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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 347 KB, 1000x562, goslings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44376830 No.44376830 [Reply] [Original]

It's crazy how holoEN fanbases completely changed in just 7 months
Before teamate were the biggest goslings and were talking about how some Ame streams have a GFE vibe. Now most goslings quit her and her general looks sad especially if there is a collab with Tempus
The same happened for Kronii after collabing with Tempus, OG fans got replaced by newfags from twitter who love Tempus.

>> No.44376849

It is what it is.

>> No.44376941

I stopped going to /hlgg/ even though I've been there since the /jp/ days also because of the fucking tempus scumbag fuckers that overtook that thread. They fucking love those collabs now.

>> No.44376962

Better to move on than to stick around hoping the good old days come back

>> No.44377008

>They fucking love those collabs now.

Fun things are fun

>> No.44377102

>holoEN fanbases completely changed
no, only the backstabber whores' fanbase changed. Things are still sunny and bright for non-whores

>> No.44377204

Glad most of the "muh purity" idolfags got filtered desu. That kind of toxic attitude should stay in Asia and not infect the rest of the world.

>> No.44377207

Don't underestimate how quickly things can change, especially in this hobby

>> No.44377271

I still watch and like Ame but it is crazy how much awat changed, weeks of arguing over tempus when she first started doing the collabs then people got sick of every thread being tempus timeloops and stopped engaging/moved on. The thread went from one of the fastest splits to a glorified image dump. Don't believe anybody that tries to tell you awat always liked the collabs, they just learned to cope, it went from a "unicorn" split to whatever it is now in a matter of weeks.

>> No.44377280

>female solipsist thinks her preferences are universal.

>> No.44377352

Teacucks deserve all the hate and bullying. Cucksbeat also another nasty pieces of shit.

>> No.44377443

Let's be real, the Ame thread has always been a Discordfag enclave with a few non-Discordfags sprinkled in.

>> No.44377496

Sounds like you're a f/a/ggot who didn't belong on /jp/ in the first place

>> No.44377595

I still post sometimes during streams but I just get annoyed by the fucking endless /u/posting/TMZshit and stale fanbase jokes/drama that drowns the threads, also how expressing even mild annoyance against some of the girls can result in a dogpile of screeching about schizo antis

>> No.44377782

It's always fun to see the cucked fanbases trying to gaslight others into thinking that there's no problem with mixed collabs and that they were always accepted

>> No.44377858

mmm dogshit catalog threads my favorite, good evening Jakarta!

>> No.44377945

especially in hololive.

>> No.44377992

Kiara and Calli fanbases are still the same

>> No.44378056
File: 47 KB, 414x144, 1675680142239754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used to post this back in the day too.
I want to laugh but i actually only feel remorse...

>> No.44378162

i find gfe pathetic but if you play it up for your audience and then do male collabs it does seem like a backstab for the poeple who are into it

>> No.44378232

>That kind of toxic attitude should stay in Asia
Why ?

>> No.44378250

Goslings were always fags

>> No.44378309

The thing is Amelia never did gfe stuff other than that date stream 3 years ago where she actually dumps you in the end.
She just naturally had that sort of girl next door aura going on.
The girl next door went for the hotter neighboors (Tempus)

>> No.44378322

I abandoned /hlgg/ after the EN2 debuts. I've never liked them and most JP anons stopped posting so /hlgg/ become another EN only general. Now I just hang out in /hag/, /pol/ka and Bakatare Circus

>> No.44378385

Mori, Ame and Gura ruined EN, EN2 made it worse. and Tempus was the final nail in the coffin. It was destined to be short lived. Thanks Coco for bringing the worst thing that could happened to Hololive after Rushia and Ayame hiring

>> No.44378644

Good to see unicorns get run down and smeared over the road. You faggots are annoying. Why are you even still here? Fuck off.

>> No.44378661

Her karaokes were always gfe bait. Makes the Altare duet all the more hilarious

>> No.44378704

If it weren't for unicorns and gachikois your oshi would be sucking dick for 200USD in the streets.

>> No.44378817

Keep telling yourself that. I see unicorns keeping yammering on about cope. What you're doing here is the actual cope.

>> No.44378836

That was really wild

>> No.44379299

One thing I think about a lot is where other Teamates who left ended up
Like I wonder how many times have I replied to ex Teamates that ended up in the same splits/generals and we don't even know
How many just gave up on chuubas
I'm really curious where everyone ended up
Might sound faggy but I do miss awat and getting to bullshit with everyone during downtime, it was fun

>> No.44379408

kinda funny how teamates have to act like they have always liked the homo

>> No.44379413

It really is hard to believe how much things have changed. Hololive used to be a *show* and they were a cast of characters. Then the homos came along and the curtain was thrown open to reveal it's mostly just ethots and spiteful bitches after all. I miss those good times.

>> No.44379510

I'm the last gosling. It was never a meme, the goslings of the past have most likely committed suicide.

>> No.44379528

As an ex teamate i went to Fauna mostly, but i learned to branch out to other corpos for safety

>> No.44379571

I was starting to switch to fauna even before the tempus shit, due to Ame being really burned out on streaming, but after the Altare duet I made the switch and stopped watching Ame completely

>> No.44379574

I saw one anon watching only HoloJP now saying he was a teamate before

>> No.44379606

Don’t respond to trannies first off. Second off the girls literally still do idol shit

>> No.44379691

I occasionally watch Kiara but that's about it. don't really care about vtuber anymore

>> No.44380095

I watch Chikafuji Lisa and sometimes Lua Asuka and that's pretty much it nowadays

>> No.44380167

lmao, incels like you are are even lower than troons. At least troons have the decency to off themselves at a decent rate. Lonely men who are failures deserve their lot in life and should be bullied. Trying to bring "idol" culture to the west is just cope. You don't even know what it is.

>> No.44380191

I vividly remember after the homo debut announcement any concerns being dismissed as being concernfagging and told to trust Ame.
Then came the "Yeah I'd be open to collabs"
Followed by the "oh btw I'm organizing collabs myself now"
Then the surprise love song duets and the "don't like it, don't watch"
It's wild to watch in real time something you've been a part of for two years fall apart in like a week

>> No.44380401

I didn't care about gura but memes, and hated mori and Kiara's voice but watched still liked jp, now I went small corpo but still watched jp occasionally, but I don't hate Kiara's voice and has grown on me, and I tolerate Morgan don't watch ame really anymore even though I was stupid enough to buy her voicepacks

>> No.44380472

Its not that crazy considering how fast vtubing moves. Kizuna Ai peak feels like ages ago but it isn't really. Just leave. Tons of people already did. Just enjoy the 2020-2021 memories instead of sticking around.

>> No.44380482

I moved onto Pina Pengin, the true chuuba experience.

>> No.44380525

I like that she said "don't like it, don't watch"
It doesn't work when that shit comes surprise style.

>> No.44380571

I mostly watch small corpos and indies now

>> No.44380594

Sick LARP thread guys

>> No.44380620

What did you expect? It's the reddit containment thread. It's overrun with trannies and roasties

>> No.44380672

>and gura
kys. dont lump her in with those whores

>> No.44381230

I honestly cant believe that 10k+ people can listen to amelia tone deaf watson karaokes and enjoy them.

>> No.44381292

Only 7k nowadays

>> No.44381422

incel tears wont fertilize your dead eggs roastie.

>> No.44381482

"gura" is certainly an interesting way to spell "kiara"

>> No.44381537

Moved to PhaseConnect

>> No.44381649

Bad call imo, PhaCon is vshojo 2

>> No.44381728

NTA but that why i stopped whatching ame, kroni, mori and zeta. fucking anoying to have to deal with the fag who can't stay in their second citizen area.

>> No.44381786

Unicorn have money you don't, that all stop seething if you didn't pay buckfor cutting your dick and paying your hormones you would be able to donate.

>> No.44381865

I like it here. I like Pippa, I like Lia, shiina, uruka, Tenma... I like Lisa (not part of PC but a friend) a lot too, she's the one I watch too soothe my soul now that Ame doesn't cool that hole anymore.

>> No.44381892

it's a good thing
gosling fags are just parasocial paraiahs

>> No.44381937

>second citizen area
Do you LISTEN to yourself

>> No.44381941

They wont fertilize anything else that's for sure LMAO faggit

>> No.44382017

>61 replies
>37 unique ips
yeesh i hope you eventually get over this my man

>> No.44382022

Tenma and Lisa are good taste. Pippa's okay.

>> No.44382046

Nah she stoped caring long time ago, i wouldnt say that shes ruining EN but certainly she is not helping either.

>> No.44382091

Explain Mori

>> No.44382221

The endless seethe over like 2-3 collabs per willing girl. You retards are ruining your own hobby over literally nothing and its fucking hilarious

>> No.44382381

Not gatekeeping people like you guarantees the ruination of the hobby for them.

>> No.44382510

Gura is on a timer to do a offcollab with Ame and all the eight Tempus boys.

>> No.44382645
File: 387 KB, 900x900, 1666415713932039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2-3 collabs

>> No.44382652

The collabs themselves aren't the only problem, they also invite retards like you in the fanbase that love nothing more than seeing hololive turn into nijien

>> No.44382662

>2 more weeks

>> No.44382700

See: >>44378056

>> No.44382716

Yes i do, you don't like it, it's the reality deal with it.

>> No.44382725

How nijien going? They cant even get 10k viewers anymore, talk about a dumpster fire. This is the same with small corpo too, it only they too small to see much different.

>> No.44382822

Not only that. Shithole turned into a hug box. They don’t take kindly to any form of criticism for the girls

>> No.44382827
File: 20 KB, 320x180, 1677508139656626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much Niji EN already

>> No.44382936

Dramasister and homobeggar, the cancer from twitch finally come to youtube.

>> No.44383049
File: 66 KB, 739x415, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.44383085

Fuck idol culture. They are streamers, not idols.

>> No.44383149

>why are you excluding me.png

>> No.44383170

No cap fr fr, they need to drop all that singing and dancing shit and focus on game and variety streams. Maybe get a couple of office romance in with the guys and eventually transition to starting a family chuubas

>> No.44383188

If you don't want idol culture, you don't get idol fans.

>> No.44383286

>gook idols invented dancing and singing

>> No.44383292

Based that would be kino.
I wouldn't mind couple streams as well.
Vesperonii would be the best one.
Also witnessing the Ame x Magni ship bloom into a beautiful relationship.

>> No.44383331

EN vtubers were a mistake.

>> No.44383433

Always been the case. We used to take pride that we weren't retarded like the nips. Just look at the archives of /jp/ era threads when festival and fubuki were streaming with holostars.

>> No.44383539

every other post in /hlgg/ is a schizo anti that hates the girls for no reason. and the homobeggar influx was just tourists shitting it up. it was fine today during the showcase

>> No.44384237
File: 256 KB, 892x800, 1677902032849514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was me...we must fight to the death for the title...

>> No.44384736
File: 555 KB, 842x1250, trumanshow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eventually transition to starting a family chuubas

>> No.44384839

Small corpos and indies. Starting to like phase connect a lot.

>> No.44385250

For HL Fauna, Kaela, Irys and some Mumei. Bae or Kiara rarely. I noticed Ame was not the same around when I lost all patience for Gura. I watch JP like Iroha, Chloe, Kanata and Nene if I like what they are streaming. I have a lot more indie subs. I like Phase.

>> No.44387004

Sounds like former teamates ended up not so far apart from each other
Lots of Fauna and pcg (very fitting)
Kinda cute

>> No.44387265

And most of them are group collabs lmao

>> No.44387555
File: 26 KB, 335x291, UnicornsLost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The continued seething is so sad and pathetic. Just always remember you're a minority of a minority of a minority.

>> No.44387782

I wonder where those viewers go after those collabs, because Vesper and magni hover around 2.5k and Mori and Ame around 5k on solo streams. Seems like they actually have made their solo stream numbers worse

>> No.44387983

Too bad none of these showed up for Ame's 3D.
It's the price of the Twitter audience

>> No.44387987

It's crazy how holoEN /vt/ based fanbases completely changed in just 7 months*
Your safespace on the catalog isn't a reflection of the fanbase as a whole no matter how much you pretend it is. You can now seethe at this reply as much as you want.

>> No.44388016

Gura is the only hololive member I watch regularly anymomre. Now and then I will tune in to Fauna and Mumei. Other than that I started to watch Pippa and Shondo.

>> No.44388022

The fanbase jokes are cool though IMO

>> No.44388849

so true sister. Ame and Mori had such great CCV on their 3Ds too. kek.

>> No.44389014

They traded gachikoi that would stick around to watch their streams for this. Sad!

>> No.44389031

I wouldn't say reddit or twitter are much better since barely anyone watches tempus, compared to how much they're shilled there

>> No.44389035

That's basically me, I went back to JP after sometimes (for one year I stopped caring about Hololive because EN gradually went downhill)
Learned more Japanese and now I am enjoying HoloJP
I have become better like you told Ame

>> No.44389372
File: 151 KB, 609x1201, 25kzZod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't actually care about male collabs right? I thought it was just ironic bait.

>> No.44389550

Mori gets numbers with these mixed party game collabs true, but it is the only way she can anymore, she is attracting some hatewatchers and tourists along with some of the regular fans from the parictipants but nobody sticks around for her solo streams. I have a feeling the entire tempus box shows up to these things alongside some nijifans because they are all homobeggars at heart who desperately want to see holoEN walls come down, you can tell by the over the top praise in the comment section every time. Here is one comment but there are plenty just like it
>These bois and girls collabs are, no cap, the most fun and entertaining collabs, I cannot stop laughing, I cannot Thank you Calli for promoting them, I laughed for more than 2 hours today

They blow in when there is a stream pushing their agenda of sticking it to the creepy unicorns then fuck off just as quickly back to watching tempus or niji or whoever the fuck.

>> No.44389615

Wait until it happens to you

>> No.44389664

Tbh. Deadbraps , teakeks, and clockfags has the most delusional fan bases. Constantly glossing over bad behavior and talking like they even know what a real gfe or JP style chuuba experience is like. Problem is that these fan bases are full of unknowing cucks. It was obvious form the start that these three were not chuuba material. They are just twitch fleshtubers masquerading with avatars.

>> No.44389932

You act like it's a loved one dying or something, truly strange behavior. I don't watch vtubers or streamers in general thinking I would ever get with them, so why should I care? Explain your position.

>> No.44390041

I keep insisting that the decline started way before Tempus and the numbers whenever Gura didn't stream back it up.
But /here/ especially it became clearer after StarsEN because of the very, very loud, bitch unicorns minority and the troll majority.

>> No.44390082

Anyone who didn't see Ame collabing with males happening after Amegeddon, all those early streams gushing over Holostars, and her even interacting with them in chat was a genuine idiot.

>> No.44390132

Even if i explain you won't understand.
Just wait until it happens to your oshi. Even though it probably won't since Gura is smart and know what the fans don't like to see.

>> No.44390139

>male collabs
its her motivation and attitude to the content that did it in for me she has surges but then always slumps. i never used the amelia general or global since myths offcollab so before tempus even existed so i have no idea how thread cultures changed.

>> No.44390159

>implying that guy is a chumbud

>> No.44390245

He posted a gura pic so i assume he is one

>> No.44390396
File: 28 KB, 128x128, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would understand, you just have to say that you genuinely believe you have a chance to marry your oshi. Unless there is some other reason I'm missing for being angry at male collabs.

>> No.44390425

>Problem is that these fan bases are full of unknowing cucks
That's all those small indies that unicorn refugees flock to, every single one of them has a "manager" that's also their boyfriend. It's the exact same demographic that would've been making niche clips4sale porn studios like 10 years ago, but at least with them they had the decency to show their boyfriend/husband so you knew what was up.
If anything, collabing with males is the surest sign a chuuba is single, we all know most that don't collab have a guy at home who would get jealous if they did.

>> No.44390567

Using that pic...
Definitely a falseflag

>> No.44390620
File: 34 KB, 155x155, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please take your meds, this is getting out of hand

>> No.44390637

beggars hate gura for ignoring the homos so they like to false flag.

>> No.44390673

When you realize that despite the low ccv, Mori still gets more overall views than Fana

>> No.44390702


>> No.44390734
File: 35 KB, 415x336, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44390814

Of course nobody has a chance to marry their oshis. It's not about that.
I still want them to keep the illusion of the girlfriend experience. A bunch of Holo JPs do that, almost all.

>> No.44390820

? the numbers are there, are they not?

>> No.44390912

Watch out, he's going to say music numbers don't count (even though as idols, it should be the only thing that counts)

>> No.44390989

Doesn't affect me. I just don't watch collabs and do something else instead.

>> No.44391002

not it isn't even the music numbers, Mori streams overall has better numbers on average.

>> No.44391021
File: 46 KB, 1303x186, dum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we not use that word for every female streamer ever?

>> No.44391265
File: 3 KB, 54x54, stronghold happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then that just begs the question as to what the girlfriend experience is actually for. If it's because you believe that you're not good enough to get one at all so you might as well just pretend while watching a stream then that's just sad. It's like throwing in the towel. And the GFE won't last forever anyway, your oshi will stop streaming one day or collab with a guy and then it's done. But if you choose a good wife she's there until one of you dies.

Don't give up Anon, you can do it

>> No.44391328


>> No.44391485

I am scrolling through this and despite the fact that Mori clearly does pretty decently on vod views I am not seeing her outpacing Fauna consistently, especially if you go back a bit. Fauna also has a bunch of standout videos that rival or exceed Mori's outfit reveal and offcollab buff videos.

Also comparing myth to council and a 2.19 sub vtuber to a 696k vtuber, you also brought up CCV in the first place as the metric to judge interest >>44387555 and are now deflecting back to a comparison of vod views against a "unicorn" vtuber like it is some kind of own. Maybe you should compare her against Gura in her own gen if you want to play that game.

>> No.44391574

Lets be real the only real reason to watch amelia is for the illusion of """"gfe"""" for her (former) goslings. Her gameplay commentary is lukewarm at best, her general attitude is kind of low alot of the time. She isnt very engaging about most subjects. The only reason to watch her is she has a specific type of cuteness in the way she talks and behaves SOMETIMES so she attracted a specific crowd and she doesnt even do that as much anymore.
Tldr boring girl whos only strength was 'being cute' and she aint even do that much anymore.

>> No.44391654

Mori just had her 3d debut and is in japan with myth. Scroll down a bit and you'll see what her numbers normally are

>> No.44391683

>the fucking tempus scumbag fuckers that overtook that thread.
Least schizoid Teamate

>> No.44391716

Nobody watches women because they are good at games or funny.
Its always gfe.

>> No.44391784

holy projection

>> No.44391825

link female shroud now or rope

>> No.44391872

>Monopoly stream wasn't monetized
>made literally $0
>Mori's stream right after Monopoly did 6k with a Takamori collab buff
>her next solo stream will do under 6k
Kek. The only point you're proving is that only a fool would collab with Tempus. It isn't worth it to risk losing paypigs and core viewers in exchange for a temporary viewership boost that immediately evaporates once the collab is over.

>> No.44392000

>4 people collab cant hit 20k

>> No.44392067

You went with that because you know humor is subjective. Yeah men are better than women at games the vast majority of times, but that doesn't mean they can't be competent and considered "good" by the average person as well.

In short, stop projecting. Unicorn.

>> No.44392211
File: 26 KB, 659x466, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is correct.
Why do you think people watch Pokimane? Because she is funny? Because she's entertaining?
No, it's the ass

>> No.44392225

Wishful thinking anon. Let's be honest here, the only reason 95% of people watch vtubers is as a replacement for the friends and spouses they don't have and probably never will. Thats the entire point.

>> No.44392233

>You went with that because you know humor is subjective
The only person in the entirety of hololive you could consider to be funny or a "comedy streamer" or whatever the fuck is pekora

>> No.44392408

Pretty much. After the pretty homo shit I stopped watching and I realized the only thing I stuck around for was her voice and her design. I still think she has the cutest voice I've ever heard in my life and it'd be nice to find someone even remotely close but other than that watching new people has been refreshing. Schedules, on time, topics to talk about, not getting annoyed at their viewers for existing (or at least hiding it well, lul), etc. It's been a different world after 2 years of Watson.

>> No.44392573
File: 92 KB, 128x128, gura popcat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For that to be true, watching vtubers would have to be a very niche activity because having no friends or a girlfriend is still pretty niche in the overall population. But it's really not like that, vtubers are incredibly popular. So just by virtue of how popular they are, a large number of the people watching them will be normalfags with friends and girlfriends, meaning it's entirely possible for Anons to enjoy vtubers and get a girl too. Just can't give up and give in

>> No.44393570
File: 832 KB, 916x966, drunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For that to be true, watching vtubers would have to be a very niche activity because having no friends or a girlfriend is still pretty niche in the overall population.
It is niche, but you're assuming those friends and girlfriends are actually likeable. Most spouses or people in relationships are miserable and only stay for the comfort and company not out of real love, so a vtuber that is actually the person someone wants to be with is still an escape for a lot of people.
Or friends that don't make someone feel bad about themselves or share their more niche interests rather than their IRL friends who can only talk about work/football.
Many people are lonely even in relationships because many people are living a lie.

>> No.44393725

Selen Tatsuki.

>> No.44393992
File: 1.47 MB, 498x498, fubuki no 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most spouses or people in relationships are miserable and only stay for the comfort and company not out of real love
Maybe, but the old saying of "it's better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all" does ring true I feel.
>a vtuber that is actually the person someone wants to be with is still an escape
>in relationships because many people are living a lie
Life isn't always about lies and escapism. I know we're on 4chan and all, and positivity isn't the norm, but you're gonna have to trust me when I say that it's not only possible but it is actually likely that you find someone who is a suitable spouse IF you work hard enough at it, because there are nearly 4 billion females to sort through. As I said, you simply can't give up if that's what you want, and I think consuming GFE content is an admission to yourself that you do in fact want something like that
I'm using "you" in a colloquial sense by the way, I don't mean you specifically

>> No.44394171

>reddit general behaves like reddit

>> No.44394406

what do you have against Ayame? She worked hard in the first 2 years. Just because she don't streams much anymore that doesn't make her a bad person or made hire.

>> No.44394754

>I'm using "you" in a colloquial sense by the way, I don't mean you specifically
It's fine, you're not wrong even if it was meant for me. I've tried to work at it, but women simply don't like me, this might be all I got. Even when I try to have honest an open communication my Exs said I'm too sensitive, so I would have to lie about my feelings and hide them to keep a relationship and I don't want to lie to someone I love. Not to say it's just for GFE, but it's nice to believe sometimes.

>> No.44394813

I started watching Kronii after the Tempus collabs and I think she has so much to offer that it's sad that some people would drop her because they can't imagine her as their girlfriend anymore. Her attitude towards her chat is more interesting and real than GFE would be

>> No.44394909

>implying that is not the case
nice try, me

>> No.44394944
File: 3.72 MB, 498x498, smug ina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the day it's about priorities. A relationship is a top tier priority in early life if you want kids because women have that clock ticking. So if you make it priority number 1, and you have more women on Earth than you could ever possibly hope to meet in one lifetime, that means you can't dwell on the couple bitches who ended up not being worth your time. Persistence is key as they say

>> No.44394949

I did have a real relationship and it wasn't that great. An abstract relationship is nearly the same as real life with all the bad parts removed.

>> No.44394988
File: 181 KB, 700x733, 1652431281315431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please fill me in on the state of EN once the m*le collabs started? I had pretty much just moved to JP only right before they began, but I remember everyone in the generals lusting over them. What happened in those threads as m*le collabs happened and how did they evolve up to now? I'd look into it myself, but I think it'd be too depressing.

>> No.44394992

i think ame is cute and entertaining sounds like a (you) problem

>> No.44395043

It's dead.

>> No.44395189

Sorry, I should have specified. I meant the respective general threads.

>> No.44395293

>What happened in those threads as m*le collabs happened
Six threads(two hlgg and four bait threads) can be summarized with
>it's over
and someone made a cgdct thread after that.
>and how did they evolve up to now
The unicorns improved themselves and left, while the others are definitely still here

>> No.44395323

Why do north african always girls always have huge ass ?

>> No.44395392

Sounds like you're in the minority if they took over a general, faggot.

>> No.44395443

How'd the thread quality of those threads change? Did their activity change at all?

>> No.44395463

I never really saw much motivation from her to better her streams or hololive overall. I personally don't want to support the atmosphere she wants to create where the homos just jump into her stream chat when they like and she jokes around with them like in her outfit reveal stream

>> No.44395502

Not really true. Hoomans turned into the fanatical gosling fanbase

>> No.44395570

I remember this pic, the "i miss Ame" poster.
Man good times.

>> No.44395580

The fucking hoomans of all people became goslings?

>> No.44395632
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>> No.44395638

>7 months ago

>> No.44395740
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Why did Mori, Kronii and Bae lost more of their audience, and even IRyS lost more than Ame?

>> No.44395749

This is turning into a real nostalgia thread. I had fun being a teamate once

>> No.44395762

What are these numbers, anon? You need to specify what the hell your stats even are.

>> No.44395784

While the whole Tempus debacle definitely lead to people leaving, i'm pretty sure that the biggest reason why the HoloEN fanbases changed is that Holo EN became incredibly stale. When there's a ton of options for vtubers out there why the fuck would anyone stick with the same 10 talents, some of which barely stream?

>> No.44395787

Average CCV

>> No.44395803

Ame and Kronii knew damn well the shit they were stepping in when they said what they did. They should have slowly filtered out the goslings before their homos got there. But they didn't and they went full retard. And their stagnation is deserved.

>> No.44395815
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I used to be an unironic deadbeat. Mori reminded me too much of myself and I loved the ability to call myself one. I'm so fucking glad I got out right before that hit.

>> No.44395854

>where the homos just jump into her stream chat when they like
Now where's the usual
>homos can't initiate anything with the girls, and the girls have to invite them first
or something similar idk, because he's literally there uninvited right? did she mentioned him first?

>> No.44395895

Is this the falseflagging general?
I used to be a teammate until I took an arrow in the knee

>> No.44395923

To be fair Mumei seems to have gotten closer to hoomans as well, it all happened pretty naturally
Hoomans are funny, you don't see them all too much outside of /who/ but they're very dedicated in there to the point where they've basically evolved their own language

>> No.44395962 [DELETED] 

I can't be a gosling for Mumei knowing the secret knowledge

>> No.44396009

>better her streams or hololive overall
Does anyone in HoloEN do that? It sounds like a meme

>> No.44396010

What the fuck happened to Kronii lmao

>> No.44396026

Wow this pic hurts, Mori is so nice.
What made you leave Mori though? Can't have been male collabs since she's always done those since debut.

>> No.44396050

Almost.. Everyone went down?
But yeah Mori and Kronii(and Bae for some reason, even though she already mentioned that she doesn't mind collabing with stars on her debut) lost a lot

>> No.44396097

Didn't stop teamates from being goslings in the past even with the secret knowledge too. Sounds like you are weak.

>> No.44396103

Probably her
>own the haters

>> No.44396124

Her Elden Ring series and my interest in JP members. I won't say who, but I had my eye on a JP member for a while but remained faithful to Mori. I was super excited for her Elden Ring playthrough (since we shared a passionate love of Fromsoft Games), but greatly disliked her summoning of players whenever things got too hard. Players who had broken builds who would just do the fights for her. When I expressed how I was upset on /morig/, I had assloads of people attacking me. It pushed me away and now I'm solely JP. No more EN for me. Except maybe some Gura/Fauna here and there.

>> No.44396146

The difference is past versus current
KFP also knows about stuff but they don't care since its in the past

>> No.44396187

lean arc with her liking art of her cucking her fanbase and giving attention to an actual anti in the process probably filtered plenty, its one thing to do male collabs and have a fanbase that accepts that but outright disrespecting them like that was a low point for her

>> No.44396270

That makes sense but still, there's a lot of hooman goslings. I'm sure you can somehow "train your brain" to forget or deny secret knowledge

>> No.44396305

I used to be a sapling until someone raped me on Boston after that meet and greet

>> No.44396406

Oh yea i remember that. But Mori ain't like that anymore right?

>> No.44396472

>she didn't beat the game
kek wasn't expecting that as the reason, so you sperged out in her split and got made fun of by anons and that made you drop Mori?? Was using summons really that unforgivable? Reminder she sucked at bloodborne too and dropped that despite saying how much she loved it

>> No.44396622

>both big corpos fundamentally transformed after debuting males and letting fujos flood into the fanbase
The only true salvation to be found these days is in the small corpos.

>> No.44396630

Nah she isn't but just like Ame's surprise love song duet with a homo one moment of spite can still be a reason to just move on

>> No.44396687

>idols shouldn't be allowed to interact with males
So all idol fans are women?

>> No.44396752

I never left Ame and probably never will.
But that's also because I have more in my life than just vtubers

>> No.44396797

>Remain a soulsfag
>Drop Mori
and you choose the latter lmao, also I'm sorry anon but woman can't play video games, even Ina the 'chill' holo didn't beat the game, Reine unga bungad the whole game, Ame Kronii Kiara Moona dropped it, I think only Noel and Botan managed to beat it(?) and some of them use broken build too

>> No.44396823

There's tons of other vtubers out there.
If someone got sick of Mori's antics and moved on to someone else why should they come back. There's nothing that Mori has that can't be found in other places.

>> No.44396840

Yea, i just liked the comparison.
You know, Male collabs can't filter Deadbeats and Brrats because they were always set from the start. Easily explains Bae being the lowest viewed since the beginning too.
But for Amelia and Kronii, that came out of nowhere and very sudden, filtered many.
Different scenarios all around

>> No.44396908
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>it's better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all" does ring true I feel.
Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuūst me its better to never have a true love connection, than losing one where you know you will never replace that one, usually over petty shit and misunderstandings.
In the former situation you can at least live for yourself as a consOOmer without that shit eating away at you.
Trust me most of you are lucky in that regard.

TLDR: losing the literal 'one' = worse than true bugman destiny.

>> No.44396943

>she didn't beat the game
I'm not saying she didn't beat the game. The enjoyment of Fromsoft livestreams is seeing people get beaten down over and over again until they suddenly understand the boss and go Ultra Instinct. People summoning others prevents that growth and moment of beauty. It's why I enjoyed watching others so much.
Also, I didn't sperg out. I was just calmly and casually expressing how I felt disappointed and was hit with extreme aggression, which was not something common in /morig/ at the time. Everyone there is always kind.

>> No.44396978


>> No.44396998


>> No.44397067

Same, it was comfy
I find myself hoping to find a similar experience elsewhere but I don't think I will, it was all a product of its time and I should just be happy I got to enjoy it for as long as I did
Stubborn Love by The Lumineers is playing as I type this and it's making me a little too sentimental kek

>> No.44397077

>Bae being the lowest viewed since the beginning too.
That's just because she's not particularly interesting.

>> No.44397169

Still don't get why you would drop Mori if you were only disappointed and the aggression came from a split on /vt/ and not her calling you out in chat or something but fair enough. For what it's worth I agree but you can't expect a bunch of vtubers to go no summons no ashes.

>> No.44397220

More shitposters? Idk feels exactly the same for me

>> No.44397280

I think it was reasonable to expect the one vtuber who I connected to the most and who shared a passionate love of Fromsoft games like me to beat the game with no summons (ashes are fine).
For the record, I was already feeling the call of other chuubas. It was her actions and the actions of a place that was always very friendly to me that was the final straw.

>> No.44397302

I don't know anon, she sounds cute and energetic. Pretty sure i could get into her if it wasn't for the male stuff

>> No.44397336

Nah you wouldn't

>> No.44397402

>she sounds cute and energetic
There's a ton of vtubers out there that sound cute and energetic what does she have that all those vtubers don't?

>> No.44397451

She's a holo for one, that helps.
Anything outside of Hololive is not worth it

>> No.44397481

OK maybe you'd like her since you have bad taste

>> No.44397515
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>Small corpo GFE girl
>Gets found out being a major nasty cunt or having a BF 3-6 months later
Every time.

>> No.44397574

Exactly this

>> No.44397592

Watch JP members.

>> No.44397606

So you like to settle for mediocrity. Ok, I understand.

>> No.44397648

>Ame beat the game using whatever the fuck that is
Well it looks like I have something to binge on tonight

>> No.44397740
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Remember that giving women money for no reason is not a hobby. It's like sending a PBS donation and calling TV your hobby.

>> No.44397746

Yeah but lying about being in a relationship is peak idol culture though

>> No.44397748

>I only read manga from Shonen Jump. Anything outside of Shonen Jump is not worth it

>> No.44397800

It's as much of a hobby as watching sports.

>> No.44397886

Just because she loves fromsoft games doesn't mean she shares your purist mindset, how would she even know what restrictions you consider appropriate unless you superchatted her or tried to backseat in chat and how is it in any way "reasonable" to expect her to beat the game whilst sticking to the expectations of a singular fan. You are acting like because you both love the games you have a mind meld going on.

She sucked at bloodborne and ER is significantly harder than that game to beat with no summons so her taking the easy route doesn't surprise me, also I don't know at what point she filtered you but it looks like she stopped using summons and beat the hardest bosses in the game using ashes anyway (tiche though) so maybe go back and take a look.
most kino playthrough in hololive

>> No.44397964

IF you lie sucessfully and don't get found out

>> No.44398217

Ame's playthrough was great because she genuinely was exploring everything the game had to offer and respecced/switched weapons a lot, not just trying to develop some best strategy or build to blast through the game
A lot of her builds were far from optimal but usually stemmed from some item or skill looking funny

>> No.44398469

It's crazy that I'm a loser IRL but I'm not THIS bothered by the presence of other men/rivals. It's not like they're openly flirting, most everything I've seen has been respectful with regards to Ame who's a unity queen.
Maybe that's what your supposed ex-oshi meant by improvement. You have no mental fortitude and just give up at first sign of difficulty. Face it, you were no mere goslings. You were unicorns with extra conditioning to forget past RM activities if applicable. Perhaps you're more suited to real 2D if you can't handle any level of reality. Just remember to avoid elf VNs kek.

>> No.44398685

Bro "passionate love of Fromsoft" = "DeS/DS/BB/ER" is so fucking normie it hurts.
Christ maybe you guys are just too young and immature to be at this level of internet.

>> No.44398695

It literally isn’t, they do good because they’re controversial and novel so people watch out of principal to support them, as soon as it becomes a common thing no one would care anymore, for instanxe, ame’s astroneer collab which was a 9 person collab with 3 tempus members did pretty mediocre viewership wise because she has started doing it more frequently, people only care because they never do it anymore

>> No.44398698

It's a matter of principle mostly, i won't support someone who tries to change Holo EN into Niji EN. I don't want to ruin the other fanbases as well.
Also the homos are barely a problem, it was mostly Ame trying to "own" the haters, being spiteful and all that shit she did. I don't want to watch drama.

>> No.44398799

She's my age and I was into Dark Souls before DS2 was a thing. It wasn't normie at that time.

>> No.44399090

>I'm not THIS bothered by the presence of other men/rivals
So you are bothered a little by it right? You don't particularly enjoy watching your oshi stream with men and would have been perfectly happy if things had stayed the same as they were pre tempus. I think you will find behind the shitposting most people just feel like that, some of the magic was lost when they suddenly got a group of male colleagues they are potentially chatting/playing with behind the scenes.

Your position as just a fan was reiterated, like being snapped out of a daydream. You can support them for years but a bunch of homos can swoop in 2 years on and instantly be higher on the totem pole of interactions than you will ever be. Yes it was delusional to ever really think otherwise but that doesn't make watching them get close to the boys any more pleasant to watch. Despite as you say pretty much zero flirting going on especially with Ame who avoids it like the plague, still don't want to watch it, still changed things for the worse.

>> No.44399207
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I don't want to remember. FUCK YOU OP

>> No.44399320

NTA but personally I never saw myself as more than just a fan, and the magic came from them wanting to do fun streams, sing live and work on interesting projects, so the existence of males didn't change that

>> No.44399440
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>They fucking love those collabs now.
Holy fuck, how? I thought holobros would be better at resisting the fujo antiunicorn invasion that /nijiEN/ went through.

>> No.44399491

No amount of resistance could prevent the transformation of /hlgg/. Male collabs are here to stay. It would always be reflected in the type of people /hlgg/ would attract, even if they were to hold out for some time.

>> No.44399496

You just wait until Rin finally gets her male collabs.

>> No.44399506

Funny to think how different this board and everything would be if Ame just hadn't been a cunt about it
Everyone would've just grumbled about the occasional collabs (myself included) and quickly forgot about them and virtually no one would've even left
Ah well

>> No.44399542

>if Ame just hadn't been a cunt about it
And Kronii too, the timeniggers man

>> No.44399555
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That shit is more heavily censored than r*ddit. It’s been unusable since Tempiss, can’t imagine how bad it’s gotten since Tempoop. Considering they are probably jannies now.

>> No.44399588

Why in the unholy fuck are you not using dark mode for YouTube?

>> No.44399647

Don't forget Bae. She wasn't necessarily a cunt about it, but she talked to her audience about it like they were actual children. And not in a hot way either.

>> No.44399670

me-bro, it's just me collabing with my holoniggas, chill
didn't read your (my) 2-page rant

>> No.44399698

>Don't forget Bae
Pretty sure she said something about wanting to collab with Roberu around her debut

>> No.44399704

Anon, that's from Axel's stream

>> No.44399742

I'm not that anon btw, but dude as you said you are just delusional, if you think that you had something special ith the girls then you probably deserved a reality check.
Le Magic is always going to be there if there was actual unity within Myth and council (council seems more united) but they pretty much got divided in two groups with a few people outside SNOT and CHAD. Nothing wrong with that but then the constant lack of streaming from some of them and behind the scenes stuff really affected they as a group.
The mixed collabs came and went and now a theres very few of those but that doesnt going to bring back backstaber people, having lazy girls that can stream regulary is not going to help either.

>> No.44399761

What stream? Any timestamp? I want to verify for myself this is legit.

>> No.44399831

if you felt offended by that then she already proved her point.

>> No.44399872

Dark mode is a meme. Get better eyes.

>> No.44399898

As long as the jew overlords don't just introduce males into the company, those fujos will remain tourists

>> No.44399941

Dark mode is better for your eyes. Like, not even subjective. It is a scientific fact.

>> No.44399971

Which reminds me Ame has always thirsted for Shien too.

>> No.44400015

Fair enough, realistically I always knew I was just a fan too and the things you mentioned are important to me too but that didn't stop me becoming a gachi for her over the years and from that perspective the existence of males absolutely affected my enjoyment, not to the point of dropping her but I skip all those streams now. I tried to improve myself and watch worms but like I said, I just found it unpleasant to watch.

Despite the portion of fans who are militant NO MALES being undeniably a minority, I am sure that amongst her long time members and dedicated fans most find the homo collabs something they have to deal with rather than actively enjoy or want more of.

>> No.44400045
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Daily reminder

>> No.44400080

I used to like Ame a lot but after the Tempus shit I lost interest so quickly that I even unsubbed

>> No.44400107

True and FOR NO FUCKING REASON a lot of niggers said
>it doesn't count
pretty sure i can finally grudgepost but im outside and the moment i got home this thread will be over

>> No.44400495

>if you think that you had something special ith the girls then you probably deserved a reality check
The "something special" was a bunch of cute girls streaming just for us, getting attached to them in a quasi-romantic way was expected and ""normal"" for this company, and you can do that without literally thinking they love you back specifically. Less a delusion than a lie agreed upon.
Every teamate knows that and didn't care, she also used to hang out in Astels chat and might have collabed with him but decided herself not to because she knew "it would make you guys jealous and I don't want to do that" She changed her position from back then but it's not like we didn't know she was a fan of stars or that there is anything wrong with that.

>> No.44400888
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Idols are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite…
A lie will remain a lie.
Young Anon, knowing this, do you still desire GFE?

>> No.44400990
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I switched to Koyori

>> No.44401094
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Not sure if this anon >>44379574 meant me but that was my situation. I left in 2021 after becoming fed up with the tummy hort arc, not over Tempus. They're all symptoms of a wider attitude/how she treats her fanbase problem though, once you take off the gosling-tinted glasses a lot of her behaviors become more irritating than cute.

By the way, Holos like Mio and Shion speak clearly and relatively slowly, they are great starting points. I also recommend JP-subbed clips to make fast talkers like Pekora or Marine or those with accents like Lamy more accessible.

>> No.44401192
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Its truly horrible.
I remember HoloEN fans (jpfans are a fofferent beast)be mostly in mutual agreement we had silly thing like the trinity or the massive hate against Mori but atleast it was mostly countained to 4chan.
Now you see the fanbase arguing in every other site.
HoloEN was hit with debuffs back to back with nothing to improve the situation.
First Council didnt live up to the hype of Myth but hey no big deal I doubt this shit could be replicated.
Then We get Sana back hurt arc and she graduate a sad event but atleast she got out on good term
Now thing start to get grim
HoloEN as whole has a put a break on the numbers of stream they have done I remember a pic that showed that holoEN with 2 gens had less hours streamed in 2022 than just Holomyth in their first year.
Tempus is annonced people believe they'll stay in their lane but nope they start collabing with girls and the fucking beggars come out of everywhere.
Kronii has an idol culture moment and Ame has a surprise duet with the stars on a romantic song.
The numbers of stream are decreasing even more for holoEN,people demand for EN3 is increasing but tempus part 2 is annonced instead, that was the final nail the official subreddit is Locked ,dramatuber are festingon this news and multiple debates are started on YouTube and twitter.
Now look at the state of EN ,their mindshare and their viewers decreasing, its impossible for the people to deny it anymore...

Unlike the schizo here people just leave Anonymously they're not going to argue about unicorn this or not enough streaming.
Now is there any anon here who they can get back their audience or even gain a new one? Holojp and HoloID only had growth or stagnation since their beginning never a recession like EN.

>> No.44401232
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see >>41710038

>> No.44401242
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I should have listened to him.. I haven't the stomach

>> No.44401457

Sorry anon...

>> No.44401564

Oh, this actually makes a lot of sense, and I'm sure it can be extrapolated to some other fanbases (like Ame's)

>> No.44401593

>they can get back their audience
If the viewers that left already found other vtubers that cater more to their preferences why should they return? Hololive had an iron grip on the EN market and they squandered everything. If they didn't take this long to debut new gens then they'd definitely be in a better spot now.

>> No.44401780

I think that guy is wrong

>> No.44401786

grimbo lookin ass

>> No.44401789

Deadbeats unironically thought he was GFE at the beggining, and she tried to appeal to them until her friends said it was cringe and she stopped (Actually said by herself on a member stream). And Mori's is a drug addict who's friends seells drug. Do you think she didn't suck cock for the stuff?

>> No.44401806

Based Koyori enjoyer it feel good watching someone do their best in Hololive that girl is a monster I sometime worry about her health she's in everything, she does collabs,sponsorship collab, appear in 3d lives has asakoyo so she need to pay attention about everything happening in Hololive and stream a fuckton
I switched to Holojp too and those I mainly watch are Koyori,Kanata and Nene.

>> No.44401849

Unicorns don't have to cope, they already move on to superior streams. EN numbers are getting low and you know why. But keep telling yourself "I-I actually like that my oshi flirt with Homos on stream, I love when they cancel streams hahaa.."

>> No.44401912

Your post made me realize that I've been watching her streams for months already and haven't watched anyone else holy shit what happened to me

>> No.44401925

>Unlike the schizo here people just leave anonymously they're not going to argue about unicorn this or not enough streaming
Plenty of teamates on her comment section like myself left the complaints and went away after. I prefer to give feedback myself since i know Ame hates it.
This thread is good too for the actual discussion

>> No.44401932

I went to Polka and hags, best decision in my life.
Oh right, for Gura to actually collab with the males she need to stream first.

>> No.44402128

>Now is there any anon here who they can get back their audience or even gain a new one? Holojp and HoloID only had growth or stagnation since their beginning never a recession like EN.

This is an interesting point, but I feel like this thread alone is a good example that-that ain't gonna happen since a lot moved to indies or JP and, well, they all seem rather happy about it.

>> No.44402251
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Actual day 1 teamate and investigator here
I don't like the male collabs at all, however
>it was only group collabs, no 1on1
>she never flirted with any of them in any way
>it's only been one in like the past 4 months

All things considered I'll forgive her for it and look past it, but if she ends up 1on1 collabing with them I'm prepared to say goodbye unless it's a forced shill collab by Cover or something.

>> No.44402259

based luibro still holding his grudge. you should watch Koyori's Sekiro, Kanata's Dark Souls and Patra's anything Fromsoft related.

>> No.44402406

If you already talked about it here it's probably you because that person said he was a teamate until 2021

>> No.44402417

You might as well leave now since you know she's going to right? You can't be this naive

>> No.44402474

My Moona and Reine can do it, I believe in her maybe

>> No.44402525

I wish you luck then and pray that you are correct

>> No.44402583

You said that when tempshit debuted as well and it hasn't happened yet - like I said, it's only ever been group collabs so far

>> No.44402633

Mori for all her fault is atleast an hard worker she and kiara are basically the only ones who work hard in holoEN.
Gura is absent 80% of the time and was gone for 2 months too.
Ame lost her creativity and barely stream these days,she doesn't cancel stream anymore so yeahh i guess.
Ina was gone for 3 months and stream like 2 times a week since her return.
Irys doesnt take care of her health so she go on break a week break a lot and doesnt seem to have any ambition.
Mumei has mental health issue and is an hololive part timer
Baelz is also a part timer
Fauna is consistent I'll give her that ,hell I retract my earlier statement she's a worker alright not in the same vein has takamori but you cant call Fauna lazy.
Kronii is laziest holoEN member now that Sana is gone, Gura maybe Mia but atleast she's doing her idol rep and was streaming plenty in her fist year and second year.
Kronii just doesn't give a fuck and it show.

>> No.44402778

Allright, i wish you luck.
Yes, unironically. I would hate to see Ame becoming worse. She was a good one.

>> No.44402993

>Unicorn have money
what is this retarded cope? no they fucking don't.
gachis have money, SEAcorns don't. they're also the ones who are generally fine with the collabs if you do your due diligence and stalk their twitter feeds for a few minutes since they're relatively vocal.

>> No.44402997

Those that left commonly express the sentiment that it was less the occasional group collabs and more to do with her attitude
People feel her actions were out of spite, and if she's willing to go from her meek "I may join collabs once in a while" to putting them together and doing surprise love duets? Idk man, seems like setting yourself up for an unhappy ending
And Ame wouldn't like the idea that you've forgiven her. To her she hasn't done anything wrong, and I'm not trying to be rude but why support someone who if you could personally tell her how you feel would just straight up not want you in her viewer base

>> No.44403102

nta I feel you too, anon. It happened to me too irl. The best we can do, though, is to live and move on with our lives. No amount of self-loathing, emptiness, and doubt will bring her back.

>> No.44403172
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Correct. Sitting at home watching sports? Barely even a hobby, sorry boomers.
Building a fantasy team? Traveling to games and throwing tailgate parties? Slightly more of a hobby.

Watching vtubers is the same way. Going to concerts and events and conventions at least makes it a hobby. If you haven't seen your Oshi put on a show in person, or go to a meet and greet event or a talk panel, how the fuck are you "engaging" in a hobby?

>> No.44403174

>And Ame wouldn't like the idea that you've forgiven her. To her she hasn't done anything wrong
Of course, I'm well aware. I get what you're saying , but at the same time, spiteful as she can be, it's not like she organized the Worms collab just because she wanted to play with the dudes. She just wanted to play Worms and that's who ended up being interested in joining.
I can't fault her much for that, it's not like she had any bad intentions here. Me not liking male collabs is my own problem, she has always supported stars from the getgo, albeit back then it was just through Twitter, showing up in their chat once or twice or telling you to check out their 3D event stream or what have you.

At the end of the day I'm just one of many and I can't expect her to skirt the exact line that I personally decided on. I can make up my mind on whether or not I want to drop her over stepping over it, but it's not like she's aware.

>> No.44403184

> the ones who are generally fine with the collabs if you do your due diligence and stalk their twitter feeds for a few minutes since they're relatively vocal.
Anon, twitter is not real life and not a good representation of the hololive demographic at all

>> No.44403185

nta but it's been deleted. someone saved a video on catbox though so maybe it's still in the archives

>> No.44403233

Probably yeah. I've been thinking surely there are others who left during that time as well, the veil really started dropping around then

>> No.44403267

For me the Altare duet was enough of a middle finger to those who enjoy hololive as CGDCT that there was no way I could support her ever again

>> No.44403278

Saved, thank you.

>> No.44403307

>It's not like she wanted to play with dudes.
Come on anon, you and i both know that's bullshit. She set the invite on the shared Discord, not the girls only one.

>> No.44403500

>not the girls only one.
Anon they don't have >girls only discord channel, that's why Moona(or Mumei I forgot) finally made a >girls only channel on her own
She mentioned it on her Overwatch collab stream

>> No.44403569

we're talking about the people who pay the big bucks. obviously not a good representation of the hololive demographic
unicorns can piss their pants and cry all they want, but most of these faggots just have sub money

>> No.44403634

I remember, I was one of them too then the homo defense force came in to defend Ame and treat all who disagreed as incel when the comments where all pretty respectfull in their disagreement

>> No.44403754

>we're talking about the people who pay the big bucks.
No you are talking about terminally online SJWs that thrive on twitter not oil barons. Look at NIJ retweets and likes - they can get 10x as many of those and it doesn't even translates to views let alone supas and merch.

>> No.44403808

to be honest I thought the analysis was too cynical toward Kronii. It's highly possible that it was just poor handling of an unfamiliar situation on her part, not so much out of malice.
Now with recent events, I'm not too sure anymore. Though it's always tragic to see such developments come from avoidable mishandlings and misunderstandings.

>> No.44403870

>steering the topic
are you purposely acting retarded? you know gachis have names, right? you think they're going to fucking donate rainbows and not have their names on there?

>> No.44403872

It is sad All I only ever wanted was the HoloJp expereience but in english and for the first few months that's exactly what we got.
Now im forced to do my jap reps but thats okay with the Amount of jp entertainment I consume it was about time I started.

>> No.44404061

Sounds like a win honestly.
Holo EN girls needed to become whores so you could invest in your jap reps.
You'll be in good hands with JP girls now anon

>> No.44404120

kek I know what you mean except EN still has girls who are completely free of it like Gura or IRyS for example
But yeah it definitely made me appreciate JPs even more

>> No.44404176

imagine stop watching your oshi because she collabed with a man. Like nigga are you serious?

>> No.44404301

Hi Enna

>> No.44404412

Not everyone here is a casual twitch tard who thinks of them as normal streamers that you can throw away and change as you wish

>> No.44404559

>it's not like she organized the Worms collab just because she wanted to play with the dudes
This is just a difference in how we interpret her actions. The collab being planned pretty much soon as it was possible and her throwing the blue faggot into her karaoke was interpreted by myself and others as a direct, spiteful action against viewers who had a problem with homo association
I don't buy that it was simply her wanting to play worms and those being the only people interested, personally
But if you can make it work for you then more power to you, I wish I could've not given a shit about it

>> No.44405169

>recent events
Something happened recently?

>> No.44405251

Sometimes I feel like the only reason this place is so negative is because it's the only place where people can air their grievances. Even KF is a hugbox

>> No.44405376

Probably the
>another magni mori vesper kronii collab
but Ame took her place because surgery?

>> No.44405620

I'll infrequently watch kiara or irys, but I've more or less lost interest in the medium after her reality check. I just work on games now

>> No.44405808

Just like Mori, she's a contrarian. Don't you remember all those Mario streams where she purposely did the opposite of what chat was trying to tell her to do?

>> No.44405923

what the fuck do you call this? Threadreading the threads or something? What the fuck are you people even on about, you realize that you can get banned for even mentioning holostars in hlgg these days, right? I've seen people even get banned for mentioning fucking Shien in there before.

Talking about the stars in hlgg is considered offtopic usually except when an actual tempus collab is happening - in which case the thread will be raided by homobeggar/fujo types that aren't normally there. Usually any time someone posts about males in hlgg they'll get told 'wrong thread' or go back.

>> No.44405953

>Mario streams where she purposely did the opposite of what chat was trying to tell her to do?
Nta but I blame the backseaters for that one, also Mori did the exact same thing Rust too iirc, about chat wanting her to take a photo together with others?

>> No.44406214

That's why Ame no longer does homo collabs after the initial spam. She was only doing it to
"own the haters". That's why for me it is not about her reaction to homos but something more fundamental sitting beneath it, the fact that she dislikes her audience, picks fights with them and enjoys rowing against the current on purpose. It's a Western twitch mindset that you see in some of the NijiENs too, who have built up a fanbase who only watch ironically.

>> No.44406554

>It's a Western twitch mindset
I mean she's literally a twitch streamer before

>> No.44406876
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Well this was a pretty neat thread, a bit cathartic
Interesting to see where other Teamates ended up and seems there's quite a bit of overlap
Looks like a good amount of us are still together in spirit

>> No.44407286
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As a JP only I find this kind of thread very interesting, when it sounds more on the sincere side of the shitposting line. Interesting and disconnected from the drama I care about.

Well, it seemed to me Myth's original growth was a strike of lightning. Perhaps with this equilibrium will be gained and some of them will be able to grow from a stable foundation. You never know what can happen in a year.
