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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45417398 No.45417398 [Reply] [Original]

>I was suppose to uh...kind of get a thing and uh, I didn't get the thing that I wanted
>Sure this may sound pretty petty and please don't make theories on what it is
>I don't want to uh, I don't want it to be a big drama thing but I just want to
>I just want to talk about it in like the most vague-est things possible just so you can understand what happened.
>But not actually saying what it is... I'm just trying to word things to make you guys understand what is going on

>I worked really hard.
>Put a lot of effort into The Thing
>I put a lot of time and effort into the Thing.
>And I didn't get the Thing
>That Thing.

>Normally wouldn't bother me as much.
>Normally I would just be like "Y'know what I didn't get the Thing.
>That's fine!" Y'know?
>I don't know why but like, something snapped in me.
>Something in my soul and I suddenly processed everything in the last year since the merge.

>Everything went insane in my head and I went through a mental-like rollercoaster out of no where and I couldn't bring myself to stream.

>It all hit me that...Nijisanji ID is not here.
>The thing I started with Sunset.
>Is just gone.

>I love Nijisanji, I don't want to hate Nijisanji.
>But I'm starting to dislike it a little bit.

>I fell in love with Nijisanji and I love it so much but....
>I don't know how to process the feelings all at once.

>I will be honest, there is nothing, nothing my staff is doing wrong.
>I love all the livers I love all the staffs.
>Its just a sad and unfortunate situation that ID is in.
>It just hit me we are in the gutter right now.


>> No.45417549

that sucks but why is this relevant again? didn't it happen like 2 months ago?

>> No.45417560

slowpoke ass nigga

>> No.45417697

damn, haven't heard her voice in a long ass time

>> No.45417762

Why beat down on Hana, even if you're in another tribe what she did was respectable she herself denied 3D because she didn't want to leave her fellow ID behind, later on when it was offered to her again Niji dropped the ball and fucked everyone not just Hana.
Don't bring this up it's petty and not the win you think it is for your tribe

>> No.45417816

It's so obvious ex-Niji ID has already been Japanese-style fired.

>> No.45417867


>> No.45418149

You snooze you lose.

>> No.45418725

Always dumb that they were never moved to be managed by EN instead of JP.

>> No.45418902

Why cry now instead of 3 years ago?

>> No.45419048
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Hey check out this bad boy

>> No.45419142

Nigga shut the fuck up, you faggots are gonna shit up the board the instant something happens to Hololive, go moralfagging in your generals.
Bitch had the opportunity to dominate the english market and threw it away like an idiot, her success meant her branch success too.

>> No.45419242

Holobullies are literally evil.

>> No.45419415

So Hana tried to save her genmates from management and failed. Why is Hana the bad guy here?

>> No.45419502

Bad due to lack of blue triangle

>> No.45420136

Proly cause the NijiIN disaster traumatized the higher ups

>> No.45420532

This is what tribalism does to your brain who said anything about blue triangle? I could be blue triangle and you wouldn't know , I might be VSJ or even PC does it matter? the point is people like you and OP are retarded, Nobody should be making a thread beating on a talent that had the balls to say what Hana did here other fans should be lucky if their favorite streamer had the courage to do this.
You're not even human anymore you're just a brain rotted monster that needs to desperately be put down.

>> No.45420540

Totally deserved

>> No.45420867

Because she was handed the spotlight and threw a rock at with by calling vtuber watcher a bunch of incel and vtubers are ethots (not that she was lying since that's what niji are)

>> No.45421209

Don't join a black company next time

>> No.45421207

That's all vtubers. Even Hololive. They all whores. And e-girls. She never say nothing about incels. That's Tribalism and paternalism and ideological schizophrenia as always in this mental asylum. You care more about you console wars about corporations than the workers suffering.

>> No.45421216

Remember when she and her clique threw snide remarks toward other groups for not being popular like Nijisanji? Then Maha5 happened followed by the resurgence of HoloID with gen2.
No sympathy here. She deserved it, to be honest.

>> No.45421609

Like Hololive. All corporations are black companies. I still remember Rushia trying to kill herself. And alot of Hololive members been doxxed. And harassed. And alot of holofaggots trying to kill the girls for having boyfriends or husband's. But don't. Hololive doesn't talk about talk about right. They more worried simping their CEO like some Elon Musk retard. You holotards are like cartoons characters and gossiping drama whores.

>> No.45421727

Pffffttt hahaha
Don't make me remember to what have your fanbase done to us back then lol

>> No.45421822

Hana is a fucking retard If she wanted to have her 3d she should have made her branch more profitable for the company.

>> No.45421881

Nice fanfiction anon, there's a better thread for you to utilize your talent >>45311089

>> No.45421890
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hana already had her 3d in nijifes too but nope holobronies have to make shit up to trash niji

>> No.45421968

How come making money is considered being a black company? If anything the real black company is Cover promoting laziness and corruption.
Nijisanji is the ideal company where hard work actually pays off and laziness gets punished.
This is why Hololives revenue will always pale in comparison compared to Nijisanji and their company will continue to loss money until they become bankrupt and die

>> No.45421998

Then tell me why she's crying here >>45417398 anon?

>> No.45422090

Because Hana is a retard who wants the company to spend more on her even though her branch is unprofitable.
Honestly if it werent for Nijisanjis good graces all of the useless people in ID and KR would be out in the streets right now

>> No.45422106

Nijis lose again

>> No.45422130

maybe link to the actual twitter/youtube instead of this ai sounding shit?

>> No.45422133

Showing your true colors when Hololive who only has 75 active talents compared to what like 200+ livers and 72 graduated members which is close to the number of active members that Hololive has now. Do I really have to point out why a company that has triple the vtubers than the other company would earn more money than them?

>> No.45422134

Stream source?

>> No.45422147

Why nijinig worship their black company so much, holo would support id and star and don't have this problem.

>> No.45422248

why holo worship their black company so much when mizuryu kei was obviously right and wanted to get paid for work? Also where are the talent supportive coverdrones at with post-graduate coco and rushia?

>> No.45422252

There no fanfiction. This happen.

>> No.45422302

Because Hololive is a retarded company thats why they dont make any profits. They have been pigeonholed into their retarded support everybody even if they dont bring money to the company bs that they are literally giving money to money sinkhole instead of promoting their brand and company to ensure more profits

>> No.45422416

Because hololive is the real black company
They somehow think making profits from vtubers and the company taking their rightful cuts is somehow bad.
You retards dont realize that it doesnt matter if the company takes 10% or 90% of the vtubers profits, ITS THE COMPANYS PROPERTY they can do whatever they want with their assets and their employees so Anycolor is well withing their rights to do so.

>> No.45422432

This place is only full of shills of corporations. I don't care about Cover or Nijisanji. Or Vshojo. I only want to watch cute anime girls and cute boys play videogames and doing stupid shit.

>> No.45422436


>> No.45422479

Anon, nijis are so retarded they thought dramatubers were going to get sued for defamation and are still confused as to why it didn't happen.

>> No.45422508

>Black company
Black company
>Black company
Black company
>Black company

>> No.45422583
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>> No.45422591

To be fair. She belongs in the gutter and a majority of her fellow ID livers were/are absolute trash. She squandered her popularity and momentum because she was young and retarded and thought that halting her 3D was a good idea then. Fair enough that it just doesn’t happen now.

>> No.45422610
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>> No.45422733

People cant seem to understand why a company wouldnt want to support something they would lose money on.
They somehow think Anycolor is the bad guy when they are even kind and gracious enough to let them stay in the company and use the nijisanji name.
Without it any and all livers would be irrelevant.

>> No.45422836

She's a bit slow, it took this long to realize their position? This isn't the sole reason things reached this point but how casual ID is, call it leeching or whatever but imagine if the whole branch put the same effort in making it somehow as Mika.

>> No.45423046

"like uh like uh" holy ESL mixed mutt talk proper English.

>> No.45423503

Dumbass, mizuryu sign his contract and later he want to change it term, after seeing holo alternative and thinking he could get more out of it. I dunno where you underagefag live but a contract is a binding agreeement, not some 12 years old handshake promise.

>> No.45423686

What's that? Black company is right over the talents all of a sudden? Also no, cover's contract was deceptive and he was lowballed into thinking he wouldn't do an entire manga lmao

>> No.45424367

We're not beating down on Hana, you retard. We're criticizing the organization she's a part of. Anycolor has been mismanaging their events and talents for a while now, one really wonders what fuckery is happening behind the scenes. The talents don't deserve all this bullshit (except for Hex).

>> No.45424448

>Somebody spoonfed OP this in a catalog post
>The retard doesn’t know this has been posted ages ago
My sides

>> No.45424642

>Surprised that a company thats main purpose is to make money doesnt want to invest in something that would make them money
Why are you a retard? Anycolor is within their rights to not fund something that would cost them money.
The vtuber and the one behind it are their properties and they have have free reign to do whatever they want with it.

>> No.45424758

No talent, no 3D

>> No.45425232

She botched it bro, cope.

>> No.45426057


>> No.45426472
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>Nothing yab worth it happened to hololive
>This shows up unprompted
>All of them in the same day
who said anything about the triangle? you faggots will and in masse, stop being disingenuous
>Nobody should be making a thread beating on a talent that had the balls to say what Hana did here other fans should be lucky if their favorite streamer had the courage to do this.
That's not courage, that's stupidity and entitlement
>You're not even human anymore you're just a brain rotted monster that needs to desperately be put down.
Criticizing someone's bad actions on a FUCKING IMAGE BOARD are now crimes? nigga.....

>> No.45426527

Is this it? I gotta find an indo wife?

>> No.45426989

Eh, she did this to herself.
She had all the chances and opportunities she could possibly ask for and threw everything away for some dumb reason. No fucking shit Anycolor isn't interested in investing in her when she isn't putting any kind of effort.

>> No.45427051

Zea don't even type like this. Im part of her membership and she never had anything like that

>> No.45427247

Black company fans like yourself must be feeling desperate right now. I pity you.

>> No.45427507

Shitposters who don't care about companies bait chumbuds since they're easy. You don't need to try to build up some kind of conspiracy to explain it.

>> No.45428209

Holofags hate Niji, it's not wrong.
And yes, Nijifans hate some Niji livers and their fans, that's also true. Fans of the girls hate the guys and vice versa, just like Hololive and Holostars, that's normal.
Protecting their oshi is normal, some Holofans used to protect Coco and Rushia too, though it seems like they're all hated now for joining Vshojo.
Shitting on Hololive drama is okay too, nothing wrong with that, Holofans also shit on Niji drama.
Holo and Niji can't co-exist, if you want peace then one has to fuck off from /vt/ and get their own board. But no one actually wants peace, everyone is here for drama.

>> No.45428959

I like how all the Nijikeks are extremely familiar with black company practices.

>> No.45429215

Ahahahaha deserved

>> No.45434597

Based based

>> No.45446487

Cope, she deleted the post

>> No.45447758

>I-I worked really hard
>I-I was grinding like a good uwu Idol pls believe me ;--;

Unfortunately for Hana this narrative doesn't work because she can't help leaking every little thing like a drama addict. We already know her 3D was set up a long ass time and she declined it because ''Muh ID 2views should get one at the same time!''

>> No.45451061
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Hana is too menhera for her own good. As much as I understand Boss not wanting to take the sudden responsibility for the growth of hew whole branch, she brought this one on herself. I honestly expect graduation in the coming year with the way things are going

>> No.45452267

lol youre not following zea longer enough then back when nijiID was thriving 2019-20 shes always that menhera
