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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44295177 No.44295177 [Reply] [Original]

>Which Niji/Holo girl are gonna go for next?
>Your oshi. I'm going for your oshi next. Which one's your oshi?
https://youtu.be/9oXdi5DUruo?t=7660 [Open]

>> No.44295245

Explain to me how they didn't fire him yet?

>> No.44295294

He's inching ever closer to the final yab

>> No.44295368

My oshi isn't in Holo or Niji, but she could probably use a good dicking down so she stops acting horny all the time.

>> No.44295566

Am I supposed to hate him for mindfucking you like this?

>> No.44295614

Blown the fuck out again.
Just like the Altare support the cause quote.
It's incredible how much butthurt these guys cause the general /vt/ audience. I love it.

>> No.44295726

Are you really going to keep posting this clip of him owning you for spamming him?

>> No.44295762

About time for another collab ban

>> No.44295765

>guy named pagpag spamming the question over and over in the slow chat
>he responds out of annoyance
op you are retarded and your thread is retarded.

>> No.44295937

The mario party curse will have its sacrifice. One way or the other.

>> No.44295977

>heckin based! THIS. SO. MUCH. THIS.
>s-stop posting it guys..

>> No.44296032
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>we're already time looping this shit

>> No.44296034
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My oshi is Peanut kun, will he fuck my oshi to?

>> No.44296140

This is literally how I and 99% of this place would act if we got into Hololive.

>> No.44296164
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I sent my complaint, hope he gets suspended for being a retard again, kek

>> No.44296175

Virgin incels owned!!!!

>> No.44296195


>> No.44296204

No, keep posting it. His delivery is really funny. I just thought maybe you wouldn't like humiliating yourself.

>> No.44296235

It feels weird seeing Vesper swear so much and allow bait to get him so easily. Still funny, but reinforces my doom that I think he's only acting like this because he knows his contract won't be renewed and has given up putting up airs

>> No.44296307

His skin is just so thin man, he's gonna have a Mori lean/cuck incident sooner or later. I'm starting to figure out why he of all people was the first EN suspension.

>> No.44296357

>he owned you!
This is as stupid as when Cuckbeats claimed Mori had "owned trolls" by saying she'd donate the money back to connor and then doing it.
You always own yourself by responding to trolls.

>> No.44296364
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Regis and vesper are the /vt/ version of the /pol/ meme of the liberal jew and the conservative jew. No matter who you support. The white man always loses.

>> No.44296453

>thin skin
Kronies have been spamming his dms for months in a mentally ill crusade because they think he 'took' kronii from them when she was never as mentally ill and weird as they were and they merely projected on her based on her imagined hardships in life she related to them.

>> No.44296619
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Peanut kun is hot, everyone wants to fuck him

>> No.44296648

Worst that can happen to Altare is that he loses Vtuber privileges and has to go back to being a shitting larping manager on the twitter

>> No.44296698

Yabba Dabba Doo everyday

>> No.44296704

So true sister

>> No.44296830

Post Dick INCEL.

>> No.44296837
File: 414 KB, 463x635, 1651631394767301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IP barely going up with the replies
this absolutely mindbroke OP
fucking kek

>> No.44296880

Post it literally forever. It's hilarious.

>> No.44296893

I don't see Cover doing a collab ban desu. They'll just scold Vesper again if he lets it get to him though.

>> No.44297047

>Posts per IP is less than 2
The fuck are you talking about, retard?

>> No.44297243

Basado ojisan brotuber experience
Laughing stock meme generator

>> No.44297284

The Altare shit was far worse than this because he actually took a stance on a "controversial" culture war issue as a cover talent and he didn't even get his vod edited. Tempus are a protected class..

>> No.44297300

no one who ever talks about posts per ip has a functioning brain.
don't worry about them.

>> No.44297316

>Laughing stock
To who, pagpag eaters?

>> No.44297366

HOLY KEK, unfathomably based

SEETHE, absolutely exquisite, you fagaloons lacking so much self awareness that you think this is some kind of ultra yab that will get him shit canned when it was literally nothing (except based).

Keep posting, sound post it, make it a maymay. It makes you fags seethe.

>> No.44297535

He didn't say he owned anybody, he just said you and this thread are retarded, and I agree.

>> No.44297563

He literally the vtuber version of John Cena

>> No.44297583

Sent in one as well, I dont want this shit in holopro

>> No.44297641

God that's fucking sad.

>> No.44297707


>> No.44297709

No fucking way /vt/cels are mindbroken by this nothingburger.

>> No.44297773

Altare probably felt safe until Pikamee graduated. It's easy to point out how there wasn't a direct correlation, but the "cause" will now forever be tied to something ugly and sad for vtubing regardless, so with any luck we won't ever here him try to weasel about it again

>> No.44297800

fucking lol
take your meds.

>> No.44297903

Not everyone is on hrt anon.

>> No.44297945

I keep getting banned for posting YBDBD

>> No.44297956

This is funnier than the Magging meme, the only good thing that comes from Tempus is just to become a meme and stupid drama

>> No.44297982

even rats can learn, anon.

>> No.44298075

Skill issue

>> No.44298166

Vesper's retarded fans are a good reminder why hobbies should be gatekept.

>> No.44298209

I suppose it's a real shame that you failed them, eh?
This is your fault.

>> No.44298235

The final yabba dabba

>> No.44298341

Took my meds, Altare's still a retard and a bad choice for the company.

>> No.44298352

I don't think any of them will mention that game ever again and for what it's worth I think blue homo is just a coward afraid of the sisters in his fanbase rather than a true believer. A shame holoEN and holostarsEN kneeled when it came to this game though, especially considering what happened to Pikamee and their relative detachment from the insane twitch/twitter crowd. Kettle, Indies and Vshojo had more spine and that is sad.

>> No.44298473

Ah yes because it would've been better if the girls got bullied by those psycho retards for playing Hogwarts, yes?

Altare took the fucking bullet for the entire EN stable and people have the audacity to complain about it.

>> No.44298510

Also very sad they kneeled when they fucking need a game to stream. Again when was the last FOTM of holoEN? and what about the viewer bleeding not stopping?

>> No.44298547

>containment-breaking faggot spamming chat
>gets the reaction he was looking for
>can't stop crying about it
It is impossible to overstate how sad and gay you are.

>> No.44298599

Hey bro, here's a hint, It's not gonna be 2020-2021 ever again.
This is a niche hobby that had a big boom and now it's waning. You have to accept that.

>> No.44298700

Took your med, altroon was on the side of the bullies, he should be terminated. And nothing of value would have been lost anyway.

>> No.44298726

Numberniggers must hang

>> No.44298764

>altroon was on the side of the bullies
No, he took the side of peace. The bullies are unreasonable, as we see with Pikamee. If she isn't safe no one in fucking hololive was going to be spared.

>> No.44298841

Bae is a huge fan, back from Japan and was streaming every day for febaerary, it couldn't be more obvious they have been banned from playing it.
Twitter trannies couldn't touch anybody from hololive in ANY meaningful way, that is why they had to pick on the smaller streamers and also why it was such an act of cowardice for management to kneel to them in the first place.

>> No.44298897

>hololive in ANY meaningful way
because none of them played it, anon. only the international ones could get away with it and even then moona almost got fucked.

>> No.44298902

I hope he’s kicked out before his upcoming convention appearance. That would be hilarious.

>> No.44298908

I'd like to believe Altare is on the level and is just whipped into putting on a face, but there's too much pointing to him being a kool aid enjoyer. The way he talked about losing his old friend group for toxic behavior, going into a story about being cheated on by an ex in the first few weeks, including non-binary in ladies and gentlemen, the equality jokes and all the unprompted passive aggressive behaviors all point towards someone who's internalized all that twitter faggotry and thinks their moral superiority justifies breaking the mold when all he's doing is bringing a bad culture with him and risking bringing the mood down for the sake of personal vindication.

>> No.44298955

It shouldn't be so hard for you to not be a shitty person. It really shouldn't.

>> No.44298958

>moona almost got fucked
what?? a few retards spamming in her prechat and a couple of complaint posts under her tweets that got dogpiled by ID fans, how was she at any risk whatsoever?

>> No.44298984

I'm not sure what you are talking about. It's not a game problem but a management problem. They are taking time out of their schedule to make them do other things that aren't mainly streaming because they think that's more important than streaming. They aren't giving them the time and choice to have a balance of both Hololive work and streaming games.

>> No.44298986

Yes and? it will never be the boom again and YWNBAW. Now let's talk about not falling into irrevelancy if it please you cause that was the subject here, and the holoEN biggest issue. They fucking dropped a FOTM because altroon who should be termianted.

>> No.44299018

>They fucking dropped a FOTM because altroon
Why are you so fucking retarded? Read the thread.

>> No.44299035

>He took the side of peace
Keep that one, that's the best bait I've seen yet, guaranteed to rustle anyone.

>> No.44299076

>they don't play the game
>none of them have gotten bullied
imagine how this happened
how could it be

>> No.44299132

Why are you such a fag, terminate altroon. that's all. And play the fucking wizard game.

>> No.44299140
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>> No.44299159

Stay dumb, pony boy.

>> No.44299167

i sincerely doubt cover even looks at these anymore given that 100% of the submissions are just schizos trying to get their talents fired

>> No.44299171

>why aren't muh 4channers virtuous like me

>> No.44299203

I didn’t keep up, but I can definitely imagine how it would have went. Some twittoid complains on her tweet and a hundred random Indonesian fans reply with “Stfu Bobo, aku balargla wangrag” or some other esoteric South East Asian chain of Uruk Hai speech.

>> No.44299335

>i sincerely doubt cover even looks at these anymore
If they did, male/female collabs would no longer be a thing after all the seethe the Worms stuff caused.

>> No.44299352

The fact you can take Altroon's side on this whilst in the same breath acknowledging that bullying was guaranteed proves that the cause Altroon believes in is fucked up and he's a fucked person.

>> No.44299374

I wasn't implying he wasn't an "ally" clearly he has drunk the kool aid but there is a big difference between that and thinking the harassment campaign is anything other than completely retarded. Maybe I am giving him too much credit but he sounded like he was just deflecting any controversy then put his foot in it when he had to make he clear how much he loves trannies. Without the support the cause shit what he said would have been pretty harmless.

>> No.44299390

Man. You are really dumb.

>> No.44299585
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>> No.44299612

this is actually what his real personality is like when he’s not an anxious mess and mentally healthy, followed him before. If anything, this is indicative he’s secure in everything. Though he was even more like this previously tbdesu

>> No.44299632

He's always had SJW Tourette's, it's in the style of his humor but it's never really been tied to anything controversial, just off-color for Hololive. It's an ongoing behavior and stands out now because it's tied to a controversy, but considering the first major political encounter with a game already lead to a controversy with him is enough evidence to prove that it's a problem behavior he needs to be talked out of.

>> No.44299745

>lead to a controversy
Only here and only in the minds of the most complete retards this shithole has on offer.

>> No.44299754

Thanks for the reassurance, not having that context made it a bit difficult to watch him even though the comedy is up my alley, I thought he had given up.

>> No.44299816

I was hoping this guy was going to be chill and have some fun chats while he plays games I enjoy. But this guy is a drama magnet, he's too old to be biting onto bait this easily and with as much passion as he does. No way he wasn't actually frustrated or bothered when he replied to the message. A shame, but this dude probably ends up being a lolcow at this rate.

>> No.44299911

The wizard game is undeniably a controversy in the west, his comments obviously went under the radar but you cannot deny it is extremely unusual for a cover talent to actually take a political stance on stream about literally anything, they just don't do it. That was the issue and gatekeeping that kind of behaviour is absolutely correct

>> No.44299952

NTA, I think he's actually in a better place now, not exactly sure what happened on his schizo bender in Japan, but he seems pretty committed to Stars long term and I think he's picked back up in the last 2-3 weeks with consistent streams.

>> No.44300325

Fuckwit, it's literally just you in this thread defending him against the people talking shit, all the solo-replies makes that glaringly obvious. Nobody wants politics in Cover, even smart advocates know it's better to shut up for a smooth career. The best you can hope for by enabling political behavior it more antis latching onto it and making the community around him worse. If you actually want to defend him then recognize when the retard is playing with fire and let this shit get to him so he knows not to.

>> No.44300766

He should collab with phase and idol just to make OP seeth, kek.

>> No.44301033

protip: If a troll gets any reaction, the troll won. Now other trolls will see it and start doing the same because they know they can get a reaction out of him. Mori learned the hard way.

>> No.44301149

why don't they have mods?

>> No.44301310

Even Gura didn't have mods until a while ago.

>> No.44301347


>> No.44301429

Homosexuality is a sin

>> No.44301435

There's very rarely trolls in holo's their chat and they can easily moderate their own chats.
The exceptions are Fubuki because the Chinese for some reason decided to target her after coco. And Mori because she has a history of responding to trolls. I'm guessing Vesper will now get flooded by trolls too because he's an idiot.

>> No.44304768

Mori really brings out the worst in people. Kronii, Vesper and even Kiara got better when she distanced herself from her

>> No.44306029

Virgins, take notes.
