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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46099511 No.46099511 [Reply] [Original]

Answer it /vt/

>> No.46099533

When she told her fans to improve themselves

>> No.46099556

Letting your career and creativity completely stagnate throughout late 2021-2022

>> No.46100577

Don't let her stagnation distract you from the fact that she was one of the best Holos at her peak

>> No.46100855

oh yeah that is undeniable.
But this is what happens to some holos anyways.
Fubuki is a good example, she was pretty popular with memes and all that but over the years it slowed down.
Ame is just in a similar situation, so uhhh suffice to say, it's time to move on.

>> No.46101078

why must all creative chuubas eventually suffer

>> No.46101104

she started using a vtuber model

>> No.46101155

Will she ever be le creativdad again? It's been so long since the last good one.

>> No.46101318

Because it becomes not fun creating stuff when it's become expected of you to make something creative. Especially when that expectation is for whatever you make next should be better than your previous work.

>> No.46101361

She made a minigame for chat to play when she begins stream.
Anyone else do that?

>> No.46101425

Improve yourself

>> No.46102020

when she dueted with reigs. not even a unikek but personally it's cringe when people pull big stunts like this instead of just ignoring the negativity.
i like ame but this could've been prevented if she developed her talents more, like learning jp or something. if your creativity is all you have then you will get burnt out very quickly, if you haven't already run out of the ideas.

>> No.46102099

I lost a friend

>> No.46102104

QRD? is it as I remember and it's about her frowning upon unicorn fans?

>> No.46102588

I think it was around the time of Worms collab with Tpiss?

>> No.46102625

In response to receiving backlash for collabing with dudes she told her fanbase to improve themselves if they don't like it.

>> No.46102677

thanks, yep. unsurprising coming from her. glad I wasn't around to actually hear it.

>> No.46102754

Nice attempt to distract me from the fact that Pekora bought a fucking monkey.

>> No.46102758

Is it just me or does she not put her true self into streams and is basically always doing kayfabe?

>> No.46102916

I thought Fauna kayfabes more than Ame on first glance. Maybe I haven't watched enough streams to make an accurate judgment. if vt threads are anything to go by, saplings might actually be deranged. but of course anons aren't being unironic... right?

>> No.46103001

Here's a clip of it
In context it doesn't sound too bad until you start asking questions like what the heck did she mean by use your feelings of wanting to chat with your oshi to improve yourself? I actually forgot about her comment until she sang Fly Me To the Moon duet with Altare. I'm neither homobeggar nor unicorn but even I was like wtf, have some respect for your viewers that aren't homobeggars.

>> No.46103256

thanks, that's a bit abysmal with more context. I don't even superchat regularly to anyone and I interpreted the clip as "you guys are not really worth talking to right now". Devil's advocate in me would like to claim that her next point about the amount of viewers mean that she's just saying "it's unrealistic for me to care about you", but it's definitely shitty to hear from a vtuber tho, even if it's true of all streamers.

>> No.46104829

I cant

>> No.46104883

Dumb woman assuming there is hope for the average 4channer

>> No.46104917

>and I interpreted the clip as "you guys are not really worth talking to right now".
you are deranged, wtf

>> No.46105009

>In context it doesn't sound too bad until you start asking questions like what the heck did she mean by use your feelings of wanting to chat with your oshi to improve yourself?
Probably that maybe you shouldn't be a fucking jealous POS making a mountain out of a molehill, and if you're that petty you have a lot of room to grow as a person.

>> No.46105414

>'noo Ame I wanna talk with you, why are you talking to these other chuubas'
>"maybe you should improve yourself then"
>(if you do, the chances of me wanting to talk with you guys on solo streams become higher)

seems logical to me. what else is the connection if she suddenly brings self-improvement as the topic? just saying things to deflect from the fan's displeasure?

let's be realistic, you won't change your mind. internet strangers are internet strangers. so it's pointless to continue this. arguments online serve no purpose, ever.

>> No.46106788

Nigger I don't even watch her. The mallow was a softball lob of a question and she could've knocked it out of the park by answering seriously and making clear boundaries and letting viewers know what to expect, but instead put her own foot in her mouth by trying to make a light of it when she knew there were people in her fan base that were actually concerned. She had a shit take and refused to admit she fucked up, might as well have told them to go cuck themselves.

>> No.46106871

Get him, sister!!!

>> No.46109036


>> No.46109068

Take me back to pre-2022 please.

>> No.46109182

She told the segment of her fanbase that was angry because she collabed with males to "improve themselves".
This is tonedeaf and retarded beyond belief because everyone knows that the people that are responsible for most of her income are lonely permavirgins that will never have anything in their life. It's like telling a homeless person to just buy a house.

>> No.46109278

She should go further so that those dudes can finally be free of her. Nerds are still gonna stick around even when abused if its just this level.

>> No.46111867

She knows when

>> No.46111927

When she openly said she didnt want to be Gura's friend and everyone ignored it
