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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 219 KB, 400x400, Rinkou_Ashelia_-_Profile_Picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45822107 No.45822107 [Reply] [Original]

She fucking won

>> No.45822222

Who and what did she win

>> No.45822316

The face of NTRtubing

>> No.45822386

No clue who this is but I hope she won something substantial

>> No.45822405

Phase hasn't taken any L yet
Sucks to be a Nijinigger

>> No.45822456

>Phase hasn't taken any L yet
Ever? Why lie?

>> No.45822480

How's the coffee?

>> No.45822594

...the award of being the NTR Queen.

>> No.45823155

>male voice = ntr

>> No.45823184

Sorry to tell you this, but Ashelia is dead.

>> No.45824079


>> No.45824214
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>> No.45824322

I think she date him and bring to her home. Her twitter did say she meet him at cons and he a VA with connection that she want.

>> No.45824429

>flirting with some dude during a gfe asmr = ntr

>> No.45824510

The guy is just an attention whore.
His actual gf:
His pfp:

>> No.45824958

So she just VC some random attentionfaggot during an ASMR-stream in front of her chat?

>> No.45825144

asmr was supposed to be a separate stream

>> No.45826337


>> No.45827011

So she just VC some random attentionfaggot during a stream in front of her chat?

>> No.45827130

Yes. Dumb tick-tock whore.

>> No.45829425

do liakeks really

>> No.45829434

She won nothing

>> No.45829462

So he just post the same message twice in the same thread?

>> No.45829503

When even her genmates/chat told her to stop doing it and she basically told them to shut the fuck up while she kept lusting over this man's cock in hopes that he would let her access higher social circles even though he's a literal nobody, I knew it was over for her.
She may still have viewers but her reputation is forever tainted with the biggest yab in the history of Phase Connect (wontons dont count technically). Literally bringing PC down.

>> No.45829594

>she basically told them to shut the fuck up
This didn't happen.

>> No.45829632

Sure Lia, whatever helps you cope

>> No.45829679

No u.

>> No.45829688

What does
>don’t worry about chat
suggest in this context, then?

>> No.45829724

the mental image of you in a street corner with your little THE END IS NIGH sign stinking to high heaven because you haven't showered since january screaming cuck at people is so funny to me for some reason

>> No.45829726


>> No.45829761

She never said that.

>> No.45829770

You have to resort to making little scenarios in your head to feel any sense of validations of your opinions and thats a typical syndrome of emotional abuse victims, anon

>> No.45829816

sure i could be victimized by a total stranger on the internet i watch sometimes or you could be a raving lunatic posting the same tired fanfics for months now

>> No.45829836
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As someone who actually faps to cuck stuff I love Lia. Shame the angry feedback left her spiraling so it won't happen again though.
Still, you'll never get as good irl content as being in the middle of an intimate ASMR just to have it erratically stopped to gush over some punk. Based.

>> No.45829871


>> No.45829877

>for months now
You spend months defending that "total stranger" on the internet, reading every single anti posts and trying to come with ways to cope off that. But sure people calling her out for her mistakes are the "raving lunatics", anon

>> No.45829907

If the guy had been manlier, wasn't a fat faggot, would people have been or less mad to see Lia cling to him?

>> No.45829934

i think liacucks are the most pathetic fanbase I have ever witnessed on this shit board lmao

>> No.45829949


>> No.45829958

that's the thing with you crazy people,you think everyone else is like you for some reason so let's try again,normal people don't form parasocial relationships with e-girls and the only effect your rants have is making them feel good they are not like you but hey,i am sure if you post the same thing another 1000 times something will happen

>> No.45830036

Lia needed to keep him away from the stream, that's all.

>> No.45830063

So true, homobeggar sister! YWNBAW

>> No.45830090

aaaw its screeching buzzwords at me,how cute! never take your meds anon,its better that way

>> No.45830126

Pure cope, if you weren't "parasocial" you wouldn't be in this thread writing paragraphs about how you aren't a cuck in the first place

>> No.45830133

You're right, she told him to ignore her chat.

>> No.45830158

>I don’t understand internet men

>> No.45830182

And yet, keeping this guy around was more important to her than keeping her viewers happy.

>> No.45830191

there we go again with the everyone is as insane as i am thing,oh well i am sure someone has already tried to help you and you still ended up like this so nothing to be done i guess,please regale us with more tales of things that totally happened

>> No.45830198

People like Lia should not be in entertainment. It is sad to see this girl have multiple meltdowns. Its exploatation at this point.

>> No.45830208

She does not understand internet men anon, please andastand.

>> No.45830264

she as doing asmr and stopped for him. Why are you lying, liacuck? :)

>> No.45830275

She's a little stupid

>> No.45830320

>normal people don't form parasocial relationships with e-girls
you are crying at people reminding other people that your favorite e-girl flirted with someone that wasn't you.
this is my favourite cuck response desu. It's so defeated, kek.

>> No.45830371
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Reminder this who likers are simping for

>> No.45830406

I'll give you one out of pity, here.

>> No.45830439

>everyone is as insane as i am
we went through that twice already so nothing more to do here,have fun

>> No.45830500

So why don't people post screenshots of Lia saying that Luca's voice pack made her cry in the corner or that she exclusively buys Niji EN male vtuber voice packs?

>> No.45830556

>t. read catalognigger qrds

>> No.45830567
File: 37 KB, 435x397, kron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concession accepted, Liacuck. If you want advice just do what the clockcucks do, sit in the corner and watch like a good boy and ignore people making fun of you. You can't win but you can still pine for your flirty oshi.

>> No.45830620

She never said that either. You can't just make shit up.

>> No.45830622

Giving kids access to the internet at a very young age was a mistake.

>> No.45830631

>he thinks that was an argument of some sort and he won somehow
that's why i unironically like you cuckposterchama,in a board filled with crazy people you always stand out

>> No.45830695


I wonder to what extent zoomers genuinely dislike or distrust boomers (that is, millennials, that is, her fanbase).

>> No.45830697

What happened anon? You were done but now you're crying again? Why don't you watch Lia vods, it will cheer you up haha :)

>> No.45830742

idk, did you like gen x ojisans when you were in the 18-21 range?

>> No.45830752

hey i never claimd to be a good person,schizos having episodes is funny to me and you always provide

>> No.45830779


>> No.45830815

Holy fucking shit
I am so fucking glad the only PC I ever spent my money on is Tenma

>> No.45830836

>he doesn't know

>> No.45830847
File: 89 KB, 451x712, Lia Valid People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Lia?

>> No.45830851

I heard Lia’s Heart Challenger cover and I thought it was really cute. The kinnie stuff is cute. Being excited that a “real VA from the industry” is paying attention to you is cute. There’s no way someone like that intended to cuck her fans.

>> No.45830928
File: 62 KB, 622x615, tq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard Lia’s Heart Challenger cover and I thought it was really cute.
>The kinnie stuff is cute
Eh, if you're a lonely middle aged dude I could see it.
>Being excited that a “real VA from the industry” is paying attention to you is cute.
No. Flirting with someone just because you think they're high status in the field you want is massive whore energy.

>> No.45830951

Don't trust my friends; never trust.

>> No.45832555

fishman should get futacoochie mana for invaders gen 2

>> No.45832715

are we rinmama posting?

>> No.45832758

holy shit, do us all a favor and stick to your native language, pajeet.

>> No.45832769

How come this thread popped up again. Is it still about that gfe asmr stream, or is there a new yab?

>> No.45833166
File: 338 KB, 2150x3035, 1639214781934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck your fans on stream for 30 minutes
>after taking 10k from them
>they forgive you immediately
that and Pippa literally holding hands with her boyfriend on stream like Enna did, phasecucks keep losing

All of you backstabbing cuckolds who left for EIEN, idolEN, phaseshit and nijinig deserve the shit you get.

>> No.45833216

At least they stream lol

>> No.45833279


>> No.45833293

Is this that $10,000 NTR ASMR girl?

>> No.45833315

Pippa has unironic cucks in her fanbase desu. They love the smug, edgy attitude since they can only imagine a bigger dude putting her in her place while they simp in chat.

>> No.45833346

Her REAL fans don’t mind getting cucked, she said it herself.

>> No.45833349

deflecting with the clock shut up faggot
you too faggot

>> No.45833358
File: 7 KB, 346x339, 1642906138348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrrrr gura doesn't stream XDD
get new material phasecuck

>> No.45833371

It's okay, they forgave her :)

>> No.45833461

/pcg/ is having a meltdown because fishman is cracking down on /here/ pandering again, in favor of twitter and discord normalfags

>> No.45833507
File: 753 KB, 1062x732, 6A940DC2-6B34-47EB-A18B-36F6E502A8C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bold of you to think I’m a phasenigger chumcuck, I simply don’t bother with western whores unlike yall deluded cucks

>> No.45833532

Haha I get the joke. It's funny because you manufactured the "meltdown".

>> No.45833537

Isn't that how it usually goes?
>Advertise your dogshit small corpo on 4chan
>Bait lonely incels
>They kickstart your little project and help it grow
>Once you reach stability cut all ties with this place
This has been going on for years and people still fall for it.

>> No.45833583

oh that literal commie bitch surprised thought that she doesn't hare all Russians

>> No.45833599

>gets called out
>tries holo vs holo
typical nijinig and phasecuck tactic
go back to your ntr streams

>> No.45833619


>> No.45833622

>I-I'm not one...
Then why does it make you seethe so much when people make fun of Lia and Pippa's fans getting cucked and emasculated? You will NEVER take any of their firsts because they've been done multiple times over.
Nice google image btw lol.

>> No.45833768

Nah I’m laughing at them too but you chumcucks shouldn’t be laughing while your precious Gura is getting banged by Swedish cock atm

>> No.45833836

She was doing asmr in the middle of the stream in addition to the promised future lewd asmr.
She was interrupted by her "friend" creepy groomer for whatever reason and spent I dont know how long talking to him until chat got pissy and she cut him off. But the guy was still being a creep in her chat and Tenma came in and bonked him.

>> No.45834424

Why is the Lia the one targeted then. Shouldn't it be full corpo hate thread then?

>> No.45834572

>But the guy was still being a creep in her chat and Tenma came in and bonked him.
Bullshit, Tenma timed him out for couple of minutes long after he was gone. He didnt even knew and only found out cause people here @'d him on twitter with screens a day later which made him chuckle.

>> No.45834929

>leave britney alone
blast from the past

>> No.45835010

He read out a comment towards the end of his appearance saying "This guy is still going" said "I'm sorrrrrryy" in a really effeminate voice and she said "nono ignore them"
I remember.

>> No.45835068

you made this up

>> No.45835119

I am an honest anon, it happened. If someone still has the vod I will even timestamp it for you

>> No.45835243

People have expected that since the beginning, but of course others still get suckered.

>> No.45835249


Go ahead and timestamp it but here's a tip: you can't, you made it up, it happened in your mind, you have schizophrenia and you need medication.

>> No.45835291

That isn't even the final part of the donothon..

>> No.45835339

>excuses already

>> No.45835350

This is an extremely weak rrat considering some of them literally post in /pcg/

>> No.45835451


>> No.45835569

Thanks, 21:19 he reads the message in chat
>He just keeps talking
>I'm sooory
>No don't listen to them It's okay

>> No.45836092

You have to be completely tone deaf to do that during your GFE ASMR portion of the stream.
These whores have zero respect for their viewers and yet they get showered with money.

>> No.45836290

A man of his word. Respect anon

>> No.45836464

Ha, nice.

>> No.45836924

Holy shit and there are people in this thread who defend this bitch
Fucking disgusting

>> No.45838469

>that and Pippa literally holding hands with her boyfriend on stream
wait what

>> No.45838575 [DELETED] 

her PL had plenty of those moments
>i-it doesn't count

>> No.45838727

>the clips gets posted
>liacucks disappears again
like clockwork

>> No.45838863

Liacucks in shambles.

>> No.45838961

What’s new? I swear that Phasefags have the most brittle arguments when discussing 90% of their chuubas. Their JPs are pretty alright, though.

>> No.45838978

if you care about these girls why would you bump this thread you fucking retard? sage.

>> No.45839064

Not our fault the general is full of femanons...

>> No.45839192

Hahahahaha. Like Nyaners all over again.

>> No.45839448

Did you welcome them at any point? If so...

>> No.45839597

As people predicted.

>> No.45839687

Phase fans are trash in general. Their girls are either for people new to 4chan so whatever Pippa says is LE HECKIN BASED!
Or for unironical tranny supporters, that watch people like Hime, Lia, etc. Hime called J.K. Rowling a disgusting transphobe.

>> No.45839697

That didn’t age well! What a dumb cuck!

>> No.45842013

It is even worse than I expected.

>> No.45842286

people actually watch this shit

>> No.45842452
File: 344 KB, 850x1105, sample_551135f38e06a1d6ffd12aa94a95cb6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always something else seeing a silver bullet get posted in a thread. This, Pippa's PL ogling her bf and Shondo drooling over how tall her ex bf was just destroys anons.
Top tier schadenfreude

>> No.45843555

I am still in this thread, anti-chama.

>> No.45843845

And you have 0 counter. All you can do is sit in your corner like a cuck and claim you're a proud, progressive little man. It's beautiful, kek.

>> No.45843964

I am not even a liafag, cuck-chama :^)
Against what?

>> No.45844093
File: 220 KB, 850x1237, c4ca5e28609c21182687af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't care about the 3 listed it's obviously not about you. How are you so bad at reading you retarded ESL? Seaniggers really have no idea what's going on.

>> No.45844200

>nooo you can't just argue against me
Nah, your cuck obsession is really telling.

>> No.45844251

So you do care about them kek, concession accepted cuck.

>> No.45844309

>you can't just throw shit at me, you are an X

>> No.45844557

Why did you lie? Did you really think you'd get away with it?

>> No.45844658

>he still self bumps a rotten rrat

>> No.45844725

And yet Lia lost 0 fans as a result and is inclining again

Total Liker Victory stay seething trannies

>> No.45844933

Management correctly handled this situation, unlike the bigdogs of this business.

>> No.45844951


>> No.45845060

rotten yab doesn't sound as good

>> No.45845943

Wait pippa has a bf? Really.? Proove it. You all said she was ugly. I hope he bf is a 11 out of 10 aryan chad.

>> No.45845961

calm down femanon if you think you can do a better job at preying on lonely men you can always post your channel in here

>> No.45848302

Jesus Christ...

>> No.45849226

I like lia

>> No.45849805

If she is smart, she'll cash in on her viewers being all cucks and make ntr ASMRs. Pay to view, of course.
Lot's of potential profits to be had.

>> No.45849848

There's no proof, it just antis making up shit and posting unrelated videos trying to make something stick

>> No.45850103

Holy shit, I haven’t seen this before and I can’t believe she was forgiven for this. You can hear the lust in her slightly pitched up voice and obviously flirty mannerisms. Even if this wasn’t during a GFE heavy stream, this was wildly ill advised to do on stream. Temna or someone at PC should have shut this down much quicker. This is honestly even worse than Shiina saying “my boyfriend”. Debatable if this is worse that Enna+Kyo but anyone still watching Enna was probably a cuck fetish haver already.

I never watched Lia except she collabed with my oshi in prism, she seemed pretty normal if a bit cringe about her genshin obsession…

>> No.45850714
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Yes I bump thread very nice.

>> No.45850785


>> No.45853586

Cuckconnect. And Pippa is another Nyaners.

>> No.45855841

>You can hear the lust in her slightly pitched up voice and obviously flirty mannerisms.
You don't watch Lia. That's how she always sounds when she's excited.
>b-but why is she excited?? Cuck Connect????
Because he's her friend. Stop projecting your possessiveness on others.

>> No.45856091

Why is she calling her friend in the middle of an ASMR stream in front of a live audience?

>> No.45856102

wow, likers really are shameless cucks

>> No.45856141

>Cucked fans have been so emasculated their victory is Lia getting to fuck random dudes and still milk your wallets
I am shocked, shocked that Pippa and Lumi share so many of these fans. Shocked.

>> No.45858125

So Liafags not only LIKE being cucked, they have to remind the entire board about it when people start forgetting
Good for you guys, I guess

>> No.45858343

Every day that passes and every vtubing controversy that take place is a reminder that Tenma is based.

>> No.45858870

I blame the dude for taking advantage of young and dumb zoomer, Lia. He wanted to flex on her fans to get his rocks off. He whined in chat because she missed the calls HE MADE all while he knew she was streaming. He knew she would feel bad enough to answer. He's a cunt.

>> No.45858933

>Lia dindu nuffin
mindbroken cuck

>> No.45858968

Stop with the tribalism

>> No.45859098

>the woman can do no wrong!!!!1!1

>> No.45859191

How new?
if you browsed this board more you'd know they're more likely to be from SEA.

>> No.45859629

Anon, your oshi is being groomed right in front of you, you should be defending her from him not us bystanders laughing at you being a cuck

>> No.45860729

She's a retarded zoomer

>> No.45861239

This, unironically.

>> No.45861409

She didnt call him, he spam called her like 10 times before she picked up.
2 minutes of research is all you need to figure this out, retard-chama.

>> No.45861673

She didn't call him and it wasn't an ASMR stream.

>> No.45861932

>She didnt call him
Is this supposed to make it better? Why did she answer the call in the middle of an ASMR stream in front of a live audience?
>it wasn't an ASMR stream
You realise the stream was posted in this thread? I have ears and I can hear that she is doing an ASMR.

>> No.45861982
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>using the inferior model

>> No.45862133

>Is this supposed to make it better?
Yes unironically. Him spamming the call and then responding makes it a slightly different situation.
>Why did she answer the call in the middle of an ASMR stream in front of a live audience?
Because she's a fucking retard. Why attribute malice to what can easily be explained as a retarded action without forethought?

>> No.45862616

If you think retards are entitled to some kind of special indulgence then you are mistaken.
The reasoning behind her action is irrelevant. What's relevant is the fact that she answered that call at all during a stream.
On top of that the way she behaved during said call, and the way she dealt with the consequences of the call is even more offputing.
You can whiteknight all you want but there is no need to pretend to be as retarded as Lia is.

>> No.45863070

It all goes to show that this fat creep, and whatever stupid connections he offered, mattered more to her than keeping her vtuber fans entertained. What do you think that says about how she regards her fans?

>> No.45863832

I was thinking SEA, but honestly I read it and all I heard was Pajeetlish.

>> No.45864269

Cuck cope

>> No.45864429

Phase and EIEN, the two cuck corpos of /vt/

>> No.45866198
File: 511 KB, 1053x768, 1673289692620578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally dropped her because all the shit that came with it, but people itt are either falling for obvious bait or being retarded on purpose

>> No.45866326

It's unironically fucking over antichuds

Lia inclined to newer heights one week after you tried to cancel her

Total Liker Victory

>> No.45868626

I think I could forgive lia is she just apologized
