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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44437753 No.44437753 [Reply] [Original]

>latest JP gen
>at least one girl has 1M subs
>latest ID gen
>at least one girl has 1M subs
>latest EN gen
>not a single girl has 1M subs, despite the fact that they're the oldest gen out of the three
Was Council THAT much of a failure?
>inb4 cull cope

>> No.44437862

>Was Council THAT much of a failure?
Why do you think EN3 hasn't happened yet? Cover knows there's no market for EN vtubers after Council flopped.

>> No.44437982
File: 115 KB, 1044x326, 090BA543-0774-4F93-8E2C-70E626847F3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Bae and Moom and Fauna are cute

>> No.44438022

tempiss shitter deflection, your 8 faggots put together can't even reach Kronii's numbers on minecraft rumao.

>> No.44438046

>Bae failed as the Kusogaki
>Kronii failed as the eroi one-esan
>Was Council THAT much of a failure?

>> No.44438109

They were doomed to fail when they decided to make baelz not a loli

>> No.44438150

Everyone knows they got fucked by Susan. You can check subscriber graphs and see that they got culled of all those people that subscribe to a vtuber during debut and then never watch.
This didn't happen for ID3 and HoloX.

>> No.44438152

Their designs are shit. Why does the rat have tits? She should be flat. In fact, they should all be lolis.

>> No.44438179

Kiara, control your lust

>> No.44438211

Sub count means nothing.
Can't even pretend to be a proper #fag.
1 mil or 400k subs are all the same if you end up pulling 2k CCV

>> No.44438222

I would have sex with all of them but their streams are very bad

>> No.44438260

And there it is, the cull cope

>> No.44438352

>Tempus out of nowhere
They just keep winning.

>> No.44438363

Pippa deflect thread.

>> No.44438384
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>> No.44438392

Kronii was a literal disaster, a complete failure on every level
unentertaining, terrible at growing her community and actually killed her hype and momentum with her bullshit, and she was the biggest of the bunch and was given the initial spotlight and the best model
mumei is bland, plain and simple, I think she's great but she's not going to reach big numbers and that's just the sad reality
bae is an odd case, she has a lot of energy and a good model but she's also kinda bland and annoying so she ends filtering a lot of people
sana did not give a fuck, she just quit, dead weight
fauna actually tries and she's talented but she didn't come out swinging hard enough to gain momentum, she has slowly picked up steam tho but that's just not good enough

simple fact is that council does not work that well as a group, none of them stands out enough to really pick up exponential growth in fact many of them are quite boring and uninteresting and cover didn't really push them hard enough

>> No.44438463

nah 1M gets you the gold button which is the true endgame

>> No.44438555

It did to a lesser extent for HoloX, it’s just that people knew to check and resub if Susan culled them because Laplus publically complained about it. For whatever reason, Council didn’t, so you wouldn’t know if you got unsubbed unless you’re anal retentive about checking your channel subscriptions. Allegedly there was other bullshit from Susan like them not appearing if you tried searching for them on youtube’s search function.

>> No.44438618


>> No.44438671

The answer isn't that they failed but that bae and fauna are the only ones with a regular stream schedule and the other three are like "guerilla at 3 am, graduated lol, vacations every 2 weeks at random". They don't get traction because they don't try to get traction, the girls who stream are the australian (she's cute but for some reason austubers never explode) and the 'comfy' one so people aren't going to flock to her.

>> No.44438685

what the fuck? clown overtook mori, the sc queen of en?

>> No.44438763

Also hiring a thirsty normalfag who streams as a weird outlet for her autism.
>not a loli
>loves roberto and publicly says this in her debut
>fucks around with people early on to be 'chaotic'
>is actually too orderly to be 'chaos', which is a dumb thing to theme a vtuber around anyway

>> No.44438772

This is either fake or he panders Hex-tier to yumes. Nice brotuber you got there

>> No.44438834

Tell me about clownman, why the fuck is he doing so well?

>> No.44438836

that's the kicker, he doesn't do pandering shit.

>> No.44438863

t. hreadreader

>> No.44438908

>okayu and chloe are the new asmr queens
>lamy gone forever
It's over elftachi.
It's interesting that she'd only be making like 10k if she streamed as much as the average holomem but makes up for it by literally streaming 3 times a day.

>> No.44438928

They get more popularity and viewers than some of the Myth failures like Kiara and Ame.

>> No.44438965

Whatever you say sis

>> No.44438971

One positive I would give Council is that they have better synergy and their group collabs are more entertaining than Myth ones. Council collabs from their first few months was the peak of the group and just adds onto their downfall that one of their few strengths is forever broken with Sana's departure.
Aloe left soon enough so that 5th Gen feels full even with four. 3rd and 4th Gen's suffer a similar issue as Council does but 3rd manages to make it not as much a bad thing due to the strength of their personalities of their remaining members. JP 4th Gen is the closest equivalent to Council I'd say honestly.

>> No.44438973

>unentertaining, terrible at growing her community and actually killed her hype and momentum with her bullshit, and she was the biggest of the bunch and was given the initial spotlight and the best model
Kronii never wanted to be the number 1 though.

>> No.44439003

He hates pandering and thinks its cringe. Thats the most impressive part.

>> No.44439029


>> No.44439033

>anons would rather discuss homos than stick to the topic
Councilschizo is reclining…

>> No.44439051

EN has a new queen and he looks like a man in makeup. Fitting, really.

>> No.44439059

yeah so they can shove the gold button up on their ass, live, for 2.5k viewers
This retard gets it.

>> No.44439066

Yes. Fulgur was right, council did not do as well as they expected

>> No.44439118

It's a subtle kind of pandering, he acts like he's really pathetic and poops his pants and apparently there's a huge fanbase of women who say "I can fix him".

>> No.44439123

Anime Pagliacci

>> No.44439132

>Kronii never wanted to be the number 1 though.
I'm honestly surprised how much of a common complaint that is amongst the talents. Gura didn't want to be #1, Fubuki didn't want to be #1, Marine didn't want to be #1. I'm honestly curious how actually wants the spotlight amongst them. Suisei seems to be a lock for having the drive and desire for it but I find it hard to think of many others.

>> No.44439158

>SC queen
Kiara was beating her for 6 months straight now. Mori just had a shitload of special stream that tend to bait superchats in february, including a full myth collab, outfit reveal and 3D showcase.

>> No.44439172

I think the boston accent and decent comedic chops and timing help.

>> No.44439245

Is that the Tempus guy who pretended not to know how to stream, or is it one of the other ones?

>> No.44439248

Yagoo planned this all along. All mindshare is among Cover talents. Other corpos are pushed out of the picture.

>> No.44439285

Kronii antagonize her fans. Mumei is a passive agressive schtik falls flat. Bae filters since she's too young to. Fauna is the only one worth watching

>> No.44439304

I think Pekora would want that, but then again she has terminal numberfagging illness, so it isn't a surprise

>> No.44439347

Is this the anon who hates male chuuba succeeding, or is hr another retard?

>> No.44439371

Here's the full Kaigai ranking for February


>1. Hex Haywire - $34,584
>2. Gavis Bettel - $34,271
>3. Mori Calliope - $33,965
>4. Pipkin Pippa - $31,034
>5. Scarle Yonaguni - $28,301
>6. Hakos Baelz - $20,689
>7. IRyS - $20,023
>8. Takanashi Kiara - $19,387
>9. Ceres Fauna - $18,214
>10. Noir Vesper - $17,668
>11. Vox Akuma - $17,532
>12. Pomu Rainpuff - $17,505
>13. Kaela Kovalskia - $15,985
>14. Enna Alouette - $13,229
>15. Gawr Gura - $12,807
>16. Alban Knox - $12,479
>17. Josuiji Shinri - $11,723
>18. Sonny Brisko - $11,512
>19. Doppio Dropscythe - $10,530
>20. Selen Tatsuki - $10,080
>21. Ninomae Ina'nis - $9,810
>22. Ouro Kronii - $9,289
>23. Uki Violeta - $8,978
>24. Banzoin Hakka - $8,195
>25. Regis Altare - $8,042
>26. Aia Amare - $7,863
>27. Luca Kaneshiro - $7,625
>28. Aletta Sky - $7,485
>29. Mysta Rias - $6,887
>30. Nanashi Mumei - $6,398
>31. Rin Penrose - $6,233
>32. Magni Dezmond - $6,144
>33. Ike Eveland - $6,133
>34. Maemi Tenma - $5,968
>35. Ver Vermillion - $5,893
>36. Elira Pendora - $5,157
>37. Vestia Zeta - $5,129
>38. Fulgur Ovid - $4,873
>39. Watson Amelia - $4,470
>40. Kureiji Ollie - $3,746
>41. Anya Melfissa - $2,640
>42. Kobo Kanaeru - $2,333
>43. Airani Iofifteen - $1,736
>44. Ayunda Risu - $1,025

>> No.44439374

Women want to be noticed, they don't want to be put in a position where they stand out too much though or have to assume 'leadership' roles by virtue of their importance to the cast. They want to be girlbosses but without the pressure, responsibility or added work.

>> No.44439387

>the most boring one is the one "worth" watching

>> No.44439402

Uh oh… the yume’s mad!!!

>> No.44439417

They sanction his buffoonery. He's probably the best tempus hire and arguably the best EN hire since gura, people praise vesper for zatsu 'skill' but gavis is a ticking comedy time bomb and you feel compelled to watch literally anything he does since he seems to always have something funny to say or react to.

>> No.44439439

mumei has never been passive aggressive though...

>> No.44439454

imagine if Gura said she didn't want to be number 1 and sabotaged herself instead of embracing her growth

>> No.44439460

But this is a good thing.
If they do well but not that well, Hololive won't start doing that stupid thing of add more and more generations without stopping to value the existing ones.

>> No.44439482

A retard who can at least spell the word "he"

>> No.44439512

>1. Hex Haywire - $34,584
>2. Gavis Bettel - $34,271
holy shit, it's not much difference with a no padering style vs a heavy pandering one
>10. Noir Vesper - $17,668
>11. Vox Akuma - $17,532
ok, now you're fucking with me

>> No.44439525

You forgot to mention they're also the only one out of those gens with a graduation. Yes, they are that much of failures

>> No.44439572

jesus, I remember when Ame used to be one of the top earners, this is kind of heartbreaking

>> No.44439578

>daddy model goes to deep voice "daddy" guy
>grandpa model goes to 40yo nerd guy
>twink model goes to reverse trap
>funny model goes to.... funny guy?
>himbo model goes to retard
It just works. But what the fuck is Hakka then, he's the odd one out in tempus along with altare.

>> No.44439579

>Sana never cared
>Rrat was the runt, shilled as the gen leader
>Mumei is boring
>Kronii debuffs herself to no end
>Fauna is the only good one

>> No.44439600

It was very inevitable that Gura would explode in popularity, whenever she liked it or not

>> No.44439629

Do you think the type of person who normally posts in threads like this actually watch the girls?

>> No.44439645

So just like Mumei and her schizo act huh

>> No.44439648

>4. Pipkin Pippa - $31,034
Holy fuck I actually kneel, who would have thought that pandering to /vt/ schizos would actually let a small corpo nobody rise to the top of the big leagues and single handedly break the Hololive/Nijisanji monopoly.

>> No.44439668

Gura isn't strongwilled enough to do what kronii did, she's both appealing to people for being a loli gremlin but also too weakwilled to tell people to fuck off, which is why she ghosts her fanbase months at a time and comes back for events then ghosts again.

>> No.44439683

So just imagine Gura then, got it

>> No.44439701


>> No.44439708

Lol, she would have kept SCs off if management didn't force her to turn it on.

>> No.44439739

>but I find it hard to think of many others
I bet Kiara would love to be number 1, and curses the fact that she was born in the worst timeline.

>> No.44439740

>Sana and Kronii both hate(d) streaming and despised their fanbases
>The supposed "leader" of Council feels like a side character.
>Mumei can't unleash her history streams because of twitter mutts
>ASMR turns a lot of people off for people to give Fauna a chance

>Retarded convoluted lore that nobody was interested in
>Sub culling before debut

>> No.44439743

What's the matter, unikek? Worldview shattered by one image?

>> No.44439765

didn't vox go on break? and vesper's been streaming for crazy hours lately

>> No.44439789

And now they want to alienate that same audience. I just hope this doesn't become a Nyanners 2.0

>> No.44439880

>implying that guy is a unikek when he was praising kronii's numbers
he's probably the guy who made the tempus bait thread just like you're the person who made this bait thread in response
you two deserve each other's retardation

>> No.44439974

Hakka's a sweetheart and fits his model, meanwhile Altare... ah... gives me Patrick Bateman vibes, but not like meme sigma male Patrick Bateman, but like movie "I feel empty inside and I've tried lashing out at people and it only left me feeling even more hollow" Patrick Bateman.

>> No.44439977

Vox was on break most of the month

>> No.44440318

Great I want to watch him now just to see if he has a schizo snap or something.

>a ticking comedy time bomb and you feel compelled to watch literally anything he does since he seems to always have something funny to say or react to.

Wait that's why I watch Pekora especially when she's playing Minecraft.

>> No.44440331

Sana did probably not like streaming more over drawing but she did not hate her fanbase wtf

>> No.44440358

I'm glad to see Kaela doing well. She goes beyond the call of duty for being a streamer.

>> No.44440510

Sabotaging yourself when you're #1 really depends on how much the rest of the branch can hold up still. A perfect example of the entire branch collapsing because the #1 was the keystone and sabotaged themself was Hana from Nijisanji ID.
If she actually stepped up, ID would probably still exist.

>> No.44440589

>praising kronii's numbers
>only mentioned hex in response to bettel's superchats
>random schizo rant
Speaking of retardation kek

>> No.44440756

Altare is at his most interesting when he's talking about his failed relationships.
Honestly his "For the cause" bit reminded me of that scene in the trendy restaurant. You know, like he was just repeating statements he's heard others say before without really caring what they mean to fit in.

>> No.44440774

Tempus schizos who aren't unicorns exist. Anyway this is a dumb discussion topic, schizos are stupid.

>> No.44440779

>thread about council
>half of the replies are about tempus
the faggot fulgur was right, council didn't do well as expected

>> No.44440846

Glad to see hololive on the way out finally, shame pretty much everyone else is trash too...

>> No.44440933

Council bait is pretty played out on this board now, there's nothing new to talk about
Myth bait, Tempus bait, Zaion bait, Pippa bait, or just good old Kiara bait are more popular now

>> No.44441010

Bro, what is there to even talk about council? Those mother fuckers don't stream shit.

>> No.44441067

Sounds like Councilschizo didn’t do as well as expected.

>> No.44441120

So who or what is the real Altare if he's an empty shell?

>> No.44441190
File: 712 KB, 834x476, myth doko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Council is more watched than Myth these days. Just because you don't watch them doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.44441419

>The top watched EN is Fauna at 22nd overall in Hololive

>> No.44441522

>okayu and chloe are the new asmr queens
she only did like, 3 asmrs since debute, and she isnt even Hard GFE either

>> No.44441534

True. It says more about the current state of Myth than anything, but oh well. Hoping they can get back in their groove after Holofes.

>> No.44441620

except she is a loli

>> No.44441705

Have you not seen those fatbags?
A loli does not have fatbags.

>> No.44442071 [DELETED] 

>Mumei can't unleash her history streams because of twitter mutts
I love seeing people pretend a white girl going to college has anything worth saying about history.

>> No.44442303
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>> No.44442537

Anime culture, otaku culture, vtuber culture, are all much much bigger in Japan. The top Holos all have loyal gachikoi.

Compared to Western fans who don't really watch streams as much and only really meme about chubas. It's much less seriously treated compared to Nipland.

>> No.44443415

>Wait that's why I watch Pekora especially when she's playing Minecraft.
The clown has similar style: a Big mouth, overconfidence and take the karma hits like a champ.

>> No.44443578
File: 354 KB, 911x564, 1664459696904022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this retard throw the same shit bait over a year and the fags itt still eat it.

>> No.44443622

Mythtard deflection thread since their offcollabs are trash.

>> No.44443690

Nah, women just love pathetic men but it’s a fine line to be on and easy to mess up so most people can’t pull it off

>> No.44443704

the worst part is that, even if they bring girls that want to work hard, the older gen mates will tell them to take it easy

>> No.44443811

Still not anything like Hex “leave your boyfriend for me” Haywire

>> No.44444259

Yeah like the other anon said Vox was gone for a while

>> No.44444478

Hakka is little brother, his voice is energetic and youthful but can also be smooth because of his accent
He’s as small as the shota but you can’t tell because he wears platforms (I know they’re traditional Japanese shoes)

>> No.44444668

Yes, council, including Irys, were a failure. I believe that Cover failed Irys the most as they seem to be focusing on Mori as their "VSinger" while Irys was essentially relegated to "You're the fill in for council now that Sana is gone."


While I do think there is a market on the EN side, I can't exactly disagree with you on this. YTD, their top 10 SC earners are all in the JP branch. Of the top 25, only 5 are EN. Hell, all time earners, EN drops down to only 3 / 25.

I think EN is probably on it's way out because of the EN girls lack of work ethic. Almost to the person, they stream ~10 hours a week. For the JP girls it's closer to ~25 hours a week each with a few outliers who stream a lot less.

Cover isn't going to dedicated the resources to not only giving THEM a salary, but their management teams; it just isn't worth the investment. I wish that Cover would fire everyone but Mori, Kiara and Fauna; the only three who really put in the time and effort even if I can't stand them. The management from the remaining people could then be freed up to be managers for a new gen who comes in with a strict contract of "You WILL be streaming X amount of hours and X amount of days or you're fired for violating your contracts. No excuses." Irys is also clearly trying to be a JP talent, so shift her to that branch entirely as well then ACTUALLY USE HER AS A VSINGER like she was hired to be.

>> No.44444707


>> No.44444741

No one wants to be used as the face for a retarded culture war

>> No.44444876

Yeah I agree
Streaming did not spark joy with her but I wouldn’t say she hated her fans she was just casual
She drew her own emotes, worked with her community (Astrogirl), frequently interacted with fanartists etc etc

>> No.44444990

>He’s as small as the shota but you can’t tell because he wears platforms (I know they’re traditional Japanese shoes)
Seems like Baelz problems where she's short like gura but not quite flat enough to be a loli.

>> No.44445016

She’s a petite woman
Because her design isn’t meant to look like a child but a small woman unlike 90% of loli

>> No.44445067

>Yes, council, including Irys, were a failure. I believe that Cover failed Irys the most as they seem to be focusing on Mori as their "VSinger" while Irys was essentially relegated to "You're the fill in for council now that Sana is gone."
Mori is Suisei, IRyS is AzKi.
>suisei mogs azki in music
>but azki got a new model so now people love her fucking geogessr streams

>> No.44445097

Fatbags? Are you attracted to women?

>> No.44445295

I don’t think it’s really a problem for Hakka though
He fits as being this short cute guy I don’t think him being a shota would do him any favors
And yeah Bae is petite, she’s a woman for sure

>> No.44445652

Except IRyS is doing EVEN WORSE post new look

>> No.44445808

Bettel is basically a different brand of Vesper and yes, both of them are messed up in their own ways.

>> No.44446231

kronii could've easily hit 1M with the momentum she had. But she chose not to, so, no it's not council's failure, it's kronii's

>> No.44446239

There might not be the steam for a 3rd gen, but they're also never gonna fire any of the ENs. Gura can go the Ayame route and stream fuck-all but still rake in the bucks with events and sponsorships. Mori has the music thing. Kiara, Fauna, and Bae actually try. The rest can at least coast by (like they've been doing) and just stream "enough" but none of them are Sana-tier so Cover isn't gonna tell them to get lost. Realistically they could all coast on 2-3 streams a week forever and Cover would just keep them around because they're pussy like that.

>> No.44446326

Council is great as a group and boring as fuck in solo streams

>> No.44446339

Please tell me how she sabotaged herself
Hardmode: Extraneous circumstances like family death and PC hardware failure are not self-sabotage

>> No.44446353


More like a boring fucktard that has telegraphed reactions. He's so shit at everything he assumes acting retarded is "entertainment". Yeah bro, running around in circles for 20 minutes on your Amnesia lets play saying "Where is the door?" is your idea of a good time then you are a fucking smooth-brain.

Don't compare that half-baked abortion to Pekora.

>> No.44446425

That has way more to do with her attitude change than the model change.

>> No.44446453

I always thought IRyS was more like Suisei. Brought in as a VSinger but given no support, delayed outfits and the company constantly forgetting about her. I was waiting for the eventually turn around that Suisei got, but I don't think we're going to get that with IRyS.
Because it is a terrible redesign. I used to be an IRyS gachi but now I barely watch any of her streams.

>> No.44446499

But she's only become even more of an airheaded bimbo ditz
She should be soaring

>> No.44446514

All of council stumbled out of the gate.
Kronii and Fauna had the best start. They stumbled, but didnt fall flat on their faces. At the same time, they never really broke into a hard sprint.

>> No.44446781

That doesn't work if you're coming across as a bitch.

>> No.44446803

>Because it is a terrible redesign. I used to be an IRyS gachi but now I barely watch any of her streams.
Same, I dropped her a while back and I still can't really figure out why. Something put me off and I haven't looked back since.

>> No.44446820

lazy, autistically playing mc off stream, debuff game choices, homo collabs, it's literally beating a dead horse at this point

>> No.44446962

Translation: Holofans do not want to watch video games.

>> No.44446999

"Girls are cutest when they're a little retarded." The operative part of that phrase is "a little," IRyS is a bit more than a little retarded and it gets tiring.

>> No.44447097

>the dog from family guy
All the things that used to work for her are working against her.

>> No.44447121

>Why do you think EN3 hasn't happened yet?
Since Yagoo wants to find the holostars version of Vox Akuma. This is why Tempus 3 has better odds of getting released this summer than holoEN3.

>> No.44447216

Kinda funny how Nijisanji found another Vox Akuma with Hex Haywire. It sucks that they blacklisted Zaion, those two had a pretty good dynamic.

>> No.44447425


Don't forget that Playboard only tracks YouTube superchats, it doesn't track Streamlabs which is the primary donation method for ID. They haven't even had the YouTube Superchat function enabled for a year yet for the ID girls.

That's why tracking how well the ID girls do is so hard compared to the others.

>> No.44447724

If that's true, Kaela must be the Indonesian equivalent of a multi-millionaire at this point

>> No.44447942

Stay mad. If he would be a woman people would be fauning to her. Like with Sakamata.

>> No.44448051

Don't be stupid she's not alienating anyone she's just saying hey don't make me look like shit if you go around doing politics and picking on fights with others, that has nothing to do with me.

>> No.44448193

>Retarded convoluted lore that nobody was interested in
This one cannot be overstated.
The lore was so fucking annoying and stupid. Vtubers are supposed to be fun, like a show, a spectacle. You look at them and cheer.
Some will hate me but they are supposed to be like marvel movies.
But council lore was unironically too serious and majestic and grand, they presented it as some epic cosmic opera and it just missed the mark completely.
HoloX came later and was much more down to earth and simple and it worked perfectly for them.
Myth was epic, so maybe they wanted to double down on it. But Myth wasn't that serious.
Tempus despite all its flaws at least stuck to a more practical concept that actually works wonders.
Council was really set to fail from the start.

>> No.44448340

Tempus has the best lore. They also have members that are amazing at sticking with the lore and they actually let the fan base play around with the lore and add onto it as well.
Id say that Myth and Council are far more awkward and cringe than Tempus.

>> No.44448541

am i the only person who doesn't give a fuck about lore and completely ignores it? i just watch who i find entertaining which is mostly council these days
i really don't think lore matters past the beginning. well, to be fair this thread is about subs so that probably matters at the start where most of your sub gain is from.
it's clear the talents don't give a fuck about pushing sub gain though because if they did, there's an easy way to hack sub gain, and that's by spamming shorts. it's how people like filian got massive amounts of subs pretty quickly.

>> No.44448653

Bae at least seems to be a hard worker and multilingual.

Mumei is my favourite but I can see why she's lagging a bit. She seems to have a lot of IRL comitments.
Kronii does alright but makes odd decisions that hamper her reach.
Fauna will probably reach 1 million first. She has the voice, and the skills, and the comedy chops.

>> No.44448783
File: 38 KB, 678x361, 1678033592391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at current rates, mumei will reach 1m first, then fauna and bae. the order could switch around a little though depending on how active they are.
kronii's sub rate could pick up once again if she becomes active.
irys's sub rate is permanently fucked

>> No.44448848

Think of lore as a bit of flavoring that adds some personality and helps with engagement. Tempus really has good lore and they have talents who are capable of really meshing into that lore and giving it a spin that helps them engage with their viewers.
Does the lore matter? Not really. Doesn't change the fact that there are people who can make it a plus.

>> No.44448919

Where is this impression that IRyS is bitchy? I didn't notice a change.

>> No.44449001

Lore is part of the presentation, theming, gimmicks and comedy material.
If you wanted to watch vtubers without any lore you'd watch Kate the human, caucasian, medium black hair, single child who has a 9-5 job and does vtubing as a side job and was born in florida.
But you'd probably rather watch Syrup the bright orange haired fluffy twintailed genki dog girl who likes to cook and sweets, she comes from a big family of dog girls and has plenty of interesting stories to share. Wears a cute chef outfit but with frills and pastel colors.
It's more fun than "Syrup, the immortal manifestation of causality, has existed for eons and manifested in the form of an angel dog girl " and wears a nonsensical mix match of random cloth items without a clear theme.

Lore is related to the marketing campaign, the music they use, the images they use, how it's presented. It affects the soul and feel of the whole gen before its release and it can either set a fun mood or turn people off.
Again, go look at HoloX to see how a stylish cool fun approach worked vs Council's too serious direction.

>> No.44449003

He has a mini Vox / Hex in Bettel.
That should be enough no?
The nigger made over 2k membership subs in 3 streams.

>> No.44449137

okay, that's understandable. i got into vtubing way past both holox and council's debuts so i wasn't here for the initial reception and only got here after everyone decided where they were going to take their character

>> No.44449163

>Straight line fallacy
If extrapolating current short-term trends over the long-term actually proved true then all of Council would be 1 mil right now and Gura would be like 100 mil.

>> No.44449231

I am so proud of the ex-gmod youtuber clown man

>> No.44449286

>people's identities
So she believes this shit?

>> No.44449379

IRyS is the same, anon is just upset her model changed

>> No.44449396

She believes in money

>> No.44449450

I said "at current rates" right there, and it's a relative comparison about who will get there first.
You can go back and look at sub growths for the past few months and they're consistently around this level for most of EN, the main difference being Gura's sub growth tanking from one of the fastest in Hololive to around the rest of EN.

>> No.44449477

i think kiara would love to be number 1, but i don't think she's cursing this timeline where she achieved what she has now after years of near complete obscurity. she might have in the first few months but perspective set in a while ago

>> No.44449485

Then why post that shit. All she had to do was say nothing.

>> No.44449580

What makes IRyS fucked?

>> No.44449730

In an entire year she went from 907k to 915k.

>> No.44450349

Bae would get a more stable viewer base if she changed her timeslot but I find it hard for her since she's an Australian.
Fauna was at her peak when few Holos were streaming in like mid 2022, she was getting 15k live views by playing buff games and hogging peak US hours

>> No.44452818

I haven't seen much of them to be honest, but I like Mumei and Bae

>> No.44452854

Holo Council didn't just underperform, but they took Holo Myth down with them.

Calli abandoned Myth for Baelz and IRyS and even openly talked about it.
Gura went with SNOT.
Kiara kept Ame and Ina close, but also (almost) became a honorary ID and created bonds with Nijisanji EN.
No TTRPGs anymore.
Takamori officially announced dead.

The Myth collabs were always awkward, but people loved them. With Council around they became more than rare and a lot of fans left, because they realized the Myth (bonds) they loved never existed in the first place.

>> No.44453118

The lore shit forced by fucked their first impression factors hard. There's a reason they're collectively slow.
Corpo first impressions are fucking critical. Making the chuubas blast the whole smoothbrain audience with existential level lore they don't even understand themselves doesn't set them up well.

>> No.44453321

>161 replied
>75 poster
LMAO, too many samefagging

>> No.44455791

IRyS's Stacy energy agitates ugly recluses.

Then why did she thrust herself forward to take that place? Pathetic fucking grifter.

>> No.44456038

Par for the course for these threads.
