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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45206196 No.45206196 [Reply] [Original]

Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams,
as well as the discussion of the 7 Sins of the Retrocalypse.

The sin of streaming way too much.

▶Amiya Aranha◀
The sin of being way too attached to chat

The sin of raging at useless NPC's
https://www.twitch.tv/rionavt (embed)

The sin of having her streams die all the time

▶Sava Safari◀
The sin of eating all kinds of weird shit

The Sin of being sleepy all the time
https://www.twitch.tv/clauvio (embed)

▶Woozie Wannai◀
The sin of going to boomer shooters whenever her other games don't work out

Other more talked about Chuubas:

▶Professor Bloom◀
https://www.twitch.tv/profbloomvtuber (embed)

https://www.twitch.tv/ninaninin (embed)

https://www.twitch.tv/batatvideogames (embed)

▶TheGoodJared aka Hank Hill◀
https://www.twitch.tv/thegoodjared (embed)

▶Mint Castella◀
https://www.twitch.tv/mintcastella (embed)

More Retro Chuubas:

/vrt/ Divegrass Team:

Previous Thread:

Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
Nina Main Thread >>>/vt//nina/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
Production Kawaii General >>>/vt//pkg/
AkioAIR and other small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/

>> No.45206304
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Woozie LOVE
Riona LOVE
Clauvio LOVE

>> No.45206357
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>> No.45206373

if they stream retro once in six months and are posted a lot on /wvt/ they are retro chuubas according to list autist

>> No.45206372

Woozie LOVE
Riona LOVE
Clauvio LOVE

>> No.45206435

honestly just ban wvt for fucks sake. why do those fags and their fans have to infest this place

>> No.45206444
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, 1653138603708688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you always use the same chuuba for your pic in these posts? what about the other girls?

>> No.45206487

I've never even looked at the list

>> No.45206492

ban list anon too for shoving /wvt/ nonsense down our throats

>> No.45206552


>> No.45206581

wasted trips, you can just check the last 3 threads and see different chuubas for ritual posts in all of them

>> No.45206602
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I like Bloom desu

>> No.45206754
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that's not how this site works unfortunately
just ignore them and talk about Lumi and others

>> No.45206783
File: 63 KB, 1155x324, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To actual posters: remember too jsut ignore their shit no matter how annoying and ignore people that seem to argue with the schizos because its jsut more schizos trying to get reactions

yadda yadda bla bla, you knnow the drill, this ain't our first rodeo nor our last, enjoy some streams while they do their shit:

riona with zelda rando: https://www.twitch.tv/rionavt

nina with F.E.A.R. : https://www.twitch.tv/ninaninin

hank with some megaman: https://www.twitch.tv/thegoodjared

>> No.45206784

Ona Lumi

>> No.45206827

>one post from 2 years ago

>> No.45206843

yeah i dont even like bringing that shit up but that last thread was absolute shite

>> No.45206944

the worst part of all the retro streams being stacked earlier is that now nobody I want to watch is streaming

>> No.45207028

If the only thing you want to watch is retro streams then the problem is you. There are cute streamers streaming now, but well, it's not retro games.

>> No.45207049

FINALLY someone posting Hank, respect Hank you fucks

>> No.45207208

Riona is still live...

>> No.45207654

ok hank

>> No.45207732

I respect the propane salesman.

>> No.45207755

yeah, but I'm salty she's playing zelda instead of morrowind

>> No.45207899


>> No.45208016

she's on a 3 week break

>> No.45208065

I'll play tomorrow if I can get it to work without (too many) crashes. It's really my bad that I didn't properly test the game before stream. Sorry, anon. :(

>> No.45208155

>Sava is also not going to stream next week

>> No.45208213

touch yourself

>> No.45208302


>> No.45208311

congrats on getting twitch partner!
I was just being overly dramatic anyway

>> No.45208322
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tsun tsun for zelder

>> No.45208366

I love you mommy

>> No.45208373

openmw is a meme, MCP is more stable

>> No.45208868


>> No.45209023

woozie will do some guerillas next week

>> No.45209150

i love you too

>> No.45209369


>> No.45209686

I played New Vegas for 100+ hours and I didn't know this song was in the game, I heard it in Lumi's stream for the first time

>> No.45209968

riona please post your sexual parts

>> No.45210783

I like gatekeeping now

>> No.45210813
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>> No.45212688
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>> No.45213308
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Resident Evil 4, but I think it's the xbox version

>> No.45215713
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>> No.45216581

I didn't save Ami's sketch in time...

>> No.45216906
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>> No.45217840

ami cute

>> No.45220174

Oh wow she's mentioned here? || I follow the artist behind her, I think it's neat ||

>> No.45220481

Not retro.

>> No.45220725

it's a gamecube game with a facelift. the remake won't be retro just like the other RE games.

>> No.45220952

ignore the seething retard. they know damn well the RE4 remake has no business counting as retro

>> No.45221084

https://www.twitch.tv/arururosario Join best girl as she plays Bully for the first time!

>> No.45222454
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>> No.45223232

https://www.twitch.tv/clauvio REmake first time playthrough

>> No.45224319
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>> No.45226315
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Cutest prostitute

>> No.45227309

daww she was so nervous to show a picture of the crimson chin with his buttox exposed her heart rate went up almost 20 points

>> No.45228751
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>> No.45230374


>> No.45231581
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Will Lumi replay them now?

>> No.45232999


>> No.45233309

Are we in divegrass today?

>> No.45233768

oh god that looks so ugly

>> No.45234010

Yep. Last group match. We will advance no matter the result.

>> No.45234178

/vrt/ stronk

>> No.45235336
File: 514 KB, 1080x1206, Screenshot_20230317_180314_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45236699

love you woozie

>> No.45236781
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Betrayal at Krondor

>> No.45237130
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SOUL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9dtfr6fdlw

>> No.45237988

Weird hour to see Ami, lets see how tired she is. She often starts streams like 8 hours later or even 12 hours later if she does a late-start.

>> No.45238282

seems like they've been taking turns waking up early for each other

>> No.45238963

I'm wondering what the difference is exactly between wvt and vrt if the chuuba streams retro? I know this sounds like bait but I am sincerely looking for the answer so that I know where the lines are drawn

>> No.45239051

huh? if a chuuba is playing retro even if it's a one off you post their stream here that's all there is to it

>> No.45239493

/wvt/ is a clique

>> No.45239616

What even is retro nowadays, i.e what year/console generation is the cut-off point?

>> No.45239633

wvt is a circle jerk clique made up of a bunch of vtubers that self post

>> No.45239965

lurk moar

>> No.45240008
File: 254 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitton of franchises started in the 80's.
Ami will uncover the huge layer of history for Lumi.

>> No.45240050

>Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007

>> No.45240616

Oh okay so it is a specific list of vtubers jacking themselves off, not just "western vtubers" as a whole

>> No.45240679


>> No.45240756

if you think about it, vrt is similar except it's a circle jerk of anons posting the same chuubas they want to shill all the time

>> No.45240779

Thanks, that actually clears it up really well

>> No.45240855

its fine since we're not a bunch of vtubers with highschool level twitter and discord drama who sometimes date and fuck each other irl

>> No.45240898


>> No.45241452


>> No.45241474


>> No.45241477

they're live

>> No.45241494

I don't think they'll finish this campaign kek

>> No.45241588

Ami wants to sing for radio Lumi!!!!!!!1

>> No.45241661

Bean with some Zelda https://www.twitch.tv/soyapoya

>> No.45241676

>the faggot is talking about off-topic shit even in the collab

>> No.45241794

Lumi really haven't prepared for the stream. Each of those magazines is 100+ pages and it will be incredibly hard to find notable shit just by skimming through the covers.

>> No.45242205

That's why she comissioned a RNG roulette.

>> No.45242580

Lumi, goddam, your opsec.

>> No.45242615

What did she do now? Didn't she already hide something before on the stream?

>> No.45242621

what, what'd she slip?

>> No.45242792

google searched commodore 64 then flashed a bunch of search history in japper

>> No.45242876

i thought those were search suggestions

>> No.45243039

maybe guess we'll have to review the vod unless she pulls it

>> No.45243124

It's pretty sad how they never made a sequel to Highlander, it was a really neat movie.

>> No.45243166

There could only be one

>> No.45243410

they made an anime though, I never watched it but kawajiri directed it so it's probably fun

>> No.45243441

they did a TV show. No movies though.

>> No.45244188

fuck they're cuties
retro godessesssssssssssss

>> No.45244307

Didn't they make like three of them?

>> No.45244440

Yeah, an anime, a TV series and a game. 3 of them after the movie.

>> No.45244499

that's the joke. Everyone including the creators pretends nothing between the first movie and tv series doesn't exist for lore raping

>> No.45244980

why are they so cute

>> No.45245223

https://www.twitch.tv/all_bonesjones pac guy, a pacman bootleg apparently

>> No.45245796

Why does he stream so early. Where is he from anyway? He sort of rolls his r's

>> No.45245860

Sex! With Lumi! And Ami!
While Woozie is forced to watch!

>> No.45245959

I think the r rolling is just a character thing, like a skeletor voice thing

>> No.45246364

yes it is a character thing, he has talked about it before, not sure what is timezone is either

>> No.45246641

I want to titfuck Lumi while Ami sucks the tip

>> No.45246650
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7YIx_uKd0g Kirby's Dream Land

>> No.45246668
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>> No.45246781

all me

>> No.45246820

I think these two NERDS need to KISS each other!

>> No.45246878

>chat talks about "old" Ys games
>they actually mean the remakes

>> No.45247328

When Ami visits Japan the first thing she'll see is Lumi and they WILL hold hands

>> No.45247394
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>> No.45247436

Which remakes? 1&2 Chronicles+ are a good way to play the first two games, but Oath and Celceta are no substitutes for Wanderers from Ys and Dawn of Ys

>> No.45247664


>> No.45247688
File: 2.92 MB, 700x710, unoueat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unou, my beloved

>> No.45247732
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>> No.45247785

Not bad. I feel like usually collabs don't get high numbers, but this one has slowly been climbing up.

>> No.45248104

I never liked Chronicles' art style, or the changes it made. The map is too different and it ruins the pacing
the Turbografx games are the only ones I liked

>> No.45248118
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>> No.45248319

>sees "japs"
>be careful, it has an outdated word
lmao no wonder buckos are all twitterfags

>> No.45248370

>yanks on screen
I will never forgive the japs

>> No.45248434

the brown hair and background in this thumbnail make it look like there's a guy standing on either side of her resting their dicks on her head

>> No.45248509


>> No.45248532
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>> No.45248625

It's always funny to me when basic shortenings of the accepted word for a group of people somehow ends up becoming considered a slur

>> No.45248627

I don't get it

>> No.45248661

I'll fuck you

>> No.45248668

alpha Q = i'll fuck you?

>> No.45249343

Every version is different, it's not like the TurboGrafx version is the original either, so for a newcomer to the series I think Chronicles is still a good starting point

>> No.45249451

Lumi is corrupting Ami...

>> No.45250284

What the fuck are these clues

>> No.45250472

They sound like insider jokes or something

>> No.45250713
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Footie in an hour! Our group matrix

>> No.45250873

I hope the British will be one of the commentators

>> No.45251244
File: 286 KB, 1024x1024, 1678243373902915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to see riona stream this...
Would also love another baking stream

>> No.45251296
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>> No.45251347

i like that rough sounding guy that only ever seems to come for our games, he seems to enjoy the /vrt/ team

>> No.45251360

b, of course

>> No.45251440

A for milfs/hags, B in any other case

>> No.45251455


>> No.45251471

Yeah I do too. In fact, they're all really good

>> No.45251477
File: 274 KB, 382x666, 1672174906127796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am sure that onen day we shall be blessed by her bakery once more

>> No.45251487


>> No.45251605

/vt/ pls halp this hag at the bar won't leave me alone and I'm beginning to think she's sexually interested what do I do!?!?

>> No.45251661

That entirely depends on who your oshi is. If she's a whore, you're allowed to be one too.

>> No.45251791

punch her

>> No.45251872
File: 1.10 MB, 1135x647, e45t45th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this pair

>> No.45252110

>hear "intercourse"
>giggle uncontrollably like little girls

>> No.45252209

yeah with me

>> No.45252271
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>> No.45252311


>> No.45252439

i picked a but i would not feel guilty in the slightest. include more options next time

>> No.45252503

>my oshi (the perfect woman) or 3DPD
normalfags get out

>> No.45252759

indulge in pleasures of the flesh with the whore while remaining spiritually faithful to my oshi

>> No.45253032
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>> No.45253094
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>> No.45253236
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>> No.45253326
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lumi and ami finishing jsut in time for divegrass to start hmmmm...

>> No.45253556

They are ready to SCORE SOME GOALS!

>> No.45255064

kiki never watched our games live...

>> No.45255688

when is our match?

>> No.45255745

50 minutes give or take.

>> No.45255773

after this there's korone's match and after that it's our match

>> No.45256389

https://www.twitch.tv/inkobox final fantasy x-2

>> No.45256429
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So, magazine reading might become a semi-regular thing

>> No.45257036

As much as I love all /vrt/ chuubas, there is no one that comes close to Unou in terms of energy, she's on a completely another level

>> No.45257391

Korone is unbeatable

>> No.45257418

This girl have a nice model when i look at this it give me hope i dont understand why

>> No.45257999

In a couple minutes. Mr. Koro just finishing destroying /nasfaqq/ and /vrt/ is in

>> No.45258375
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>> No.45258397
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>> No.45258447


>> No.45258552

HOW is Hank purple again?

>> No.45258596

At least the defensive line in front of him is all red-hot

>> No.45258633
File: 84 KB, 316x179, 1666077320213694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woozie will save us

>> No.45258748

Good hype video once again, whoever keeps making these

>> No.45258954

We have a random non-medal bot scoring?!

>> No.45259015


>> No.45259159

two games in a row. SEA is just that good

>> No.45259500

me nop inglish is too strong

>> No.45259664

ANOTHER non-medal scores. Hank has been a Purple-Ass Wall.

>> No.45259774

>we score
>have to listen bloom
>774 scores
>get to listen tough boy
I'm rooting for 774 now

>> No.45259857

Its a draw and we are officially out of the groups! Not our best game, felt like our medals did nothing on offense but good thing we didn't need much today.

>> No.45259868

And /vrt/ advances!

>> No.45259932

boring match, hank redeemed himself though

>> No.45259944

>glance at chat one time just to see some faggot pushing the "Bloom is Woozie's dad"
whoever you are know that i hate you to your core

>> No.45259994


>> No.45260233

the medals did basically nothing today but the non-medals kept it going

>> No.45260417

well, seems liek we might be getting a second game for /vrt/ today if we go into thunderdome

i really would love it if our girls could wake the fuck up...

>> No.45260443

>the medals did basically nothing today
My nigger did you see that telescopic assist from Lumi?

>> No.45260685

yeah but where are the goals? they need to keep the pressure on because we can't rely on hank in goal too much

>> No.45261250


>> No.45261296

Sava Live

>> No.45261426


Reiny Gonna play Toonstucks

>> No.45261570


>> No.45261659
File: 47 KB, 1208x1139, 1650793495377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well divegrass lads... i hope you are excited for another match today because we gooing to the thunderdome in like 2-3 matches

>> No.45261912

Wtf, why second match

>> No.45261975

we're a bottom four 2nd place team

>> No.45262005

Oh nvm, there is some dumbass system where only 5 teams who got 2nd in groups advance automatically for some reason. The rest do a small playoffs to see who continues

>> No.45263405

>Sava's mother speaks fluent Russian
>has an uncle in Norway
>has relatives (from her father's remarriage I think) in vietnam
what a weird family

>> No.45264022

woozie is playing for corpo rn

>> No.45264207


>> No.45264238
File: 485 KB, 796x386, das gud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German (EN speaking) vtuber with a cold playing Gothic II

>> No.45264383
File: 527 KB, 613x612, ami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ami's playing Sonic even if my youtube says she isn't

>> No.45264460

still need to get a nice screenshot of her for the list

>> No.45264469

>susan gets replaces
>site stop working

>> No.45264535
File: 1.63 MB, 957x957, 01-55Freya-Kumamori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get well soon Freya.

>> No.45264557
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>the list

>> No.45264565

That cough sounds bad.

>> No.45265110

>playing against /vsj+/
it's over

>> No.45265228

yeah i hope she gets well soon

>> No.45265292

I wish chuubas would just rest when they're sick

>> No.45265810
File: 7 KB, 1024x1024, vrt logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright lads, next game is us in the thunderdome vs /vsj+/

>> No.45265900


>> No.45266061
File: 302 KB, 339x487, Dna6TqWTAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hank is also playing some Megamen https://www.twitch.tv/thegoodjared

>> No.45266377


>> No.45266776

do you guys accept the inline scripts?

>> No.45266788

poor hank

>> No.45266833

it's over...

>> No.45266864

yes retardchama

>> No.45266957

it's ogre

>> No.45266958

damn we look terrible

>> No.45266996

Hank needs to be purple, thats his comfort-zone. Offense looks like a mess, nobody wants to shoot.

>> No.45267015

we need to chain up the good keepers and force them to play retro so we can claim them next league

>> No.45267059

kiki don't shit on woozie in the divegrass chat

>> No.45267088

Finally! Lumi scores and we get to hear this goal horn. More shit like this, /vsj/ has holes in the defense.

>> No.45267109

best robot would like to have a word with you doubting anonymous

>> No.45267110


>> No.45267127


>> No.45267136

kekoff abuse would like to have a word with you naive anonymous

>> No.45267141

Aaaand there it goes. I'm not sure what is going on on the defense, mouse just walks to the box and shoots while two defenders watch.

>> No.45267156

ironmouse says fuck you

>> No.45267187


>> No.45267302

Its a shooting match! The biggest problem is that once mouse gets the ball we just let her walk in and shoot. That cant end well

>> No.45267327

I cant believe amiya fucking died

>> No.45267354

hank can block???

>> No.45267373

he was great in the last match

>> No.45267399

hank is so goddamn dramatic

>> No.45267538

what the fuck is wrong with our defense, they just pass between each other instead of advancing

>> No.45267672

anons love to jump on bandwagons and can't really think for themselves. Same reason you get a bunch of random kids yelling about niji vs holo or ranting about discord or trannies or whatever is the boogeyman of the week. Most of the people bitching about a particular board have probably never even looked at it, and vrt is especially toxic at times.

>> No.45267750

lumi will save us, i believe

>> No.45267761
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It has been fun game, even if we end up losing. Its better to die in a fun game

>> No.45267834
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>> No.45267864
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>> No.45267943

our defense is genuinely awful

>> No.45267946

Aiiiieeee the fucking cat and the fucking mouse are fucking us over!

>> No.45268049

Its over... Ironmouse scored 4 goals against us

>> No.45268147

hank did his best, its the fuckign defennse doing jack shit

>> No.45268439

Oh well, at least we got Ami and Lumi scoring and some good saves from Hank. And good hype-videos. Better luck next league

>> No.45268499
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I don't get it, how did this happen. We were doing so good...

>> No.45269529

I would despise vrt if all of our chuubas were in this thread and it was full of drama, grooming, shittalking others on twitter and their discord. its not tribalism. there is just no defending that shithole when some of the worst parts of it are the vtubers themselves

>> No.45269600

https://www.twitch.tv/iekushichapipi Mega Man X

>> No.45269647

Sava will be back in 6 days and she'll play more old games because she'll stream from a shitty laptop

>> No.45269821
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I already miss her... goodnight

>> No.45270089
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Star Tropics 2

>> No.45270157

>/vrt/ died
>Woozie and Chapipi's team died
>/hfz/ died
So many loses... At least we still have /doog/, /tsunx/ and /pyon/

>> No.45270232

I'm not defending any of that, but it's not really exclusive or defining. That shit is everywhere.

>> No.45270286
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>> No.45270433

what other threads are made up of nothing but a clique of self posting vtubers who cause this much drama and meet and fuck eachother? tell me where are the other threads that fit that description besides the trash /wvt/ that had many of the same fucking vtubers and posters?

>> No.45270763

https://www.twitch.tv/rionavt collab

https://www.twitch.tv/madoh_jinx Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus

>> No.45271040

i'm sorry bloom fucked your wife but you should just leave her and move on

>> No.45271340

The only thing I'm really speaking to is
>nothing but
That's just some of shit you deal with there. Everywhere has it's own brand of shit to wade through, and some of that same shit comes in waves elsewhere too.
/vrt/ will lose whole threads to people bitching about kiki or trannies or what is retro pretty regularly too but it isn't nothing but those things.

>> No.45271630

you're unable to speak to anything else i said, like the fact that no other thread is like that. I dont like them because theyre a thread filled with vtubers self posting. fuck everyone in that highschool clique of a thread. they should fuck off permanently to their discord and twitter

>> No.45271664

I’m really glad people like jared and bloom are discussed here. It’s so much comfier and there’s less actual shitty posts everywhere compared to other threads they could be discussed in.

>> No.45271971

yeah well maybe if they wouldn't bring their drama with them this place would be an actual perfect utopia

>> No.45272985

what drama does hank hill have.
did he not deliver you propane or something?

>> No.45273082

I just did. I'm not saying you're wrong to feel that way and you're allowed to have preferences. I'm just saying it isn't 'nothing but' that. When you start generalizing and dismissing outright it gets into tribalism territory and that shit annoys me.
Someone could be out there saying /vrt/ is nothing but crying about trannies and turn people away from discovering our chuubas and that's fucking stupid.
I'm really just saying people need to think critically and bitch properly, not that there is nothing to bitch about.

>> No.45273249

if you want me to bitch properly ill fucking lay every detail out with reciepts. I already generally said what was wrong and you nitpick it like a fucking faggot. the entire concept of that thread bothers me. it should not exist nor should it be allowed to. vtubers should stay on their social media and streaming platforms

>> No.45273639

>the entire concept of that thread bothers me. it should not exist nor should it be allowed to.
/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.

>> No.45273753

Wiiware is the only reason I got into older games as a zoomer.

>> No.45273820

you know fucking well thats not what it is and shouldnt be taken seriously when spouting such bullshit

>> No.45273975

Nice, what kind do you like? Want any recs?

>> No.45274705
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alright guys, our time in the /vt/ League is over but i think we delivered a good show overall. I hope you all enjoyed the matches.

even i our draws and the loss in the end, we always showed up good i would say and evenn if at times our defense sucked or hank didn't quite deliver or our girls jsut refused to shoot a goal. we were performig well.

Hank truly showed that he is nnot the same Hank from end of last league.

All our medals scored at onne point or another and even the Onobots delivered hell upon our enemies.

We even managed to take revenge upon /nepolabo/ and played a role i killing them off this league.

There are still plenty of teams for us to cheer on too, /xtsunx/, /pyon/, /doog/, just to name a few, so i hope you will give our friends some cheers too.

And if you all are interested, i will try and see if i can sneak the team in for some friendlies over the offseason again.

thanks for watching and cheering for our team


>> No.45275884

i wouldn't be caught dead cheering on pyon
nice work as usual though

>> No.45276335

what's particularly wrong with pyon?

>> No.45276493

it was a good hustle, champ

>> No.45278037

just ignore the anti
kiki is as sweet as can be and plays a wide variety of retro games

>> No.45280551
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>> No.45280717


>> No.45281568

Holo Expo started. So the board will be fast over the weekend

>> No.45284111

when is it not fast anyway?

>> No.45287071
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We had a good run this league. Hank's redemption arc was fantastic. Things would be even better if our medal players wouldn't be afraid of the ball. Could we try switching medal players around over friendlies?

>> No.45287941

cool beans

>> No.45290969

Finishing Last Raven once and for all

>> No.45294093
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>> No.45297265
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>> No.45299186
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Beryl and Mimi were playing a way out, but after Mimi crashed her game for like an hour, they moved on to old school runescape!

>> No.45301725
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>> No.45305214
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Dead hours...
Meat is playing some weird action with angels https://www.twitch.tv/meat

>> No.45306298

i've resorted to watching fleshtubers it's so dead
i'm also playing a game myself though

>> No.45306511

seems like bad advice koro-san

>> No.45307435

the medal players are fine. Ami and Kiki score a lot, the last two matches were just weird. We have to do something about our defense

>> No.45309822
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>> No.45309984
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do you think she would give this a shot?

>> No.45311632

I don't see why not

>> No.45312450

>dead hours
>at least one stream active when you posted this
Now it's dead though

>> No.45312902

Lumi should do Game Center CX watchalongs

>> No.45312912

Of course it's dead. Most people in the niche are watching holofes.

>> No.45312978

She wants to play the games, not watch them.

>> No.45313059

no one cares about hololive, it's always dead in these hours

>> No.45313176


>> No.45314307

kiki and some posters from pyon are often here to anti our chuubas
so yeah, no support from me. got to show respect to be respected and i'll stick up for our girls

>> No.45314522

You know that's a ruse from the resident anti here, right?
She literally cheers for /vrt/ as well as /pyon/ in the vt league

>> No.45314678


>> No.45314914

new ip isn't really helping your case anon
and someone further up said that kiki didn't watch any vrt games this time around
that's a pretty strange thing to post on twitter ngl

>> No.45315052
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>> No.45315922

so you're just a schizo anti fag stirring imaginary shit, got it

>> No.45316167

is the baker here, or should I bake

>> No.45316256

I'll bake. Just waiting for page 9

>> No.45316320

