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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44241464 No.44241464 [Reply] [Original]

>pomu says she knew months in advance
>opened the topic saying she was crying and had a migraine because of the announcement
>gyari says it was planned long in advance
>opened the stream by saying it was originally going to be just about VOMS park
they're really lying out of their asses just to appease the men in dresses, aren't they?

>> No.44241486


>> No.44241578

Even if it was true, how is
>OK we did in fact harass her into not streaming le wizard game and made her go into another break because of it, but IT'S FINE BECAUSE IT SHE WAS GOING TO GRADUATE ANYWAYS
an argument?

>> No.44241763
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This, graduation may have been planned but it's not like they didn't do anything either. But it's just how they play, seen enough of it before.

>> No.44241837


>> No.44241950

Pomu said she knew when pika went on break, which implies the recent break I think.

>> No.44242083

The reaction of tertiary vtubers and indies should tell you everything you need to know. Nobody will say it directly but everyone knows through the grapevine that it was the troon harassment that broke the proverbial kettle's back.

t. knower

>> No.44242229

Shylily also talked with Pikamee day after her graduation announcement. I bet Pika just forgot to said that it was planned for a long time and insulted Twittards just out of context

>> No.44242375

Ye i'm starting to trully believe that the "it was planned long ago" is just some bullshit. It was originaly based on the original anouncement tweet interpreted very ad lib.

>> No.44242382

I mean, grain of salt and all, bit it'd be interesting if some knowers did use /VT/ to vent about it

>> No.44242467

Do you really think Gyari and JP managers of VOMS give a shit about twitter idiots crying?

>> No.44242546

>managers of VOMS
all 0 of them?

>> No.44242669

I think you are right OP.

>> No.44242860

yeah, ultimately even if it’s true that the graduation was coming anyway, we still lost a month of pikamee playing a game she was excited for right before the end. that’s plenty of reason to be mad

>> No.44242948

>>opened the topic saying she was crying and had a migraine because of the announcement
OOT. I hate when women says fake stuff like this. shocked? yes but crying?! no

>> No.44243211

Pomu was crying because she knew that Zaion was graduating

>> No.44243330

>they're really lying out of their asses just to appease the men in dresses, aren't they?
It's 2023. What do you think? Things are going to be worse this year. I hope this is the worse so eventually things can start improving.

>> No.44243402


Well we have living examples of troon takeovers that run things into the ground so with time the dilator crew will destroy themselves.

>> No.44243538

No! Don’t EVEN give them this, don’t accept a single one of their retarded paradigms, every single piece of information coming out now is lies designed to support their behavior and excuse it!

Trannies harassed Pikamee into graduation, and no pink capital gaslighting will change what I saw happen with my own eyes.

>> No.44243919 [DELETED] 

Trannies absolutely REFUSE to leave any community alone. They are a sexually degenerate, traditionless, undisciplined and more obessed with sex more than a prono producer or the most endowed coomers wank arm.
Trannies deserve no respect, for they are incapable of respecting their own bodies, or their own minds. Trannies are also 6X more likely to molest children, so there is that as well.
I came over here from /pol/ cause you vtuber fans NEED TO DECIDED WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. This pikamee girl seems to be a Mr. Rogers-esque type of wholesome.
Are you just gonna sit back and let these sex obessed psychotics destroy such wholesomeness unharmed?
Most likely you all will. And that saddens me. This girl will have no justice for what has been done to her, and not even her fans and admirers will lift a finger to see her attackers brought low.

>> No.44243921

Give me time stamp pls and I ask you as friend

>> No.44243974

Worth reiterating: Pomu did not say she knew "months in advance".

>> No.44244950 [DELETED] 

Tranny destroyed all Pikamee threads because they didn't make headway in any of them. Just want to say I'm proud that you are standing up against hypocrisy, I honestly hope they apologize to her publicly before she graduates.

>> No.44245252

>known liar and femanon

>> No.44245296

Knowing how a lot are /here/ makes sense if they did

>> No.44245526

It's a fair argument against "you troons made pikamee graduate, therefore..."

>> No.44245817

take your meds or you won't even believe what it says on your eviction notice

>> No.44246972

no matter how it affected her, >TRANNIES HARASSED PIKAMEE
no matter what kind of damage control they do they can't erase that fact

trannies, kys

>> No.44247445

They can and they routinely do. Ever heard of Gamergate ?

>> No.44247707
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It's like you know a loved one, even a pet, is dying but you can still cry when they finally pass.
Just let people mourn and grieve. We don't need to scrutinize others this far, you're approaching the same level of the ones who hurt Pikamee.

>> No.44248367

I know feelings are running strong, but just paying hatred forwards is one of the least productive things you can do, and simply makes then feel justified.
Denial is far more effective.

Not it means much, I'm still pretty torn up over pika

>> No.44248434

The exact same people who bullied her because of her model change or because she played TLoU2 are now blaming trannies for her graduation.

You are all guilty and should kill yourselves. No less counts as a proper apology.

>> No.44248496

Oh and if you want to condemn something condemn bullying rather than blindly shouting about tranniws, way more moral high ground

>> No.44248559 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 861x599, 3ACECFCF-E8A3-45E3-976A-93DA7CCF7F13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is clearly lying bitch

>> No.44248611

I'm pretty sure Pika was talking about plans for the coming year during the new years stream too, correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.44248644

Of course

>> No.44248775

So discord polfags. I always knew it was them just like the aliarcher dude is a discord polfag aswell if you read his stance on lolis. Problem is the talent and even those painted responsible for this won't believe any of this. Also wasn't silvervale paying gift cards to discord polfags to shit up the board?

>> No.44248941 [DELETED] 
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I wish you a merry TTD

>> No.44248965
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>look it up
>it’s real
Is it really that hard for these people to not push their shit into every little thing? They’re the modern day Jehovah’s Witness at this point.

>> No.44249063

Honestly if she ever reincarnates I hope it's at Holo or Niji just so she could be insulated from all this garbage. Using other people for your culture war is absolutely insidious.

>> No.44249127
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check the creator's twitter account
go on tweets and replies
report back

>> No.44249138


>> No.44249146

You might be privileged enough to "not care about politics" but for trans folks that's not possible. Keep that in mind.

>> No.44249228

Hence the harassment.

>> No.44249495

>t. Westboro Baptist Church

>> No.44249517

Ah, in full deflection and narrative control mode now. Nice.

>> No.44249532

NijiEN must go

>> No.44249746

Is that an actually reasonable thread of discussion I see?
one that distinguishes between 'muh troons' 'but this is not proof!' and 'YOU DID THIS'?

Oh shit, it's almost like someone on this board has a brain cell.

>> No.44249919

There's definitely a few that strongly implied that harassment played a major part in the decision

>> No.44249987

lol nice headcannon. Pomu can't be taken at her word on this.
proof that pomu is lying with an agenda and supports harassment of vtubers.

>> No.44250033

Not her website

>> No.44250057

Yes, exactly. Harassment from people like this >>44248434 played a major part of pikame's long them harassment and depression.
Wizard game was just a blip.

>> No.44250101 [DELETED] 
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>This entire tweet
>in another tweet linked to fucking Jim Sterling as an explanation for “why JKR bad”

>> No.44250147

I mean, we just have to wait until enough of them 52% themselves. Won't take long. They're a fragile bunch. Spam the YWNBAW copypasta to speed things along.

>> No.44250167

It absolutely is.
Certain parties just made sure that they have to.
The same that refer to every arbitrary characteristic a human can have with 'the (X) community" when no such a thing really exists and the vast majority are individuals in multiple lose groups.

It's all head canon. What isn't is the harassment. You are entitled to be angry about that.
You are entitled to seek blame. But blame the people doing it not the people they hide behind. Blame their philosophies, blame their stupid 'by any means necessary' attitude.

Discrimination never justifies discrimination.

>> No.44250421

Doesn't help that most internet social justice warriors are virtue signalling cunts with more skeletons in their closets than the Paris catacombs

>> No.44250441

I agree with you, but the problem here is that the majority of people that frequent this board already hated trans people in the first place, and they've made their mind about what they think they are by reposting all kinds of mean-spirited parodies and taking extreme isolated events at face value, so they'll take all and any excuse to generalize and feel justified in this "counter"attack. Your words, as reasonable as they are, will unfortunately fall on deaf ears. They don't want to listen: they just want to hate.

>> No.44250472
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Why must they force their shit onto everything? Fuckin hell.

>> No.44250533

Trannyism is entirely about forcing normal people to accept the mental illness and delusions of trannies, there is nothing discriminatory about hating them all and wanting them all dead, they are all the same

>> No.44250698

I want to be reasonable and have no personal hated. But denying that going caught in a harassment campaign didn't affect pika adversely is just a dick move, if you indeed, still have one.

>> No.44250714

now add the stream of Kson talking about it and relating it to mean people with nothing to do that just wants to harrass people on the internet. Pika and Gyari obviously are just going for the positive route in order to not fuck up Voms Park and the rest of Voms, and Pomu is a lying whore.
Kson very naturally said she just talked to Pika at the time of streaming, related a little about internet mobs (for the whole Coco thing) and blamed them for Pika

>> No.44250715

Yes, the narcissists that make this about them.

Then they should do the smart thing and use trannies that liked pikamee to dismantle the thing from the inside. Sowing division by making people call out the group from the 'inside' would be the most effective.

You are talking about Queer Theory, Derrick Bell, Ibram X Kendi and their ilk, but use trannies. Your failure to differentiate strengthens your enemy.

>> No.44250821

Pomu didn't lie about anything.

>> No.44250909

Got a video of the kson stuff?

>> No.44250956

>But blame the people doing it not the people they hide behind.
These are the same people.
>Blame their philosophies, blame their stupid 'by any means necessary' attitude.
Philosophies and attitudes that are facilitated in their community. The reason I and other people use “community” in this way is because we know it’s not all trans people that are doing this, but the ones in the “community” are the ones doing this. Plenty of gays don’t consider themselves part of the LGBT community because of shit like this. It’s not hard to separate yourself from it. Would it be better if we said “trans activists” instead? At the end of the day, it’s still people who are trans that are the aggressors and harassers regardless of what additional label you tack onto it.
>Discrimination never justifies discrimination.
I don’t disagree with this but there’s a reason we’re seeing outcry against the entire group. We saw similar cause and effect with feminism. I’m sure there’s good “feminists” out there too but radical feminism left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth and ruined the image of the entire group. I don’t agree with discrimination on an individual level but it’s natural for acts like this to sour the entire group’s image in the eyes of the people.

>> No.44250998

case in point, this guy right here.
Huh? I'm not denying that at all, I'm sure it affected her, all I'm saying is that I have not seen anybody here actually band together and attack the actual people responsible for the harrassment, despite reposting pics of all those cases, only pure KILL ALL TRANNIES shit, which does nothing but muddy the waters, and makes everyone mock the cause. Plus, innocents get caught in the crossfire.

>> No.44251057

There's a translated clip out there.

>> No.44251067

I never liked her a whole lot because of how much she cried about how it was hard to be mixed race in Japan. As if opening the get to that would be good.
But I still didn't fucking harass the girl or run her off the internet.

>> No.44251126

NTA, I don't watch much Kson, so I've only watched this clip h
Ther eis another larger one going around, but I think it's best to watch the stream itself

>> No.44251167

>These are the same people.
No they aren't. You're a victim of selection bias within that group. Their definition of virtue is oppression, whether imagined or otherwise, as such people that aren't will do the boogaloo to become the most virtuous, including self mutliation. It's part of the characteristic of the cult.
>Would it be better if we said “trans activists” instead?
Yes. Because most people have moldy bread in between their ears and the so called activists will use the other one to their advantage.
> I’m sure there’s good “feminists” out there too
No there is not.

>> No.44251233 [DELETED] 

I've seen atleast 3 clip channels on their comments defending trannies.
Clippers were trannies all along weren't they?

>> No.44251294

It's more like they're scared of the backlash. Only a few like Tenma are speaking out. Because VOMS' excuse doesn't hold up when Pikamee said she was excited to go back to streaming approx a month ago before she was bullied for announcing to play Hogwarts Legacy.

>> No.44251320

It's almost like its easy to think like a person if you aren't a pippaworm.

>> No.44251363

They probably just want attention and be seen as "the good guys". They probably also think that now trannies will watch their shitty clips.

>> No.44251385

pippa is okay. stupid but okay.

>> No.44251395

kek, just because there exist people in the world that don't want them killed doesn't mean they're trans themselves, have you ever heard of allies, or even regular people that don't really have any reason to attack them for being different? Or I guess if we want to follow everyone's logic here I guess damage control would also be a good reason, but honestly I see no reason why a clipper shouldn't want to tardwrangle their comment section when clipping a sensitive issue.

>> No.44251400

The troons coming to this board are all working under the assumption that people are only hating on trannies because they harassed her. What a bunch of fucking morons. People hate trannies because you are all nasty freaks trying to force youe mental illness down other people's throats. The entire existence of trannies is based around forcing the entire human population to recognize them as the opposite sex. They are all subhuman by default. They try their hardest to use the same arguments that gays did, but those arguments don't hold because two faggots making out alone in their own home is not the same as you autistically screeching at clerks to get them to call you "ma'am" and fully developed men destroying women in women's sports.

>> No.44251414
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All of your arguments are now null seeing as how you’re a hypocrite. Don’t discriminate against groups unless it’s feminists, I guess? Nothing you have to say is even worth reading at this point. But hey, at least you proved my point about soured opinions being natural!

>> No.44251429

It is simple really, Pika Was having a hard time since the end of last year, family issues, health issues, Agomy was also having her own problems that affected Pika greatly, her big comeback was going to be the harry potter game, in mermership posts you could see she wanted to stream again, she was hyped as fuck, and the trannies delivered the last blow.

>> No.44251435 [DELETED] 

Why don't you fags ever spam /lgbt/? you hate trannies yet talk about them behind their backs? show me your perma ban from /lgbt/

>> No.44251496 [DELETED] 

because trannies are solely clipwatchers, if at all

>> No.44251506

Do you think Pomu made the "im pomu" website? Do you think it has any actual sway over her opinions?
Could this thread possibly be part a smear campaign against Pomu as a "liar" in support of the trannies because you don't have dirt against her that won't get you banned?

>> No.44251537

Because some people understand that it’s wrong to go and harass people you don’t agree with. Shocking, I know!

>> No.44251550

>why don't you waste your free time invading communities you hate and destroying them instead of doing things you like
Maybe because I'm not a a tranny

>> No.44251554

I don't even know why you're bothering, this entire board is just phase/holofags hating on niji.

>> No.44251557

No, because the current iteration of feminism is inherently oxymoronic.
Not only that but the underlying ideas are already expressed in other schools of thoughts, leaving the label only to those who want to use it for the sake of oppression points.
You can be a good feminist, in the classical sense, simply by being a liberal in the classical sense.

>> No.44251578

because shitting other's spaces is reserved for trannies

>> No.44251609

Obviously you don't because you call them pedophiles and groomers, if you hate trannies stop being a pussy and be honest about it. Show me your /lgbt/ perma.

>> No.44251623

there are not enough Pomu watchers for that to happen, I doubt she made the site, but I think Pomu is probably like Lia from PC in her roomate account, a normie lefty Translivesmatter poster

>> No.44251674

Because we're not as mentally ill as them. Invading communities and ruining them is something only they do.

>> No.44251707 [DELETED] 

>they said
>while literally organizing a twitter campaign that started with trying to out froot for supporting a tranny fundraiser
I just wish you fags would do something interesting like back when gamergate was around.
All of this faggy backtalk is incredibly boring and just shits up the catalog, at least make a general so I can filter you.

>> No.44251713

Except you lumped all feminists together in the exact same way that I lump the trans community together. Don’t try to backpedal now. Your arguments are void.

>> No.44251717
File: 24 KB, 413x288, 1583509867329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there really any proof that actual harassment happened? From what I see, 99% of 'harassment' was just people asking her not to play the game or trolls. Pika is known to interpret all criticism as bullying, like when people disliked her model change.

>> No.44251739

I literally have no idea what you are talking about deranged tranny

>> No.44251782

That's a good majority of women

>> No.44251799

Okay culture war tranny.

>> No.44251809

>victim blaming
New low

>> No.44251856

All I'm asking for is proof
Surely you have something besides 1-2 screenshots of tweets by obvious trolls or falseflags?

>> No.44251865 [DELETED] 

>stay on my space
>trannies invade and shit on it
>tell them to fuck off

>> No.44251903

Not sure where you think I’ve said that but I call groomers what they are, groomers. If you think that applies to all trans people then maybe the fault lies with you? And I won’t stoop to your level, as much as you wish I would.

>> No.44251922

I wont. Traditional feminists are the enablers of the third wave. They lose all rights to calling themselves feminists by calling them out because those problems that ended in the third wave are present already in the first generation. Getting rid of them turns the philosophy into one of liberalism or libertarianism.

>> No.44251928

Feel free to link the VOD of the Hogwarts stream

>> No.44251934

Well, this degenerated quickly

>> No.44251946

you'll filter yourself out given enough time anyway

>> No.44251965 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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whenever I see someone even for a little defending or being nice to trannies I want to remind them:
they did this to Pika, they go around inserting themselves into everything you love, being Vtubing, videogames, TV, Movies, Comics, or even social and IRL. and when any of the people here defend, even a little these fucks I want them to know, that behind the twitter and board wall, behind the cute anime and colorful pics, PIC RELATED is what you are throwing your dignity away to defend.
Jannies this is related to the thread AND the board, completely ok to talk about it

>> No.44251975

Because all of the proof is some retard catalogfag pretending to be a tranny. What actually happened was probably a JP utaite who was close to her getting angry at Pika, since most of them are trannies and actually pay attention to western tranny shit.
Same thing with vale and froot, they probably had an argument which the actual reason she started crying. Froot was being passive aggressive way before that.

>> No.44251985

fucking retard

>> No.44252000

I've seen a few pictures of Twitter accounts saying shit like "she deserved it because she was a lolicon" etc.
But for the most part, they were all "literal who"
I looked into some of them, some of them were obvious trolls that were literally just trying to cause a shitstorm and accomplished just that, others were underaged and the few that remained elsewhere, were v-tweeters with on average under 100 followers each.
The problem is, pikamee has been harassed all of her life, she obviously doesn't want to make waves any more than she has already. So she listened to trolls and literal who's and then went on a break because of it.
I won't say that there weren't some people who were harassing her, nor will I say that it's her fault, but I will say that the harassment seems to be a bit overblown in comparison to the blowback of said harassment

>> No.44252037

They probably just want the kettle to have a clean exit. Quitting because of getting bullied is really bad on record.

>> No.44252059 [DELETED] 
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Fuckung retard

>> No.44252082

>they go around inserting themselves into everything you love, being Vtubing, videogames, TV, Movies, Comics, or even social and IRL

Sorry to inform you, that's just classical subversion tactics. Not a mental illness.
Very different cures. The latter requires a psychiatry, the former fire.

>> No.44252120

Did you specify traditional feminists when you said that there is no good feminist? No. So why should I specify trans activists and not the entire community? You’ve already proven me right by generalizing and rejecting and entire group of people yourself. Anything you say now is just digging yourself a deeper hole.

>> No.44252123

Wtf is this retarded campaign trying to paint Pomu as the devil. Why the fuck are you trying to help Pikamee by shitting on her friend and taking everything she says at zero good faith. And not even relaying what she is actually saying, just making shit up and putting words in her mouth. I dont get it, what is the goal? Should we go and harass Pomu now? Why are you doing this "for Pikamee"?

This is like the 15th thread the last day that is trying to paint Pomu as this evil liar that is working against Pikamee

>> No.44252140

And they're doing it in bad faith. They say
>look what THOSE fuckers did to Pikamee
now they're trying to blemish another vtuber
I fucking hate these ALL these people "fighting."

>> No.44252169 [DELETED] 

This is what I mean, you fags are so obsessed with optics. Back when GG was around and proper we actually did shit to fix our community. Email corpos, email advertisers social pushing.
It's a fucking shame that the farms are the last place with people actually willing to do what needs to be done then just shitting into some perpetual culture war toilet.
I hope metokur beats the cancer if for no other reason than you fags needing an actual role model.

>> No.44252202

blowback happened because she's one the most inoffensive target of harassment you could've picked. She literally just wanted to play the game and have fun on her stream.

>> No.44252227

Like I said, Pika is unusually sensitive to criticism and interprets it as bullying
This has happened before, like when people said they didn't like her new models as much
Several people who made tweets which made Pika cry in the past even apologized because they didn't think it would upset her

I don't think this was the harassment campaign /vt/ wants people to believe it is

>> No.44252257


>> No.44252260

Because traditional feminism is already an abberation. If I want to pick out the few good ones, I don't refer to them as feminists.

>> No.44252282

Its infinity.

>> No.44252299 [DELETED] 
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here is the list so could check it by yourself are they a faggot or not

>> No.44252333

If I say I don't like Pika's new model as much, is that bullying?

>> No.44252332

"if you don't let trannies do whatever they want you are a gamergater"
go suck a cock, you'll probably like it

>> No.44252340

Because we're not hypocrites, generally.

>> No.44252352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44252392

>So why should I specify trans activists and not the entire community?
Because the term community forces everyone under the label into the same discussion when it's used. with things like ideologies, that's fine, because you choose to have that brainworm.
Having a dismorphic mental illness is just the middle finger of god.

>> No.44252409

That's the opposite of what I said tranny, learn to read.

>> No.44252415

She even cancelled the stream but that didn't stop the harassment

>> No.44252425

imagine not only getting bullied out of your job, but being morally obligated to run cover for the people responsible, just so that they can continue to feel comfortable harassing others when they get the itch
grim times ahead for everyone west of Eurasia

>> No.44252436

Hi there. If it's not an illness, then there is no obligation for society to help.

>> No.44252444

And I don’t consider food trans people part of the “community.” But rules for thee and not for me, right?

>> No.44252464

It's strange because from the reaction of pomu I saw she was genuinely devastated by the news. And clearly loved pika a lot.

>> No.44252476

NTA but I'll use the word community because back when the harassment was at its peak, no ally nor member was speaking out about it. Everyone kept silent, and silence is either enabling or compliance.

>> No.44252508

I mean sure, I understand the blowback and I'm not saying that the blowback is wrong or anything like that, I'm just saying that I'm seeing a lot more people post about the blowback than I am seeing evidence of actual legitimate people who were super opposed to her playing it .
Like I said, unfortunately when I looked into some of the accounts that were posting about her in a negative light, they were either underaged, v tweeters with tens of followers, or they were trolls literally designed to get a rise out of a community and cause problems probably from /pol/ or /v/ with some of them having names like "___goyslop" and being created in January of 2023 or accounts with Chinese flags next to transflags in their usernames claiming to be Communists (also created this year coincidentally)
There's a lot of evidence that points to pikamee listening to trolls and literalwhos and letting them have an influence on her thoughts and feelings towards streaming a game

>> No.44252528

NYPA also fuck off glowie
Except this has happened to multiple people already. Are you really this daft?

>> No.44252546

taking lessons from the harassers I see.
Go ahead, give them the ammunition to fire back. At all of us.

>> No.44252578

You are a literal cuck calling me a glowie? do you realize how tame saying to email corpos and advertisers is?

>> No.44252609

>than I am seeing evidence of actual legitimate people who were super opposed to her playing it .
Not that anon but there was a lot of evidence. I myself saw them try to shit on Moona and Pekora when they were starting out playing HL. There's even a trans vtuber shitting on Pikamee, forgot the name though.

>> No.44252626

Just tons of deflection. Trying to hide it with essay replies

>> No.44252630

Which ESG funded company are you planning to send emails to?

>> No.44252687

You'll need to do more than that to gaslight me. What makes me better than them morally is that they harassed Pikamee and all the other streamers unprovoked. Hogwarts Legacy has not killed a single tranny, yet the whole community acts like it has. This is just retaliation.

>> No.44252693

And yet leftists win them over by doing it.

>> No.44252701 [DELETED] 

Finally, now make a thread with this information and get to work. It's literally all you had to do.

>> No.44252733

terrifying if it's your only source of income

>> No.44252748

What makes you worse is falling into the obvious trap of using their own language.
You can't win that way. Never could.

>> No.44252751

I can get not liking JK, but the behaviour around it had been do retarded. It's just a damn game.

>> No.44252817

because they're very principled and discerning of whom they harass lol
the moral permission that every platform gives them is all the "ammunition" they need
questioning whether or not they're correct means you're siding with "hate"
they're literally beyond reproach to anyone that has a say in society

>> No.44252840

Exactly. Trannies are eunuchs, political prostitutes of the oligarchy, not a word out of their mouth is worth listening to, nor the defenders of the status quo simpering and begging for scraps of money or prestige by paying deference to fucking eunuchs in 2023. It's that simple. Do not engage with a eunuch, call them as such and ignore their existence.

>> No.44252920

It's more trouble than it's worth to them. Businesses don't care about this stuff, but they don't like bad PR.

>> No.44252966 [DELETED] 

No, I'm not harassing them. It's as simple as not tolerating their impulsive and forceful actions. If they try gaslighting me like you're doing now, I'll just fight back with logic. Until that community becomes responsible for their actions, this treatment will never stop and straight people will eventually win, which Pikamee would love.

>> No.44252988

It really doesn’t seeing as how plenty of people that are LGBT don’t consider themselves part of the community for the very reason that the community is being driven by ideological nonsense. This is coming from personal experience, as someone who has separated from the community. The only people that are forced under that label are the ones that choose to be part of the label.

>> No.44252989

But the question is how many of these accounts are actually relevant, Like I said even the few accounts that were legitimate, most of them had less than a hundred followers which on Twitter is pretty damn impressive. A lot of the times they had never even debuted, but had " debut pending " on their profile, AKA V tweeters.
V tweeters consistently have some of the worst opinions and harass literally everybody, one of the most base things that Mori ever did was Make them seethe by calling them out and a pretty damn decent song honestly.
I hate to say it but if you're a vtuber, the chances of you not being harassed by some sort of irrelevant literal who is trying to cash in on his two seconds of fame / infamy seems pretty low nowadays.

>> No.44253002

Congratulations, you've come around to my point.

>> No.44253047

Anyone who knows the first thing about her is that Pika was always her vtuber oshi. She specifically brought her and Kiara to her 3D for a reason.
People don't want to address that you can still grieve when the news breaks out officially. >>44247707
Everyone is just here to push their agenda and despite saying they're remorseful about what happened to Pikamee they're trying to hurt not just another member of the community but her friend too. Garbage human beings. Live what you preach when you say you don't want politics in your entertainment.
Catalog is such a fucking trashfire, moderation team really failed here.

>> No.44253061

So explain why Moona and Pekora barely get any harassment on their tweets before HL.

>> No.44253071

That's a fan site you faggot.

>> No.44253115

On top of that I will say that it's really fucking stupid to throw a fit over it. Rowling probably gets less than 10% of each copy's sales in royalties, most of the money goes to the publisher and to the platforms that it's selling on. On the dev team and the voice acting team there were literal trannies who were working on the game, there were also several minorities and several feminists and just about whatever else you can throw on to a dev team was there.
But we're starting to get off topic I feel.

>> No.44253138

Now... let's just say it was preplanned. Does this give people the right to carry on their harassment of hundreds more for playing Hogwarts Legacy? Does it excuse the fact that Pikamee was likely hurt by all of the harsh words that came out of the troons' mouths? You be the judge. I'm tired of one small group of people on the Internet getting away with murder and not expected to have any accountability for their actions at all whereas we need to keep checking ourselves for them out of forced guilt per their manipulation.

>> No.44253145

not like trannies have ever shied away from complaining about "the straw that broke the camel's back before." all you have to do is not smile at them and they complain they'll graduate themselves because of it

>> No.44253169 [DELETED] 

Your point was that "not all trannies". I'm saying all of them.

Anyway this is just another ploy to get a ban so I'll just say that Pomu is lying and Pikamee never deserved any of these. The silent members and allies of the Ts are complicit, period.

>> No.44253196

Because vtweeters and trolls will always try to cash in on whatever is the latest drama? They're clout chasers, they live under the motto that any fame is good fame. If you literally look into any of these people over half of them haven't even debuted, the few that have debuted are one views, and most of them don't have shit for followers. They're desperate for attention so they find whatever the latest thing is to cash in on and chase after that trend.

>> No.44253203

Throw in a few antis who probably want to get a shot in since she's /here/

>> No.44253246

So why aren't you doing it you dumb faggot instead of doing this gay culture war shit? fags aren't even pushing a coordinated # instead you're just zerging pippa engagement which will only superimpose critiques on her like lefties have started to do with silvervale.
You're just setting this up for the commie lefties to start going after the vtubing community wholesale, and once you do that there will be another zerg from them and followed by actual corpo splits.
There are already commies talking and tweeting about this. So I ask you, if you're just going to do this gay shitttalk shit without actual social movement why not just shitpost on /lgbt/?
You can call me a glowie or think I'm trying to psyop but if you think going into pippas replies and yelling about troons is how we route them you're retarded. You will simply incite a fracture in corpos where some lean towards trannies, and some don't.
Coordinate better or stop being pussies. The last thing you want is for this to stop being a normie issue and become some retarded lefty debate issue, the moment it does the media will bury it which means the corpos will scrutinize without understanding what is actually happening.

Call me a glowie if you want but you faggots might as well be fed posters with how retarded you're handling this.

>> No.44253313

Barely saw any of them when the Pekomiko drama happened, or the whole Moona is grifting Pekora drama happened, etc. I'm not saying they have to be Rev says desu or FalseEyeD or Depressed Nousagi but you're being disingenuous when you say they always try to cash in on the latest drama. Hololive is a ripe breeding ground for drama.

>> No.44253326

Because Twitter people have no empathy whatsoever for other people and don't care about what the consequences of their actions are. If you pulled the same shit on them it'd be world ending for them and you'd be left with a scarlet letter for your willingness to fight back. It's clear as day though. They seek terror and propaganda. They're totalitarian people and you'll never win against them unless you use their tactics on them albeit pyrrhicly.

>> No.44253339


Calm down you retard

>> No.44253379

So tranny apologist are Nijinigger all along, huhh???

>> No.44253380

Yes, because there is a factual difference between an ideology and a sickness.
Additionally, by using their words you are falling into their trappings, their preparation of the linguistical landscape.

>Until that community becomes responsible for their actions
This is proof of that the whole concept.
You yourself are conflating the believes with the condition. Even though a seizable part of the community is just activists hungering for cloud. The majority of this cult is the self identified queers.
If you want to solve this and be able to use community like a normal person, make sure psychological affirmation gets revoked. Then you will have a better leg to stand on.

>> No.44253412

You have a fundamentally retarded read of the social situation and the world around you. Trannies, court eunuchs, are purposefully empowered by the moneyed class, no amount of plebian whining, or angry emails, or what have you will change the zeitgeist, that is determined by rulers not peasants and right now they are fascinated with divide and conquer and a few unironic mystery cult kool aid drinkers who really like Foucalt. Business don't understand this in intellectual terms, but they plainly know what the rich at their gala's say and will cater to it, no amount of emails or whining will do a thing.

>> No.44253435
File: 25 KB, 500x500, wholekettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire ethos of a tranny consists of two things: the first is spitting in God's face at every waking moment. The second is getting everyone around you to appease your complete fucking delusions at all times, lest they be subject to violence and humiliation.

Pikamee's graduation is a direct result of these cretins. Upon merely announcing a stream of a game, she got harassed and threatened to this point by hordes of trannies. She is far from the first to be subject to this; countless people have been targeted by these degenerates and subject to even worse for mild or even nonexistent transgressions upon their warped reality.

Trannies are not good people, without exception. I struggle to call them people at all. Without fail they are all degenerates, unstable, neurotic, God-hating and actively make the world around them worse. With trannies increasingly becoming a protected class, the world has been made more neurotic, dumber, and completely debased from reality to placate these people's worldviews. And with regular normalfags getting sick of their bullshit they have become even more hypersensitive, hysterical and happy to pull the trigger on sicking tranny hordes to ruin people's lives as we have seen with the mass harassment campaigns for playing a fucking video game. There is no room for redemption in these people's eyes either. Apologising is blood in the water to these merciless reprobates. Forgiveness is foreign to the tranny, whereas grudges are eternal.

We all know the cliché of "we just want to live our lives and be left alone" is total bullshit. Look how unbearable the world has become within not even a decade of mass tranny acceptance! Regular people are being mentally bludgeoned into pronoun neuroticism upon threat to livelihood and reputation; the mere act of introducing oneself is made a byzantine affair when adhering to the tranny's ways. And that's only one example. Such seemingly minor mandated neuroticisms pile up and condition people into
being mentally broken, unhinged, oversocialized last men.

On top of that they keep going for the fucking kids. These people, if not already pedophiles, are without exception one step away from justifying it given the massive campaigns claiming that a child, even a preschooler, has the agency to consent to life-changing hormonal treatments. They know the effects are permanent yet they repeatedly claim it's "reversible" and then proceed to mock the victims when they fall for their lies like avatars of Satan himself.

Fundamentally, these people are a danger to society. Raising generations to placate these people and accept denial of reality as being a fundamental tool for understanding the world will have and has already had disastrous results. You cannot run such complex civilisation, or even simple civilisation when everyone within it is utterly debased from reality.

Every doctor, enabler and advocate of these people must be rounded up and put on trial. Every book that perpetrated the tranny lie burned. The names of men like Magnus Hirschfeld and John Money must be made synonymous with pariah. Every tranny must be rounded up and interred. Either they repent, rehabilitate and disavow their old ways or they get shot and killed. No exceptions. The tranny menace cannot be allowed to fester any longer, lest we suffer the consequences.

Total tranny death now

>> No.44253464

If you guys really want to do something, start going out and advocating that the Trans and LGBT flag are political (they are, but normies are stupid), and if they really care about being apolitical they should ban/remove any of these flags. Guise it under everyones welcome, but stop posting your dumbass symbols.

>> No.44253571

>tranny apologist
Did you even read what I wrote, retard? One of the points I made was that it’s natural to lump an entire group of people together have a soured perception of the entire group based on the actions of the crazies. I’m defending the people angry at all trannies, you idiot.

>> No.44253690

>So why aren't you doing it you dumb faggot instead of doing this gay culture war shit?
I'm just shitposting the day away trying to calm down from my own psychological inadequacies being played by the mob.
I can use the time to explain why what they do works and why the reactionaries are part of the problem, that's fun.

>why not just shitpost on /lgbt/?
Too simple. I'd rather make reactionaries seethe. Because they are part of the problem without realizing.

>The last thing you want is for this to stop being a normie issue
I know what you mean, but this is exactly what I want. Part of the problem is that the perpetuation of the culture war has become a net positive for the very people you want to get rid of. So it's either this

>You're just setting this up for the commie lefties to start going after the vtubing community wholesale
or that. And making a REAL issue out of this will eventually lead to the above.

And you don't understand where the money comes from. The people at the top can play monopoly all they want, if no work gets done, the world grinds to a halt.

>> No.44253724

What is Pomu supposedly lying about though? All she said is Pikamee told her about graduation before "her break" (didn't specify which one) while breaking down crying.

>> No.44253788

It is beneficial because it presents the issue to the business as two sided. If you go to ex parte court one side is represented with no way to defend itself.
The same happens with emailing businesses. Look at Elon, he knew twitter was being hounded by activists. Yet did nothing besides going "yeah it's fine" he should have asked for actual emails from CUSTOMERS to be sent.
They pay attention to that, its way more effective than just randomly swinging at pomu and other nijiENs.

You're just fundamentally wrong, #'s and emailing helps to form commonality in the movement. Otherwise what reason did it have for working in GG? the only reason that GG failed was the rapid obsession with e-celebs and getting their support.
The point is to HUMANIZE yourself, to the business, even if you think they don't care presenting a cognizant argument is never an incorrect line of thought.
If you genuinely believe the other side is infallible when it comes to businesses, why are you not taking more extreme measures? because you know it dehumanizes and hurts the movement.

Stop being a retarded doomer man, emailing obviously works otherwise we wouldn't be seeing so much pushbacks from newly funded institutions based off of rhetoric that started on 4chan. Showing your side in a coherent manner HELPS.

>> No.44253873

Hololive EN is*
Most of these people don't even speak a second language, it's a lot harder to keep up with "drama" The only reason that they're aware of the fact that these JP streamers even streamed Hogwarts legacy, It's because they have thumbnails that state as much. It's a hell of a lot easier to keep up with a trend when you can easily follow what that trend is.

>> No.44253886

Implying that is was the break from several months ago plays into an agenda I guess

>> No.44253944

I don’t disagree with you but you’re bitching asking us to do something about it when you’re not doing anything yourself. Want us to start a movement over this? Great, why don’t you make the first step and start it yourself.

>> No.44253949

She didn't imply that though?

>> No.44253975

I guess I can kind of agree with this but I just don't think this is a good idea.
If it gets to the point where commies like he who shall not be named start making blanket accusations the talents WILL be put under gag orders.
The inner cliques in each company, even disregarding management, will be split if this gets pushed as the new trans issue.
Then you're going to see more blanket disavowals made under duress. I am of the line of logic that there needs to be a quick alternative for them to attack, again, like a # of some sort.

>> No.44253988

>Pekomiko drama
The fuck are you on?

>> No.44254050

This is the part where we can and should take a page out of their playbook.
Subvert. Whereever you can.

>> No.44254054

It's not necessarily an argument, but rather just a case of people trying to make sense of everything that happened .
It was likely that the drama did cause her to go on break, but it's just as likely that she was planning on graduating previously. Is it right that she got harassed? Obviously not .
But was that harassment the sole cause of everything? Also no.
Nobody's saying that the harassment was justified or that it was deserved or anything of the sort, The more common conclusion that people were reaching is that perhaps giving credit to an extremely vocal minority for managing to bully one of the more wholesome people off of the internet completely for over a month, is a disingenuous thing and empowers that vocal minority even that much further to possibly do further damage.

>> No.44254103

>Calls me a glowie
>Tells me to start it
I mean if you want me to write a manifesto or guideline of points of attack I can try lol. No idea if you'll like them or not, and if we do it on /vt/ expect bans. I'll just work on something in the meantime.

>> No.44254137

And the peasants have proven themselves to work under the most vile of conditions, to throw away their pride whenever asked (lol jabbies), and take any abuse as long as the designated preacher in the 3 piece suit at the news desk declares it to be social de jure.

>Don't be a doomer, don't examine the tactical social poltical ground, play in the frame of the rulers

You have two options, one continue piddling along trying to gather the scraps of people who are cogent enough to me mentally disgusted with the going ons, and be humiliated your entire life until the rot eventually collapses on itself.

The other is to engage in real political secession and independence, the justification for which has been executed on the peasantry a dozen times over with degradation, theft, murder, humiliation, mutilation, although they are nicely dressed in news speak, there is not a crime that has been spared from the common man. Thanks to atomization of communities, cattle style education and other factors, people are neither worth saving, and will not fight for themselves.

Personally if you want to live in a socially coherent society, just leave the west, you can't stop a 200 year social boulder with petitions, you won't unseat the generational wealth or their weird cults which have enjoyed a century of gross excess. Either move, fight, or stop wasting peoples time and energy with these goofy plans. There was never a MLK, Ghandi, style movement that wasn't already what the power elite wanted out of that country.

>> No.44254148

No they fucking don't. The Karen boomers in the advertising agencies are already proto-leftoids. This is fundamentally an ideology of the bourgeoisie.
Why do you think their insults are primarily calling you poor or SEA? They don't even actually believe in their own principles, which is perfect as a performative ideology, bankers funding woke-on-wallstreet don't either.
I'd honestly be surprised if any of them care about vtubing AT ALL outside of ideologically. Using an avatar has the bonus of concealing your identity, but they should be using Calarts toons, not Japanese ones.

>> No.44254195
File: 370 KB, 1920x1210, pkm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always the case

>> No.44254323

I don't care whether trannies caused it or not. I'll still blame them and I'll still attack them whenever I can.

>> No.44254336 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 699x642, 463784009147cd1ea4c9da158538c79a548ddf78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not lying. She never got harassed. Her quitting was decided months if not years in advance.

>> No.44254348
File: 107 KB, 1080x1123, FqS7DJjXgAIIvHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever it was was enough for Pikamee to tweet out this which she has since deleted. I don't think it got to the threats and degree of harassment that Silvervale got but I vaguely remember some saying that since Pikamee was a loli/pedo that she deserved it even if she backtracked.

>> No.44254372


>> No.44254432
File: 181 KB, 358x181, 1670157122847362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pikamee decided to graduate before she was born, we aren't at fault

>> No.44254440

>Pika is known
You don't know her, troon. Kill yourself already.

>> No.44254449

>And the peasants have proven themselves to work under the most vile of conditions, to throw away their pride whenever asked (lol jabbies), and take any abuse as long as the designated preacher in the 3 piece suit at the news desk declares it to be social de jure.

Peasants are known to revolt and never before have the masters been this inept.

>No they fucking don't.
They do. Been there long enough to know that.

>The Karen boomers in the advertising agencies are already proto-leftoids.
True enough but also not the full picture. That corruption only works with the cooperation of the like minded.

>They don't even actually believe in their own principles
And this is the piece that brings it all together. Nobody but a few zealots actually believe this shit. Most of them are just grifters that will follow the useful idiots thinking they can get somewhere.
Once the money dries up, change will happen. It already is, ever so slowly.

>> No.44254488

>primary sourced tweet from pikamee says otherwise
Thanks for "unpacking this" for us, hole for the oligarchs-san

>> No.44254530

You were called a glowie exactly because you’re trying to incite people into doing something without putting any effort into it yourself. I’m not the one writing paragraphs on how we need to change things, baka.
If there’s a ban here then post it on twitter where there’s just as much of a debate going on. Or rentry if you don’t want to bother with that cesspool.

>> No.44254538

Glad they're afraid, fuck them.

>> No.44254581

It's night and day with you terminally online freaks. The Narcissist's Prayer every goddamn day. You will never experience accountability you keep telling others to have. Regardless of what is true or not you will always be vindicated of anything even when your harassment likely drove her to tears. Oh, Silvervale caused a transgender VTuber to kill themselves? That's totally different! You don't know what REAL harassment is like! I'm talking to a wall here.

>> No.44254592

Yes, the successful harassment campaign to make her not stream a specific video game was just poorly timed. The subsequent death threats were also just bad timing. Totally understandable, carry on.

>> No.44254623

It's called HR. Just like you have to abide by Fink's demands to be listed.
Anyways, Coco is just as responsible for this, dragging her into Tw*ch.

>> No.44254676

>Oh, Silvervale caused a transgender VTuber to kill themselves?
That wasn’t even real kek.

>> No.44254711

I don't support the trans genocide. I AM the trans genocide.

>> No.44254730

>Silvervale caused a transgender VTuber to kill themselves
wtf i love vshojo now

>> No.44254745

>It's Ksons fault now that Troons send her death treats

>> No.44254753

>I’m not the one writing paragraphs on how we need to change things, baka.
No, that's me not him
15 years and the level of brain damage on this site never changed.

It's fascinating how those suicides strictly correlate to other social issues rising, isn't it? Almost like there is a general problem going on that's only worsening the more we go that direction? I think in China it's called 'the empty generation'.

Ah yes, the universally declining branch. HR.

>> No.44254767

No shit it wasn't real, but in their warped world it certainly is and it's far more egregious than a bully victim's traumatic resurfacing leading to untimely graduation.

>> No.44254827

what death threats. people even claim there was doxxing but I haven't seen that either
this is a weird little controversy because usually there's tons of receipts but nobody ever posts them
is some bullshit comment from a 20 follower twitter account enough to make someone retore

you're gonna reply ""stop justifying harassment" or something now in response

>> No.44254864

No, it's not because trannies are not human

>> No.44254873

Is there an update for that with a death certificate or something? Last I'd heard that was purely a tweet. Not to be too callous, but that is Nepojo, a purely woke western company tied to Amazon. They're harming their own. I wasn't a fan of Silver or anyone over there anyway. Pikamee is literally Japanese and predates HoloEN

>> No.44254885

If anything it just shows how insidious they are to stage a fake suicide just to make their side look like the victims.

>> No.44254892

>It's a fair argument
No it's not you imbecile.
What, would it have been okay to harass her over le wizard game even if she DIDN'T graduate? That seems to be what you're implying, that if she didn't graduate, she was fair game. Therefore your actions would have been acceptable.

How the fuck is that a fair argument or even logical? You're outright saying it's fine for you to terrorize anyone you want, as long as you don't face consequences or get negative attention for your actions at the end of the day. That if Pikamee didn't decide to quit, it would have been no big deal.
I mean I'm glad you came out and said it, I just wish you wouldn't hide behind this facade that everyone else should agree to that. Like this isn't peak sociopathic behavior.

>Nobody's saying that the harassment was justified
Yes they are, the exact people saying that Pikamee or even Silvervale deserved harassment over the wizard game are saying it's acceptable. They only started playing le transphobic victim card after they got mainstream attention. They were fine with it before that, even gloating about how much they were harassing people playing le wizard game.

>> No.44254902

death threats are public
receipts on doxing would be doxing yourself
try harder next time.

>> No.44254911

I have no idea what Silvervale did or didn't do but i posit you this:
Imagine if i was a top streamer and said on-stream without a pinch of sarcasm "french people are gross, i hate them"
Would the streets of Paris be littered with corpses the following day?

>> No.44254918

That's really not new.

>> No.44254959

>Some whites are racist therefore all whites are racist, they should police their own community
>Some males are rapists therefore all males are rapists, they should police their own community
>Some gamers are harassers therefore all gamers are harassers, they should police their own community

you guys sound like teenagers honestly
it's funny because most of you will happily organize public campaign to drive a choob to suicide if they ever get a bf

>> No.44254970

How do Twitter DM's work? Could anybody DM Pika? Honest question, I don't have Twitter.

>> No.44255006

where are the public death threats

>> No.44255007

Sorry chuds you've been debunked by trusted news sources

>> No.44255030


>> No.44255061

why do any of you other guys try to pretend otherwise? this is obviously the mandate here

>> No.44255070

Of course not? VTubers aren't the mainstream. Not compared to the Twitch bigwigs.
They've been getting away with a lot of shit lately. In my state they stormed the state capitol without any charges. I'm not posting more because I'm not risking another ban.

>> No.44255079

She doesn't have public DMs open. It's probably set so only people she follows can DM her.

>> No.44255109

>7 view tweets
>single digit follower accounts


>> No.44255137


>> No.44255146

uhhh bro look up the pewdiepie mosque shooting

>> No.44255155

Silvervale admitted to both getting death threats and being doxxed alongside her friends receiving the same treatment. You can see death threats towards Pikamee after the graduation announcement in this very thread. The reason there isn’t as much to show is because she deleted the tweet announcing the play through and the tweet apologizing for wanting to play the game immediately after. Also for fuck’s sake this ISN’T AN ISOLATED INCIDENT ANYMORE it hasn’t been since the beginning when there was a website made to track down and harass streamers for playing the game, or when Girlfriend Reviews was bullied to tears over this shit. Stop acting like this is the only instance of people being harassed over this fucking game holy shit. It’s a pattern at this point.

>> No.44255183 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 351x683, 1677833347899305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really tired of all this. It's not just Trans (but it is a significant number of them) but it is their whole Political Ideology AKA Zealotry. They tainted or ruined everything we love and keep coming for more;
MLP, Undertale, Starwars, Caused Gamer Gate, Most modern movies, Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Dungeons & Dragons, Harry Potter, just to name a few. Now they are going after our Vtubers and all streamers over this stupid game. It was never because of JKR, it was because Harry Potter is popular and they have to destroy everything we love. In the end it was never truly only about Pikamee, it was that she was the innocent wholesome Kettle that broke the camels back. In essence she is a maytr, a catalyst for the push back. I am tired of letting these Zealots destroy everything and everyone I love.

Totally Agree.

>> No.44255182

Yeah? Where's Pewds right now, 4 years later? Married and expecting. Idiot.

>> No.44255184

Yeah these harassers are pathetic nobodies.

>> No.44255220

And who exactly are "they" ?
Do any of these people have any sort of relevance outside of the space they're living in your mind rent free, or are you giving them the exact same attention that they were craving by harassing these people? Are you allowing their actions to have more effect by constantly talking about these people giving them credit for things so they don't deserve, or are you just humoring them? Are any of these people relevant in any sort of way? Or does their relevancy entirely come from the fact that they're harassing these people. Do they have hundreds or thousands of followers who are supporting them and their decisions? Or perhaps are they pretty much irrelevant outside of the fame / infamy that they've gained from the actions that theyre performing?
It's like when a schizo pops up in your favorite thread and starts shit posting non-stop about whatever weird rrat they suddenly devised this week, is the best course of action to continue to give them the attention that they so desperately crave? In my experience, When you ignore them they move targets because if you don't give them that attention they crave they're forced to move on.
Take a lesson from the threads here and stop giving schizos on Twitter the attention that they so desperately crave. Stop attributing them to the graduation of a V tuber because that's what they want, you are giving them more power than what they have by attributing it to them .
So take it from the words of everybody else who is close to her and realize that this graduation was planned in advance and no amount of twitter trannies or vtweeters changed that.

>> No.44255226

Yep....they'll get burned too (literally) for defending it.

>> No.44255248

What has that got to do with celebs radicalized fanbases?

>> No.44255251

There is nothing inherently wrong about being white, male or a gamer, while trannies are inherently evil freaks of nature demanding normal people to applaud their mental illness. Other freaks, such as faggots or furries, don't try to force other people to suck cock or wear a fursuit the way trannies want all of society to consider exactly the same as a biological female.

>> No.44255275

>You can see death threats towards Pikamee after the graduation announcement in this very thread.

So threats she got after she retired is what made her decide to retire? Are you retards braindead lol

>> No.44255304

What I remember was silver then walked back on that, she said that she herself never got doxed and that her friends were being threatened with dox. Perhaps I'm misremembering but I don't even remember seeing her dox /here/ which is surprising

>> No.44255306

Nigger Pewds is still standing strong despite all cancellation attempts. Work on your bait better.

>> No.44255329

>And if it did happen, it wasn’t that bad

>> No.44255351

>Some whites are racist therefore all whites are racist, they should police their own community
Is actually happening and it's horrible.

>Some males are rapists therefore all males are rapists, they should police their own community
Is happening but was less prevalent before allowing men in women's toilets and prisons.

>Some gamers are harassers therefore all gamers are harassers, they should police their own community
Just true and it's fucking hilarious that the feelings of anyone saying this are so hurt they would cry to corpo about it.

There is not a single person on this planet that has a fully functioning psyche.
Never was, never will be. Wanting applause for that is stupid. Demanding it is bad. Coercing it is evil.

>> No.44255370

Pikamee will surely want to return to streaming after seeing all her fans say they'll shoot up a pride parade in her name as vengeance.

Most normies have no fucking clue what a vtuber is but millions have now seen that ai art of her burning a trans flag, so that's what she represents now to most people - being a based le redpilled tranny killer symbol.

>> No.44255399

In a similar fashion, I love the seething mob that went full 'I hope she has a miscarriage'
When the mask slip becomes full 'I wear no mask'

>> No.44255403

Wut? You asked about paris' streets lined with corpses?

>> No.44255411

You just can't help yourselves. You LITERALLY recite The Narcissist's Prayer in your posts without it being word for word. I wish it weren't just 4chan telling you to eat your own words.

>> No.44255429

I’m pointing to those because the tweets during the height of the bullying were deleted, retard. Please learn to read.

>> No.44255448

>Collective blame is only justified against people I hate

Why are all Pikamee fans evil?

nobody knows what that is

>> No.44255482

Wasn't me. The point I'm proving to you is no matter how hard Twitter says a person is evil some people won't buck.

>> No.44255502

Oh so there were thousands of death threats but conveniently they're all gone
Was the harassment (which was real btw I'm not denying it or supporting it) any more than any vtuber gets on an hourly basis even on this board

>> No.44255504

>Why are all Pikamee fans evil?
Because the mind virus of the zealots goes deeper than you think.
Collectivization is inevitable if everything is left to people like that. Culture war is inevitable.

>> No.44255517

My point is French people as a group don't just go and kill themselves (or pretend to kill themselves for sympathy) when you reveal their true nature
nice gaslight

>> No.44255539

Pikamee is Pomu's kamioshi.

>> No.44255582

I haven’t seen her walk it back, only her admitting that her and her friends were doxxed. Even if it was just the threat of being doxxed that isn’t any better, the fuck are you on?
She’s also still getting harassed with the new angle being that it’s cultural appropriation to have an anime/japanese-inspired model if you’re a white vtuber.

>> No.44255588

As a public figure, you are always going to receive harassment and criticism from the vocal minority on Twitter. Twitter is a cesspool full of some of the worst individuals ever, In comparison the people here can be nicer than the people on Twitter at times .
Especially because here is seen as an anonymous form where as Twitter you can actually gain somewhat of a following and cause snowball effects should you choose to target somebody once you actually have a large audience .
I haven't seen any sort of evidence yet that any of the people who actually participated in the harassment campaign and were "legitimate" or anything other than a few people with 2-3 dozen followers. Giving more power to those people who literally were irrelevant before you gave them that power is never a good idea

>> No.44255654

A nationality isn't comparable to a medical condition. A vtuber saying depressed people are worthless freaks because they succumbed to depression in the first place and should kill themselves to free society of the burden of their existence would be more comparable. Actually most vtuber fans would kill themselves if their favorite streamer told them that.

>> No.44255706

Considering it made her stop playing the game and go on a month-long break, yes.

>> No.44255773

It doesn't matter even if nobody harassed her

1. Harassment is NEVER okay
2. Hating the trans is always justified

therefore, morally, it's still correct. Pikamee doesn't matter, rather, its a wider war in the battle against the SJWs who are trying to infiltrate and invade based gamer subcultures.

>> No.44255817

>>Collective blame is only justified against people I hate
Good job ignoring the entire argument, dumbass.

>> No.44255826
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1677509414324569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came over here from /pol/
Ok stay there faggot

>> No.44255827

>organize public campaign
That never happens. People talking shit in general threads isn't anything, you retards just lose your shit because you chose to make your company's home base 4CHAN. And why would vtubers want to do that, for any reason? Because your ideology decimated the rest of the 'net. If you want to avoid creepy weirdos, stop making your living selling companionship to creepy weirdos. "I'm not doing that I'm just a bro dohoho" Then immediately start talking about your boyfriend and past boyfriends and don't stop. Yes, you will lose a significant amount of your fanbase but you won't be living a lie.

>> No.44255831

I'm not even a public figure, but I can say with certainty that I've had people threaten to dox me, send me the threats, and tell me about what a terrible person I am.
It's called Twitter, It's a cesspool full of individuals that sit there jerking each other off over the slightest thing. You laugh at them .
The average person who actually has a decent following on twitch will also receive those same type of harassment and threats on a daily basis because of the fact that they are public figures and again people are always out for whatever sort of clout and fame they can get off of doing such a thing .
Look up any streamer and look up what messages got banned and ban appeals a lot of them stream ban appeals and you can see for yourself the average harassment that any sort of public figure/streamer deals with.
Also that's not a "new" angle that angle has been pushed by vtweeters more than once

>> No.44255853

Why was she on a break before announcing the harry potter game then? Who harassed her that time? And all the previous times she went on long breaks? The "She didn't stream so she must have been harassed into not streaming" argument doesn't make sense because she was already not streaming.

How many times did she even steam in the last year?

>> No.44255864

>2. Hating the trans is always justified
I seriously believe people like you are just perpetual culture warriors that couldn't live without it giving their life meaning.
You don't want this to stop.
Don't even want revenge.
You just want to feel justified in your anger so you can continue instead of solving the problem.

>> No.44255882

You sound like you're from /pol/. Go back

>> No.44255888

Anon I hate to break it to you but the people that engage in harassment like this typically aren’t the type of people to have a huge influence. Harassment coming from several sock puppet accounts doesn’t mean it’s not harassment. Were you not here for the Coco shit where zhangs were creating as many accounts and spambots as possible just to shit on Coco? Does that not count because it was literal whos doing it?

>> No.44255999

This. I hate trannies more than I ever hated Christian evangelicals. They are somehow more insane than those freaks and more aggressive/dishonest.

>> No.44256011

>solving the problem
NTA, but tell me what the problem is.

>> No.44256035

The Coco shit would have been resolved almost immediately had people of cover actually given her chat mods that were capable of banning these messages from coming in. Once they got banned enough times they would stop doing it or you could set up auto filters to avoid having this happen. Most streamers including silver Vale have moderators and auto mod features who help out with that chat because the fact that Chad is inherently toxic a lot of the times on sites like twitch and YouTube.
And on sites like Twitter all you have to do is block them. They can keep creating new accounts but eventually they'll tire out and that's just literally one of the things that you'll have to deal with as a streamer. You will always have somebody who is harassing you for some reason or another because they inherently do not like you and find you problematic for one reason or another. Or they just want to cash in on whatever trend and clout that they could get by possibly annoying you, giving power to these types of people and making them feel like their actual Boogeyman who are capable of taking down big name people does not remove them It empowers them.

>> No.44256041 [DELETED] 

The problem is trannies existing
The solution is murdering them all

>> No.44256059 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 1079x1535, Screenshot_20230303_134051_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm simply describing the situation and the motivations of people involved.

This tweet for example has almost 3 million views in a day. This is what "the Pikamee controversy" is fundamentally about.

>> No.44256076
File: 809 KB, 856x3020, just a normal hiatus bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t seriously be this retarded.

>> No.44256087

Currently the problem is /pol/fags shitting up the board

>> No.44256096
File: 187 KB, 1024x975, 1677768990959838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter if it was planned months in advance because the public has already decided.

>> No.44256124

>And who exactly are "they" ?
>no one
Nice, this is trying to pretend it didn't happen, but in a more roundabout way.

this all started because you (That's right, you) started this gay harassment campaign over the Harry Potter video game. The tacit admission that you don't realize you've made by claiming that it would have been fine if Pikamee didn't retire is that you really aren't sorry you did it, you're sorry you got caught.

Your only regret, the only time you stepped away from these actions was when people were outraged that you bullied this one girl who quit immediately after. Coincidence or not, you didn't care beforehand. You're trying to mental gymnastics a way to not care now by claiming the two are a coincidence and the bullying should continue.

This graduation is, in fact, the desired outcome of your campaign and you immediately distance yourself from the consequences because you know what we already knew: this campaign against the most popular release this quarter is nonsense. It was just being used to target people too meek to fight back.
>in b4 'that's not me :('
Everyone, even the people with verified screenshots doing it, says it's not them. You have to own up to it at some point because you were fine with the boycott and subsequent harassment until it came back to make you look the fool. Up until now, nobody in the trans twitter space that orchestrates this shit said jack about it. And your response now is to just ignore the people as they make your favorite streamers quit. Basically 'shut up and let us ruin your fun, we deserve it'.

>> No.44256161

You mean to say it's a bunch of /pol/niggers pushing their agenda and simultaneously empowering minorities by doing so because they lack the self awareness to realize that making your enemies look stronger than you does not weaken them?
I'm so surprised.

>> No.44256175 [DELETED] 

Damn you are one of those /pol/ living rentfree in your head.
You don't even care about pikamee or probably any vtubers, you are just here to gaslight i guess
You do not think hate towards Trans people is justified after pikamee graduating?

>> No.44256176

So the zhangs were in the right for harassing Coco, gotcha.

>> No.44256182

how many trannies have you harassed online

>> No.44256191 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the problem isn't the fact that trannies bullied a vtuber into graduation, it's that people are calling the trannies out, and obviously everyone who doesn't like self-mutilating freaks is from /pol/

>> No.44256213

Again, the underlying philosophy that creates the environment in which teens and children can be easily persuaded to transition on a regular basis and makes it virtuous to do so on both ends.
The same system that makes harassment okay.

Marcuse, Adorno, Crenshaw, Bell, Kendi. Those are your enemies.

>> No.44256270

Wow, very amazing, much traction. No one wants to join your Mossciad shit, we just like Pikamee

>> No.44256277

Which trannies? The dozen in the screencap? Or saying "we need to extenrinate them all and shoot up their clubs"?


>> No.44256308

None, I don't use twitter. I wish I could convince my oshi to not use twitter but she's an owl (the dumbest type of fowl) and an addict

This shit is still ridiculous. Any sane, logical person can see straight through this smokescreen proclaiming that the actions are fine as long as it doesn't have consequences.

>> No.44256332

You included?

>> No.44256361

Not enough in hindsight.

>> No.44256390

I can tell you were a little excited when you typed this

>> No.44256427

Weimar problems require Weimar solutions.

>> No.44256431

>and make it virtuous to do so
In whose eyes? Not yours that's for certain. Do you think if you ever had children who was secretly trans, that they'd feel comfortable transitioning under your parenthood or even telling you about it? Why do you think "you" don't count when talking about "society"?

How many teens are transitioning in the last year? Don't say "rates have risen by...", give an actual real population number. Is it an actual "virtuous fad"? Or did a talking head on youtube just tell you it was?

>> No.44256443

Oh yes, let me tell you, it was totally me.
But now that I have owned up to it, I realize now that I am more powerful than ever and incapable of striking down even the most popular of streamers with simple words. I do not even have to go out of my way to perform actions because the fact that my words carry so much meaning now that I can de-platform somebody by simply saying a few mean words online to them.
You have given me that power, you make me out to be a powerful enemy that is capable of striking down even the most wholesome and undeserving of people with merely a swift press of the keys on my mechanical keyboard and a few twitter accounts with under 100 followers each.

Do you not see the problem with this narrative? Do not see the problem with the idea that you're giving power to people who are literal who while simultaneously trying to make them out to be the enemy? I don't condone harassment of anybody because harassment is ineffective 90% of the time anyway because most people nowadays have tools to combat it. I love pikamee and she was one of my first oshis, but pretending like a few vtweeters are capable of causing someone to graduate is both disingenuous and deadly as it will only increase the harassment. Stop being a fucking nigger and use your brain for once you retard.

>> No.44256453

What are you even saying deranged tranny

>> No.44256536

No. The trans community at this point is itself an ideological movement. A cult. Pointing out the glaring flaws in the community IS pointing out the enemies you’re claiming are oh-so-separate.

>> No.44256544

>Everyone who harasses me is a tranny
>Everyone who harasses trannies is a false flagger tranny trying to make me look bad and also harassing trannies is justified

What did you guys say when Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn were getting death threats? That therefore all male gamers should die?

>> No.44256561

nta you can keep deflecting this way but the fact of the matter is that trannies are not speaking out against the clownshoes HP boycott that started this and is still ongoing with shittons of proven harassment surrounding it. You can't pretend tons of vtubers didn't receive mountains of harassment because we can still see it from the ones who didn't throw in the towel.

Here's what trans on twitter should do if they truly believe they shouldn't be held accountable for it:
>Make a post saying they don't support the boycott
>make a post saying they don't support the harassment around the boycott
>call it out when they see it
And yes, it is their job because up until now, the vast sentiment has been that it's their moral right to do. It's not. Most other people (normal people call it out, too. It's only this subset who still defends this utterly nutty boycott as being acceptable.

You would think Pikamee would be enough but no, it's still going on, just search hogwarts legacy and you find tons of people calling for raids on streamers for playing it. That cringe hitlist is still up, too. Dotted with the names of people who are throwing hteir hands up and saying 'n-no, I didn't do anything, don't blame me' as they help compile a hitlist of streamers to bully.

>> No.44256569

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44256573

It's called "I'M pomu" retard. Someone wouldn't call it that if she wasn't pomu. Why would a "fan" lie about it?

>> No.44256581

I have never seen anyone say anything approaching that seriously. Is Hasan joking about putting people against the wall also a serious threat?
I'm sure we can find Nepojo members make some jokes approaching that if we looked hard enough.

>> No.44256598

>10 people with no followers or clout
NTA but if even /vt/ is capable of drumming up such a small number of genuinely awful tweets, then the blowback wasn't that severe. She got more bullshit for her loli model than this.

>> No.44256608

We’ve been getting raided since the sticky, newfag.

>> No.44256629

Yes, you cracked the code, that was obviously what I was saying by saying that cover was at fault for not giving Coco any sort of means to combat the harassment that she was receiving.
Truly a 500 IQ take.
I'm just saying that harassment happens as a streamer one way or another, you should always be prepared for harassment and for people to cash in on that harassment when it's opportune to do so. All you have to do is filter the harassment through either having chat moderators or auto moderators or both.
You don't even have to be a streamer in order to experience being harassed online All you do is have to post some sort of take on Twitter that people of that site suddenly determined that they do not like. If you post something like AI art isn't actually that bad and is no different than using references for art, you'll probably get backlash from a whole variety of people and harassment from the whole variety of people.
How you deal with that harassment, is up to you but the worst way to deal with that harassment is to let those harassers have power over you and let their decisions live rent free in your mind.

>> No.44256642

I think hatred for whoever bullied Pikamee is justified, and I also want you faggots to stop spamming MUH TRANNIES everywhere.
All you want to do is smear Pika or any other Vtuber as "transphobe" in order to use her in your fucking culture war. You don't give a shit about her, so stop pretending.

>> No.44256653

It's the brainrot and them trying to make themselves seem like they did nothing wrong.

>> No.44256681

>Here's what trans on twitter should do if they truly believe they shouldn't be held accountable for it:
>Make a post saying they don't support the boycott
>make a post saying they don't support the harassment around the boycott
>call it out when they see it

All men should be forced to make daily public statements that they are Against Rape if they dont want to be accussed of rape. After all, they are all part of the Male Community. It's every man's job to stop rape.

>> No.44256684

How many teens did kill themselves after they transitioned?
I know death is very common among your kind, but wishing death to a innocent vTuber with a clean record just for SAYING they wanted to play a game is batshit crazy.

>> No.44256732

And that's what I've been saying from the very beginning, I'm NTA but if a list of 10 people who have less than 1k followers between all of them is all it takes for a streamer to graduate, /#/s would have a heyday

>> No.44256774

You're partially right, but the progressives are just as much "culture warriors" it's literally in their name, "SJW."
This is comparable to the jp-vt split, in the worry that western Tw*tch culture would poison vtubing, and it did.

>> No.44256787

Stfu, pikamee accepted you freaks and you still wished her death.
Nearly everyone on this board cares about pikamee, she made vTubers known in the west.
You are a filthy tourist from some tranny discord, otherwise you knew this very obvious fact.

>> No.44256805

The sarcasm doesn't help your argument. You've simply moved down the Narcissist's prayer to
>If I did it, it wasn't a big deal
And sure, us on 4chan shouldn't give a shit. Twitter isn't 4chan. Twitter is where most of our Oshi's live, and some of them live in Japan where getting hate online is a big deal because anybody in Japan can find you easily and be at your doorstep in a day.
>simultaneously trying to make them out to be the enemy?
If the people behind this gay boycott are not your enemy at this point, you are implicitly helping them by hiding them. you are their insurgent outpost where they are planning to take the next streamer.
at this point, you are only one step away from "If I did it, you deserved it" and you don't even realize it. Or if you do, you don't care. That's what the HP boycott really is: You're going to attack streamers and if they quit or feel bad, their fault for playing *checks notes* a video game. Somehow you've rationalized this to be OK in this thread and in your head. Meanwhile, everyone else thinks you're either a sociopath or a schizo along with the rest of the community shielding this behavior.

>> No.44256809

Pikamee has been streaming for years now, she knows how to handle the typical level of harassment. This is very clearly a different situation much in the same way the zhang incident was different. All you’re doing is justifying the harassment campaign, which has included several streamers and YouTubers and not just Pikamee, by saying that the victim is at fault for not being strong enough.

>> No.44256825

>that you're giving power to people who are literal who
He doesn't need to do that, this is literally the function of social media.

>Do you think if you ever had children who was secretly trans, that they'd feel comfortable transitioning under your parenthood or even telling you about it?
Yes. Because this is empty posturing and you know it.

>In whose eyes?
The eyes of the activist. The same as any group that is defined as oppressed by a set of self-descriptive axioms that are either unprovable or ideas that rely on circular definition. None of the people that can go on the internet and post anything are oppressed. Nobody is denying you the bus or the train to get away.

>How many teens are transitioning in the last year?
I don't care, look it up yourself. It's just the current social contagion. Next up should be split personality.

>> No.44256831

Innocent people who didn’t harass pikamee shouldn’t be harassed. Why the fuck would pikamee, someone who’s very anti-bullying, want you to bully people who didn’t harass her? Trying to turn this into your personal gay ass day of the rope larp against trannies is retarded

>> No.44256902

incoming shower of "Who said i'm against rape?" in 3...2...1...

>> No.44256907

>but pretending like a few vtweeters are capable of causing someone to graduate is both disingenuous and deadly
No it's not, it's happened before. Furthermore, that doesn't make it better, you STILL DID IT. You're outright now just saying "I did do it, yes, so what?"

Yeah 'so what', so what you went around and tried to get people to graduate and suddenly ONE OF THEM GRADUATED, that's just a coincidence which means you get to go around and keep trying to do it. Are you listening to yourself right now? Is this all just big walls of mental backflipping to justify why it was okay to do it in the first place? I'm convinced you deserve literally all the anger directed at you for these insane posts alone.

Utterly mental.
>Yeah I did it but I deserve to do it, it's my right really.

>> No.44256924 [DELETED] 

How does that change the fact that trannies harassed pikamee into quitting? Go into detail.
My Sister didn't want me to hit her bullies, but i still did and she did end up thankful for it, despite not liking it.
That's fine. They are not innocent.

>> No.44256938 [DELETED] 

Because as many have noticed, "trannyism is a social congation satanic mutilation ritual to exterminate the white race and must be destroyed and exterminated at every opportunity"

>> No.44256943

If a group of men went around raping women as part of a large rape campaign I sure would hope there would be men saying that shit isn’t okay.

>> No.44256948

Stop kink shaming my chuubas.

>> No.44256972 [DELETED] 

Trannies are not innocent, they are evil by default since their existence is centered around coercing normal people into treating them like a woman

>> No.44257007

So we should kill all white people because some white people shot up a school? We should kill all conservatives after one of them drove a car into a crowd?

You exactly are what you claim to hate, lol

>> No.44257054

But rape happens every day. Therefore all men are obligated to be activists against rape every day. Because you exist in the Male Community.

when a male rapes, why didnt you do anything to stop him? You're all in the same Community, are you not? It's your fault that woman got raped. You're a rapist.

>> No.44257068

No, because being white or conservative is not inherently evil. Trannies are inherently evil.
We should not kill all trannies because they harassed Pika, we should kill all trannies because they are trannies.

>> No.44257074

I don't think famous actor Ryan Gosling would feel comfortable saying that...

>> No.44257082

Yeah and they should fuck off as well. I don't see any difference between the twitter freaks and the dramafags, both harrassing innocent people for retarded culture war.

>Nearly everyone on this board cares about pikamee
Not you because you're clearly from Kiwifarms though. It's very obvious

>> No.44257093

Kek, the faggot run away.

>> No.44257102

>So we should kill all white people because some white people shot up a school? We should kill all conservatives after one of them drove a car into a crowd?
Isn’t that exactly what leftists say already?

>> No.44257103

Whenever stuff like that happens there's always an outcry against collective guilt or whatever. Only radlibs try to make all white people apologize for Richard Spencer

>> No.44257105

"White" is an american concept and school shootings are too. I don't care about your shitty offtopic ramblings.
Talk about pikamee or fuck off, tranny.
Literally can't stop gaslighting that he isn't at fault for pikamee graduating, pathethic.

>> No.44257114

so all Pikamee fans consider all trannies to be universally evil and they all want to kill trannies.

>> No.44257145

Nah, all conservatives are evil. They destroyed Germany and killed millions of innocent people. Trannies just mind their own business aside from the bad apples on twitter

>> No.44257171

they did get harassment
thing is, they didn't respond to it, so it remained as "literal whos" shouting into the void.
Pika responded (because her fanbase is smaller and can't drown out the schizos) so she got latched on to, where people /here/ started compiling harassment tweets from said literal whos, amplifying the effect.

>> No.44257181

Annoying people on twitter look good saying that thanks to group polarization. It has less to do with the left than chuds on /pol/ do with the right.

>> No.44257207

depends on the tranny.
met a few that passed as women so much they had to tell me.

met also a few that were just long haired men, including the beard.

If you put effort into being accepted, that's okay in my books, those people also tend to be of the 'not terminally online' kind.
If you force others into accepting you, you're just a moral authoritarian and should go to the same place you would put others if you had the power to.

>Nah, all conservatives are evil. They destroyed Germany
Don't. You know nothing and it's already showing.

>> No.44257251

>Trannies just mind their own business
Lies >>44256972
Trannies by definition don't mind their own business, they cannot mind their own business, their existence depends on outsider approval so they NEED to bother, harass and bully other people

>> No.44257293

Everyone’s existence depends on outsider approval. That’s what living in society means

>> No.44257334

>Innocent people who didn’t harass pikamee shouldn’t be harassed.
Those 'innocent people' are the trannies who helped assemble the hitlist that got Pikamee attacked. Or the ones who upvote the celebratory threads proclaiming that everything was acceptable because Pikamee was going to graduate anyway. Or the ones retweeting/sharing this dumb boycott in the first place.

You're watching literal insurgent tactics of hiding among the population. Using it as a shield when their actions come with consequences.
>Do the deserve to get attacked, then?
I don't see them calling out this stupid boycott.The 'innnocent ones' are still circling the wagons for this retarded video game hill to die on. Then they have the gall to turn around and say "Yeah but you can't be mad at us for being a part of it".

Yes I can. Why wouldn't I? You started this stupid spat over an open world video game based on a children's book. You're still doing it. How are you not also at fault?

>> No.44257339

Harassment happens every day too but it isn’t every day there’s a harassment campaign dedicated to bullying streamers and people who buy a video game into submission. If a group of men, who proudly announce to the world that they are men and make it their entire identity and personality even so far as to making a pride community surrounding it flag and all, decide to form a lesser group within their Male Pride Community based on raping women because those women bought some inane product they don’t agree with, I would really hope that the same people in that original community would say that they don’t support that shit.

>> No.44257346

>Yeah and they should fuck off as well.
Oh, are we banning /vsj+/ now? What about the girls and homos that constantly talk shit in /hlgg/?
I think the over-the-top ones are completely retarded but it's no different

>> No.44257376

Peak NPC
Anyways, this whole fucking thread became literally a group for the raiders to gaslight. What's the point? Their arguments are lies or retarded and this thread is still up.
They do not care about pikamee at all and it's disgusting the tranny janny keeps this thread up.

>> No.44257383

Yes and that acceptance is quite easily to gain by effort and genuine outreach.
Someone who is kind and open will always eventually find acceptance because people will start to feel bad for stonewalling them.

Oh, so people like pikamee. Whoops.

>> No.44257402

"forcing" others to accept you is too vague to be wrong. It's fine sometimes, and wrong others.

>> No.44257426

The ones that are "okay in your books" should still be confronted about the Pikamee situation and made to answer for their crimes.

Even if one seems okay on the outside, do they not still exist, which incidentally serves a greater Ideology that oppresses others?

>> No.44257458

Do you think the people who hate trannies care about her?

>> No.44257481

>but it isn’t every day there’s a harassment campaign dedicated to bullying streamers and people who buy a video game into submission.


>> No.44257504

I used sarcasm because I figured that you'd get the point better that way, I didn't realize I'd be so wrong .
I'd be more concerned about the people behind this boycott if they had any sort of power whatsoever, but they don't. They are all people with 10 to 15 followers at the most. They are as irrelevant of people as it comes and quite frankly should not be paid any sort of heed. It'd be concerning if there's any sort of actual power that these people gained but the only power that they seem to gain is the power that you yourself grant to them. By ignoring the fact that everybody else seems to indicate that she was already planning on graduating including people who watched her which you obviously do not, pretending that everybody else is a liar because the fact that you totally know everything, and pretending like these people with 10 to 15 followers are capable of causing even the mightiest of heroes to fall on their own swords is a ridiculous argument that should not be given any sort of attention.
Nobody deserves to be harassed, but the thing is that if you give those harassers power, they're not going to leave you alone. They got what they wanted.
When you've got a grease fire burning in your kitchen, the easiest way to prevent it is to put a lid on it. You don't run around screaming about the fire, You don't feed the fire, You use the tools that you have available to prevent the fire from getting any bigger than it already is and cut it off.
Schizos, trannies, vtweeters, whatever enemies you have are only empowered by you. These people have no clout, they have no effects, but by ignoring reality and accrediting them for things that they want accredited for, you're not doing anybody any favors.

>> No.44257537 [DELETED] 

that's the same 'everything is political' bullshit that brought us here.

You have no right to force someone's disposition.

>> No.44257538

>Someone who is kind and open will always eventually find acceptance because people will start to feel bad for stonewalling them.

Many parents disown their children for being trans.

>> No.44257540

>It’s just twitter.
Haha. Right.

>> No.44257546

>we had nothing to do with it
>..this time

>> No.44257582

Except she really doesn't, she's the same girl who posted about four different membership posts because of the fact that she got negative feedback to an outfit that she designed. She's always been on the verge of a breakdown over the slightest pushback to her. I love the girl, I do, I'm on the same hand you cannot pretend like she has ever dealt with any sort of harassment even semi decently
Even Kson, acknowledges that you should ignore harassment rather than letting it grow.

>> No.44257592

So? Everyone has a right to be an asshole.

>> No.44257598

Which happened several years ago thus proving my point that it doesn’t happen every day. Are you a retard?

>> No.44257651

??? I'm talking about culture warriors and harassers. What the fuck are you whatabouting this time?

>> No.44257654

Why should I be forced to recognize an adoptive mother as a Real Mother or even use the M word for her instead of Guardian? Why is she forcing me to deny biological reality and call her Mother when she didn't birth the child in her custody? Does this not make her a tyrant much like the trannies?

>> No.44257663

I can understand what your arguments are based off of but, social media only empowers people who have somewhat of a following. These people don't. I have not seen any sort of shred of evidence that any of these people were relevant to the slightest before this. Their relevancy is entirely gained through here.
You let those people live rent free in your head long enough and believe it or not they will start becoming more relevant because the fact that you make them that way. You are the sole person who is capable of changing how much attention you give to those people.

>> No.44257698

>Catalog is such a fucking trashfire, moderation team really failed here.
yeah i dont know where the fuck they went, they were all doing shit yesterday

>> No.44257701

>I love the girl, I do, I'm on the same hand you cannot pretend like she has ever dealt with any sort of harassment even semi decently

That actually makes this worse.

It's like saying 'listen it isn't an issue I broke this guys legs, he was in a wheelchair already'.

>> No.44257703

Depends, most of the people that now hate Trannys and didn't before clearly cared about her, otherwise their viewpoint wouldn't have changed.
It's just that simple and we already have seen victim blaming, troll tactics, narcism, deflection, pointless offtopic ramblings just to shift the blame away from these subhuman harassers. It's disgusting.
Pikamee is graduating and all you can think about is how to gaslight people in a basketweaving forum that it wasn't the trannys fault and Pikamee just randomly now decided to graduate after harassment campaigns.

>> No.44257742

kill yourself you stupid faggot, and go back

>> No.44257756

No, because the chinese prove that you don't need bulk for something like this, mass is a bulk on it's own.

Yes. But if you want to kill your adoptive mother I suggest you seek actual help ASAP.

>> No.44257759


That's not what you claimed. "If you're a good person then people will stop mistreating you because they'll start to feel bad" doesn't happen in the real world. Hundreds of millions of people throughout history have gotten slaughtered regardless of the content of their character.

>> No.44257771

I agree that ignoring it is the best thing to do but you can’t put the blame on Pikamee in this situation. The blame is still on the people who incited the harassment to begin with. You claim to care about her while also implying that she deserved it.

>> No.44257798

Does it matter? I got banned for defending trannies yesterday and couldn't post during Gura's 3D. They don't care if you're a fan or not, are trans or not. They're psychopaths pretending, to use your ideology as a battering ram.

>> No.44257815

Moving the goal post from social despondency to slaughter, nice.

Yes, we have extremely tight legal frameworks on killing people for that reason.

>> No.44257835

Indeed. They didn't specifically say nor imply this in the announcement but sure, sure, it was planned before that and it's just a coincidental unfortunate sets of events.

>> No.44257849

When has it happened to anybody even semi-relevant? If you want to bring up Coco, it wasn't just the antis that Coco had to deal with, she also had to deal with being ostracized from almost her entire branch plus the EN branch having a lack of moderation tools to deal with the harassment campaign against her, and in general just being handled extremely poorly. That's less of a case of irrelevant v-tweeters causing somebody to graduate and more of a case of Japanese management more or less forcing a graduation through a lack of empathy.
And in case it wasn't completely obvious to you, I was using sarcasm. I couldn't care less about whatever flavor of the month game people want to play or not.
I personally did not overly see the appeal of the game after playing a cracked copy of it but I'm also not a girl who grew up fantasizing about an owl delivering a letter of admission to a fantasy school.

>> No.44257853 [DELETED] 

Feel whatever disposition you like. Acceptance includes things like legal rights. Some people have to accept (in that sense) some things.

>> No.44257875

The rule of the world is that people mistreat "good people" all the time regardless of the nature of that mistreatment. "If you behave then eventually things will go your way" isn't how the world works outside of Disney movies.

>> No.44257948 [DELETED] 

>the most obvious concerted effort to raid and turn this board into a /pol/nigger wasteland
jannies what is so hard about pruning these threads before they turn into a fucking dumpster fire?

>> No.44257962 [DELETED] 

>List Of Racists, Bigots, & Far-Right Extremists Who Are Also Paedos, Child Molesters, Child Pornography Aficionados, Child Groomers, & Child Sex Proponents:

-Bradley Daniel Alford - Tommy Robinson supporter & convicted paedophile/child groomer/child pornographer.

-Kristopher Allen: SDL member and child rapist

-Angel Almeida: this 22-year-old Queens, NY resident and member of Order of Nine Angles (a Satanic, neo-nazi cult) was charged with firearms offenses and the sexual exploitation of minors after spending months grooming two children into committing sex acts that he could use as material for child pornography. Almeida, apparently proud of his crimes, posted photos on social media of himself in front of a computer whose screen saver read “ADDICTED TO HARDCORE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY” while wearing a t-shirt that read “KIDDIE FIDDLER”

-Alexander Andersson: this 21-year-old nazi and active member of Sweden’s nazi Nordic Resistance Movement and nazi bonehead gang Svea Skins is also a serial child rapist, having kidnapped and raped three girls aged 12 to 14, as well as blackmailing another 12-year-old girl into making child pornography. All told, Andersson sexually exploited 15 children as young as 4 years old.

-Luke Atkinson: the Retford, UK EDL & UKIP activist is also a convicted child groomer who blackmailed and raped girls as young as 13, as he admittedly during his trial.

-David Ray Barker: Texas Patriot Network supporter and convicted repeat child molester

-Joshua Barnard: Self-proclaimed Boogaloo Boi, facing 11 counts of third degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

-Matthew G. Barszcz: this 26-year-old self-identified QAnon conspiracy devotee was charged in 2022 with possession of child pornography & sexual exploitation of a child by distribution of sexually explicit materials after police raided his Couer d’Alene, ID. home. Barszcz “told police he knew it was illegal to possess images of child sexual abuse but found the images ‘intriguing,’”

-Luca Benincasa: This 20-year-old Welsh incel and self-styled leader of a neo-nazi terror group banned in the UK has now been twice-convicted for downloading and possessing pornographic images of children as young as four. Police noted Benincasa’s internet search history included terms like “rape games” and “child porn T-shirt.”

-Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin: failed UKIP candidate, noted racist and homophobe and, based on a 2014 video where he says “"I can be quoted as saying you can fuck young boys. It’s actually not as controversial as you think,” a pedophilia booster.

-Robert George Bierer the 3rd: Self-described Proud Boy; state-described convicted child pornography fan.

-Robert Jesus Blancas: This 33-year-old “Boogaloo Boi” was in a militia group with Steven Carrillo - who murdered two police officers in California in separate ambush shootings in 2020. While investigating the militia, police undercover text conversations Blancas had where he was attempting to groom a teenaged girl into having sex with him.

-Benjamin Bogard: Atomwaffen Division member, alleged neo-nazi mass murder plotter, and convicted child pornography aficionado.

-Alan Boulter: EDL supporter caught in a sting operation when he arranged to met someone he thought was a 13-year-old girl for sex.

-Tino Brandt: this German neo-nazi ringleader turned police snitch received a 5.5 year sentence for sexually abusing and pimping out children from 2011-2014.

-Paul Broomfield: “Regional Commanding Officer” of Britain First as well as a registered sex offender and convicted child pornographer.

-William Bernard “Billy” Charlton: 55-year-old close friend & supporter of Tommy Robinson whose previous stint in prison was for stirring up racial hatred against migrants. Ironically, Charlton’s defence on those charges was that he was only trying to “protect the women of Sunderland from rape and sexual violence."

-Michael Coates: North West Infidel and serial child molestor.

-Frank Collin: National Socialist Party of America leader and convicted child molestor.

-Christopher Cook: this American nazi and convicted terrorist is also responsible for both sexually and ideologically grooming a 15-year-old girl in the UK, leading her to both send him nude photos and becoming the youngest person in the UK to be charged with terrorism offenses.

-Matthew Demetrius “Deme” Cooper: Videographer for Patriot Prayer and convicted pedophile/child rapist.

-Bruce Cordwell: EDL member & convicted child groomer.

-Michael Cowen: National Front member and prolific child pornographer.

>> No.44258006 [DELETED] 

-David DePape: The QAnon supporter, online anti-semite, rabid conspiracy theorist best known for nearly murdering Nancy Pelosi’s husband in a hammer attack at their home also, according to his stepdaughter, sexually abused her and his sons when they were children.

-Josh Duggar: the upstanding executive director for the political wing of the virulently homophobic Family Research Council & also a serial child molestor and child pornography collector.

-Charles Allen Dyer: ex-US marine known online as “July4Patriot,” this member of both the Oath Keepers militia and the American Resistance Movement - who friends called “the poster boy for the militia movement - was found in possession of a stolen 40mm grenade launcher when police arrested him for raping and sodomizing a 6-year-old girl. Even after his conviction on those charges, the grifting continued, with his mother writing fundraising letters to “the patriot movement” on behalf of her son. Dyer was kicked out of the Oath Keepers - not because of being a child rapist, but because he was delinquent in paying his membership dues.

-Alan Thomas Ellis: EDL member and convicted child groomer.

-Peter “Naughty Doctor” Entwistle: Former UKIP chairman and convicted child groomer/(prolific!) child pornographer.

-Robert Ewing: EDL/BNP member and child rapist/murderer

-Axel F.: three years before being arrested by German police for planning a terror attack on a Hildesheim, Germany mosque, this violent Islamophobe had been grooming a 15-year-old girl online, sending her dick pics, and then calling her mother to threaten to stab her daughter to death and burn her corpse after the girl cut off contact with him.

-Matthew Fairfield: enthusiastic Oath Keepers miltia member who, when the police raided his home and seized napalm and IEDs, was found to also have quite a cache of child pornography on his laptop.

-Ryan Fleming: National Action terrorist, member of the neo-nazi Satanic cult Order of Nine Angles, and serial child rapist.

-Darren Francis: British National Party member and child rapist.

-Matt Gaetz: The Rupublican congressman and die-hard Trumpist has had rumors, innuendo, and investigations around various allegations of him having sex with teenaged girls, but this written confession from his friend Joel Greenburg really throws him under the bus.

-Peter Mitchell Gaughenbaugh: Florida Hammerskin hang-around and convicted sex offender/child pornographer.

-Christopher Gamlin: Britain First! member and convicted child groomer.

-Michael Scott Geiger: Raping a 13-year-old back in 1992-1993 would have been enough to land this proud member of the United Aryan Brotherhood prison gang on our list. But Geiger really outdid himself in April 2022 when, after being released from prison just a month prior, he lured a two-year-old into his motel room, raped her, strangled her, and then threw her from the second-floor balcony into the motel pool, where she drowned.

-Ben Gibson - failed Louisiana gubernatorial candidate, avid QAnon conspiracy advocate, and according the the police, child pornography aficionado.

-Martyn Gilleard: Neo-nazi, convicted child pornographer, and paedophile

-Peter Gillett: EDL speaker & serial child rapist.

-Wesley David Gilreath: Boulder, CO. resident, author of an online guide to killing people at synagogues and mosques, who the FBI arrested on child pornography charges.

-Phil Godlewski: This big wheel in the QAnon conspiracy cult was also convicted of corruption of a minor in 2010 when he groomed and fucked a 15-year-old girl on a high school basketball team he was coaching. Hilariously, when a local newspaper mentioned the case, Godlewski sued (after raising money from his followers, of course!), As of this writing, his case is not going well for him.

-Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez: this 18-year-old self-described “incel” who left Nick Fuentes’ “groyper” movement when he found it not anti-semetic or extremist enough was found to have child pornography on his cell phone during an FBI investigation into his threats to attack a student gathering in Florida.

-Adam Hageman: this former Trump aide and Turning Point USA event coordinator is now serving a 5.5 year prison sentence after being busted as part of a ring of child pornographers sharing their filth via an encrypted Telegram chat, where he told other paedos he “preferred children aged 12 to 16;” was frustrated when COVID shutdowns prevented him from seeing children at urinals in public restrooms; and suggested to the group that they “find a dad with a young kid he will rent out to us” so that he could begin “crossing out fantasies.”

-Benjamin Hannam: This 22-year-old former Met police officer is facing charges for belonging to National Action - a proscribed terror group - and (of course!) for also being in possession of child pornography. He trial is set for March 2021.

>> No.44258022 [DELETED] 

You're the raider, faggot.

>> No.44258047

I don't exactly blame her, no, but I will definitely state that the whole harassment campaign seems to have been very overstated and that it seems to have mainly been a few v-tweeters with less than 100 followers between them and her lack of ability to actually handle any sort of criticism.
I feel like that was honestly part of the reason that she's been burned out as of late because when your hobbies start to become stressful for you because you're not mentally equipped for those hobbies, I can't imagine it's much fun.
I wish everybody online was nice, I wish that people would not harass others for clout and for whatever reason that they can contrive that week. But that's not the world that we live in. I sympathize with her and I'm going to be sad to see her go, but I'm not going to make up a story that everybody around her is lying about the fact that she was intending to graduate all along .
I don't think that the few people harassing her helped her mental health at all, because she's always taking things very personally and very much to heart even if the people that these things are coming from deserve the littlest amount of respect or attention.
All I've been trying to say is that continuing to give these people the attention that they so desperately crave, doesn't end up doing anybody any favors. It doesn't change the fact that she's going to graduate on March 31st, it doesn't change the fact that their actions were deplorable. All it does is continue to feed into the egos of those people. Because without the constant feedback loop of people acknowledging their actions and attributing their actions, they are nobody they are back to who they were before those actions were committed. Do you understand where I'm coming from?

>> No.44258058 [DELETED] 

-Ian Hargreaves: 66-year-old Leeds resident and avid child pornography collector who got caught policing investigating death threats he made against BBC presenters peppered with racially abusive language.

-Andrew Hazelton: this 28-year-old Portland, Maine resident and shining member of NSC-131 (National Socialist Club/Anti-Communist Action) pled guilty to child pornography charges after being found in possession of dozens of kiddie porn photos after police detained him for pointing a stun gun at a co-worker. Oh, and then there was also the time he tried to get nude selfies from a 10-year-old girl.

-Jonathan Hernandez: the 21-year-old chair of the Oklahoma College Republicans, active Christian evangelist, MAGA-loving Trump supporter, COVID conspiracy theorist, and according to Oklahoma police, child rapist.

-Nigel Hesmondhalgh: British National Party member and convicted child pornographer.

-Dale Hewitt: EDL supporter and convicted serial child rapist.

-Ian Richard Hindle: British National Party member and convicted child rapist.

-Kane Hutchinson: EDL member and convicted child molestor

-Eliot Jones: EDL member and convicted child groomer.

-Michael Alan Jones: This Patriot Front heatscore, Proud Boy, and January 6th insurrectionist likes to participate in so-called “Save The Children” rallies, which is a bit ironic considering his prior charges for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old and a 15-year-old, which he pled down to felony “crimes against nature.”

-Mervyn Jones: North West Alliance member & convicted serial child rapist.

-Shaun Jones: This Scouse Nationalist was convicted of grooming and raping a 12-year-old girl.

-Michael Kinnear: EDL member, British National Party member, convicted child groomer, child rapist and child pornographer.

-Jonathan Charles Koch: child pornography enthusiast whose other hobby is to dress up in a Pepe hoodie and harass women’s marches in Iowa City.

-August Kreis: Aryan Nations leader & convicted child molester

-Warren Jeffs: Racist Christian extremist & convicted child rapist

-Scott Langton: This Ferndale, WA. cop didn’t do a lot for his career when he tried to join the far-right terrorist militia the Oath Keepers a month after their failed insurrection on January 6, 2021. That got him put on “administrative leave.” Apparently not content with just attempting to join a treasonous terror group, Langton then got brought up on attempted child molestation charges, which was finally enough for the city to fire him.

-Nathan Larson: 37-year-old Virginia congressional candidate, Hitler-worshipping white supremacist, admitted pedophile, pro-rape advocate, and creator of several online chat rooms for pedophiles and misogynists, who was arrested in 2020 for grooming and kidnapping a 12-year-old girl.

-Thomas Leech: this self-professed nazi from Preston, UK “filled a void” in his lonely, pathetic life by encouraging acts of violence against Jews and Muslims online. His other hobby? Making and collecting “indecent images” of children.

-Gavin Leist: British National Party member and dedicated child pornographer.

- Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares: a 58-year old multimillionaire, Holocaust denier, homophobe, and obsessive collector of Nazi memorabilia and firearms is arrested in his home after being accused of raping and molesting multiple children in his Rio de Janeiro neighbourhood.

-James Mason: Decades-long self-described neo-nazi, author of white supremacist terrorist manual, spiritual leader of white supremacist terror group Atomwaffen Division, and child pornographer, who was convicted of such in 1991 and then again convicted of menacing in a case involving child sexual exploitation a few years later.

-Sean Michael McHugh: This Auburn, CA. Proud Boy’s shameful past came to light after he was arrested for participating in the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill insurrection. Turns out he has a long rap sheet with including auto theft, fencing stolen cameras, and drug possession. Oh, and then there was that time in 2009 when he took a plea deal after being charged with drugging and raping a 14-year-old child; McHugh wound up pleading guilty to “Unlawful Sexual Intercourse with a Minor” and “Contributing to Delinquency of a Minor/Threat on a Minor” and spending 210 days in jail after prosecutors agreed to drop the “Forcible Rape” and “Rape by Use of Drugs” charges he was facing. Which made his comments to the Capitol Hill police he was assaulting about them “protecting pedophiles” more than a bit ironic.

>> No.44258113 [DELETED] 


-Leigh McMillan: 46-year-old EDL leader, presently serving a 17-year prison sentence for child grooming and serial sexual assault of a prepubescent girl, beginning when she was just 10 years old.

-Michael McQueenie: This EDL member was caught in the act of raping a 14-year-old girl with learning difficulties by her father.

-Brett Moses: This EDL member travelled all the way to Canada to meet the 13-year-old girl he had been grooming online, only to discover she was really an undercover cop.

-Mark Nolan: This English nazi was arrested by Irish police in Dublin, who found him in posession of bomb-making materials and over 250,000 images of child pornography.

-Stephen Parshall: 36-year-old Boogaloo Boy, suspected terrorist currently facing terror charges, and according to materials found by the FBI on his cell phone and an interview with his step-daughter, a child rapist and child pornographer.

-Stephen Payne: SDL member who groomed and raped a 13-year-old girl.

-Liam Pinkham: North West Infidel, British Freedom Fighter, child rapist.

-Enoch Powell: former UK MP, racist firebrand, and accused paedophile network member

-Richard Price: EDL founding member and convicted child pornographer who Tommy Robinson famously defended after his child pornography conviction.

-Jack Renshaw: 23-year-old National Action member/white supremacist terrorist currently on trial for plotting to murder British MP Rosie Cooper who was also under investigation for, and later convicted on charges of, child sex grooming at the time of his arrest.

-Jarl Judson Rockhill: before his recent foray into attending neo-nazi rallies in the PNW, Jarl was charged with Sexual Abuse in the First Degree in 2002, and with Using a Child in a Display of Sexually Explicit conduct in 2003. He is registered as a sex offender as of 1-7-10.

-Michael Roles: Britain First supporter and convicted serial child rapist.

-Roderick Malcolm Rowley: British National Party candidate and convicted child pornographer.

-Mark Ryley: Proud Britain First, Infidels, and Nick Griffen supporting, currently serving a 30-year prison sentence for raping girls as young a six over a period spanning decades.

-James Shand: Now that this convicted child sex offender is no longer able to groom 13-year-old girls on the internet (or adult police officers posing as 13-year-old girls!), James has taken to attending secretive events held by the white supremacist Patriotic Alternative.

-Jesse Shenk: This 31-year-old splits his free time between hanging anti-semitic banners from highway overpasses with the Goyin Defense League and grooming 14-year-old girls online. Well, grooming police officers posing as 14-year-old girls, as Shenk found out when he was arrested after traveling to Klemeth, CA. to fuck the person he had been sending photos of himself performing sex acts to.

-Simon Sheppard: This notorious Holocaust denier, racist, and far-right extremist is now also a convicted paedophile for attempting to trick four teenagers into having sex with him in what he described to them as a “sexperiment.”

-Ian Siree: British National Party candidate whose child pornography collection was discovered by police searching his home in connection with the murder of a takeaway delivery driver by Siree’s son James.

-Chris Simcox: Minutemen Militia leader and accused child molester

-Mark Sleman (a.k.a. Archie SLEMAN a.k.a. Archie SLIMAN a.k.a. Stuart HOLMES a.k.a. Mark HOLMES): you’d probably have as many aliases as this EDL member if, like him, you kidnapped and raped a 10-year-old girl.

-Kevin Strom: National Vanguard leader & convicted child pornographer

-James Andrew Swindlehurst: North West Infidel, White Man marcher and serial child rapist whose sex crimes against children spanned a five-year period.

-Dave Todeschini: this QAnon stalwart has some strong opinions on which politicians and celebrities are/are not pedophiles. He himself pled guilty to sexual assault in 1999 for sodomizing an 8-year-old boy.

-Alexander Hillel Treisman: When police were called to investigate this upstanding citizen’s van, they found it packed with five guns, ammunition, explosives, and over $500,000 in cash. They also found notes about assassinating Joe Biden, drawings of swastikas and planes crashing into buildings, musings about committing a mass shooting, and - yes, you guessed it! - child pornography on eight different devices.

>> No.44258149

Yes and no, the thing is that once Coco graduated and reincarnated there were still massive amounts of people who harassed her.
She ended up dealing with it by having people moderate her chat, and by having auto moderators moderate her chat. To this day there are probably more than 100 comments per stream that get flagged and removed From the stream without anybody being aware.
If you have the tools to deal with harassment, then the only other thing that you can really do is ignore that harassment because giving more weight to those harassers does not encourage them to stop. It encourages them to continue and increase their efforts because the fact that they are being rewarded

>> No.44258173 [DELETED] 

-Ruben Verastigui: when Ruben wasn’t busy designing social media ads for Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaigns or doing digital media work for anti-choice groups and the GOP, he liked to unwind by collecting and watching videos of babies being raped. Videos where the babies screamed while being violated were “his favorite” he told fellow pedophiles in an encrypted Telegram chat group. Verastigui is now serving a 12-year-prison sentence for possession of child porn.

-Trevor Vinson: Trevor was as devoted to supporting the EDL, Britain First, and Jayda Fransen as he was to repeatedly raping a three-year-old girl over a period of months and recording his sexual assaults on his phone.

-Andrew Paul Wells: This British National Party member’s rape of a child was uncovered when the girl’s mother discovered pornographic photos of her child taken by Wells.

-Paul Whiteside: 47-year-old Lincolnshire EDL leader & convicted child groomer & child abductor.

-Matthew Stephen Raymond Woodward: This EDL member was sacked from his job after his child pornography collecting hobby became public knowledge

-Amos Yee: The Singaporean blogger and apparent friend of Andy Ngo got in hot water with authorities for posting Islamophobic rants but also for grooming a 14-year-old girl, receiving a six-year sentence. Yee has also posted several pro-pedophilia missives online, prior to being incarcerated.

-Milo Yiannopoulos: Transphobe, anti-immigrant trash bag, & (while not convicted of child molestation) on the record as a pro-pedophilia advocate

-Beate Zschäpe: This member of the German neo-nazi terror group NSU had her child pornography charges dropped after prosecutors concluded that they were not nearly as significant as the charges she faced for murdering ten people in a string of terror attacks across the country.


So why don't you faggots police YOUR community first? child raping scum? some trannies are guilty of harassing pikamee? yeah, those are shit people and i want them gone, but you people rape kids.

>> No.44258227

Oh i thought this was some template pasta but it's actually topical? high effort

>> No.44258241
File: 277 KB, 598x350, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna cry, sharty? post a soijak and the same 3 NPC responses, why dont you
go back to the shithole you were created in, /pol/nigger

>> No.44258516

What has Gura ever done to you?

>> No.44258568

Don’t bring the Shork into this.

>> No.44259959

Anon, these people don't even realize this garbage is just a means to enforce class warfare as a concept that exists. They push people like trannies to cause conflict to be able to point to it and say there is conflict. They really do think its just trannies being trannies when they can tell with their own eyes its not even trannies doing it.
