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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 369 KB, 1076x705, Agree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44159818 No.44159818 [Reply] [Original]

Agree, we should start complimenting Tempus

>> No.44159840

based tradwife. down with feminism!

>> No.44159860

crusty white pickme bitch

>> No.44159920



Nothing about this is anti-feminist. If anything, saying "men should compliment each other more" is part of feminism and falls under the "toxic masculinity" narrative

>> No.44160123
File: 65 KB, 749x421, Average Vtuber Fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna see her try complementing her fans after seeing what they really look like.

>> No.44160159

They're like that because they lack the positive reinforcement and motivator from compliments.

>> No.44160171

Ugly roasties posted these

>> No.44160258
File: 560 KB, 891x891, 1676449603362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akwa my akwa.....

>> No.44160298

Every clip I se of her, I love her more and more. This cannot be healthy. I'm gonna go full gosling soon at this rate

>> No.44160445

rope yourself anon

>> No.44160449

Why can't she just shut her loudmouth and keep her retarded opinions to herself ? I watch vtubers for their cute reactions and not to hear retarded opinions and social commentary. I can watch any fleshtuber for that.
Be like mumei, irys or your oshi gura and not like kiara. It is only going to bring drama

>> No.44160507

Uneducated anon believes feminism is inherently anti men, sad. If anything, she's sputing feminist ideals to support and love us equally.

(That said, there are a ton of 3rd wave feminists that are misandrists, but I'd argue it's the vast minority)

>> No.44160520

Just watch the ones you like and ignore the ones you don't. What a weirdo.

>> No.44160580

Her early spore streams actually got me to finally start crossfit. I've been going for 5 days a week for over a year now and I'm in the best shape of my life. I've got other friends who started taking more care of themselves due to vtuber positive reinforcement as well!

>> No.44160585

That's not going to change anytime soon.

>> No.44160600

Compliments are earned, not given.
I will compliment tempus if they decide to graduate.

>> No.44160723

But I like everything else about fauna. Her gameplay streams are the best in EN and she is the only one who plays some of these games.
This is the one criticism I have about her. Just keep opinions about society, gender, politics, religion, vtubers to yourself cause you will piss off atleast one person when you give your opinion or commentary.
And please never do tier list streams ever again Fauna

>> No.44160955

You want to know why nobody compliments men? I once mistakenly told a guy on a bus that I like his Mandalorian shirt and he stalked me all the way to my home door at which point I managed to lock him out. Pickme opinions like these help no one. Fauna is a woman too and definitely knows what saying the wrong thing to the wrong man means.

>> No.44161046

It was in the context of people of the same gender complimenting each other since Agent 47 frequently gets random complements from other guys for just being in a suit.

>> No.44161104

Damn that sucks. I got a compliment once and it made my week, sorry to hear that guy was a weirdo about it.

>> No.44161131

That's gay.

>> No.44161173

>Uneducated an
why American think that having different opinion = uneducated. The feminism you describe is dead you dumb hole.

>> No.44161274
File: 42 KB, 409x386, 1299717200583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw complimented said that a bro's car project was cool as fuck and asked him to explain more
>He got teary-eyed just because someone genuinely praised him

Something got messed up somewhere.

>> No.44161286


>> No.44161292
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, 1677652954971109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44161352

>Compliments are earned, not given.
Not if you're a woman

>> No.44161362

Sorry to hear about that bad experience anon

>> No.44161394

Nah, appreciating another dude in a suit is prime chad energy

>> No.44161402

>Men are mentally weak 5 year olds that need compliments for motivation
Another case of projecting female traits, desires and infantile mental state of forever being stuck in their "little princess" phase onto others.

>> No.44161423

We love our ESL sapbros too, it's ok

>> No.44161440

Post tits or feminine penis

>> No.44161446

The perfect woman truly exists

>> No.44161470

I'm unironically sorry that happened to you. When a woman compliments me I remember it for years and use it as motivation.

>> No.44161525

oh yeah I'm sure this event definitely took place. just like how that anon is most definitely a woman. /vt/ is so gullible.

>> No.44161526

And she decides to spend time entertaining us. What a blessed timeline to live in

>> No.44161533

my ESL ass can at least understand more than 0.5 language, bitch.

>> No.44161590

Good for you for being more healthy anon, but I have to judge you for buying into the crossfit meme

>> No.44161640

I get compliments because I can get things done, only ever got some for appearance when I lost 30 pounds

>> No.44161722
File: 41 KB, 500x370, 1643237320454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simping for some random ""femanon's"" sob story
fucking hell did I just wander into a reddit thread

>> No.44161830

I agree with >>44161590
Crossfit is better than nothing, but actually learn Olympic lifting, gymnastics, cardio, ect. by themselves.

>> No.44162024

Ignore tempus there are bunch of 2view female vtubers

>> No.44162282


>> No.44162409

This isn't an uncommon opinion among progressives. Especially those who concern themselves with gender issues, like feminists.

>> No.44162773

>saplings biting the shittiest bait known to man

>> No.44162875

Calm those flapping meatcurtains, sis. She was outdoing you on every level long before this statement. No need to get heated now.

>> No.44163140


>> No.44163172


>> No.44163283

>compliments must be about looks
You dumb faggot.

>> No.44163289

are you the faggot that stalked her home?

>> No.44163305

>men don't get enough compliments
no, women get too many compliments

>> No.44163315

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

>> No.44163320

That's what you get for interacting with someone who's autistic wearing a star wars shirt.

>> No.44163325

You're on 4chan, you're probably too ugly to rape.

>> No.44163329

Don't post the link, make people look for it

>> No.44163385

She's just like us....

>> No.44163399

>star wars shirt
damn, you were unlucky. Try complimenting someone who wears a shirt saying "I'm an autistic stalker" next time

>> No.44163424

>trannies that are also often progressive leftists that hate men shitting up the catalogue with dogshit threads again

>> No.44163450

>Don't compliment men because one guy stalked me after I complimented him. Only pickmes give men compliments

Flawless logic, femcel. I guess people shouldn't eat pizza because one pizzeria I went to burn my slice to a crisp

>> No.44163462

i will lick the crust
mmm crusty fauna mmm liiiiick

>> No.44163492

No anon. THIS is what they look like.

>> No.44163514

big mad because you're not getting compliments

>> No.44163527

Sorry, the crust is all me. Must've been my dried up cum from all the massive amounts of sex we've had.

>> No.44163528


>> No.44163554

I agree with you but,
>food analogy
please, my guy, don't.

>> No.44163672

nta, but what's wrong with food analogies?

>> No.44163749

Same here. I started c25k because of those spore streams. Now I run 5k and lift 3 days a week. Lost 50 pounds, gained muscle and got to a normal BMI mostly because of Fauna.

>> No.44163771

Based thanks anon, op is retard

>> No.44163891

>I guess I shouldn't go to the beach anymore since a seagull shit on my jacket once
And I'm not your guy, cunt. You will refer to me by my proper 4chan title, niggerman.

>> No.44163940

To be fair you don't even need to stretch that far to prove "This one person did something bad so all people are bad" is ludicrous

>> No.44164023

Is there a problem with my food analogy? Everyone eats food,fuckhead. It's the easiest thing to make analogies of

>> No.44164042

food analogies are like fast food. Quick and easy, but not a solid meal.
Sorry, Mister Niggerman, won't happen again.

>> No.44164078


>> No.44164202

Missed opportunity to say I'm not your cunt, guy. I fucking hate this board

>> No.44164289

I knew OP tried to spin drama from nothing cuz no link

>> No.44164410

Kek, I make fun of crossfit as a group activity too, but crossfit athletes generally look pretty good and have a nice mix of strength and stamina. The competitions are absolutely retarded though.

>> No.44164484
File: 80 KB, 713x872, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe go back then? They're more your speed, apparently.

>> No.44164551

>faggot shit thread
Why don't you fuck off you fucking homos? No one gives a shit about your Tempiss

>> No.44164869

>Reddit did it once so it's cringe

This is why I hate the faggots on this board

>> No.44166088

lurk 10 years before posting again

>> No.44166351

I kept warning you about this fake pick me and you kept calling me a schizo for it. People are finally starting to see.

>> No.44166539
File: 83 KB, 414x414, 1625990843754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being complimented feels good anon, ideally you'd understand but it appears you've never been complimented.

>> No.44166672

I don’t trust any compliments. I only trust insults.

>> No.44166903

Based fellow fit sap bro. Keep it up king

>> No.44167032


>> No.44167066

>It's 2023
>People still think that all weebs are greasy neckbeards
Hilarious. Well, maybe if you are judging only by who is going to cons and only taking americans into consideration.

>> No.44167085


>> No.44167120

Just admit it Anon, you’re a faggot.

>> No.44167137

smelly ass femcel get a job

>> No.44167229

Not until Altare plays Hogwarts Legacy.

>> No.44167265

Tell em, sis!

>> No.44167513

I actually get lots of girls complimenting me for the shirts I wear.
Sucks to be you losers.

>> No.44167588


>> No.44167635

Blue fag WNBAM

>> No.44168058

>I once mistakenly told a guy on a bus that I like his Mandalorian shirt
why is this so embarrassing? why are you such a fucking retard holy shit

>> No.44168544

Roastie roastie nice and toasty

>> No.44168791

She definitely wants to collab with males. Vesper would waste no time trying to get under her dress

>> No.44168977

Post your's shirts.

>> No.44168978


>> No.44169156

> I once mistakenly told a guy on a bus that I like his Mandalorian shirt
Sounds like a problem with you desu sister

>> No.44169365

that fauna crop is so lazy

>> No.44169876

She didn't actually say the "men should compliment each other more" line that gets spun out all the time
She said men don't receive compliments "in general" and that "men don't get compliments that much"

You could even argue "girls compliment each other all the time but men don't get much" could be seen as her saying it's a problem girls compliment each other but not men.
Regardless though she isn't taking the standard feminist talking point about toxic masculinity here

>> No.44169989

progressives will say this shit and then do absolutely nothing about it while shitting on men for 99 other things or saying they should "just compliment each other more lul". Fauna actually does give out compliments and positive affirmation asmr so it's different

>> No.44170770

Shame one of them isn't English

>> No.44171030

>She said men don't receive compliments "in general" and that "men don't get compliments that much"
I honestly didn’t watch the clip. But on stream, she did ask her male viewers the last time they complimented another male.

>> No.44171171

She strongly implied it would be good if men got more complements.

>> No.44171196

I just watched it. What are you talking about, anon? I know /vt/ is extra socially retarded, but it's really obvious she wasnt going for a "toxic masculinity" angle here.

>> No.44172619
File: 95 KB, 1200x1350, AverageSapling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon. THIS is what they look like.

>> No.44172725

Post body

>> No.44172740
File: 35 KB, 227x222, 1654613896710465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what I'm supposed to be angry about here.

>> No.44172818

Fauna once said she likes stories where the fat nerd gets the girl instead of the hunky jock. She wouldn't find it hard to accept this dude

>> No.44172835

be angry that this clip screencap thread got more then 10 replies without being deleted

>> No.44172845

She said men not faggots.

>> No.44172896


>> No.44172936

I think the word "TEMPUS" was supposed to send us into paroxysms of rage?

>> No.44172955

t. ESL

>> No.44173174

im going to mail my poop to fauna

>> No.44173257

t. EFL

>> No.44173316

I will be astonished if this goes well.

>> No.44173335

Fauna next stream
>it looked very unhealthy *giggle* you should more veggies! I'll send a picture to Kiara so she can tell me what else can you do about it uuuuu

>> No.44173381

>ok then... are you going to w-

>> No.44173420


>> No.44173449

This is what a lifetime of being unnoticed by women does to a motherfucker

>> No.44173565

compliments are convo starters, sorry about autismo stalker but if someone comments on or to me i'd generally say something back.

>> No.44173577

Men are bad, so you aren't allowed to compliment them because you are gassing them up, unless they are milord, then hummina hummina

>> No.44173643

This isn't /v/, we don't do the whole
>food analogy
Autism response

>> No.44173732


>> No.44173824

You can't spell "/vt/" without "/v/"

>> No.44173984

>Talking to a star wars fag
Lol dumb cunt

>> No.44174046

Don't you have flag forums to gaslight groomer?

>> No.44174102

I'm much more bald if I'm honest...

>> No.44174780

Really anons? Showing compassion to the opposite sex? What are you, a pickme?

>> No.44175075

I'm a Pikamee

>> No.44175916

The only compliment I want to hear come out of a woman's mouth is beg for my dick because she loves it.

>> No.44176481

then give me a pity fuck, you bitch

>> No.44177412

Uhhh, Unicornbros?

>> No.44177504 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 470x719, 1672055401756777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All girls who get a boyfriend start appreciating men more

>> No.44178708

>women compliment each other all the time
>even turbo uggos get comments how beautiful their pics are
>meanwhile men say nothing to not look/sound gay or weak
We truly live in a society.

>> No.44178999


Feminism has always, and will always, be violently misandrist. The only time feminism talks about men in a positive light is when they internalize the hate and agree to help feminist women at the expense of their own mental and physical health, and then those feminists will toss him in the trash like a used battery when he runs out of steam or adds to the skyrocketing male suicide statistics.

>> No.44179196

I don't know about you guys, but I complement my friends alot, from appearances or fashion to how well they're playing in a game or stuff like that.

>> No.44179697

They hated him for he spoke the truth.

>> No.44180293

I get this a lot too, even from strangers on the street. I'm a little shy, and it makes me uncomfortable sometimes.

>> No.44180573

women complimenting turbo uggos is strategic, see a chubby woman and you tell her she looks great so she doesnt get thin, you now have less competition. Also one time at a wedding everyone was complimenting this fat woman on her outfit then as soon as she left they started talking about how ugly it was, I dont think this is strategic I think women cant help themselves and think they have to compliment every single woman they see even if its a flat out lie, maybe its a power move like calling someone big guy or champ I dont know

>> No.44180693

Every form of feminism after the first wave is anti men.
Rowling is a typical gen 2 which is you don't need men and it's also generally anti porn
Wave 3 are crazy retards who are insane and also are sex work good and men are evil

>> No.44180974

In my country, it is considered taboo to call a woman ugly or fat due to cultural norms

>> No.44181148

I refuse to believe you live in a country where female bullying doesn't exist

If you mean men aren't supposed to do it it's the same everywhere else in the world

>> No.44181165

>sex work good and men are evil
This one is always so puzzling to me. Who do they think are the sex workers customer base? They're just putting sex workers out of a job if they shame men who buy sex from them. That's not very supportive or accepting of the sex worker themselves if they wanted to choose that life.

>> No.44181333

Wave 3 are fucking retarded so don't waste your brain cells
Sex work good, male sexuality bad
Whores good, vtubers bad

>> No.44181404

>"Wow it's amazing they haven't killed themselves yet!"
will that do for a compliment?

>> No.44181708

>I refuse to believe you live in a country where female bullying doesn't exist
It exists, but I'm trying to say it's very rare, and women who are fat\ugly are often put on a pedestal.

>> No.44181988

It's nice to know that first contact with extraterrestrial life was on /vt/
So alien lifeform where are you from?

>> No.44182759

Seems like the incels here don't seem to get it but this is literally pickme behavior. Men have controlled the world for thousands of years and created the very system that leads to them being emotionally starved. It isn't the women's job to fix your own fuckups, and the only reason someone would go "OMG MEN HAVE PROBLEMS TOOOOO WHAT ABOUT THE MENS" is if they're running a pickme grift. The big difference is that MEN cause men's problems, whereas MEN cause women's problems. All she's doing with dumb takes like this is obscuring the source of the problem: men and patriarchy.

>> No.44183065

I got complimented for my creative deckbuilding in digimon and it made me really happy.

>> No.44183144

I love Digimon TCG what did you build?

>> No.44183186

Begone, hambeast.

>> No.44183206

Diaboromon Megazoo in BT3

>> No.44183337

Sounds cool I've never seen someone actually use a megazoo deck

>> No.44183358

too obvious with your baitpost, anon
work on it

>> No.44183460

>maybe if you wear a suit, people will compliment your suit
Yea, the suit not me

>> No.44183920

>men suffering isn't bad because they do it to other men
What's your opinion of black on black crime?

>> No.44184564

men being men and killing each other

>> No.44184747

You can't even do structural analysis right you cretin.

>> No.44185138

You mean (black) men on (black) men crime?

>> No.44185289

>Get a compliment
>First thought that comes to mind is that they're being sarcastic and are trying to mock me
I hate this feeling but I can't stop it.

>> No.44185816
File: 2.12 MB, 744x748, 1677795961848.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. At least it's better than nothing.

>> No.44185856

You retardess. The patriarchy is perpetuated by women as much as men, if not more so. This has always has been the case, otherwise children would have next to no patriarchal influence until becoming adults (because women are the ones children spend the majority of their time with until adulthood).

>> No.44186103

Yeah, slot of these misandrists have a dumb "men make history on their own terms, women take it in the ass and do nothing" mindset.

>> No.44186108

It is bait but the amount of people I've seen unironically spew this is pretty depressing

>> No.44186189

Nice one sis!

>> No.44186275

Shut up hole

>> No.44186486

You're not a woman. Why do people pretend to be women on this site?

>> No.44186521

this thread really brought out a bunch of fat roasties who thought people care about whatever dumb shit they’re saying about fauna

>> No.44186797

It's true but soon enough men will be able to get all the compliments they could ever want from AI.

>> No.44187384

>feminist gets racist at the slightest push

>> No.44187656

Which is, pretty ironically, very misogynist.

They need to educate themselves on their own ideology. I'm not a feminist, but even Bell Hooks wrote about how women hurt men and how men are hurt by those women through female enforcement of "toxic masculinity".

>> No.44188656

Please take a shower.

>> No.44189140

Do Disneyfuckers really

>> No.44189322

I receive compliments at the gym, but only from men. What went wrong?

>> No.44190219

You were born straight.

>> No.44190557

they do it everyday desu

>> No.44191122

men not receiving compliments is a tradition, retard

>> No.44191334

L O N D O N ?

>> No.44192116
File: 413 KB, 800x962, 77588474_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop reinforcing the stereotype that women are incapable of understanding male struggles. You just look like a self obsessed ghoul when you come out with ignorant shit like that. Men experiencing emotional pain is not some kind of just comeuppance for collective sin.

>> No.44195767
File: 48 KB, 637x584, 1662318569697023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work pointing out this clip anons!

>> No.44197569

You're really good at sucking dick, OP

>> No.44197766
File: 23 KB, 365x390, koyorishiggydiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a Disney Star Wars fan would be a sane individual

>> No.44198459

Why are there so many faggots larping as women in here?

>> No.44198619

Nu-feminism ruined real feminism

>> No.44199057

A man will remember a complement for the rest of his life. I still remember the 3 times I have ever been complemented. Exactly where I was, what time, the face of the person who did, and roughly the year and date.

>> No.44201597

>Women that aren't as schizophrenic as me and don't believe the BoogeyMAN is out to get me are pickmes

Ogey lul

>> No.44203075
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1654487999296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are easy, just be nice to them.

>> No.44203455

I'm going to say the b word!!

>> No.44205036

This is why they need compliments, to start to care about their bodies again

>> No.44205915

Because we wish we had a bf to compliment.

>> No.44206586

It's true though. Men just want to be treated like a human being for once and not a homeless cat.

>> No.44212154

Or worse, a homeless cat competing with every other homeless cat who can end up right back where they started in a moment

>> No.44212257

how can a minority be vast?

>> No.44212963

Notice how they also said that a ton of feminists were misandrist, but then went on to say they were a "vast minority"? Feminism is basically pure hypocrisy and if it had no double standards it wouldn't have any standards at all. The people like that anon that believe in it can't even think without the constant him of cognitive dissonance to comfort them.

>> No.44213502

Feminism has absolutely nothing to do with women being proactively kind to male strangers.

>> No.44213593

Feminism is anti being kind to men though, Familiar or otherwise

>> No.44214079

Yes? That's not what that anon was saying though. Feminism is anti male to such an extreme degree that being nice to men at all is considered anti feminist.

>> No.44215486

0.1% of the US population is a third of a million people.

>> No.44215655

I think your opinion on feminism is overly shaped by corporate and social media feminism. Both of which are toxic on their own regardless of feminism.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely critical of feminism as it's basically the central pillar of wokeism and woke propaganda. But 99% of women would identify as a feminist if you asked them and most of those people don't hate men.

>> No.44217817

>and most of those people don't hate men.
You're delusional and blinded by pussy.

>> No.44218096

>your opinion on feminism is overly shaped by corporate and social media feminism
Ah sorry, let me go read the 10 view tumblr post by a nobody about how men are totally not evil sometimes. I forgot that's what "real" feminism was, not the multimillion dollar organizations that have all the political power and are supported by a list of all the most influential feminists to currently exist.
>But 99% of women would identify as a feminist if you asked them
Polls have asked exactly that and it's simply not true. Most women aren't feminists.
>and most of those people don't hate men.
Nobody ever actually admits to being hateful, even when they clearly are. These are the same people that can spout #killallmen one day and tell men that feminism is for them too the next. It's all two faced hypocrisy.

>> No.44218440

I don't know where you live or what your life is like but I'm sad for you. Idk join a dance class or something? and be nice? You'll see that most women don't just like men they love men.

>> No.44218732

You're still working from the idea that most women are feminist when they actually aren't. Most women aren't feminists because most women don't hate men and hating men is required to be a feminist.

>> No.44219338

Tumblr is social media.
As I already said corporatism would be evil even without hiding behind feminism.
Admitedly I was surprised with a 20% identification rate. I think it would be much higher if you asked in casual conversation.
Of course the hateful ones wouldn't admit it. That's irrelevant. Not all women are two faced.

>> No.44219662

poor form poor coaching. Crossfit is still great

>> No.44219742

based jill post

>> No.44219794

>Tumblr is social media.
My point is the books and official organizations are even worse about it. "Real" feminism outside of social media and corporate influence is every bit as evil and hateful as the arms of their ideology that have power.
>Not all women are two faced.
I never said they were, just feminist women.

>> No.44219876

>just feminist women.
And while we're at it, feminist men too. They're all hypocrites and man haters.

>> No.44219945

That's simply wrong

>> No.44219953


>> No.44220137

>unicorn bait thread
>get the sisters rattled instead
based faggot but i'm still not sharing my food with you

>> No.44220200

No it's not.
