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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44576336 No.44576336 [Reply] [Original]

Although she isn't quite as based as I would like, she is more than based enough, and I still love her to death. She's a sad girl with too big a heart, what did you expect?

I still pick my Pippa. Do you join me?

>> No.44576472

I pick Tenma since she's infinitely more based.

>> No.44576639

women can't be based
also pippa was never going to say "kill all trannies" on record while working for a company, she isn't a complete down syndrome sperg (like you)

>> No.44576651
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Of all the pink women, I prefer pink Rushia. She might be menhera, but i guarantee she smells better than Pippa.

>> No.44576855

Pikmin Pippa is a severe cutie

>> No.44576952

After watching the chocolate stream, I don't think I wanna sex Pippa anymore...

>> No.44577276

you're a fucking faggot dude

>> No.44577319

Just because of the teef? How new?

>> No.44577565
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Pipkin will be mine…
Or she

>> No.44577627

>pikamee kneels to the girldick
>silvervale kneels to the girldick
>pippa kneels to the girldick

trans people are the strongest race

>> No.44577726
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Did you buy the rope yet, Henri?

>> No.44577749

How am I a faggot, faggot?

>> No.44577924

Pipkin literally admitted that the word Henry gave her PTSD.

>> No.44577997
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Looks like there is only one cure for Pippa's PTSD then. Kill yourself already >>44577565

>> No.44579232

You are OP

>> No.44579252

I pick Pippa!!!

>> No.44579328

>doesnt understand jokes
Jesus Christ Henri please stop posting.

>> No.44582022

>Do you join me?

>> No.44582513

>Do you join me?
No make bad decissions by yourself cuck >>44573146

>> No.44582636

Tenma didn’t.

>> No.44583282

Probably accurate

>> No.44583776

Grifting pink woman bad

>> No.44583948

now if only they could beat that 41% statistic people might actually start believing your shit

>> No.44584913

>Although she isn't quite as based as I would like
yeah no shit, being that amount of based would result i an instant ban and the end of the ride desu

>> No.44585104

>Her do not harass others with what I say tweet goes up
>Some terminal Twitter activist, 'Vaush,' calls her a nazi on stream
>On her next stream, "I don't take advice from horsefuckers
Back in top form, I see

>> No.44585154

Timestamp please of her responding to Hasan and Vaush

>> No.44585334

only vaush

>> No.44585682

At 2:59:05 got mention and then at 2:59:35 says it

>> No.44585768

I wish more vtubers had even the semblance of a spine

>> No.44585789
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>He said im a nazi, Thats interesting
>Im not really concerned if a horsefucker thinks im a nazi

>She didn't deny it
*puts on tinfoil hat*

>> No.44585807


>> No.44585826

The thing is not to go too far but not be a pushover

>> No.44585962 [DELETED] 

Based until a Jewish viewer says chat is making them uncomfortable and Pippa once again bends over forward and shows you that she's grifting you idiots the whole time instead of telling her Jewish viewers to fuck off.

I'll admit she definitely knows what she's doing, but the real deal just seems that more interesting Kiki is way better.

>> No.44585973

kys election tourist

>> No.44585996 [DELETED] 

The problem is if she goes mask-off on a literal jew she's getting nuked

>> No.44586039 [DELETED] 

I genuinely, honest to god, wished American Election tourists didn't ruin /pol/
it was actually MORE nazi back then

>> No.44586148

I... I kneel.
Pippa, i beg forgiveness for doubting.

>> No.44586316

Pippa's great, no doubt about it, but Shondo is as free as free gets to say whatever shit she wants. That said I don't entirely hate Fishman, he tolerates alot of shit that would give other CEOs an aneurysm and is holding together his sad girl ship like a champ. But Shondo, as an indie, goes off on a whole other level. The patron saint of shitlords and tasteful uoh.

>> No.44586532

Pippa didn't take a single thing back, didn't apologize and hasn't changed anything.
Silvervale also kept playing the game and got a massive boost because of it.
Poor Pika.


>> No.44586545

I mean that's obvious, there's Kiki and shondo who are indie

>> No.44586617 [SPOILER] 
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>once again bends over
Can you show me the part were she admitted guilt and apologized in that statement? Because I can't find it and I'm getting worried about all the people hallucinating around me.

>> No.44586642

they did a (slightly) better job of sticking to their board

>> No.44586701

Until they say Heil Hitler it is grifting.

>> No.44586741

She's a redditor, tumblrina, and furry who shilled herself here to gain an audience. Most of her content is reaction videos, dramafagging, and screeching loudly. People only consider her "based" because she repeats years old gamergate-tier shit. She one of the most un-based and cringe v-tubers in existence. Only Kiki is worse.

>> No.44587027

>oh hey guys, it's the one guy on the entire Internet who gets to decide what the word "based" means
>boy, am i glad he's here to clear things up!
unironically kill yourself lmao

>> No.44587124 [DELETED] 

>Pippa didn't take a single thing back, didn't apologize and hasn't changed anything.
Silvervale has also failed to denounce the trans fucks for being trans fucks. But she had always tried pandering to them, so whatever.

>> No.44587303

>t. threadwatcher

>> No.44587334 [DELETED] 

Pippaniggers are so sensitive.

>> No.44587674 [DELETED] 

Oh sweatie, do you really think it's about trannies and not the crybullying trolls that don't even believe in whatever trans or anti-trans shit they're spewing on whichever bait account they're logged into at the time? https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa/status/1585886043953598464 is a timeless classic btw.

>> No.44587921 [DELETED] 

No. Eradicating transgenderism is more important than loving Pippa.

>> No.44587985

>Do you really think it's about trannies
Yes because it is

>> No.44588100

Wouldn't it be funny if someone were to send this clip to a leftist drama toober.

>> No.44588132

>so whatever.
yeah thats right, fuck off creature.

>> No.44588239

I think she posted that to protect the other girls in PC. Probably be a cope, but I could also see her doing that.

>> No.44589965

Those ugly feet tho

>> No.44590074

>no response regarding Pippa
Hahahaha seethe more, faggot.

>> No.44590319

dude /ourgirl/ amirite so fucking based and cute

>> No.44591005
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unironically american Pekora

>> No.44591192


>> No.44591755

If you're interested to Pippa, check out other Phase-Connect girls too, like Tenma, Lumi, or Lia.

>> No.44591818

fuck off Pippa, you can't make me

>> No.44592282
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Imagine a board without Pippafags

>> No.44592723

Unironically agree. The terminally online, /pol/ tourist types that expect people to immediately go full 1488 and throw away their careers and livelihoods, without any alternatives being offered, just because they say/do something slightly non-PC, and then sperg out when people don't go full 1488, can fuck off. The fact that they are so desperate for some wins in the culture war that they think an internet pink anime bunny women is gonna join their side is pathetic af. It's no wonder any W the right has irl are made by the moderates, not the fringes.

>> No.44592870

Nta or pippa but how about panko or airi and rei

>> No.44592875
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*blocks your path*

>> No.44592916

Anon.. do reps by checking archives

>> No.44593018

It was dumb and irresponsible of her to engage with dramabaiting in the first place. Now she's caught up in a useless culture war and her image is forever tainted because of it.

>> No.44593066

>respect their identity

>> No.44593389 [DELETED] 

fuck nazies.

>> No.44593611

I'll be honest with you chief I don't care about Pippa.

>> No.44593696
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>Now she's caught up in a useless culture war and her image is forever tainted because of it.
She's fine, manager-kun. You might think threatening random consequences makes you look important, but the people who won't touch her because of this wouldn't have collabed with her before either.
All those people who are slaves to doing things the right and most careful way aren't trying to be successful, they are merely trying not to fail and you'll never stand out like that unless a big corpo puts their weight behind you.

She'll just keep doing what she has been doing since it's working very well for her. All while building a loyal audience along the way.
And I guess /vt/ is going to continue doomposting about her like they always have.

>> No.44593806

Pippa roasted Vaush

>> No.44593850

Watch any stream where she collabs with another "BasedTuber" and see how much of a Grifter she really is. Lumi or especially Kirche. Pippa just repeats shit she hears without any real thought and will willingly flip her opinion at the drop of a hat.

>> No.44594123

You can't even spell her name right.

>> No.44594135

This woman and tenma sp nice

>> No.44594488 [DELETED] 

Nazi? more like Knot Sheath

>> No.44596040

We need to meme Pippa into embracing an ironic nazi persona and finally cancel the cancel culture

>> No.44596183

I dont follow fleshtubers of any kind.
Whats the context for this comment?

>> No.44596220

When is Pippa going to ban and block Shondo for being transphobic anyway? She said she would do that.

>> No.44596242

we know shondo

>> No.44596326

Never, cute girls (actual ones) get special treatment.

>> No.44596369

more like boyvagina

>> No.44596443

She's also been grooming Shondo into using TempleOS and shooting feds on sight

>> No.44596468

Immediately going off about vaccines and Bill Gates in the stream following the drama is pretty ballsy desu.

>> No.44596644

>now this vtuber will surely by the figure head of my political movement, says deranged anon for the 4th time this year
Please take your crying somewhere else when you find out that Shondo wasn't what you were looking for either.

>> No.44596669

it's called bussy you dinosaur

>> No.44596855

none of them are bases they are all grifters nor are they redpilled or anything
They are furries, weirdos, lgbt allies, and grifters using the internet and edgy jokes to get a loyal paying retarded audience

I don't want politics I agree with in vtubing just as much as I want politics I hate in them

I still love Kirsche

>> No.44597046 [DELETED] 

>Troon groomers aren't universally reviled, i-i-t's just those p-p-pol invaders!
Get POL'ed in your butt by a tranny
Then become either the 41% necking themselves or the 60% withering away from aids.

>> No.44597095

What believes do you think they pretend to have and why are you so sure that they are fake?
Why is it impossible for a woman who grew up with a mother that had a massive Swastika tattooed on her cleavage to enjoy edgy humor?

>I don't want politics I agree with in vtubing just as much as I want politics I hate in them
>I still love Kirsche
You're not watching any of them, aren't you?

>> No.44597105

Not really, gotta reestablish control to keep the con going and ensure she grooms up a new batch of retarded paypigs.

>> No.44597182

Most young women fucking love trannies and gays

>> No.44597517 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 588x734, 1678109828091768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister is 10 years younger than me and school forced some lgbt cafe visit on them. She found them to be disgusting and so did a lot of the girls in her class.

Not sure why you guys seem to think twitter addicted kpop stans are the normies here.

>> No.44597626

Because I went to college, worked different jobs, go to events, and have friends

Also I doubt the younger generation are red pilled considering they are fine with pronouns and adopt different genders like a fashion choice

>> No.44597777

Most young women are terfs.

Lotta detail here
Vtubers aren't your friends
>went to college
Whoa look out we got a Devry grad here
>worked different jobs
Yeah I can see how it would be hard for someone like you to have a stable career lmao.

>> No.44597787

I have a job and went to uni, have friends and meet new people every day. The minority of those are on board with the tranny bullshit.

For the younger generation stuff, I can only ask my sister, but she literally doesn't know a single person who is into the whole tranny thing

>> No.44598749

I'm talking more about women than men for the record and even then most people will still say only a few trans people are bad

I guess they never had to deal with "sensible" trans people who want to be left alone, but then will tell you that kids should get hormones and that they agree with everything the crazy people say but they don't like that they make them look bad

>> No.44600312

Let's move on from troons, the drama is over for now (until they try it again). They will continue to make themselves look bad on social media, bitching about them unnecessarily only gives them power.

>> No.44600966

She tweeted at her earlier. Pippa would never ostracize cunny.

>> No.44601100

This but unironically

>> No.44601242

Bro, these faggots can't read.

>> No.44601440

She said no such thing you lying piece of shit.

>> No.44601451
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Not only is she not bending the knee, she's also not shitting on her own audience. She says "Nice to meet you all!" which clearly means she's talking to the retarded politishit tourists.

>> No.44601771
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I don't think she's "based" so much as she enjoys being a troll and stirring shit up. Which suits me perfect.

>> No.44602039

Why are you lying?
>Let’s not shit-fling and attack other people’s identities. If I see it I’ll be blocking and banning you from my community
Pippa posted this. So I repeat, when is she going to block and ban Shondo?

>> No.44602074
File: 304 KB, 588x713, 1648146776145353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol lmao

>> No.44602089

show me your feet pippa

>> No.44602091

She realized money is more important than (you)s just like other /here/ chuubas before her.

>> No.44602145

I miss Pippa's feet

>> No.44602238

chocolate stream?

>> No.44602268

She has always been that way, people have been saying it since 2021.

>> No.44602322

Are you accusing Pippa of dishonesty? That’s not cool.

>> No.44602395

Kiara has embraced Nazi memes more than Pippa.

>> No.44602686

See >>44601451

>> No.44604193

Nigger you have the reading comprehension of a 2nd grader and the social comprehension of a turbosperg. Either lurk or leave.

>> No.44604763 [DELETED] 

Pipkin is a failure. She quit and backtracked. An AI is literally more based than her.

>> No.44604955
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Pipkin is a failure, someone who pretended to be based but backtracked. An AI is more based than her.

>> No.44605016
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>> No.44605156

Until they become 30, then the male pattern baldness really shatters their self esteem and they look towards the rope.

>> No.44605740 [DELETED] 

Vaush debated animal consent because we force animals to bear offspring
Ultimately it's not a revolutionary take since we are moving away from laws governed by religion but since he is a lolcow that shits on people in hyperbolic strawmen it's funny to dunk on him and call him a horsefucker

>> No.44605826

Phase connect management is not pippa you faggot, pippa literally said in her birthday stream that she just has management write messages for her when it comes to important shit

>> No.44605906

it's not working m8, pippa's actions speak louder than managements words

>> No.44606251

But Tenma doesn't, right?

>> No.44607144

Pippa is just another in a long line of worthless ethots pandering to scam money out of right wing simps, like nyanners before her. People called it from the very beginning and it has held true.

>> No.44607425

Having management write a message for her to post makes it sound like she doesn’t really care about anything other than saving her own hide. Asking management to do it so she can post it is still action on her part.

>> No.44607784

Shit up, you Tenmafags love using Tenma to attack her coworkers so Tenma looks better. She is a dunk old hag jealous of Pippa’s success and riding her coattails. Fuck off with your bait and make your own thread if you like tenma so much.
You won’t.

>> No.44608464


>> No.44608592

I just don't get people thinking that someone not saying "TOTAL TRANNY ANNIHILATION" out loud means that they are kneeling to the weirdos.

>> No.44608624


>> No.44609971

>Most young women are terfs.
I can believe this. They intuitively know that the war is between ovary-havers and testes-havers. Becoming either a non-feminist or a trans-inclusionary feminist takes some extra programming.

>> No.44610634
File: 604 KB, 412x200, nZuFmqlJ5GnzoU7ARUmOKtVPX_tbDA-2LDl7SZ2e5Zo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>179k subs 3/8/23
>35.8% of 500k goal for armpit humiliation stream
I'm pushing for it.

>> No.44611542

Until someone decides to make the hard choices yall are gunna keep losing oshis.
At the very least Pippa didn't have to do >>44586617
Its not an admission of anything but anyone who's not retarded knows Twitter sjws will take it as one.
I'll still be here to say told ya so

>> No.44611659

She's already blocked people on Twitter just for making Troon jokes but not shondo despite shondo going on a rant about troons.

>> No.44611741

>don't fight back just lay down and take it

>> No.44611866

At this point I am convinced it's bad actors trying to goad people into doing stupid shit.

>> No.44611973


>> No.44612190

It's almost like people are biased towards their actual friends. What the fuck makes you think you deserve to be held to the same standard as Shondo, from Pippa's perspective?

This is all about her not wanting you idiots to make her and her company look bad. It's not like she's gonna pull a Froot/Finana educate yourself moment, because she doesn't care one way or the other about how you feel about trannies.

>> No.44612720 [DELETED] 

What is that hard choice?
You cannot go on a mainstream media platform and call for TTD.
If you take stealth approach then you'll be called a drama vulture who is chasing clout.

>> No.44613011

>Shondo being vaguely edgy on her channel is the same as 0 follower accounts posting blatant /pol/shit in Pippa's comments
You are unfathomably retarded

>> No.44613484

The funny thing about Vaush calling anyone a Nazi is that he supports ukranian nazis religiously.

>> No.44614066

someone are saying she talked about hassan and vaush on stream and specifically said not to insult troons (and has been banning people who did)


>> No.44614285

I need this

>> No.44615145

You have no ground to call others retarded.
You deserve to keep losing your oshis

>> No.44615380

and has more teeth

>> No.44615823

Shondo said that the twitter freak retards weren't real trannies. How is that anti trans? She even called them trenders who aren't really trans.

>> No.44615976 [DELETED] 

some of the twitter freaks are trannies, others are not
actual trannies are extremely rare and most self described trannies are transtrenders (out of social/emotional contagion or unmanaged autogynephilia) or politically trans (as in they pick upo the label out of pure leftoid activism, mainly anticapitalist queer theorists or those brainwashed by them)

>> No.44616044

Pippa’s mom has swastika tattooed on her chest?

>> No.44616464

If you listen to what she says Shondo does not give a fuck about actual troons either way. It's just the freakshows who would be weird even if they werent trooning out. That isnt a political statement

>> No.44617967

Yeah, that is kinda what I said, but I am just dissecting it a bit further. Freakshows trying to bully people and impose their bullshit on them get the rope.
I never said it was a political statement. I am just describing some stuff around the issue, some poritical (aforementioned activism, anticapitalism/ queer theory) and some not (social contagion, autogynephilia, bullies/harassers). Shondo is doing great in this regard. Also, why did I get a warning? I am just being descriptive of the contextual information for the situation directly related to this vtuber (Shondo), so not off-topic at all.

>> No.44617986

>some of the twitter freaks are trannies, others are not
>actual trannies are extremely rare and most self described trannies are transtrenders (out of social/emotional contagion or unmanaged autogynephilia) or politically trans (as in they pick upo the label out of pure leftoid activism, mainly anticapitalist queer theorists or those brainwashed by them)

>> No.44621155

Ehhhh that's pretty flimsy. I mean transtrenders still think they're trans lol

>> No.44621242

No. I watched a stream of her once, annoying voice and boring content.

>> No.44621895

>Her: Hey guys don't say "Pipkin Pippa sent me here to KILL EVERY TRANNY"
>You: wow you're the reason the West is falling just lie down and take it faggot

>> No.44621982

The context you're missing is that an absurdly high percentage of the "trans community" don't experience dysphoria, and thus qualify as what Shondo called transtrenders. Right around the early 2010s the popular understanding of trans issues went from "trans people experience body dysphoria, and surgery/HRT are the only currently effective ways to alleviate their symptoms", to "Gender is a spectrum. If you want to be any gender for any reason, then you already are." There was initially some pushback from the dysphoric, but activist types shut them down hard calling their definition transphobic, and the medical community took the activists side for the same reason they purposely ignored the addictiveness of Oxycontin, there was a lot of money to be made doing so.

>> No.44623131

I love that she made Vaush seethe by playing a video game.

>> No.44623641

Pippa is giving her a promotion instead

>> No.44625688

>>doesn't know about news talking about kids and teens liking Andrew tate
