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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4621475 No.4621475 [Reply] [Original]

>ayame barely streams
>shion pulls shit like this
>choco is another shitter in a sea of shitters
>the chinqueen Aqua is the only one resembling something of quality but she's also a paperthin bitch that cowers at the slightest presence of antis.
Subaru is way too good for this shitty group and she deserves better.

>> No.4621504

Kill yourself yonkishit, your whore gen doesnt even deserve more than a png as model

>> No.4621578
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Not even cucked enough to unironically support yoinkisei (yikes) when shitters like Towa and Coco is in it but they at least contributes more to hololive than whatever the fuck nikisei is doing right now.

>> No.4621582

>Shion dodging the shit review
based. to bad it didnt get canceled over it

>> No.4621633


>> No.4621677

you the kind of faggot who would shitpost about Mikos and Mios breaks as well?

>> No.4621682

Choco and Ayame are too busy "sleeping" to stream. Aqua is a zhang cocksleeve, and shion is being typical Shion.

>> No.4621693

This is why Subaru is inclining hard

She's carrying 2nd gen by herself and tbf, girl deserves it for all that grind.

>> No.4621769

Yeah, she's taking care of her genmates in her own way by making sure people don't forget about 2nd gen. Wtf is wrong with the others tho? Choco could do ASMR again if Cover could give her another model. I don't get Shion and Ayame, probably health reasons the same as aqua.

>> No.4621793

They all must've gotten hit with a droplet of rain each and all caught a cold instantly.

>> No.4621854

do we have rrats for shion dodging?
Don't tell me she dodged the dragon to match her Hololive Alt video

>> No.4621873

the only thing I can imagine for these 2 is they might be students
never really cared enough to do roommate reps

>> No.4621912

Shion is taking a break due to depression or something, or at least she has been in a rut for the last 6+ months because of it.
From the sounds of it she's a bit terrified of the future due to having no job history or education(she dropped out of high school) so Hololive is all she has as a career. Probably why she's focusing more on her roommate stuff to try to be more independent and less reliant on Yagoo.

Ayame is too busy spending time with her boyfriend and planning to start a family soon.

>> No.4621935

It's just the usual "I'm feeling kinda down, so I'm not gonna stream this month" Shion

>> No.4621988

I don't get to watch her often because she streams JP hours obviously and rarely streams but when she does I do find her enjoyable depending on the stream type
Is the best addition to the group her streams are great love her voice
No need to kick her while she's down
Can't stand her voice but she is pretty funny in small dosages clips

>> No.4622010

Ayame's internet is non functional due to moving, her cover was uploaded by her manager and she can only stream from the studio, you only have to read twitter yet you prefer to let EoP tell you lies

>> No.4622110

Choco just did ASMR. She got 10k+ viewers.

>> No.4622119

I like Choco's cooking streams, but since Aqua's health issues Subaru has been carrying hard.

>> No.4622299

>Aqua is a zhang cocksleeve
Where are my goddamn Meaqua collabs then?

>> No.4622465

Is there even a career path for holos? I feel like the only viable option would be management or VA but those kind of things need more than just streaming experience.

>> No.4622528

you sound like a fucking clipfag and thus your opinion is discarded.

>> No.4622536

Post Ayame proof faggot, I’ve never seen anyone on this board actually have any

>> No.4622540

VA could be possible depending on how much you do your voice differently. Additionally anything involving broadcasting might be an option. Generally entertainment isn't a career you stick with your whole life unless you truly hit it big. It took you tubers a decade really, it'll take probably another 6 years for vtubers. Ideally she should've used this chance to finish schooling, assuming the rrat is real in this thread. Idk, I don't look at roommate shit.

>> No.4622631

Yeah, it hit 12k last night. Some other nijimembers has more than 15k+ for ASMR. Goes to show that she could still incline if she wanted

>> No.4622692

Become a housewife

>> No.4622726

You should watch Subaru's Detroit Become Human playthrough.

>> No.4622770

She could still be successful in her own way even though she hadn't finished high school. You only need to cultivate the right skill sets for a specific job that you wanted and that's through self learning, online courses and literal reps every day. Hololive or an online personality gig like a vtuber seems to have a lot of job potential in the future. Entertainment industry keeps evolving and there might be a day in the future, news outlets are gonna use avatars or AI to read out news and everything.

>> No.4622819

Thanks to HoloALT and other stuffs, she seems to be trying more.

>> No.4622843

Mea is afraid to stream with anyone from Hololive. She hasn't since the taiwan incident

>> No.4622899

>If she wanted
Vtubing has always just been a past time/second gig for Choco. She never exploded, so she never invested herself in it like others have. And that’s ok. As long as she’s having fun we can’t complain.

>> No.4622914

Actually there was. Their carreer is similar to pro-gamers in a company where even retired as a player, can be hired by their company to teach new generations. Or retired vtuber can start their own entertainment channel in yt. They could do vlogging, or can just normally streams. You don't need to be a graduate or something, you just need the talent to entertain people, and thats it

>> No.4622925

looks like Aqua called Shion and threatened to graduate if Shion went on. Its out of shion's hands.

>> No.4622940
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>ghosting reddit cringe
based shion

>> No.4622947

Oh no, the literal babbling autist threatened to leave.... oh no...

>> No.4622961

Shion likes Coco. If anything this >>4622925 rrat is more believable.

>> No.4623007

Aqua will be isolated if Shiom ever collabs with Coco. Aqua and Shion are the only holomem who didn't mention Coco even once after the incident

>> No.4623046
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I can totally see Coco doing some type of talent management. Especially since she has a lot of first hand experience with big yabs, she knows what can and cannot fly to protect her talent.
I don't know all the JPs enough to comment on the rest, but I can see some ENs doing other jobs.
Kiara can use her trilingual skills and her HoloTalk host experience to be some kind of professional translator/interpreter.
Ame can be a stream tech/OBS tech support for future big youtube/stream channels (think companies like LTT).
Ina will continue being an artist.
Calli... I don't know what she can do honestly.
Gura ??????

>> No.4623082

She was one of the more popular girls for a time until Youtube took a bat to her milkers.
Plus she dropped Bilibili real quick when she sniffed out how many zhang shitters were around, capping her income just to not have to deal with them.

>> No.4623086

If Gura doesn't off herself, wife. Not even joking or playing it weird. She easily has the personality to be one, for employees she can get a shitty side job or whatever.

>> No.4623088

Stop feeding the animals

>> No.4623145

Generally speaking, most of Vtuber do it as a side gig. It's even more tricky for company with big line up like cover and niji. I can only think of Kizuna AI as someone who can make it in the long run. Even if non-chan and her Kizuna Ai retired in the future, she'll still hold impirtant position within the company as she hold the entire brand name with her. Plus she can always use her rep to push forward a successor and retired in to the back stage stuff. Tbh there's still a lot of untape potential within the industry to be uncover, and Kizuna Ai is really dive head first on these waves. Other should just follow her lead

>> No.4623159

She's basically a VSinger at this point.

>> No.4623178

Not the biggest chicken fanbut with her Attitude she'd be a pretty good manager, the perfect amount of annoying for things like permissions and etc

>> No.4623185

Gura could be an indie vtuber, internet personality or a singer after she achieved her redemption arc and literally go all in to her streaming job

>> No.4623202

Aqua did say hi to Coco tho

>> No.4623204

Gonna have to rip that bandaid off some time.

>> No.4623219

Well, gura would leave hololive if the whole career died. I doubt the company would die before the trend considering the names it has. Of course anything could happen but c'mon. So saying indie vtuber, eh. Before holo sure, but after? Dead.

>> No.4623238

Ps I know, don't think I don't. I was there before it was 50k. So eat shit.

>> No.4623247

Neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.4623287

This isn't America, one needs that high school diploma to really do anything of note, including learning a trade. You also need the "official" paperwork to confirm your skills, no self-learning accepted. They also don't have anything resembling US community colleges. Your opportunities are severely limited by not finishing high school in Japan.

>> No.4623333

Aqua threatening to quit over shion collabing with the one that talked her or odd her depression after the smash faggotry
Are you dense? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.4623371

It's best you let the underage clipfags fester their "rrats"

>> No.4623533

Probably VA or singer. Some Nijis are contracted to a major record label so it's a goal for some of them.
She collab with Roberu on Haneru channel but I guess Holostars is safe even though they also got spammed sometimes.

>> No.4623858
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That's long history retard-chama. Coco is now the one who prevented Aqua from hitting it big in China. She is now a 2nd tier idol, and its hit her gravely. She thought to rebrand towards being a n Apex pro, but she couldn't handle the effort along with her other obligations and daily autism and crashed and burned. She is the center of the 'coco isolation' faction, and that faction has declined considerably since this all began. All that is left is Shion and Choco, and technically Ayame, but she frankly hates all non pure Japanese, so she isn't a true member. Anyways Aqua's mental and physical health have declined considerably since Coco began to branch out more, and that isn't a coincidence. The stress in knowing that she'll eventually be forced by management to interact with the person who destroyed her dreams is killing her, perhaps literally. She knows it would tear her existing fanbase asunder and render her irrelevant again too (hence the nightmares about her fanbase leaving her). Considering all this, some past shallow advice is no consideration.

>> No.4623975

Aqua shooting rampage on Cover office and Holohouse when?

>> No.4623978


>> No.4623985

compensated dating

>> No.4624021
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Did you faggot forget that aqua wrote "Kondragon" to coco in minecraft after she came back?

>> No.4624033

>Ame can be a stream tech/OBS tech support for future big youtube/stream channels
Do you honestly think she would ever be fine with doing this?

>> No.4624067 [DELETED] 

kys sheepnigger

>> No.4624071

the Zhang apologist has arrived.

>> No.4624076


VA is a is a very competitive industry in Japan and doesn't pay that well unless you make it big. I'm gonna be honest, but most vtubers, HL or otherwise, don't have the talent to make it big as a VA.

Singing is another option, but again, you have to be good enough at singing to actually make that a career. It's possible, and some have done it, but again, most Holos don't have the ability to make it in that field without leveraging the HL brand name.

Honestly the safest bet is to just get an education/experience in a field unrelated to vtubing, and use that as a backup. Or go into the corporate side of vtubing, but having an actual education is good for that too.

>> No.4624100
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>> No.4624138
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This fucking timeloop again.
It is all so tiring...

>> No.4624157

Youre absolute right, she should be my wife instead.

>> No.4624179

might as well add watame and luna for a full gen collab

>> No.4624379

What an absolutely garbage thread. Of course this will be up for 300+ posts and meidos won't delete what is an absolutely low quality thread

>> No.4624453

Marrying a rich paypig.

>> No.4624457

Stop being retarded dude

>> No.4624529
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Based zhang killer.

>> No.4624545

This is bullshit, but it's a good rrat.

>> No.4624562

Holy shit is this real? Explain yourselves Shion fags. This is not a good look.

>> No.4624656

Hmm... 6/10 rrat, I think I'll take it for myself. It needs a bit more work.

>> No.4624714

you underestimate just how many newfags just outright believe the shit that's typed on this board anon.
Every rrat must be ogeyed for a reason.

>> No.4624800

Very good rrat. I'll take it as a fact until proven otherwise by the talents, if they ever comeback at all. Holy shit

>> No.4624840

aqua said kondragon to coco on minecraft

>> No.4624872

I feel like Marine or fbk could very easily get hired somewhere else, but then again they do a lot of stuff outside of streaming for hololive as well.

>> No.4624902


>> No.4624920

I do somehow agree that Aqua's opportunity to hit one of the largest stage, the LoL Championship and be exposed to literally a millions of crowds and probably will be interested in her, is gone because of that incident. But Aqua's autism will become way much worse because she will be exposed to, also, one of the most toxic community in gaming community. So she probably cannot handle it.

>> No.4625010
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>> No.4625048

I want Aqua to go on Meme Review

>> No.4625479

They're all doing better than Togashi at least

>> No.4625628

That's it.
That's enough.
She can't keep getting away with it.

I'm going to PUNISH Shion.

>> No.4625751

3/10 rrat, threw china into the rrat too soon.

>> No.4625900

>Ayame literally streamed 4 days in May
>All of them probably were MonHun
>She's STILL one of the top Superchatters in the world.
Is this the power of Nakirium?

>> No.4629809

leave Choco alone, shit on the rest if you want

>> No.4629938

Shion is so fucked up, she is too used to having a thousand horny old geezer lewding and simping her, she will crash with the real world pretty hard when she gets a little older.
Actually she could have a promising AV career in the future because of that.

>> No.4630070

>Post Ayame proof faggot
nothing for newfaggots, do your archive reps or fuck off

>> No.4630157

Bless you, Subaru. Kinda obvious it's a bf taking up their time when there's no weekend streams at all. 2nd Gen is nothing without the duck.

>> No.4630506

Sadly this. Vtuber is no different with other entertainment industry and it's survival of the fittest. They need ambitions, seld dicipline, and determination to enter the mainstream and move up in the industry. Sora is already pretty much enter the mainstream like other vtuber on her generation (2017-early 2018 debuts), so are Fubuki and Aqua (if not for the chinks incident).
Currently within the Hololive, Watame, Kanata, Subaru, and Kiara are the ones i see has these kind of traits to move up the ladder. The rest seems to be content with where they currently are.

>> No.4630530
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Agreed with almost everything, except this:
>Coco is now the one who prevented Aqua from hitting it big in China
Zhangs doings, ruined everything Aqua worked hard for, they put first their little nationalistic yellow pride over their Oshi, and killed her oportunity to success, it's a meciless proven fact, not a cheap rrat

>> No.4630592

the flow of newfaggots is endless, so expect it to continue

>> No.4630667

I swear to god those retards would even take std infested dick if you told them it's a cure for cancer

>> No.4630941

Well Shion did lose someone pretty recently so I guess she still needs more time

>> No.4630961

If the top earnings holos actually put a year worth of scs into ETFs they would never need to work again.

>> No.4631001

Yes, it's shit anon, now what?

>> No.4631833

>Subaru is way too good for this shitty group and she deserves better.
Subaru dropped her tomboy gimmick for that disgusting abomination that is her new outfit. She's the worst of them all.

>> No.4631912

Ayame frequently gets the turboshits please andastand.

>> No.4632912

Anon, the tomboy gimmick has been a relic of the past for a long time now.

>> No.4634655

Roommate has built her PC alone, parts by parts. She can be seen in several clips from her now-dead Twitch channel.

>> No.4634719

At least it's a gimmick instead of making her some generic femjap going to college. Jesus christ they're supposed to be characters, not their own shiczo projection.

>> No.4634765

Doing ASMR now in YT is really dangerous. Giving a kiss to the mic is more thsn enought for a ban. A lot vtubers that do gameplays and Asmr migrated to Twitch because lf that

>> No.4635303
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