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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 203 KB, 595x501, 65D52133-7577-4C99-BA30-0380A50AC119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44240750 No.44240750 [Reply] [Original]

This is not okay.

>> No.44240805

Gatekeep properly and this doesn't happen.
Otherwise get used to having troons running things.

>> No.44240814

>ragebaiting this hard

>> No.44240823

Transphobia is NEVER okay.

>> No.44240876

YWNBAW. Also, stop trying to shill your groomer charities here.

>> No.44240932

Been saying it for a long time. Probably too late for vtubing though.

>> No.44240965

Pic unrelated but yeah

>> No.44241017

it is FAR too late. The very first waves of english speaking vtubers were mouthpieces. Anyone who watched jp by itself before en came along saw this coming back in 2019

>> No.44241028

No, it's perfectly okay. It serves as proof of how mentally deficient these "people" are.

>> No.44241084

It's just a money thing anon, if anything fanning the fuels of hate when they want to suppress the situation, it's laughable. Also it's horribly inaccurate, acts as low key bait and serves as a reminder that they are VERY hypocritical trying to preach in /vt/ when they are guilty all the same. Playing Harry Potter doesn't make you a TERF, they labelled her, Pikamee never deserved it.

>> No.44241086

It's totally okay.
Trans rights are human rights

>> No.44241105

>YWNBAW. Also, stop trying to shill your groomer charities here.
Nobody mentioned the church though

>> No.44241202

Having sex and cutting off children’s dicks are not rights. Women wouldn’t sleep with you as a guy, they won’t sleep with you as a tranny either.

>> No.44241251

What does that even mean? No need to change anything then because we already have human rights. Good.

>> No.44241269

reminder that every post op hole will eventually smell like death and shit, as it is unnatural to mutilate your gentials.

>> No.44241308

there was no chance at all to gatekeep with vtubing

>> No.44241330

Wow bigot. Trannies have the right to force you to find them attractive. Thinking otherwise is transphobic.

>> No.44241359

Rights to what? Sports and bathrooms are spaces segregated by sex, your gender theory bullshit isnt even an excuse in that case.
You have every single right I have already.

>> No.44241361

To these freaks, having sex is a right. The incel to tranny pipeline is real.

>> No.44241382

Who are you to say what's unnatural?

>> No.44241395
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>> No.44241410

Right to groom children
Right to ruin families
and the Right to harass others if they don't want anything to do with your sjw garbage

>> No.44241414

Ok. Nobody cares though. Go scream about it in muslim countries.

>> No.44241436 [DELETED] 
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>all this because a group of radicalized, groomed zoomers think playing or not playing a video game is their great civil rights standoff

>> No.44241449

idk about you but when i watched the pain olympics it seemed pretty unnatural to me. I suppose for you mentally disturbed freaks it seems like a funtime.

>> No.44241477

I'm from an islam majority country and do anything like that nonsense in our country for someone playing a video game and we'll stab u in the throat for being annoying tranny

>> No.44241498
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Anon, you HAVE no rights.
You're a slave under a globalized system of control that actively hates you and wants to turn you into mindless cattle.
Your "transgender movement" is nothing but a façade designed to convince impressionable young men and women into chemically or physically castrating themselves.
(You) are nothing but a pawn in someone else's game.

>> No.44241568

Again, who are you to say what's unnatural? God?
God doesn't exist

>> No.44241582
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>if you wont suck the skirt incel's euphoria boner you are a bigot

>> No.44241603

my sense of smell tells me what's unnatural you gigantic festering wound.

>> No.44241643
File: 29 KB, 720x405, 8E63CEB9-40CF-49A8-8130-EC5A9EEA1772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a phobia. This is not us afraid of them, this is us ANGRY with them. This is a thymote.

We are transthymotic. Angered at what has been excused enabling the trannies, and how their insane mania has taken one of the few wholesome parts of this whole genre. You destroy joy and scream NOT ALL TRANNIES fuck you YES ALL TRANNIES

You ALL are to blame for Pikamee.

You’re all fucking Chris-Chan, you’re ugly as him, you’re as perverted as him, you’re as undeserving of love as him, and most people importantly, you never cleaned your fucking house. And look what’s finally inevitably happening. The whole goddamn house is burning down and of course you’re gonna get all the love and affectiob and JUST like Chris-chan you’re gonna be narcissistic shits about if and carry on with sicker delusions until you’re caught raping something. Kids? Mom? I’ll leave it open ended, don’t want to give you any ideas…

This isn’t just about Pikamee anymore, this is about decades of disgust and frustration with you ALL boiling over all at once. You’re just impossible fucking people to deal with and I don’t want to pretend I feel anything but disgust with you. The Nazis always come back with the trannies, we got gay marriage in America eight fucking years ago and all that goodwill is evaporating to coddle garish sex perverts in drag going ‘I’m Shaquanda with seven Xs and a spot of syphilis I call Timmy! Let me thrust my crotch at your middle school children!’

Fuck you, get off the rainbow. Get off the internet. You ruined Pikamee. You ruin EVERYTHING.

>> No.44241649

They were destined to social suicide eventually

>> No.44241720

why are jannies working overtime to protect trannies?

>> No.44241731


>> No.44241752

>God doesn't exist
Evidently. Because no god would allow the existence of trannies to go unpunished. We're long overdue for another great flood.

>> No.44241761


Low effort bait

>> No.44241814

It's definitely too late. HoloEN should have never happened.
Now we have NijiEN which constantly panders to those twitter subhumans 24/7, so they will never leave.

>> No.44241823


>> No.44241866

False flags within false flags. 4chan is so fun.

>> No.44241888


>> No.44241894

>mental illness
there is no biological part of trannyism
its a delusion that autistic incels buy into because they believe it will finally get them laid
its the same as a schizo believing they are a reincarnation of jesus

>> No.44241906

Well. Hey, maybe next time.

>> No.44241922

So they're christians?

>> No.44241935

>the other Pikamee ads get removed immediately
>this one stays
yeah you know who the mods work for.

>> No.44241954
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>Access denied
>Error code 1020
>You do not have access to give.thetrevorproject.org.

>The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site.

>> No.44241984

You’re going in the fucking woodchipper next. I’m done with atheistfaggots too.

>> No.44241985

We really need a disgust suffix to finally be created.

>> No.44242003

What human rights are there that the trans don’t currently enjoy?

>> No.44242016

Support the cause chud.............. wait... that reminds me.... did Froot donate the 50k as she promised?

>> No.44242034

>bitching about something being natural on an unnatural website on an unnatural interconnected network through an unnatural instrument located in your unnatural house

>> No.44242050

Because a movement begins with a spark, and a bushfire from a cigarette consumes a forest, and a forest fire burns everything to the fucking ground.
They already know that the world is getting tired of them, of all the places can you imagine it is from /vt/ that fucks the movement to bring society back to normal.

>> No.44242075

It's trying to tell us something...

>> No.44242077

Why, sad they're not letting you rape little boys with impunity anymore?

>> No.44242087

I'm a transwoman and i fucked 10 girls already.

>> No.44242100

>Step away from the terminal
>Back to natural
>Step away from the dilator

>> No.44242119

It very funny to me that you think you aren’t in exactly the same position

>> No.44242121

>mutilating functional body parts and the internet are the same thing.

>> No.44242123

To kill yourself?

>> No.44242148
File: 143 KB, 1500x998, 0B31D845-DD0E-4B83-9FD8-76BCC9105642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgust in greek is aidia, -aidic would be the most appropriate parallel, but Transaidic sound as sharp. Hence why I chose anger in >>44241643 with thymos. A thymote.

Transthymotic, anger at the trans community for letting them get so powerful and so brazen that all the apologetics of the net cannot quench the fury. Boiling. Like water on a stovetop, in a pan or a kettle, even.

>> No.44242177

Stop calling medical procedures mutilation, your blood is showing

>> No.44242207
File: 57 KB, 540x360, 1672436272891762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am filled with so much rage right now and everything i do just falls on deaf ears.
I wanna do something big, need to do something big, to get the message across to the world.
What the fuck should i do with all my anger?

>> No.44242217

>His house occurred naturally
>His surroudings occurred completely naturally with no human involvement

Both are humanity rebelling against nature

>> No.44242236

I heard about this Potter writer woman "fund" something what kill the trans. What is this she did fund to people hate her this much? As far as I know, kill people is illegal, so you can't give "funds" to that.

>> No.44242270

the internet isn't natural, but it is functional.

cutting one's dick off makes that dick non-functional. did you know that before you had the procedure? did anybody tell you that you would never have a functioning uterus? do you believe it, even now, after i've told you directly?

>> No.44242275

>Healthy body part
>Chop it off

>> No.44242276

Shoot up a klan meeting

>> No.44242303

Go out and give oral sex to people who want it
Use your passion to spread joy

>> No.44242304

Public schools rape far more than any conversos in the vatican could ever reach. Where’s your concern for kids there?
>don’t distract from the point
That’s literally what you’re doing right now, we’re talking about terminally online faggots and you’re like MUH XTIANS

Stop fucking typing jfc

>> No.44242331

start supporting Islamic legislations and try to get them passed in America. It seems it truly is the only way these freaks will be put in place. Everyone else is too afraid to touch them.

>> No.44242357

Honestly yeah, I would love for a surgeon to cut out my appendix right now

>> No.44242361

What's the current development? Trannies who bulled Pika got doxxed, what else?

>> No.44242385
File: 169 KB, 1170x912, FqO_NeSWYBk4yI4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so confused, she literally went live yesterday and talked about her mom's health issues, plus wasn't the whole graduation planned since january? where the fuck did this come from?

>> No.44242395

She basically said she doesn't think transwomen are female and shouldn't be allowed in battered womens shelters. Then gave money to battered womens shelters. That was all.

>> No.44242439

>thinks school teachers have more influence than priests
Go back to school retard

>> No.44242468
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>> No.44242478

Why are you moving the goalposts all of a sudden? Nobody mentioned shit about functional, we're talking about natural. Keep up, kid

>> No.44242529

So all this hate because someone have an opinion what is something they dislike? All this harrasment because "she don't agree with me" ? Very stupid and childish

>> No.44242567

Change.org petition to ban troons from twitch and codify the word groomer in to law as uncensorable on all social media platforms
Force twitch to recognize troons as a hate cult

>> No.44242566

so you don't believe it. you really think you're a female now. that is not going to end well.

>> No.44242568

I'll just go ahead and say the unpopular truth here. Pika was never cut out to be an internet personality, nor are a good chunk of vtubers in general.
the phrase "don't feed the trolls" is about 20 years old at this point. It has always been standard knowledge to ignore trolls for what they are. Girls like pika spend their waking lives online and whatever the internet zeitgeist says is their reality. Pika could easily have ignored the twitter trolls - After all, they aren't her target audience, nor do they even watch her streams. However that is irrelevant in her eyes because the internet is her raison d'etre and if the anonymous collective of online retards spew hate, then her world is ending.
Internet personalities for the past 20 years have been getting shit on for the most asinine reasons, this is nothing new. However, normal people ignore this bullshit because: 1) It comes with the territory, 2) the shitposting trolls are never the actual audience, and 3) it's entirely irrelevant and not worth the daylight.
Pika just couldn't let it go. It doesn't matter that twitter trannies never watched her streams and never would. It doesn't matter that the twitter trannies would have no impact on her actual streaming audience. And It didn't matter that it would all blow over and be forgotten shortly. Pika is completely infatuated with the internet collective and can't handle it on an emotional or mental level. Those types of people aren't cut out for this.

>> No.44242582
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>> No.44242592

I mean, she also is billionaire liberal bitch, so I still hate her

>> No.44242611

>Where’s your concern for kids there?
I could ask you the same thing, since we're to the point where you're bitching about the distant third placer in a three rapist race now. The entire point is you don't care about any child rape or any victims, you just want to terminally bitch online.

>> No.44242627

If only takes playing a game to be a transphobe you "people" really need to off themselves already

>> No.44242632
File: 90 KB, 461x1024, Pikamee liking posts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this proves she quit due to harassment unlike the push for “no it was because early graduation”

>> No.44242635

>Pikamee getting harassed by trans activists
>I sleep
>Trans activists getting backlash for harassing pikamee
>Ummm actually she was totally planning on quitting anyways so its fine

Funny how all these agency vtubers only said something after the trans community got backlash but were dead silent while the harassment was going on.

>> No.44242641

You are mentally ill and not a woman.

>> No.44242653

Imagine being a gaslighting piece of shit

>> No.44242666

that's what's so fucking hilarious, she is literally as liberal as it fucking gets, she's like the ONLY supporter of the UKs welfare system and gives millions and millions and millions each year towards it because she felt it's what kept her going during her early writing years when she was poor as shit.

>> No.44242700
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Some people are now investigating other VTubers who might have joined with the Twitter freaks themselves.

>> No.44242710

Keep coping kid, be a shame if you had to admit to losing an internet argument.

>> No.44242713

To be fair, NijiEN sides with the trannies. Also, Nijikeks will defend this.

>> No.44242726

Maybe we should find a way to ensure only one person can’t fund an entire country

>> No.44242745

Rebel against modern morality. Embrace orthodox Christianity.

>> No.44242753

Because they are beta business drones, not entrepreneurs who take a stance for their talent.

>> No.44242755

yeah the timing sucked, but idk, I personally do not think I would throw away being one of the most popular vtubers in the world for....*squint* not being able to play a videogame

i really think she was just leaving anyway guys

>> No.44242768

Finally my ever expanding religious leader rapist list will be fully constitutionally protected

>> No.44242779

Don’t go after Chibidoki you fucking retards

>> No.44242796

You are the most disingenouous lieing cunt on this entire website, and you will never ever EVER be a woman

>> No.44242819

why would she announce a harry potter stream if she was planning on graduating before it?

>> No.44242821

Transphobia is whatever who cares.
But Troonphobia is based, and an objective moral good.

>> No.44242845

I'd also petition VTubers to play Hogwarts Legacy.
Show them they shouldn't be afraid and stop being push overs.

>> No.44242848

People should turn that irrational phobia into a well founded disgust through education and the love of truth.

>> No.44242855

NTA Eat some Froot Loops and calm down buckeroo

>> No.44242859

We're all gaslighting pieces of shit here dumbass.

>> No.44242872

True, Pomu is a snake and a coward, a real friend would have said something. Imagine staying radio silent for a month when your friend gets harassed when you have immediately jumped on the activism bandwagon in other instances.

>> No.44242873

anytime there's troons defending shit on 4chan and jk rowling gets involved i can't help but start to envision each troon anon poster as jim sterling lol

>> No.44242910

She should have stayed poor lmao

>> No.44242909

You are my enemy.

>> No.44242911

im 5'10" and 235 lbs brother i just do not go on genocidal internet crusades over vtubers

see this is why indies are better anyway

>> No.44242917

Corporate VTubers are puppets.
Corporate VTubing, or at least the EN side of it, either needs big changes or need to go down.

>> No.44242923

Well they said nothing because they didn’t want harassment from the trans community, which is also a thing that isn’t happening and would never happen and if you think it would you will be harassed by the trans community.

I wish someone’d just decided to doxx the harassers and we’d spent memes on that, but you all came roaring out to quell ‘transphobia’ and not the twenty steps before. It’s like that one college comic where the tranny was stomping around a dorm in skates making a racket while people are trying to study and the dorm manager only comes out to shut shit down when someone misgenders them. Walky or something.

>> No.44242927
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What if an incredibly advanced alien race came to earth and told me that they would destroy the entire planet, BUT it could be stopped and all i had to do was say a trans related slur to a trans person. Would it be ok then?

>> No.44242944

Even with your conclusions, never create internal discord when the real enemy is closer anon. You never know if the weak will fold back because of a change in social pressure.

>> No.44242959

"Jesus appeared to me in a dream and said i must rape every little boy i come across" is back on the menu boys

>> No.44242964

Nobody is going after her, it's just speculation... for now at least.

>> No.44242980

It was never about the vtuber. They've had this coming a long time. Apparently you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.44242987

well you stopped making arguments, so i win by default. maybe i'll try again: cutting off your dick is mutilation, plain and simple. it serves no medical purpose unless you've got gangrene of the dick. turning that one terrible mistake that you were tricked into making, and then violently defending that mistake from any and all criticism, is bad. rebuttal?

>> No.44243039

Why force them to play a shitty game?

>> No.44243046

*turning that one terrible mistake that you were tricked into making into your entire personality

>> No.44243053

transphobes got what they deserved

>> No.44243068

Jealous you don't get girls?

>> No.44243096

Agreed that you won, when people lash back and their replies become simpler its out of frustration, they can't think. Just don't be baited by the next anon to pick up their fight, these people have no moral standing.

>> No.44243109


>> No.44243115

You don't need to resort to making shit up, just go on Twitter and you'll find plenty of actually troons shittalking her

>> No.44243117


Start a big white family with conservative values. Nothing makes troons seethe more than what they can't have.

>> No.44243121

Raping children doesn’t count, degenerate. Get the rope.

>> No.44243150

You presented none besides some fantasy shit in your head, so why should i continue?
>turning that one terrible mistake that you were tricked into making, and then violently defending that mistake from any and all criticism, is bad. rebuttal?
I don't use /pol/ though

>> No.44243163

>im 5'10" and 235 lbs brother i just do not go on genocidal internet crusades over vtubers
manlet becomes SJW. many such cases.

>> No.44243167

They can be into Vtubers all they want, trannies were always going to be attracted to this niche. Let them larp in their bubble and let the Nijishojo sphere appeal to them if they want to.
As long as they stay in their own lane and don't try to pressure companies/chuubas who want nothing to do with it like Phase and Holo. We should be gatekeeping along those lines, anything else is just counterproductive and will feed their victim narrative.

>> No.44243178

You cannot even distinguish between catholics and orthodox you're a fucking bigot.

>> No.44243184
File: 66 KB, 598x473, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TrannyFP and Basedachi

>> No.44243190

Mental retardation is desirable now?

>> No.44243247

I don't know why she takes online shitpost so seriously, I mean, those people hating her are not even real, they might be twitter bots programmed to spam the same shit everyday.
You don't even know them in real life, why are you even taking them seriously?

>> No.44243249

They wont stay in their lane retard.
You gatekeep properly or they will rule over you. Trans activism is authoritarian at its core and most online trans are rabid activists.

>> No.44243253

You will never be white. You will never be a woman. Rope now.

>> No.44243271


See? The troon is already upset.

>> No.44243273

It's the trans activists. Not the trannies themselves.
It's queer theory, it's pedophile destigmatization, it's
And you can't destroy them like this. They have played this game longer than you. They know how to use your anger to further their goals. You will prove them right.

If you want to beat them. Get the trannies to oust them. If the nobulous 'community' they hide behind splits apart they will have no shield anymore.

>> No.44243277

They were all adults you incel

>> No.44243309

according to le based 4channers it is

>> No.44243313

And if she loves her fans she will continue streaming and just block all the haters from her stream chat, it's really that simple. She doesn't even care about her fans anymore, she just want to quit and maybe join some other company or maybe go on a vacation enjoying those fat checks.

>> No.44243379

Thank god, I like having a functional brain instead

>> No.44243408

Does -misia count? It apparently means hatred and -philia's counterpart.
I don't know if transmisia rolls off the tongue well enough, though.

>> No.44243416

Born a man, you think you should be a woman. Born a woman, you think you should be a man. Instead of being LBG and embracing your body, you mutilate it, cause muh garage science.
You know what happened to outliers that didn't adapt in nature, they were culled by the world. Humanity has dominated it's surroundings so well we can support outliers, but come the fuck on if you want the majority to accept your narrative and corruption of established social norms. Not that anon, but good will is an exhaustible resource.

>> No.44243421

I just think they should be beaten with baseball bats, I don't feel bad about it anymore.

>> No.44243428

Goddamn right, im bigoted against murderers and child rapists of every denomination.

>> No.44243449

I could never get that fat if i tried. And I am really trying.

>> No.44243453

To fight against the bullies who force people not to play the game and made Pikamee quit.
And to not let Twitter freaks have power over them or the community.

>> No.44243458

Commit Jihad on all trannie SJWs

Fuckers have been far too long here in our hobbies and deserve to be executed

>> No.44243471

prove pikamee or silverwolf is a terf
you cant
how do we convince these fakes they do not belong

>> No.44243479

As am I. Which is why I am your enemy.

>> No.44243491

Cool fanfic bro, stroking my dick to some other shit right now though

>> No.44243519

No breaks in war, the public has a right to express themselves, and they are pissed.

>> No.44243521


a wounded crotch can never serve the same function as a vagina and uterus. so called 'sex re-assignment surgery' is purely cosmetic and destroys your capacity to reproduce. a 'transwoman' is not female and has irreparably harmed his body, based on a false promise by a propaganda apparatus that only wishes to use him as a weapon against western civilization. the human species itself is being stifled by this apparatus. it can only benefit humanity to remove the transgender mind pathogen from existence.
