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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44576521 No.44576521 [Reply] [Original]

Unmedicated Sadness Edition
Previous: >>44332552
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/akaihaato_hololive
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg
Haachama Dark Web: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHj_mh57PVMXhAUDphUQDFA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/akaihaato
Red Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9HY4DsRTCg
Infinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mj2QJE-UOI
Previous: https://www.youtube.com/live/gyL4nq53AHc?feature=share

>> No.44576603



>4th fes. に全力を尽くす為、DAY2 EXPOイベントステージについては出演を見合わさせていただきます。


>> No.44576681

>She couldn't even tweet herself that she's sick
>Unironically management mandated tweet
Im genuinely worried

>> No.44576814


>> No.44576907

I wish I could turn back time, to the good old days.

>> No.44577362

>Haachama recovered
>Her voice fucked up forever
What shall we do?

>> No.44577423

I really wish she was too busy being a whore at uni than being so sick manager has to tweet in her behalf...

>> No.44577436

Depends on how fucked
Imagine Towa-chama but she can't force it into a nasal dumb voice

>> No.44577466

concernfags, status?

>> No.44577471

Too late, the monkey paw finger already curled

>> No.44577506

bros whats wrong with chamma? thought she was better?

>> No.44577512

I'm not a Haaton but I'm very concerned about what the fuck is happening to Haachama.

>> No.44577534

but not joking this time

>> No.44577571

>she didnt talk in ames 3d because it would have sounded nothing like her
When ame releases the cover, I'm going to check if the background track is identical.

>> No.44577588 [DELETED] 


>> No.44577597

are there facts or even credible rrats as to what shes sick with?

>> No.44577755


>> No.44577792

go back

>> No.44577900

wtf isn't she like 22 or something?

>> No.44578016

To be honest I'm doubting she was actually sick at Christmas or now.

>> No.44578069


>> No.44578110

I would be lucky to even get someone half as attractive as that. I'm just a short, stubby pig...

>> No.44578139

This fucking nose.
Now I believe she still a virgin

>> No.44578154

is this from her instagram? when was it posted?

>> No.44578255

I still won't believe she got or will be married off this year, and if she does, it's probably because of her shitty father's demands.

>> No.44578301

where is this coming from?

>> No.44578304

she got married for real (to me)

>> No.44578305

It's not just demands from her father. We fell in love, anon. It was something we both wanted.

>> No.44578341

I kneel schizoposter

>> No.44578366

Imagine what it's like to marry a girl who literally has problems with her head.

>> No.44578372

im gonna fucking cry

>> No.44578560

I hope Haachama don't read this thread.
You all just me and I fucking shizo

>> No.44578577

It all comes across kind of odd. If it was just one break that's one thing but it was a long break at Christmas, which got extended, a break allegedly due to tech (no memposts or twitter space despite being unaffected by a mic), a short return where she was kind of distant and most of what we've heard about her this year are from secondhand sources and now another "flu" break that has gone on much longer than a normal recovery on gl top of this >>44576603 and the Hoshikawa story. It's weird and sudden but it wouldn't seem impossible for her family to say "if you want to keep going to school you need to quit streaming, it's ruining your classes". Or she actually got pregnant and needed to get married. It's just odd.

>> No.44578760

Chammers, were just worried. You could just tell us what was going on too you know.

>> No.44578958

i don't have to, shes my loving wife

>> No.44579045

>>44578958 (me)
I'm loving this new feature where all I have to do is will a post into existence without actually typing anything.

>> No.44579111

>Get pregnant
The fuck is up with this

>> No.44579117

i hope chama is ok...

>> No.44579165

is abortion legal/doable in Japan?

>> No.44579173

An anon saw it in a dream and some other anons find it funny to post about, and so the idea spreads.

>> No.44579226

yeah me

>> No.44579248

it doesn't matter if you have money

>> No.44579370

it wasn't a dream schizo, a spider whispered it to me with her last breath

>> No.44579396

both the mother and father need to consent to the abortion, or prove that the dad ran away which is hard, or that the woman was rapped

>> No.44579431
File: 127 KB, 1017x926, 1636217762922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the spider look like this?

>> No.44579450

that dream? me

>> No.44579478

reminds me of how rick and morty fans overanalyze the pickle rick meme and how it's a 200IQ clever reference to norse mythology, when the real intention of the creators is that they simply find it funny.

>> No.44579572

What the hell is Anon talking about with all these sketchy words flying around? Fill me in, bro. Is this legit intel?

>> No.44579619


>> No.44579657

The only legit intel that matters is that she stopped caring. If she did she'd at least communicate the bare minimum these last 2 months.

>> No.44579663

i tried to have sex with my lovely spider wife but it didn't quite work out
she did however spill her guts to me

>> No.44579679

>the rap arc she had last year was actually Haachama's calling for help because she was a rape victim and now she's carrying that babby

>> No.44579702

first time here are these threads always so... haachamachama?

>> No.44579728

I remember getting covid and getting sick from the flu straight after. Covid wasn't as bad but that flu was the worst flu I've ever had in my life. I fully recovered after 6 weeks of grueling headaches and wheezing (2 covid 4 flu) and I've never fully recovered,random bouts of coughing. I can believe the 'flu' break since it really fucked with me. The preg rrat is funny though

>> No.44579829
File: 193 KB, 1200x1200, 1635709758735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. She's an acquired taste.

>> No.44579832

im the same, i had covid and im still half fucked and its been 2 fucking years

>> No.44579836

Where the hell did the rumor about her being knocked up come from? Anon's always getting played by rumors, so let's hear the source too, bro.

>> No.44579896

>the source
this >>44569789

>> No.44579912

When were in crisis mode, yes. Otherwise the thread is super chill and somewhat boring. Trust and believe it's only gonna ramp up from here. Pigs are insane.

>> No.44579914

chamma is the strongest idol, yes?
so knocking her down is clearly impossible
she told me it was her safe days but knocking her up was much more possible than the other way around...

>> No.44579959

man covid is such a weird disease, i only had fever for 2 days and lost the senses of smell and test for like 3 weeks but never had any sequels, coughing or whatever

>> No.44579966

Every time I take a look on /jp/, I discover something new. I'm glad others can do the schizo work while I can just sit back and wait for others to give it to me.

>> No.44580018

taste... the doomposting here has affected my brain

>> No.44580023

*and test

>> No.44580214

Are you regret about invested your time into Haachama?

>> No.44580213

I get that Chama is going through a tough time right now. But where the hell did the pregnancy rumor come from?

>> No.44580262

ESL-kun, I enjoy every second with her.

>> No.44580306

one of the replies to that post

>> No.44580316


>> No.44580369

from our pregnancy test

>> No.44580445

the spider told me
we will have millions of babies

>> No.44580490

Mago has been killing it with the lewds recently. My dick is really appreciating all the art. It is through my constant jerking off that got Chammers pregnant. Sorry about that.

>> No.44580498

are we closer to that fanfic now?

>> No.44580500

It came to them in a dream.

>> No.44580541

where's the source at? Or is this just another one of Anon's jokes messing with my head? If that's the case, I'm just gonna go sulk in my room

>> No.44580680

i think one anon was just convinced by saras talk that chama is pregnant and other people ran with it from there

>> No.44580695

Do you think that any of us lonely losers would know if Haachama was pregnant? She is probably not. Anons like stirring up shit.

>> No.44580854

>being this unironically retarded
anon, please leave this website. I know it's kind of fun, but it's not for people like you. This is me 100% unironically concernfaging for you retardchama.

>> No.44580903

sorry bro i dumped the test on the trashbin, I can send you a pic of my preggo whore later tho if you want

>> No.44580922

i never got covid because im a shut-in loser ocd ridden neet who washes their hands min. 20 times a day!

>> No.44580969
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>everyone is going crazy while I'm just sitting here horny
I hate being a coomer, but at the same time, have you seen these milkers? I need paizurichama...

>> No.44581051

Whatever it is, Chammers has my full support.
I will pray for her speedy recovery, and for you guys to stay strong during her absence.

>> No.44581064

Thanks for clearing that up, dude. Nah man, it ain't that baitin' Anon's fault. It's my own damn fault for being dumb as a brick.I thought maybe they found out from her secret social media or something. My bad, I guess. Time for some angry sleep.

>> No.44581318

It's okay. The pigs here are genuinely concerned, even the ones who thought all the sickness excuses were bullshit. Because even if they are bullshit, it implies chammers wont be around much longer.

>> No.44581326

Covid can lead to lasting damage to some people.

>> No.44581350

bros, I wanted to make a very quick, scuffed shitpost, but it hit me right before uploading that I probably don't want to post this publicly lol. should I?

>> No.44581391

Chammers doesn't have Coco to save her from herself like last time. I fully believe Coco's graduation was what saved her, as tragic as it was. But now there is nothing like that to magically save her ;_;

>> No.44581434

maybe Laplus can get her drunk enough to want to come back

>> No.44581490

Lmao, I mean, it will certainly filter the few tourists you get from kmc. May I suggest one with it's a burning memory but chammas giggles layered over it?

>> No.44581662
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One can hope an unlikely source could save her... but fuck alcohol. it will only harm her in the long run.

>> No.44581846

I'm going to hibernate until chammer comeback (hopefully she will). See you again bros

>> No.44581848

It won't bode well with jp nikki. Also she was having trouble with negative thoughts from the audience. So, it's better to just spread good things instead

>> No.44581883

But seriously though. You're stupid. Reflect upon that and consider weather or not browsing an anonymous website best know for shitpost baiting is a good place for you. Oh wait, you're stupid. Let me spell the answer for you: it's not. At least make a conscious effort to assume everything you read is 100% made up bullshit. Even if there's "proof". Particularly when it comes to politically motivated shit.

>> No.44581961
File: 2.05 MB, 1910x1027, 1660083997747453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were good times. Fuck, Chammers is just so naturally hot and La+ is cunny. I wish there were more occasions like this.

>> No.44582162

I never expected them to become such good friends. I was actually the anon complaining in the valorant collab about how they had no chemistry.

>> No.44582192

Just saw her pic from /jp/. She's rich, beautiful (imo), and young. A bit messed up in the head though. I want to marry her

>> No.44582235

These are all true, but unfortunately for you, I have already proposed to her. She accepted.

>> No.44582282

I'm concerned, she's already been through a lot.

>> No.44582577
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>> No.44582670
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>ywn be with chammers
>she will never even talk to you or acknowledge your existence
>she will never think about you
When we are in sad times, I start thinking about these things. How do you cope with it?

>> No.44582732

I don't, and that's why I am unironically schizo

but hey, at least she read my superchat once and my music submission is still on her Music Contest playlist (even though it never made it into the stream itself)

>> No.44582806

idk man I'll probably travel to JP in 5-10 years to do some post-grad shit. chammers is retarded enough to be attracted to a gaijin 10 years her senior so I unironically have a chance

>> No.44582822

Yeah...that's the stuff...

>> No.44583010
File: 2.25 MB, 1600x2000, Haachama Love (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that I love Haachama today too!

>> No.44583720
File: 141 KB, 775x1200, 1537888888174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the best days of being a Haaton. You can basically cite any time before the oversaturation of the schizo arc as the best times. From all the way back to tsun Haato to then. That entire time was great in various different ways that changed over time. And now it has been years of me missing the better times. Are they ever coming back? Will I always miss the good old days? Heck, I miss the vtubing days before I saw Chammers for the first time. Everything was so new, and I wasn't obsessed with one in particular. It was just a cool concept.

>> No.44584006

I'm starting to think that Haachama no longer loves us

>> No.44584045

vtubing is cringe af. early haachama was amazing, so I stayed, but never once found another vtuber I liked watching. the coffee bean from NijiID was decent, and Lulu was pure sex, but other than that nothing stuck out. Being a Haaton the last two years or so has felt like beating a dead horse. I couldn't even be arsed to watch her streams half the time. I'm on this ride just to see how long until she finally stops pretending to care and quits already

>> No.44584190

inb4 the third original song is just text-to-speech telling everyone to fuck off and her channel gets deleted

>> No.44584244

Based. I'll personally make sure it gets more hits than red heart.

>> No.44584302

it'd seriously be the best stunt haachama has ever done and my respect would go back to the positives

>> No.44584379

While I'm wallowing in sadness, I'll just mention that vtubing was best when it was edited videos. Streams are much, much worse than well edited, translated videos. Everybody who joined the craze later on missed out big time. We have less translated nowadays than we did back then. And the videos were much higher quality than much of what gets made today. However, I will say I could watch a 24 hour stream of Haachama watching paint dry, and I would still be happy.

>> No.44584485

the only factual statement in this entire thread

>> No.44585541

>I will say I could watch a 24 hour stream of Haachama watching paint dry, and I would still be happy.
That mentality is what allowed streaming to beat edited videos
I would watch haachama for hours too, but just fyi

>> No.44586134

I can't get her out of my mind bros. I've been through many of her break from stream arc, but this seems to be the most serious one (first time seeing mane-chan tweet on talent's accout). What should i do to get rid of this fear and anxiety?

>> No.44586579

touch grass

>> No.44586952

coom hard enough and you'll feel all your worries melt away

>> No.44587117
File: 79 KB, 900x636, Haaton despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44587180

Same. Even when my family got it and I was in the same house as them, I still never ended up getting it.

>> No.44587273

Anon....Chama went to a farm up north...where she can roam around freely with all kinds of animals...

>> No.44587319

I leave for a few hours and my wife chammers is suddenly pregnant?

>> No.44587446

I remember her stories about her professor. He used to watch hololive and she was scared someone would find out.
Maybe someone near her found out about her job and broke up with her

>> No.44587555

>wait a goddamn minute
>your family is well off??
>hmmm okay but WAIT you also made an assload of money??

>> No.44587874

>Literally bawls her heart out to Hoshikawa in the middle of Disneysea last month because antis are starting to get to her again
>Schizos here still posting "she doesn't care anymore"
Just so everyone's on the same page

>> No.44588113

10 years since haachama strim.i walk through the empty streets trying to think of something else but my path always leads to the her channel. i stare at the screen for hours and try to summon the queen. i watch other vtuber girls streaming but it is no good. i flame 3d thots on twitch and try to resist the nazi mods but it is all meaningless. the end is near.i then usually watch some old haachama archives and cry myself to sleep.

>> No.44588224

*kisses you*

>> No.44588246

Thank you, Haachama. I knew you loved me.

>> No.44588332

Based. I never doubted her.

>> No.44588404

Its always a useless effort to try and act retarded anon, don't bother with them

>> No.44588522
File: 454 KB, 2621x2479, (You) WILL roll for pushups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>chama is pregnant
>thread went schizo mode

>> No.44588647

My roll is the number of kids were having

>> No.44588836

I'm not bothering with them; it's for the benefit for people like that one guy who was taking the pregnancy jokes seriously.

>> No.44588841


>> No.44589298

Finally going to have my 8 kids with her

>> No.44590012


>> No.44590044

Wtf are those replies??

>> No.44590213

Did Ollie piss off her fanbase?

>> No.44590296

Is this what Sara said? Timestamp?

>> No.44590325

lmao they're just the usual unintelligible 'how about fans??!' schizos weirdos

>> No.44590632

I just noticed what the fuck.

>> No.44590743
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Twitter freaks, what do you expect?

>> No.44590788

I hear about this happening a lot to Kiara too
Cute Ollie though

>> No.44590802
File: 236 KB, 1280x1000, 1623508803706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Haachama
please don't graduate
please don't graduate
please don't graduate
please don't graduate
please don't graduate

>> No.44590876

Ok, I won't

>> No.44591111

She's not graduating she's sick and/or dying

>> No.44591535

But why?

>> No.44591772

So, is she sick physically or depressed?
>inb4 preggo rrats
Yep, just like Miko back in 2020, right? My grandchild is 3 years old now btw

>> No.44591855
File: 38 KB, 640x400, 2352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Chammers played HL?

>> No.44592310

Why did you immediately think there was a health problem?
What if she was complaining to Sara about how her fanbase is shrinking and she doesn't know what to do about it.

>> No.44592733


>> No.44592934

death is the ultimate graduation

>> No.44593660
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>> No.44593872

>Schizos here still posting "she doesn't care anymore"
Her actions speak louder than words anon.

>> No.44594284
File: 110 KB, 225x236, 1658391195818645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come, Mister Tally Man!
Tally me Haachama!

>> No.44594586

Why do the antis want to get her again?

>> No.44594728
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1623416869278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows how the average bug thinks, Anon.

>> No.44594915

I like your efforts, but not even a delicious black tarantula can make this situation better

>> No.44594969

But... But chama stream and me wan go home...

>> No.44594996

roru, rumao even

>> No.44595142

there's nothing waiting for you back home, anon... you worked all day... the job is done... daylight came... and still no stream

>> No.44595254
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>> No.44595369

Can't wait to hear her new song. It will lessen my anxiety somehow

>> No.44595407

inb4 haachama officially graduates tomorrow and the song never releases

>> No.44595576

What's the likelihood of her graduating, bros? She seems so loved.

>> No.44595632

It might not have even been antis, just harsh upbraiding for not taking the time to double-check the schedule after overlapping Choco's concert.

>> No.44595673

>has a menhera moment
>She's graduating!?
Are you guys always like this?

>> No.44595727

Not all menhera moments lead to graduation, but most graduations are preceded by menhera moments.

>> No.44596084

Not always, but the schizophrenia levels of this thread are directly correlated to the amount Haachama streams. Since she's not been streaming regularly since early December the schizo levels were at critical already and deranged posts were popping up unprompted, now that there's an actual sign that somethings even remotely bad beyond just silence, no matter how minor it might potential be, doomposting and rrats were inevitable. If you think this is bad you should've seen in 2021, things were on a while other level.

>> No.44596663

Mios Tarot card reading

Haachama's result
Decent luck. Go for your goals without stopping or looking back.
Don't just do whatever you want in collabs, consider your partner.
Not very good. Might have an accident of sorts. If you have any doubts, make sure you voice them.
Good. 100% healthy. Your body is your canvas, so to speak.
Good. No troubles to speak of.
Good. Haachama seems diligent when it comes to money, so there's no fear of sinking deep into gambling.
A chance to redo your life (even Mio doesn't really get it). Instead of repairing what's broken, throw it away and start anew.

>> No.44596751

Haachama didn't get a tarot reading this year btw

>> No.44596770

I highly highly doubt it'd be that

>> No.44596920

This was from last year iirc

>> No.44597074


>> No.44597122

She's singin' it

>> No.44597698

>not having problems with her head
pick one

>> No.44597940

Is god haachama's anti? Why is her luck so bad this year.......

>> No.44598388


>> No.44598474

>the only thing people ever draw Haachama for is for content she stopped doing a long time ago (cursed cooking, schizo horror, ASMR, lewd stuff etc)

>> No.44599288

well...what should they draw about now that is distinct from other holomen?

>> No.44599374

There is nothing. Her channel has been a shuffling corpse for a while now

>> No.44599949

well, she stopped making content right after all that, so obviously. what would you rather them draw in SFW memes? getting passed-out drunk? failing all her classes? lying on a deathbed?

>> No.44600425

Oshi reflects fanbase

>> No.44600434


>> No.44600449

mane chan utter hate

>> No.44600616

Fau fau...

>> No.44600669

>still believing Haachama is a great creative spirit being stifled by management
At a certain point you have to accept it's her own fault.

>> No.44600735
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>> No.44600763

She was too good and the people of cover hated her for that.

>> No.44600834

Right because no one else in Hololive ever does anything interesting or creative

>> No.44601020

Like her, no. Well maybe Coco, but they sacked her. Even people like Marine and Festival knelt before her.

>> No.44601517 [SPOILER] 
File: 314 KB, 1448x2048, Fqs7g0NaIAM7rve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry chama, i'll follow you soon....

>> No.44601787
File: 1.22 MB, 700x716, 1656710369085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Haachama, you stewpid

>> No.44601833
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Why does Haachama kwab so much...

>> No.44601885

Why does chammers need to rest for 4th fest isn't it prerecorded?

>> No.44601969

Some parts are prerecorded, but there're live parts and MC stuff(last years with Polka was kino)

>> No.44602146 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 1080x215, Screenshot_20230309_000924_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only cope while chammers on break is to watch purplechama.

>> No.44602266


>> No.44602483
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>> No.44602764

Ty o2

>> No.44602921
File: 2.45 MB, 384x216, HaaPol[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4volkf.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44602984
File: 1.93 MB, 854x480, HaaPolA[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz0ul8f.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44603217

Be honest with yourself. Why are you still here? Why do you still follow her? Are you really happy with how she's changed?

>> No.44603422

>Why are you still here?

I'm here to kill Chaos

>> No.44603475

Because the shows not over till you get kicked out of the theater. Why are you still here?

>> No.44603703

>Why are you still here? Why do you still follow her?
because im delusional enough to believe that when i go to japan i will find her and she will become my wife

>> No.44603792
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>> No.44604457
File: 148 KB, 317x286, Pepeloni[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5cza1q.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the standard "wut 'bout da fans tho" general antis that clung to her because she had a bad first reaction with them, instead of recognizing that they're just trolls and moving on.

>> No.44605140

I'm not happy. following her is like keeping up-to-date with news of a criminal investigation into a mass murderer. it's painful to keep hearing about new victims, but you keep watching because you want to know how it'll all end, hoping that it ends sooner than later. plus, I wouldn't have enjoyed a mental image of chammers bawling her eyes out at Disney world had I just jumped ship. there's always some funny developments that keep my attention

>> No.44605181

No, I am not happy. Chammers went from being the loose canon of Hololive, the streamer with the most unique content to becoming one of many. At this point in time I am hoping that she can do whatever makes her happy and if streaming is no longer making her happy or she can't stream in a way that she enjoys that she can at least graduate with a bang. I want to be here to send her off because the alternative, several years of irregular low-energy streams before she just fades away with no one caring anymore would be just too sad.

>> No.44605966

>the alternative, several years of irregular low-energy streams before she just fades away with no one caring anymore would be just too sad.
That's almost where she's at already. Barely anyone on this site outside of this thread talked about the manager tweet and most Haatons are long gone already.

>> No.44606573

>the alternative, several years of irregular low-energy streams before she just fades away with no one caring anymore would be just too sad.
anon, I don't know how to break this to you...

>> No.44608095

i WILL be the last Haaton

>> No.44608518

being Haaton is just embarrassing at this point, but go off king

>> No.44608814 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 256x256, 1664555543306361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon! Here's your prize

>> No.44609029

Why is everyone posting like Haachama is graduating?

>> No.44609723

Of course I still like her, and I frankly can't imagine how a period of nothing happening could change that more than just a bit.
The real question is why I'm still in this thread.

>> No.44609726

did you not see the tweet?

>> No.44609753

The tweet likely got enough attention to attract a few tourists to troll, combined with the general schizo increase that always happens when she isn't streaming .

>> No.44609769

she graduated months ago, and we're simply trying to open pathetic piggies' eyes to the truth using this recent turn of events as leverage. we're just trying to stop all the coping. face reality.

>> No.44609879

She already has. Just not officially.

>> No.44610882

> Barely anyone on this site outside of this thread talked about the manager tweet

Most people are taking this at face value and not trying to divine a rrat out of it like the schizo autists here.

>> No.44611377

taking it at face value is a sign it not giving a shit either way

>> No.44611638

"Fans" are unironically more schizo and menhera than chammers herself

>> No.44612729

what if chammers broke down in front of HSKW because she really wants to collab with Roberu but is afraid of the backlash, but she's encouraged by HSKW to follow her heart and does the mixed collab as her first stream back, completely ignoring the postponed collab with Momoshiki-sensei (Alternate History)

>> No.44612909


>> No.44613552

Why would she care about male collabs when she can get male attention at uni?

>> No.44613663

>when she can get male attention at uni?
seems like she can't since she failed to get a bf

>> No.44613740
File: 424 KB, 584x788, 1650545787216274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Haachama is married to me, not (You).

>> No.44613810

Do you really, honestly, genuinely believe it? Especially since that mempost was before her exercise, fashion, makeup and socializing with the partypi arc?

>> No.44613871

>Do you really, honestly, genuinely believe it?

>> No.44614519

Why aren't more people hornyposting over Haachama?

>> No.44614777

Didn't she tell her fans not to? Or she didn't want more horny art of her done.

Something to that effect I believe.

>> No.44614803

When did that happen?

>> No.44615040

I thought she was limiting herself but not her fans

>> No.44615043

Around the time of the canceled R18 contest.

>> No.44615125

I'm a newfag. I didn't even know about the R18 contest. How old is it? Other Holomems have since gotten very lewd and encouraged lewd content of themselves, so maybe her stance was only in that moment.

>> No.44615288

September after she removed the lingerie stream that she did

>> No.44615417

Is there a clip somewhere or something? I just want to be sure before I continue lewdposting Haachama.

>> No.44615489

Anon I'll be honest with you this is not the time to get into Haachama. You're about 3 years too late for the party.

>> No.44615550

It's never too late to have a good time.

>> No.44615579

chama is currently dying of the flu, so shes going to be busy for a bit

>> No.44615663

But what does that have to do with a clip from September?

>> No.44615715

In this case it is. The good times are over.

>> No.44615724
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>> No.44615971

don't think theres a clip

>> No.44616200

I have not recommended Haachama to anyone in well over a year, possibly two at this point, despite there being a phase I went through when I would spam Haato memes to my friends that were not even into anime. Getting into Haachama now is impossible. Either you were there for it to experienced the journey and now it's too painful for you to let go, or you try to look around for anything worthwhile but all that's left public on her channel are empty husks and vague, vestigial traces of what once used to be the strongest idol. 90% of all the good shit she once did is now lost forever or privated and not worth going through the effort of finding

>> No.44616402

don't listen to the naysayers

>> No.44616488

Don't worry, I won't. I support all idols and want to see them be the best them they can be.

>> No.44617148

Provide a counterargument then. Everything >>44616200 said is the truth and I don't see how you can argue against it in any meaningful way. Haachama hasn't felt like "Haachama" in a long time and all the content she was famous for except Minecraft is gone. Just saying "ignore the criticism" is completely hollow when the criticism comes from a place of people who love, or at least use to love her.

>> No.44618508

Well, her last good arc was the rap arc (not sure if the gunpla arc was before or after) and that was end of 2021/start of 2022

I guess you are right, it's been all downhill.

>> No.44618628

Please stop samefagging.

>> No.44618843

It's been several days and I still keep listening to this ASMR from her. It makes me really sad that we probably won't get anything like this again. It's so cute and fun (and no, I don't mean cute and funny).

>> No.44619059

"I am clearly in the right; therefore, all opposition is actually samefagging."
grow up. Haachama moved on, why can't you?

>> No.44619151

ぶるちゃま is GOAT'd. back when a damn foot massager was enough for haachama to make multiple videos out of that were all fun to watch

>> No.44619188

Wait, what? She used it multiple times?

>> No.44619346

The entire process of her quitting ASMR was weird. Did it for a long time sometimes ecchi sometimes not, did the really lewd femdom one then said she was quitting shortly after, got that supa that said they can't sleep without it, did it sporadically again, mic kun died, bought an expensive as fuck one then used it like twice with no explanation. Completely schizophrenic.

>> No.44619591

The ecchi one then the "cooking" video

>> No.44619678

Is the one I linked the ecchi one or was there a different one?

>> No.44620150

Does that look like a cooking video to you anon?

>> No.44620231

Well, you said multiple, so I didn't know if those two other ones you listed were additional streams aside from the one I posted.

>> No.44620310
File: 835 KB, 2894x4093, FqTYMUJagAMFxxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't argue against projection. All of your criticisms might matter to you, but to me they just aren't a big deal. You're here for "the Haachama experience". You're here for "content", "arcs", and "the journey". I'm here for Haachama. It's understandable for you to be upset if you aren't getting what you want, but I'll get what I want as soon as she comes back. Why should I be upset?

>> No.44620708

I was the anon that said multiple, and there's a third one. the first stream she did with it was more of a talking stream where she giggled a lot trying the different levels. she wanted to do Ring Fit Adventure with it and she was stopped from doing so (or was it the foot massaging mat that I'm thinking of? I'm not sure)

>> No.44620900

I hope not.

>> No.44621297

she wanted to do Ring Fit with oil on the floor. even bought safety equipment. management stopped it last minute because of nintendo perms preventing "unsafe" usage of their products. right after she did a annoyed/angry ASMR after that she privated

>> No.44621480

First of all I'm not the same anon I quoted. Secondly if you're outright stating that none of what she actually DOES matters to you then sure, my argument will never convince you. If you don't care what she streams, how often she streams, whether she releases music, shows up to concerts, collabs, whether she talks about her life or if you have to hear it all secondhand or does ANYTHING but are somehow still happy just by merit of her existing then sure. More power to you. If you have no standards or expectations I guess you can't be disappointed. At this point I don't know what you're actually getting from her though.

>> No.44624710


>> No.44625212

this anon is gonna be happy just knowing there isn't an official graduation announcement. she could die, but as long as he's able to pretend she's alive and happy then it's enough. I'm not sure what level of delusion this is, but as someone who used to consider himself a gachikoi and did very questionable stuff back when her doxx wasn't plastered everywhere, it's sad behavior. even VTwitters do more than she does

>> No.44625458

I do want her to do things, but they don't have to be any particular things. I have my preferences, but as long as she enjoys doing it I'll enjoy watching it.

>> No.44625932
File: 338 KB, 500x654, Trade Sarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44626057

I think we all need to start rolling to keep our minds from sinking any deeper

>> No.44626224

Ikz. Number divided by ten is how many times I jack off today as well

>> No.44626390

Another one I remember was this one where she used it for diet exercise

>> No.44626484

I forgot about that one. damn. Lapchama...

>> No.44626988

Does she look younger or older than the pic suggests?

>> No.44628092

the pic was of a hag in a wedding dress

>> No.44630224

you need to get you eyes checked

>> No.44633169

Chamakoyami Chamawa...

>> No.44634699

i hope chama doesn't die...

>> No.44636898

if she went to DW and broke down in tears, I don't think what ails her is physical. just mental

>> No.44636969


>> No.44637486

I'll gladly transfer my lifespan and motivation to haachama

>> No.44638543

nta but I thought the same thing, but maybe it's just me been brown or haven't seen enough regular asian women

>> No.44638983

coincidentally, I am also brown, so maybe all browns have skewed ideas about what is a hag

>> No.44640640
File: 552 KB, 800x800, Chama's prank plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44641713

what could go wrong?

>> No.44641862

Apparently, nothing cause Luna found out about the prank beforehand.

>> No.44642326

this video and the comments are stuck in 2021

>> No.44642547

Almost like she stopped doing anything interesting after the rap arc

>> No.44642765

I have received the rolling

>> No.44644435
File: 120 KB, 277x197, Chama blur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44646632
File: 71 KB, 960x1280, sadHaaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chama doko...

>> No.44646807
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>> No.44647011

I don't see a problem with being stuck in that Era
It doesn't really affect Chama at all so it's fine imo

>> No.44648653

She could literally graduate tomorrow (not that she will, this isn't even her roughest patch) and I'd be fine with it if that would make her happy.

>> No.44649999

I miss her so much...

>> No.44650103

I went from "please don't graduate" to "just hurry up already" and I can't even pin-point when exactly I made the switch. It just happened. weird, considering how drastic of a change in stance it is

>> No.44650108

Hoshikawa please save Chama...

>> No.44650357

Same here. It's just in the best interest of everyone, she's just changed too much since going back to Japan and doesn't fit anymore. Graduating and then popping in every few months on her roommate account would be the best ending,

>> No.44650557

You probably saw her laugh lines as wrinkles so you thought she was a hag, and the lipstick probably made her look older

>> No.44651004

for sure. that said, I will ball my eyes out and go into a major depressive episode when it inevitably happens as my brain is fractured into "I am glad she is finally moving on and hopefully this allows her to focus on her physical and mental health" and "CHAMMERS NO DON'T LOVE ME PLEASE JUST STAY ONE MORE DAY, LET ME HEAR YOUR GIGGLES ONE MORE TIME NOOOOO"

>> No.44651122
File: 277 KB, 614x260, NaughtyHaatons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44651947
File: 47 KB, 500x715, image0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44652285

Me btw

>> No.44652756

One pushup for each baby haachama will have. Rolling

>> No.44652839

Yeah, mine.

>> No.44653181


>> No.44653467

Don't worry bros, i'll make her and our child be the happiest people in the world

>> No.44654551

I posted this

>> No.44654658

i want chama to be okay & happy always

>> No.44655235
File: 1.90 MB, 2480x1748, Choppychama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44655861

that's too much to ask of a female

>> No.44657154
File: 238 KB, 602x534, ((((Gaming))))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44657470


>> No.44658061
File: 183 KB, 2000x1125, E3wdMu3UUAYElVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next bread image

>> No.44658318

New thread as requested by >>44658061
