass at video games with a fuckton of dead air
>i'm not the target audience
Sorry, not a vtuber

>> No.46247210

>>no corporate overlords micromanaging her every move

>> No.46247316
File: 359 KB, 1120x2916, FQc1VBoaUAEfXEJ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in unreal how horny her model is. The gummy bears look like a condom belt.

>> No.46247354

It's always the children's cartoons with the dirtiest jokes.

>> No.46247398

Anyone still have the edit?

>> No.46247424

Rainbow Lamy...

>> No.46247676

>single-handely raising a whole generation of gyaru mommy enthusiasts
cookie, I kneel

>> No.46247801


>> No.46247949

Also not a vtuber

>> No.46248007


>> No.46248142

I don't want to pollute my youtube algorithm with the creepy and weird "youtube kids" ecosystem, so can some one tell me what her videos are about?

>> No.46248154

Her voice is nice, so it's fine

>> No.46248177
File: 2 KB, 370x69, 1549076207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46248217

She posts edited videos of her gameplay while she commentates as a vtuber

>> No.46248238

>implying that works

>> No.46248323

Websites track your account and cookies not your IP dumbass

>> No.46248592


"Incognito mode" isn't a built-in VPN.

>> No.46248808
File: 873 KB, 600x490, 1600559530932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, she has been using it EXCLUSIVELY for some months already.
Get over it and dilate.

>> No.46248913

I haven't seen a good argument against her being a Vtuber that doesn't also exclude Gura, Kizuna AI, or Nyanners.

>> No.46249377

because the argument that precludes cookoieswirl also precludes nyanners. That being they did not reincarnate as a new entity without any ties to their previous viewerbase. They just put on a vtuber skin when it became trendy to do so.

>> No.46249637

>reading comprehension

>> No.46250234

she's not a real vtuber she's just wearing the model as fashion and you absolute brain rot retarded faggots aren't going to convince me

>> No.46250425

Aren't basically all vtubers doing it for fashion? It's a trend.

>> No.46250862

Real vtubers willingly give up their collected viewerbase when putting on the costume.

>> No.46250886

If you can't understand the nuance behind the culture of vtubing versus some child grooming tramp trying to spice up her channel then you're either a woman or a tourist. Probably both.

>> No.46252260

the manchildren are jealous, they won't accept that the biggest vtuber doesn't care about pandering to them

>> No.46252397

>computer literacy

>> No.46252716

I said they dont track your IP so it doesnt matter and you reply telling me incognito doesnt hide your IP
Literally kill yourself

>> No.46252937
File: 35 KB, 400x400, V8CAYRBA_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't worry, I'll take real good care of your son, anon...

>> No.46252980

I want to know why you fags are so eager to bring cookieswirl in here,, she provides literally nothing of value as far as vtuber goes and id rather watch nijien than whatever the fuck she puts out

>> No.46253137

Ok SEA nijisanji fan, you can keep trying to move the goalposts, but it doesn't change the facts.

>> No.46253144

That’s perfectly fine, and I agree with you. Cookie’s a vtuber, but she doesn’t count as one when comparing vtuber subs. Anons should be allowed to make posts about her /here/, but when an anon is talking generically about “vtubers” as a whole, it should be understood that they don’t include Cookie.
She’s a vtuber, but she has no relevance to “vtubing” as a whole. That’s fine, because she’s not trying to.

>> No.46253229

>>46253144 (me)
I really don’t know why anons think you have to pretend Cookie isn’t a vtuber in order to justify not calling her “the biggest vtuber” or not watching her.

>> No.46253816

yeah like nyanners did? oh wait

>> No.46253922

which is why she's not a real fucking vtuber, yeah?

>> No.46253947

I wouldn't consider her a vtuber by virtue of her having an existing identity/channel/name that has not changed between her previous content and current. It is, indeed, the exact same scenario as Nyanners, who I and many others here would have no problem excluding from the label of Vtuber--both put on a live2D avatar after the vtuber concept had already been pioneered and popularized and continued to make the exact same content as before under the exact same name on their existing channel on their respective platfoms. Arguably, by some definitions, cookieswirl is closer to vtuber than nyanners is by virtue of actually being a youtuber, though very few people are actually sticklers for what platfom someone is on to define what a vtuber is anymore.

>> No.46254586

She has more subs than Gura therfore she doesn't count. Once Gura surpasses her then she can be considered a real v-tuber, but until then she isn't.

>> No.46254642

I've been reading through the comments on her videos and about half of them are repetitive "I watched you for so many years I love you <3" etc. I suspect there's a bot element to some of these comments, which rarely if ever talk about anything in the video itself.

>> No.46256242

Sadly many people are essentially bots.

>> No.46256646

It's very well-designed for its purpose. The boys will appreciate the booba and figure, and the girls will gush about how pretty she looks.

>> No.46256754

I'd guess that it's children who don't have the attitude, skills and/or attention span to write anything more than that.

>> No.46257019

its hot

>> No.46257058

Actually this isn't too far from chat for some streams.

>> No.46258998

In the end, everyone treats vtubing as a brothel medium right? If a girl does not adhere to the meta of learning how to onlyfan their channel, then is not a real vtuber and seiso seems to get a pass so long the girl in question does sexual jokes and tease with her model. Otherwise, I don’t get how she’s not a vtuber aside not letting followers know her private life details.
Numbers are not even an issue if you are still sane.

>> No.46259186

>like a condom belt.
Your brain has turned to horny weeb mush. At most 1% of children know what a condom is, and 0% know what a "condom belt" is. Most adults don't know what that is, never mind think about it when they see some outfit accessories made of gummy bears.

>> No.46259593
File: 43 KB, 719x656, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with India

>> No.46260543

It's a joke :^)

>> No.46260706

I bet her artist knows.

>> No.46260801

bad civilization Kiara is something I never knew I needed until now, thank you

>> No.46261069

Probably unironically true because my first few faps were to dead or alive renders in a magazine.

>> No.46261487

Humor and sarcasm not allowed on the 4chens.

>> No.46261608

It’s absolutely wild the kind of stuff that can serve as your awakening as a kid. I first started masturbating to ten-year olds on PBS. It was fine because I was seven.

>> No.46261717
File: 297 KB, 376x488, 1380914782319459131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they dont track your IP
fucking zoomers, I swear to g-d...

>> No.46261920

I wanted to do the same thing but the fbi wont let me. Where is the gender equality?!

>> No.46262204

You worthless fucking faggot we are talking about youtube recommendations

>> No.46262289

What a dumb faggot you are

>> No.46262494

How about the fact that she doesn't stream? Am I in bizarro world here or what?

>> No.46262587

I sti...
It's a joke :^) I SWEAR!

>> No.46262609

>How about the fact that she doesn't stream?
But Gura is considered a Vtuber too?

>> No.46262617

So Kizuna AI wasn't a vtuber at first despite claiming to be one? She didn't stream.

>> No.46262729

That seems like a weird metric to determine whether or not a vtuber is a "real vtuber" or not. The term vtuber originated from Youtube and people make videos on Youtube so it is pretty weird to need to be a streamer as well to be considered real vtuber.

>> No.46263768

They still know it's you, or someone else connecting from your local network, even if you clear your cookies or use private mode, retard. Yes, the watch history is not added to your account's/channel's watch history that's available to you, but on the backend they totally know it's from the same fucking computer, network, ISP etc., because that's how fucking TCP/IP, HTTP, web servers, Google's device tracking botnet, and all that shit works.

They still push shit to your recommendations based on the shit people from the same network, location, language, and all that jazz, watch or search on YT. Subtly, but they do. Try connecting to various public Wi-Fi hotspots while logged out of Google and see what you get.

that's not even me

>> No.46263824

If she's some woman capitalizing on children's entertainment while being sexy, that's nothing new. People like this have existed in TV since beginning. The girls look up to them and the boys discover something funny about life. Come on, who was your first celebrity crush?
I'm not going to look her up because being I don't want my youtube account to be flooded with "youtube kids" nonsense, but there's no reason she shouldn't be considered a vtuber.

>> No.46264041

>They still push shit to your recommendations based on the shit people from the same network, location, language, and all that jazz, watch or search on YT.
No they will not.
You must live alone or youd know thats not true.
>Subtly, but they do.
"Even if its clearly not happening its actually happening you just cant see it trust me bro"

>> No.46264123

Ok looked her up why is this thread even a thing?Non of her "fans" post here they are all underage.

>> No.46264172

Ok, Mr. Google Engineer.

>> No.46264222

She needs to be stopped. Out children's chastity is at stake.

>> No.46264370

Soon a child's first ejaculation would be to cookieswirlc

>> No.46265552

Well, it was an article that went around all the tech news sites a month or two ago discussing that internally Google engineers joked about how private mode didn't prevent tracking. It wasn't really your IP and more other easy browser fingerprinting you can do. They may not push video suggestions, but they will likely push ads.

>> No.46265605

Maybe not here, but all of my friends on Roblox are huge fans.

>> No.46266049

Anyone who got the majority of subs doing something else doesn't count, simple as

>> No.46266149

I want to take a bite out of her ears.

>> No.46266255

the woman behind the avatar is old as fuck. i bet she nutted when she found out she could continue her streaming career without having to show her old wrinkly face and hands.

>> No.46267154

Yeah OK, if you say so. Let me just make a note that "virtual youtuber" means live streams and must have a dark mysterious past.
And so now you know a bit more about the girls at hololive.

>> No.46267897

> dark mysterious past
This shit always bothers me, because when a graduation happens always by sheer “coincidence” fans know where to go next, but when they are active then is the “forbidden knowledge”. The amount of hypocrisy from both parties fans and tubers is always staggering.

>> No.46268051

I don't get the hate. Like who gives an actual fuck. Does anyone here give an actual fuck? I refuse to believe I am surrounded by humans right now.

>> No.46268785

ive see all of the doxxes buddy. cookieswirl is by far the oldest female vtuber i am aware of. she looks like she is in her 40s at least

>> No.46269911

No humans here, just SEA and AI.

>> No.46275043


>> No.46278314

>accusing anyone of being a troon

>> No.46278737

Okay but can anyone link anything shotaconish she's said? Or is this pure schizophrenia/wishful thinking?

>> No.46284629


>> No.46285149

post them

>> No.46285414

Cookie WILL be the cause of your son's first boner and there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.46285670

nuh uh

>> No.46286455

>Cookie WILL be the cause of your son's first boner
>there is nothing you can do about it
Not if I molest him before he can grab a hold of an ipad. Take that, faggot.
