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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44232828 No.44232828 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that despite all the drama your whores get involved in and all the insignificant achievements, Inugami Korone of Hololive GAMERS, the greatest entertainer of all time, will always reign above all of you. Spare some of your time to kneel out of respect.

>> No.44232851

*dropkicks OP in the chest*

>> No.44232855

oh no, my legs...

>> No.44232961

finger finger

>> No.44233202

x potato

>> No.44233211
File: 171 KB, 369x355, 1A4C79C4-23A4-4AC1-A6EA-176174C5058E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time your oshi accomplishes something big, remember that Korone has accomplished many things a million times bigger

>> No.44233393

Korone is the greatest entertainer because she genuinely likes what's she's doing and actually likes games and streaming

>> No.44233547

Call me schizo but I strongly believe that no other chuuba except for her neither knows how to entertain nor has any interest in/likes vtubing and is only doing it for the popularity, fame and the promise of everything they’ve ever wished miraculously coming their way

>> No.44233611

all of this is objectively and factualy true

>> No.44233694
File: 26 KB, 276x368, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Korone without her dog ears? What kind of blasphemy is this!?

>> No.44233733

what about marine?

>> No.44233884

Pekora, Marine, Miko, all of them. I am not taking meds for I know the truth.

>> No.44233943

>officially recognized by SEGA and Level-5
pretty cool

>> No.44233980
File: 225 KB, 437x729, 1634856838114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro even FBK and Festival got in anime before Korone and as themselves no less fuck off it's not a big achievement

>> No.44234011

Anon that was not official and was later removed

>> No.44234018

>voiced a character

>> No.44234052

what did FBK and matsuri do?

>> No.44234105


>> No.44234141

never heard of it

>> No.44234183

completely forgot about that

>> No.44234810


>> No.44235385

You must be a pretentious faggot if it you think all of that is only “pretty cool”

>> No.44235516

>has accomplished many things a million times bigger
>A tiny ass cameo in a shitty anime for 8 years old kids made to promote merch

>> No.44235721
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>> No.44236203

We're in 2023. All we got was multiple shilling streams and a half-ass mod in critically mediocre game.

>> No.44236251

oh you’re desperate
who’s your oshi

>> No.44236392

You know he gonna name holo, because that all they do.

>> No.44236420

Korone fans are the worst. I'm glad there are barely any left these days.

>> No.44236479

i can't tell if this falseflagger attempt to make people hate Korone or what

>> No.44236480

You mean the most based? And even so, you fuckers are even worse

>> No.44236609

On the contrary actually, I want more people to see why she’s better than everyone else and love her

>> No.44236972


>> No.44236986

go make funni clips or memes instead, why do you even trying so hard to shill Korone in /here/ of all places

>> No.44237308

Becsuse this is /vt/ -Virtual YouTubers and you’re not gonna believe what Korone first and foremost is

>> No.44238290

Cute Doog

>> No.44238364

She should go to sleep

>> No.44238778

Korone seems to be an idol’s idol
So if you’re into that culture she follows a lot of the same principle
But vtubing isn’t really an idol thing even hololive has more of a content creator part time idol gig going on so it’s really a matter of what you’re looking for in seeing if someone “really loves it”

>> No.44238866

I shneel

>> No.44239467

Hololive describes itself as an idol company retard

>> No.44239550

Fuck off yagoo

>> No.44239616

your oshi will never be an idol

>> No.44241993


>> No.44242204

I'm starting to hate Korone because of this annoying threads. Go stay in the OkaKoro or the OKFAMS thread.

>> No.44244717

praise the koro

>> No.44245227

You underestimate the power of shitty anime for 8 years old. Just look at Pokemon and Precure

>> No.44245630

>thought it was just a random bit when she first announced it
>literally just herself
She's too powerful

>> No.44246149

Anon.... that's the best news sonic fans can get

>> No.44246381

Unfathomably based

>> No.44247573

It's one guy. He does this every couple weeks. Same writing style. Same MO.

>> No.44249533

She's pretty cool but she's not my oshi

>> No.44251083
File: 57 KB, 700x393, Pekora&Ramon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don Ramon-sama!!

>> No.44251220

so korone was in the yokai watch anime? didn't that shit end years ago and they made an edgy reboot?

>> No.44251638

Onna no ko is my favorite Yokai Watch character.

>> No.44252827

I like her because she feels genuine, even if it's an act. She either knows how to hit all the right notes or has turbo autism that's in perfect sync

>> No.44253068

Except for the extremely fake and grating yuribaiting with Okayu.

>> No.44253156

See I don't watch her collabs, so I never have to deal with this. That said, I get lots of yuribaiting clips on youtube recommended to me and I just know what to expect

>> No.44253627

She does have her fake-sounding moments like most entertainers. A while back there were a couple of streams were you could feel she was in a slump and going through the motions, but she got better. As a whole she feels more genuine thant the average "entertainer chuuba", probably because she gets so much into the games. To compare with others, Miko is hilarious but fake as fuck, Pekora is genuinely funny but sometimes obviously fish for content, and Subaru lie and exagerate all the time which is fine if you consider her a manzai comedian doing vtubing.

>> No.44253701 [DELETED] 

That's not baiting, she has a thing for women for sure. Obviously you'd expect some of the stuff she says to be an act at first, but the things is, she's genuine.

>> No.44254150

Aren't most Japanese women at least marginally bicurious? It seems like this all the time

>> No.44254741

>your whores
Openly said on stream (I think it was in one of those apex or overwatch streams) that she likes a guy that would rough her up a little bit, and treat her like shit, but NOT the listener-san.

>> No.44255492

Nobody gives a fuck about Sonic in 2023.

>> No.44255556

Maybe you should go outside your Holobubble.

>> No.44255659

real life isn't the same as the shitty anime you watch

>> No.44258286

>Pekora is genuinely funny but sometimes obviously fish for content
She seems to consider Pekora a character that she's playing, whereas Holos like Flare don't draw any distinction

>> No.44258969

Pekora's acting is pretty transparent, most people watch her for the weirdo behind it. Marine is the only one really able to make her slip up, and that's why their collab streams are so much fun.
My issue is when she uses very obvious recipes to create "funny moments". Like acting arrogant, and then purposively doing stuff to get "retribution". Very noticeable in streams like Minecraft.

>> No.44259659

Iit feels like it's okay to laugh at Pekora because her roommate is laughing at her along with you.
On the opposite extreme, Flare unironically gets offended by fanart where she's holding a bow because she sees it as a racial stereotype.

>> No.44259862

how else are you supposed to make minecraft interesting, the game is fucking boring as shit to watch and doesn't really lend yourself to many interesting moments

>> No.44260007
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>> No.44260080

You fags will NEVER be Japanese
Go back to your cemetery >>>/jp/

>> No.44260284

Pekora's roommate is a polite, shy ojousama who's always impeccably dressed.

>> No.44260394

Your dislike of the block game has nothing to do with the issue of Pekora sometimes artificially manufacturing "moments". I find her fun to watch without her having to do that shit.

>> No.44261069

She always acted outrageously in front of the screen though, even during her pre-holo fleshtubing days.

>> No.44265031


>> No.44265910
File: 1.27 MB, 1910x1095, henemimi on VTuber personas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be a fan of your character

>> No.44268038

That's retarded.

>> No.44268527

Thanks, but I prefer to watch Hololive dubbed.

>> No.44268697

but enough about Laplus

>> No.44271404


>> No.44272177

Seems like you need to go back wherever the fuck you came from.
