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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45561950 No.45561950 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or is tempus 2 really not that bad. I’m a unicorn and hate the male/female collabs but it seems like tempus 2 understands their place in the community unlike tempus 1. maybe it’s just that they have more people to collab with but it seems like tempus 2 is doing there own thing and leaving most of the girls alone aside from maybe kobo and ollie but those two were already pretty far gone so i don’t think any unicorns really care about those two. Aside from the spanish one who broke containment a few times (but seemingly learned from it and cut that shit out) and big events like ollie’s apex tournament, they’re pretty much doing their own thing which i respect, if they stay in their lane then i don’t mind leaving them be, i may even watch a stream or two

>> No.45562020

They're not bad guys, except for Bettel, who I think is a huge clout-chasing fag.
Sometimes I put Shinri on to fall asleep

>> No.45562034

idk op sorry i didn’t read your post but happy for you

>> No.45562180

I don't hate them but they shouldn't exist. We should have EN3. Nothing against the talents but debuting a 2nd gen so soon was a huge mistake.

>> No.45562275

You are a boring faggot just like Tempus 2 is full of. That is why you vibe with them so well, sorry to be this brutal to you anon.
Tempus 1 are a weird but still fun group of brotubers, as you admit yourself they threaten you because they make you feel like a pathetic cuck, which you must be by nature.
TLDR: Improve yourself weakling, nobody cares if you watch males or not but stop with these pathetic excuse threads.

>> No.45562483

You're just saying that because they haven't collab spam with any girls yet, give it time it will come. Tempus1 was the same then came the mix collabs.

>> No.45562581


>> No.45562600

no one here will watch any of them except for the clown. quit shilling them

>> No.45562674

read OP for filth

>> No.45562922

Flayon is awful but the other 3 are cool, specially Bettel.

>> No.45562948

They're certainly better than wave 1, I feel like if they debuted first StarsEN would've had an overall more positive reception. Flayon was the first guy I subbed to and it kinda sucks that he hasn't collabed with the girls meanwhile Altare & that flintstones faggot get multiple collabs.

>> No.45563178

they're a confusing bunch.
flayon is a total bust, he's got the most on-paper talent and somehow can't cultivate the fujos. it's insane. Bettel has absolutely no talent on-paper but is doing great.

Hakka... poor guy.. I don't want to rag on him but he seems too immature and his lies are a too transparent

>> No.45563206


>> No.45563282

They have learnt from their senpais' mistakes

>> No.45563501

>I don't hate them
It's ok, I hate them enough for us both.

>> No.45563633

I don't hate them because I don't have to think about them, which was probably your point.

>> No.45563765

lmao with the brotuber cope, they're all faggots dude, "bros" don't do valentines day date ASMR and sell situation voice packs

>> No.45563776

> tempus 2 understands their place in the community unlike tempus 1
Ponder on this: The reason they were rushed out is so Tempus have enough people to do their own thing.

>> No.45563838

i literally said i'm a unicorn, i'm hardly shilling them...
pretty much, if they were shoved down my throat more then i would hate them more, but they know to stay in their lane so I have no real reason to hate them

>> No.45563895

I think part of the reason is that the usual suspects from holoen have been much less keen on shilling them for some reason. (numbers perhaps) Couple of them have shown some bad signs like hakka spamming Kaela's chat and talking about bird unity or something and flayon commenting on Ina's 3d debut. Overall they have been quite easy to ignore as they should be for a hololive fan

>> No.45564018

uhh you're clearly mistaken bro, tempus 1 waited approximately one week before starting the collab spam with the girls and then it became a weekly thing, it's been like three months since tempus 2 debuted, if collab spam was going to happen, it would have happened already, there's 0 reason to think we would go this long without it happening, the hype around them has died and most people who were requesting the collabs are over it by now, if it didn't happen when all the homobeggars were crying for it to happen, it's certainly not gonna happen now

>> No.45564181

I'll give them a chance after en 3 comes out, tempus 2 debuting at record time when the girls were (and still are) holding the record of the longest time without a new generation gave me a bitter feeling.
Same treatment will be applied if any new jp/id debuts.

>> No.45564336

this is cope, i dont like them because it was becoming a frequent thing and i knew that if mori/yagoo could have it there way, tempus would have been fully indoctrinated into holoEN, meaning that every full member collab would be required to include tempus, which would fucking suck, that's why i've always hated tempus. because i've never wanted to watch them but there was a real chance of them being included in every future holoEN event, I think most reasonable unicorns acknowledged that tempus was like pandora's box, there was no closing it after it opened, the best we could hope for was to contain it and minimize the nijification, and in that regard i'd say we did pretty good, only 2/10 EN girls regularly collab with tempus, others did it once or twice but then stopped, or do it very rarely

>> No.45564406

You are not the only one. I honestly keep forgetting that tempoop is a thing.

>> No.45564531

>i literally said i'm a unicorn
just because German Democratic Republic had "Democratic" in the name doesn't mean it was democratic.

>> No.45564802

my man they're about as unicorn friendly as we can hope for, unless you're a full blown schizo then you gotta accept that things were never going to go back to the way they were, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, so the best we could realistically hope for is for the boys to keep to themselves and try their best to avoid the girls, which they are generally doing, except for a few instances but i think we've done a good job of correcting them when they've overstepped their boundaries, they still talk to ID but as a unicorn, i understand that ID is a lost cause so who cares? if it appeases them and keeps them away from the EN/JP then i think it's a worthwhile sacrifice

>> No.45565042

I watch one from wave 2(mostly flayon) but idk why people feel like they need to watch the boys if you want to then ok but if you don't enjoy the males don't force yourself.

>> No.45565180

>people feel like they need to watch the boys
who? they're 3views.

>> No.45565859

I'm saying that people say to watch the boys.they do to give them a chance but their not interested. people getting mad when you don't want to support them what does 3 views have to do with anything I said?

>> No.45565936

It's more like a 1.5 gen rather than a 2nd gen. That's why they keep the same name and theme.

>> No.45565993

>They understand their place
Foolish anon we said the same thing about tempiss, once the girls return from Japan you will start to see a lot of homobegging the bird dude is already desperate for collabs

>> No.45566194

Their hypothetical nonexistence doesn't automatically mean EN3 would've come out in their absence. They're not even Holo.

>> No.45566258

Either way they don't need to have a 4:5 ratio with the girls when their audience is like 8% of Holo EN's.

>> No.45566265

Homobeggars YWNBAW

>> No.45566436
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You are going through the same transformation that we Nijiniggers went through one year ago. Eventually, everyone will end up like us.

>> No.45566518

I don't care they're males so I'll never watch them I don't give a shit about male vtubers why would I ever watch them get the fuck out

>> No.45566781

I like male chuubas that don't collab with my oshi.
This cope is pathetic.

>> No.45567123

Tempus should have been a 3 person gen like ID, mag/ves/bettel, with the first two having models that look as good as bettel. The other 5 rejects can fight for the 3 spots in the tempus 2 debut that happens 1 year minimum after the original came out.

>> No.45567185

one's tranny, one likes getting fucked up the ass, and one is black. Explain to me how this is brotubers you absolute raging faggot. The only semblance of a brotuber is Axel.

>> No.45567324

Most the collab cocksleeves are busy with holofes give it a few week after holofes and watch them collab ramp up since they got shiny new toys.

>> No.45567530

Flayon is actually decent at FGs though. Plus he wants to do Fighting Game Fridays. He's one of the few people in Holopro that's actually good at games.

>> No.45567752

I'm still waiting for my /sp/orts brotuber. I want an EN equivalent of what maimoto'll be doing later today and it still hasn't happened. Maybe axel'll do the nba finals but i'm not holding my breath. :\

>> No.45567954

They're pretty forgettable. I routinely forget that the 2 guys on the right exist and only know about the red one because people keep making threads about how deep in the gutter his viewership is

>> No.45568083

Good for you. This is definitely worth making a thread over, blogposter-chama.

>> No.45568718
File: 669 KB, 756x615, 33456778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one

>> No.45569880

Tempus1 collabed the moment the collab ban ended. It's been almost 2 months now for Tempus 2 with hardly any collabs with the girls

>> No.45570932

>if they stay in their lane then i don’t mind leaving them be
I think the temporary cooling off period for collabs after the spam arc just naturally led into tempus 2 debuts and then prep for holofes, wouldn't be surprised at all if now all that is over they start collabing with Kronii, Mori, Ame and Bae again.
I don't think the "unicorn" friendly en members are going to suddenly start interacting with them at this point, they have made their decision but as far as I am concerned EN3 is a lost cause, the homos will stake a claim with predebut interactions and their senpai status will make it impossibly awkward for any of the new girls to ignore them like a few in myth/council do. If you are hardcore nomales then you better be happy with Gura/Fauna/IRyS/Mumei/Kiara and Ina because I doubt we are getting any new girls that ignore the homos from this point on.

>> No.45570970

I don't hate them, I just don't watch. How can someone on the internet cause me so much harm that I would hate them?

>> No.45571015

desperate and pathetic

>> No.45571267

I don't hate them because they're out of sight and out of mind unlike the first batch of faggots

>> No.45571327

what's even this shit

>> No.45573765

I don't care gimme girls.

>> No.45573982

Ok that’s just really sad, it’s also sort of weird to post about the girls who don’t want to associate with you for the sake of their brand,

>> No.45576083

Management must have told them to start leeching, expect a collab in the next few weeks now that Ame and Kronii will be going home.

>> No.45576539

what's even the point, i thought the whole point of holostars was to diversify the brand and appeal to a new demographic, what's the point of leeching from existing hololive talents, i thought the whole point was to have their own identity so they can attract a different audience

>> No.45576719

Honestly i wouldn't mind breeding flayon don't about the rest

>> No.45576808

>Tempus 2
Vanguard the original 4 are Headquarters

>> No.45577070

Actually flayon and rio only males i would bother to watch

>> No.45577126

Op btfo

>> No.45577251

just one correction to this post
brotubers don't gachibait on valentines and merch
brotubers don't collab with the girls for the sole reason of dunking on other men
bros before hoes, that's what brotubers are and these faggots just don't cut it
tempus1 are budget bin luxiem and you need to take their dicks out of your mouth and take another look at yourself if you think otherwise, but at least they're not boring like tempus2 so there's that

>> No.45577560

They're fine. Flayon is way 2gay for me but tempus 1 and 2 are otherwise pretty nice to watch. I don't give a fuck if they collab with the girls because I'm not an autistic faggot though. Honestly though who fucking wants them to actually do that though? Would be awkward as fuck for them and girls like Kiara, Mumei, and Fauna to interact. They don't need the girls and have their own niche and can have fun with Mori and the gang in the odd unity collab.

Can't beleive this fucker that's leading his gen in subs and live viewers is such a clout chaser, with high profile collabs such as.... His own genmates, tempus1, his jp senpais, and kobo. Inb4 irrelevant room mate posting.

>> No.45577743

Nah flayon is too flamboyant

>> No.45577876

Bettel almost sounds like he's one step away from killing himself, that's relatable. Rest are gay.

>> No.45578066

I feel the same way, I don't mind intergender collabs at all but there's really no need for them since none of the boys' interests overlap the girls except for maybe /m/ shit with Axel and Irys. If there were anything in common with any of them I could see it but there's really not a lot to work with

>> No.45578625

> not an autistic faggot
> shill autistic faggot
Do you really think anyone gona believe you? like ever? Like wake up you are watching guys with twikling uniform you can't be more autistic or gay than that.

>> No.45579006

There is no point, no point at all. It's just some weird derivate of virtue signaling. Even stars JP recognise they don't collab much with the girl cause there is no possitive to get out of it even if you remove the potential upseting of the unicorn, the unity retard will watch then go back to were they belonged and won't want the other side. At best you get dead subs and that's all. It's justs that the demographic are so different that there is no fucking point in pushing that holopro shit. And it was doing well for some time, before tempiss. Hololive and holostars fan respected each other and were in two parralel timeline then some troon decided to mix it and like everyone predicted it didn't go well at all. Tempiss is probably the most hated branch of hololive, and you have the traitrous branch to compare.

>> No.45579430

It's no wonder Bettel is leading the pack rather than Flayon. In this industry, talent is secondary to charisma.
>(Hakka's) lies are a too transparent
What are you referring to? I haven't watched much of him.

>> No.45579745

Take your meds and stop using Twitter.

>> No.45584648

I don't hate the faggots. I think they're fine, i just don't want them in hololive.

I watch Hololive because my life sucks and it brings me some joy to watch cgdct. I don't care if they're funny. I don't care if they can sing. I just want that happy, cute energy around me. That's what Hololive is to me, it's just an escapist, wholesome little fantasy.

Homostars suck because a man acting like a hololive idol isn't adorable or cute, it's just weird. It's cute for the girls to pretend they don't know what sex is and act all childlike and innocent, but it just doesn't work if it's a man.

Everyone thinks it's cute that Gura doesn't know what 2 by 2 means, but a man who can't do basic math is just pathetic. Having men try to act like 10 year olds is just legitimately strange behavior. No man with a cock, and balls, and a 401k plan is allowed to act like a 10 year old. But Gura can.

I watch plenty of male youtubers, but I don't watch them because they're cute. I watch them because they're funny, or smart, or good at games. Even if you took my favorite youtuber, say Callmekevin, and made him a Holostar, I would still think it's faggotry and I wouldn't want it. Because now even though he's just as entertaining, now he can't make all the jokes he wants to and he can't be as edgy as he wants to be, because he has to maintain the company's image. He has to do this weird "wholesome boy" shit like the rest of them.

Holostars was a terrible idea from the beginning. I don't know why they made an EN branch when I know the JP branch sucks dick too. Maybe Cover thought that we were more "progressive" in the west and we'd be more accepting of it. Other than some freaks on twitter virtue signalling about how great it is, no one fucking watches them. Most of them are struggling to get 500 people to watch their dog shit streams at once.

>> No.45586113

>we, Nijiniggers
this post was definitely written by a fan of Nijisanji.

>> No.45591439

they did it because a bunch of people on twitter were asking for it, the bit is that they didn't want to watch holostars english, they wanted to join it, they just wanted a way to join hololive and meet their oshi so they asked for a male branch, but now we're here and no one cares about them except for a few "standouts" who still can't compete with the biggest runt of hololiveEN

>> No.45591493

Not bad but not for me.

>> No.45591562

Tempus 2 ruined the original 4 bros, who all had great chemistry. 2 have ZERO chemistry with each other, and they're all boring streamers. All Magni does is collab with Zettal now, the dynamics are completely fucked

>> No.45591728

I never seen hate for them, people were just baffled by the fast release or disappointed in them being boring.

>> No.45596090

ogey move on

>> No.45598533

>tranny, ass fucking, black

which ones are which? I dont watch enough of the homos to know

>> No.45599875

Bettel is vtuber Jerma
Flayon is cracked at voice acting
Hakka sings metal like crazy
Shinri is cool if you like comfy lore/zatsu streamers (and are a woman)

The only one I watch frequently in Tempus 2 is Bettel, but they're all pretty solid.
The only one who can be annoying at times is Flayon depending how anime he's acting.
Coming after Tempus 1 definitely let them learn a lot, which is normal for most groups.
That said, I still watch Magni and Vesper because they're just that entertaining with their antics.

>> No.45600211

None of them are trans or black. The red shota is legit gay I think. Magni is bi. I'm not entirely sure about the shirtless guy, he does play a lot of suspiciously gay VNs and favor gay-ish fanart but that might just be Luxiem-style gay for pay.

>> No.45600266

Fuck off right winger shitter

>> No.45600840

This. Instead of EN3 due to popular demand we got stars2. Management is just incompetent with their holopro bullshit

>> No.45601884

I think he's stolen everything that makes Magni interesting and pretends to be pathetic so women can throw money at him.
His fans are also as annoying as Nijisanji teenagers

>> No.45606735

Where's Flayon'd budge?
