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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4438835 No.4438835 [Reply] [Original]

>the HoloEN killer

>> No.4438887

kys tribalfag

>> No.4438891

The only thing Pomu is going to kill is her own body.

>> No.4438902

Pomu cute

>> No.4438920
File: 780 KB, 1001x1055, 1621391775836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu thread?

>> No.4438947

you fags honestly and truly killed NijiEN for me
I hung around for their debut and their early streams but holy shit their fans are obnoxious as fuck and drive people off

>> No.4438960

what is that numbers nijicucks? that shit is fucking disgusting, i can't even fap to that, ew...

>> No.4439237
File: 309 KB, 2048x2048, 1621306579082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is shitting on nijiEN
>you fags are obnoxious

>> No.4439286

If toxic fanbases "kill" content for you then how the fuck do you watch vtubers at all while posting here?

>> No.4439309

Cope Holobrony. We're thicker skinned and more passionate than you

>> No.4439312

it's simple, I don't watch hololive

>> No.4439318

>>the HoloEN killer
said no one

>> No.4439362


>> No.4439364

Why is it only Holoshits that complain about muh tribalism? Are they this triggered by what the rest of /vt/ has to think about their overrated albeit irrelevant brand?

>> No.4439411

no you're just schizophrenic and shitpost about any who disagrees with you is part of (((other group)))

>> No.4439427

At least I'm not the one posting Reddit screencaps, Holoshit.

>> No.4439475

this is actually really good, she might have low (as if 800 people watching is low) numbers but she also read a lot of my chat messages with advice when she was playing minecraft.

>> No.4439540

Be nice to Pomu. She’s the only good Niji.

>> No.4439543

>Finana actually giving good pointers on Keyboards
Her and Reine should collab and simp over 65% keyboards

>> No.4439572

That's only the beginning. She has 6K now.

>> No.4439607

>with Holoshit
lolno, keep /ourgirls/ away from those Indog leeches

>> No.4439710

Oh, you again. How's the justice for Aloe thing going?

>> No.4439721

I found a cute elf girl today that speaks English and can eat 100 chicken nuggets in a few hours. She is like fairy and fish combined but with more entertainment value.

>> No.4439826


>> No.4439861

Shura from a group called Amber Glow.

>> No.4439866

ID Holo are the absolute least leech. In fact i'd deign to argue that only JP has leeches like Aki Rose, Towa, Shion, and Choco. ID handle themselves well on their own

>> No.4439910

I found a mermaid who is literally getting wet and breathing heavy over Cherry Silent keycaps

>> No.4440320

do NOT bully pomu

>> No.4440356
File: 187 KB, 1200x630, 85391213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4440389

>More people are watching a mermaid get horny over keycaps than Pomu

>> No.4440400


>> No.4440446

Why do Holoshits think they're wanted here? You're the one crying about muh tribalism and unity is inherently Reddit.

>> No.4440464

All 12 of you!

>> No.4440501

I like them but their designs are shitty

>> No.4440510

She has 13K viewing her right now Holoshit. Keep the copium coming.

>> No.4440565

Check /vyt/ or the Niji generals, there's way more than you think, Holobrony. In fact, we're the silent majority of the board. I'm just saying what no one else is because I can singlehandedly take on and mow the Holobrony menace on my own with ease.

>> No.4440579

Anon, this is a fight between ENfags. They don't comprehend what talented vtubers working together is like because their collective talent is so shit quality that they have to gatekeep to keep whoretuber agencies away from their bland non-idols. Sad state of affairs.

>> No.4440620

Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.4440650

Nobody cares about nu-zelda.
Call me when she plays the good shit aka Minish cap

>> No.4440659


>> No.4440661

Seethe Holobrony. You're not wanted on this board. Go post your Reddit screencaps on Discord.

>> No.4440690

It's a faithful remake of a classic Zelda game retard.

>> No.4440696

is it true Ame follows Pomu on twitter?

>> No.4440721

>Pomu doesn't follow the #1 leech of EN back
I knew she was a Stacy

>> No.4440738

>>4440510Is there an equivalent of Holostats that shows view graphs over time for each stream, for 2434?

>> No.4440740

>#1 leech of EN
that's Kiara though

>> No.4440846

Pomu follows all of holoEN but Ame only follows Pomu from nijiEN

>> No.4440855

yes, Ame and Pomu follows each other
go check yourself, fucking nigger

>> No.4440864

That literally makes no sense, how can she be the #1 leech when she doesn't collab with barely anyone and doesn't care about the vtuber "scene" much the way others in EN do. Are you retarded? Are you a Chumbud who thinks the world revolves around smol shark?

>> No.4440878

yeah i need this for numberfagging purpose too

>> No.4440895

Just use playboard

>> No.4440897

I have no idea how to check, I'm guessing you need a twitter account to do that? I'm never going to make one so I just have to rely on other people telling me

>> No.4440914

Why does people keep replying to an obvious bait and falseflagger? Are people really stupid that they don't see the obvious bait? Anyone who replies in this thread after me is a faggot

>> No.4440971

im here to have fun retard, stfu and go back to your hugbox.

>> No.4440979

Fuck all of you nijifags for not supporting your own livers. If there's a Savourfag among us, please I beg you, go to poor nijiEN, their starving. Atleast the holochads are ready to dispatch whenever there's a call to Saviorfag.

>> No.4441021

Tribalfags have standards. Therefore they're Based as fuck.

>> No.4441069


>> No.4441116

Got any more Reddit screencaps to post, Holoshit?

>> No.4441713

Holy shit this is just sad. Pretty soon they will be like NijiID getting only double digit viewers. HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!

>> No.4442103

>deleted the image
>but not the thread

>> No.4447181

>unity is inherently Reddit.
you are inherently a cum guzzling faggot nigger
