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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44552082 No.44552082 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.44552447

Need proof of life. Miss you hag.

>> No.44553045

you guys need to take a hint

>> No.44553312

Who is this?

>> No.44555704

My wife

>> No.44555753

Is her channel back?

>> No.44555827

kill yourself already holy fuck

>> No.44555975

Did she just delete her account again within the last 24 hours?

>> No.44556058

Terminated by Susan mid-stream, because of final fantasy plate of all things.

>> No.44556098

Yeah, her channel just says this now

> This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content.


>> No.44556154

She's live?

>> No.44556159

Anyone save the vods? Or at least save some clips of the good moments?

>> No.44556203

What severe sexual content did she show? Was it the piss?

>> No.44556253

oh she's alive?

>> No.44556326

I can't think of anything else. Did anyone purchase the toothbrush?

Not anymore.

>> No.44556361

Bro if she streamed in the last week or 2 she certainly is. That makes me hopeful.

>> No.44556421

She had an image of a final fantasy 14 adventurer plate up in which the hilt of a sword looked like a cock, that's all it was.

>> No.44556637

Looking forward to the brapcollabs when she goes to twitch. That's where the others hang out.
On a serious note, being so open about selling sexual content to viewers probably didn't help her case.

>> No.44556833

oh, nice. i reported her for her masturbating so perhaps that's what did her in? dumb braphog whore.

>> No.44556900

she masturbated briefly while playing splatoon until the battery in her vibrator ran out.

>> No.44556922

RIP, I definitely missed that one.

>> No.44557301

Jump King, not Splatoon. And that was a week ago.
99% it was the Adventurer Plate that did it.

>> No.44557409

>complains about her viewers being fetish weirdos and wishes she could stream normally
>immediately whores out for said viewers at the sight of some money
women moment

>> No.44557475

she's very deeply ill. her behavioural swings are so extreme it almost seems like she has multiple personality disorder or something.

>> No.44557650

jeez and I thought she was trying to get better.

>> No.44557736

Previous thread: >>44499491 so she can respond to stuff she mentioned she would. Also mel, I hope you paid your friend back that you mentioned on stream yesterday, if you're setting up a new channel WAIT until you receive an email so youtube doesn't device ban you for trying to circumvent auto-mod termination.
This means nothing, Sexual and Sexual themed ASMR are all over Youtube, unless there's direct links in a description to onlyfans etc she's breaking no rules.
>Did anyone purchase the toothbrush?
She was resuming selling content on monday before her channel got terminated. We don't know if paypal was fully fixed yet or not.

>> No.44558226

Yea the bot probably thought it was a dick. I remember NSFW bots used to jump onto vtuber's streams so the bot would detect the nude profile pic and terminate them.

>> No.44558667

Do you think Mel likes to put anything in her butt?

>> No.44560085

Actually good advice here Mel, wait before you go and make any new channel.

>> No.44560349

yeah, me

>> No.44560853

Braptuber kys

>> No.44560991

Sharpie in pooper was gonna be my next request once she's selling again.

>> No.44561050

I've done sharpie in pooper before. It feels pretty good. Better than a regular pen.

>> No.44562376 [DELETED] 

Oh I was wondering when someone was going to make a new thread for me to respond to.

How is everyone doing today?

Still have not received an email from YouTube regarding the reason why my channel was terminated, was PROBABLY the FFXIV adventurer plate because some Twitch streamers got banned for the same thing when it was first found several months ago.

As it stands now my Narumi Mihama channel was hacked and deleted by said hacker (probably DogBear) and the Mel Nekomata channel was terminated for sexual content of which I have no specifics of due to not receiving an email. I currently do not have access to any other YouTube channels and cannot make a new one due to it not allowing me to use my phone number to make multiple channels, it says I apparently can only use the same phone number to make a new channel twice in a year. Last channel I made was the Narumi Mihama channel and that was clearly about a year ago so I don't know what the hold up is.

Guess for the time being there is no way for me to livestream so uh...that sucks I guess. Not like I have a VTuber model since I need to pay back my friend their $900 and the model I have my eye on is roughly $1,120.

Currently the funds from PayPal are still pending but when I called someone from PayPal they said it should be available by tomorrow.

I guess if anyone is actually interested in buying any content we can do it here? I'm not sure. If you have a serious inquiry you can just email me at the same address used for my PayPal.

>> No.44563059

Use twitch, idiot.

>> No.44563078

hi mel. looking forward to hanging out in chat with everyone again soon.

>> No.44563139

Maybe it's time to set up a twitter or something for those of us that are more interested in watching your streams so we know where to go when you get a channel established again, or perhaps use twitch in the mean time?

>> No.44563157

Twitch is fucking terrible, lol.

Dunno how possible that'll be.

>> No.44563486

Don't use your phone number to make an account then

>> No.44563549

>Twitch is fucking terrible, lol.
It's infinitely better than not having a platform to stream on at all, retard.

>> No.44563609

>Twitch is fucking terrible

No argument there, but it's better than nothing is it not? I'd rather the temporary pain of twitch than not streaming at all and you getting hella depressed again.

>> No.44563858

First I've heard of needing a phone to create a YT account, but seems like it'd be easily circumvented by getting a new phone number.

>> No.44563875 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 424x70, Mel's Prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be emailing you soon, for other anons, picrel is the current prices, make changes/additions as need mel.
> I need to pay back my friend their $900 and the model I have my eye on is roughly $1,120.
And you had around $200? Towards the model as well, so should be pretty doable. Just please make sure to immediately jump on any idiot who sends incorrectly so Paypal doesn't restrict you again.

>> No.44564430

Remember, you don't have to use your phone number to make a YouTube channel. I didn't use a phone number to make my new YouTube channel yesterday.

>> No.44564463 [DELETED] 

Gmail and YouTube both require a phone number. If I want to live stream YouTube requires a phone number to have access to the ability to live stream. If I want an email to make a YouTube channel I need a phone number to make said email so...yeah it sucks.

True but I don't know how to use Twitch. As it stands currently I don't even feel mentally well enough to try and have fun on a stream, especially on Twitch of all shitholes.

Need phone number for gmail, gmail does not allow me to use my phone number for more than one account. YouTube requires phone number to have access to the ability to live stream. YouTube will not let me reuse my phone number. Don't want to go to the pain of getting a new phone number when I'm not even close to getting back to regular streaming since I have no model.

If anyone wants me to masturbate I'm putting that at $500 for audio and I guess $600 for video because I don't feel like masturbating and it's such a fucking hassle. The high price will hopefully discourage anyone.

Currently I have 200/1,120. If anyone sends anything I'll update it.

>> No.44564691

>YouTube will not let me reuse my phone number
Maybe one of your friends could help? I doubt they go through multiple channels.
>I'm putting that at $500 for audio and I guess $600 for video
Updates prices:
>Burp Exclusivity: Sold out til stated otherwise
>Pissing/Farting Audio: $50, ASMR Mic: $100
>Pictures: $100, request anything but no face.
>Videos: $200/30 seconds
>Toothbrush/Masturbation: $500 Audio, $600 Video.

>> No.44565198

Sorry to hear that, I hope you start feeling a bit more stable soon. Just know that if you find yourself in that dark place again because you can't stream, there's that twitch safety net.

>> No.44565465

How much to preorder a JOI vid using your new model once you have it?

And do you need to verify using the phone number or something every time you want to go live? Or could any of your friends just make a channel for you then hand over the password?

>> No.44565980

You seem to have a lot of self-sabotage and learned hopelessness. It sounds like lots of barriers that you put on yourself. Don’t hold yourself back; do what YOU feel like doing. You got this.

>> No.44566190

Maybe this can help you?

>> No.44566203

Always so confused when the 4chan bros are nice to me but during other occasions it's not as nice. I assume it's just shitposting and/or tough love lmao?

I won't do pre-order stuff because I don't want someone to give me money and not know when the product will be delivered, sorry.

You have to use a phone number to verify the account once, I tried asking some people to see if they could help but they said no.

Right now I'm not feeling too well, hoping it ain't COVID 'cause I had to go to the crowded ass DMV yesterday and no one but me wore a mask. Sorry but if I stop responding I probably fell asleep. If you send an email I can reach out there but otherwise I'll have to see and see if a new thread is posted some other time for me to reply to.

>> No.44566268

I'm actually one of your regulars lol.

>> No.44566271

> Always so confused when the 4chan bros are nice to me but during other occasions it's not as nice.
Just depends on who is replying. I can count at least one anti that you have.

>> No.44566524

>Always so confused when the 4chan bros are nice to me but during other occasions it's not as nice. I assume it's just shitposting and/or tough love lmao?
Memes aside we're not actually a hivemind, lots of folks with different opinions on you all posting anonymously will seem sort of schizo sometimes.

>> No.44566697

>I don't want someone to give me money and not know when the product will be delivered, sorry
What if I don't care about time?

Also, you watching anything fun tonight Mel?

>> No.44568230

>I tried asking some people to see if they could help but they said no.
Bros is there some security risk to this that I'm too dumb to see? Before I offer to let her use my phone.

>> No.44568473

Good thing she stopped, because that retard that continued to harass her was a piece of shit. Good for her.

>> No.44568538

Please Mel let me poke your belly button! I want to penetrate it and get the lint out and smell it.

>> No.44568843

Get a life

>> No.44569342

Streaming to twitch is far simpler than youtube. As long as you have an account there, you just log in to it through OBS, then hit start stream and you're good to go.
No thumbnails to mess around with, no setting up waiting rooms, no needing to deal with a second go live button on youtube. You just stream and go.

>> No.44570206

While reasonable she's expressed her hatred for twitch before so I doubt she'll make the switch

>> No.44571040

How can one live a life without Mel's belly button lint?

>> No.44571043

Guess she did pass out after all. Feel better Mel, hope you don't have the rona!

>> No.44571171

I miss her big cock.

>> No.44573678

you can fuck like five prostitutes with that money. don't be retarded, anons.

>> No.44573864

she should get used to the idea because future youtube accounts might get shot on sight for ban evasion if this doesn't get sorted

>> No.44576809

Hey Mel

>> No.44579454

Well, good luck with whatever you end up doing.
Getting a new number is cheap and you can always just stream with a PNG if streaming is what you enjoy doing.
But if you wanna buy the one thousand dollars models, you do you.
I'll check here from time to time to see if another thread pops up with your new channels.

>> No.44582746

is she dead

>> No.44582838


>> No.44583546

>I tried asking some people to see if they could help but they said no.
Are you sure about that? Did you try asking your friends that seem to be Vtubers? They would know Youtube/Gmail etc best unless they have multiple channels.
Just her using your number to sign up for stuff if she felt like it, otherwise legitimately no because she wouldn't have the know how to clone your service to pull SMS to her PC.
This, I've followed her the entire 2 years and lately she's the type of person that goes:
>"Oh I have friends ^^ but..fuck em they'll just turn around and back stab me."
>"I'm a terrible person so why should I have fun?"
>"I want to hang out with people but why would anyone like someone like me?"
Literally holds her back, I understand because of Dogbear's faggot ass or her other friend who ignored her bday last year for a hololive girl that ignored him anyway.
>Always so confused when the 4chan bros are nice to me
As someone said, we're not a hivemind and some of us can actually be honest and not just purposeful trolls. I say this from the bottom of my heart, you obviously like to stream, do what you want for the money, understand you may get some idiots still but don't shit on your regulars or friends you finally made or try pushing them away out of habit because people suck but not everyone is out to get you or hurt you. The whole reason you seemingly owe a friend that money is because they trust you and wanted to help you, are they treating YOU like shit over it? Always ask yourself that.

>> No.44584779

Just want to clarify I do not have the mentality of "friends will turn on me so fuck them" my mentality is not to let people get too close because I need to be prepared for these so called friends to turn on me at any given moment. It's happened many times before, it will happen again I guarantee it. Do not put words into my mouth, only dicks.

>> No.44585031

>I need to be prepared for these so called friends
Either they are or they are not friends, but you do you I guess, I'm just saying compared to the last few years it sounded like these were legit friends you made and to not piss it away because of idiots.
>it will happen again I guarantee it
This is how self-fulfilling prophecies happen. Don't get it twisted, I'm rooting for you and things to start going better, it's just a few of us are saying to not self-immolate any good that happens. Either way once your paypal is good I shall buy a few pics to help with your model.

>> No.44585345

Well fine I guess they aren't my friends because what you're saying is I can't have a wall up to protect myself. So those three people I consider to be the closest thing I have to friends are not truly friends. I'd rather be alone and miserable than have "friends" and worry about when they're going to pull an Azukano or a DogBear on me. People exist only to hurt others.

>> No.44585587

> Do not put words into my mouth, only dicks.
This is a wonderful quote.

>> No.44585640

>Do not put words into my mouth
In your own words, again, the point some of us are making is don't say things like:
>it will happen again I guarantee it
There's nothing wrong with guarding yourself, but you talk like they're also out to get you lol. I even said I can understand because of that faggot dogbear you want to be careful. Some of us just want to see you happy, I guess I'm just too old school that when I consider someone a friend I'm not ALSO saying they'll betray me in the same breath, live in the moment girl.

>> No.44585873

Agreed lmao
>0-100 instantly
>Woman moment
I don't think that was the point being made so is your paypal good? Not the pre-order anon but I want to be sure before I send

>> No.44587145

Not a vtuber, please delete this useless thread, if you wanna sell yourself go on /Soc/
Get the fuck out

>> No.44587332

She literally is a vtuber though, she has 20 models. You faggots keep posting about retired ones all the time too

>> No.44590140

Ily mel, goodnight

>> No.44590218

has it ever occured to you that they might be "turning on you" because you're being an awful friend? you might have one of the worst protagonist syndromes i've ever seen. nobody owes you anything. if you want friends, it's a two-way street. they're not your slaves or servants or ATMs.

>> No.44591165


>> No.44593419


>> No.44593740

mel got banned, lmao.

>> No.44593876

If it was her, those replies to me are still up, however so I don't think so. I only seen the pricelist pic and the idiot bitching about her "not being a vtuber" deleted.

>> No.44594335

Love you Mel. You just cant ever seem to catch a break.

>> No.44594847

She really should just set up a Patreon for lewd shit or something. Don't even have to advertise it on youtube, we'll already know about it here.

>> No.44595588

I doubt we'll know. As proven by some of her responses to this thread alone she doesn't seem to like being honest with herself, she struggles to even admit she has friends without being shitty about it and saying "oh no I don't!", you think we'll know about her patreon? She won't even make a twitter public. Youtube would ban her linking to NSFW patreons as well.

>> No.44596211

You know I actually don't know any hedgehog themed vtubers. Embrace it.

>> No.44596891

>people exist only to hurt others
Most people are good, even in shitholes with third world conditions. Best not to judge a planet's worth of people by your self destructive tendency to magnetise towards the shittiest people and communities around. You're still here, for example.

>> No.44597008

Honestly she could make a private twitter and just post it here and on her YouTube community post.

>> No.44597068

What is going on in this thread?

>> No.44597120

Our hag wife's youtube channel got banned, so we're coping and trying to help her stop seething.

>> No.44597386

This, holy shit. Mel, those 3 people you consider friends are your friends. Yes you got fucked over by Azu and Dogbear, but that doesn't mean those 3 people will fuck you over, this is like saying the one person that sent incorrectly to your paypal means everyone sent incorrectly because we're judging multiple people based on 1 person.
That could work.
Basically this, also trying to get her to chill on the self-immolation when it comes to having people close to her. You can have your guard up just stop thinking everyone wants to hurt you.

>> No.44597447

So the usual with Mel, got it

>> No.44598373

Yep. If you're still /here/ Mel I suggest:
>Ask one of your FRIENDS for help
I'm sure one will let you use their number to get you back up and running, maybe even one of your regulars
>Keep your guard up but don't shit on people you consider friends
Hedgehog dilemma and all that, but you have people to lean on now.
>Stop taking /here/ so seriously
The fact you 180'd on your own thought because someone questioned you means you really don't value anyone. Stop that.
>Watch your paypal closely
Act IMMEDIATELY if anything is off, don't wait even an hour. If you do have Covid, rest up and drink water, don't worry about our fap material unless you have the energy.

>> No.44600978


>> No.44601508

*ahem* I've been orbserving the thread for a while now. I mean if youtube is such a cunt, why won't she stream on twitch instead?

>> No.44601622

Twitch culture would be way worse for her. Youtube is honestly better but the issue isn't the platform, its faggots like dogbear making her life hard, which he could do even easier on twitch.

>> No.44601687

very fitting since she acts like twitch thot anyway

>> No.44601760

Mel is built for ryona and face fucking.

>> No.44602336

I mean right now the issue is 100% with the YouTube platform. Well 90% YouTube, 10% Mel leaving an image on screen for hours that everyone told her was going to get her banned because it had already gotten other streamers banned.

>> No.44603520

what image?

>> No.44603795

I just wanna say I’ll watch this mentally ill whore hag for as long as she streams

>> No.44605242

Paypal status?

>> No.44605986

FF14 adventurer plate that looked like a dude jerkin his gherkin

>> No.44606288

She said something about her money being available by today earlier in thread or last. No mention of her friend being paid back yet so we don't know what's up.

>> No.44610932


>> No.44611043


>> No.44611292

You'll have to wait for an archive anon to post, due to dogbear hacking her channel and deleting it. She did it during Jump King recently, using the elf-model.

>> No.44613155

>Do not put words into my mouth, only dicks.
But you won't let me put mine there...

>> No.44613312

Her friends have a better chance at this point.

>> No.44613955

Afternoon, I still don’t feel well. The funds from PayPal still have not been sent to me so for now let’s not worry about any content or whatever. I’m stressed because I owed my friend $900 on the first and because of college I was unable to pay them back and I need the PayPal funds in order to do that.

At any rate I tried asking from those three friends if they could help with the channel and they said they can’t help. One said that they’re too afraid to even talk to me anymore because I interact with 4chan and they feel threatened due to being trans.

I just need more rest, I haven’t stopped vomiting and shitting and I’m just so weak. I wish I had health insurance so I could go to the damn doctor but the doctor is too expensive.

>> No.44614035

>One said that they’re too afraid to even talk to me anymore because I interact with 4chan and they feel threatened due to being trans.

>> No.44614101


>> No.44614327

>One said that they’re too afraid to even talk to me anymore because I interact with 4chan and they feel threatened due to being trans.
Didn't know she was trans, interesting.
>I just need more rest, I haven’t stopped vomiting and shitting and I’m just so weak
Feel better soon! Thermaflu, water and sleep. Considering it may be a stomach bug it may be some food you had (Shitting your brains out isn't usually a covid symptom)

>> No.44614379

The big bad 4chan strikes again

>> No.44614465

>One said that they’re too afraid to even talk to me anymore because I interact with 4chan and they feel threatened due to being trans.
This sounds so stereotypical that I don't know if it's real or just bs anymore

>> No.44614491

what is (((she))) even afraid of? you killing her of something because of le evil 4chin?

>> No.44614561

I'm guessing that one chick she was collabing with, she's chill though. But I understand given curren discourse with online communities.

>> No.44614630

Probably something like
>4chan hacks Mel's account and gets her private details
>New phone number is also there
>Phone number is used to doxx the friend

>> No.44614933
File: 1.29 MB, 480x246, 1678262869559787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read thought most of this and i have no ideea whats going on.
Is she in this thread right now? Holy shit vubers who use 4chan really are mentally ill.
Nice to see most people giving positive reinforcement tho. I wish I could be like you guys sometimes.

>> No.44614945

Get some potato soup into you girl.

>> No.44615010

That's a valid concern, so it's less Mel saying "they can't or won't help her" and more her way of saying "I don't want to endanger my friends" which is valid and honestly good on her.
>Is she in this thread right now?
She's sick but yes.

>> No.44615050

Who the fuck gives a shit about some random nobody tranny

>> No.44615149

hope you feel better soon mel

>> No.44615365
File: 849 KB, 500x211, 4d9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ not calling everyone a faggot or nigger and working together to help a sick girl.
Just because you are bad guy. It doesn't mean you are bad guy.

>> No.44615699

Have you looked into these links yet? I'm there there's probably at least one viable method you could find in these links

>> No.44618017

>I haven’t stopped vomiting and shitting and I’m just so weak
you're about to die, mel. please seek god before it's too late, think about your next life.

>> No.44618199

Why aren't you on a student health plan?

>> No.44618767

Just fucking work you welfare piece of shit. Of course you have trannie friends, delusional mental case hang with each others

>> No.44622698

Probably didn't know she could do it or due to doing online classes she couldn't.

>> No.44623775

I'm not on welfare you piece of shit, kill yourself.

This is not a thing offered at my school.

>> No.44624774

Not sure if that's Mel or not

>> No.44625718

If that's you, Mel, hope you're drinking lots of water.
Able to find a solution to the phone thing yet? Or has Youtube emailed you about your Mel account?

>> No.44625730

that's not mel. she got banned again for ban evasion.

>> No.44625913

She was never banned and doesn't know how to ban evade. A larper got banned.

>> No.44626031

That was her YouTube

>> No.44626144

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.44626714

Get well soon hag. Miss your streams.

>> No.44627211

I'm drinking lots of water, still feel like death.

As I mentioned, no email from YouTube and none of the people I consider friends can help.

I've never been banned though?

>> No.44627453

I can help you! In case you haven't used these links yet, there might be at least one viable way to get past the phone problem listed in these links!

>> No.44627535

Hopefully it's just food poisoning and will pass through you quickly.
Shit, too bad your stream is dead and paypal is being weird, I'm sure someone here would have shelled out to hear you throwing up.

>> No.44627584

I've never had to use a phone number for gmail. It's probably because of streaming but the email alone doesn't require then number.

>> No.44630032

You are a parasite to your parents and I’m the piece of shit while you are starting another round of begging?
Get a fucking job you literal waste of skin. You waiting for all your nudes to be placarded all over your street?
Stop giving people ammo you dumb bitch

>> No.44631738

Shut up dogbear

>> No.44632757

>believing a borderline narcissist
Thanks for the laugh triso21

>> No.44632945

Joke's on you, I don't believe her at all I'm just into findom, giving money to a borderline narcissist makes my pp hard.

>> No.44633409

Hope she doesn't just ignore my message trying to help her for the third time

>> No.44633495

My parents literally don't even give me money lmao, I make my own money, pay for my cellphone, internet, food, college and housing.

I hope this is DogBear so I can finally tell you to fucking kill yourself you piece of shit. I'm glad you fucking cucked yourself asshole.

>> No.44633639

Imagine how close you almost came to sucking his dick.
Jesus christ.

>> No.44634291

I'd say that if YT doesn't email her by tomorrow, she needs to email them. Not coming back to explain to someone who got their channel *terminated* after 3 days, and over a misunderstanding, is bullshit; especially if an actual person at YT terminated the channel.

>> No.44634649

It wont do anything. Youtube is notorious for not giving a single shit especially with the 'nudity/sexual' ban. I also had my channel terminated for the exact same reason after streaming Huniepop 2 and never got anything more than 'You broke the rules so it stands'. The channel at this point should just be considered lost unfortunately.

>> No.44634673

If you scroll up far enough, there's a message with links that could help your phone number situation.

>> No.44640248


>> No.44642538

See you tomorrow, Mel

>> No.44646907

Very based, anon.

>> No.44646970

Shut the fuck up parasite, keep siphoning the Va funds, useless shit.

Don’t worry, I’m sure your parent and friend are gonna super proud of your whoring online.
Keep lying to yourself, your dad wish you actually killed yourself every night.
Who the fuck would be proud of a social reject unable to fend for herself.

>> No.44649283

Don't listen to this absolute faggot mel, you are hecking valid!

>> No.44649397

Hi Mel. Stop self sabotaging all the time. Yeah, sometimes people fuck you over but you are self sabotaging a lot.

>> No.44650914

May I be reminded what the Mel email was? Forgot what it was as soon as the channel went down lmao.

>> No.44651118

Hello again. Always seem to find you at unusual times.
If you're still around, hope you're doing well.
Will be reading through to get updated on info, but modbot hasn't sent an email yet i can only suggest checking spam or alt accounts you could have linked, like recovery accounts.
Not everyone is bad. Individuals can be inherently evil, but as a whole, we will usually seek to help one another when possible. It's why communities come together after natural disasters, even before groups come in to start relief and recovery efforts.

>> No.44651555

> I owe
They know the situation, so stop stressing.
>afraid of 4chan
Have you tried showing that we're a bunch of autists that at worst call each other edgy slang words? She'd be helping you anyway so it could only benefit her by giving a good reference if anyone tries to go scitzo.
>need rest
Yes, you do. And a Dr. Go to a walk in clinic; they give marked off rates if you don't have insurance. Closest thing to a fair medical bill ever get.
Otherwise, you're stressing yourself out. You need to take a step back to breath.

>> No.44653918


I think? Just email that to make sure.

>> No.44654879

I hope the $900 wasn’t for some vtuber stuff that the friend referred you to and then the artist cancelled on , if so you’re obviously getting a scam run on you by said friend and the artist

>> No.44655315

it's more likely it's mel trying to run a scam on her viewers again, pitybaiting people into donating. we've seen the same pattern like a dozen times before.

>> No.44657242

Eh, hard to call it a scam when she clearly lists prices for everything and she actually delivers.

>> No.44657545

Only thing we know is one of her friends gave her $900 for something. The$1100 she's selling content for is a new model, so she's not scamming in regards to content but we don't know details bout her friend unless they choose to post here.

>> No.44657590 [DELETED] 

what? we're not talking about the requests. maybe read the posts before you decide to reply to them?

>> No.44657623

what? we're not talking about the requests. maybe read the posts before you decide to reply to them?

>> No.44657726

$900 is the scam.

>> No.44657839

Ah..sucks for him/her then I suppose, those of us who been knows how she is lmao. We know she made 1200+ selling content so I guarantee she got a new model instead of paying them back. Then again maybe we're wrong and she's turned over a new leaf.
