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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44499491 No.44499491 [Reply] [Original]

Mel Nekomata thread.
TQ: Will she read us today?

>> No.44501216

Braptuber kys

>> No.44501943

Oh is this that pink cat? Genuinely thought she became a certain newish corpo

>> No.44502396

Is she still taking money for pics or what?

>> No.44503169

Hope so, she hasn't mentioned yet if her paypal is fixed.

>> No.44504322

¿Any new lewds like the piss stuff from last time?

>> No.44506151
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Nothing new, some idiot broke her paypal. It was supposed to be fixed today but she hasn't said anything about it yet.

>> No.44506714

where is the link to her stream?

>> No.44506865


>> No.44507243

She is not a vtuber anymore. Just a tuber.

>> No.44507292

what is this schizo thread?

>> No.44508600

She used to keep the thread open while streaming as a second chat, but has ignored us for a few days.
Come back Mel, you miss us.

>> No.44512708

she hates us now

>> No.44512945

>last time
I stopped paying attention for a few weeks after the DB incident.

>> No.44513100

what happened? were we too retarded for her?

>> No.44514392

Oh man you missed the best arc. She came back for her birthday and had somehow ended up $900 in debt, and also found a vtuber model she wanted to buy, so decided to go full pay2win.
Streams here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsivwEBn1WQ&t=35471s
and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mqeeijfMIw&t=25804s
Braps and burps are back on full display, some mad lad paid her to pee in a cup next to her microphone. More toothbrushing was discussed as an option but nobody has paid for it yet.

>> No.44515154

what was the name of crime investigation youtube channel that she told us to report to if DB murdered her?

>> No.44517769

Has she ever set up any other way of keeping up with her outside of yt chat while she's live?

>> No.44518125
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>> No.44518159

what the fuck

>> No.44518221

Is that her pee?

>> No.44518233

I can't believe Grey Leno killed the channel...

>> No.44518271

Ayo wtf? I flip off her to go watch something else for a bit and she kills her channel midstream?

>> No.44518373

Is Mel having another menhera moment? Why is her channel gone?

>> No.44518378

mel? the fuck happened?

>> No.44518418

Either YouTube decided they don't like her anymore, or another hacker

>> No.44518456

got terminated mid stream, see >>44518125
she was actually having a good time, having a big ol' laugh watching vinny videos
girl can't catch a fucking break man...

>> No.44518553

I have a feeling it was either the image she had up or the past brap stream.

>> No.44518618

Did they terminate her because of the pee or was that not on her channel?

>> No.44518624

People did warn her that image was going to get her channel taken down

>> No.44518685

Please tell me someone saved the streams from last week

>> No.44518691

>things starting to look up for Mel
>having fun with her streams
>some shit happens
>she goes hiding away for a week or two
It keeps happening...

>> No.44518709

what was the image? haven't had a chance to watch vods before the termination

>> No.44518772

i have the birthday stream vods open as tabs and they still load

>> No.44518774

Uh, not sure what happened guys. I received no email from YouTube so I'm very much unsure of how to handle this.

Uh, yeah I'm at a loss lmao.

>> No.44518798

Mel can I poke your belly button?

>> No.44518847

Odd, when I try to go through a notification it says the channel was closed, not terminated.

>> No.44518885

So, what's the new channel name? Lol

>> No.44518913

was nice seeing you alive at least. hope you get your channel back, i genuinely enjoy hanging out with you

>> No.44518964

Change all your passwords immediately.

>> No.44518987

she was mid game, even mid sentence. there is no way she could've closed it herself. the channel was gone instantly. maybe another hack?

>> No.44519068

Guessing it was the image on the right hand side. Was clearly fake, but maybe enough for a modbot to tag it.
Hopefully you'll get an email within a few minutes.

>> No.44519071

It says the channel was terminated for "nudity or sexual content", it must have been the piss image

>> No.44519076

Now is not the time for shitposting.

I can't access it at all, people on discord are DM'ing me saying it was terminated and showed some screenshots of it.

I don't know if I have any other channels that are usable? Can't I get terminated another time for making a new YouTube channel though?

I was genuinely having fun so this sucks but I don't think I can get the channel back at all.

Just did that, changed them again to random shit even I can't remember...literally keyboard smash.

People are showing screenshots saying it was terminated so I don't know if it's another hack? I'm really unsure.

>> No.44519095


>> No.44519100

Yeah, compromised account was my thought.

>> No.44519131

time to find a new site to stream on

>> No.44519133

Just come here and the channel is taken down ffs.
Anyone got these two videos?
Only $900 this time? That's nice, I'll pay up if she gets the toothbrush out like I said last time

>> No.44519142

well that sucks, fucking youtube

>> No.44519157

The piss image was only ever posted here, if it was terminated for sexual content it's gotta be that adventurer plate.

>> No.44519198
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Says terminated here

>> No.44519218

maybe youtube is too prude for your content, there are sites that allow more like trovo or pomf
those are shit for growth tho

>> No.44519224

My dumbass just realized it was because of the picture she had up this stream

>> No.44519272

oooooh yeah that's gotta be it lmfao

>> No.44519322

After all the things Mel Nekomata got away with on stream, it was fucking FFXIV that got her.

>> No.44519345

And in the same stream vomit cake was talked about

>> No.44519482

people in ff14 get banned for having adventurer plates with suggestive potraits...apparently you can't escape yoship's wrath even on youtube

>> No.44519485

Again, hopefully you'll get an email in a few minutes. The response and timing seemed automated, so likely modbot combing through and tagging the image on screen as a mistake.
AI are kind of retarded and operate within parameters rather than actually thinking.
If plexstorm is still around.. but it doesn't let her get the word out to grow so anyone that doesn't already know won't find out.

>> No.44519505
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Do you still have access to this one?

>> No.44519528

> somehow ended up $900 in debt
I believe this debt is because she said a friend of her's gave her that money for something and wants to pay them back, made enough for that and was $221 towards her new model ontop of that.
> so decided to go full pay2win.
She said she would start that today actually, since you're /here/ Mel, did you fix paypal and pay your friend back? Are we able to pay for content again?

>> No.44519578

Well, I was having a lot of fun but now the night and mood is kinda ruined so uh...I guess I'll just go to bed and hope an email is sent by the time I wake up so I can see what happened.

Night everyone. :/

>> No.44519608

No reason you should get terminated for making a new channel.
Also I presume you're set to offline on Discord.

>> No.44519617

You'll have to ask converse with YouTube for your channel back and tell them that it was a mistake. As for making a 2nd channel, YouTube shouldn't know that you've made another channel.

>> No.44519649

Would still need time to be filtered and manually taken down. Image wasn't onscreen long enough for that, so likely automated.
I hope.

>> No.44519667

don't beat yourself up over it, we'll be there when you're back. sleep well dude

>> No.44519676

I talked about it several times on todays stream but I guess no one was there to hear it. PayPal is restored but I tried transferring the money to my bank and it says it'll take anywhere from 12-24 hours for the transfer to happen since it's a new PayPal account.

Until I see the money in my actual bank I'm not going to go back to taking donations or selling stuff. Right now I guess I just need to sleep since my night got ruined lmao...

>> No.44519688

Night Mel. Did you ever get Paypal issue resolved, at least?

>> No.44519690

see ya, hopefully

>> No.44519720

game on gamers

>> No.44519719

Goodnight. Try to sleep well.
Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

>> No.44519738
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>> No.44519744

>Did you ever get Paypal issue resolved, at least?
disregard that, I suck cocks.
Sleep well.

>> No.44519785

If I see a new thread tomorrow (or if this one is still up) I'll reply if anything is worth replying to. Right now I'm just not in a good mood obviously so I'll just sleep.

Take care guys.

>> No.44519797

>somehow ended up in debt
>found a vtuber model she wanted to buy
these keep happening too.

>> No.44519801

Just sent you an email to see what was up, that sucks a load of dick. I was really enjoying the stream tonight.

>> No.44519827

Night mel

>> No.44519900

>shit for growth tho
>implying normies would watch this
>implying growth has happened before
>implying (You) would want the audience any bigger than it is

>> No.44519945

nigger call me gay but i just want mel to be happy

>> No.44520001

>I talked about it several times on todays stream but I guess no one was there to hear it
I was under the impression you were talking about personal money. Make sure you actually pay them back, you seem to have some actual friends now so I would hate to see you lose people, you've been having fun lately.
> I'm not going to go back to taking donations or selling stuff. Right now I guess I just need to sleep since my night got ruined lmao...
Good night! We're waiting to buy when things work out.

>> No.44520025

nah that's valid, me too honestly. A bigger audience wouldn't necessarily help with that either, tho, just saying. My read is that financial stability is the main thing here and especially with this content style that only takes like one or two people

>> No.44520123

It's not gay to want to help.
Plexstorm has apparently gone bankrupt though and is making a nft platform so there goes that idea.

>> No.44520293

Anyway good night Mel.

>> No.44520313

A lot of us do and a lot of us realize she's only doing this temporarily. As long as Dogbear moves onto the scottish whore or uses google to fap, she'll finally be happy because we've proven the people harassing her wouldn't put the money where their mouths are so she should be able to ignore those dumbasses now.

>> No.44520320

Ahahahaha well deserved

>> No.44520357

Goodnight Mel, I'm sorry you just got terminated like that out of nowhere

>> No.44520379

I’ll make sure your ban evasions on YouTube is noticed, no more streaming here for you darling

>> No.44520632

Same fag, and seems he's right on cue.

>> No.44520820

I never really watched her but I hope she's doing better

>> No.44521066

She was and she's having fun (minus one butthurt simp trying to ruin her life.) Despite what she says about quitting or vanishing she wants to do this streaming thing and needs to just get it into her mind. Whens he clicks on the autism about splatoon or obscure games it's endearing.

>> No.44521197

I don't even own a switch but listening to someone talk about something that they're passionate about is always great and why I stick around for her streams. I've learned more about Splatoon than I have any right to know.

>> No.44523940


>> No.44524034


>> No.44525424

You need a twitter (even if it's a shit platform) so we have a way to know if you are alive or not

>> No.44525448

You said you didn't have Discord...

>> No.44525622

Yeah it'd be nice to have something like that again since her channels seem to go up and down at random almost. I just want to know if she's at least still breathing when some shit goes down

>> No.44525684

It's like a handful of vtuber friends she has.

>> No.44525720

if this is actually pee i have to salute you for having a very nice colored pee.
would drink/10

>> No.44525722

Wtf I didn't know she was back, and now she's gone again

>> No.44525854

>fucking retards failing for a larping baiter AGAIN
ffs, you never learn

>> No.44525973

Shutup dogbear.
She has one only for her actual friends it sounds like, which is honestly fine.

>> No.44527008

Well shit. She was having a good laugh over the AI stuff just a little before, why can't we have nice things Susan?
