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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44232154 No.44232154 [Reply] [Original]

>the most shilled fotm nijien is graduating
Lol, that stinky gyaru is next.

>> No.44232496

I don't watch Nijisanji besides Pomu, so I don't know anything about her besides "le based" memes. Why is she getting sacked?

>> No.44232569

If my cute gyaru Japanese tiger princessv ever graduates I will follow her and hug her

>> No.44233203

Gyaru girl is already getting chummy with the clique. Don't count on it.

>> No.44233618

this part mouse part cat face is so good

>> No.44233669

The NijiEN cliques disavow her, so they're pushing her out of NijiEN.

>> No.44233671
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>> No.44234406

yeah, next in HoloEN

>> No.44235608

She's a Pippa-kind of chuuba, clearly not meant for the strict environment of Jap corpos.

>> No.44235749

what a fucking shitshow nijien is

>> No.44235883

Who is currently in "the clique"?

>> No.44236330

Oh so someone so unbelievably overt in their pandering that you have to be a complete subhuman not to see through it and drop them?

>> No.44237759

multiple holoJP members made the same fucking joke
niji is the only twitter tranny centric company

>> No.44237852

You used about 6 words too many and gave away how mad you are anon.

>> No.44237865

She joined the wrong corpo, should be in PC

>> No.44237919

>Jap corpos
*NijiEN management

>> No.44238047

gyaru is great and work well with others, also not an gacha autist. i know this is roundabout begging but fuck off, she's the only one i watch in the wave

>> No.44238225

her PL twitter bio removed the graduated status and is now teasing possible redebut

>> No.44238256

Where, on /vt/?

>> No.44238406

Nijisanji proper has self-proclaimed lolicons.
It's the EN branches that are retarded, but that's because Anglo internet is retarded.

>> No.44239146
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Poachin's a good job, mate! It's challengin' work, outta doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry 'cause at the end of the day, long as there's two corpos left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone's talent.
"Dad? Dad, I'm a- Ye- Not exploiting "crazy women", dad, I'm a talent manager! ...Well, the difference bein' one is illegal and the other's not!"
I'll be honest with ya: my parents do not care for it.
I think her genmate saw me... *bullet ricochets off the ledge* Yes, yes she did!
Dealing with women's feelins?
Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelins? Broads who bludgeon their CEO to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards.
Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to poach every menhera girl you meet.

>> No.44239350

Kotoka is graduating? The fuck?

>> No.44239772

There are like 10 people in the West watching the main branch after Lulu graduated, when people say niji here you might as well assume NijiEN. And no, NijiEN isn't like that because muh EN trannies. Indies aren't like that. Small corpos aren't like that. Even Hololive isn't like that despite a literal troon being in charge for over a year.

>> No.44239942

HoloEN has 10 talents and only 1 is cunny

>> No.44239992

NijiEN has 30 and none of them are cunny, half of them are fags.

>> No.44240082

Yea, your oshi too, sucks you had to find out this way

>> No.44240125
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And that is why I watch small corpos, they pander to us /uoh/bros better.

>> No.44240383

You can't tell me no girl in HoloEN wasn't interested in playing Hogwarts Legacy, so why aren't they?
Oh yeah, "gotta support the cause."

>> No.44240406

Any corp that panders to pedos is thankfully doomed as more normies get exposed to the media and are collectively disgusted when they realise japs have normalised whacking it to drawings of toddler rape and this subhumanisation has spread to weebs (a community which as a whole has a disproportionate amount of pedos due to the higher amount of weebs being terminally online shut-ins hiding from society)
Maybe you'll recall this post when the stomping starts

>> No.44240420

you will never be a woman

>> No.44240469

Picture unrelated forgot to add. Jewcorp exclusively panders to scat fetishists but thats another story

>> No.44240485

It's a shame to waste such a great vtuber model.

>> No.44240497

Stop projecting troon

>> No.44240597

Neither company played it. Which is why I'm saying that even Hololive isn't as bad implying that they are still kinda bad. But they at least haven't had a large swath of their fanbase have a twitter meltdown over a sex joke.

>> No.44240661

I believe it's better for pedos to be inside instead of going outside. How about you?

>> No.44240690


>> No.44240853
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me when the pedos come out to defend this

>> No.44240891

Just say "pick me".
It makes things easier for everyone and lets the filter take care of your turd of a post.

>> No.44241046

Companies that have or had lolicon positive talents and lolicon positive content:
>Vshojo (Mel)
>Phase Connect
>Likely several more
Oh no vtubing is doomed.

>> No.44241132

I'd attribute that to the fact that there's less HoloENs and they don't stream nearly as much as NijiENs, creating fewer windows of opportunity for twitter troons to get mad at them.

>> No.44241134

noooooooo anon don't point out my oshi's outstanding lack of authenticity noooooo

>> No.44241286

An interesting idea but I think it's more likely that it's just the relative popularity of male streamers. Most of the #meToo fags molested as children were Luxiem sisters or "sisters" who will never be women.

>> No.44241392

>redditard meme

>> No.44241451

When will she be back? Arent they fucking killing her channel.

>> No.44241503

Holobronies really salty about their oshi's not streaming, huh

>> No.44244516

Defenestrate yourself.

>> No.44245184

Yeah, my oshi Shu is one lazy piece of retarded menhera shit.

>> No.44245299

Kill yourself troon

>> No.44245389

Everyone says that until they get a new model and it sucks

>> No.44245745

I have never seen a lolicon say its normal, only you closet pedos claim that they say it

>> No.44245823

Her channel is fucked by the algorithm already. The fact that this “temporary suspension” is nearly a month and we still haven’t seen her return, meanwhile Millie did the secret GC stream and wasn’t even suspended while Enna and Kyo did tons of dumb shit too, makes it fair to assume that she’s probably going to graduate.

>> No.44245965

feels like nijien and zaion are playing chicken hoping for the other to actually pull the band-aid off so they don't have to. niji doesn't want to fire her because it would look worse than her just leaving, especially having only recently fired yugo. zaion needs them to fire her because that is the only way to get out of her noncompete contract. zaion is making posts on her pl teasing a return hoping niji fires her, niji is shutting down her donations hoping she quits.

>> No.44246480

>updated her PL bio to imply she's coming back
>unliked all her Zaion posts
>has been liking recent posts on her Youtube
>her Streamlabs just got shut down
She's gone mate

>> No.44246871

anon those two things mean her termination or graduation is finalized, there is no game of chicken going on. she's gone and we're just waiting for the official confirmation now.

>> No.44246917


>> No.44246943

all the zaion porn that will not be made....

>> No.44247217

no /ss/ porn ever...

>> No.44247375

I wish her next reincarnation isn't another keqing blanco like zeta

>> No.44247629

Lolis are the future of vtubing.

>> No.44248538

She was too free spirited and didn't fit in the cliques of her senpais. so they took one yab joke she made and blew it out of proportion enough to indefinitely suspend her.

>> No.44249159

When 80% of your fanbase is twitter sister and they/them faggot, you really need to be careful how to act and say on stream. and she's not vibing with them.

>> No.44250159

this post reeks so much of american
get out of your bubble and see what the rest of the world think about you and your morals

>> No.44250597
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>> No.44251018

NijiEN is a clique, she didn't fit in so she got ostracized.
Her senpais constantly make jokes just if not more yab 10x more often on top of actual serious fuckups, company leaks, etc. and nothing ever happens. All it took was not being in good graces with elira mafia and management make one joke and boom, you're out

>> No.44251950

Ignore the le based lolibaba retards, seems she butts heads with Niji management all the time and she was known for having a lot of her streams unarchived so if you didn't catch her live you were most likely missing her streams in general. Think Yugo but worse because at least Yugo tried making it work. Now that she's gone expect her PL to be nothing but genshit all week.

>> No.44251953

What’s her PL?

>> No.44252155

Based. Lolifags are seething.

>> No.44252245

Literally this, I even remember sending her a super chat at some point in time saying " oh hey I caught you live, I've never seen this game played before I'm glad to see somebody playing it This is my first time watching you. "
She went on a big spiel about how grateful she was that she had the opportunity to meet new fans and introduce them into new series, that same vod ended up privated the next morning. If I remember correctly it was because the fact that she ended up talking about emulation and rom hacks in it. These are two things that you literally cannot talk about in a Japanese corporation since they can literally cause you to lose perms.
Even if you go back right now, she has maybe a week's worth of videos uploaded, one was removed post suspension, the rest she removed herself for one reason or another. It was a running meme to see whether or not the vod would survive for a full day.

>> No.44252297

>Think Yugo
Is she a he or something? Or are we talking about being too based for NijiEN?

>> No.44252326

They need to just announce it already and stop stalling it.

>> No.44252435

She talked about romhacks on her 2.0 debut, not on any game stream. You're mixing things up.

>> No.44252455


>> No.44252487

>I've never seen this game played before
What was the game? More importantly, why are nijitrannies like this?

>> No.44252537

eurofags and canadians are the ones making it actually illegal

>> No.44252760

A gen with decent girls and it gets fucked over

>> No.44252799

It was FFXIV. I tend not to tune into MMO streams most of the time because the they bore me but Zaion was keeping me entertained for the most part since she was pretty decent at filling dead air and just rambling about shit. If I remember correctly somebody else had raided her and that was the only reason I was really watching it. She had a pleasing enough voice and I have enough disposable income to where $5 super chat wouldn't kill me.
And I could be, I wasn't a huge fan of her because literally from debut on half of her vods got nuked. It's hard to be a fan of somebody who A: streams and time that you're usually not awake during and B: nukes the few vods that you can actually watch.

>> No.44253076

>got three EN/JP girls
>just shoved them in another crappy mixed gen instead of doing something interesting with them
Some of the most wasted potential I've ever seen in vtubing. HoloEN has shit management, but NijiEN is on a whole different level.

>> No.44253085

Stat sites show she was a mid high 3 view which is pretty good when vtubers can make a living at 200 or less because of parasocial bucks

>> No.44253094

She is far more tame than many in Niji JP. It isn't being in a Jap corpo that's the issue.

>> No.44253297

Edgy jokes, butted heads with management, and Anykara is run like all the worst parts of a Japanese corporation and an American venture capital startup, plus on the EN side management is run by pajeets who couldn't cut it as talents and were given pity jobs managing talents who could actually get views. Pettiness and femoid-style vengeance over slights that wouldn't even register to normal people abound and are only going to get worse.

>> No.44253343

So what is NijiJP doing that Zaion didn't do? Maybe not alluding or showing stuff from their PLs almost every stream.

>> No.44253351

She will probably also gain more of a following from graduating when she would if she stayed in the corp. Because she'll immediately be greeted by fans who find that her termination was unfair, despite the fact that honestly in order to get terminated in nijisanji You have to do some pretty extreme shit or flat out just not listen to what you're told to do as was the case with both her and yugo.
I can't say with any certainty that I know that she is graduating, because she also is / here / so there is a chance that she's just trolling.

>> No.44253384

>instead of doing something interesting with them
like what?

>> No.44253434

Showing pirated nipple torture porn for a start.

>> No.44253449

She wasn't shilled, she just inspired a lot of falseflaggers specifically because she was suspended/possibly graduated

>> No.44253458

Anon only like 6 of her vods are privated.

>> No.44253478

This wave was probably planned like this since before iluna auditions started but it seems like they learned their lesson. The next EN wave is males only and the last JP wave was females only.

>> No.44253488

Fuck off Pippa schizo, no one likes your shitty /pol/-tuber leech

>> No.44253494

Thanks, I'm starting to draw a picture here.
I might be wrong, but if I were a suit in a corpo sponsored by many game company, I think I'd shit bricks if one of my talents started talking about emulation and rom hacks.
Meantime I had a bit of free time (taking a shit on company's time) and lurked more about her and it seems she'll be reviving her PL account.
I'll likely not watch her, but I wish her all the best.

>> No.44253508

The important thing is listening to management. Several times on the official announcement it seems to indicate that she did not have any sort of respect for any authority above her. And, I believe it. Quite frankly when you constantly private your videos because of the fact that you once again said something that could get you in trouble, can I find it hard to believe that there was not a battle between her and the higher ups.
When you're in a corporation you have to follow the rules, and some of the worst parts about being in a corporation.

>> No.44253524

That's more than one per week since debut

>> No.44253541

>does he know

>> No.44253545

Doesn't she have a bunch of antis now though? Not sure if she'll be more popular than before.

You gotta give a good reason why she'd bw trolling at this point considering her streamlabs are now closed.

>> No.44253566

another 4 or 5 do not have chat replay so they were taken down to be edited at some point.

>> No.44253567

She also re-uploaded a few of them. If you go into the videos tab and not the live tab you can see that there were a few that she also uploaded. Keep in mind that she hasn't been around for that long.

>> No.44253670

And that's basically it, false flags and shit posts aside, There was a constant fear of what she might say and she just kind of seemed unmanageable. If she ends up coming back I will support her so long as she doesn't keep privating videos every time that you turn around and if she keeps herself at least a little bit in check.
If she doesn't come back, I can't exactly say that I will shed any tears. Unfortunately when you're part of a corporation you have to play by their rules.

>> No.44253697

NijiJP is not ran by a bunch of retarded pajeets that kneel to the twitter mob

>> No.44253729
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>posting this shit UNIRONICALLY

>> No.44253738

Not really. They're definitely some vocal people on Twitter but for the most part people on Twitter stay vocal on Twitter because of the fact that it works as an echo chamber. They rarely leave the site to actually continue the behavior that they display on Twitter.

>> No.44253808

its bad when png interact with png because I see a child depicted in those pixels

>> No.44253821

Did you mean Gura?

>> No.44253826

Where is the graduation statement?

>> No.44253845

This kind of support fizzles out very quickly, a lot of those would show up for her redebut stream and never again
Those also don't stick around, they're always looking for the next thing to get angry about

>> No.44253857

If she comes back to become a soulless management drone then I prefer if she graduates and goes back to her PL where I can watch her unfiltered

>> No.44253877

Her antis are just the people who want to see her kicked out of NijiEN (sisters).

>> No.44253925

Damn it sounds just like 4channel

>> No.44254092

Like literally anything.
Finding three good bilingual girls after the absolutely disastrous Iluna hires was nothing short of a miracle. And they completely squandered it.

>> No.44254140

Oh definitely does Don't get me wrong, but she wasn't exactly unpopular in her past life either. Frequently she'd get up to 700 viewers, which is about as well as she was doing in EN.

>> No.44254179


>> No.44254211

What happened to le crearive freedom, nijisis?

>> No.44254245

So you didn't really thought of anything you just wanted to justify your baseless hate for mixed waves

>> No.44254292

There's definitely something to be said about this site being almost a direct opposite echo chamber of the Echo chamber of Twitter, but to this site's credit, the people on different boards actually do go on to other sites to cause trouble and harass people for fun, mainly so they can then link back to the trouble /here/ and pretend to be shocked at the people starting trouble, which then further causes trouble until people get bored or discover it was a falseflag attempt

>> No.44254301

that only applies to being a cocksleeve

>> No.44254349

freedom doesn't allow you to break rules

>> No.44254422

They need blood sacrifice every month

>> No.44254465
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That's good.
All have a home to come to. HoloEN3 soon

>> No.44254539

What would zaion even do in hololive? Management would never allow her to say even half of the shit she was saying in NijiEN and there's no genshin, what's left?

>> No.44254650

She has quite a good amount of Japanese fans too. I wonder if they'll stick around or even find her if she ends up graduating.

>> No.44254728

>baseless hate for mixed waves
Oh yeah, baseless hate for dumping a shitload of vtubers with nothing in common together, giving them no theme beyond a chuuni wave name and a theme song.
I could brainstorm anything better in two minutes, but I won't because doing it on /vt/ is pointless since you'd call my ideas shit anyway.

>> No.44254781

Honestly? I find her entertaining, especially with her design and the way her model is rigged working with her personality, but I can't say I want to watch Genshin all day, so my ideal scenario is that her quitting right after the other shit that's been going on gets Anykara management to start investigating what the hell is happening in NijiEN. Lazulight and Obsydia, from my understanding, were much more of a NijiJP management creation and those have worked out almost entirely without petty drama, rrats about the "Elira clique" aside. Higher-ups backhanding EN management for being mostly absent and doing nothing of value when not would be good, as would be hiring someone who is able and willing to be more strict with the talents when it matters. NijiEN has plenty of potential, but far too often these days they feel like a bunch of unmanaged indies who can't stay out of stupid bullshit.

>> No.44254795

You do know hololive has a few shotacons employed right? She fit right in with pikamee and kotoka. Besides hololive is where the money at they aren't going to fumble the bag to lose the biggest opportunity of their life. I'll take all 3.

>> No.44254912

You're acting like they're the ones begging to join and not the opposite

>> No.44255129

Nobody is saying that but you. But okay continue your crab mentality schizo rambling. I have a game to finish.

>> No.44255278
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5 days until graduation announcement and counting.

>> No.44255286

I think the interest of Japanese NijiEN fans has dwindled lately. I've seen way less clips than before.

>> No.44256558

>t. palestinian
But by all means, keep misinform. It only helps to make sure less of your kind watches them.

>> No.44257173

There's no real need for an investigation to be launched, the livers themselves have said what the core problem is .
There are too many streamers and not enough managers, the managers that are hired are balanced between several different waves of people and are shared between several different people .
There's also no sort of resource to train people on how to become a corporate Vtuber. The thing is that, more people need to be hired in management positions. This would definitely help things go more smoothly.
It also help if they ever decided to actually open an EN office/subsidiary in North America. Get rid of something more asinine problems such as game permissions and stuff like that. Everybody knows what the solution is, but Japanese autism prevents them from analyzing the problem.
Everyone who gets hired just kind of is on their own for the longest period of time because the fact that the managers that they have are so thinly spread that it takes forever to actually get feedback and response. Several of them have talked about the fact that It's a slow response to hear anything back from management, someday managers appear to be better than others at feedback but others appear to be very slow to say the least. I think things will eventually improve this summer when hopefully some more people are finished with the vetting process of the hiring and are actually brought on board the team fully.
Of course, who knows how many waves they will have before then.

>> No.44257350

>Unironically sucking jewish corpo cock
fucking lmao
