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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44906095 No.44906095 [Reply] [Original]

>you won't follow her!
>you won't support her!
>you'll stop caring about her in a month!
Sounds like a challenge. Sorry sisters, I'm sticking with her for the long haul.

>> No.44906208

enjoy your daily genshin streams I guess

>> No.44906235

I hope she calls her former genmates, Finana and Marie all snake cunts in her re-debut.

>> No.44906325

Eh, Maria was getting along with Zaion. The cover thing was probably management mandated.

>> No.44906382

so true sis! #cutforhex

>> No.44906444


>> No.44906451

Who cares what she plays? I'll just listen to her in the background, waiting for the moment she drops a spicy comment about Nijisanji, so I can clip it out and use it to destroy their image online.

>> No.44906454

I even followed her before joining to the black company
But when she became Z didnt watch her much

>> No.44906657

Her streams are pretty boring asf.

>> No.44906678

sisters like genshin anon? im not joking when I say daily genshin streams just check her past streams nearly every single day is genshin, around half of all her streaming time was genshin, I dunno if I would stick around for that personally I've seen plenty of genshin in niji and it's boring as fuck

>> No.44906686

Yasss slay those incels, sister!

>> No.44906695

management mandated where the xsoleil song still has zaion appearing in the thumbnail, make sense

>> No.44906748

then post her links faggot.

>> No.44906847

A snake for a snake website, how fitting.

>> No.44906908
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Godspeed anon.
NEVER let mentally ill twitter freaks bully you for your choice of oshi.

>> No.44906928

Please Sayu, do more than just gachashit all the time.

>> No.44907064

Isn't this guy building his audience like some kind of weird death cult? How the fuck did he end up in that company? He should be in some FBI watchlist

>> No.44907127
File: 20 KB, 1080x222, 1678640821531051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will play many games and do many new things, I'll make it so with my money

>> No.44907129

i would but
eww i hate everything about that site

>> No.44907300

YWNBAW, go back to nyfco

>> No.44907302

She posts her vods to youtube. And she might even consider streaming there every now and then now that she has a new audience.

>> No.44908374

Same, she deserves it

>> No.44908647

I'm in it for the long haul as well. And if her success makes the faggots at NijiEN seethe, all the better.

>> No.44908792
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, Random Clips of Sayu 6-41 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she keep THESE hidden under all those baggy clothes though? I miss her...

>> No.44908948


>> No.44909010

I already have a Silvervale sub troons, and I can pay one more. Stay on twitter Luxiem sisters.

>> No.44909031

>Already follow
>Massive genshit fag
Im truly blessed to have found this fox.

>> No.44909053

Check the date. That post was made before /b/omu happened. Every single liver in NijiEN is a piece of shit

>> No.44909143
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He fits right in with the rape asmr, ironic bullying etc.

>> No.44909546


>> No.44909742

It's funny how nijishills used this to try to shit on Zaion.

>> No.44909837

This is my one condition. I'll watch her, so long as its not genshit.

>> No.44910116

>He doesn't know

>> No.44910199

A month? You morons won't remember her in a week.

>> No.44910281

You have literally never watched a single Zaion or Sayu stream. I feel like this is worth pointing out to you.

>> No.44910285

She is getting the most a publicity miracle under these circumstances. If she cant ride this wave then that's not my fault.

>> No.44910318

What is supposed to be bad about being upfront with your relationship status?

>> No.44910341

Yeah a publicity miracle as an irredeemable piece of shit

>> No.44910376

I am now going to fuck her in front of that guy.

>> No.44910385

>deleted tweet
Ok cuck

>> No.44910392

t. kyo

>> No.44910443

>Irredeemable piece of shit
She got smeared by Niji, her coworkers and twitter freaks, thats not on /vt/.
She is getting posted in a positive light in here at least, better than getting dogpiled in this site as well.

>> No.44910505

I'm sure she will be thrilled with her newfound audience of 5 catalogshitting incels who bail the moment she turns on her favorite game

>> No.44910614

Honestly sisters seem more obsessed with her than anything. In every thread calling people incels whilst having being bitter roasties.

>> No.44910654

good projection sis

>> No.44910708

Jesus. Nijien family am I right sisters?

>> No.44910745

Was Zaion a GFE streamer on either her PL or Zaion? No? Why are you throwing the word cuck around then?

>> No.44910763

>4chins and Twitter
This is hilarious, it’s like Tumblr all over again

>> No.44910801

This girl is literally hitting all of my weak spots. I wish I learned more about her and gave her a chance before all this shit happened. I'm eating my way through both her archives now until her redebut.

>> No.44910807

But enough about nijien

>> No.44910850

So where should we go to talk about her when she starts streaming again? /lig/? A thread for her specifically?

>> No.44910888

When will trannies learn trying to cancel something only draws more people to it?

>> No.44910923

If anything, it says a lot that Zaion fits in perfectly in NijiEN. So much so that management thought she was perfect for the company.

>> No.44910969

Just don't make it all about shitting on Nijisanji because nobody cares about them

>> No.44910991

/lig/ is fine but probably a separate thread for the redebut

>> No.44911362

I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's unironically okay if she's married.

>> No.44911584

One of my most watched vtubers plays Warframe a crapton. If you click with someone, it doesn't really matter how shit the game is. I can handle Genshin no issues.

>> No.44911708

Yeah I got into her during her suspension. She's actually really funny. Not being in niji is an added bonus

>> No.44911742


>> No.44911768

She isn't anymore and you could see her breaking down a bit about it too if you follow her through last year.
This might be why she deleted the tweet because people thinking she still is when she isn't is going to hurt whether they are okay with it or not.

>> No.44911798

first honest poster in this thread

>> No.44912087

This. Separate thread for her redebut and her first few streams, then back into /lig/ once things cool down. Same thing happened with some similar girls like Kana.

>> No.44912191

damn that sucks. ill have to fuck her and send him the video instead

>> No.44912368

>niji intern so desperate he resorts to doxx
Kek still not hating on her, SIEG ZAION

>> No.44912765

>Pride yourself on being so upfront about your relationship that you include him in character as your "head shrine priest"
>get cheated on and abandoned by him
>fans notice his absence and ask why he isn't around anymore
>need to tell them he's working at a different shrine now
>"RIP me"
I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time.

>> No.44913342

I just recently got hooked on that spyware, I'm waiting for those streams

>> No.44913508
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I started watching her for the genshin streams.

>> No.44914427

I will, thank you

>> No.44915041

genshin streams are pretty much zatsu streams nowdays, no one watches it for the game outside of patches

>> No.44919007

Subscribing right away on her first stream.

>> No.44920084

Shit people attract shit partners. Unsurprising if thats how it went

>> No.44920169

Update your info sister

>> No.44920458

explains why enna got cheated on by her ex and is hooking up with kyo now

>> No.44921207
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Even if they didn't (I know I won't) this angle of shitposting is an awful cope meant to mask how horrible management and fans of nijiEN are at handling this situation

>> No.44921947

You might be right. It'd explain why there are so many manipulative assholes and snakes in NijiEN.

>> No.44922543

It that the dude in the background in some of the older clips? I'm sorry for her loss, but also selfishly glad that we won't be hearing more from him in the future. (Not a unicorn, I just don't enjoy it.)

>> No.44923560

Is this something of the beginning stages of the eventual outcome of human digitization? Where Ghost in the Shell becomes reallity?

>> No.44923848

nah Nijiniggers are just huge corpo bootlickers

>> No.44924092

Finally Kyo can leave behind his decaying body and get some nice artificial tits.

>> No.44924981

It was odd when people got mad at Elira for lecturing her chat that her fans will never be her friends.
Have they not seen Elira's friends? Being told you're not one is a compliment.
