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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44327170 No.44327170 [Reply] [Original]

*flops so hard that it kills any potential for another all-female gen*

>> No.44327259

*image unrelated*
Enough talk about holoEN2

>> No.44327273 [DELETED] 

>Kyo's cocksleeve
>everyone's cocksleeve
>Vox' cocksleeve

>> No.44327368

>NijiEN Gamers (all Male)
Literally 5 full mixed or all-male waves, they've clearly given up on the all-female waves

>> No.44327371

Nijisanji doing mixed waves was the superior business choice, with thousands of applicants they could easily make another all-female gen except that the males make more money for them so they'd turn a smaller profit.

>> No.44327411

What so hard Anycolor? just pick any twitch streamer and slap them an avatar. that's your next gen. then see who come out on top and then repeat. I don't get it.

>> No.44327419

Nina couldn't carry all those shitty girls on her own

>> No.44327447

Worst one for sure.
Whore only wave

>> No.44327468

Pagpag pollute Nijisanji current and future talent pool

>> No.44327551

Ethyria was not a flop, Nina was almost the #1 for a long time thanks to leeching off the boys, Enna gets huge numbers on her songs and has good CCV (somehow, even after all the yabs), Millie also performs decently. Only Reimu is runt tier.

That isn't to say they were a good gen or that they didn't ruin NijiEN though...

>> No.44327578

Nah. They just wanted to steal the Hololive audience with the first 3 gens so once they had good enough numbers they did a bait & switch. Cucking hololive + being the first to tap into the male EN market was a brilliant move that still has Cover seething to this day.

>> No.44327674

>male """"EN"""" market
Doesn't exist. It's all chinks.

>> No.44327791

Such a garbage gen.
Reimu killed Vox's career enraging his fujos and then enraging his normal fans when Vox threw her under the by
Nina was a SJW roasty commie and never took off
Enna was the only one with potential but she decided to be a cunt
Millie was the only saving grace until the 4chan stream fiasco

>> No.44327881

>male EN market
>EN market

>> No.44328107

Nina didn't do anything, the ones who went full retard were the other 3.

>> No.44328269

All Nina hate was PL shit. Funny how she's the most liked one now

>> No.44328703

Women are boring desu. If it's not GFE your not getting views.

>> No.44328756

There's still a few dedicated schizoposters that bring up her PL every time even though she hasn't talked about that shit even once to my knowledge, except from saying she's much happier now.

>> No.44328889

Is she still a commie?
Gotta unsub if she is.
Ain't supporting a fucking commie.
Not after what they've done.

>> No.44329149
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>niji invented anime males
there have been multiple con appearances already to gauge the audience and products like genshin already share similar EN success. Quit seething

>> No.44329945

Yes, and look at the market for them now.
A bunch of retarded holofags doesn't change thar.

>> No.44331797

next gen for sure...

>> No.44333293


If this was ILUNA instead of what we got, would people have been happy? No one cares about Aster or Ren, and with Kyo gone Enna never goes down her current arc. I don't see any downsides.

>> No.44337458

seems like a decent gen. dunno if it would be popular but i think the reception would be good.

>> No.44340535

To be honest, most of them have found a niche by now.
Enna: the female bitch friend experience for Chinese sisters. Also a fantastic singer and is the most popular NijiEN female whether you like it or not.
Nina: Hag who plays based games, Seriously, check if out if you haven't
Millie: ASMR and Plate Up specialist
Reimu is pretty whatever though yeah, I dunno what she's supposed to do. She's a good singer but won't sing, so what's the point?

>> No.44341034

They’ve got money
it doesn’t matter what you call them

>> No.44341177

People underestimate Enna’s female fans
Of course they’re not gonna care about her yabs, they’re women
They just think she’s funny
The only enna fan I know personally is a woman

>> No.44341287

are you setting up to be grudgeposted? a full male wave means a full female wave after, they care so much about keeping it balanced that they fired zaion

>> No.44341358

thanks for the rundown of catalog narratives, too bad it's all wrong

>> No.44341396

>they care so much about keeping it balanced that they fired zaion
kek, i laughed

>> No.44343307
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*flops so hard that it kills any potential for another all-male gen*

>> No.44343369

what's wrong with mixed waves?

>> No.44343424

They have shit chemistry compared to unisex waves. No one talks about iluna or xsoleil unity the way they talk about unity for the older waves.

>> No.44343577

Obsydia already flopped, if that is your metric. It just continued afterwards.

>> No.44343712

What the fuck is NijiEN gamers?

>> No.44343778

Its the all male wave that was supposed to come out before flopsoleil but got delayed for some reason (probably due to the branch falling apart and anycolor noticing)

>> No.44344393

no wave will ever have shittier unity than obsydia, they barely exist as a group, meanwhile ethyria has more unity than even lazulight and you fags hate them, this unity thing is just a cope

>> No.44345089


>> No.44345734
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Good wave

>> No.44345787

>they care so much about keeping it balanced that they fired zaion

>> No.44346331

Implying Lazulight wasn't the first flop.
Objectively speaking the only successful NijiEN wave was Luxiem.

Lazulight was 2kview shit at debut and they even declined from there lmao, except for Pomu of course
Obsydia was carried by Selen who always had 5k and Petra Wosemi were borderline 3view, then Selen declined.
Ethyria was shit with Nina and Reimu were 3views, Enna and Millie were inclining hard until recently... and then they fucked up
Floptyx was shit with 2k views which was outrageously bad for a Nijimale standards
Iluna was shit, so shit it made NijiEN stuck to 3view territory, and they fucked up from the very start their massive debuts.
Xsoleil was far better than anything released since Luxiem, but this point it was too late

I still remember when Luxiem was huge, they had +40k karaokes, most of them were guarantee +5k views, even Mysterio at a time was 10k view, those numbers feel so distant now it feels like a fever dream

>> No.44347005

Sure. But wasn't Nina doing really well early on, one of the strongest in NijiEN at the time? I think she reclined after her break, a bit ironic since /vt/ likes her now.

>> No.44348593
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Ethyria flopped really really badly. Maybe because shark streamed over them, or maybe there was weak advertising. But 3/4 of those people were legitimately poor as fuck and needed the money desperately. So they decided to leech popularity any way they possibly could, like a desperate man drowning the ocean.
Before Ethyria there was "open VC" so the girls could randomly join each other's streams. This was quite a beloved feature of NijiEN that made for some fun streams. But Ethyria took advantage of open VC to promote themselves in popular streams and ruin everyone's friendship for their leeching. When Luxiem debuted, Ethyria was licking their chops seeing huge potential for leeching.

Nina instantly descended on them like a vulture, and started doing streams with them constantly. I think every single one of her streams involved the Luxiem members in one way or another, and if she couldn't get a Luxiem member she didn't even bother to stream. She even joined the Luxiem offcollab and shared a hotel room with them, although nobody really cared because it's fucking Nina. As a result of this leeching Nina's subs went through the roof, even surpassing Selen for many months. But those subs didn't translate to viewership, it was just women subbing in case a Luxiem member happened to join her stream.

Reimu threw herself at Vox, shipping herself with the most popular and desirable member of Luxiem, and Vox allowed it because everyone felt bad for Reimu's disastrously low numbers. This created a huge amount of AkiRei shipping art which the femanons love to do. But it also created a disaster when Reimu entered Vox's RP date stream and interrupted all the women's "date" with Vox. This actually was a big disaster for Vox and cost him a lot.

Later on Millie joined the fray and started romancing herself with every single member of Luxiem and Noctyx. She started a ship with Fulgur and had flirting roleplays with Luca, Ike, Vox, and others. She legitimately became one of the biggest whores. This is the girl who promised to give 100% of her membership income to charity, and then backtracked on that promise shortly afterwards. She became such a degenerate that she tried to phone Vox about his dick during the middle of the girl's-only offcollab.

Enna hasn't been openly leeching in the same way. However when her collab with Kyo got huge numbers, she started collabing with Kyo all the time. Kyo joined her stream practically 100% of the time. Either in chat, over VC, or she would spend a long time talking about him every stream. Eventually she decided that she wanted to "break barriers" so she invited Kyo over for a 1v1 offcollab in her bedroom. It got huge viewers but it kind of damaged the branch's reputation and she's been on a downhill slide of drama since then. She got so much criticism for being "the NTR girl" that she started trying to distance herself from chat by rejecting "parasocial relationships" and asserting that her relationship with chat was "platonic". This became a virulent meme that started infecting the JP branch and the entire vtubing world. She was so addicted to flirting with males on stream that she refused to give it up even when it was clearly hurting her reputation. Even now she's insisting on meeting up with Luca in person using the money she made through Valentines merch sales to pay for it.

Basically Ethyria has adopted a strategy of "leeching", and reformatting their content for an Asian female audience, mostly by becoming huge degeneretes and whores. They describe this as "liberating" even though they are just making themselves orbiters of the male without a core audience of their own. The problem is how this type of thinking started influencing the Lazusydia girls, who started sacrificing some of their core male audience and pandering to asian women, by becoming more lewd and degenerate. It even had an effect, it seems, on HoloEN too. Ethyria needs to be completely rejected. Instead of being orbiters of the boys leeching whatever pittance they can, they girls should appeal to a male audience and grow their own core fanbase. That actually brings new people into the company and it results in higher donations and more loyal solid fanbase that will support them even if they graduated.

>> No.44348803

I'm talking about before Luxiem, pretty sure Nina was at the top of sub growth and supas + had a decent ccv. Not reading the rest, looks really schizo, sorry that happened or whatever.

>> No.44349296

This, although women can sometimes be entertaining, it's hard to keep it up every stream so most viewers that are just there for entertainment just fade out, the only stable content for women with male fans is gfe or coomerbait

>> No.44349302

Damn you're right I completely forgot.
Nina was the most hated because of the commie Karen thing early debut, but then she became the most subbed Ethyria and that made everyone here seethe (including me).
I thought Nina was gonna turn NijiEN into hard SJW but in the end management did it, and now Nina is probably the most harmless Ethyria now

>> No.44349445

It's not really ironic, even back then Nina's current strong points were already recognized, but she stopped focusing on that to pursue luxiem's numbers, it took her a long time to get over this phase and go back to her strenghts, this kind of desperate attempt at getting relevant affect everyone in ethyria also, the whole "failed wave" thing was very internalized by them

>> No.44349560
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>> No.44353325

And you know this how?

>> No.44359156

Obviously that's the script Riku told him to stick to when he paid him to defend nijisanji here

>> No.44359215


>> No.44368050

that wasn't a defense

>> No.44370908 [DELETED] 
File: 845 KB, 1432x3328, 1667757065327261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44370988

sorry your terrible thread was deleted after going with the trouble of making this dumb image

>> No.44371013

see I told you the niji defence force is real

>> No.44371105

again, that post wasn't a defense, you can't even recognize your own

>> No.44371151

what post?

>> No.44376344 [DELETED] 
File: 845 KB, 1432x3328, 1653543273747240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44377201

funny how /vt/ keeps freaking out about the ones that turn out to be the least offensive

>> No.44378566

They didn’t flop.

>> No.44379697

What went wrong?

>> No.44380772

If you read the first letter of every sentence, it says

>> No.44382258

Kek, nijifag will never accept this valid perception.

>> No.44383742

Because it isn't valid

>> No.44383838

>0 results
Wow I'm shocked maybe the mods finally rangebanned the schizo

>> No.44384051

Or because they actually wanted Gamers but only had retards that play 1 game apply.
We will never know.
What japanese think is a gamer is wastly different than the empty word gamer we use in the west.

>> No.44384100

But their mixed waves have been tremendous flops. Their biggest successes were single gender waves like Luxiem

>> No.44384136

Mate a full gen Ethyria collab did worse than IRyS by herself they didn’t stral shit

>> No.44384413

Good, all the females in EN suck anyway and they'd be 3 views anyway.

>> No.44384461

They rly need to fire those in charge of the auditions, there is no fkn way this was the best they could dig up...

>> No.44384960

*flops so hard it ruins the entire branch*

>> No.44385159

Are you pretending to forget the Luxiem leech saga?

>> No.44385197

Great summary, I dont follow any of them so this was an interesting read

>> No.44385290

What about 3-4 gender+ waves? Im sure the twitter trannies would watch them then... right?

>> No.44385659

graduate when?
