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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45352323 No.45352323 [Reply] [Original]

VTL4 Ro16 match against /HiRyS/ tonight at 02:00 WIB. To be streamed at: https://isthisliv.com/4cc/stream.html

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to chill and talk in-depth about behind the scenes of Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.


Previous thread: >>45100839

>> No.45352672


Ooooooo 4chan God, i pray to Thee. Please let this thread be free from any schizos.


>> No.45353546

DEIDEY...... DEIDEY WANGY WANGY WANGY WANGY WANGY WANGY HU HA HU HA HU HA, aaaah the smell of DEIDEY I'm sniffing her smell DEIDEY AAAAAAAAH ~~ Her hair.... aaah I want to stroke her hair ~ AAAAAH DEIDEY she so cute AAAAAAAAH


what ? DEIDEY doesn't exist ? Just a 2d character, you say ? nien, no no no no NOOOOOOOO I DON'T BELIEVE THAT SHE ISN'T REAL !! I DON'T CARE ABOUT REALITY, I DON'T CARE. DEIDEY sees me ... DEIDEY IS LOOKING AT ME!
DEIDEY... do you trust me ? aaaaaaaaaaah I'm grateful that DEIDEY isn't ashamed to have me aaaaaah YEAAAAAAAAAAAH I STILL HAVE DEIDEY, DEIDEY MY LOVE DEIDEY I LOVE YOU MY DEIDEY I WANT DEIDEY TO BE MY ANGELLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.45353592


>> No.45354209
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Does anyone know who's this?

>> No.45354520

Oh this is what Livium been teasing us about, you check who's who on Instagram link below, she's the MC there apparently

>> No.45357049

we should change suisei lokal to sex with deidey next vtl

>> No.45357189

>sex with deidey
Too long, just use Deisex.
Or Deipiss if you're into /ringo/.

>> No.45357518

I don't like Deisex as a name. Sex with Deidey is not that long and that's what one of the of IG Deisex poster said.

>> No.45357725

>IG Deisex
There's an IG named Sex with Deidey?

>> No.45359744
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>> No.45362175

i mean OG (as in original) sorry for the typo kek

>> No.45364498


>> No.45366073

Indos up.

>> No.45367938

Up just in time for timnas

>> No.45368989

We're facing an indo destroyer team guys give us your strength!

>> No.45370673
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Our QF against /pyon/ starts at Monday 00.40 WIB!

>> No.45370841
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/warkop/ WINS!


>> No.45372780
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Oh, and Loli Miti scored the 1000th goal of the /vt/ League! Another /warkop/ record in history!

>> No.45374799


>> No.45374806
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>> No.45378799


>> No.45379704
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>> No.45381271


>> No.45381334



holo en

>> No.45381468

ganbanged livium loli

>> No.45381508

Bangke tau darimana dah? Kenape engga taro di global aja?

>> No.45382584

do you have the archived stream? I miss it

>> No.45385149


>> No.45386592


>> No.45387184

Morning zatsu with MiU

>> No.45389733


>> No.45390660

Are you guys ready for more potential ID kino in today's holofes? Day 1 set the standard too high for me and I'm afraid to feel disappointed lmao

>> No.45391439

holofes wise I'm the most curious about our imported keris, I wonder what type of song she'll sing there since compared to Mooner who's a diva and Reine who has utaite background. Anya just doesn't sing much afaik. But before that don't forget that we have holo*27 first with Yopi, Mooner and Zoombie

>> No.45395608

after seeing shiraken group, i expect there will be pekomoon duet on this 2nd day. both reine and anya is a wild card for me, they both can surpass moona or even risu if they given the right song. i also hope they can be more expresive with their dance move

>> No.45396323

Hey i've been wondering for a while. im new here, where i can watch this football tour vod? i can't stay up for the night but im kinda corius by how this tournames goes

>> No.45397337

Check implying.fun or if you'd rather have some quick highlights check the channel behind this vid https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WPtfDhXEk4I

>> No.45404601

Jej, Snowdrop gen3 should've held their 1st collab rn but
>host's ISP stinky lel

>> No.45406486

She had to change the link rumao

>> No.45409677

Holy shit moona solo MC

>> No.45418296

Shit I missed mooner and zoombie, how was it?

>> No.45418923

Was pretty good, but nothing too extraordinary imo, just like the rest. Tbh the whole concert feels kinda soulless and not too memorable to me, I blame deco for that

>> No.45419727
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Epel, bless your pure soul. dammit i don't expect i teared up because this post

>> No.45421537

Damn quite a lot of streams today
Mahiru reviews marjan ads?
Ave tries out gartic.io
Get in for a date with Dina Mostarterra

>> No.45421749

>Anime ngeyel
Damn, Kobokerz can be dedicated af lel, Didn't expect them to appear at expo

>> No.45422889

ano/nym at it again

>> No.45424752

ASPIRA Balorant
Meissa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xH44PGSL9A
Vermelha : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYW2Vo0iSuA

>> No.45427840

Leone Halcon ngapex

>> No.45429330


>> No.45430475

Wew Igni got a fangame for his debut anniv, come and check how it looks like

>> No.45440695

He's the one that got in the stream yesterday right?

>> No.45443315

Should be him yea

>> No.45444053

God I hope more EN oriented ID vtubers will join EN branch and corpos.
Let the ID branch and corpos focuses on ID market instead of being EN lite. That way everyone will be happy, those who wants overseas money and fame will be able to fully get them without the ID debuff and those who prefers local fans and contents will be able to do it without having to go back and forth between local and overseas fans like Ollie or Reine which will leave them without any significant loyal fans.

>> No.45444268

>expected reine to sing gate open start
>sang illusion night instead
>expected moona to sing perisai jitu
>sang ai no chiisana uta instead
dang. oh well, at least both of their performances are great.

>> No.45444560

Don't worry, they will sing them at ID Holofes 2-3 years from now.
It is kind expected to be honest, except Kobo I doubt any of the IDs will sing Indo songs at JP Holofes.

>> No.45444940

Groomed Banana is holding a contest, watch the stream for more details

>> No.45445424

>ID Holofes 2-3 years from now
next year at worst, trust me.

>> No.45445598

>inb4 join ID4 instead and become reine 2.0

>> No.45448223

>Gate Open Start
Gotta bump up those EN songs quota
>Perisai Jitu
Do you expect Cover would let a normie ID song be showcased in their idol show?

>> No.45449270

Wait, is she a diaspora? More chance for ID4 instead of EN3 then

Nah, Reine is still okay. Ollie, on the other hand ...

>> No.45450204

Yeah segmentation is a thing, and I think both Reine and Mooner picked the right song knowing who mostly attends holofes in person

>> No.45451212

>id2 audition end july 19
>reine pl graduate aug 28
40 days
>id4 audition end feb 28
>that girl graduate march 18
18 days

very low chance for id4 but not impossible

>> No.45452709

This might be biased, and I also need confirmation for Kobokerz/Kobolonimbus outside Indonesia whether it's popular or not, but Mantra Hujan is such a catchy song, and given that she can finish it into the complete 4-mins song, I'd say that song is a good song for her to sing in next year Fes

>> No.45463694

Oppai loli on artistic mood rn

>> No.45464156
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>> No.45465021

Ey, 2.0 means improvement right?

>> No.45465336

I saved some warkop vtleague pics but it's all not named properly so now I can't find them hiks

>> No.45465609

sort it by date?

>> No.45465862
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Still too much effort

>> No.45466053

Geo Duel With Zen, Echi, Rena and Lenad

>> No.45468523

>inb4 she enters phase connect instead

>> No.45468758

Verin-Naya Gombal Review

>> No.45469712

>Let the ID branch and corpos focuses on ID market instead of being EN lite
Nah, Kaela has proven that being EN lite is the way to go. In fact she's earning so much more donations than anyone else in ID, it's absurd

>> No.45470730

She's dedicated.
That's why she earns a lot.

>> No.45470803

She will earns 4x if she's in EN.

>> No.45471107

It's okay, Kobo will sing Perisai Jitu next year since she doesn't have JP or EN song.
It's the best version anyway, sorry Risu.

>> No.45471186

>>45471107 (me)
meant for this >>45444268

>> No.45471314

My problem with Reine is not that she doesn't sing Gate: Open Start, It's because she sang her worst song instead of Love Me Love Me or that other JP song.

>> No.45471589

Reine should've picked love me love me then...
This actually has a higher chance than EN3 or ID4. People need to stop looking at graduation as a clue after what happened with EN2 and ID3.

>> No.45471840

She won't make a full version of Mantra Hujan. It's supposed to be a jingle and it's already iconic as it is. She probably will sing Oh Asmara or Fond Memories (if it's released already next year) unless they actually tell her that she can't sing ID song (or maybe they give her a JP or EN song for her 2nd birthday).

>> No.45472038
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Zoey yandere roleplay

>> No.45473685

honestly i kinda want to hear Aozora no sei da on stage :(

>> No.45474571

Any clues about fond memories anon?

>> No.45475019

Elaborate please? What "clue" do you want to know? What Fond Memories is or the progress of the song?

>> No.45475323

Both please, this is my first time hearing about that plan

>> No.45477004

This. I think both Gate Open:Start and Aozora no Sei da is quintessential for Reine. Oh well, there's still next year, I guess

>> No.45479330

Kawi's reading menfess tweets rn

>> No.45479397

Radio of the future has arrived in IDchuubasphere

>> No.45480139

Kobo's new original song's arranger
He worked with The Overtunes and Ardhito Pramono as a keyboardist before

>> No.45482055

Huh, interesting. I realized that Gen 3 use a lot of new people, a lot of them haven't work with JP-ish subculture before.

>> No.45482264
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man after watching the Holofes i really hope Yagoo does a concert in Indonesia. I mean we're a relatively pretty safe country, lots of international bands already did a show here, a sizeable weeb population (Comifuro), and we also have our own gens (3 of them in fact).

also, do you think the current ticket price for 1 day If you convert them from Yen to IDR is around 800k, do you think many people would buy it ?

>> No.45482513

Bpk. Sutirto ftw!

>> No.45482697

their meet and greet ticket was around 250k-300k yet it sold, so proper concert for 800k is affordable imo

but they really need to wait until id3 has 3d i guess, otherwise its gonna be short concert with only 6members

>> No.45483968

So, as we all know Kobo likes to make some random songs. She actually learned a bit about music production. She has made several short song prototypes in the past (I think from 2-3 years ago, iirc). Most of it are just a short instrumental bgm, because she wants to learn how to make a game. She even learned how to use UE but decided that it was too hard (of course kek). But there are some "songs" that are a little bit longer (some even use Miku).

Then, on her early mengen stream, she showed the prototype to Kobolonimbus. Obviously they ask her to make it a full song. She then decided on one that she really likes and asked Kobolonimbus to give her ideas for lyrics. The plan is to make the lyrics together (she picks some sentences from chat and then combines/alters it into the full lyrics). The credits for lyrics will be Kobo and Kobolonimbus.

The song is supposed to be her second orisong, which will be released after the full version of Mantra Hujan. But after that stream she never gave an update for a couple months. She even created another song on her freetalk (once again with chat), which eventually will become Oh Asmara, her actual 2nd Orisong. Meanwhile, the full version of Mantra Hujan was canceled, and i don't know about Fond Memories.

Now, i actually haven't watched a lot of her recent mengen stream. I keep missing it and forgot to watch the vod kek, i might've missed something so other Kobolonimbus can correct me or add to it. But afaik in the latest progress update, she already expanded the instrument until the chorus and added the lyrics too. But that was months ago idk if she gave any updates since, but clearly the plan has changed because we actually got Oh Asmara first.

>> No.45484045


>> No.45484529

Hanya dengan 39k Rupiah +taxkamu bisa join Kobolonimbus dan dapatkan berbagai keuntungan seperti badge, emote, maupun stream ekslusif. Ayo tunggu apa lagi? Segera join Kobolonimbus dan nikmati berbagai keuntungannya!

>> No.45484683

no, I won't spend any money on corpo chuuba.
especially big corpo, they earn much more money than i do.

>> No.45484687

Ojii-chan tachi

>> No.45484807

So, according to Ollie, there is "something" that will get announced next month and she advises us to "save our wallet".

>> No.45484861

> Fond memories

is it the one with "suara hujan yg menyentuh memory, dengarlah" lyrics that i heard from kobo clippers?

>> No.45484953

HoloID fest obviously, there's a reason why ID3 all wants to go to Japan.

>> No.45485018


>> No.45485032

We're facing /pyon/ down under soon!

>> No.45485113
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>> No.45485243

I was hoping for a miniconcert actually

>> No.45485254


>> No.45485405

that's actually what i mean by that

>> No.45485476

Unless Indonesian currency made up a decent chunk of Holofes' SPWN ticket sales, I don't see why they would want to. So buy the tickets and stop pirating hololive concerts if you want Cover to actually give HoloID a chance.

>> No.45485631

yeah but the meet and greet wasn't in indonesia and you cant really compare it with a concert since it would need much much more planning.
>wait until id3 has 3d
yeah that's probably the most possible so we're gonna have to wait for a while then dammit. oh and dont forget ID4 is debuting within this year.

i think miku expo really did leave a mark on some JPs company about doing a concert in indonesia.

when is comifuro again ? maybe holo wants to have their booth there ?

>> No.45485709

Well, Babymetal will finally come to Indonesia again this year (after the original plan was canceled because of covid and they actually get a bigger venue), so surely that means our weebs buys a lot of the original tickets, right?

>> No.45486290


>> No.45486608

>i think miku expo really did leave a mark on some JPs company about doing a concert in indonesia.
explain further

>> No.45486624


>> No.45486709

Nothing, he's retarded because stuff like that happened everywhere outside of Japan.

>> No.45486793

thanks for the game, i always liked you guys

>> No.45487019

Thanks, good luck hope you guys can win.

>> No.45487096


>> No.45487141
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And, that's it, folks.

We lose to the Aussie's Cunny Bunny. Even sad, the Kominfo GK kwabbing by giving the ball to the /pyon/ forwards through the goal kick so Kiki can score.
At least, Deisex scores. For real.

>> No.45487309

I'm curious and search who Ardhito Pramono is, read his wiki and found this
>On July 29, 2022, a scandalous video of masturbated man suspected for being Pramono, spread on Twitter.
wtf, did not expect that kek

>> No.45487363

Niji > Kominfo confirmed

>> No.45487450

I can't believe that we help /vsj+/ and now they're further than us (and looking at the condition, they might go to the finals).

>> No.45487492

gg warkop

>> No.45487637

Did the Lionel Messi Bing Chilling chant get played at all btw? If not then i can't believe our best chant just got wasted like that. We need to trim our chant that Jokowi's chant is shit.

>> No.45487680

I want to score inside Deisex!

>> No.45487941

any link?

>> No.45488541

How convenient is it to buy the tickets? If it requires a credit/debit card, then that's not a good metric at all, and Cover should've known this already since they finally learned about that and opened Tokopedia and Socialbuzz after almost 2 years kek.

I've said it before, convenience is a big thing if you want to expand into a market. That's why some foreign companies fail in ID (ex: Uber fails despite the success of Grab and Gojek). Even hololive are struggling for so long (while Niji just straight up flop) and only manages to win the market because of their extremely stronk EN and JP fanbase + local corpos sucks.

>> No.45492294

Indos up.

>> No.45494090


>> No.45496050


For an event that ended around 1 AM , no wonder it's pretty exhausting.

There are some notable visitors i see leaving early, Gemi, Alenka's manager, is one. But yeah, he's in a local talkshow at noon after the event, so yeah, pretty justified https://twitter.com/alenkainventra/status/1637326128775061504

also, i realized it's just days before ramadan so yeah; get washed up with drinks and then get your soul cleansed some days after, lol

>> No.45498543

with that coming soon, are there any hyp for ramadan among IDchuubas? I haven't seen any special events planned at all

>> No.45499812

/vsj+/ won /vt/ League 4!

/warkop/ helped /vsj+/ advanced by beating /aa+corpo/ so badly that /vsj+/ advances by GD differences and become the worst 2nd-placed teams in the entire league.

>> No.45501943

this one is in indonesia

>> No.45503033

No Nijisenja this year :(

>> No.45503044

But we don't really have a rl concert that's anything virtual since Miku Expo wasn't it?

>> No.45504815

How bout Mamah Moona? Will it return this Ramadan?

>> No.45506921

It's just holoID 3rd anniv

>> No.45508047

I bought it using Jago. Right now we have more alternatives to credit/debit cards, so it was already convenient enough. Of course, if they want to open a concert in Indonesia, I expect them to provide us with some local payment gateways, maybe they can use ticket.com or other similar services.

>> No.45509021

I feel like they shouldn't stop at local ticketing platforms, they should collaborate with local streaming platforms too like goplay who I remember used to collab with NijiID, it'd definitely be a gud alternative for curious locals out there

>> No.45512642

And you think they wont ham on that momentous opportunity?

>> No.45513869

its clipper outro song, but i forgot which clipper is it, kobo has many dedicated clipper

>> No.45515255

>No Nijisore
Come on, M-chan, Hans, Digikagi/Livium staff-san, it's a primetime slot waiting to be filled

>> No.45515812

I think I remember when the news of Tokopedia Holoshop dropped, Risu was telling ID peeps to "put their wallet where one's mouth is" or something like that. I don't watch Risu that much, but if what I know that Risu is such a Vocaloid fans is correct, she saw what happened back then and don't want it happen the second time.
Crypton (the company that created Hatsune Miku) wanted to do some international live concert, so they made a website where one could vote which country they want to do their live concert next. One of the most voted one was Indonesia. The reception before and during the voting period was pretty good on FB, which Indonesian mostly use back then in 2013-2014. But that place, particularly in the official Hatsune Miku FB account, became the ground zero of the shift in opinion where the everyone can see what kind of customer they wanted to serve.
It would be fine if they were just shitposting in the official account comment section but still at least fill all the seats at the live back then, but they didn't. That's the worst part. I'm still haunted by the comment "Better to buy Sennheiser than this ticket" cuz that was the worst comment chain from that comment section.
Not to mention being the only one Miku Expo that is freely available officially on YouTube, at least as far as I know now. I haven't followed Vocaloid scene in a long time since then.

>> No.45515891

I can never get litter catbox Moe to work, is it blocked in Indo or something? Tried different browsers and vpn, nothing works

>> No.45516166

Opera's vpn works, but for some reason TOR doesn't work

>> No.45516796

spill the livium tori pics, i know you guys are /here/ too

>> No.45517307
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Taken by my friend who were there (I wasn't attending, busy doing something)

>> No.45517822

Catbox block indo IP for uploading CP so you need a good VPN for it to works

>> No.45519099

Another one from Indira's illustrator: https://twitter.com/Rutorifuki/status/1637106394846617601

>> No.45521968

TOR used to work to access catbox last year.
Early last year I didn't even have to use anything to access catbox.

>> No.45522273

yuura seems need correction

also, sell on me on yuura (on 1-10 scale, how yab she is)

>> No.45522541

From a bunch of clips I watched, she seems to be the drunkard of Livium.

>> No.45522678

I have Jago, it's great because you can use it to pay internationally (works much better than my Mandiri debit) but it's still not something most people have yet. It's not hard to open the account, but it's still nowhere near as easy as GoPay or OVO.

>> No.45523856

kek, you even need to make statement letter to open up international transaction for the credit card. Fucking useless card

>> No.45525658
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- Legal loli.
- Her dono count uses sake (the drink ).
- Good singing, her cover on debut was a bold choice of enka song.
- so far the best JP speaker in Livium. Lore-wise she'd have a Kyoto accent (that's why she calls her manager mane-han instead of m-san)
- her illust mama is the same as necoryn (shizune corryn), shizumi mizuki, and ex-id's Nagisa Arcinia
- lore-wise, she used to be a yakuza leader, So handling one or two men shouldn't be hard for her.
- possibly a hag. Way above the legal age for drinking.
- no nsfw yet so far. I hope artists are more aware of the hashtag #yuuranaika (it's for nsfw... right? it's only lennyface on the tag's description, lol)

Pic sauce : https://twitter.com/Ikazu401/status/1597460422793211904

>> No.45527504
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>> No.45530147


>> No.45532037

Not really yab. She's as vanilla as it gets when it comes to local drama and what not (I think this also because she's kinda underperfomed compared to her genmates). But her contents are good! Lots of variety streams (Karaoke, Lottery, Storytelling, etc.), and she seems able to reel her audience nicely. If you want a loli baba variety streamers experience, then she's a perfect choice for you

>> No.45532082

yes, we know that. The question is what sort of project they're going to do?

>> No.45533189

"Group Correction" with HoloH3ro

>> No.45533925
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>> No.45534103

can't these girl rant on their roomate account or something? why they always make it public?

>> No.45534347

to be fair, that can be asked of everyone, why post online when you can just talk to yourself about it.
answer is social validation

>> No.45534522

kikebook raid? If I remember correctly Airi is in the tournament

>> No.45534717

If they are still raiding Airi, they really are a bunch of faggots. Imagine being that much rent-free.

>> No.45536451

Either social validation, or just putting things in the right context. Because that OW2 tournament is Selia's tournament.
Sure, she can rant in her private alt, but that'll be a mere echo chamber and the concerns may not reach the right people

>> No.45537047

New Miti cover incoming!

>> No.45537860

is something happen on kikebook?

>> No.45538468
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> Xia & Siska gapleh collab
Never thought they'd handcam this

>> No.45538546

it's not a real.gapleh if you don't use the domino block, it's not satisfying

>> No.45539132

Dimas PV as wibu rohis embrace his wibu rohis influence in his kikebook grup vtuber posting unvierse

>> No.45540196

But if it's kikebook attack then surely posting on twitter is kinda wrong as well since twitter is very different to kikebook

>> No.45540847

>R-18 doujin
"saus gan"

>> No.45541596

Posting it on facebook is just adding fuel to a fire like Airi did.

>> No.45541846

who ?

>> No.45542288

I think there's a chance for holoro 3D debut as well in April, so I think Ollie's teasing that holoID gonna pump tons of merch next month

>> No.45542328

I checked on VPU. There's a discussion (not started by Dimas) about that summer announcement after Holofest. People assumed that HoloID will finally get their summer outfit and it's assumed will be a bikini. So, some dwellers there are concerned about it. OP made some points about it:

1. There's no summer in Indonesia, so it'll be strange for HoloID to even get a summer-themed outfit, at least according to OP.

2. Wearing a bikini at the beach or even at the swimming pool isn't Indonesian culture, unlike JP and EN. So, people will feel uncomfortable when they saw HoloID girls using bikinis. About the counter-argument (?) like >>45540847, it's a different context. Local weebs consumed R-18 content solely for coom, not for entertainment. So, it'll be a problem for the HoloID girls and the management if they see HoloID bikinis in the same way as R-18 content, not for solely entertainment reasons (if the management intended it and not as the coomer content)

3. OP fears that there'll be a backlash against HoloID bikinis content, to which the end game is normies being involved, including Kominfo.

So, that's it. I guess we'll see different bars when it comes to what's not to do for the entertainment company. For EN, it's that funny wizard game, since some people assumed that anyone who played it is transphobic and supported trans genocide. Let's see how the ID fandom reacts.

>> No.45543029

i mean holo summer have paid content right and i believe cover will put EN and ID on paid one not as freebies

>> No.45543480

The best response to Facebook is silence. We have seen those groups attacking a VTuber for some reason, whether it be Ollie, Miti, or other VTubers. The sanest response for being bullied by Facebook is to simply leave. Miti did so; that's why you rarely see a Simpthia in Facebook now. Most of us moved/stayed to Twitter or Instagram.

I pity Airi, but she kind of shot herself in the foot. I'm very sure the Facebookfags will stop, though. They will move on to another punching bag. There will always be a new one.

>> No.45543958

Diaspora Indo is so weternized, they might go more menhera than local. I hope Hololive won't recruit them.

>> No.45544333
File: 770 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20230320-193942_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i kinda expected a bit of Amogus twist where new Astra killed the old Astra

>> No.45545206
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, zoey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoey Minecraft + Zatsu live in 1 hour

>> No.45545871

It's kinda valid opinion though. Or should we watch HoloID getting dismantled by KOMNINFO , Police, and normies?
Others have their rules, we have ours. It is what it is.

>> No.45546916

Cae outed her CF16 blans
MiU plays her own fangame
Cecil waifu review comes to an end?
Lenad on Brutal Hero MC again
Leone on Elytra hunt

>> No.45547042

That's true. I would've preferred for them to do a miniconcert instead.

>> No.45547927

>Mainin bh yang mana lagi nich?~
mainin bh lol

>> No.45548275


>> No.45549416


Maha5 on code yellow after leaks of possible future model. Social media maneuver? or purely yab by the staffs?

>> No.45549561


>> No.45549967

If this them trying to AKAfy themselves, it could send an insane precedent that dramafagging works in IDchuuba context

>> No.45550112

publicity is publicity, right?

>> No.45551723

bad publicity is still a publicity after all

>> No.45553874

I mean if they debuted their 3d like ID1 were, then we should see a miniconcert as their 3d relay finale

>> No.45554255

Isn't Kobo's default outfit just sport bra and crop top hoodie? I don't see anyone complaining about it and she has the most normie audience in HoloID. It's like Pekora's bunny outfit that looks lewd on anyone except Pekora herself.

>> No.45554653

People see Kobo as bocil, not a sexy girl in tight yoga pants and top. So, no moral panic.

>> No.45554654

exactly, its just wibu rohis making a fuss about 2D bikini afterall
even if they really want to do summer event, they wont go full haram, they could take example from this

tight and pits are okay i guess
afterall, who would get horny from japanese cartoon, right?

>> No.45555563

y-yeah, what kind of loser would get horny from japanese cartoon, haha...

>> No.45556770

Awanama, this went viral on tiktok cekidot
People posted this to me claiming that cover will never held a holoconcert in ID, because forget buying power, forget income growth, if we still don't have the mentality to respect others effort. Wdyt /warkop/?

>> No.45558053

Are you sharing this through your personal TikTok account...

>> No.45558601

tldw, but this is 2023 and that girl is still living in the past. this is not 2014.

>> No.45559122

> "Mikuexpo: dumb viewers who function on FOMO-inducing salt ruins the concert's aftersales projection by unknowingly spreading full/partial of the show illegally"
> "Music concerts: weebs only want their favorite band/group to perform, they don't need anything else"
> (extra) "Anime almost extinct in cinemas theater, as a result of full camrip piracy"

yep, we still have a long way to go, to properly appreciate the art, the technology, and the amount of hard work behind it.
I'd say we are still recovering from the aftermath of pirated DVDs era where it can be a dollar or even less, per title. Sure, there's netflix and all nowadays, but knowing how Indonesians tend to look for the cheapest reachable option (or even free), well...

>> No.45559359

Do people think that rich countries became rich because they already have the civilized culture from the start? No, it's the reverse, civilized culture and respect within the society is created from prosperity. When a society as a whole is having a hard time to survive, they will use any means necessary to survive, thus creating a toxic culture where the rules are weak. Did you know that Korean used to litter the streets back in 90s even though their cities were already look like Japanese cities?
This "mentality to get rich" is bullshit, you don't teach people to have the right mentality to fish, you teach people how to fish, and when they have a lot of fish within their bellies they will understand the right and wrong.

In the context of Miku concert, that was 10 years ago, back then piracy was rampant and people didn't care, they have other priorities. But now entertainment industry in Indonesia is no joke, it's not monopolized by TVs anymore, youtubers and selebgram can gain more money than TV celebs. Anyone can create their own contents and they have basic understanding of how precious a copyright is.

People used to doubt vtubing in Indonesia when Nijisanji ID came, they were afraid that the vtubers would get harassed and doxxed to graduation and ID vtubing will never work, but look at it now.
I'd say we will never know unless Cover tries, but I'm positive that it will be a success. Indonesia now is different than Indonesia back then, and it will be more 10 years in tbe future.

>> No.45559412

Anon is your standard chindo with pasaran name.
Anyway, that's how it is in Indonesia. We are not a developed country, we are still a developing country. Anyone who hold concert here should expect some degree of piracy or any kinds of problems (littering and vandalism comes to mind). Not that I support it, just that so people would lower their standard and not be disappointed. Especially Japanese companies, since they have high standard of how things should work, etc.
Maybe next time when we are already a developed country, anon.

>> No.45559687

sure this is not 2014, but if you see in tiktok and youtube there are videos of ID member in paid stream part that got pirated. what will jp management thing of this?

and when they see the number of id fans who buy the stream is low. there will be no holoid concert in indonesia

>> No.45561133

what I actually meant is HoloID paid miniconcert sponsored by CT corp

>> No.45561545

oh also to anyone who said that pirated concert, mentality, and all that jazz. Remember that our first AFA was conducted in 2012. It has music concert and even though it's a relatively small venue, the venue is still full of people with absolutely insane energy. I know because I went there myself. Do not underestimate Indonesian otaku because we have buying power. What happened during Miku was unfortunate but poll has never been a reliable metric of anything.

>> No.45564616

lmao forget about Concert i just want Hololive to open up their official booth at some event here first.
