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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44267739 No.44267739 [Reply] [Original]

>had pekora
>had marine
so why did it flop? is the vtuber fad over in the west?

>> No.44267838

Because we've already seen Myth's 3D a lot and Gura had a 3D live last year.

>> No.44267854

EOPtards don't know who those are

>> No.44267890

i just want gaming streams

>> No.44267946

Pekora and Marine were unironically a debuff lol, no EOP wants to watch JPbabble and the JP tourists didn't come because of them because it wasn't advertised. She got like 8k+ viewers INSTANTLY as soon as their segment was over.

I'm sure Gura thought she was a genius being such a numberwhore and inviting the 2 biggest just for some lame skit instead of songs, but it backfired hard on her. KWAB!

>> No.44268023

Who the fuck is that? Why is she cosplaying Melonpan?

>> No.44268072

if you disappear your viewers will generally find someone / thing to fill what ever void you were filling.
It did not help she just disappeared with only manager posts on her account, only to find out shes magically in japan by others mentioning it when it was meant to be a secret.

>> No.44268134
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You ever seen the chat of jp chuubas there's rarely any eop there. Is mostly moonrune language and emojis. . is a different fanbase don't be retarded. Let me know when anyone else in hololiveEN Shill connect NijiEN or Vshojo are pulling gura numbers I'll wait.

>> No.44268226

timeslot debuff
if you are a timezonelet (bong or further east) you're staying up until daft o'clock in the morning to catch her regular streams, 2 hours later on a Thursday is fucking retarded for any of us non-american chumbuds who want a sleep schedule.

>> No.44268242

If we're talking purely numbers, at least in the numbers thread, it landed about where most non-shitposters had their predictions at, 60-75k.

>> No.44268626

Long math section
1 hour time limit
Commercial sections were too fast
Overall decent, just could have been better

>> No.44268743

The math section was the only good part of the stream bro.

>> No.44268822
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Moona is actually sexy

>> No.44268838

>refused to reveal peko marine as guests, keeping it a surprise
>why didn't pekomarine boost her numbers!!
because nobody knew it before hand, lol

>> No.44268844

>who's the bunny girl?
>who's the pirate lady?
this is the average chumbuds. They probably don't even know what Cover is if gura didn't remind them

>> No.44268895

and then you realize it only took 2 hours for her to mock annoying cunts like Kiara and Mori in vod views

glad normal people realize streaming a lot isn't everything, talentless whore like Amouranth streams more than Kiara and she is turning out to be a scam artist who provides nothing good to the world

>> No.44268925

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.44268927

They don't know who Gura is either

>> No.44268935

>shit-tier EN staff stuff her into a bad timeslot because they don't like her
>collab with JP means EOPs don't watch
>no JP advertisement of collab means JPs don't watch
>she's been MIA for like half of last year
>not her first 3D stream

She pulled, what, 70k? That's about what I'd expect given the circumstances.

>> No.44268939

Being on a Thursday.

>> No.44268946
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>> No.44269008

I will admit it was funny, but it's not transformative.
Imagine if she could get a new question not math related and she still fails

>> No.44269009


>> No.44269140

People are finally getting tired of Hololive and not even Pekora and Marine’s 3D are enough.

>> No.44269349
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>> No.44269427

If i say "Yes gloom doom gloom doom death end end no more happy" will you stop making this post every month

>> No.44269692
File: 422 KB, 1000x563, gura3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is approximately how many people watched the "flop".

>> No.44269699

because gura had no ideas or dreams for her 3D so the entire thing was conceived and staged by managers and other people. it was just a chore for gura, a ditch to dig and be done with.

>> No.44269822

She has 4million subs that's not even a 4th of them watching it, this is the supposed biggest VTuber in the world

>> No.44269881

How desperate are you?

>> No.44269966

Shit! I'm going to kill myself now that i've heard this news

>> No.44270017

Bro there are chubas with 10k subs that are 2views
The two metrics have no direct relation whatsoever

>> No.44270056

If Ame's 3D beats out Gura, we'll know the reason why. Chumbuds really are frickin casuals and praising Gura as the second coming of Vtubing. They didn't even SC enough to cover her ghosting and not streaming much compared to Ayame's comeback stream.

>> No.44270074

what the fuck do you mean flop

>> No.44270104

Same but unarchived karaoke where she sings every song twice. First take straight, no interruptions so I can add to my playlist; second she can adlib and do qt personality stuff

>> No.44270142

It's so funny how bad it was, compared to Kiaras 3D stream

>> No.44270153

You're totally right and it's so so so fucked up. I'm tearing up just thinking about how just... Messed up this whole situation is.
I'm going to need a couple of melatonin gummies to go to sleep tonight. I'm all shaken up over this.

>> No.44270159

Kiara and Ina's were Kino
Calli was par for the course
Gura was predictably bad and not even buffs of Marine, Pekora and Ina could save it
Ame's will be a hour long fuck fest with Shien

>> No.44270298

Yet when Marine had Gura on her stream without revealing guests everyone claimed Marine for 160k because of Gura.

>> No.44270473

it wasn't really a flop but I mean I think people are getting tired of a lot of the EN girls just not streaming or only for special occassions in general, so it is hurting the branch for sure imo. Probably doesn't matter to them though I guess, I am sure Gura could quit now if she wanted and live a better life than me off of the money she already has gotten.

>> No.44270480

>Vod view cope
Always interesting seeing where people move goalposts

>> No.44270526

That's great and all but Miko's regular WWE streams pull better numbers than that

>> No.44270600

there's 0% chance that ame's 3d will beat gura's. It just won't

>> No.44270608

You're right, I guess i let my emotions get the best of me and I started arguing in a somewhat oblique way. The truth is I love gura a lot and i want to think that all the work that was put in her stream reached all the people that love her like I do.
You're right, of course, I'm sorry if i caused you any nuisance with my irrational response.

>> No.44270659

Absolutely. Who the fuck wants to watch nippers squeal in nipplish?

>> No.44270664
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define your goalposts if you are not just some nijinig troll

>> No.44270735

uts over cumbros ToT

>> No.44270777

Chumbuds may be the best copers in the world. It's actually amazing.

>> No.44270949

Where do you newfags come from? Keep your chart to yourself.

>> No.44270974

I can 100% guarantee that no matter what good fight you thin you're fighting, once you're looking up google andsense guidelines to scientifically technically prove that your oshi's stream did good, there is Definitely a better way you could be spending your time

>> No.44270996

CCV had been the metric people use to compare the success of one stream versus another for years, especially with streamers like Gura. Now suddenly we should care about vod views when CCV doesn't go your way

>> No.44271025

She still gets the most vod views out of everyone in hololive. What does that say about the rest?

>> No.44271116

Nice revisionism sis

>> No.44271299

It seems pretty stable, they got their biggest numbers during 2021 golden week but management has gotten retarded since then and not scheduled anything properly. And they debuted a homo branch instead of bikinis for the girls last summer, so fans have been losing interest.

>> No.44271356

nobody says Cover didn't choose the worst day possible for her CCV on purpose, they wanted ad money hence they've long admitted Gura is the golden goose

>> No.44271389

Then go to merch when VOD numbers don't look so good. Then if that doesn't work scream "QUALITY OVER QUANTITY."

>> No.44271410

wdym, ccv gets thrown out all the time due to how buggy it is.

>> No.44271457

You're right sis, I'm wrong. /#/ doesn't exist. Vrabi organizes videos by VOD count. 30% of treads on this board at any even time are about [insert streamer here] their vod views and not their CCV

>> No.44271542
File: 115 KB, 1080x1240, Straight+up+looks+like+a+steve+o+smile+_f2f74b49bbf9c77b0f1e0fdae9ee3523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2x more view than Vesper's debut stream


>> No.44271708
File: 199 KB, 308x302, 1585117324829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked on the stream out of curiosity and she was doing some boring math shit and then I closed it out so I could go watch some autismo play a JRPG instead. Dude I've watched way too many vtubers at this point, I'm not in the mood for uguu huggy wuggy fun stinky haha times. That shit is boring now.

But the hamburger song from idolm@ster was a good song choice.

>> No.44271763

I find very funny that in the last 15 min like 6k people joined boosting her to bearelly surpass ina numbers and it was during the "i cant do math" segment, what a joke man, from all the segments of that stream.

>> No.44271853

>a japanese holo speaks 1 second of another lamguage
>50 clips within an hour with thousands of views
>Chumbuds seriously coping hard that no one wants to see JP holos when they speaking in shitty english could have been an amazing skit IF GURA DID LITERALLY ANYTHING
The cope I've read today seems like it's from an alternate reality

>> No.44271904

I really hated that pre-recorded bullshit
It would be better if i didn't saw that trash of 3D showcase

>> No.44271940

Others stream

>> No.44271966

And they're still less successful

>> No.44272019

Ina's peak was during merch shill tho

>> No.44272055

Chumbud you don't want to see who got the most superchats out of myth

>> No.44272157

You know HoloEn are fucked when even HoloID averaged 80k viewers and HoloEn struggled to even get 50k. The absolute lowest out of all the branches. But what's even more embarrassing is that Gura has 4, 4, 4 fucking million subs. 4 fucking million subs! 4 millions!

>> No.44272402

chumbie, if views are the metic that matters then the rapper mogs Gura on monthly basis for over a year now
unless you start arguing what kind of view does and does not count, and that's just sad

>> No.44272448

A few of the other Holos do guest announcements way better.
>Image showing all the guests they'll have on, all blurred out though
>Get some hype anyways, and people have fun dissecting the image silhouettes
>After a couple streams/days, reveal more and more guests
>Final image goes up right before the 3D live, fans of say Pekora or Botan know to show up since they'll be on
They also have the same CCV or even better than Gura did, so you can't claim that worked better for her. Who the fuck even expected Pekora to show up, besides the fucking numbers thread?

>> No.44272832
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Ok, let's talk about VOD views.

>> No.44272991

yeah compare that merch shill with gura's, idk i think ill go with ina's

>> No.44273128
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I see this as a win

>> No.44273241

That's not even close to being the most viewed part on the vod.

>> No.44273309

It's the 2nd according to the graph? Apart from the very beginning which makes sense.

>> No.44273349

It's not even second.

>> No.44273378

People forgot about her because she never stream

>> No.44274031

Why are antisharts like this?

>> No.44274114

Where are you seeing antis?

>> No.44274246

First time on /vt/? My advice is to try to avoid the catalog.

>> No.44274391

If you're claiming that the people making fun of her numbers are antis then Gura fans were JP antis in 2020. Are you sure you want this?

>> No.44274469
File: 696 KB, 1271x1072, Screenshot from 2023-02-26 23-22-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got BTFO'd changes his argument to "uh g-get a life bro" while posting on a vtuber board on 4chin.

>> No.44274692

That's definitely not who I'm talking about but I don't really care either way anymore.

>> No.44274796

Nice Cherry pick. That and Suisei's from over a year ago are the only lives ahead of Gura's. None of Suisei's other lives are. None of Pekora's. None of Miko's. You get the idea.

Also, that Suisei live that is ahead of Gura will eventually be passed by Gura's since they are really close. Gura is strong.

>> No.44274954

How is it a cherry pick? Marine is the most subbed hololive member and that's her most recent 3D live.
The biggest holoEN should be compared to the biggest holo, unless you need to cope.

>> No.44275031

Then who are these antis you're talking about?

>> No.44275168

Guess every one of pekora’s Vod views are a flop then/s

Seriously you people /here/ are genuinely retarded.

>> No.44275214

I'm just gonna give you a (You) since you seem desperate for it

>> No.44275283

Marine’s Showa live is 100x better than gura’s. I’m sorry but gura’s ideas aren’t really great. The Showa is arguably the best live in 2022 along with Aki’s wonder musical and polka’s producer live . Meanwhile gura’s isn’t even in the conversation and I’d argue that it’s one of the worst

>> No.44275379

it's very simple

>> No.44275399

comparing anyone to senchou is unfair she succeeds in all her projects

>> No.44275463

But Gura is the best and biggest vtuber in the world.

>> No.44275489

KFP we all know gura barely even reads superchats, but we also know every gura fan buys merch.

>> No.44275581

Management sabotaged her by scheduling her showcase on a Thursday while everyone else got a Friday/weekend.
Also guests don't help that much because she's genuinely bad at interacting with people live.

>> No.44275697

>is the vtuber fad over in the west?
Yeah, yeah... It's over, so stop making schizo threads about my wife.

>> No.44275717

the only thing hurt by her time was ccv which only matters to /#/, but you are correct about her social skills. she is always awkward in collabs.

>> No.44275833

i think it was nice of management to allow her to pre-record the whole thing and offload half the labor to Kanauru and Ina while the rest of her gen were still expected to put on an actual live performance and speak a few words on camera

>> No.44275903

>Also guests don't help that much because she's genuinely bad at interacting with people live.
This really doesn't matter because nobody will know how it's going to go until they actually see it.

>> No.44275923

Okay, now post the VOD # of that particular stream

>> No.44275974

I'd pay to see Shien knock Ame up and reveal he was Takahiro Sakurai all along.

>> No.44276139

wasnt best part
best part was the fun songs
math is really hard to do like that and they were being mean to gura

>> No.44276264

Myth's 3D showcases have just overall been disappointing, they've already done official 3D stuff before so this just seems like extra stuff lol. The fact that Gura got literally 2 of the biggest number fags in JP to come on and the VOD doesn't even have 1 million views yet, is extremely telling that people are done with Myth after the disappointment and shit flinging to fans from 2022.

>> No.44276343

either gura was replaced or gura legit hates her job

>> No.44276394

why would Gura be affected by that? isn't it more relevant that she didn't fucking stream in 2022?

>> No.44276428

it was at nihongo wagie hours, the JOPs weren't there to watch it

>> No.44276783

>EN tears itself apart
>Barely feel like Holos anymore
>Hang out more with Tempiss and twitch e-celebs than their actual senpai
>Surprised when all their 3d debuts do fucking terribly

>> No.44276989

You actually think it's chumbuds buying Gura's merch and not lolicons and ironic weebs that just like her aesthetic? I have some business proposals that you just might be interested in.

>> No.44277078

>HoloEN rejecting cringe nip "senapi-kouhai" culture.
Unfathomably based. It's so cringe seeing westerners ape nipponese culture. It gives a strong "dubbed anime" feeling.

>> No.44277489

if it was just lolicons then literally every loli figure would be in the number one spot and they would have caught on to that fact and made only loli figures. get real fag.

>> No.44277550

Ayame's from 6 months ago is also ahead, which is why VOD views are a cope. Having a dedicated fanbase with nothing better to do than to rewatch a live from half a year ago makes for high VOD numbers.

Pekora makes daily content for her fans to watch. Why would they rewatch her lives? (Not that they're worth rewatching, no offense nousagis.)

Gura seems to be going the same route as her oshi, Aqua. A talented streamer who doesn't stream and wants to play idol instead. Yet not willing to put much effort into actually improving as an idol.

>> No.44277699

I love Pekora and am fond of Marine, but it was pretty clear they were there to draw in the Jp-bros/numbers baiting. They literally just stood there while Gura played out a script "guessing" songs. I mean, come on. She shafted almost all of her genmates. Even Mori invited them onto her Live before she pretended not to be a Holomem with her "concert." If it was just two random Jp girls, then fine. But she invited on the next two biggest chuubas in the industry. I don't watch Gura often, so take this with a grain of salt, but I've never seen Gura have a significant interaction with either Pekora or Marine. I can't blame her for that seeing as she doesn't speak nippish, however. I know Pekora is a bit of a chumbud/respects Gura's game, but still. The whole thing just reeked of corporate planning. With that in mind, I'd totally believe it if it came out that Gura didn't have control over the situation.

Overall, I was pretty disappointed. It felt like Gura was aiming for her patented scuffed approach, but it just had way too much Hololive polish. It just didn't sit right with me. But again, I'm not a chumbud and it doesn't really matter either way. I'm not sold on the idea that Gura is checked out and coasting, but this Live certainly falls in line with that idea. I am, however, excited for Ame's Live. She excels at this kind of stuff. I just hope she can pull it off. She tends to have grand ideas, but with a hard time pulling them off.

>> No.44278079

Corporate mandated appearances. Cover has public shareholders to appease now. Their biggest stars appeared and Gura got a more JP style stream. She flailed and risked their money flow so she is under strict management.

>> No.44278254

>The whole thing just reeked of corporate planning. With that in mind, I'd totally believe it if it came out that Gura didn't have control over the situation.
this is certainly at least partly true. even if gura came up with most of it management has to approve it. they always get the final say. that being said i enjoyed her 3D showcase and was pleased that it was different from the standard format we have seen from myth so far.

>> No.44278821

It doesn't make much sense either.
HoloEN and JP have largely different fanbases, with the ones that actively watch both branches being a pretty niche minority.
The language barrier is a pretty insurmountable obstacle too. There's only so many times you can rely on the whole broken japanese/english and giggling until your audience gets bored of that shit. Gura's audience is full of zoomers, normies and ironic weeb memelords so it makes sense that pure JP segments don't do well.

>> No.44279309

>Gura's audience is full of zoomers, normies and ironic weeb memelords
Truer words have never been spoken. I don't wish ill to Gura, but I can't wait for anime/chuubas/everything Japanese to fall out of the limelight of the normies so I can go back to having my niche interests that don't require gatekeeping. If I have to listen to one more zoomer ask me if I like Demon Slayer and then get confused when I say Kimetsu no Yaiba, I'm going to go on a rampage.

>> No.44279389

>If I have to listen to one more zoomer ask me if I like Demon Slayer and then get confused when I say Kimetsu no Yaiba, I'm going to go on a rampage.
Oh no he went full weeb

>> No.44280005

this post has to be ironic

>> No.44280343

Considering most of it was just pre-recorded BS or Gura standing around with her thumb in her ass doing absolutely nothing, I'd say the numbers she managed were a success. The entire first part might as well have been a meeting between Ina, Marine, and Pekora with how little Gura actively participated. The math section was about as cringe as fuck, but it definitely showed how little commitment Gura has to even trying at this point. Literally sitting in a chair going "ummmm......uhhhh" for 15ish minutes. "Quality" entertainment for sure.

Cover should be absolutely ashamed that she is their most subbed person and that's the best she could manage. They need to sunset her; don't renew her contract and just let her go quietly so they can still milk her likeness for money without having to give her a salary.

>> No.44280518


7 - 10PM in the US is literally prime time. She flopped because she's washed up and barely phones in any effort at all, not because of some imaginary debuff.

>> No.44282344

umm, 650k in 24 hr

>> No.44287606


>> No.44288049

There's being an anti and there's just being a fucking idiot.

>> No.44288111

Where are all those teacucks who were saying Ame was going to mog Gura? If by mog they meant pull half the numbers and be last in EN, I guess they were right!

>> No.44288285

She'll never be able to go quietly. The best Cover can do is milk her while she declines. Eventually her lack of effort or her stopping will cause some drama. She's obviously unable to muster any kind of effort--even when faced directly with her employers and not hiding at home. She's just shown everyone at Cover including the JP top holomems that she is useless.

>> No.44289080

Never underestimate #`s

>> No.44289134

aren't you guys overreacting?

>> No.44289650

Who? Is that a niji?

>> No.44290811

Gura's aesthetic is 100x better than Kiara's. Even if they had switched models from the start, I bet the shark merch would still sell more

>> No.44291323

I skipped past the songs because they were boring

The impressions bit was cringe because it seemed like Gura and Ina didn't know much about the JP choobas they were impersonating

The math bit was entertaining but a bit too long

The part in her room was cute, but pretty aimless

>> No.44291376
File: 59 KB, 505x499, 1641495671809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the vtuber fad over in the west?
how I wish....

>> No.44291400 [DELETED] 

67k CCV while JP/SEA was still at work.
500k views in just 8 hours later.

But you all are right. Gura should have done better. Didn't think YT algorithm would so merciless. But if there was any in EN able to bring it back up, it's Gura. Will she stream again putting despair back into the competition? I see many praying that she does not. We'll have to wait and see.

>> No.44291456

t. pedophile
Gura really feeds into the pedobait hard. At least La+ and Kobo, who also have child-like models, don't try to bait pedophiles. Kobo always plays the little sister/daughter route and La+ at the very least isn't trying acting sexy at all for her fans. Gura is constantly trying to put on a cute middle schooler act. Gura is just straight up pedobait. Pedobait that you fell for. You deserve the rope and nothing more.

>> No.44291530

What exactly makes it a flop?
You being retarded? She had a Thursday night slot so no one in the EU or Japan could watch due to it being a Friday and thus work day there

Would've been 90k+ if she had been given a weekend slot too

>> No.44291635
File: 51 KB, 391x104, Gura3d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

67k CCV while JP/SEA was still at work.
508k views in just 8 hours later.

But you all are right. Gura should have done better. Didn't think YT algorithm would so merciless. But if there was any in EN able to bring it back up, it's Gura. Will she stream again putting despair back into the competition? I see many praying that she does not. We'll have to wait and see.

>> No.44291785

Anon, look at xQc's follower count to viewer rate and come back to the thread

>> No.44291797

Just face it. If the majority are pedos. Then pedos are the norm. Join them.

>> No.44292194

Seems there are a couple in /vt/ despite to take Gura down and move the goal post around to suit whatever they want; if she has the biggest guests then Gura is "number-fagging" if she doesn't have guests no cared to come; sing songs then it's not good enough; gets the biggest numbers it still doesn't count for some reason.

Never ending para socialism whirlpool.

>> No.44292496
File: 19 KB, 463x173, Gura3d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VOD doesn't even have 1 million views yet.
True, only 665k in a day. But don't worry, Gura has good steady VOD growth. It will reach 1 million.

>> No.44292592

This, if it was Council 3D I would be in that shit since none of them had it and I can see Fauna's feet for real

>> No.44292598

>is the vtuber fad over in the west?
i fuckin hope so

>> No.44292882

Gura is clearly burned out

>> No.44292883

>Gura sells merch because she acts in a way to bait pedos
Did you read my post at all? I said it's about aesthetic, not personality. A cute shark girl with a simple, distinctive outfit is just good design for a mascot character.

>If you find lolis cute then you must be sexually attracted to them, you pedophile!
I think you might be projecting a bit there

>> No.44292958

I've actually wondered how many people prefer watching through VODs they missed the Live for over seeing the highlights from clippers. I don't know Japanese but I always Korone's entire VODs in post, but other people only ever see her through clips.

>> No.44292988


>> No.44293902

Why streaming during JP/SEA work hours is a huge debuff. They may have seen the clips already and be satisfied. But the over 500k views in 8 hours showed that many still tuned in when got the chance to watch it.
While Gura's CCV is good, its her VOD view growth after the stream is what is impressive. Only surpassed by Marine's special events. Pretty good for an EN. And what actually matters to YT.

>> No.44293982

No idea if it's a flop or not, but I only bothered watching the parts with Marine and Pekora, take from that what you will.

>> No.44294110

You genuinely didn't miss anything

>> No.44294823

I see discussion of numbers but no one saying the stream was good.

>> No.44294915

i lost interest in her after she gave up on streaming

>> No.44294923

It was just a showcase you fucking retards.
Why would you expect debut numbers from this shit? She literally showed her 3D models like 5 times before.

>> No.44295041


>> No.44295069
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She was so cute. I'm proud of her.

>> No.44295103

Gura has literally 0 fans outside the US and Japan, the time slot was perfect.

>> No.44295732

anon has literally 0 brain cells, /vt/ is perfect

>> No.44297014

I feel sorry for anyone doing the same event after Gura. She raises the bar. Just like her skit in the HoloEN Advent Calendar. So glad she didn't do the normal showcase routine when her 3D has been out for months already.
Looking forward to Council's. They'll actually be true showcases.

>> No.44300594


>> No.44303571

I look forward to Council's because I enjoy watching them. I'm tired of all of Myth's crap.

>> No.44303618

Holy projection please do everyone a favor and stay away from any place containing children, im being serious

>> No.44303956

>worst time slot, in the middle of the week no less
>no special guest spoilers ahead of time
>ina, mori, kiara leadins were a complete shit show, caused people to nope out
>no idol activities or idol concert
>skits written to appeal to Japanese sensibilities, not the core audience
No though put into producing any of these shows, you have EN management to blame.

>> No.44304227

>Country Roads revival
>Sea shanties revival
>Ok boomer
>Belle Delphine
>Cunny shark doo doo doo doo ToT

Oh, what do you mean she's a serious streamer? I thought she was just a tik tok memer.

>> No.44304273

why not both?

>> No.44304713

Ames 4D was better

>> No.44304795
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>> No.44306359

She still has the most views. All of myth is in decline. Ina of all members, out performed Mori. Mori was a flop if you ask me.

>> No.44307500

I almost always watch vods instead of lives. I hate the pressure of trying not to miss shit live, I'd rather watch at my leisure and skip past boring parts or technical difficulties. Plus the internet is crap where I am, I'd rather watch HD vod than 280p live.

>> No.44307557

Too bad nobody watched that shit. Talk about a bomb, she got *half* of Gura's ccv.

>> No.44310696

EN Vtuber whores are worthless nowadays.
Even the runt of HoloX got nearly twice Gura's peak.

>> No.44311651

if you have 10% of people who subbed watching it's already a succes.

>> No.44311760

>also management forced JP segment

>> No.44313507

No cumpedo, Pekora and Marine do. Marine for rarely streaming, and Pekora for streaming on a daily basis.

>> No.44313558

>Marine for rarely streaming,
So Marine doesn't actually get the most views for any legitimate reason.

>> No.44313560

Pekora retweeted the stream hours before this happened. Nousagis knew, cumpedo.

>> No.44313731

You should have at least watched her sing Nippon Egao Hyakkei, it was kino

>> No.44314067

It's just a gaggle of antis, troons and feminists from lolcow farms who hate her. That's about it. Not only is Gura doing great and delivering excellent content, but vtubing in the West as a whole is healthy and has become both highly professional and sturdy. It achieved staying power. Tourists fucked off and that's obvious, but the core audience, the actual fans, number in the millions. Even youtube trying to cull EN's numbers didn't do jackshit. My assumption is this was ordered or a "service" bought from Google by Netflix, Hollywood or other such declining Western propaganda outlets. There's a fair chance even threads such as these are just paid bots or hitpieces, but I lean towards the above mentioned suspects.

Gura has a lot of meaningless and powerless enemies who resent her for making it, and that's about it. Every chuuba regardless of company or style gets her share of salty fucks who hate her, and it can effectively be used as a metric of success. Once hate threads start appearing about you it means you made it as a vtuber, or are at the verge of success.

>> No.44314116

You know a 3D presentation is so bad when people shitting on it many days after it aired.

>> No.44314931

Overall, vtuber is declining while the market is heavily competitive.
if bigest vtuber, Gura considers flop
then a small independent may not survive.
I can see how big comp may use "performance-based" and
force some people to graduate in exchange for better talent

For indie, the future is a dead end.

>> No.44315918

it had marine

>> No.44317295

Unannounced guests wont save her when all the good myths chubas already had their showcase

>> No.44317347

Yeah but how old are those accounts retard
25% vod views from millions of subs you gained in mere months is atrocious

>> No.44317462

they are sell merch, end of the story.

the real goal is to get millions of views and sell merch.

you just too based to see the truth

>> No.44317508

this reads like a bizzaro world post kek. Almost none of that is true

>> No.44318018

>mere months
>2 years ago
>many days
>1 day ago
My god... Do you schizos know how to count?

>> No.44318251

>>mere months
>>2 years ago
Thats over 150k subs every month
24months but only about 4 months of people came around for one of her biggest events ever
Thats an insane rate of people losing interest

>> No.44318497

Honestly, if Myth were to re-debut nowadays, everyone but Gura would be around Council #s and Gura would probably be around 1.2 million subs.

>> No.44318604

All of these posts are from a Russian troll farm working to bring down vtubing in the west comrade. You can see how YT is linked to this based on their history.

Gura is powered by space lasers. She's streamed less because of increased cloud cover caused by climate change.

>> No.44318652

I've seen alot of people of late talking about how Gura's singing, both in songs and live karaokes, has degraded over the past couple years. Really feels like she has lost the spark to care.

>> No.44318726

I can definitely buy into this rrat that Gura is checking out due to reaching the end of her patience on dealing with feckless management for 2.5 years

>> No.44319026

True, it only started in the homo beggar era. What cultural monopoly were they pushing? Same colonial shit as always.

>> No.44319176

Starting to think this dead sub meme is cope that gura blew through those milestones before any JP

>> No.44319688

>I don’t watch gura
>let me assume Gura’s relationships within hololive and her own ideas for live
Where do you ‘concernfags’ come from? This is series of larping is sad.
If you’re being serious you’re just a newfag, Gura talked about pekora and how they get along and Gura literally said Marine was the JP member who made her feel welcomed into hololive and cried over her.
The 3D showcase itself is EXACTLY the kind of shit that Gura would come up with, she herself said she wanted to do something different and all of it is shit she either talked about wanting to do before or have done

>> No.44319807

overreacting? on the internet? inconceivable.
everyone online thinks of things objectively and considers all reasonable views before speaking.

>> No.44321386

No streams, no tweets, no interactions with fans. Getting the numbers she got was a big success.

>> No.44321782

>doesn't stream
>ghosts fans
>retarded anons couldn't figure why her shit flopped

>> No.44322346

>Gura flops
-This proves being cunny is not enough.
-HoloEN lost it's popularity.
-Releasing HoloEN3 would be a mistake.

>> No.44322822

This proves people should fucking STREAM so their numbers dont drop

>> No.44322953

Why does the so called "rarity buff" not apply to Gura?

>> No.44322995
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We now have a million smaller corps with way more fun content out there. Holo EN will only keep bleeding fans. Only thing that could save it would be very good EN3.

>> No.44323046

guras a complacent lazy moron that spent forever ghosting her fans and doing her absolute best to squander the ridiculous opportunity she was given on a silver platter

no shit it flopped, the only thing gura doesn't hate about her fans is how they'll throw money at her unconditionally

>> No.44323210

What is the point, they will not be discovered by the algorithm, since Gura is leeching all the attention away from the other girls by merely existing, especially from casuals that could boost them in popularity

>> No.44323255

Fans are tired of not being listened to. No matter how much the trannies try to astroturf it, the truth is that EN management makes terrible decision after terrible decision. Announcing Tempus 2 so soon after the first and before EN3 was the last straw for many. This is the actual truth but trannies and Homobeggars will say that vtubing is dying. It's not. Those faggots murdered the hobby. It was our shit until they fucked it up, like they fuck everything up.

>> No.44323336
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>le vod views

>> No.44323404

Gura's massive decline is 100% real but despite that she's still easily one of the most successful vtubers on the planet. If she can keep making a lot of money while being lazy as fuck she will.

>> No.44323471

no point on following her, i dont care about her retarded model and idol shit, gaming streams and dank memes, thats all i want from her, if she cant deliver then fuck her, there are better vtubers to follow.

>> No.44323504

You either force them to stream more, release EN3 or change policy allowing for more risky content. It's either that or continuous decline.

>> No.44323681

Why are you comparing a song to streams? Are you sure you want to go down this path?

>> No.44323766

>Gura's massive decline is 100%
>Source: My shizo wet dreams

>> No.44323799

Just look at the numbers retard.

>> No.44323823
File: 960 KB, 1700x800, 108091705979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's skits were really funny and she did a great job

>> No.44323961

1 is more than 10 guests including Gura and Gura stream was cut by half thanks to the ENmanagers with only 4 jps and Kroni. But you are a shizos and anti posting this shit numbers thread and make them fun of you and been obliterated but of course, you're still seething and need to make another bait thread after numberfags humillated you

>> No.44324024

Go back to numberfag thread then retardchama instead crying in the corner and making a bait thread here because the make fun of you.

>> No.44324064

So Gura can definitely get more views but she needs the same number of JP guests to do it.

>> No.44324131

Ask ENmanagers to stop cut her concerts by half

>> No.44324212

Why is your English so bad?

>> No.44324273

Why are these shitposts allowed to stay but any thread making fun of Vesper "sex pest" Noir gets deleted?
