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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45858963 No.45858963 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.45859016

>yet another gura seethe thread
how many is that today? 40? 50?

>> No.45859155

As many times as she wants. She's on top.

>> No.45859196

One for every unborn stream of hers

>> No.45859255


>> No.45860336

As many as she wants retard, she's not the first to do it in Holo

>> No.45860682

Backstreet's back alright.

>> No.45860819

I think she wants to graduate and move on to her roomate with more freedom (or join vshojo). Ideally with her fanbase mostly intact. But she doesn't have the balls to cross the rubicon just like that, So she's waiting for the right time to graduate from a victim position like Coco did.

>> No.45861118
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>I think

>> No.45861174

>doesn't call the stream "i'm back"
>fuck it, i'll make the thread anyway
you guys are sad, pathetic fucks

>> No.45861207

this time for sure nijinig

>> No.45861226

She should antagonize China or some other easy scapegoat in that case.

>> No.45861450

How many more times will you seethe about literally anything the shark does?

>> No.45861473
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Bots dont sleep

>> No.45861497

I think out of everyone in hololive she's the one who hates greynames the most
The amount of spite is almost palpable

>> No.45862136

lmao look at this retard

>> No.45862480

Unlimited. Better than graduating and never returning

>> No.45862521
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I hope gura keeps doing it

>> No.45862669

You're mad crazy if you think cover will just let her go, you don't hold an Excalibur and just throw it to the river. Especially if you're Cover Corp.

>> No.45862832

She can't be an idol if she graduates from Hololive.

>> No.45863592

Anon....... I...

>> No.45863632

As long as the penis of my heart can get hard

>> No.45863656 [DELETED] 

>crying like a bitch over criticism
man chumbies are frail

>> No.45863787

Gura is the main character of Vtubing. They can't help but keep her in the spotlight

>> No.45863806

at least 2

>> No.45863869

Realistically how many dicks can you fit up your gaping asshole at once?

>> No.45863878

>they ABSOLUTELY cannot defend gura's lazy behavior so they cry about imaginary bots

>> No.45864001

chumpedos getting overly defensive is the only reason I even come here anymore.

>> No.45864215

YWNBAW homobegging troon go groom some more underage autists on discord

>> No.45864449

Jesus buddy, hold back a little. I'm trying to edge here. You can't give me that much at once.

>> No.45864509

>getting overly defensive
over what?

>> No.45864619

Kek. Cringe.

>> No.45864628

>disregarding how much fun she has been having with all the idol stuff, that she could really only do with a corp.
Yeah, sure buddy.

>> No.45864695

10 years at least!

>> No.45864700

Infinite. She's Cover's cash cow. They just bring her out every few months for her milking and then put her back in the stable.

>> No.45868714

She won't. Mascot of EN

>> No.45869190

Disgusting whore

>> No.45869489

Why do you think """freedom""" is relevant at all here?

>> No.45872555

Can a company even prevent their employee to resign? Especially for American citizen?

>> No.45872969

Wow, look at this newfag

>> No.45873022

More than you can make threads for

>> No.45873206


>> No.45873289

Yeah pretty much. She just said she's planning a lot of collabs for the next 3 months in the mengen btw. We all know what that means.

>> No.45873408

Coco was the face of Hololive when they put her in the banishment room newfag

>> No.45873452
File: 156 KB, 1300x1300, E7D73828-E9B7-4360-A35E-5AE48282FBCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if Gura were leaving, she’s probably only partway through the last contract she signed so at the soonest graduation would come around her next anniversary. After that they certainly can’t force her to stay, but they sure can offer incentives that will encourage her to stay.

>> No.45873533

2 more years right, wait it 2 more week. Lol

>> No.45873729


>> No.45873983

I'd guess none of them want to do that now after the fes, if they hadn't already they must've realized what cover can do and the power of being in its connections

>> No.45874287

I fully believe she got additional money from her contract to stay honestly. She's still the world's #1 corporate Vtuber and so I don't really think that hololive would ever want to lose her. People will be like
>hurr durr nijifag
or some shit whenever you talk about it but realistically what the last stream that you really felt like she was actually there because she wanted to be? At first I thought
>well maybe it's cuz the game is bad
But then it just kinda occurred to me that it felt like she wasn't really having fun

>> No.45874366
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/vt/ talks about all the drama, even the 2 and 3 view drama, so why is it only a problem when it's blue girl?

>> No.45874430

>fun with idol stuff
"Idol stuff" is just raking in members fees while not streaming. There was zero evidence of the supposed "dance lessons" during 4th fes

>> No.45874542

It literally doesn't mean anything coming from gura because she always said "got lots of projects next 5 months" "big stuff this month, cumbies" and other shit and then it never materialized. It's just idle talk from her because for some reason she likes stringing her peeps along instead of telling them she's taking the money and will be back when she needs more.

>> No.45875289

I mean she did tell Kiara her feet were too tired so I'd assume she did something, right?

>> No.45875396
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I’m inclined to agree with this. Even if she’s going full Ayame mode I’m sure cover would rather have her to stream every now and then and also appear in occasional collabs/ concerts then to not have her at all.

>> No.45875523


>> No.45875639

>what the last stream that you really felt like she was actually there because she wanted to be?
Interesting question. I'd like to hear a chumbud answer this because I don't really watch Gura but my impression when I do is that she's phoning it in and just making up time because she's contractually obligated to. I've never gotten the impression she has ever woken up excited to stream for her fans.

>> No.45875921

This time for sure she's gonna stream more than twice before fucking off again, right cumshart?

>> No.45875970

>Most SCs in the company
>Fired for breaking NDA

>> No.45877149
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Real chumbuds hardly exist, or if they do they're the normalfags on reddit who just use Gura as a crutch for their pedophilia. Most of the shitposters on this board who use Gura for their posts are just /#/fags who will drop her the moment she's no longer #1. I doubt anyone here watches her streams to be able to answer the question.
Last time I watched her was like...mid 2021 and even back then she seemed totally out of it and disinterested.
>Plays every game on easy mode
>Hardly reacts to anything that happens
>Just makes cute sounds and tangents about stuff she saw on tiktok
>Doesn't read the story if there is one
>Ends stream as soon as her 2 hour quota is up

>> No.45877410

She's considered the gateway vtuber for a reason. Ask anyone who doesn't know anything about vtubing if they know who Gura is. Answer is probably yes. Literal normie trash

>> No.45878816

Hey! That's my wife!

>> No.45878964

Yeah when Yuko exists I kinda shake my head at the few remaining Chumcucks out there.

Ship sailed at least a year ago for me. Sunk cost fallacy is very real with Chumcels

>> No.45879414

Gura is big but she's not that special. If she does want to leave (I don't think so but hypothetically) I doubt Cover would do anything special for her to stay.

>> No.45880778

>chumbuds more like pedobuds

>> No.45880950

Nijiniggers overworking...

>> No.45881036

Yeah /ggg/ is at its lowest point yet for a reason.

I haven't posted there in 2 years.

>> No.45881401

Good, stay in your little shitpost containment threads.

>> No.45881660

You guys are farming chumpedo tear or what. We get it, bitch doesn't stream, just cancel your membership like me and be done with it. Want to watch Gura ? Just pay for concert instead bruh

>> No.45884069

Not like there's an incentive to go there when she doesn't fucking stream, Chumbie.

>> No.45885303

back to fuck off

>> No.45885395

I love this board

>> No.45885655

she already spoke taiwan in the bully stream for the geography class. chinks did not care. they are just a pathetic race of disposable insects only here to die for my consoooooooooming

>> No.45885756

>Or join vshojo

Imagine the amount of seethe this will cause.

>> No.45885778

>You guys are farming chumpedo
>just cancel your membership like me
so you are chumpedo right? or ex-chumpedo
what a retard.

>> No.45885803

She won't graduate, she's probably earning 7 figures annually and doesn't have to stream at all. You'd have to be an idiot to give that up.

>> No.45885969
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Just gave her a big supa! Goomba, keep being you. Never change.
She's doing Yagoo's dream.

>> No.45886131

Actually, last year Gura streamed more than Suisei Aqua and Marine.

>> No.45887861

This is an actual cope if there is one. You're unironically required to stream 3 times a week. It's in their code of conduct. So Chumbies, why does she keep evading this?

>> No.45887897

Who cares about those three irrelevant whores? It's not just a Gura problem. No wonder the Jap bros are upset by this too.

>> No.45887932

But /ggg/ is the shitpost containment thread

>> No.45888101

Nijiniggers and making shit up, name a more iconic duo.

>> No.45889102


>> No.45889154

Awful amount of Chumcope in the replies. Gura not streaming is one reason why I dropped her. Chumbuds excusing her laziness and disrespect for her job is another.

>> No.45889224

And here's the third reason>>45888101
Assuming that ex-Chumbuds like myself are "Nijiniggers" when that's far from the truth because of their obedience to obsolete Japanese corporate cuckold standards.

>> No.45889397

>three irrelevant whores
suisei just got 160k CCV, yeah right

>> No.45889499

Hey nijinigger.
Go terminate another if your "liver" over some dumb shit again.
Stuupid nigger monkey OP

>> No.45889791

Ok, Karen. Stop claiming you know what Gura's job is. There is no code of conduct. Hololive approves how Gura is handling it. They just advertised Gura at the busiest crosswalk in the world, on the trains, and gave her Ambassadorship. She didn't ask for it.
Did you forget that Hololive is an idol agency? Gura is doing Yagoo's dream.

>> No.45889805

>retarded inbred nijinig cocksucker
don't talk to me

>> No.45890004

She is the most subscribed to vtuber in the world. She can pretty much do whatever she wants.

>> No.45890137

>botted streams
No Chumbud gives a fuck about idolshit. And nubuds pretending they do is hilarious and sad.
Nope. Ex-Chumbud and now my oshi is Shondo.

>> No.45890775

Nijinigger spotted
