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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46176315 No.46176315 [Reply] [Original]

I am forgotten

>> No.46176447

I'm still waiting bitch.
Announce something already.

>> No.46177374

Thank goodness, was looking for a thread!
Although I would prefer one with a Sayu image.

>> No.46178553

not yet

>> No.46178641


>> No.46178890

she's been silent for two fucking months, that was the only option since she's dead silent

>> No.46178892

They prevented her from streaming on any platforms for some time to effectively kill her off from public consciousness. Black company, prease andastand

>> No.46178943
File: 3.75 MB, 720x470, sayucute[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7ud844.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for the return

>> No.46178970

No shit you've been forgotten, you didn't do anything you said you would.
And before you try to start shit like NDA / no stream clause / contract / etc
>Whatever the fuck Sana's RM is called
>Yugo's RM
All sub 6 month returns

>> No.46179152

She's been contacting several creatives who worked on NijiEN stuff.
One whose name I forgot brushed her off, but the rest seem to be on board

>> No.46179539

it wont be the same without that absolute godtier more wasted than ina model

>> No.46179934

That model is so fucking bad I hope she gets a decent one next time.

>> No.46180163

She was already using a different model for a while when she was Indie.

>> No.46180344

That model had the best rigging in NijiEN

>> No.46180992

She's waiting for her HoloEN debut

>> No.46183327

Rigging is important but just as important is the person behind the rigging. How the person uses their camera and emotes can really change the feel of a vtuber. It becomes obvious if you watch an offcollab where one person hops onto the other’s station when the other is away.

>> No.46183911

Announce something!

>> No.46183954

She hasn't SAID anything

>> No.46183993
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Sayu will be back soon, she's just getting a model and assets made for her return.

>> No.46184078
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I don't know man... look at this list. She's literally a criminal...

>> No.46184261

It takes time to put together a legal team you know

>> No.46184326

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down...
Yea, we wept, when we remembered Zaion...

>> No.46184675

>Committing masturbation and ejaculation on-stream while moaning loudly
Erm... proof? You know you can't just throw away accusations like this without providing evidence.

>> No.46185176
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>> No.46185366
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>> No.46185426
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>> No.46185472

once I found out she is a tranny supporter, I stopped caring about the whole situation

>> No.46185603

Not really. She sided with Silvervale during the hogwarts fiasco. The timing lines up when she said she was going to play the wizard game.

>> No.46185669
File: 3.40 MB, 575x537, zaion sayu if you close your eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46185747

She just wants to be able to laugh about whatever. She's not pro or con anything. Stop making chuubas seem political when they aren't

>> No.46185750

This. Retards are going to pretend almost all women in vtubing don't have leftoid beliefs to make themselves feel better about their oshis, but those leftoid beliefs are high status right now and women are status seekers.
But when it really mattered, when the pressure was high, she sided with the chuds against the trannies. That actually requires some bravery when woke EN management already wanted her gone.

>> No.46185838
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And despite that, she is still part of a tranny supporting group on Twitch.

>> No.46186293

You realize you can't actually join a women only group anymore right? As in you leave trannies out they call you a hate group and shut you down.

>> No.46186447

She has the power to join and leave any group she chooses. And yet, she hasn't. That speaks volumes.

>> No.46186475

Women's support group. The fact that trannies attach themselves to any women related movement is something that you can't avoid anymore.

>> No.46186724

Zaion deserved better. Finana should have been graduated a long time ago as well.

>> No.46187136

Graduated onto my face

>> No.46187240

And coomers being the only ones that even care about her kek

>> No.46187563

That's a big stretch to take that and pretend she makes political content. You guys just want to make /vt into /pol

>> No.46187877

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.46187901

Only valoguards are allowed to do that

>> No.46187932

The new model has no soul.

>> No.46187977

No but it really speaks to the low quality of her and how she could be traded for any bottom barrel “lewd” twitch indie

>> No.46188362

Because she did a few spicy ASMRs? That makes no sense. Stop shaming women for it

>> No.46188967

>How to know when someone doesn’t watch Finana
Go back to Twitter you don’t even know what you are talking about and haven’t been in her fanbase long enough, you’re just defending her because she’s apart of the Nijisanji brand.

>> No.46189101

I watched all of her recent streams and she doesn't act like a lewdtuber outside of her ASMR streams

>> No.46189308

Now you’re just straight lying or you’re a newfag, only defending her because of brand association. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You probably have no idea what the egg even is or her interview with Melody. Fuck off.

>> No.46189632

You didn’t have to be against Silver to be against them

>> No.46189810

Just because she's open to talking about things like that doesn't mean her content revolves around it. I don't understand the moral hangups about that kind of stuff on 4chan of all places

>> No.46189830

Nijifans have been more obvious about only caring for the company more than the vtubers themselves

>> No.46189995

>Doesn’t mean her content revolves around it
>Entire shtick is being a cute lewdtuber
But that’s all her personality and content is, you’re going in circles now Nijishill. Anyone who has watched Finana for a while knows this.

>> No.46190230

It's one of her shticks. Her recent Nier, Your Turn to Die and Yakuza streams were enjoyable for reasons completely unrelated to her being lewd

>> No.46190348

Just like half of active Nijisanji

>> No.46190919

>B-b-but her recent streams were good!
>Nier was one part and never going to played again like most games
>Yakuza is really boring to watch and she doesn’t make it any more entertaining besides getting horny over Asian men
It’s the same cope excuse everytime, now I know you are lying, Kotoka who’s not even a gamer has had better and more entertaining streams since Xsoleil debuted than Finana ever since she started gachashit and VLG.

>> No.46191124

She's been poached.

>> No.46191234

Finana is a “gamer” in the sense of e-girl that leeches off of lonely guys to be carried in games. She had her ffxiv boyfriend pilot her account through the hard content in that game.

>> No.46191296

Phase Invaders wave 2 coming soon.

>> No.46193178


>> No.46194060

Yeah sure....dont forget to buy her ring parasocial loser.

>> No.46194981

Yo, who's Jimmy?

>> No.46196457

Imagine owning yourself to the degree she has lmao

>> No.46196867

AI Art, look at those fingers

>> No.46197085

Not like it was her idea, management is the one who chooses who and what the merch is every month.

>> No.46200869

ayo wait, whos jimmy???? why are they looking for him???

>> No.46200947

I remember her.

>> No.46200993

>Another one


>> No.46201564

This is like saying VShojo isn't just peepeepoopoo cumshit humor because a few of their streams aren't constantly talking about it.

>> No.46201893

Exactly, that's not what most of their content is about

>> No.46206055

