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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44364259 No.44364259 [Reply] [Original]

This is so scripted and corporate it kinda takes away form it. I love seeing the girls together but it doesnt nearly have the same feel as the 1year anniversary with cover in their ears.

>> No.44365351

At least they're actually doing things. When left to their own devices they bumble around like idiots for 58 minutes and then shill merch.

>> No.44365703

I honestly like that better, I like the raw cuteness of the girls when left to themselves. We see more of their personalities shine through

>> No.44366476

who wrote and arranged those songs. terrible

>> No.44366732

>Antis never satisfied the spam thread.

>> No.44366816

Wrong. They were clearly having more fun than ever you retard. Your brain has been turned into mush from a year of shitposting.

>> No.44366867


>> No.44366925

I had the same feeling.
I mean...i liked it and all but desu i had lowkey tears in my eyes on 1 year anniversary, while the 3D was "just" a stream kinda

>> No.44366962

>grasping at straws to find something to seethes about
I hope you’re getting two gift cards for this

>> No.44367148

Thats my exact point, This was supposed to be special and sure I was having a good time. But they shoud have left em alone. You saw it when their time got cut short, or they told ame no bridge in her showcase etc etc

>> No.44367293

Shut up, maybe it wasn't as sovl as the first one but it sure was better than the shitfest it was the 2nd anniversary

>> No.44367326
File: 2.65 MB, 1919x1080, 1676781343640762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44367347

Fakest shit i've ever seen

>> No.44367449
File: 119 KB, 1001x1085, ThirstQuencher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO ONE is arguing with you on that one

>> No.44367594

>or they told ame no bridge in her showcase
I assume They probably stopped that because it would've messed up her mocap suit.
Also, if you compare this to the JP 3D streams, it felt less scripted, so there's that.

>> No.44367807

Kek I love this image

>> No.44367952

I definitely agree here. 1st year had me in shambles, but after that, and Sana's graduation, there were no more tears to be shed. Their Myth or Treat stream was definitely one of the biggest last ones that had me hooked and excited. It's been so long since I've felt pure, unadulterated, mystified kino...

>> No.44368234

>anti posing as concerned fan
where have I seen this a million times before

>> No.44368492

Maybe I just had too high of hopes, yknow? It was cute to see all the interactions and what not. But I expected to FEEL. Maybe I'm just losing touch

>> No.44368628

EN are always soulless, they don't need corporate to help them with that.

>> No.44369172

That could be it too, expectations can ruin your perception of media, and then you are left disappointed.

>> No.44369781

picrel collab was great but compare the offcollab at Mori's place where you could barely fucking hear 3 of the members and this 3d studio collab where they were all animated and audible and seemed happy to be there, clearly they need tardwranglers.

>> No.44370364

Or we just dont put mori in charge

>> No.44370426

nigga you watch hololive and only noticed that now?

>> No.44370501

All JP content is like this

>> No.44370557

>leave them to their own devices
We keep doing this for every off collab and 90%.
Im not saying script everything but just have a rough program outline and prepared talking points so things dont drag

>> No.44370635

>>44370557 (me)
“90% of them are slow, boring and aimless…”

>> No.44371427
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I haven't paid full attention to most collab streams for this reason. Halloween, Christmas, off-collabs; plenty of dead air and I just naturally tune out after a while.

This myth showcase had me glued for the entire thing with a big smile on my face. There's a lot of cynicism around EN these days but this showcase evoked a feeling of being back in 2021, before I got disillusioned thanks to /vt/

>> No.44376365


>> No.44376478

If it wasn't scripted, Gura wouldn't bother to show up. She hates myth, you know
