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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45037980 No.45037980 [Reply] [Original]

>Niji get their EN 3D canceled (not the first time EN got keked either)
>Nijiniggers just take it like good little cucks (again) instead of complaining
>Luxien throw a shitfit over it
>Nijiniggers backstab them and say they are being unproffessional and breeding drama, they should bootlick like Pomu instead
>Shu confesses that the axed concert literally gave him depression that he struggled to overcome + feeling betrayrd by Niji
>Nijiniggers just shrug
>Hex literally grooms his underage fans and AnyColor doesn't do anything to stop it
>Nijiniggers just shrug
>Niji terminates Yugo without a graduation and without giving any reasons
>Nijiniggers just shrug
>Niji shadow suspensions get 100% confirmed
>Nijiniggers just shrug
What the fuck is wrong with them? They could abruptly fire Selen or Pomu tomorrow and Nijiniggers would still just shrug and accept it like good little goys.

>> No.45038000

NijiEN will be dead before 2024, screencap this post

>> No.45038027
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I want to fuck this dumb purple dragon

>> No.45038047

Scarle is currently getting Lulu'd too. Probably due to her model making Youtube seethe.

>> No.45038068

wrong on all counts

>Niji get their EN 3D canceled (not the first time EN got keked either)
>Nijiniggers spam the catalog and holo splits with baits and shitposts.
>Luxien throw a shitfit over it
>>Nijiniggers spam the catalog and holo splits with baits and shitposts.
>Shu confesses that the axed concert literally gave him depression that he struggled to overcome + feeling betrayrd by Niji
>>Nijiniggers spam the catalog and holo splits with baits and shitposts.
>Hex literally grooms his underage fans and AnyColor doesn't do anything to stop it
>>Nijiniggers spam the catalog and holo splits with baits and shitposts.
>Niji terminates Yugo without a graduation and without giving any reasons
>>Nijiniggers spam the catalog and holo splits with baits and shitposts.
>Niji shadow suspensions get 100% confirmed
>>Nijiniggers spam the catalog and holo splits with baits and shitposts.

>> No.45038097

Dead in the sense that they'll be 3views and new waves will be dead on arrival. I expect at least one more graduation or "graduation" this year.

>> No.45038157

I doubt that, actually, both Pomu and Selen (especially Selen) are some of the few people that even /vt/ does not hate that much, which is a fucking miracle in and of itself – and their position in the overall niji fanbase is extremely high, the branch itself would fucking crumble if they dared to touch Selen

>> No.45038222

The fujos would just come out of the woodworks and go all "akshually NijiEN fanbase has always been about males, Dragoons and Pomudachi were just undercover holobronies"

>> No.45038303

I don't think even fujos realize how nobody fucking cares about anyone but vox in that hellhole of a fanbase, so most of the viewerships would immediately tank for the entire branch
Vox may think that 5k is bad, I'm so hoping to see his reaction to becoming a 3-view

>> No.45038417

You didn't get the memo or something? You aren't fan of individual nijis, you are the fan of the company
It was like that before NijiEN was a thing and it will continue to be so

>> No.45038843

Funny you say that, I actually think nijiEN is fast on track towards breaking this "tradition" due to the sheer number of bullshit the branch produces around specific members

>> No.45038945

In my opinion it's because they're in a constant defensive state where they have to puff up their chest and look strong in front of the "Holobullies". It's very similar to how chuuba generals seem so utterly whiteknighty/bootlicky. It's usually NOT that they actually have no problems with their oshi but rather that they don't want to show weekness to lurking antis and baitposters so they just pretend they're okay with everything. This is commonly seen for example with male collabs (they'll have a meltdown whenever that happens only to go back to "it's fine, i don't care, stop timelooping reee" a moment later), or gura not streaming (clearly bothers all of /ggg/ but they pretend they're okay with it 95% of the time), or kiara threads about, well, anything.

I imagine a similar thing happens with Nijifags where they know that if they complain about their corp openly, it's like admitting the antis are right, so they cope by just staying silent. Internally they hate these things but they'll never show it.

>> No.45039563

I agree which is why we need to accelerate even more. None of the things happening would be as much of a problem if EN had a hundred members. Just think about it logically.

>> No.45039689

you're retarded to think that just because WE like or tolerate them, these fucking scumbags who at this point i think are all employees, would thrash them if they do anything against the all mighty black company of anykarah

>> No.45040354

yeah I highly doubt Zaion will be the only one to go down this year

>> No.45040433

No way, fuck niji but who do you think is gonna graduate? I don't think anyone would

>> No.45040627

Hex will get fired within six months when he gets caught grooming underaged girls for nudes.

>> No.45041081

>They could abruptly fire Selen or Pomu tomorrow and Nijiniggers would still just shrug and accept it like good little goys.
That right there is why I dropped both pomu and selen over the zaion drama. maybe they had something to do with it, more likely not, but anybody thinking their oshi is safe in that company is a damn idiot at this point.

if they can go full black company on a member who didn't quite fit into the corpo mould then they can go full black company on anybody.
