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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45382353 No.45382353 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: chubbas who never use profanity

>> No.45382428


>> No.45382478
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>> No.45382480
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I just want her to give up and scream the australian word.

>> No.45382511

Major respect to Ina for that even though she's not my oshi. On the other hand I can't stand Kiara swearing so much, it's uncomfortable watching her with anyone else

>> No.45382722

Germans/Austrians tend to swear a lot when they speak English. It’s a way for them to compensate for not completely grasping the language.

>> No.45383206

Ina said "shit" twice, and "fuck" once.
(Well, almost said "fuck".)

>> No.45383260

fuck shit bitch cunt

>> No.45383310

Why has no one said Fauna yet

there's literally a popular clip about it

>> No.45383373

>Germans/Austrians tend to swear a lot when they speak English
Actually that's all ESLs. We see it in movies and stuff and just assume the bar is very low.

>> No.45383513


>> No.45383552
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Faufau would never curse! Last time she uttered a word of curses Mumei turned into 80lbs of Macaroni and Cheese!
Gura removed the curse but was forced to create a separate entity with her essence to create Gawr Gouda.
Since then Faufau washes her vocal cords with Fairy dust!

>> No.45383628

When she complained about her shit aim in HL2

>> No.45384191

The first thing most people learn in a new language after hello and thank you is how to say shit, cock, fuck, etc. It is the way. That plus if you learn the language later in life you don't have the deeply ingrained taboo associations.

>> No.45384579

For non-native English speakers, curse words dont carry the same weight.
On the other hand, during that stream where she was teaching Gura some german words, sharkie was saying curse german words like Kiara does and the chicken was clearly uncomfortable hearing it.

>> No.45385100

Neither she nor Sana swore despite being Aussies

>> No.45385847


>> No.45386179

She has never said “cunt” despite being an Aussie. Wonder if Cover disallows certain words.

>> No.45386307

When did she almost say 'fuck?'

I don't think it matters but I am just curious regarding the circumstances.

>> No.45386313

Fauna is annoying about it tho
she has to bring up and remind herself that she mustn't curse and remain pure while Ina actually does it without needing to point it out
and that is only a glimpse of the power gap between Ina and Fauna

>> No.45386379
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>> No.45386422

Her audience is primarily american and americans are weird about that word. I've noticed it has spread to the UK too. I remember cunt being much less of a harsh word but now it's like a fucking mortal sin.

>> No.45386423

She does say "shit" sometimes and said "fuck" a few times for comedic purposes (namely portraying Hako).

>> No.45386432
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>oh golly oh gosh jee willy winkers good heavens above

>> No.45386577

Mumei has definitely swore. Most commonly in karaoke streams.

>> No.45386747

She was singing the lyrics so it doesn't count

>> No.45386855

Ina said "fuckable". Does that count?

She said fucking during one of her rant streams, when talking about Roundabouts.

>> No.45386941


>> No.45387104

This. She's just outing herself as a phony. If you wanna curse then curse, but just be yourself.

>> No.45387462
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>> No.45387578

Literally who

>> No.45388451

I'm disappointed in you anon.

>> No.45389086

To me it sounded like Ina said something else and Kiara just thought of that on her own.

>> No.45389377


>When you say the yab and you get so flustered you say the other yab


>> No.45389584

Correct. She said furry

>> No.45390639

To me, Kiara's "fuckable" was a question. As in "did you say fuckable?"

>> No.45390734

Bro, she TOTALLY said fuckable, theres no denying.

>> No.45390786

Has a chubba ever said the gamer word? And no, quoting yee yee ass haircut from GTA V doesn’t count.

>> No.45391941

I don't realky care about swearing but when Kiara just drops her fucks it's jarring to me.

>> No.45392156

Who swears most: Ame, Kiara, or Calli? Though none of them swear as much as some of the girls from Nijisanji.

>> No.45392170
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Dont think I have ever heard Kaela sear even during a karaoke stream

>> No.45392317

I don’t think the ID girls swear much, if at all. At least not in English.

>> No.45392420

what the hell is a chubba

>> No.45392678

How fucking new are you

>> No.45392931

Rosemi Lovelock rarely swears. Among indies I've never heard Olivia Monroe swear.

Definitely Kiara

>> No.45405265


>> No.45405394


>> No.45415093

>Olivia Monroe
>Rosemi Lovelock

>> No.45415741

how the fuck are some of you niggas in /vt/ and feel so offended that a vtuber swears
i swear the more that days pass by the more faggots spawn in this board

>> No.45421755
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>> No.45421819

No one is offended, you failed abortion

>> No.45421889

too fake at it

>> No.45421919

doesn't she swear in japanese?

>> No.45422032

How the fuck do you not know who Rosemi is

>> No.45422170

Imagine thinking swearing or not swearing is a power level difference

>> No.45422245

Ina panic dropped the F bomb a few times in her Hollow Knight streams

>> No.45422310
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oh gosh

>> No.45422333

Swearing for the sake of swearing is just trying too hard to be edgy. Swearing should be natural and come at appropriate moments.

>> No.45422391

what is this retarded anon talking about? the only times she mentions not swearing is when shes asked in super chats and has to explain. She says hell, she said bitch in one of Bae's roleplay scenarios. She just doesn't swear and doesn't want to.

>> No.45422660
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>> No.45422929

She swears sometimes but I do respect that she tries to keep it at a minimum without being one of those people who constantly bring up how they hate swearing. I really don't get the hatred for swearing some people seem to have. Out of everyone in EN Kiara is the only one where the swearing gets to a point it becomes edgy.

>> No.45423026

Ina doesnt even play around with the idea of swearing, not even for the bit, unlike Fauna...
but its fine if Fauna curses, she'll just never reach Ina's level

>> No.45424213
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pic related always cuts herself off right before saying fuck and it's such a cocktease

>> No.45435267
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>> No.45435552

Literally said “shit” in her hologra debut

>> No.45438326

English isn't particularly difficult to learn.

>> No.45444356

Only americans and canadians are too scared to say cunt and are offended by it. In UK, Australia, and NZ, it's fairly common to say "cunt", although you have to keep in mind that it's still profanity.

>> No.45444847

That applies to anyone who learns to speak english.
Kind of. It's very common for most people to learn languages through slurs and profanity.

>> No.45451046

i know kiara has said cunt (https://youtu.be/0YeB7iUXkPk?t=296)), so that one's okay

>> No.45455636

Doesn't Fauna have like 500 hours in Dota? I don't believe for a second that someone could survive that long in that game and not internalize swearing as the primary form of communication.

>> No.45466013

Pina from prism

>> No.45470923

the best

>> No.45473721

someone link that time she said she doesn't swear in real life, but she does find some of them funny. it was in a karaoke.

>> No.45476766

500 hours is nothing.
Besides you have chat wheels instead.

>> No.45477868


nah it sounds like ina said something ending in "..pop" like "funko pop" and kiara is just being kiara, downbad as always

>> No.45479558
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>> No.45483792
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>> No.45483931
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>God damn it!
wait a minute...

>> No.45484177

saplings in shambles!

>> No.45484281

how to tell everyone you're a nigger without saying it outright

>> No.45484324

Yeah she watches Northernlion religiously, she sees the humor in swearing.

>> No.45485099
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>> No.45487272

She literally said “shit” in her hologra yesterday lmao

>> No.45487350

My oshi said fuck on stage during fes.

>> No.45489242


>> No.45493236

Didn't she have a subathon goal to actually start cursing

>> No.45493625
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>> No.45493964

ye olde internet feminists decided it was a dirty word because it uses female genitals and is used for women more often than most pejoratives by virtue of a lot of the other ones being used mostly for men (dick, prick, asshole, bastard, etc.)
and since ye olde internet feminism has made its way into all american-influenced cultures' pop culture, media, entertainment, education and politics, anywhere with burger influence is now retarded about 'cunt'

>> No.45494323

She did say "my aim is shit today" in one of the HL steams.

>> No.45496227

you can't use it on youtube. don't know if it's an instant video demonetization but it's on the bad word list.

>> No.45496304

what's a "mother trucker" again ?

>> No.45496848

What the fuck are you guys 13 years old? Getting too Fortnite streamers who swore vibes
