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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 93 KB, 1496x422, mtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4504269 No.4504269 [Reply] [Original]

any vtubers that play this gigabrain game? so far I've only seen shadowverse and duel links

>> No.4504573

https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC0jmzGrtxC63IzFrfzGtcEQ Falling Cat Gaming

>> No.4504690

Any females?

>> No.4505394
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Women don't really play magic unless it's with their bf. I should know, I've played the game for over 10 years.

>> No.4505855

This. My ex and I used to play this together and with friends alot. She used to claim she loved the game. We broke up and I gave her all my cards(among alot of other stuff. yes I'm an idiot). She sold them all a month later.

>> No.4505894

>playing magic: the niggering in 2021

>> No.4505990

This man speaks the troof. The mechanics are fun but jesus christ this era really fucked the game up.

>> No.4506033
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>> No.4506066

Damn you're dumb.

>> No.4506094

MTG is a really fun game to play, but one of the worst things to stream

>> No.4506095

There was an autistic girl at my LGS playing several big brain Modern decks and all the meta shit all the time. She was a sperg but she genuinely liked the game and played as much as she could

And no, she wasn't ugly. She was normal looking and even pretty on good days. She just was autistic about MTG

>> No.4506096

Mana screw/flood decides too many games for my liking.

>> No.4506120

Playing old series on Forge multiplayer - better than Wizards own game. How do they keep fucking this IP up? They should have stuck with selling tabletop garbage and let new blood handle the digital. Dinosaurs.

>> No.4506140

Just call it an expensive lesson.

>> No.4506302


Pretty big MTG fan for how small it is in Japan compared to the west.

>> No.4506682

MTG isn't exactly "small" in Japan. You should be able to find cards at most places you find tcgs. Problem is that Duel Masters fragmented the community by appealing to children, so MTG isn't considered a default game like it is in the west. That's shared by YuGiOh, DM, and Pokemon.

>> No.4506724

I had this girl message me for over a year trying to hang out. She used Magic cards as the bait or starts the convo with it.

>> No.4506914

Only in boring formats.
Sensei's Divining Top / Scroll + Fetch lands is peak magic.

>> No.4507630

Chad company employee and company CEO plays that. MTG Arena. Also Magic is not that gigabrain of a game but a good creative game nonetheless

>> No.4507877

>you need the expensive cards to properly play the game
Cool design

>> No.4508019

The cards are second hand expensive because they are good+fun

>> No.4508033

Unfortunately good cards are expensive. Good thing they can be proxied outside of sanctioned tournaments. Fuck jews of the coast.

>> No.4508163

MTG sucks

>> No.4508595

As somebody who's played a lot of Magic I agree. Especially recently card design has just gone down the shitter, it's not fun to play or watch, especially the Arena formats. It just wouldnt make for a great stream

>> No.4509049

I thought even fa/tg/uys stopped playing this game after the new garbage sets? Why would any vtuber play this dying game?

>> No.4509073

Nobody that actually plays MTG thinks it's a good game. At best they think it's won the special olympics and at worse they think there're far better games but they don't want to move either because of convenience. People who say MTG is good are basically only there for the geek cred.

>> No.4509392

Monored is cheap as fuck.

>> No.4509496

Yep, game has been on a steady decline and completely shit itself these last couple of years. Not to mention Arena is fucking garbage for being the client they push so much.

>> No.4509748

So I dropped MTG back in like 2015 due to lack of finances. What happened in the new sets that make it inherently garbage?

>> No.4510086

New Teferi dropped making the game again control pure cancer

>> No.4510121
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>gigabrain game
>this is what mtgtards actually believe

>> No.4510299

I'm giving it a search and I'm assuming you mean Time Raveler?
>Each opponent can cast spells only any time they could cast a sorcery
excuse me, what the fuck?
But it can't just be Teferi, right? I've heard doomposting with regards to MTG for a while with apparently DnD and Walking Dead sets being legal or something?

>> No.4510308
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Wotc being jews. They release couple overpowered cards per set to sell packs and then ban them shortly after. Proxying is becoming more and more common due to their jewish practices.

>> No.4510365

>playing Magic in 2021

>> No.4510406
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Lots of things like lack of testing (Kaladesh infinite cats LMAO), bumping every card worth using to mythic rarity, cancerous mechanics, refusal to reprint cards people want to play with for eternal formats outside of premium limited print sets filled with trash and everything good upshifted in rarity (remember aether vial being uncommon? Well fuck you, it's mythic now!) to appease their Star of David Games masters and the worst one of all: 3 mana planeswalkers.

Both Time Raveler and Hero of Dominaria were fucking stupid, Time Raveler was just worse because you could drop it on turn 3.

>> No.4510434

>They release couple overpowered cards per set to sell packs and then ban them shortly after
What? That's not even jew-y that's just fucking stupid. What's the point of buying packs to try and pull those OP cards if you can't use them in any format outside of like Commander?

>> No.4510537

Yashikizu and Hayato.
Hayama played a bit like a year ago then promptly went back to shadowverse.

>> No.4510631

Natsume too, she's a beginner though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44pYXNiKkTM

>> No.4510667

Because it is in large part because of stupidity. See >>4510121
Oko was disgusting because he immediately took over the board and could snap his fingers and turn whatever relevant boardstate you had into a useless 3/3, a 3/3 he can easily match and overpower all while being basically unkillable. The kicker? Wizards didnt even consider he could turn opponent's cards into elks, they literally didn't know about it until he started wrecking tournaments. And Oko is just one example of many of these bad, overpowered and overlooked design

>> No.4510964
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You should also mention that he enters the board on turn 2 with goose at 4 loyalty and immediately shoots to 6 health since you keep priority when you play a planeswalker. Literally unkillable unless your opponent had a Bedevil or Angrath's Rampage in hand and then you still won because they had to waste an entire turn dealing with Oko.

>> No.4510996
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I have no idea why I had the kraut version there.

>> No.4511041

>Wizards didnt even consider he could turn opponent's cards into elks
Wait what? Don't they play test this stuff? Or are they too wrapped up in making Chandra gay or whatever to care about game balance?

>> No.4511293

Okay so 2015 was Tarkir right?
So. To sum up the last six years of magic.
- Standard bans are now common enough that wizards uses the Yugioh approach to card design.
>Make something broken, wait for people to buy packs, ban the broken mythic.
- Standard now consistently prints stuff that needs banning in modern.
- They now make a set that prints directly into modern without going through standard. The first set has had about 10 bans or cards banned for supporting a card printed in it. Including one that broke modern all summer.
- They printed >>4510121, which was banned in all formats.
- Green has the best counterspells and cantrips in modern.
- Simic became wizards pet "print anything broken into this to sell packs" color combo.
- We returned to Ravnica, only for an Avenger's Endgame tier planeswalker wankfest that resulted in the second most broken planeswalker printed in recent memory.
- They printed Companion, a mechanic that lets you cast 1 creature from your sideboard as reward for a deckbuilding restriction. The rule was eratta'd to cost 3 mana to add it to your hand. Including the first card to be power level banned in vintage since '96
- Think of any spell in the game, and add "gain 3 life, draw a card" onto it. That is now the design philosophy of new magic.

And I suppose the thing that will blow your 2015 mind.
- Jace the Mind Sculptor is unbanned in modern and it isn't even good because t4 is too slow.

>> No.4511348

>which was banned in all formats.
correction, i forgot to take this out
It's banned in standard and modern, and i think commander?
But not legacy or vintage.

>> No.4511483
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It actually is banned in Legacy.
But they can't reprint Goblin Guide at rare in a standard set because it's too powerful for Standard!

>> No.4511519

It can only be speculated if something is going to be banned or not, until it is. Before the ban, the price of the card obviously skyrockets.
Yes WotC is stupid. In their infinite wisdom they allowed pic related and Tainted Pact to be legal in Historic for a while...

Here's some other stupidity that WotC has released.

>> No.4511547
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forgot pic

>> No.4511554

>But it can't just be Teferi, right?
It did the trick for me. Sold all my cards and never came back.

>> No.4512345
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Game design is in the shit. We yu-gi-yo now

>> No.4512554

Fucking hell, how was Cauldron Familiar banned before Goose? I'm glad I got out.

>> No.4512610

>how was Cauldron Familiar
Arena play doesn't have shortcuts and doing 20 from an ETB is slow as fuck.

>> No.4512677

>Standard now consistently prints stuff that needs banning in modern.
Does WOTC even have playtesters any more? Or are they all doubling down on lore and LGBTBBQ diversity?
I'm guessing he's exclusively for Commander?

>> No.4512711

From a popularity and ease of play perspective, they'd sooner play Hearthstone than MTGA. Not to mention it's straight up the better game at this point.

>> No.4512780

As of now, yes. He was banned in standard and modern too

>> No.4512816

They only test for draft. Maybe.

>> No.4512910

>Does WOTC even have playtesters any more? Or are they all doubling down on lore and LGBTBBQ diversity?
They've gone on record saying, they don't care if things are pushed, they'd rather ban shit after selling packs than finetune their product.

>> No.4513053

>Does WOTC even have playtesters any more? Or are they all doubling down on lore and LGBTBBQ diversity?
They have the LGTBBQ corner of course, the rest of R&D is populated by washed up former pros who only know how to design broken cards

>> No.4513150

Do you have the article where they talked about the design process going into this card. I remember it pissing me.

>> No.4513282

Since you've been told the mechanic stuff, let me break down the themes of each set
>The jacetice league blows up the eldrazi (most eldrazi cost colored mana now)
>The jacetice league seals emrakul on zendikar (plane got eldrazi'd is now less interesting)
>The jacetice league goes to India to confront Chandra's past and stage a revolution
>The jacetice league goes to Nicol bolas worshipping Egypt and loses to Nicol bolas but isn't killed for some reason.
>Vampire conquistadors vs Aztec merfolk and humans who tame dinosaurs vs pirates vs the founder of the azorius guild. Jace is here too, but the plane is cool enough that it doesn't matter.
>Return to return to ravnica but it's actually jacetice league endgame.
>Monster Hunter but actually pokemon but humans are the real monsters.
>Garruk finally shows up again only to have the serious curse that was hyped up dispelled by some pixie on generic fantasy plane
>Vikings, but Loki is tibalt
To be honest I dropped mtg after jacetice league endgame.
Mirrodin-return to ravnica was peak modern mtg. The decline started in theros.

>> No.4513320

MTG is mediocre and incredibly outdated.

>> No.4513365

Here is a babaniku channel that plays all kinds of cardgames. They also played MTGA for a bit, but it's not one of their main games.

>> No.4513869

Quality is not an indicative of popularity.
Hasbro investor relations posted that 2020 was MTGs best year so far. The game is growing despite it being shit.

>> No.4513911

Jeez. One of my friends is trying to push me back into MTG, and I'm glad I'm saying no. If Wizard's doesn't care about fine tuning and balancing their game, MTG deserves to die out

>> No.4514071
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It's all so tiresome.

>> No.4514120

That money is fickle and much will leave in under a decade. I'll enjoy watching the fall.

>> No.4514313

Never played MTG, but Hearthstone is nice to play around with cool new decks once in a while, but it's usually pretty shit. There's always an oppressive cancer deck on ladder. Right now, it's cancer aggro paladin, your usual fun killer control priest, control warlock that's equally unfun to play against, and tumor spell mage.

>> No.4514812

The main thing that makes the game ass is the D*scover mechanic. It allows you to pick one of three random cards. You just pull a card out of your ass. It can be devastating, and you never know what your opponent is going to play. There are classes that rely on this mechanic, and it's absolute ass to play against. They pull out removals, board clears, creatures right out of their bottomless cunt every single turn.

>> No.4515080
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It's trash in every format, even legacy which used to be a very stable and great format is now shit.
The only reason to play magic anymore is to play EDH or Commander, which is the most insulated format from Wizards meddling, though they're doing their best to ruin that format too, but it's still pretty good there.
I have a mono-b commander using ina lands

>> No.4515252
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What is an actually good card game? was the reboot of digimon any good? I really liked Yugioh but its unironically too fast now, Synchro era was peak card games for me, around 3 turns of play to set up build a board, with of course many chances for the opponent to disrupt your play.

>> No.4515339

How does one make a proxy

>> No.4515362

>as high RNG as you can possibly get

>> No.4515402

Yugioh rush duel, wait for the tcg

>> No.4515451

Slay the Spire is cool.

>> No.4515504

Chink companies, Scrupulous chinamen, Printer machine
>Printer machine
It's paper in sleeves, it looks just as great as it sounds
>Chink companies
Shit quality, but SOMETIMES look better than printer machine. You gotta try different ways to make them not fuck up
>Scrupulous chinamen
You gotta find them or get recommended one. Maybe they take the money and run after you paypal them, maybe they give 10 black lotus's that can pass a judge inspection for 3.50 each. It depends.

>> No.4515566
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>> No.4515592

Great summary. I'll add that this has created a weird circle out of which I don't see an escape:
>break your formats
>people flee to EDH
>start printing all upside-value cards aimed at EDH so they have to buy packs too
>formats break even more
>more people flee to EDH
>start printing all upside-value cards aimed at EDH so they have to buy packs too

And so on. And all the while this strategy is making them record profits.

>> No.4515609

Deck builders and card games are very different but yes Slay the Spire is cool.
Last I heard everyone was shitting on rush duels, but then again it was being shit on for not having retardedly over the top OP cards.

Total Tangent but I was playing 2004 format yugioh a few days ago and I don't know how it got as big as it did because that era of yugioh is unironically worse then even current yugioh with board wipes and annoyingly powerful cards. Every turn is you dodging land mines trying to widdle down your opponents board wipes until you could summon Summoned Skull with Axe of Anguish.

>> No.4515679

Im gunna say it the collector market ruined Magic. Made every single deck way too expensive to play, and of course Wizards didn't help much by appealing to them by making every good card mythic.

>> No.4515745

The new Digimon TCG has a fun idea, but it's still too fresh so there's not a lot of variety to wincons. Basically: right now (before the new expansion came in recently) Too Many out of 10 meta decks run Omnimon.

>> No.4515897

This is just how WotC operates... same happened to D&D as well

>> No.4515912

It's Blizzard, of course it's shit.

>> No.4515927

I'd watch a Duel Masters stream

>> No.4515941

You play online over cockatrice.

>> No.4516027

Good Dual lands being rare was a mistake.

>> No.4516069

And that name used to mean something. I need to finish Diablo II. Played Warcraft III recently, still kino.

>> No.4516325


>> No.4516352

The state of combat in 5E is truly disgusting.

>> No.4516641

It certainly has a shitton of problems but it's not nearly as bad as the the roulette that is Hearthstone.

>> No.4516943

Hayato Kagami plays it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuP0nq2-2IE

>> No.4517143

I always watch his dm streams, shame the game died outside of japan, the shields system was a good mechanic

>> No.4517602

The draft gameplay has been great recently despite the issues with constructed formats. That’s the main way I play so I’m still invested. Only downside is if they print a relatively overpowered card at uncommon (Roost of Drakes). There are usually some overwhelming cards at Rare/Mythic but those don’t show up often.

>> No.4517746 [DELETED] 

Rush is shat on because of its unfortunate association with the bastardisation of the anime that is Sevens, but as for Rush as a format itself, other than it being a little too luck-based I think it's one of the most well-designed formats in the game's history. It's a direct improvement on the original rules, playing like how you'd imagine the game should have played from the start. I'd advise anyone who was ever interested in YGO to give it a try

>> No.4518512
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the shandalar game

>> No.4519007
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Mah nyagga!

>> No.4519123
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>> No.4519606

It's kind of fun for a while but you run into so many fights that to actually finish it in a lifetime you always end up using the same super aggro deck and maybe change it up for an instant win combo deck for the dungeons.

>> No.4519822
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Comparing Rush rules to OG yugioh rules is embarrassing. OG yugioh had an absolutely abysmal set of rules to build a card game from.

Suisei plays Vanguard occasionally. Although a lot of those streams are just gatcha rolls, she does actually play.

>> No.4519867

Wotc ruined game, it's about as degenerate as yugioh at this point. Hasbro is getting because nobody plays monopoly or with toys anymore, so they have to milk mtg.

>> No.4520259

It's funny, I don't care for the flavour and lore of Strixhaven at all, but the draft format is legitimately terrific. Ikoria was a Zenith Flare away from being my favourite draft set of all time, and I've been playing since Invasion.

This is gorgeous, anon. It fits perfectly.

>> No.4520393

3feri hasn't rotated out yet?

>> No.4520482

I haven't played MTG in a good while but the last time I played they had reworked how standard cycles so cards would stay in for much longer. It's probably out by now, though.

>> No.4520497


he got banned ages ago

>> No.4520598
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This manga lied to me. It turns out to be pure fiction.

>> No.4520682

It isn't growing the market, its just growing more profitable because they're jacking up the fucking price of entry. Then you have speculators and influencers giving temporary spikes in rarity and prices.

>> No.4520699

> nobody plays monopoly or with toys anymore
Monopoly is big enough to be mentioned by name in Hasbro's Q4/Full-Year 2020 Financial Results as a brand/franchise that had growth - literally the only two brands mentioned besides third-party IPs (Star Wars/Peppa Pig) were Monopoly and MTG.
Families being stuck at home led to people playing board-games as they haven't done in decades.

>> No.4521075

Clever girl

>> No.4521511

Flame loli-ojisan used to play MTG Arena, but went on to play Duel Masters and Shadowverse - and more recently seems to have quit Shadowverse and kept only plays Duel Masters.
Link to the Channel:

Link to the MTGA playlist:

>©2019 Wizard of the Coast LLC
Of course they'll say the game is played by women - and lucky for you it's made for Japan, otherwise the entire cast would wheelchair-bound black transgender lesbians.

Also:, lol, end of the '90s. Because 2002 Duel Masters was released and relegated MTG to a disant fourth in the Japanese Market behind it, yu-gi-oh and Pokémon TCG .

>> No.4521639
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>they had reworked how standard cycles so cards would stay in for much longer.
Nope, standard was always a 2-year rotation. For about 2 years or so (around Kaladesh, and ending at Ixalan) they experimented with a 1.5 year standard, but everyone hated it and they quickly scrapped the idea and went back to 2 years. It didn't help that standard gameplay was an absolute shit-show at that point, and people were leaving standard in droves to play literally anything else. As stupid as bans are, imagine the same idiotic design decisions, without bans. So not only did energy make it to print, they sat on their hands for months as it ran roughshod over the meta until finally, cautiously banning one card. More months of meta dominance by energy, and then they finally get the message and nuke two more cards.

>even fa/tg/uys stopped playing this game after the new garbage sets
/tg/ really is a perfect mirror as to why mtg is so fucked right now. They complain about bans and lack of playtesting, but as soon as a set with a reasonable power level comes out, they complain it doesn't have any powerful chase cards, and don't buy it. (Same thing with the larger consumer market as well - as dumb as >>4512345 is, there's a reason sales are at an all-time high). Then, instead of maybe, possibly considering games that aren't mtg, they keep talking about mtg in an endless cycle of salt.

>> No.4521879
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flesh & blood is the real gigabrain choice

>> No.4524333

I don't know a thing about this game but I think I just fell in love with a fishgirl.

>> No.4525686

It's degenerste in a different way. You won't die in complex 30 card combos (most of the time) but you'll slowly be grinded to death by unbeatable value engines or just beaten to death at lightspeed by hyper aggressive prowess decks

>> No.4528480 [DELETED] 

It's funny because my friend got dragged into MTG by his gf. She even had him come to tournaments with her, long after he stopped playing it himself.

>> No.4528502


>> No.4528569

>Or are they all doubling down on lore and LGBTBBQ diversity?

>> No.4528593

Cardfight Vanguard

>> No.4528648

The manga litterally made it clear only autistic women play mtg for it's own sake, and women CAN be autistic, just not at the same rate as men. The fact that MC knows 2 is a lightning strike of chance.

>> No.4528685

T. Goblinchad

>> No.4528709

Throne of eldraine was fun...

>> No.4528747
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>Knights that don't look like knight's

>> No.4532138

literally just rush with pre-made decks like every other CCG. solitaire is more strategic than this garbage.

>> No.4532451

Rosalyn from HoloCN was addicted to some Chinese version of it.

>> No.4532573

Ask our /here/ /wvt/ chuubas, there's two playing MTG

>> No.4533681

There's another thing you forgot about Ixalan. Jace had his memory wiped and he was essentially a different character.

>> No.4534113

What does /tcg/ think about Wixoss?

>> No.4534482

They didn't even try with this nigga's design, he's literally Idris elba

>> No.4534498

Limited is still fun. I pretty much only play cube and digital drafts with friends nowadays

>> No.4534585

It broke every format and was too powerful for Standard to handle. It was a balance disaster only surpassed by Ikoria.

>> No.4534638
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>"What do you mean Steel Panther: World at War is a debuff game?"

>> No.4534671

The end goal of any card game is to play solitaire

>> No.4534915

as far as i remember you could autowin or ignore weak opponents as you grew in power (based on hitpoints and the value of the cards in your possession), though not the ones inside dungeons or archmage castles

>> No.4541452

>making Chandra gay
Funny thing about that - they actually turned Chandra straight in the second War of the Spark novel.
"Chandra had never been into girls. Her crushes — and she’d had her fair share — were mostly the brawny (and decidedly male) types like Gids. But there had always been something about Nissa Revane specifically, something the two of them shared in that great chemical mix — arcing between them like one of Ral Zarek’s lightning bolts — that had thrilled her. From the moment they first met.

Now everything’s different.

It was over. Before it had ever had a chance to begin. Maybe, maybe they had missed their moment."

>> No.4542901

>they actually turned Chandra straight
Thats fucking gay

>> No.4545741

Wasn't it that Chandra was gay but Nissa friendzoned her? It's been quite a while but I vaguely remember something like that happening.

>> No.4545980

Chandra was basically always bi, but the book basically retconned that into: She was always straight, with an exception for Nissa and noone else.
This is after the end of the first book, where Chandra and Nissa literally confess their love to each other

>> No.4549968

This screams trouble in the writers room. At least we had Jace going full "begone thot" on Liliana and shacking up with the Gorgon queen of the Golgari.

>> No.4550155

Jace hitting the pirate gym and getting with the Gorgon was actually gigabased.
Then they dialed it all back because people actually liked that and they felt the need to regress his character again...

>> No.4550673

Of fucking course they did. Is he at least still with the Gorgon? Or is he doomed to be the ash Ketchum of MTG lore?

>> No.4550860

>I've played the game for over 10 years.

have you ever flipped a table?

>> No.4550910

It'll never stop being funny that the one time people liked Jace was when he had his brain wiped and wasn't Jace at all.

>> No.4550962

D20 combat was never good. Ever.

>> No.4551405
File: 103 KB, 640x626, 1621826133967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka mentioned it on one of her post, not sure if she actually plays it tho.

>> No.4552987
File: 241 KB, 375x523, Welcome to the Mountaintop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear you finally got your lands.

>> No.4553173

Old Magic was great. New Magic is shit. It might even be more broken than current Yu-Gi-Oh.

>> No.4553785

The Pokemon tcg is miles better than MTG now its fucking sad.
