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45745505 No.45745505 [Reply] [Original]

You guys told me he only collabs with females? What gives?

>> No.45745538

>l4d2 versus
... fuck

>> No.45746089

>Vesper and Altare in one team
Temporary truce or reconciled?
Did Yagoo steep in and smack their head to senses?

>> No.45746161

Based yagoo

>> No.45746243

Truce, brat kouhais need to be thought a lesson

>> No.45746281

so what the fuck am I looking at here? you mean to tell me you actually watch them?

>> No.45746355

Guessing truce since I don't believe we've really seen any interaction between the two of them in weeks, if not months outside forced interactions from management.

>> No.45746780

so what the fuck am I looking at here? you mean to tell me you actually went to these male threads to show your hate bonner?

>> No.45746813

He legit got tardwrangled by management after acting like a monkey about collabs on stream and in member post

>> No.45746965

You are aware that people can communicate off stream, right?

>> No.45747109

Need to keep up appearances.

>> No.45747165

>ignores previous months of interaction between the two -> essentially none now.

>> No.45747180

He saw the memes and is desperate to prove it wrong because its hurting his image.

>> No.45747181

No batsu they ever do is going to beat the red elephant pants non-batsu.

>> No.45747238

Vesper was probably promised a night with Kronii if he yabba dabs on some doods

>> No.45747309

4chan having a negative view of you is generally considered a good thing though

>> No.45747348

Take it easy faggot. Nobody is attacking your sexuality.

>> No.45747360

You're a fucking retard, spreading rrats based on shit you can't see.

>> No.45747374

take your estrogen pills and calm down already sister

>> No.45747413

The simp meme was being spammed in his chat and on reddit.

>> No.45747422

Looks like a mandated Tempus collab. Not element of voluntary joining like previous collabs.

>> No.45747435
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open wide faggot

>> No.45747471

men are much more emotional than women which is reflected in the violent crime rate

>> No.45747501


>> No.45747510

Except it isnt a fucking rrat. They literally have not interacted, or talked about each other in literally months. If they have, please, source it up, Im ready to be proven wrong.
(Do not link their video for Fes, I will laugh at you.)

>> No.45747569

Sure thing sister kek
Whatever you say just stop crying

>> No.45747605

nijisanji deflection thread

>> No.45747644

>You're a fucking retard, spreading rrats based on shit you can't see.
where the fuck do you think you are right now?

>> No.45747646

it's like 3:1. pretty indisputable.

>> No.45747685

There is no difference between tempisshitters and nijinigs.
Most of the time they are the same people.

>> No.45747727

Feel free to back up your fanfic with anything but your words

>> No.45747785


>> No.45748030

Nothing in there says that those crimes were commited based on emotions.
Also that's 2011 stats. A little bit outdated don't you think?
Also that's only US stats. I know you mutts are all retarded but let me tell you - there are countries outside of burgerland.
Overlaa pretty embarassing sister. Do better next time.

>> No.45748186

>Nothing in there says that those crimes were commited based on emotions.
>Also that's 2011 stats. A little bit outdated don't you think?
not really
>Also that's only US stats. I know you mutts are all retarded but let me tell you - there are countries outside of burgerland.
ok. which country are you from?

>> No.45748226

No rebuttal
>not really
It is
>which country are you from?
The Holy Roman Empire

>> No.45748357

You guys need to mate, RIGHT NOW!

>> No.45748403

Please leave me out of your gay fanfics. Go back to /mans/ your efforts will be more appreciated there.

>> No.45748558

>just because it was a murder doesn't mean it was an emotional murder
again, kek. i am going to continue mocking you for acting like that was an argument that deserved a rebuttal.
>It is
well it doesn't matter anyway if you just go "lalala not everywhere is <country>"
but i honestly doubt there are many if any countries where women commit as many violent crimes
even if there was worldwide data you'd still be a faggot and say xyz data can't be trusted. even though you're the one who asked for sources and cried when you got one.
you know that too, which is why you're cowardly hiding behind a joke response.

>> No.45748629

>Give me evidence BUT NOT THAT EVIDENCE
you've already lost

>> No.45748763

>People only murder each other out of strong emotions!!!
it must be nice to be this simple.
>it doesn't matter that the stat I provided is outdated for more thatn a decade!!!
You don't actually believe this right?
It's irreleveant where I live. If you'd have good objective up to date stats they would be true regardless of what country I live in. But you don't.

>> No.45748795

ok, where do you live? stop being a pussy by intentionally withholding relevant information if you're going to flatly reject american data.

>> No.45748820

>believing anything /vt/ says
unironically ngmi

>> No.45748882

How is my location relevant to the crimes commited around the world?
The US population is less than 5% of the world population. You can't use american stats and pretend that they are the world stats.

>> No.45748903

> I know you mutts are all retarded but let me tell you - there are countries outside of burgerland.

>> No.45748946

There are indeed countries outside of the muttland. Did that shock you?

>> No.45749019

if you aren't american then prove it by telling me which country you're from.

>> No.45749094

Why would I need to prove anything to you lmao
You are the one who made an outlandish claim and backed it up by an irrelevant and outdated stat

>> No.45749167

the data being outdated doesn't matter if you're also rejecting it based on where it's from. i'm fully willing to search for another source if you aren't going to pull out the same faggot response, and you ARE the one who was asking for sources.
truth is that you're just desperately deflecting.

>> No.45749210

I don't need another source. I need another data.
Once again the US population is less than 5% of the world population. You can't use american stats and pretend that they are the world stats.

>> No.45749251

i'm asking you which country you're from so i can find data from that country instead, retard.

>> No.45749264

It won't be him. It will be Mori using his model.

>> No.45749318

Here's a quote from your post
>men are much more emotional than women which is reflected in the violent crime rate
You didn't specify any country. Which means you were talking about the whole world. So please give me the stats for the whole world.

>> No.45749390

Groomeranon trying hard

>> No.45749463


>> No.45749508

>No mention of emotions anywhere
Let's just say you tried your best and stop this pointless argument.

>> No.45749562

what do you think might have changed in the past 9 years that would have such a drastic worldwide effect that would cause the female homicide rate to skyrocket to be roughly equivalent or higher than the male homicide rate

>> No.45749654

You didn't claim that "men commit more crimes". The data you linked confirms THAT claim.
You specifically claimed that "men are much more emotional than women which is reflected in the violent crime rate". The data you linked does NOT confirm that claim.
Do you get it now?

>> No.45749692

men commit more violent crimes

>> No.45749710


>> No.45749735

anger is an emotion

>> No.45749766

Not every crime is commited based on emotions. There are such things as profit and convinience.

>> No.45749789

most violent crimes are committed based on an inability to regulate emotion

>> No.45749814

How much is "most"? Do you have a source for that claim?

>> No.45749868

what other reasons do you posit lead to violent crime i.e rape, murder, assault

>> No.45749995

Money, influence of drugs and alcohol, carelessness, professional duties. There is quite a few reasons for one person to kill or harm another person.

>> No.45750022

why are men more likely to commit violent crimes for money, because they're on drugs, because they're careless, and which professional duties than women

>> No.45750084

You wanna try to make this post again but in English this time? I am not even fucking around.
Are you asking me why men commit more crimes? Because men are generally more willing to engage in violence than women.

>> No.45750120

The weakest link of each group will be forced to graduate, and not participating equaled forfeiting. He had no choice this time.

>> No.45750215

yeah that was kinda hard to parse my bad
you're saying that the other reasons men are more likely than women to commit violent crime, besides their inability to regulate emotions, are:
1) because they're more influenced by money than women
2) because they're more on drugs and alcohol than women
3) because they're more careless than women
4) because they've got more professional obligations than women
if these factors were equal between men and women, they wouldn't be factors in the violent crime rate difference. so why do men have these factors that make them more prone to committing violent crime?
>Because men are generally more willing to engage in violence than women.

>> No.45750336

Obviously men have a higher capacity for violence than women. They also have a greater propensity for taking items down from high shelves, but that has nothing to do with their emotional state.

>> No.45750387

>Obviously men have a higher capacity for violence than women.
correct. women are much more temperate and moderate with their emotions. men are much more emotional than women which is reflected in the violent crime rate

>> No.45750461

Because that's how we as species have been for thousands of years. Men would engage in violent activities such as war, spots, politics while women would engage in other activities that they percieved to be more fitting for them. Existence defines conciosness.
It has nothing to do with emotions and has everything to do with cultural climate and evolution.

>> No.45750513

cultural climate and evolution are major influences on the way we experience, process, and express emotion.

>> No.45750626

managers promised to schedule Vesper a collab with Kronii if he joins this collab

>> No.45750659

Cool. They are also a major influnce on everything else related to humanity. Like how our character is formed for example.
There are certain templates that all of us have. Those templates tell us how to act in certain situations regardless of our emotions. Those templates are formed in major part by outside influences such as the cultural climate and and certain eminent figures or philosophies that we might strive to imitate.

>> No.45750693

and those templates made men prone to more frequent and more extreme ranges in emotion than women, which is reflected in the violent crime rate.

>> No.45750734

You are really reaching hard. One doesn't need to feel emotions to carry out an action that he believes is justified or necessary.

>> No.45750768

what does he need?

>> No.45750786

He needs to believe that his actions are justified or necessary.

>> No.45750894

well, what makes men self-justify those actions so much more than women?

>> No.45750957

Men self-justify more because they engage in violent acts more. Because of their nature and character that were constructed under the influence of the cultural climate.

>> No.45750963

That anon is still safe, collab hasn't happened yet so Vesper could still YABBA DABBA DOO at the last second.

>> No.45750994

in what ways does nature and cultural climate make men engage in violent acts more, if not by making them more emotional and/or less able to regulate their emotions

>> No.45751028

ITT: two retards arguing about statistics

>> No.45751041

three retards, but only two arguing about statistics*

>> No.45751047

Because that's how we as a species have been for thousands of years. Men would engage in violent activities such as war, spots, politics while women would engage in other activities that they percieved to be more fitting for them. Existence defines conciosness.
Such existence and cultural climate creates certain templates that all of us have. Those templates tell us how to act in certain situations regardless of our emotions.

>> No.45751105

why would men historically engage in violent activities such as war, and why would men and women perceive violence to be more fitting for men

>> No.45751178

Because that's how our species have evolved historically.
Our conversation is clearly going in circles. Please post proof for the claim you made in this >>45749789 post

>> No.45751220

>men commit more violent crime because men commit more violent crime because historically men commit more violent crime because men commit more violent crime
is indeed a circular argument

>> No.45751299

Who are you quoting?
Men commit more violent crimes because they are more willing to engage in violent acts than women which happens to be the case because of a cultural climate formed over millenia due to the historical way our species have evolved.

>> No.45751587

What are the chances one of them is cracked on hunter

>> No.45751680

nta but that comes down to a simple physiological differences between men and women: men are generally physically stronger, aren't incapacitated by pregnancy, etc, so females were traditionally given the role of caretaking at home while men went out to hunt/work

similarly, men didn't partake in war out of a lack of emotional regulation. many men were DRAFTED into the military against their will, and propaganda meant to encourage people to join the military voluntarily has historically been aimed only at men. again, simple physiological differences are at play here. look at controversy when it comes to women in the army: male soldiers sometimes complain that they have to pick up the slack for their female counterparts, since on average women aren't as physically strong as men.

if it wasn't obvious, I'm saying that the conditioning from hunter/gatherer societies and our history of war (where we recruited and drafted only men) is probably what led to our perception as men being "fit for violence". it comes down to physical fitness and traditional gender norms.

I'd also wager that the increased violent crime committed by men comes down to opportunity: men (being physically stronger) have more opportunity to commit violent crime than women, simple as. gender norms also come into play here: think about crime families, which are overwhelmingly male, while their partners aren't involved and perceived as innocent. think also about simple realities: a girlfriend who feels insulted by a man is overwhelmingly more likely to get her boyfriend involved to do the fighting for her, as opposed to picking a fight she can't win.

your statistical data is solid, but your explanation of the underlying reasons for those stats is too one-dimensional. valid data for your hypothesis (that men are more violent than women due to a lack of emotional regulation) requires controlling for opportunities to be violent, and that's hard to do when (as you admit yourself) gender norms exist, and simple physiological differences also exist.

I don't really know why I typed all this shit out. fuck me.

>> No.45753158

If i remember from the original Holostars EN vs JP, Axel was actually pretty good at the game, so I'd put my money on him

>> No.45753189

What the fuck is this thread, get a life you fucking imbeciles

>> No.45753227

Touch grass

>> No.45753248

remind me, how did the beef between them start?

>> No.45753409


>> No.45753463
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Nice thread you got there

>> No.45754232
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Wait for the actual collab to happen before saying this anon. Did you already forget how Vesper was supposed to be in Tempus 1 collab for their anniversary and full Tempus collab Pummel Party where he was even in the thumbnails yet he flaked without any reasons given?

>> No.45754913

>Vesper in a male only group collab
>Same team as Altare

>> No.45755088

It’s beyond 4chan

>> No.45755587

Magni already implied that Vesper won't be participating

>> No.45756499

>Management mandated video that every. single. member. in holopro did
>you've already lost

>> No.45756717

There's no way, that collab only works because its a 4v4 match. This is why they cancelled it the first time around.
If hes not coming 'again' - who takes his spot?
Also, if he doesnt show up - this 100% confirms all rrats that he and Altare are not on speaking terms at all.

>> No.45757022

the collab ban lifted

>> No.45757105

that was fake tho

>> No.45757844
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>If hes not coming 'again' - who takes his spot?
Oh "Vesper" will be there but he'll just sound a bit different.

>> No.45758789

Maybe Axel manager? I remember one time enma played with the girls on stream too

>> No.45760441

He's improving

>> No.45765073

