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44562137 No.44562137 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about actually good NijiEN girls

>> No.44562294

God, I want to impregnate Nina.

>> No.44562325
File: 80 KB, 455x557, all smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44562328

alright, who do you think made it into the next gen?

>> No.44562522

Nina's trajectory from the villain of Ethyria to its savior will always be funny to me.
It helps that she dumped Luxiem and went back to playing good games

>> No.44562524

Pic not related

>> No.44562530

Pretty sure, that ship sailed a while ago, anon.

>> No.44562614 [DELETED] 
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Go back to your cuckshed Nijiniggers >>>/vt/NijiEN

>> No.44562638

didnt everyone hate this woman?

>> No.44562693
File: 502 KB, 800x800, 1678234302551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using my wife to shitpost you faggot, I always see you raiding and using her images

>> No.44563158

The thing is after joining NijiEN she barely had any yabs and controversies. No serious ones, anyway. Meanwhile, her genmates were shitting the bed left, right and centre, and it was outed that they were also ostracising her. Her debut was rough with the honey spam, but she phased it out and has now dropped it. She did try to leech off the boys, but doesn't really anymore. Her early collabs were incredibly awkward, and while they got better she still sometimes has a weird aura with others. That said, she's by far the best streamer in Ethyria. I know it's admittedly a low bar, but still.

>> No.44563256

The original NijiEN fans from the lazusidya era hated her because they thought she'd bring politics into NijiEN and because when Luxiem debuted she spammed collas with them. Turns out the the other 3 ethyria members were the yab bombs and fish the first one to bring mutt politics into NijiEN. Nowadays she barely collabs with the guys and she proved herself to be grateful about her job and keep it profesional, so there isn't much to hate about her.

>> No.44563306
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>> No.44563560

Picture unrelated?

>> No.44563594

I know little about this woman but she's playing MGS

>> No.44563619

Same here

>> No.44564975
File: 155 KB, 1256x1540, 1C615869-E113-4E4A-83ED-AE1758278C94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute angel

>> No.44565163

Pic unrelated

>> No.44565307

As much as people talk shit about ILuna I believe Scarle is a solid hire. Creative streams that start trends for others in EN. One of the top superchat earners in nijien overall. And you can tell she truly loves streaming and streams for her viewers and nothing more.

>> No.44565346

Vesper will groom her

>> No.44565429

There is nothing to talk about because there is nothing good about NijiEN.

>> No.44565441

Most of Illuna got alot of flak on here when Aster never tried to improve himself until now

>> No.44565533

you can't groom a hag. whatever vesper does it would be a better late then never

>> No.44565606

>Grooming a hag
I doubt it. Plus they act so similar that its crazy.

>> No.44565635

I want her to groom me

>> No.44565887
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Not that anon but i want to send this pic
I hate enna more now

>> No.44566463
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I never got the hate for her in the first place. Been watching since debut and always enjoyed her style, its nice to have someone that doesnt sugarcoat thing and acts her age instead of pretending to be young.
She also said from the start she wanted men in NijiEN so her collabs with Luxiem didnt surprise me, nor did her traveling, she was always a huge extrovert and in 2022 shit opened up again and she could go out and do shit.

Im glad shes doing kino gaming content again but it came at the price of her being treated like shit and having to deal with a ton of antis.

>> No.44566940

Scarle is good, but fuck man, I can't watch her much because the constant changing voice shit annoys me

>> No.44567279

I understand to me and some others it's her charm and it's interesting. She mentioned she can' help it either sometimes. That her voice is naturally higher and has been forcing her voice deeper since she was a child. So her voice just fluctuates frequently.

>> No.44567428

Nina showed me that people can change to good
>So you watched?
Nah but I respect her

>> No.44567635

Why does everyone hate her? She hasn’t been mean nor acted bitchy in years. She hasn’t misbehaved, to the point in where she went to her old way.

>> No.44567682

Have you watched her recently? Her voice doesn't constantly change as much honestly.

>> No.44567702

dramafags were desperate for her to validate their fanfics and she never did

>> No.44567708

She's a woman, show the hag respect.

>> No.44567789

I like Enna.

>> No.44567859

No, but her haters got bored and she didn't feed them any yabs so they moved on.

Dramafags need to eat too.

>> No.44567950


>> No.44567963

Yes, but then she had a redemption arc that started around Christmas. Even 2023 Nina hates 2022 Nina.

>> No.44568583

She's a good singer and it's funny when she's bad at games. She doesn't always have good takes, but I think she has a good heart.

>> No.44568758

I only started watching her recently, so if it was worse before she legitimately would have been unwatchable at all

>> No.44569389

>I think she has a good heart.
So do you just not listen to her talk?
Because she's pretty clearly a mean bitch

>> No.44569469

Ok, you start

>> No.44569520

used to watch her, then she jokes about graduation while my kamioshi grad also too many collabs, thus drop her immediately.
Now she rarely spam collab and play kino, I'll consider rewatching her.

>> No.44569948

>your dead, dying channel pomu

>> No.44570255

Nina's beef with Pomu, "gremlin" voice + the things you mentioned made me drop her.
I think I'll give her another chance if she's at least stopped with the "honey" shit. I did enjoy her "The Forgotten City" streams very much.

>> No.44570309
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>> No.44570332

Pomu going joker mode in that stream was funny

>> No.44570363

They have a constant back and forth frienemies dynamic, but only Nina's comments are held under scrutiny.

>> No.44570402

Like in Kiara's case, people thought she'd inject politics into EN or bring in some major yabs because of her roommate's past history. And like Kiara, it turned out that her genmate was the true yab machine instead that's dragging the branch down.

>> No.44570408

>dolphin porn

>> No.44570465

Because Nina is a lot better at selling it so people think she's being for real

>> No.44570500

There are none

>> No.44570729

>people use rm history to try to trash a vtuber
>none of it turns out to be relevant to their current content as a vtuber
Many such cases. People put way too much emphasis on PLs/RMs in general when trying to evaluate someone. They always forget that they're working off of incomplete information in the first place.

>> No.44570779

she's not even that old, barely just turned 30 from what I remember

>> No.44570912

No it was because at the time people /here/ hated Nina way more than Pomu. None of them ever tried to "sell" it, they were always clear it was just jokes. But for threadreaders looking for something to shit on someone for it was easy ammo

>> No.44571037

yeah but she's very nice now and plays some really fun games

>> No.44571575

Her room-mate showed heavy unironic communist libtard vibes and her debut stream saying honey more times than a fucking beekeeper is why people hated her
But she's literally never done any commie bullshit on stream
And she toned down the "using trending meme to get popular" pandering

So now she's pretty cool

>> No.44572244

Okay, so these are the ones that I personally didn't like. Whether you take that to mean they are good or bad is another discussion, but I want to know what they've been up to. Have they changed what I didn't like about them?
Coom-baiter, addicted to gacha and very easily groomed. Good ASMR, nice voice and plays okay stuff like Yakuza.
She barely streams. She barely plays games.
Her game choice is horrendous, she sometimes gets weirdly obstinate about things that would improve her streams or content, like making playlists, and she was unsure of her seiso persona, said stuff like she only swore around friends, and lost her original autistic charm to try and fit in more among the Lazulight - Noctyx waves.
She's loud, has odd game choices, interacted with Vox too much and to her detriment.
Leeched way, way too hard off the guys. Her humor doesn't really mix with the rest of the people's humor, it came across as too mean-spirited or normalfaggy. A lot of breaks. A lot of saying honey. Actually one of the girls with the better game choices, though.
Everyone else is too new, but I remember finding Aia pretty boring or like listening to a (not fun) autistic girl talk, Maria was also like Rosemi but twice as boring, and Scarle is SEXO-tier but has the same problems as Petra where her streams seem to be mostly talking or arts and crafts and I don't give a fuck about that shit.

>> No.44573200

Hag's a hag.

>> No.44573304

What's with the "honey" thing?

>> No.44573340

Yeah but the rest of her wave was so bad she looks good by comparison. Also she plays good games.

>> No.44573428

Marketed herself as the mom of NijiEN, calls (called?) everyone honey because of it. Her fanbase and her ran with that to make it a term of endearment and for flirtation.
Literally would start every stream saying
>Hi, honey...
in sultriest voice she could muster.

>> No.44573511


>> No.44573595

She still does it, but she unlocked the ability to use other similar terms instead of spamming literally the same word constantly so it's better

>> No.44573727

Thanks, honey is no longer a word to me

>> No.44575241

her mommy larp is cringe af ngl

>> No.44575370

Ah yes another completely organic thread about Nina. Not a psy op at all.
Move on, no one will fall for that commie wench. Even sisters have an entire document about this bitch and how toxic she is.

>> No.44575646

Fuck enna and her pet wigger

>> No.44578236

I hate Nina's voice, her personality and the way she acts.
When they debuted she's the one I hated the most.
But she understands one simple truth "men are easy, just be nice to them" and she actually applies it.
Like a smart hag she is.
And it works. She hasn't said or done anything idiotic that can be considered a yab, she's basically the most harmless on her whole gen.
Don't get me wrong I still find her character unbearable but I don't really have anything against her.

>> No.44580566

That ship sailed long time ago. She's now wine aunt at best.

>> No.44580637

She openly said a bunch of anti-christian and communist shit in the last Ethyria collab.
Timestamps here:

>> No.44580681

she was patient zero for offcollab with males and then making vague post sex tweets. didnt help with that pomu rosemi elira any two of them doing a surprise offcollab with a male

>> No.44582102

Weren't the other girls doing the same shit?
Sorry, I don't watch shit corpo. I get all my news from /vt/.

>> No.44583118

Enna is trashiest one and is epitome of human trash, so it's not surprising.
Reimu is a spic so she very likely would shit on anything since they are all really poor.
Nina is 4channer too, but she knows how to behave. She is also canadian neo-lib who most of the time and does things to appeal to others and get attention. If others are taking jab and mocking something, she'll join in.
Millie is "quirky" pinoy, not surprising.

>> No.44583139

Semen issue.

>> No.44583222

>posting nina
>the mori of nijien
>the greatest number wh ends with mineral
>the "person" who thows literally anybody under the boss
>the reason for literally every niji controversy


>> No.44583868

>never really cared about nina
>decide to give her MGS stream a try
>extremely hard and extended forced laughter at the ps1 graphics
>goes on so long it makes me close the stream
is this like some kind of old person defense mechanism? like how pedophiles loudly proclaim how much they want to kill pedophiles so that no one suspects them of being a kiddy diddler?

>> No.44584004

>pic unrelated
