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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.22 MB, 1022x539, bullying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44914070 No.44914070 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys remember when enna, reimu and millie bullied nina and excluded her from the group chats? i do

>> No.44914164

jesus fucking christ, how the fuck she even talks to them now after this shit

>> No.44914212


>> No.44914233

Nina followed Sayu, she is a traitorous bitch. She never should've been hired, she didn't even know Elira.

>> No.44914261


>> No.44914268 [DELETED] 

The enemy of enemy is my friend.

>> No.44914323

And now they’re all friends that have done numerous offcollabs and give each other gifts
Guess life doesn’t work like it does in the brain of a /vt/ schizo

>> No.44914326

the thread continues to unravel. buckle-in, the next few months should be fun.

>> No.44914330

Reminder that this clip is out of context and Nina says that they talked it out later. Besides she was too busy leeching off the boys to hang out with the girls

>> No.44914333

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>> No.44914343

Because she is an adult and know that being petty with a bunch of femcels doesn't have any pros.

Reminder that Enna and Millie are only "girlboss" online, when they meet Nina IRL they couldn't handle Nina being a stacy. She literally put them on their place and now they barely say negative things about Nina, the same thing happened with Reimu

>> No.44914366

No she didn't

>> No.44914369
File: 32 KB, 899x547, 1676797279007374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based if true but where is the proofs?

>> No.44914402

zaion was their friend too, until the company decided that she wasn't. just look at kotoka's spineless statement after the termination announcement.

>> No.44914444

True she was the only one in ethyria that wasn't part of the clique

>> No.44914479

Ok Kyo

>> No.44914530


>> No.44914570

Shut up, kyo.

>> No.44914654

Kek I brought this back on the other Zaion thread, but ANYKARA took down the streamable link. Good job anon.
This goes to show Enna's clique of bullies has been a thing since Cunthyria debutted.

>> No.44914672

She did, there was a screenshot of it posted before. She stopped following shortly before the termination.

>> No.44914694

she followed and then unfollowed like a bitch and will probably put out a statement soon talking about how zaion wronged her

>> No.44915301

Yes Nina is the only good one in Ethyria

>> No.44915410

>Bigger cunts excluded a forest witch that is also a cunt
Don't make me feel bad for Nina dammit...

>> No.44915571

>Yes Nina is the only good one in Ethyria
Goes to show how absolutely rotten is Ethyria

>> No.44916684

Pretty much.
Damn Nina being professional.

>> No.44919523

they had to once nina started making her own connections with the boys and they saw her getting numbers without their help and they wanted to cash in on that too

>> No.44919609
File: 283 KB, 586x900, disabled-little-boy-wheelchair-outdoors-biracial-six-year-old-sitting-sidewalk-31379548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.44920090

Nope, because it never happened. Nice rrat though.
If you weren't a clueless newfag you would know she had the numbers even before the boys.

>> No.44920255

>nice rrat
>video evidence

>> No.44920344

Nina is the worst person ever. While Zion and Kyo are toxic, lying backstabbers, Nina is an actual snake.

>> No.44920392

Never forgot - my poor hagwife did not deserve this.

>> No.44920493


>> No.44920526

Are you really a bad person if you act sour towards bad people?
I think not. Nina is innocent.

>> No.44920693

>video evidence

>> No.44920818

smartest nijinigger

>> No.44921151

>nothing about bullying
>nothing about excluding, she only heard they called each other *at some point*
smartest dramasister, making up shit

>> No.44921571

>they kept telling me that they were busy and couldnt make the call
>the three of them would voice call each other
>i just started doing my thing
nothing about *some point* they did it multiple times since nina kept asking twice a week so how about learning english mudhut

>> No.44921749

At least Nina shot back at Enna here

>> No.44921873

You know, Kyo, you guys should hire some professionals for damage control. Cause you're kinda bad at this

>> No.44922081

Sounds like you're just assuming a bunch of shit, sorry. But if it makes you feel any better, Nina is in the clique now too.
fuck Kyo

>> No.44922275

I think it's time to move on, anon.

>> No.44922280

>posts nina quotes
>assuming shit
good luck finding the op streamable in your next adventures nijinigger

>> No.44922383

Also known as the reason
>The clique
is parroted around so much, somehow people unironically believe some chink hire that simps to a random latina utaite controls the branch

>> No.44922500

>zaion was their friend too
lmao, not even close
the only person zaion got close aside her wavemates was Maria for music and Finana for gacha

>> No.44922905

I've seen it, you should also watch their stream later where she says it wasn't that bad. She's now happy in the clique too, heartwarming really.

>> No.44923344

Keep burying your head in the sand I guess? It's all Nijiniggers know to do anyway

>> No.44923452

I like Nina for this

>> No.44923513

>keeps moving the goalpost

>> No.44923551

I mean it happened in NijiKR. The reason ID and KR were merged was because one chuuba usurped management and made life hell for the rest. No reason it couldn't happen in NijiEN because operantly Niji upper management is fucking retarded for letting that happen.
Google it if you don't believe me.

>> No.44923841

Just funny how this clip has blown up to such enormous proportions here, and I love moving goalposts. Pomu, Selen and Nina are in the clique btw.

>> No.44924101

>Enna fucks black
Well okay.

>> No.44924259

This is an edited clip. They're talking about the boob size.

>> No.44924400

Doesn't matter to me anyway, I have Enna's youtube channel blocked because of her constant injections of political bullshit into random streams. I don't need "muh capitalism" and "muh eat the rich" in fucking Mario Party you chink whore.

>> No.44925283


>> No.44926777

