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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44266162 No.44266162 [Reply] [Original]

Come on...you can't seriously expect me to believe this.
You don't even get to 1 hour considering talking segments and merch shilling and some of the songs barely have any choreography.
Then an actual sololive that is close to 3 hours of actual performing takes 1.5 years to get done?

>> No.44266438

Then we have the company, some of the holos and many users here talk about their quality as performers and idols.
Well, real idols do a tens of concerts in a 6 months period, all way over an hour. And they do them live and often without lip-syncing.
Holos do mini-concerts like a kid pretending to ride a bike but is actually riding a tricycle with 2 extra small wheels.

>> No.44266545

They aren't going to be in a perfect linear relationship. Rehearsing the songs/dance routines etc. will be directly proportional to prep time but creating merch, schedules, locations etc. etc. is going to be a similar time where the concert lasts 30 minutes or 3 hours.

>> No.44266667

>hi pegora can you appear in my concert later this year?
>uhh I'll get back to you pego
>few month passes
>i'm too busy that day sorry pego!
this counts as few months of prep time

>> No.44266748

If you only practice like 1hour at weak then take 3 month of practice to learn at choreography but you need time to reserve the day of concernt and like you said the merch take time too (depends what kind of merch if something poorly like ninjisanji pins so one month for it its enough time)

Yes I believe you are so retard and this isnt shitposting

>> No.44266756

We can expect many more threads like this as fes approaches

>> No.44266784

It a usual lie that every vtuber say to her fanbase, to make it like they work hard and are all about their vtuber life, but the real reason is to keep unicorns and retards believing that they don't have a life outside vtubing.

All of them are women with lots of money and with a lot of free time, so obviously they spend their time with friends, partying,with their boyfriends or husband, sometime even their kids.

>> No.44266845

Keep projecting your Western retardation. Japanese women are pure and don't do that shit

>> No.44266868

their friends, boyfriends, husbands & kids? all me

>> No.44266918

>The back and forth with management on what to put in the show
>The process of getting all the guests together and also prepping their material (especially if they’re enlisting the help of someone like an EN)
>Booking studio time for rehearsals, recording, etc
>engineering the prerecorded performances to make them listenable (for some holos)
Reckon it’s the paperwork shenanigans, over indulgence and jap autism that take a considerable amount of time
id imagine they could just do something more stripped down with their original material and fully live to save the time and recording sessions but.. I don’t know if there’s too many holos who can do that

>> No.44267330

Miko says in the clip that she her workload nowadays is 50% streaming 50% non-streaming which puts her at around 30 hours per week.
But funny enough she is in the upper-middle in numbers of hours streamed and, i don't have an insider knowledge, but by my impression she does equal or more sponsor, merch, shill work than any other holo so this must certainly mean that most other holos put less than 30 hours per week, maybe closer to 20 hours.
Hololive truly is a very well remunerated part-time job.

>> No.44267457

Is true. Especially when you have to memorize everything in between dancing and singing and asian autism about things needed to be perfect. Plus they need to tell their government in advance and get okay for the concert which takes months.

>> No.44267495

Several months sure but half a fucking year sorry Miko that's a fucking lie, perfect example would be Coco's graduation or hell any graduation, contracts are normal signed for a year and most talent aren't going to wait midway through a year to not reup they'll know by the end of the last months or so before the reup, yet we had time for her to go through the China arc AND prep for her 3D live? not buying it even gen4 said they only had 3 months knowledge advanced than the viewers.

If it took half a year that wouldn't make sense for all the lives that get canceled or moved back because they'd been recording them months in advance.

>> No.44267604

ITT: Anons discover what lead times are

>> No.44267945

>but by my impression she does equal or more sponsor, merch, shill work than any other holo
Your impression is terrible

>> No.44268001

>Plus they need to tell their government in advance and get okay for the concert which takes months.
Anon, she's talking about Youtube-only 3D lives.
And memorizing everything is false too since they're recording at different sessions.

>> No.44268106

There are 35 girls in jp
Only one studio. Is not like they use it for a few hours and the next comes in.
A girl or group of girls will take the whole studio for herslef for the whole day and just for on session.
They reqlly need to finish the new studio.by yesterday

>> No.44268140

I'm sure we'll have many experienced people in the entertainment industry posting in this thread.

>> No.44268302

>Miko says half a year of prep work
>Anon believes it's half a year of full time studio preproduction

>> No.44268553

>Holos do mini-concerts like a kid pretending to ride a bike but is actually riding a tricycle with 2 extra small wheels.
I'm fucking dying

>> No.44268691

Think about all of the workers involved in making one of these. You've got:
>audio engineers
>people who manage the software involved
>people making 3D models and outfits
>people making 3D effects
>motion tracking people and the dancers they hire
>social media bullshit
>not to mention the talents themselves
There's a lot that I'm missing here but you get the idea. Each of these things takes time to get working properly and not everything is happening in sync. I think the live show that Ironmouse did a while back took like 2 years to put together.

>> No.44269155

Meanwhile on EN side you've got Ame building her own studio.

>> No.44269417

Miko is not a fulltime idol so she can't spend as much time practicing dancing and singing. Regular idols don't stream long hours many times a week like her nor have a say on the merch, songs, etc they release.
Holomems are more self-managed than regular idols, stream a lot (at least most of jp) and also take into account they have like one 3D studio to film the live and if you invite 12 guests then you have to learn like 6 dances, plus the songs she's gonna sing by herself, etc.
So yeah, it can take 6 months, and that can be because of the studio alone as she has said you really need to prepare 3D stuff like half a year before because the studio booking is insane.

>> No.44269638

>Miko is not a fulltime idol so she can't spend as much time...
Because she is busy working her fulltime job, math teacher?

>> No.44269729

You know how to write but not how to read. Interesting.

>> No.44269791
File: 404 KB, 615x557, 1658810389456642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you all are fucking morons. please. like you guys are genuine fucking retards. all of you.

>> No.44270013

Don't forget the autism about every one of those steps needing at least 3 meetings on top.

>> No.44270286

I mean, their game permissions guy went on vacation for months. Hololive loves their 3-month vacations so they're missing 1/4th of their staff at any given moment and have to wait for them to come back.

>> No.44270597

>Well, real idols do a tens of concerts in a 6 months period, all way over an hour.
If the hololive talents just did their lives on the same shared generic stage with a single static camera and no effects, I'm sure they'd get a lot more lives done too.

>> No.44270740

Well, they do in fact share all of the 3D backgrounds they use if you watch them, including the main stage with a little decoration that i doubt that much time to put and the holos aren't the ones doing it anyways.

>> No.44270774

Retards here don't know about the logistics needed to prepare for an event.

>> No.44271374

They tend to use some shared stages for the anniversary and birthday lives, and I imagine those take a lot less time to produce. However, some of those as well as all sololives get brand new stages that have to be built from the ground up.

>> No.44272181

Miko works hard.

>> No.44272427

Yogiri did a 3D concert that was so much better than holofes that it started getting memed on how fucking awful it was, and that took 1 month. If they're taking that long then the entire staff of cover is complete dogshit

>> No.44272537

Yeah, holofes can be prepared in like 1 month. Cover is incompetent. My The Chinese should manage hololive so that they can achieve the 1 month

>> No.44272707

They can take however long they want as long as the quality reflects that, not something from a third rate indie company

>> No.44272881

Well what you gonna expect? Moron gonna do a bad faith discussion by comparing something they don't even know just to justify their mental illness.

>> No.44273776
File: 166 KB, 850x850, 72A1BE64-BEEC-420C-80DA-465764EE8BC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more collab the longer it gets. I mean, umisea for example. There’s 5 people that have to go to 1 place at the same time to have good concert.

>> No.44274575

kek. Usual /vt/ retardation

>> No.44274980 [DELETED] 

You ain't a gook, you're a mutt nigger AT BEST. Keep seething subhuman

>> No.44278774

Believe it

>> No.44280640
File: 1.38 MB, 224x224, clip-windows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're reading this, Broadway performances take more than that to prepare, so I'm not fazed by that statement. Months of preparation for 2-2.5 hrs of performances is pretty common. Then you got to do those performances everyday 2-3 times a day for several weeks. Musicals and plays are genuinely a beautiful performance but are a slog to prepare for. There's also the fact that things can go horribly wrong (e.g. sickness, injury, accidents on set, nobody comes).

>> No.44280710

but anon how dare you put logic into the board that evokes gossip

>> No.44280729

EOP faggot, you should know Japanese really like their paperworks and meetings bullshit. If something can be done over the phone, they will do it in person to "show respect", only the pandemic was able to nerf that.

>> No.44281112

It takes six months because it takes six months. Not because the amount of work, effort and coordination involved actually constitutes six months worth of full or even part time work for those involved but because that's the timeline that those people have allocated to it from "hey I want to book the studio for my birthday" "yeah cool I'll let you know to performance.

>> No.44281318
File: 5 KB, 225x224, clippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I know that. That's why I've [REDACTED] the thread in order to prevent more bumps.

>> No.44282115

Comparing a Broadway production from casting to curtains opening night to a mocapped performance in unreal that's half to a third the length is retarded.
t. theatrecunt
