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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 20 KB, 300x300, noir-vesper-headshot-33-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44591782 No.44591782 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the closest to a female version of this lovable zatsudan king?

>> No.44591915

Tell me why you like him and i might /become/ him.
Sadly, I am a zoomer without any IT education, but i am curious why people love this odd guy so much. (i only watch holoJP/ID/sometimesEN though)

>> No.44591976

Unironically Subaru, because Subaru is the only other vtuber besides Vesper who straight up makes up bullshit stories that supposedly "happened" to her or exaggerates to the point of lying about the things that did happen to her.

>> No.44592157

Nina Kosaka is literally him in female form

>> No.44592175

Hes chill, funny and relatable (I'm also a boomer nerd), doesn't feel like he's trying to be ultra cool and sexy or seductive, breaks out the trivia knowledge on loads of random topics, feels like a genuine dude with his flaws and all but he's making the best of it.

>> No.44592223

When did you schizoid antis all decide on this rrat that he makes up his stories? He doesn't even tell any particularly wild stories, I don't understand.

>> No.44592277

He's autistically passionate about his hobbies which is fun to hear and fills that niche. He may be actually autistic tho which, uh, may be causing some communication issues.

>> No.44592423

He doesn't have any IT education as well, so you're good. Just browse around on youtube or something on pick up a few facts on popular hobbies and pretend you enjoy them and then talk about them. Pretty easy.

>> No.44592442

>pretends to be an IT nerd who dumpster dives for hard drives
>gets completely exposed as clueless in his pc building stream
>pretends to have bought fishing gear only to realize it was illegal to fish in japan
>it literally isn't illegal
>pretends to eat moldy burgers and goes "ahhh, I'm feeling it" as if he's actually experiencing instant food poisoning
>later completely backpedals and says they were't really expired but "kind of" expired and he didn't have actual food poisoning (but still tummy hort, right??)
>pretends to have crippling social anxiety that prevents him from collabing (somehow this only happens half a year in though)
>is completely fine collabing with girls (who are his senpais rather than peers) cracking jokes constantly and belly laughing
>pretends to have been in an archery club just because he read Fate/Shit
>claims he quit his job and just biked for two years straight
>claims to have gotten stabbed TWICE, one in a literal weeb bar
>pretends to have bought a spear
>coincidentally he can't show pictures

>> No.44592447

Koyori, but you don't know Japanese to understand her.
Alternatively, >>44592157.

>> No.44592453

>>44592423 (me)

>> No.44592930

Does a genuine dude think about doing stuff for the bit constantly? Like pretending he didn't know anything about minecraft for some reason. He seems to lie about a lot of stuff to come off as more interesting. He also has quite the ego on him, managed to even get himself suspended by lashing out

>> No.44592985

you know you've made it when you have an antipasta

>> No.44593117

When did Koyori ignore her branch for months to hang out with the opposite sex?

>> No.44593122

(You)s aren't actually a currency Vesper

>> No.44593138

>pretends to have been in an archery club just because he read Fate/Shit
Let me guess. He was kicked out as well, because he was throwing swords instead of using bow.

>> No.44593167

>pretends to be an IT nerd who dumpster dives for hard drives
>gets completely exposed as clueless in his pc building stream
Being a nerd doesn't mean you never make mistakes. PC knowledge can get outdated fast and if I had to guess he's not the type to upgrade his hardware that often. Is it dumb? Yeah but not really a smoking gun that he's faking anything.

>pretends to have bought fishing gear only to realize it was illegal to fish in japan
>it literally isn't illegal
It's quite easy to imagine how something being lost in translation would cause someone to come to that conclusion, or believe he needed a license of some kind.

>pretends to eat moldy burgers and goes "ahhh, I'm feeling it" as if he's actually experiencing instant food poisoning
>later completely backpedals and says they were't really expired but "kind of" expired and he didn't have actual food poisoning (but still tummy hort, right??)
As someone who has a lot of anxiety around potential food poisoning I can totally see why someone could freak themselves out and even experience psychosomatic symptoms because they're worried they just ate something that had gone bad, it's happed to me plenty of times. I've bought food that was well within the good-by date that I discovered had mold on it. Again nothing unreasonable here.

>pretends to have crippling social anxiety that prevents him from collabing (somehow this only happens half a year in though)
>is completely fine collabing with girls (who are his senpais rather than peers) cracking jokes constantly and belly laughing
People never socially mask? I get over my socia l anxiety if I have a rare opportunity to work or hang with someone I look up to and admire or think is cute too. This is common. These things are not black and white. You're not either a social butterfly gigachad or neet hikkikomori.

>pretends to have been in an archery club just because he read Fate/Shit
Any proof of this whatsoever?

>claims he quit his job and just biked for two years straight
Nothing hard to believe about this. People quit their jobs and do far dumber things for years. Hell I quit my job in 2020 and I'm only now getting back in the job market.

>claims to have gotten stabbed TWICE, one in a literal weeb bar
Don't know what this is about.

>pretends to have bought a spear
>coincidentally he can't show pictures
He's concerned you schizoids will somehow track him down, this is completely reasonable opsec as a vtuber.

>> No.44593193

>cope cope cope

>> No.44593220

>Like pretending he didn't know anything about minecraft for some reason
The rrat that he pretended not to know about minecraft was thoroughly disproven but I'm not schizo enough to hold onto the evidence. Maybe ask in /MANS/ and someone can spoonfeed you.

>> No.44593226

Imagine white knighting this hard for vesper. He won't suck your dick bro.

>> No.44593250

He's an incredibly shit person IRL by all evidence. His roommate was a massive numberfag and half his clips are talking about sub growth and numberfag strategies.
With that in mind you can imagine why he acts the way he acts.

>> No.44593251

Yeah, I find it hard to believe his stories nowadays. He doesn't strike me as genuine. I remember him saying very early on he didn't drink except for just a bit on holidays, but we have seen how big of a lie that was.

>> No.44593287

Vespers cool if you ask me

>> No.44593317

A female menhera sex pest? Matsuri I guess.

>> No.44593318

>Not going along with shit that schizo antis make up out of thin air is white knighting
Ok I guess. Now go back to watching pedobait tubers or whatever you schizo cucks watch.

>> No.44593350

Aww the little Vesptranny is mad.

>> No.44593375

Why are you projecting?

>> No.44593391

>claiming other people make up shit
>while he literally pulls the most ridiculous cope excuses out of his ass and just goes "But what if THIS happened to explain it, huh? Y-You can't prove that it didn't! Heh, didn't think of that one huh?"

>> No.44593409
File: 331 KB, 818x632, yabba dabba doo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F03fqxe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You vesptroons still can't deny that he ignored his branch for multiple months yet joined every mixed collab StarsEN was involved in.

>> No.44593417

Bro, for the first part you'd probably give a better looking answer by just saying he is an IT nerd but not just as big as people expect. If you say his PC knowledge got outdated fast, then he simply isn't an IT nerd.

>> No.44593447

>doing things out of spite to "own le ebil unicorns"
All of ethyria

>> No.44593457

His answer doesn't even make sense in the first place, there is nothing about PC building that requires "up-to-date" knowledge about anything, nothing there changes that often.
But what else can expect from a coping discordtroon

>> No.44593536

Oh that explains his comment about not liking streamers that are bad at video games, he sees Kiara as an easy target to pull down

>> No.44593579

This is like saying you're not a sci fi nerd if all you watch is star trek TNG and mainly read old classics like Asimov and Arthur C Clarke. There's different types of nerds in any field.

>> No.44593621

Ok, based?

>> No.44593724

I thought tempus was all about that chemistry. Did he LIE about being friends with them. How could that possibly be

>> No.44593774

He didn't betray them, they betrayed him

>> No.44593856

I literally live 2 minutes down the street from one of my closest friends, and we've gone months without hanging out because we just don't always feel the need to. People who have friends can understand this sentiment. In contrast, when you have the chance to hang out with someone who you only barely know but look up to you will make time to do so because it's something new and you don't know when the opportunity will come along again. How hard is this to understand?

>> No.44593914

>he ghosted anniversary collabs that he was planned for to the point of being in the thumbnail because... H-HE CAN SEE THEM ANY TIME ANYWAY W-WHO CARES
Vespissdrinkers are a walking embarrassment of cope.
Also I notice how you stopped replying because you got BTFO, KWAB.

>> No.44593926

to be fair i dont know anything about minecraft either. sometimes i daydream about being a chuuba who plays together with my oshis and how i'd embarass the shit out of myself by not knowing what this block called where got etc. why getting a b c is so hard where the hell do you even get emeralds etc. especially when i actually watch streams and see all the advanced shit they made on the server. like what the fuck-? i cant even begin to? man do i really wanna know how the music boxes & cd works though. i guess i could look up minecraft tutorial videos myself but my overall lack of interest in the game itself is why i dont even know anything about it in the first place. i watch tons of their minecraft streams, i assure you that but all my focus are always only on my oshi being cute & silly and when she does that cute jumpy-jumpy lil minecraft move everytime she met the other holomems ingame

>> No.44593948
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1623017241427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44593959

>In contrast, when you have the chance to hang out with someone who you only barely know but look up to you will make time to do so because it's something new and you don't know when the opportunity will come along again
He straight up ghosted Axel when he was in Japan

>> No.44593962

What did I not reply to? Calm yourself schizo

>> No.44594030

Alot of clock energy in ere.

>> No.44594033
File: 2.62 MB, 400x327, Maurice-Moss-Eating-Popcorn-The-IT-Crowd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44594038

I learned today that Vespies are really quite passionate. The more you know.

>> No.44594064

>pretending to be confused

>> No.44594068

If I invited my friend to events constantly, some of them being stuff in the works for months and he constantly made up shitty excuses that are easy to see through while he hangs out with more popular people, I wouldn't think that highly of him. That's not the same as just not happening to have stuff to do in common for a few months

>> No.44594121

Shitty behavior for a friend sure, like I said he's a flawed dude. Why some people feel the need to extrapolate this into making him this arch villain pathological liar in their minds is another thing.

>> No.44594162

I don't know what you're trying to say. Take your meds

That's a fair enough assessment, I don't disagree with you.

>> No.44594166

Do you really think you only need to make up stories to have people like you?

>> No.44594178

it's part of his entertaining strategy to say he doesnt kno something or never did something and then do an unexpected good work at it. He slipped in the drawing stream saying that he practices everything before a stream, so even though he said he knows nothing about the drawing program and shit, he did practice and studied it. He's just aiming for the 'working the way up from zero' content, like the MC of an anime.

>> No.44594194

>doubling down on pretending to be confused
Do it again bitch, I command you.

>> No.44594234

Meds. NOW.

>> No.44594299

He also has good sense of humor and actually provides lots of various references from based media. Like from Sam Hyde skits or from Trailer Park Boys.

>> No.44594396

And he even bought a SPEAR and watched Rick and Morty!! He's so based

>> No.44594494

lel, k tard.

>> No.44594584

seething vesptroon

>> No.44594593

Why people try to defend him in the fucking catalog bait thread, of all things? And even give some pretty lame excuses for him.And even if you give good one all these people won't change their minds.
Genuine advice - don't take catalog threads too seriously. I literally go here from time to time just to see people (who are clearly just outsiders) seething about him for no big reason

>> No.44594602
File: 126 KB, 1280x853, anti pasti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know you've made it when you have an antipasta

>> No.44594699

seething kronies are funny to watch

>> No.44594711

Because Vesptrannies are insecure as fuck and bigger whiteknights than fucking cuckbeats (though there is a huge overlap between the two fanbases for obvious reasons ((cuck fetish))), seeing people shit on their "daddy" literally makes their brains explode.
Reminder that Vesties literally fled from /MANS/ and made a cuckshed split to hide in because they couldn't handle the anti bantz. Remember this every time they puff up their chest and try to act strong.

>> No.44594721

What do you mean by outsiders? People who don't watch vtubers?
If that's the case then you are delusional.

>> No.44594760

>He's an incredibly shit person IRL by all evidence
IDK, Magni straight out said Vesper had become his best friend of all time.
Having a bff is not something a shit person usually has.
I think he is just an perfectionist autist, which leads to numberfagging

>> No.44594773

Get some standards holy shit

>> No.44594839

You're so right holy shit

>> No.44594861

Fagni is friends with antiwhite twitch whores. His opinion on the quality of someone's character is not something I would take seriously.

>> No.44594918

Ikr? Imagine putting that word anywhere near vesper kek.

>> No.44594937

>Remember this every time they puff up their chest and try to act strong.
Son these are vtuber fans not rivalling dojos from karate kid. Who the fuck thinks like this about who their favorite livestreaming rigged chinese cartoon is?

>> No.44594944

>itt a discord falseflagging group pretends to argue among each other
the mcdonalds near you needs some new employees

>> No.44595043

I do. Now go back faggot.

>> No.44595495

>be hired for Holostars
>huge opportunity that a bunch of autistic women managed to turn into an international viral success
>be shilled nonstop by said womanlets
>be the most beloved of your gen
>manage to somewhat turn into a rapist Fred Flinston joke in just 8 months
yeah he sure made it lmao

>> No.44595624

Same issue, i can't help myself to find inconsistance everywhere so i stopped watching him quite early. If your stories as this messed up after only 2 month i can't imagine the mess it's now.

>> No.44595670

You're too old for streamers and youtubers anon. W vs poggers has been a thing for a long while.

>> No.44595716

sounds just like male version of IRyS

>> No.44595762

Probably ironmouse

>> No.44595773

Anything that stuck out to you in particular?

>> No.44595831

>W vs poggers
What are you even talking about?

>> No.44595907

Just one example of streamer communities clashing. A smaller scale would be Hasan vs Destiny. I don't expect you to understand since based on your post you can't comprehend such a thing could possibly happen. Hence, you're too old for streamers and youtubers now anon.

>> No.44595912

That's a bit.

>> No.44596001

This really does sound like a female Subaru

>> No.44596056


>> No.44596167

i think magni is the kind of person that sees the best in people and therefore has terrible taste in friends

>> No.44596245

They probably bonded over some shit like "our models suck" or whatever and now Magni sees him through rose-tinted glasses.

>> No.44596395

Magni said the people once closest to him watched his debut and shat on him in chat lmao.

>> No.44596528

Kronii zatsu is like pulling teeth.

>> No.44596568

kek I can see that happening

>> No.44596693

Kronii is GOATED for calling out people who think men and women can't just be friends.

>> No.44596769

did Vesper survive his menhera arc and the antis arc? is he back to normal? haven't watched him since the DnD campaign ended

>> No.44596801

>Having a bff is not something a shit person usually has.
LOL....yeah them bullies gangs, bunch of jerks, nijis- are definitely all goody two shoes individuals

>> No.44596990

Most of yall kinda pathetic 'authentic, genuine blabla' it's almost you're searchng for, instead of an entertainer, a friend, which is kinda pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
You're like women who go for 'i want a nice guy hihihi that listens to me and brings me breakfast to bed' but in reality cant fall of anyone but a different guy. Aka if vesper was what you want him to be, you would not be watching him (fall for him). Aka you're a bunch of feminate aka faggots.

>> No.44597059

How about I just kill you? Huh?

>> No.44597091

Ok anon, post your vtubers that you watch that you consider 'entertainers'. I'll wait.

>> No.44597093

Thats most stream watchers. You must be new to streaming/content creators if you think this is a feminine thing. If people just wanted an entertainer they could just watch movies or tvshows instead of streamers because objectively, the content put out by streamers is pretty shit.

>> No.44597131

All he didn't know about was M.2

>> No.44597152

How many men are you willing to steal from your sisters?

>> No.44597201

This is enough to prove that you are a fraudulent fake nerd who embellishes and fabricates his entire life story and are an overall despicable person, according to schizo antis.

>> No.44597225

He still hasn't interacted with Altare yet, the ratts of infighting seems to be true, and if that's the case, he will never go back to normal.
I'm interested in seing how they will deal with that, since Altare should be part of the DnD.

>> No.44597246

Never watched Kronii, how bad is she?

>> No.44597285

Best Council despite what incels would like you to believe

>> No.44597392

I think Vesper thread of any kind should be deleted and the OP should be perman banned. No homo allowed

>> No.44597449

Towa? she always wanted to collab with male

>> No.44597461

Unironically, his shit isn't funny if it's not real. I had the same reaction to when I used to read bash.org chatlogs and eventually realized most of that shit was just made-up. The majority of the humor came from believing that the situation actually took place.
Not to mention, most of the time he isn't even telling stories to joke but rather to show off how "interesting" he is. But I cannot imagine how someone can look at a story like "I got stabbed in a bar once", KNOW it's fake, and then still go "wow this story was so cool that really ENTERTAINED me!"

>> No.44597481

I don't want to shit talk anyone too much but I've honestly never heard any other vtuber who comes across so agonized and autistic during the simple act of talking to their audience. She seems to have just settled into playing the character of a grumpy menhera to mask her negative charisma, and seems to resent being a vtuber, especially a big titted one which is honestly kind of a interesting niche.

>> No.44597528

I only know the spear and IT part, can tell you watch him a lot
You remind me of steam thousand hours negative review

>> No.44597556

She's more than fine when she has a topic to discuss; she just doesn't really do random small talk

>> No.44597667

she doesnt know fucking AHOY and weather hackers fawk her she doesnt care about hololive and thats enough to make me not care about her well being either

>> No.44597671

Having someone play the role and perfect in every way get flustered by little things makes for a great watch.

>> No.44597745

Kronii is korean canadian lefty, so it's not surprising that she hates being big boobed oned.

>> No.44597840

her debut made this apparent and any success she's had has been entirely on the foundation of her model having huge tits

>> No.44597893

I wish the CR boys were what Holo had for male streamers instead of Holostars, Daruma alone is worth the JP and EN Holostar branches combined and Darusaka is worth even more.

>> No.44597898

The weirdest thing is that she was a vtuber before applying. I could understand this behavior coming from a complete normalfag like Mori, but how the fuck are you an indie vtuber and STILL know absolutely nothing about the greatest vtuber company, when applying for them? Not to mention that she pretty much openly hates streaming.

>> No.44597986

Most of her solo streams are 30 seconds of dead air followe by some basic ass remarks just to make things less awkward. She has some good stuff once in a while like the Sonic playthrough but then she starts playing crap like Slime Rancher and Rice Loli and it's the single most dulling experience in HoloEN.
If you want a good zatsu then go for Fauna. Her recent Pokémon shiny hunt devolved into a nonstop 6 hours podcast touching countless topics.

>> No.44597991

Why would you have to know every song that's just stupid

>> No.44598029

I don't watch Kronii too much but from what I've seen she's not that bad of a streamer, not sure about her zatsus but she does get a lot of clip moments despite not really "clipbaiting" like IRyS does for example. On top of that really good in collabs.
That's not to say she is a good chuuba though, she isn't, but for me that mostly comes down to her pretty obviously hating her job and streaming, which just results in constant breaks and playing anything she actually likes off-stream.

>> No.44598042

Nobody said she had to know every song. Stop strawmanning. Argue in good faith.

>> No.44598067

>Tell me you're a Vesptranny without telling me you're a Vesptranny

>> No.44598085

Fauna voice too much of a filter. It sounds the most "dub-like".

>> No.44598139

and i too dont have to like every normalfag chuubas who hate both streaming & their audience

>> No.44598203

Honestly it blows my mind how vastly different the "quality" in chuubas from Council is yet it has minimal effect on their performance. Like how fucking retarded are council fans? Honestly.
I used to think Ina was boring as fuck but compared to some of the shitters of Council she's a fucking god at conversing with chat while playing the game.

Fauna is so far ahead of the rest of her gen and it's not even funny, and what's her reward for that? Barely managing to claw past Bae in performance after a year of slowly inclining. Jesas...

>> No.44598279

They're not interesting enough to listen to them talk for 6 hours about random topics desu. I like the way Kronii does it, her gaming streams are comfy

>> No.44598286

Nobody cares. Most people watching streams (not just vtubers btw) usually just have it playing in another monitor while they do other shit. The most important part is the impression you give when you get "big" which for Holos post-boom, means when they debut and early in their careers and Kromei was a hella good impression to whatever the heck the others had. Bae with that voice machine shit she did early on didn't help her.

>> No.44598317

Funny in collabs. Autistic. Self censors a lot to the point of sounding even more autistic.

>> No.44598424

Fauna is doing great Anon, she might not be as popular as the other girls but she's literally the only Council member who inclined in the past few months. Everyone else hit rock bottom and still going down. Slow and steady wins the race. Kronii especially had the potential to be by far the biggest Council star and instead spent her entire career trying to self sabotage herself.

>> No.44598480

shes honestly just ok. the model carries her big time though sort of like Mori

>> No.44598847

>Did he LIE about being friends with them
yes that's literally their job

>> No.44599092

He's shit at his job then

>> No.44599171

So she's shit at what she's doing then.

>> No.44601594

Can confirm, am a fan of both.
I knew a guy like this. He told great stories, some of which probably weren't true, but occasionally you'd find enough independent corroboration to find out some of it was true. For me, I decided it was more fun to believe his stories, even if I doubted many of them.

>> No.44601671

Only watch boing boing vtubers, who this?

>> No.44603334

He's not a faggot or horny, so he's easy to listen to

>> No.44603643

I have a thing for autistic schizos. Kaela is also one of my favorites
