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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44408565 No.44408565 [Reply] [Original]

After being in countless /vt/ circles and communities I noticed a lot of woke and pro-tr00n people tend to be women
Why is this? Did this people come from the surge of maletubers?

>> No.44408994 [DELETED] 

White women are overwhelmingly cucked to hell. They have a desperate need for Twitter validation. All women have narcissistic brain disease and it's why they were almost never given an equal vote with men, throughout history, in any democratic society.

It wasn't just to be mean to them, surprisingly enough.

>> No.44409040 [DELETED] 

>woke and pro-tr00n people tend to be women

>> No.44409373 [DELETED] 
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>/vt/ discords

>> No.44409445
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I've noticed out of all people women tend to hate unicorns the most, why?

>> No.44409472 [DELETED] 

Look at anorexia forums. Then look at tranny forums.
It's the same mental illness except the former identify as skeletons.

>> No.44409581 [DELETED] 

There are hardly any women pretending to be men so women are never catfished by troons. Since women have virtually no empathy for men whatsoever, they don't give a shit about trannies ruining mens' spaces until one of them pulls out it's dick in front of them in the women's bathroom.

>> No.44409751

>use discord
>whine about normalfags
what did you expect? real /vt/ kings only use the /vt/ irc

>> No.44410160

they also hate lolicons

>> No.44410841

Are there any TERF vtubers? One that would not scare the somewhat sane women? I'll support them

>> No.44410999 [DELETED] 

You don't say....

>> No.44411029

but that ntroberu pic is ancient
wow what a surprise, fucking discord niggers are newfags

>> No.44411047

>/vt/ irc
I want to believe

>> No.44411112

#/vt/ on rizon

>> No.44411400
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>> No.44411800

This. Good post.
Basically women hate WEAK men with a passion and fear strong men. Always be the asshole.

>> No.44412115

Basically this.
I would also say troons generally know they have zero chance with a proper woman and so they are allowed a bit more leeway like the token gay man.

>> No.44412208 [DELETED] 
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-femaleanons- add me ashen#4718

and chat about vidya and weeb stuff. creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls pokemon fate digimon smt yuuka meiling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU vtubers( and mock deadbeats)fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations females from the DoA games final the rwby anime and other stuff.

>> No.44412376 [DELETED] 

Women are weaker and more submissive. Community-centric Eastern culture serves as a check to this. But in individualistic Western cultures... weirdos only need to make enough noise and women will listen to them and let them be. Shit's like poor parenting; women will spoil the metaphoric problem child and let it set the rules.
And faggots aren't real men. They've been cucked to think just like women.

>> No.44412519

>I would also say troons generally know they have zero chance with a proper woman and so they are allowed a bit more leeway like the token gay man.
never realized this
good post

>> No.44412603

This is a good rationalization of it. Women only care once MTFaggots start edging in on their special privileges. They don't care if it screws over others, like someone at the top of a mountain surrounded by wildfires with really short-sightedness.

>> No.44412696

It's not something I realized until my oshi started actively befriending troons despite being openly straight.

>> No.44412827

What the fuck is this post. It looks like a bot for YouTube SEO spat it out.

>> No.44413596

Women have close to no personality. They are monkey see monkey do. That's why they absorb parts of their at the time bf's personality.
They like what other people like (the closer those people are to them, the better). Terminally online women of course absorb the twitter faggot's personalities.

>> No.44413736

>That's why they absorb parts of their at the time bf's personality.
Can vouch for that. They're like sponges. Unless they hate and don't respect you, they'll do what you decide. If you dump them, they'll pick up new traits from the next guy.

>> No.44413761

There's women who just hate men so much these days that they will promote our suffering no matter what.

>> No.44413809
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why is a place dedicated to mainly female vtubers so mysoginistic

>> No.44414101

because women have always hated other women the most

>> No.44414184

Criticizing femoid retardation =/= misogyny. I don't claim misandry when my male ape brain tendencies are called out.

Be less sensitive, sister.

>> No.44414251

that's just most people in general
monkey see monkey do
which tbf is accurate since humans are just monkeys but 2~4x smarter on average
we weren't meant to have access to millions of voices saying random garbage we're meant to be dying at 50 from dysentery

>> No.44414364

I realize it when I was like 14. My female cousin openly mocked me for liking anime and video games. One day she got a bf who watched Naruto and played xbox. From there on she even became knowledgeable about video games and the mocking because of anime stopped forever after. Afterwards she got a boyfriend who's a chef and she went from hating cooking to love cooking and now she even makes desserts for the family. There was also a bf who loved the gym and of course she absorbed that too. "I will never date a fat and hairy dude" and she married one... Women have no personality. They say a, think b and do c.
This is also why you should never ask women for advice on women. You have to ask men. Men know how to do it because what you have to do is to show them you are what they want, which is whatever since they don't know what they want because they don't have a personality on their own.
There are exceptions, sure, but the rule stands.

>> No.44414433

Women are retarded and will easily believe stupid shit anon.

>> No.44414526

>This is also why you should never ask women for advice on women. You have to ask men.
You know. Anytime you discuss in a forum style discussion of women, you can tell someone is a woman or an idealist by how they respond to the claim that showing weakness in front of a woman is a death knell for any hopes of relationship 99% of the time.

If they're a man, they know.
If they're a woman, they'll deny it to the grave.

>> No.44414628

larp harder groyper
