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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45511777 No.45511777 [Reply] [Original]

so THAT happened

>> No.45511802


>> No.45511837

Numberfagging outside of the numbers thread needs to be an instant ban.

>> No.45511849
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>> No.45511897

Pippa literally Mogs over half the NijiENs too anon. This isnt surprising anymore. Cover and Anycolor fucked up by banning the wizard game since pippa doubled to tripped her viewership with the drama.

>> No.45511911

That disgusting rabbit should come home. Neal has better numbers and more taxes.

>> No.45511916

>twitch numbers

>> No.45511928

are phasefags really that desperate
melody's twitch is her second channel with lower numbers (as one can expect) and I don't even know who chibidoki is

>> No.45512004

I agree. But whining about numbers threads should get instant ban too.

>> No.45512035
File: 5 KB, 236x40, pippapickme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melody streams on Chaturbate, this is basically her alt
Love my bitch Chibidoki

>> No.45512061

She gets the same amount of viewers on Youtube, cope

>> No.45512096

Why are Pippakeks the biggest numberfags and the most desperate shills on this board?

>> No.45512289

much more reliable than yt numbers

>> No.45512363

>Nooooo this former literally who hasn't beaten the most popular vtuber on twitch it's ogre!!!
how's that cope taste

>> No.45512462

It's not surprising, she went from actual literally-who numbers to beating big name corpos and all it took was a wizard game and some fuck-yous to twitter.
doesn't matter how you cut it, that's EXTREMELY based. regardless of how faggots pretend it's not a big deal

>> No.45512501

With the exception of raids, Since early 2020 Mel's twitch numbers have always been in the 2K-4K range. 3 years from now she'll probably be the same, but a lot of the others will be gone.

>> No.45512517
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She "mogs" the few absolute bottom members she's nowhere near the actually popular ones.

>> No.45512574

>posts the top 7 mantubers
>half the viewers as #7
kek, the absolute cope.

>> No.45512683

Chibidoki is a very established twitch Indie vtuber and one of the most consistent /lig/gers out there. Rock solid 2k lifetime viewership over 2 years on twitch. She's actually a pretty good bar to use to see how a Vtuber's streams are doing on twitch for those who aren't initiated to the site that well.

>> No.45512709

why do vshoujo fags always bring up mouse who appeared on Hasan, appeared on H3, appeared on every major zoomertube faggot's channel and was raided multiple times by each of them whenever a breakout success in a much smaller vtuber with next to none of the support she had happens?

Are you really so fucking petty and stupid? The question should be: Why are your corpos not doing better despite having most of twitch sucking their dick?

>> No.45512718

>al unarchived karoake or asmr streams
use their regular streams anon

>> No.45512794

>former literal who
weird way to describe a 2k andy

>> No.45512947

Just a sidenote, it's insane to me that in the year of our lord 2023 people are still using Ironmouse's success an indicator of VShojo's success.

That's like saying "the average HoloEN member gets like 20K viewers per stream" and then using Gura to prove that point.

>> No.45512959

Why isn’t Pippa getting shout-outs from Tim Pool?

>> No.45512991

5 or 6 of the talents are 4-6k or above with vei having a 8k average, melody gets 10k on cb and no ones cares for froot

>> No.45513063

>>45512947 > >>45512991

>> No.45513218

asmr streams are vox's regular streams, are you just deflecting

>> No.45514234

Leeching off the graduation of a beloved vtuber she has never interacted with I'd smart, but definitely not based.

>> No.45514433

But then /pcg/ would be deleted

>> No.45515022

I like how everyone just forgot the suicide sympathy baiting thing, that was barely a month ago? I know phase cucks she didn't use it to get donos, but when you get over 10k in donations and the first thing you think about saying is how you want to kill yourself? She's a bomb waiting to go off and will take that whole company with her.

>> No.45515926

NTA, but I agree with him now

>> No.45516958
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Still can't beat the pink woman.

>> No.45517341
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Most of EN twitch thinks vtubers are disgusting weeb shit or just "Who?"
The BR and ES communities who are massive on twitch don't give a shit about vtubers. The only group that actually cares is KR, making Isegye a success, but not many others.
Most of twitch isn't sucking any dicks, they're just hoping the fucking anime shit goes away.
The only reason vtubers get any traction there is because there's 2 million viewers on twitch at any given time so some are bound to tune in.

>> No.45517498
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>> No.45517552

fuck off phase shill

>> No.45518657

Nice numbers.
>Watching anyone with 4 digit viewers
Do people enjoy getting cucked this much?

>> No.45518770

i-it's just a phase

>> No.45519027

They're desperate to justify their subscription to whores and vegetable women.

>> No.45519112

Enemy of my enemy, I guess.
