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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45933417 No.45933417 [Reply] [Original]

we need a new gura killer that actually work, the jew one clearly don't

>> No.45933659

nice english, SEAsagi-kun

>> No.45933771

Kobo is working on it.

>> No.45933820

Koba is too much of a fan of her to compete with her

>> No.45933824

Gura was the Gura killer all along anon, and she's doing it just fine.

>> No.45933881
File: 105 KB, 268x253, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing indonig

>> No.45933935

Her ceiling is #2 in front of Marine

>> No.45933938

The Gura Killer Curse isn't a joke, anon. Don't play with bad juju you don't understand.

>> No.45933950

>we need a new gura killer

>> No.45934055

SEA """people""" shouldn't be allowed to make threads

>> No.45934317

it's 5am here you retard. it's prolly an eufag or pajeet

>> No.45934881

yeah I really dont know why people tamper with forces beyond them, no one should wanna put that evil on a chuuba

>> No.45934959

Kys, Yuko has been a massive success, Idol went from literal who 1-2 view shitters into an actual fairly big deal overnight, in large part because of her. She's doing just fine with her lewd, bratty Gura-lite schtick.

>> No.45935083

Is that the Indonesian version of the rrat pic?

>> No.45935166

Gura, she's gonna end up killing herself with how her channel has been going.

>> No.45935194

They were never 1-2 view and 6 months isn’t overnight especially for their level of shilling. Other then that you’re right Yuko is great

>> No.45935197

Yuko flopped and is currently losing to a tranny

>> No.45935224
File: 36 KB, 500x250, expired yuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shilling of her as being Gura like made her a disappointment for me. You should shill her as her own thing.l because she really isn’t like her.

>> No.45935270

ogey moische

>> No.45935349

>has to leech in collabs with actually successful vtubers to stay afloat
>embarrassing pandering
>massive success
Buy ad space

>> No.45935371

The origin girls are still 2 views, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.45935487

There's nothing wrong with trying to emulate success. Did Kobe suck because he wanted to be Jordan? Same thing. If something is great, it's normal to aspire to be like that thing.

>> No.45935521

>he thinks x-killer actually kills x
Anon. Most of the time that phase is used by zealous fans and dumb marketers. Just like how no game called a "halo killer" beat halo in sales, same can be applied to gura "killers".

>> No.45935526

Reminder Laplus was the girl that got shilled as Gura Killer the hardest, the curse is real guys.

>> No.45935538

Hardly, more like she takes pity on who's and allows them to join her.

>> No.45935780
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Same , i drop her when she decide to focus on collabs and storys about her young days.

I was hoping for more chat interaction, and after the donothons arc, the idol girls begin to have male collabs and flirting on twitter

>> No.45936604
File: 46 KB, 816x582, 519F01B7-6C60-456B-A103-94A561BABE98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45937446

rent free

>> No.45937552
File: 555 KB, 2652x1854, 20230309_133914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gura kisser

>> No.45937648

You can't kill something that's already dead.
Unless she's a zombie now.
