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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45105808 No.45105808 [Reply] [Original]

Competition is important.

Hololive should not be the only big Japanese angency that creates vtubers for their English branch. Vshojo just hires existing talents. If you think about it, Cover and Anycolor has their own flavour of handling vtubing and they apply them to the english speaking market.

> Some want mostly idol like attitudes in Hololive or the constant male/female interactions in Nijisanji. And having an english speaking variant of that is good.
> Some JP Holos and JP Nijis want english speaking members so that they actually have more exposure to westerners and maybe even learn english.
> there are games only Hololive members have perms and some other only Nijis can play.
> Events. Some events can reach out to nijis and some can reach holos.

And those are just a few examples. Hololive is a step above Nijisanji for sure. But there should be something for people who prefer stuff that Hololive may not have.

>> No.45105834
File: 1.32 MB, 1171x2147, north america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop acting like nijiCN is an EN branch. They may speak "mostly English", but their main market is China.

>> No.45105875

Content-wise, I watch both sides of the fence. That said, whether anykara or cover, please don't hire horrible human beings. Tke kayfabe can only hold back so much.

>> No.45105897

This. It cannot be stressed enough how chink'd up Niji"EN" is. Even their fucking reddit mods are chinks.

>> No.45105912

Your Logic is flawed when you realized that NijiEN market is China not English simply cuz English Market are too poor

>> No.45105937
File: 81 KB, 1013x549, anycolorrevenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon theres barely any chinese and most of their fans are from SEA and NA
and EN branch never has been about NA but about speaking english

>> No.45105940

chink and sea are not westerners

>> No.45106002

I don't think anyone who follows nijisanji uses reddit.
There are more people discussing nijisanji here in /vt/ than there are there, and the bulk of the viewers are in discord and Twitter.

>> No.45106010

this image will live forever rent free in my head, it can never be not hilarious

>> No.45106014
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>> No.45106024

We talking about Money and Revenue you Idiot, Reason why NijiEN stay afloat is not cuz of EN Market but of China, EN fans too poor to afford the Merch

>> No.45106037

What competition? Nijikek range from 3view to 5k view.
And their biggest hepatic livers (Luxiem) are all heavy Chinese (English) viewers.
At least from the EN side, if you take China, Nijikeks are small corpo tier.

>> No.45106054

>1 person out of 30
>it's entire audience

>> No.45106133

That may be true but it's still relevant because their subreddit is hyper-moderated which means the chink mods were installed by AnyColor

>> No.45106136

Funny how you're talking shit just after Anycolor's financials report huge growth especially in the EN branch.

>> No.45106200

it's weird, because all of their 2022 debuts were shitters. noctyx barely break 2k with their regular streams and the other two are full of 3views. nijiEN is nothing without luxiem and the chink market.

>> No.45106279

For all we know, they just release this to water down their dramas

>> No.45106285

>EN fans too poor to afford the Merch
yeah that's why hololive en's merch costs far more and sells far more. definitely not because we just don't give a shit about nijisanjis lazy boring merch sets kek.

>> No.45106288 [DELETED] 

truly nijichinkji lmao

>> No.45106301

I am not talking about financials. I am shitting on people saying Nijisanji should remove their EN branch. Which is fucking stupid.

>> No.45106419

Scary part is how many of these sisters are minors.

>> No.45106480

The vtuber world won't be fully healed until NijiEN is gone. NijiEN is a pox and is the worst thing to happen the vtubing. The fact that NijiEN is allowed on this board is a fucking shame.

>> No.45106533

They don’t compete though. HoloEN has a mostly male, largely Western fanbase while NijiEN has a mainly female Asia based fanbase.

>> No.45106678

They don't compete but Thier fanbase that are in the EN sphere are consist of Twitter freaks and Tourist that Ruin the rest of the Vtuber Community,

>> No.45106761

>Nijisanji will not remove their EN branch. Ever
You say that, but Hex is up to morally questionable shit that can potentially bring the entire branch down if he's doing what I suspect he's doing.

>> No.45106836

That Dude is a red flag from the moment we hear his Wierd unnatural Voice, He groomin young Asian girls alright

>> No.45106963

A lot of Holo cope right after incredibly good Niji revenue report LOL.

>> No.45109204

I dont think one member is enough to cause a huge branch destruction.

>> No.45109235

have fun with your next waves of 3views lmao

>> No.45109499

i'd rather put my money on mr fishman.

>> No.45109672

The public shit he does on twitter is very questionable, he's very likely up to weird groomer shit. Shit might hit the fan one day and make mainstream news.
It already happened with Finana, but in her case it was her members grooming her. So nobody cared.

>> No.45109961

We have Phase connect covering for that

>> No.45110869

Xie xie, Paul Li.

>> No.45111254

Just to remove any doubt, every single Chinese sentence is in Simplified Chinese, which is the form used on the mainland and not Taiwan. For example, the first sentence would be:
in Traditional Chinese.
