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44648446 No.44648446 [Reply] [Original]

Will any serious yab eventually stick to the vshitshow menace?

>> No.44648598

She never paid the money...

>> No.44648611

She's a very close friend with Melody, who funded V-Shojo in big part and as far as we know, is pretty high in management hierarchy there.
Her ass is covered pretty tightly and the only way she will ever get what she deserves is personal drama with Melody... which may happen considering that one of them is a cheater and other has tendency to cut off people she considers too bothersome.

>> No.44648721

Unironically now that they've literally been at each other's throats I can't see them not having some ass shattering follow up drama at some point in the next year. You don't just shank your bud and have him laugh it off.

>> No.44648750

>Supports LGBT
>LGBT supports back

>> No.44648904 [DELETED] 

Basically this, she supports the freaks so as long as she's sucking their asses she's safe.

>> No.44648946

How many did Melody cut off?

>> No.44649226 [DELETED] 

So, did she ever donate to that pedo charity?

>> No.44649559

what happened

>> No.44649745 [DELETED] 

Explaining it on this board will get your post deleted and possibly a 3 day ban.

>> No.44649763

Why trannies didn't chase her for those charity money? Did they get paid under the table so nobody bring it up anymore?

>> No.44649806 [DELETED] 

Sorry anon it's LGB now, the community have cut ties with T.

>> No.44649825 [DELETED] 

okay, let me guess:
>she is an ally
>called silvervale playing hogwars a mistake
Am I right?
And whats this then?>>44648611

>> No.44649880 [DELETED] 

Glowop faggot. Every self respecting gay knows what you liars plan to do if you can fuck over the trannies.
First they come for the commies and troons. We know better this time

>> No.44650019 [DELETED] 

Perhaps consider a religion other than the worship of moloch, then.

>> No.44650097 [DELETED] 

Nah. Gays are normal now, thanks to trannies being so disgusting and annoying. It really put things in perspective.

>> No.44650598

I can only guess that it was a lot, considering how much money simps were pouring all over her and literally nobody else then in V-Shojo could afford something like that. Even IronLung before V-Shojo was barely scrapping things together with her medical expenses. Melody may be #2 of this entire circus right after Rungun for what we know.

>> No.44650762

>Will any serious yab eventually stick to the vshitshow menace?
they're women.
women face no consequences for their actions.

>> No.44651069 [DELETED] 

a capitalist christian saying this is honestly the height of irony.

>> No.44651158

Their fanbase consists of the same shitstains as them so the yabs aren't going to do anything.

>> No.44651792

I love how she could just lie to trannies faces about the charity and they all just forget about it. If they cared they would be pressing the issue to this day but they're all just virtue signaling cunts.

>> No.44653545

With how shady their shit is the moment a bad enough yab happens they think it could actually sink them they'll probably just start suing everyone to shut them up. They're nasty little scum like that.

>> No.44654645

I guess she's just under the radar for the twitter mob.

>> No.44654674

Because the people who are mad at her have never watched her to begin with.

>> No.44654713
File: 56 KB, 433x267, 1678215233773826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are good terms now

>> No.44655318

Nope, VShojo is immune to yabs since Nux, not even this Silver shit was a yab because it only pissed off trannies

>> No.44655729

You really dont understand woman do you anon

>> No.44655812


>> No.44655825 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 603x804, 333841377_1250962022466649_879472035805426270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true.

>> No.44655901
File: 153 KB, 866x1390, crying-veteran-soldier-2A5TJC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first yab was fucking a boot in the first place

>> No.44656175 [DELETED] 

Only boomers in Bongland eat that nonsense.

>> No.44656741

What >yab? She didn't do anything wrong and only you rrat peddlers think this matters.

>> No.44656773 [DELETED] 

>self respecting gay

>> No.44656816

>silvervale plays a video game
>froot says she'll donate to a child mutilation charity which is about to lose it's charity status due to pedophiles for every like she gets
>gets 50+K likes
>all hell breaks loose and silvervale announces hiatus due to troons harassing her
>Froot implies playing the game "was a mistake"
>never mentioned the donation since and will likely never donate a cent to anyone
Yeah, I guess if you're fucking evil. She did nothing wrong.

>> No.44656853

Like I said, rrat peddling. Only you fucks think any of this matters.

>> No.44656938

because your big yab is her offering to donate money to a charity
this is only considered a yab if you have a severe mental illness

>> No.44656960

Can we have her arrested for charity fraud?

>> No.44657002

>failed to cancel her
>goes back to being buddy buddy to save her image
You have to be dense to think she's not a total snake.

>> No.44657003

Rrat implies it's untrue. Please point out which part of this post is a lie, Froot dickrider?

>> No.44657045

you seriously do not know what a rrat is. he’s not saying anything you can’t find in a tweet. it’s been weeks since the tweet. where’s the money?

>> No.44657050

Did silvervale even reply to this? Else it's just damage control shit she's doing in public to save face.

>> No.44657191

Rrat is literally a shorthand term for "narrative", as in the one conjured up by people linking together unrelated events and then using it as a vector of attack. Also emphasizing rumors, misinformation, and vagueness because otherwise the whole thing falls apart. The worst part is people falling for it, not questioning anything they've been fed and having it perpetuate. Rrat peddling. >>44657045

>> No.44657316

Then tell me what she meant by "mistake"?

>> No.44657437

Dunno. That's the problem with a vague comment. You don't know who it's directed to or what about. To say definitely that she "implied" anything is a rrat. You inferred not she implying. The events have nothing to do with one another and never did.

>> No.44657678
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1623017241427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure cope, chat kept talking about silvervale and she immediately typed it in chat while releasing the charity tweet on the same day. You have to be autistic to claim she meant anything else and that it's a complete coincidence she decided to donate to that specific charity on the same day.

>> No.44657718

See. Now you're resorting to blatant lies.

>> No.44658298

>You're lying
>I won't say which part of your statement is a lie or even attempt to disprove it
OK retard.

>> No.44659686

Anyone with standards never watched her in the first place and her current audience won't eat her alive until it's convenient for them to do so.

>> No.44660201

So why did she loose suscriber because of that?

>> No.44661013

also i am surprised no one mentioned this, she literally scam her viewer at her subathon.

She straight up use the excuse and lie, "i hate 'I'm Only Sleeping' part so I am gonna end stream" and she ended her subathon few days before her new model and she never mentioned the subathon again

she basically just goes"Ok, i got enough money now and tired of streaming"

>> No.44661217

Melody once said she dislikes monogamy thinking it's controlling, she's be great friends with Froot.

>> No.44661288 [DELETED] 

Classic liberal panders progressive Idealogy but still maintain oppressive hierarchies.

>> No.44661322

Froot is retarded, but her and Silver having beef is nothing more than a rrat.

>> No.44661363

Did you just dox yourself as that monk that has never seen a woman in his entire life? Because this level of obliviousness is not normal anon.

>> No.44661470 [DELETED] 

That bitch just need to post a photo of her IRL body and everyone forgets about her shit

>> No.44661618

If only this was the norm and Western media didn't feel the need to shove horse shit in our face everyday.

>> No.44662405

>Did silvervale even reply to this?
Mouse addressed this on her stream around that time saying something along the lines "guys, if you think we don't talk about stuff in private and we handle that in public, then you're fucking idiots, calm the fuck down, everything is ok"
I won't bother with looking up the stream and making a clip, you have to trust me.

>> No.44662470

tourists don't know about their apex tournament arc

>> No.44662581

Of course this is a fucking rat, Froot is probably the second closest to Silver after Vei in Vshojo

>> No.44662600 [DELETED] 

>Woman rights
They have equal rights. They want privilages on top of those they already have.

>> No.44664694

>How did she get away with another yab?
Greyniggers have no power

>> No.44669241

>all these deleted posts

>> No.44669952

not all of her subscribers are faggots

>> No.44670213

imagine replying to retards, ngmi

>> No.44675355


>> No.44675876

there was no yab outside of here and a few edgy flip teens on twitter

aka people whos opinions dont matter

>> No.44678525

>chat kept talking about silvervale
It was one comment

>and she immediately typed
45 seconds after the only Silvervale comment was made

>while releasing the charity tweet on the same day
This is true, but your attempt to make them related is the ile. Froot made that tweet about 14 hours before Silver went live that day with her stream talking about what was going on. So, yes, it WAS a complete coincidence that she decided to donate to that specific charity on the same day. If anything, Froot's charity tweet was in response to the trans kid that got beaten to death in England that same day (for her).

The whole attempt to make what Froot was doing related to what Silver was doing was a lie. It's just a rrat and you retards lapped it up like dogs because it confirmed your biases.

>> No.44679003

t. froot doing damage control

>> No.44679696

>rrat slain
>time to ad hominem!

>> No.44680873

Calm down froot.

>> No.44684237

>rrat still slain
My work here is done.
