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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44407931 No.44407931 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Can I self post?
Self posting is allowed as long as it's for asking for feedback or starting out, there are other threads for self promotion.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Parasocial guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>44353571

>> No.44408106

Honestly, I kind of want a time machine just to see if she can make the retarded thing work out. I can't really tell if it's entertaining to me or not, but I still watch it when I have nothing else to do.

>> No.44408138

don't get me wrong, i don't want to be funny. there's enough other people that are way better at it than i am. i'll focus on what i'm good at.

>> No.44408232

so i've lurked for a while and can't get my head around the babi timeloop, it seems to just be the same "lol trying to copy women for success" femoid takes and "troons in denial" alphabet shit, when you try asking the babis it's not a big deal, so is this looping just a cope? i dare you guys to give me some solid fucking reasons why they're so hated

>> No.44408376

I now realize that I can't make it, I'm just a poor miserable babi with menhera issues.
Instead of putting all this pressure on myself I'll just press the start streaming button when I feel like playing a game and ignore every other aspect of vtubing. Hell I won't even force myself to speak, let an era of dead air begin.
I'm sorry Anon and (You), I know I'm a disappointment. You used to believe in me but I'm just not special, and I'm tired of trying.

>> No.44408562

Ah, the stream is already over. And wait, is >>44406198 a self-post?

>> No.44408624

Isn't her art for her rig and the rig made by her? Is she just socially retarded?

>> No.44408719

Yeah, she does all the production for her stuff and she seems pretty normal when typing here. I think she's just doing her best at a cute and bubbly personality on stream, which is admirable, but just isn't quite there yet.

>> No.44408815

There are very few babis, probably around 20 in the whole history of /asp/, but they are talked about all the time because they are attention whores. That's why they're hated.

>> No.44409090

No I just like shilling my friend

>> No.44409226

the attention whore stuff is like only 2-3 at best

>> No.44409279

Wait, if she's your friend, then who the fuck is >>44359259.

>> No.44409421

They're less hungry for attention than average female but they want it a lot more than the average male.

>> No.44409793

>attention whoring
isn't that the entire point? getting your name out there and getting others to click on your stuff? what's the difference between selfposting and straight up posting thighs to hornybait? clearly we should chase out all chuubas from our threads.

>> No.44409941

Men definitely want it. They seethe if they feel they don't get enough, more than anyone else.

>> No.44410158

There's a difference between "I'm doing X right now, come watch here" and "SEX WITH [babi name]".

>> No.44410171

You can be the center of attention on your stream but it's obnoxious if you're begging for it on a public space. Stop it Azu. It's not all about you, let others have their turn too.
See what I mean?

>> No.44410874

>unironically using what random schizos say

>literally the only argument is that babis are "attention whores"
wew, let me call your bluff then, post the others too and let's see the worst of them

>> No.44411035

Haven't been hearing much seething from males lately here actually. I think the current batch is too new to have let stagnation and no viewers get to them yet. And all the old ones are either happy with their 3 ccv or graduated long ago.

>> No.44411121

Those that know.

>> No.44411344

You want me to name and shame every babi? Ain't nobody got time for that!

>> No.44411581

because i'm sure the chuubas themselves post that here. people will skinwalk here to make their narrative fit and then say "do your archive reps" to give it more legitimacy. this place is just like 20 posters being bored and the occasional chuuba posting before getting chased off after a couple of threads.

>> No.44412153

Anon, if your stuff is so uninteresting that its entirely unclippable, why would somebody want to watch it? What are they going to your channel to see? You mention dead air, but is that space just filled with "uhuh" or "See that thing that happened, I saw it too." running commentary? Your stream is your product. If its not interesting nobody will want it. If nobody wants it, why are you making it?

>> No.44412222

>this place is just like 20 posters being bored and the occasional chuuba posting before getting chased off after a couple of threads.
Given that every post directed at any chuuba posting here is "NGMI KYS" that's not surprising.

>> No.44412403

>because i'm sure the chuubas themselves post that here
I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, it doesn't take much to be a vtuber.
Everyone can be a vtuber, they're not this unreachable existence that viewers imagine them to be. Being a vtuber does not make you a better person, just check out /wvt/.
So I'll say it loud and clear, as a fellow vtuber:

>> No.44412594

Oh, actually now that you're here, I've been wanting to ask you how did you do the word effect/filter for your avatar? It looks really cool, and it'd be awesome if you could give me a tutorial on it.

>> No.44412609
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>> No.44412662

True, your avatar looks awesome, love it! Very unique

>> No.44412950

Ah sorry, I mispoke, I'm not Lcolon, I just want to have sex with him.
You should DM him, he probably doesn't bite.

>> No.44413143
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>> No.44414588

Why do some streamers decide to set chat to verified accounts only?

>> No.44414636

Probably to limit bot accounts or something like that.

>> No.44414760

Hampers most bots and bot-raids.

>> No.44414822

Harder for schizos to make new accounts after being banned.

>> No.44415001
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>not japanese
>fumbling my words every single sentence
>no singing ability whatsoever
>only played garbage games like league of legends
How can I debuff myself even further.

>> No.44415085

How do you make new account if jannies ban your ip.
I'm tech illiterate so I apologize if it's obvious.

>> No.44415159

Oh you're talking about youtube.
I read schizo and instantly thought of 4chan sorry.

>> No.44415280

if you are low rank in league or main yuumi

>> No.44415944
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Finally made my first clip after several months of streaming, even added some hashtags.
Adding hashtags to all my VODs was a real pain in the ass, as I had to go through five months worth of Youtube videos. I started to worry when my PC's fans got audibly loud because of how many browser tabs I had open at the same time.
No, it's not Chrome. It's Brave.

>> No.44416095

So it's Chrome with some stock add-ons, then.

>> No.44416102

"Main" would imply I'm good at yuumi.
I'm not. It's just the champion i have the most mastery points on.
Also full AP blitz reminded me how fun is to instantly delete people from existence so I'm playing more of that nowadays

>> No.44416325

Keep being terminally insecure instead of using your own streams as speech practice
t. noassets ESL learning to talk

>> No.44416810
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But i like being lazy. I'm sad but happiness tales soo much effort...

>> No.44417519

Success among the millions of people streaming at any given moment required even more effort, anon

>> No.44417632

Good luck in whatever you decide to do next anon, have fun. And remember you can try again if you wanna

>> No.44417814

What makes a good vtuber in your opinion?

>> No.44418051
File: 124 KB, 1100x1100, f09.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i write a script? do i just copy youtubers i like?

>> No.44418333

Listen here bud writing a script is simple, many will tell you it's difficult, many will try to discourage you but the truth is; learn from the best, good people, real good, here's the deal you know Donald Trump? real standup guy, maybe the best so you go and listen to his speeches and his press conferences, he has a cadence to his voice, a unique one the best in the business.
Get used to that and I tell you, you'll get them where you want them to be and that's the art of the deal.

>> No.44418450

make me laugh and I will remember you, it doesn't matter if is on twitter, tiktok, youtube as long as you're funny and can "identify" you (aka branding)

>> No.44418499

Good voice, enjoyable to watch, cares about their community, cares about the quality of the content they make, doesn't stir up shit for no reason.

>> No.44418566

Anon, what do u think about aggressive self promo in Twitter? Vtubers chains etc.
I tried it, it gives some numbers but I feel like shit spamming link/png in replies trying to get some discoveryability but.. feels and looks desperate
Is it really worth spamming?

>> No.44418593

I'm split on whether I should do the "traditional" overlay thing and put the gameplay/content into a window on the overlay or do full-screen gameplay/content and just place the model over it.

>> No.44418711

Gameplay screen overlay can look nice but sometimes it's so big that it's so smal window of game so even ridiculous

>> No.44418720

Why do you do this to me, anon? Please let me have my delusions.

>> No.44418763

Don't spam too much it becomes annoying for the people following you, instead make content that represent you personality and post it on social media. It gives a better introduction to your channel and makes people intrested in actually watching your streams

>> No.44419143

The clip is too long and i got annoyed the first 2 seconds, try adding subtittles and using a funny part of your stream. Also make your model prettier and fix your voice

>> No.44419299

You literally have a default vroid avatar. You couldn't even be bothered to customize it slightly?

>> No.44419480

Is watching your stream back and looking for things to improve a good way to make our commentary better? Or am I just wasting time?

>> No.44419510

exactly, I feel like annoying shit that trying to breath into anyone's window. Kinds gross.

>> No.44419629

Attentionwhoring is good but you obviously need to be smart about it. Give someone a good reason to click your link and try not to make people hate you

>> No.44419797

I also wouldn’t say Kongou is a good role model for commentary. The best type of commentary is something that feels genuine and unrestricted. Examples are Pekora and Subaru, or in the /wvt/sphere Olivia Monroe. People are attracted to strong emotions and those are easy to clip.

>> No.44420272

Rather than being the one dropping PNGs you should instead be starting the threads yourself. Those PNG threads are made specifically for engagement bait to exploit you for discoverability.

>> No.44420516

I have "literally who" twitter for now (77 followers)
Don't think that people will answer me much

>> No.44421147

"don't click my link wtf theres a million other streamer out there that are better, why would you go to my stream and waste your time."

>> No.44422484

Thanks for the heads up, definitely not clicking your link

>> No.44422738

Even so, it’s still a good way to get to know people. You can make friends, watch their streams and when it’s time to debut they will help you. If retweet bots share your posts you’ll get a lot of decent attention for the price of just one tweet even if you don’t have many followers.

>> No.44422839

This was already my second vtubing attempt, but I'm doing well in the scanlation community. It feels good to have people appreciate you.

>> No.44424141

I dont really enjoy the usual streamer focused gaming or zatsu content. What I am watching is novelty streams with something like contests, gameshows or acting, though theres only one or zero at a time.
I want to make something sustainable thats not extremely high effort. Of course if it were simple everyone would already do it.
I thought trying to copy formats you see on TV might work even if most is pretty braindead.
I just dont know if there will be an audience. Discoverability is probably going to be shit.

>> No.44424232

you lost me at "press conferences"

>> No.44424420

what's the meta for tracking these days if you don't have an iphone?

>> No.44424746

decent webcams. like the logitech c920

>> No.44425579

Maybe I will try next time.
I mean, in worst case it will be zero shot. Nothing to lose just leftovers of self-respect and confidence
Dunni, Iam doind this from laggy laptop camera. Still enough, expressions on stream deck buttons/hotkeys,

>> No.44425632
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>> No.44425793

Did you know that people with sub 80 IQs have problems processing abstract ideas? I thought that was interesting.

>> No.44425856

Im not following...

>> No.44425871

Good riddance

>> No.44425893


>> No.44426253

do what snapcube does and get a group to do real time fandubs

>> No.44426420

What corpo did he join?

>> No.44426421

I lost track of him after the first hiatus, did the lack of numbers get to him?

>> No.44426700

The shows you see on TV have multiple teams working on them and have thousands spent on them. I don’t think you should rely on them. You can probably come up with an ingenious way to incorporate them into streams like Mizkif’s sitcom door or Jerma’s green screen nights but you also have to accept that it might just not be feasible for you to do them. You can do these types of streams every once in a while and just do filler content in between to grow your audience

>> No.44426896

He only ever mentioned numbers once, but he did go through an arc of "I wish I could stream at a good time for english speakers" for a while.
He's too good for N*j*s*nj*, and Phase is NEVER taking males, so probably hololive. I hope his fellow aussie doesn't rope him into his antics. I'll miss the ragdoll model I though...

>> No.44427276

I went out of my way to check who this person was and their channel has barely 200 followers. Is this really the standard of this thread? What makes you think a corpo would accept a person that can barely find a following on their own? Nobody in Holostars or Hololive or Nijisanji was a true 0 view

>> No.44427326

What the fuck are you even saying
And I say this as an ESL

>> No.44427350

It's tongue in cheek/copium, retard.

>> No.44427500

this made me cringe

>> No.44427907

he's a male vtuber, what kind of numbers are you expecting?

>> No.44427954

I spent 10 minutes watching him and he’s probably the most entertaining I’ve seen come out of /asp/. The reason why he never inclined was probably because he kept playing games nobody gave a shit about. If he gave up without really experimenting then I guess it just wasn’t meant to be

>> No.44427967

>100 followers on Twitter
>200 followers on Twitch
>10 subs on youtube
Absolutely no corpo would hire this man, except maybe one of those really small shitty ones, which are honestly just for people who are too poor and can't afford a model.

He just gave up, like most of you will do.

>> No.44428114

he also didn't shill himself much. I should have done it for him. I should have told him organic growth doesn't exist.
I couldn't save him bros :(

>> No.44428313
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probably something like either of these

>> No.44428427

>All his post in the last few days are about trying to be the best vtuber because real life sucks and how happy he was at his most recent stream

Something happened, he is probably having a menhera episode and going "AH THIS ISNT WORTH IT, I QUIT", or possibly some real life shit is going on that he has to really focus on. Whatever it is, at least he tried, and now he won't have to live his life wondering "What if..." since he already knows... nothing.

>> No.44428514

I’m assuming this is the vampire and the blue guy’s charts. Notice how two of these charts are in categories that actually have viewers. They also shilled themselves pretty well with Randon’s videos and the blue guy on Twitter. Another example of shilling well is LexParte that did really well on Twitter

>> No.44428521

Sadge that there's people quitting, but what about this guy:
I dont think he'll quit anytime soon

>> No.44428681

the second chart is lex

>> No.44428754

Maybe he got a real life girlfriend and the vtubing doesn't feel worth it anymore.

>> No.44428790

Pretty decent but audio quality is as good as the other guy’s

>> No.44428798

who is not an aspie btw

>> No.44428894

Lex is an aspie, just not whatever abomination modern /asp/ is

>> No.44428995


>> No.44429133

he is not, no matter how much you try to convince people

>> No.44429394
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yeah he just happens to suggest a bunch of gen 1 aspies including lance and was also an active lancecorder

>> No.44429707

lol, im sure he considers himself an aspie, suuuure

>> No.44429866

nobody that used to browse these threads considered themselves /asp/ies retard. that’s a purely discord era /asp/ thing that NGMIs here invented. a lot of self posters in /wvt/ are from /asp/ but they don’t consider themselves /asp/ies because this place used to just be an info dump

>> No.44429936

then stop calling him an aspie if he doesnt wanna be called one

>> No.44429996

he sure doesn't hide his connection to /asp/ies and people adjacent considering he's used bodega's wiggly and contacted marocaron (who is adjacent to a lot of /asp/ies) for emotes

>> No.44430009

this is probably retarded thing I’ve seen today to argue about

>> No.44430138

This shit only works if you have the audience
If you’re sub 50ccv (or hell, 25) then forget it

>> No.44430162

yeah, like wearing a university jersey means you graduated from there

>> No.44430381

isn't this guy an anime character

>> No.44430462

First it was Fulgur and now its Shinri/Lex.

When someone like Knight Chase makes it to corpo (which will never happen), I'll say an aspie made it.

>> No.44430527

Yeah but that was a very different /asp/, it's like coming back to your alma matter and finding it full of degenerate liberal trannies.
Gen 2 was raised in /trash/, gen 3 was the groomer gen. I don't know Lex but even if he comes from here there's no way we can relate to one another because of the generational gap.

>> No.44430783

It’s some schizo with autism. Stop replying to him

>> No.44430899

Clip is 10x too long, avatar is so nondescript I couldn't tell you who this was even if you told me first, the content of "I get jumpscared woo" is uninteresting to basically everyone.

Also, if you're going to do shortform clips just use the shorts system.

And yeah seriously, if you're going to do this sort of thing just do the whole thing in your native language and skip the ESL thing.

>> No.44431102

Hey guys, please give me some feedback on my embarrassing highlights video, thank you.

>> No.44431516

It's too long, I have ADHD. I'm on so much caffeine right now that my personality changes. The pace is too slow.

>> No.44431758

You're probably right. I've noticed the memey in your face screams and meme sound effects style of editing is pretty popular as of late so I might try that next time.

>> No.44432109

I watched the first 30 seconds and left. I’ll be frank, it’s boring. If this is a “highlights” video then you need to cut out the boring parts and put in… the highlights obviously. Start working on your expressiveness too, I can’t really find anything appealing about the “uhhs” and “ums” and general lack of energy. You need to act like you’re passionate about what you’re doing. If that’s hard to do then find a game you really like and play that

>> No.44432387

I can't wait for aspbabis to make it!
They can do anything! My beloved crossdressers will rule the corpos!

>> No.44433201

Why does every ESL Euro have this exact same accent?

>> No.44433644

I think Digby's gonna make it.

>> No.44433698

I think you are Digby

>> No.44433733


>> No.44433870

Wrong, I haven't debuted yet. Digby's ahead of me.

>> No.44433929

You sound like you're about to announce a footie match or the next episode of Bottom Gear.

>> No.44434047

>beaten by a literal cat
Are you ashamed?

>> No.44434086

No babi is going to make it into a corpo. The best performing babi with an /asp/ affiliation is likely Kaiser and he'll never make it into a corpo, not that he would want to get into a corpo.
Most babis just quit, never grow or kill themselves.

>> No.44434093

Glad to hear all the years of watching Top Gear have paid off.

>> No.44434177

Nah, I'm picky and my situation isn't ideal. I'm starting up in a couple months though. Should have a more quiet work area.

>> No.44434497

This thing here >>44415944 is a vtuber, meanwhile (You)'re a viewer. Debut already.

>> No.44434504

Don't mind me, i just want to see who'll get >>44444444

>> No.44434564

Its been a while but cordy was pretty active here if I remember correctly. Hes probably the most successful babi from this board in general.

>> No.44434575


>> No.44434660
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>> No.44434872

Yeah I was kind of scraping the barrel from anything mildly highlight out of the 2 hour stream, it was a little hard.
You're probably right. in my head I feel like I sound expressive, but when I listen to the VODs I do sound pretty monotone, so guess something I need to work on. Thanks for the feedback anon.

>> No.44435041

My memory is coming back, I think the alligator babi and miyuyu are doing alright. Miyuyu's already joined a smaller corpo so that's one successful babi.

>> No.44435247

>Miyuyu's already joined a smaller corpo so that's one successful babi.
she left that corpo and also isn't a babi are you okay anon

>> No.44435586

>are you okay anon
No anon I'm not okay, I revel in nostalgia and I can still remember the day I jokingly added her to the babi list. She didn't understand the humor, just like you.
You see it's funny because she's not a babi so people who don't know her won't question it, but people who do know her will do a double-take because she's obviously not a babi.

>> No.44435601

Always rewatch your VODs. Anything that you notice will be anything that your viewers will notice while live.

>> No.44435606

she also isn't doing alright at all

>> No.44435739

>Constantly complaining about money and being generally a bitch leads to people not watch you
Color me surprised

>> No.44435813

What's the drama with Miyuyu? Why is she a bitch? What'd she do?

>> No.44435890

I'm gonna fix it in 2.0 I promise! : (
Mistake I made when I was low on funds and didn't want to lose the motivation to stream.

>> No.44435904

Don't mind him, it's the sloth anti/schizo.

>> No.44435944

she's just a bad streamer

>> No.44436060

Fuck that's not good, I always felt like she was making it. I don't really keep up with people I don't watch so I didn't know. You shouldn't have told me now I feel sad.

>> No.44436313

I witnessed her screaming at her dog when it was wimpering. Made for a really awkward voice call.

>> No.44436374

What exactly do you see an issue with the audio?
Is it just the sound or is there background noise?
I'm trying my best here, but I have a Yeti mic.
Thanks for the help!

>> No.44436401
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, gas-station-simulator-is-here-to-feed-your-ocd-tendencies-169482_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh tonight I almost didn't.
Literally nothing went right.
First game crashed, so I went to the original planned one and the controller didn't work, went to DRG, the computers cooler decided to shit itself, once that was fixed the audio then decided to commit sudoku. But I persevered and it all worked out in the end.
Then with the largest number of viewers I've ever had I thought "hey lets do this raid thing!" annnd it didn't work.

Honestly. Tonight was just one problem after another.
But seeing someone randomly say this here of all places? Makes it all worthwhile

>> No.44436600

Almost didn't means you did, genmate.

>> No.44436799

Are you running your mic through Voicemeeter or some other preprocess? You should be.

>> No.44436811

You have potential friend, don't give up. I am usually lurking since I cant be on my PC all the time. I find your commentary very entertaining.

>> No.44436866

don't mean to burst your bubble femanon, but Abigail, Cordy, and Noona are doing much better than Kaiser at this point. please check your data BEFORE you start seething.

>> No.44436965

No I am not, I gotta look that up...
I looked up a video on how to add some mic filters, and that was the extent of what I could understand.
I'll try to search Voicemeter anon.

>> No.44437079 [DELETED] 

Who's Noona?

>> No.44437168
File: 1.57 MB, 900x1800, 99CgPMf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People find my rambling and babbling entertaining?
I should start putting together notes for subjects to ramble on.
I mean I spent probably twenty minutes just explaining a dead game that helped pioneer the genre of asymmetric pvp games (Evolve)

>> No.44437300

I use a Blue Yeti and have a fairly loud PC and Voicemeeter Potato's noise gate covers the PC noice while .1 on the denoiser clears up the chirp from the aging microphone.

>> No.44437402

Thanks anon!
For the life of me I couldn't figure out to block out the stupid Computer fan running noise.
I'll try this out.

>> No.44437531

Why use voicemeter over OBS filters?

>> No.44437603

I already have OBS filters.
The only is the noise gate gives a weird buzzing sound when I try to use it to block out the computer fan running noise.

>> No.44437673

I have a superior solution. My computer is on the other side of the room

>> No.44437827

They're not mutually exclusive, anon. Voicemeeter is a switchboard that also has various other VAC tools. You can use it to separate all sorts of audio sources and level balance them before you actually pipe them off to OBS including dictating which ones you actually hear yourself.

>> No.44439125

I personally prefer OBS's noise gate & compression solutions over Voicemeeter. I only use Voicemeeter's noise gate when I'm speaking on Discord or something. Just look up a few tutorials on how to use compressors properly. Also some basic vocal EQ always helps too. Nothing's going to magically get rid of your computer fan noises though, as soon as the audio gate opens up you'll hear the fan noise when you speak. However if you're really good at EQ you can pick out specific frequencies that are too loud and cut them out.

My one feedback is that your mic picks up way too much room noise/ echo, maybe figure out how to get your mic closer to your mouth and turn the gain on the mic down a little bit.

>> No.44439301

Hey guys this is KankuroKing, I put a noise gate on my mic and tested it.
Hopefully this will fix the background fan noise that's there in earlier streams. Fingers Crossed!

About the room noise/echo, I'll check to see what can be done about that. Will test different positions tomorrow!

>> No.44439527

You can ask on /wvt/ and they'll just tell you to archive reps because there's too much shit.
I dislike her because she had that stint of trying to astroturf here despite being an established weevewtee for like 2 years.

>> No.44439728

Yeah general rule is to get the cleanest audio from the source, and use software to enhance it. Don't rely too much on software to make up for bad audio.

If you feel like you've found a good balance but maybe the audio is a little quiet, compression will help to boost the loud parts of the audio while keeping the quiet parts quiet.

Best of luck aspie

>> No.44439736

I will make it (have not debuted)

>> No.44439822

>lex parte you will never be an aspie even though you keep saying you are in the thread nice try. now that you finally have good kohai in gen 4 (stinky gen 3 moment) you are trying to CRAWL like a worm back to the waiting arms of asp but we wont allow it!!11
That's how you fucking sound schizo anon. Lex was a /here/tuber get over it.

>> No.44440086

Why would you use audio plugins on Discord? It has built in Krisp

>> No.44440336

I turned off Discord's audio filtering features since all I need is Voicemeeter's noise gate.

>> No.44440854


>> No.44441125

Who the fuck is Lex?

>> No.44441191

Lex deez nutz

>> No.44441207

is there a stoner vtuber yet and is there even an audience for it?

>> No.44441370

There’s a bong vtuber. They’re doing as well as you’d expect

>> No.44441498

what will YOU do when YC is out of rehab?

>> No.44441654

>as you’d expect
that's the thing though, I have no idea what to expect

>> No.44442187

When you say bong do you mean a literal bong?

>> No.44442259

Probably ill be reading a bunch of strange schizo posts on asp. There is no way the first thing he will do out of rehab is not to post some absolutely insane shit here.

>> No.44443096

Stoners don't have money to give you

>> No.44443336

I feel like my regular voice is too "generic nerdy male" but I get too self concious and think everyone will think I'm retarded and be like "wtf is this" if I try to voice act

>> No.44443357

Post your voice.

>> No.44443439

post some positive affirmations

>> No.44443534

It’s “generic nerdy male” because you’re boring as shit and put no effort into acting animated. It’s not even a matter of voice acting. You just need to learn how to project your voice and be your unhinged authentic self

>> No.44443592


>> No.44443644

>do this all day long at work
>can't do it at all when I get home
it just makes it worse

>> No.44443663

Scanlation bro moment. People will appreciate you until they forget you.

They're a slav.

lmfao, how long are your cables?

The girl we've been calling retarded for the last few threads (denpafish) just sounds like she is, but she still gets 5-10 views on her streams.

>> No.44443865

Do what at work? Unironically, my best advice for becoming a good streamer is to go to a park, preferably with people around, and start yelling dumb shit. You’ll realize that a lot of people either don’t give a shit around you or the consequences aren’t big as they seem. Being a streamer is exactly like that. You need to break whatever barrier is stopping you from being your authentic self, the one that you’ve been taught to hide because it’s too cringe

>> No.44443953
File: 39 KB, 250x175, heisunaware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44443956

>Do what at work?
>project your voice and be your unhinged authentic self
I literally yell across the store and make jokes about every single thing that happens for 8 hours a day but I get in front of the microphone and turn into generic male youtuber 207000

>> No.44444244

Then it might be an insecurity or just a mindset thing. You need to talk like you’re talking in front of an audience not a mic. You also need to learn to not care what others think about you. I can’t think of anything else that might be the problem that’s stopping you from being more expressive

>> No.44444266

Like 2 metres. Helps with the heat too.

>> No.44444662

Too shy to be a dumb retard in front of an audience?
Streaming reps help with that
Lung capacity too low / vocal cords too weak?
Yelling reps help with that
Living in a commieblock with thin walls so your neighbours can hear anything you say louder than a mumble?
It's over, you have to build a soundproof cuckshed

>> No.44444935

Adapt and survive, make the stream about commentating the neighbour's drama.

>> No.44444938

>improve your vocal cords by destroying your vocal cords

>> No.44445073
File: 75 KB, 256x144, huskar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In pain is power.

>> No.44445389


>> No.44445476

The idea of your vocal chords being tiny little wet strings that break with the slightest touch is bullshit. Even if you're sick and your voice is fucked up, you should still work your vocal cords, because getting blood flowing through them helps them heal. Barely speaking is bad for your voice and causes more atrophy than development.

>> No.44445574

Also cardio, my bad
Lung capacity has to be there

>> No.44445719

Alright I finally did it and broke my fear... I went live and streamed.

>> No.44445751

You're right, but this is the first time I've heard someone suggest "yelling reps" as vocal exercises. I just find it kind of funny.

>> No.44445863

I pressed click and immediately closed it

>> No.44445878

Unironically I recovered my voice more quickly at the apex of the coof by just singing super loudly in the car.

>> No.44445947

Starting your clip with a sigh sure set the mood anon. Really riveted.

>> No.44445987


>> No.44446016

Good job anon! Any assets or are you just figuring things out?

>> No.44446079

You don’t actually yell dumbass. That’ll kill your vocal cords. Projecting =\= yelling. Just talk like you’re talking on stage with a mic

>> No.44446089
File: 197 KB, 322x395, 1663027414985894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be bad for my corpo audition chances if some of my content is more on the yab side? If I have shorts talking about suipiss and cum jars, would that really hurt my chances of being hired or would the numbers matter more? It's not all of my content but still like half.

>> No.44446102

I forgot the video was even playing, and had no reason to go back and watch it objectively. Basically what anons already said, also your gameplay recording is 2fps

Instead of filling the air with "uhs" take the extra second to figure out what you want to say before saying it

>> No.44446153

whoa what the fuck
its a png but her eyes moved

>> No.44446227

It was Karaoke stream because I wanted to also lose my fear of singing in public
It went alright, a lot of bots showed up tho, one human did show up cuz it was the guy who made my PNGtuber and he asked me for my @, but I thought he'd be offline when Id be streaming so I got nervous to see him there.
Ive downloaded the VOD so I can listen and see how my audio levels were, and what changes to do for next time, I do think my mic was probably on the quiet side.
I had fun but Im sleepy now, goodnight!

>> No.44446270

This question can be easily answered by the common sense of someone without autism

>> No.44446272

Anon... thats just a picture

>> No.44446324

That sounds fun, I hope your enjoy your next stream as much as you did this one.

>> No.44446389

>Hoodie male
>Tumblr Sexyman

These are your only choices.
Please list the pros and cons to each.

>> No.44446443

Thanks! I'm not really a good singer, I can be decent depending on the song (Ive definetly improved from where I was a couple years ago), so I try to play it up and make it more funny/go full SOUL when I dont feel like Im doing that well. I am a male after all.

>> No.44446475

I'm just going to give shit advice and say you should use the default vroid hoodie male. Nothing can possibly go wrong with that.

>> No.44446520

its funny you can pin each one of these to a en holostar

>> No.44446593

I forgot Furry and Barra are also choices but none of you are choosing them and they're off in their own section anywway.

>> No.44446747

If I didn't have autism I wouldn't want to be a vtuber

>> No.44446789

Shota: Flayon
Furry: Axel
Bara: Shinri
Hoodie Male: Magni
Ikemen: Altare
Femboy: Hakka
Tumblr Sexyman: Bettel
Monster/other: Vesper

>> No.44446896

C'mon, Altare literally has a hoodie. Magni has a cape-thing with a high collar.

>> No.44446932

Why can't I be a shota? Why do I have to have a deep voice that's smooth and even? Why not a high pitched one that's breathy and uneven? Why can't I be a shota. I don't even want to be a shota. I just want women to prey on me.

>> No.44447017

While Magni does not have a Hoodie, he embodies the "Vroid Hoodie Male" essence because his model is probably the ugliest out of all of them (and he has even said so in his RM account), just like the usual Hoodie Male

>> No.44447117

surely women would prey on a femboy or tumblr sexyman

>> No.44447482

Weak behavior

>> No.44447683

Do shota Vtubers with deep voices exist? I hate shotas but enjoy using a shota avatar in VRC for some reason

>> No.44447805

Then you don't want to be a shota, anon. You want to be vulnerable, which you probably are. Odds are also good that you'll project it by being an awkward nerd.

>> No.44447835

There's more to being a shota than sex.

>> No.44447972

they did that to me so there might be hope for you too

>> No.44448011

on the jp side yes there's a ton, it's basically the vroid in a hoodie version of the EN side

>> No.44448015

Only men preyed upon you because you're gay, Alto/Maple

>> No.44448143

neither of them and only female /asp/ies made moves on me

>> No.44448478

Can someone tell the truth about what happened to Maple?
Did they just give up on Vtubing and decided to focus on studies?

>> No.44448532

Went femboy menhera over being nothing but a sex object to people and realizing he had no real friends that didn't just wanna get in his ass
tale as old as time

>> No.44450043

There's that tanuki aspie but he's not really shota enough

>> No.44450056

No one has really seen me that way besides SCFA which in hindsight was someone trying to get a laugh anyway. Also liking femboys isn't gay

>> No.44450396

Classic, it's just unusual to see it happen to a guy.

>> No.44450497

speaking of femboys which of gen 4 has groomable femboys

>> No.44451888

Haven't you already done enough, Eraxs?! Huh!? Haven't you caused enough pain!?

>> No.44452386

can't stop the sexpest

>> No.44452611

Is Eraxs really bisexual or just a meme? I want him to groom me (male)

>> No.44452634
File: 50 KB, 612x612, 30fd4ff9-2e13-4d55-b60f-230f3aff7e6a_1.3935653f7bf5ab6ba31ddb8ca98e277a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't sit normally and it's all your fault. You destroyed his bussy.

>> No.44453544

Someone that enjoys the game they're playing and takes it seriously. Nothing more unfun than some vtuber treating a game like a chore, just spamming buttons, being sarcastic about how good the game is.

>> No.44453803

You are a legend lol I love how you never give up. Slavoj Žižek inspired model would fit your accent/voice.
Your png looked interesting. Create a 30 seconds clip next time.

>> No.44453938

Mic people, when I use OBS I have it set so when I speak its mostly on that green-yellow area and not reaching much red, but when I hear the recording after, the volume is low.
Wat do?

>> No.44454359

Fine, I missed you faggots during the blackout. Happy?

>> No.44455629

>he thinks its foids talking about babis dressing up as women to ape female "easy mode"

>> No.44455719

>whole day stressed from work
>blew off steam by recording some singing
Why is singing so goddamn fun and uplifting bros?

>> No.44456719

Always check your audio levels before a recording anon. This is another reason to use a non-obs mixer for your audio and then pipe it into obs. It allows you to see where your audio levels are both at the source and the output independently.

>> No.44457560

What kind of voice sounds retarded? Or is it speech patterns?

>> No.44458435

Women love babis.

>> No.44458760

1. It sounds pretty and pretty things make your brain work.
2. It forces you to breathe and ensures your blood is well oxidised, as well as that your lungs work extra for a while after you stop.
3. You've set yourself a goal, you achieved it, and you liked the result. You have used your capacity for self-determination to the fullest, and you're proud of being human even if you won't admit it to yourself. I'm proud of you too, anon.

>> No.44459048

I think my favourite part about singing is the fact that you just have to stop thinking and entrust your body to the rhythm, or at least in my case I get in a state of semi-flow

>> No.44459112

>4th gen 4ever
holy shit.

>> No.44463721

Have you rewatched your VODs lately, anon? Have you found specific things to improve on? Started a joke book? Signed up for dancing classes?
Talk to me, share your progress over the last week.

>> No.44463950

I found that my last VOD was almost no game sound. And no one told me that game is too quiet. I am dumb

>> No.44464002

Vtubers (Male)
Makes female vtubers feel more successful by comparison
Everything else

Babi bonus: You get porn.

>> No.44464098

I don't remember a single /here/ babi having porn, unless you count Aux's PNG drop thread but those are suggestive, not pornographic

>> No.44464148

Some babis collab almost exclusively with females

>> No.44464313

Peen got a couple

>> No.44464421

Doesn't he commission them? (Before you're saying i'm moving the goalposts, you can get porn of yourself regardless of your model as long as you're willing to pay, so being a babi is irrelevant)

>> No.44464503


>> No.44464626
File: 68 KB, 1919x463, twitter dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think so yeah

literally 1984

>> No.44464743

Yeah someone at twitter did a woopsie it seems

>> No.44464766

>Babi bonus
there are male /asp/ies that have gotten nsfw fanart that wasn't commissioned i don't think the babi part is relevant

>> No.44464780

I got a few that weren't commissioned, this for example



>> No.44465420

hello people ,my english is still a bit rusty...

>> No.44466496

I was thinking of the gangbang one but this is nice too

>> No.44466599

You are my senpai *Vine boom*

Please don't be a babi

>> No.44466650

For some explanation on my speech patterns, not to invoke pity or whatever, but I struggled with selective mutism for a long time so speaking sometimes is still difficult for me and is why I'm much better with written communication! Part of why I'm vtubing is to get more comfortable with talking to people still and better with verbal communication. It's a lot easier for me to communicate through text than speech but I'm doing my best to try and work on it all and not be too harsh on myself.

>> No.44466980

there's probably archived babis who do anon...

>> No.44468150
File: 32 KB, 450x500, eb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons.
I am going to spend 130max on rigging and that made me wonder...
Is going full body rig that necessary? Its a bit too late to think about that I guess, now that I spent the night drawing the full body model, but I want your opinion.
It is unlikely i would always use the full body part, but not having full body rigging really makes me feel like I am gonna miss something.
I think i am overthinking, after all even without full body i would spend 110 on half body because of bonus expression and a toggle. But i still would like an opinion. At this point I probably should just go for the full body.

>> No.44468533

Konrad drew Cordi's puss ass boobs and feet all in a single image. A complete madlad.

>> No.44468712

This is actually one of the best ways to improve speech abilities actually. Besides talking to other people in person I guess, but it might even be better than that because you can't just go passive and let the other person talk for you. I've personally improved a ton since I started.

>> No.44468991
File: 77 KB, 815x951, Fqjjgd8XoAQ1afY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slav dork going live soon

>> No.44469152

yeah I work remotely so I don't have much opportunity to talk to people usually. I'm just trying to have fun and improve my confidence. It's still a lot easier for me to write than to talk, but maybe I'll get there eventually. I'm glad it has worked out for you!

>> No.44469233

You aren't gonna use the full body most of the time, but if the difrence in price is not that big and you fear that you will regret pay for the fullbody rig

>> No.44469299

if your budget is that tight i would just consider rigging it yourself, karrot has a really good video on youtube. cutting up the model is the most annoying part, if you did that then you can manage rigging it.

>> No.44469336

Fuck if I know how to describe it, just watch for like 10s for yourself. She's pretty good at not having much dead time. https://www.twitch.tv/denpafish

Yeah, there's no need to be harsh on yourself. This isn't something that's easy to change in a short period of time.

Also, what happened to the stream from yesterday? I can't find the vod anymore.

>> No.44469583

Remember where you are. People are going to call you retarded regardless in the same way we've been ending nouns in "fag" for the last 20 years. Its not dunking on you.

>> No.44469640

If the difference is under 20%, might as well go for it. You'll have more options even if you don't see much of an application now.

s-she's just like me....

>> No.44469781

I was pretty unhappy with it, I want to change up the sound on my loading screen since it's a bit painful to listen to(I'm very new to music stuff and attempted it myself quite fast just to have something), I also spent embarrassingly long messing with the game audio and I was just overall unhappy with it, plus it was a very short stream anyways. My next stream I want to have my model updated and less technical issues, plus a nice custom overlay..

I'm not really bothered by it but thought I'd clarify it a bit. My IQ is normal (probably), I just have genuine autism!

>> No.44469863

>I just have genuine autism!
You and most of this board.

>> No.44470010

>selective mutism
Oh so you did this to yourself

>> No.44470081
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x816, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're lying I'm a perfectly normal and well adjusted person, it's the rest of the world that's abnormal

>> No.44470370

Should I block bots when they show up on my stream or should I just let them hang out?

>> No.44470610

block em

>> No.44470690

I only watch you on an incognito tab so you don't contaminate my twitch and browser. And so you don't know that I'm always watching you.
Do you still get a view?

>> No.44470737

Looking back at that art makes me realize how bad I actually was at drawing. I've come a long way since that piece, but it was fun to work on lmfao.

>> No.44470788

sometimes let them stay for the day when no one shows up

>> No.44471002
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1665873668161653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one recently but he hasn't streamed for the past week.

>> No.44471434

I'm bored of the internet, bros.

>> No.44471770

Unironically, go outside for a walk. Maybe literally touch some grass.

>> No.44472182

Thanks for sharing Brian. Now does anyone else have something they would like to share with the group?

>> No.44472343

Did voice projection reps in the woods, knee deep in the snow. Discovered new throat muscles and lung volumes. Thanks based anon.

>> No.44473878

That's neat, I usually just masturbate in the woods.

>> No.44474242

Advertiser bots? I block them and report them on sight.

>> No.44474883

I haven't read in a while. Who quit?

>> No.44474956

The internet is honestly very boring, but that's where us digital anime ventriloquists come in.

>> No.44475513

deku nobou seems to have thrown in the towel

>> No.44475743

Going live later, man I hope these horror games are worth it.
I’m creeped out by it, and am turning off all the lights in my single apartment. Idk if it’ll get scarier or whether I’m just not scared by this game.

Oh well, at least I can practice some zatsu if it goes south.

>> No.44476166


>> No.44476276

I'd love to quit but I haven't even started yet

>> No.44478041

Other than Deku, nobody. Assuming "a while" is "not since January"

>> No.44478085

they arent a femboy they are a babi

>> No.44478318

Ah, I heard Remove's stopping to focus on his real life singing.

>> No.44478412

yattaaaaaa i reached affiliate!

>> No.44479014

I will click on your streams and I wil steal your jokes

>> No.44479142

Joke's on you, I odn't have any jokes.

>> No.44479282

Yes i still get a view you creep

>> No.44479362

Anti bump

>> No.44479620

i want to ascend past 0 view i hate women i hate women

>> No.44479653

>watch a certain vtuber
>discover a lot of songs and other things through said vtuber that I really like
>afraid to express I like those things because I don't want to come off as a copycat of said vtuber

>> No.44479780

make friends in the community stupid

>> No.44479874
File: 38 KB, 381x332, tumblr_ohh6yhFEhJ1ujx5oto1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started to clip my own streams.
im uploading VODs into my second account
on my main account i upload some yt shorts that i edit with my clips.
my last short is getting a lot of views

>> No.44479907

stopping *for now*.

Can’t make videos or stream without showing my face if I don’t have a capable computer. I still lurk but I won’t post on my channels or Twitter until I can feasibly do it consistently.

>> No.44480083


>> No.44480900
File: 302 KB, 971x169, compulsion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like the Seinfield show because I've been ripping off their material for a while. I watch an episode before every stream for inspiration.
No one's noticed yet.

I have women too.

>> No.44480982

Fucking based if real

>> No.44481107


Think on the bright side, that means no women are watching you?

>> No.44481393

Good. I'm sorry but I'd get so much flak for grooming an /asp/ie again if my friends saw my name in your stream.
Not that I don't want to! You're all so lovely, hehehe... but I hafta think about my image.

>> No.44482078

Ah, thread is about to die.

>> No.44482521

It's going to stay alive long enough to let me tell you that... I love you, anon.

>> No.44482993

>Also liking femboys isn't gay
This is what anime does to a motherfucker

>> No.44483199

Elaborate then

>> No.44483227

I know right? The other day I was jerking it to boku no pico and I didn't even feel gay.

>> No.44483508

If you're a guy, wanting to fuck a guy is gay even if he looks cute in a dress
