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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 228 KB, 589x722, holochina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44982134 No.44982134 [Reply] [Original]

Why Cover memoryholed them? Why holofags act like this branch never existed and neither these members? Why covr shutting down that branch is forgiven? moralists, please respond

>> No.44982185

>den of snakes aside from yogiri and spade
yeah, fuck 'em.

>> No.44982206

OP's mom is a whore

>> No.44982234

Nijisanji deflection thread.

Current yabs:
>AnyColor tried to take down dramatubers with illegitimate copyright strikes because of all the negative PR they've been getting, which not only gets even the normie internet to shit on Nijisanji, they also fucking FAIL to take down the videos

>Hex Haywire is a creepy groomer fuck who heavily copied Vox+Corpse Husband's parasocialbait shtick, larps as a THERAPIST to his (mostly underage) fans, encourages them to "traumadamp" him on streamlabs (pay up), likes selfies of his (mostly underage) on twitter, which are untagged meaning he stalks their accounts, and is completely unapologetic about all of it. Even the sisters are creeped out by him and made a google doc to document his actions

>all of Ethyria starts OPENLY talking about politics more and more, freely chatting about free healthcare, green energy, immigration, "down with capitalism", you name it

>Zaion getting unperson'd to the point her name even got removed from the titles of the duet cover she did with Maria and the thumbnail darkened to hide her (+ comments turned off to hide complaints)

>In the termination announcement for Zaion, AnyColor reveals that she has been suspended since JANUARY, which was prior to her official suspension and actually when she allegedly took a "break", confirming the long-standing rumor that Nijisanji has shadow suspensions disguised as breaks

>> No.44982293

There is no morality, only business, Pooh.

>> No.44982426
File: 47 KB, 321x321, 1659859178768514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the 50-cent party spells this terribly. You are being a mouthpiece for the CCP FOR FREE.

>> No.44982654

You answered yourself

>> No.44982694

I dont give a shit about nijisanji, im talking about hololive, go do your console war bs in another place

>> No.44982746

you lie as natural as a niji

>> No.44982865

Do we really need to explain why we hate you chinks here?

>> No.44982917
File: 61 KB, 343x357, E0AF39BB-BF9A-4B8C-B5F2-E5E79382F77B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink bros…

>> No.44983061

fuck there are some great designs there. I didn't know them, but I'd probably watch them if they were still alive. Might even learn chinese for it.

>> No.44983094

Hopefully the next news are that this guy got terminated because he was arrested for being a pedophile groomer cult leader

>> No.44983222

Poor yogurt, she did nothing wrong. An innocent victim of the madness of the chinks and her chink coworkers.

>> No.44983311

Doing Gods work

>nijifaggot detected
If you really didn't care, you would've just scrolled past it.

>> No.44983349


>> No.44983436

completely organic thread for drama so dead its bones are being used as traditional chinese medicine to heal artia's chronic IBS

>> No.44984764

Does anyone see the similarities between the HoloCN branch and NijiEN? Why does Chinese influence breed such toxicity?

>> No.44984809

dead in irrelevance
not even the chinks liked them

>> No.44984845

and despite this, they were still offered graduation streams and any pending costumes or 3d models were still finished as promised.

>> No.44984933

Yogiri deserved better
fuck Artia and Civia tho

>> No.44984965

>Where's Hololive China
Starved to death during the great Coof lockdown, sorry anon.

>> No.44984971

several of them formed a group to conspire to bully other members out of the company
Hololive and most normal people consider that a bad thing
I'm sorry your attempt at deflection only further proved you're wrong, nijisister

>> No.44985292

Chinkisanji-sister, if you want to watch zhangs so badly, just stick to your own company

>> No.44985338

they were useless and unprofitable. also too risky for being ccps dogs. so abolished. you chinks can have your own chink agencies. good luck with them. dont rely on japan. you need to grow up.

>> No.44985552

I only feel bad for Chinese Towa because the others bullied her for being Taiwanese, if memory serves right.

>> No.44985568

They took Civia away from me... Never forgive... Never...

>> No.44985846

>all of Ethyria starts OPENLY talking about politics more and more, freely chatting about free healthcare, green energy, immigration, "down with capitalism", you name it
Does it itch your ass, are you a fash perhaps?

>> No.44986028

Probably because they were the same kinds of people that Nijien currently hires.

>> No.44986104

>>all of Ethyria starts OPENLY talking about politics more and more, freely chatting about free healthcare, green energy, immigration, "down with capitalism", you name it
'Politics' aka 'whatever the megacorps currently support' lmao.

>> No.44986381

>Why did we memoryhole the chinks
Unplug yourself ccp bot

>> No.44986546

Terminally online twitter freak, can't stop seeing everyone that disagrees with him as fucking Hitler

>> No.44986571

It would have been nice to take them out of that commie shithole and let them be Hololive International or something with ID/EN.None of them asked for their country to have a bunch of brainlets declare wwar on birds

>> No.44986686

>>all of Ethyria starts OPENLY talking about politics more and more, freely chatting about free healthcare, green energy, immigration, "down with capitalism", you name it

pathetic, but anglo/anglophile niggers are always like this and will.

>> No.44986731

My nigger, they started reposting and streaming ccp propaganda and telling their viewers to harass coco and haachama. They told the brainlets it was okay to have war on birds.

>> No.44986955

They're in my basement where I pay them to laugh at my miniscule penis.

>> No.44987058


>> No.44987120
File: 2.70 MB, 1812x1826, 1678635885594970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji defence force, try memoryhole this

>> No.44988783


>> No.44989003

>decide to side with the talents and disregard the biggest chink market
based, fuck the ccp

>> No.44989969

>Where's Hololive China?
Last thing I heard they got reincarnations, did they succeed? Idk, I don't know chinese

>Why Cover memoryholed them?
Some of the members were acting in bad faith if I remember correctly, then the chinese fan base was very polarized against the westernization of hololive, and also, biribiri was doing some shady stuff alongside the CN branch management to take control over the branch. It was a combination of those factors I believe.

>Why holofags act like this branch never existed and neither these members?
I don't think it's on purpose really, there is the language barrier, there is the great chinese internet wall barrier too and they moved to biribiri so the only people that could understand them and would care about them enough and also would post about them /here/ are anons from taiwan mainly and probably there aren't many of them here. So there is no much to talk about them really and if there was... doubt most people would be able to follow them and let alone understand what they are doing these days.
