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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45825718 No.45825718 [Reply] [Original]

Suisei hates gachikoi and unicorns

>> No.45825808 [DELETED] 

Wish she wasnt do against her fans, feels like a kick in the face ;/

>> No.45825900


>> No.45825943


>> No.45825962

They didn't link it because it's a year old
It's also oboretai, so you know it's misrepresenting what she said as much as possible

>> No.45825988

Blue triangle based.

>> No.45825991

I know this is bait, but no, she doesn't.
She doesn't mind gachikois, she said she will never reciprocate the love, she would never marry a fan, and to do it at your own risk.

>> No.45826094

She doesn't hate gachikois, she just will never reciprocate to her viewers and bend to them.

>> No.45826188

You don't really have a say on whether or not people fall in love with you.

>> No.45826221

We all know Suisei is a cunt after all

>> No.45826744

well yeah no shit that's what she said

>> No.45826758

Nice clickbait video faglord

>> No.45826889

clickbait, old and fake.

>> No.45827838

Oboretai should be beaten into a pulp with a tire iron. That title alone made me cringe hard.

>> No.45827879
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Posting Oboretai should be an automatic perma rangeban.

>> No.45827885

Fuck you oboretai.

>> No.45827956
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>> No.45828082

>But of course it doesn't mean the idols who claim they want "gachikois" are themselves always exploitative, rather they just bought into the big suits' sugarcoating of their business strategy, convinced that gachikois are something cutesy, pure and a measure of success as an idol.

Holy condescending.
>the girls just don't know any better guys they are impressionable and naïve
And this fag has the balls to claim he doesn't have an agenda with his clipping.

>> No.45828170

Hijacking this thread to ask, since when was oberetai the most hated clipper, what happened to that other nigger that used red and black font?
Or are they the same person rebranded?

>> No.45828304

He only clips hololive when he can use it to paint idolfags in a negative light or to shill holostars or Nijisanji. People are just increasingly tired of his shit
He also goes on leddit to argue that he doesn't have an agenda, and always gets downvoted then seethes about it

>> No.45828361
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>> No.45828399

Otakmori is just an incompetent dramafag, this guy is actively malicious

>> No.45828405

Otakmori has a new channel and rebranded iirc

>> No.45828634
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not even an idolfag or unicorn. Most of the stars just don't appeal to me and are not that entertaining. Does oboretai think he can psyop me into consuming a subpar product by whining about it? If girls dont want to collab with stars cause it hurts their bottom line, then good on them for making a business-conscious decision.
I think unicorns are complete wastes of space, but who am I to seethe at the idea of them being a consumerbase?

>> No.45829019

Oboretai believes the girls have no agency and would instantly collab with the Stars if it wasn't for their "toxic fanbase". Him and the the hardcore unicorns are both sides of the same coin but he's too retarded to see it.

>> No.45829193

Pretty much when he made his agenda publicly and admitting he hate hololive and want them to shill more star.

>> No.45829525


>> No.45829564

He actively antis the girls who used to collab with guys but don’t anymore like Subaru and Miko.

>> No.45829604
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>> No.45829623

nice picture

>> No.45830048

Otakamori probably ran off and rebranded, but isn't nearly as relevant as they used to be.
oberetai is the homobeggar's homobeggar and has a long history of either distorting shit (like interpreting Astel's statement that he'd fight management if they were against Ollie getting a tour of the holostars server by acting as him stating that he'd fight management if he tried getting another tour of the ID server after the merge happened, despite LITERALLY FUCKING TOURING THE ID SERVER IN THE SAME FUCKING STREAM FOR TWO HOURS) or literally making shit the fuck up like >>45827956.

>> No.45830124

Die, homobeggar faggot.

>> No.45830147

Clippers don't care what you think. As long as you click their shit

>> No.45830254

God I hate vtuber "activists".

>> No.45830547

Doesn't matter if it's true. I mean, does every Hololive talent have to cater to the exact same audience? Isn't it a good thing that they have different desires, dreams, goals, and ambitions when it comes to growing their career and channel? Isn't it a good thing they're not all trying to suck the same audience dry of their money?

Good on her I say. Take all schizos that don't appreciate a good parasocial relationship away. I'll stick with the vtubers that cling to them like it's their life line.

>> No.45830597

This sounds like someone who is trying to groom the girls into accepting men as he furiously applies to Holostars EN Gen 3 so he has an easier time slipping between their legs.

>> No.45830792

was it autism?

>> No.45830896

Imagine putting this much mental effort into your cuck fetish.

>> No.45830990

He would try anything to get Gura or IRyS to notice him on his first week.

>> No.45831255

I mean… she does male collabs so who cares? It’s like when matsuri said the same shit a few days ago, she’s already tainted goods so who cares?

>> No.45831557

Holy fucking shit

>> No.45831622

Let me guess, it's out of context and mistranslated

>> No.45831792
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He just melted down again yesterday btw. Everyone who likes Hololive actively hates him at this point.

>> No.45832017

>my timelord gif got used in /vt/

>> No.45832087

"Talents are willing to collab with holostars now. I am satisfied with this situation"
What a dirty homobeggar.

>> No.45832220

what drives a man into this

go on google type "ntr porn" and get 3 billion results

>> No.45832482

>Him and the the hardcore unicorns are both sides of the same coin but he's too retarded to see it.
Are you familiar with the bicorn, an evil relative of the mythical unicorn, which instead of only trusting the chaste will gore the chaste to death and eat them?

>> No.45832688

I know about bicorns but I never made the connection. It all makes sense now.

>> No.45833060

>going on reddit to defend yourself against the common user is a bit... eh
Anyone read this an immediately think of Mori?

>> No.45833174

Started as a drama clipper and now only clips to promote holostars collabs.

>> No.45833197

What mental illness is this

>> No.45833377

Why are homostar fans so fucked in the head?

>> No.45833900

Holy fuckin shit, what a fuckin faggot lmao

>> No.45833947

Is Oboretai an actual trannyfag? I'd believe it.

>> No.45833998

fake, hard to believe they didn't take down the video

>> No.45834033

His argumentation is good at least

>> No.45834065

Otakmori is apparently Hololive Clips and actually doesn't bait nearly as much on that channel. Oberetai Writing is obsessed with Homostars and any girls that will collab with males. Any Holos that comment about wanting to collab with Stars are lionized and the ones that don't do male collabs are totally ignored.

>> No.45834777

>seethe harder
I feel like he's replied to me /here/ before

>> No.45834996

She doesn't say to getting their money though

>> No.45835401

>Suisei hates gachikoi and unicorns
That's totally fair. You can have both streamers that like to get all friendly and emotional with viewers, and those that prefer more distance.
It's almost like... people don't have to be a uniform mass, thinking the same thoughts and liking the same things. Shocking, isn't it?

>> No.45835903


>> No.45836008

Fuck off, Oboretai. Suisei would never say this if she had similar fame as her irl self. She resents having a million subs as an anime avatar and knows time is running out to make it as a singer. You're a vtuber and that means gachikoi and unicorns are something you must deal with.
She's EN Mori but with more talent. Tell the parasocial fucks to stop donoing and membering you too if that's how you really feel.

>> No.45836649

You don't have to watch his clips if you don't like them

>> No.45837398

it's not about not watching a clipper for being an idiot, but it's about stopping an idiot from spreading false shit to fulfil an agenda.
Everyone who knows the idiot's reputation would already avoid this retard, but normiefag who doesn't know better would just eat up this idiot's clips without understanding the full context.
I could not give a shit whether a chuuba wants to colabs with males or not, that's their own fucking problem. But a clippers going around spreading false shit ain't fucking kino.

>> No.45837669

Actual deranged faggot

>> No.45838630

>t. eop catalog reader

>> No.45841252
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Based unicorns need to touch grass

>> No.45841640

Lyger ripped him a new asshole once cause his translations were bad before. Was pretty funny.

>> No.45841708

Because they don’t understand how the JP entertainment meta works. There’s two ways to shill a new brand there: either have them leech off the other IPs you own, or have one of your business partners help you out with some sort of collab.
The first strategy is the whole unityfagging thing Cover does. It certainly works for the girls. If it doesn’t work for the boys, it’s because they don’t have the audience for it.
These homobeggars don’t get that if the strategy doesn’t work, it’s because it can’t work. It worked perfectly fine for the girls, so it’s not as if Cover’s doing it “wrong”. They just don’t have the audience that makes it work for the boys, and homobeggars need to stop acting as if they can magically change everyone’s brain chemistry to want to watch what they don’t.
If Cover wants the Stars to incline, they need to accept that Stars’ audience won’t be coming from Hololive and figure out a way to get people watching who aren’t already watching Hololive.
There’s only so many times you can skip male collabs and politely say “no thanks” to people who ask you to watch the males before you roll your eyes and go elsewhere.

>> No.45842008

Cover is just really desperate to make StarsJP a success. They even gave them a huge spotlight during the new years concert and made it so you needed to watch them if you wanted to see the expo outside of the 20 min they had with the cosplayer.

>> No.45842193


>> No.45842218

That's like 90% of the homobeggar.

>> No.45842224

>English clipper
>can't speak English
Why is this so common?

>> No.45842259

Isn't all of this obvious? Who would voluntarily marry a vtuber fan?

>> No.45842267

When gachi got called out and people ended up butthurt. Why else do EOP hate clippers so much?

>> No.45842277

We love Oboretai here

>> No.45842300

What goes unsaid: What do people like think of the Hololive members who accept, or even encourage, gachikoi? Especially since Oboretai claims his oshi is Watame.

>> No.45842508

Oboretai seems like the type of Nijisanji fan that would be happy if hololive talents lost 50% of their viewers if that meant a 10% increase for holostars. His agenda is merely about decreasing the gap between the branches.

>> No.45843094
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You need to understand, this guy tries to encourage homoleeching and undercutting 'idol culture' precisely *because* he understands that it is harmful to business, as long as it is harming his hated target (hololive). He is two-faced, disingenuous, and an example of actual unironic schizophrenic thinking.

>> No.45843201
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>It's almost like...
Shut up you stinky retarded ass redditor

>> No.45843324

I've never once in my life written anything on reddit, but thanks for the (You). Also fuck you too.

>> No.45844141

I missed when Lyger was the big bad clipper
At least he had standards and he was funny at times like when he tried to brad about his penis size.

>> No.45844223

God third world clippers are the worst

>> No.45846646

gets more views

>> No.45847479

It's literally faster to list the things Suisei 'doesn't' hate, anon.

>> No.45848271

He must be lying because Watame is the most attached to her fanbase I've ever seen a streamer be, if all her fan disappeared one day she'd probably kill herself

>> No.45849611

You're not fooling anyone oboretai

>> No.45851759
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I just made the mistake of deciding to hear him out and checking out his channel page. What the fuck is this shit

>> No.45852030
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>> No.45852526

He's like those retards who keep talking about the wage gap but for male vtubers, acting like they're this oppressed group within the industry. It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.45856995

Rip gachis

>> No.45857447

Lyger may be a menhera and borderline stalker (just like his oshi) and will probably end up in a newspaper but unlike Obongo he at least set high standards for his own translations and has basic respect for Hololive and its talents.

>> No.45857579
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>> No.45857848
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>"Take a glance at my channel page and tell me if that's true"
>takes a gander at his channel page
>it's 100% true

>> No.45858070

I'd think "man there's no way people actually believe this" but then it's ENsharts we're talking about, they've shown over and over that they don't understand anything

>> No.45858714

SEA men are dickless faggots that cant get laid, like most asian men. So they are forcing the cucking onto others. Inferiority is strong in those types. "I can have them so no one can have them!"

>> No.45859181

ENsharts are the lowest kind of life form
