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44149608 No.44149608 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.44149664

Pomu, a close friend of pika's says that the graduation was planned ahead of time.

>> No.44149685
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>> No.44149846

>trusting 3views mumbo jumbo
Lol dyrbi?

>> No.44149848

The goblin who helped his mother die faster?
I guess even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

>> No.44149887

didn't you trust silvervale's word when she said something that supported your hate?

>> No.44149896
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>an asmongold video about this
now thousands of normies will see this and be turned against the twitter train people. Fucking KEK. I've never been more happy for the existence of react andys and drama channel fags than this moment. I hope every single fucking cynical tabloid-tier dramafagging scumfuck react channel/streamer covers this shit.
>twitter freaks not radicalizing normal people against them challenge any% (Impossible)

>> No.44149965

Meanwhile people believed Silver hated trans while she's called them awesome.
>LGBT people are awesome
>Lesbian, gay, bisexual, troon, people are awesome.
Yeah, she's totally "transphobic"

>> No.44150033 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44150063


>> No.44150111

her break meaning the one she went on after getting harassed to shit btw

>> No.44150145

Before her break can also mean the same day she apologized to the trannies. The timing is strange for it to be planned. Maybe she planned to quit later this year but decided to do it early because of the bullying.

>> No.44150279

Not the one because her entire family was sick?

>> No.44150314

Nope, that's what twitter faggots are pushing for, the hogwart stream was supposed to be her return stream.

>> No.44150633

He is right. Now that they got a "victory" they will just do it more. They will never be removed from the industry

>> No.44150681

Anon she said before the break, that means before she started getting harassed.

>> No.44150738

No you retard, getting harassed is before the break that shit went on for 3 days

>> No.44150753 [DELETED] 

Someone should name this character "Looney Troon"

>> No.44150772

If she never returned, does it really count as another break?
Yes, the harassment was bad and needs to be addressed, but that's not incompatible with the possibility of her already planning to graduate. Assuming her reason for graduation to deflect and assuming it to attack are both idiotic. Until Pikamee gives more clarification herself it's all rrats

>> No.44150812

Nice try faggot

>> No.44150881

can we please fucking kill all trannies now

>> No.44150939

Sounds like a lot of effort when statistically they're more likely to beat you to it.

>> No.44151018

Nice try tranoid. Nobody is falling for this damage control.

>> No.44151032 [DELETED] 

Make it faster, make their death count higher

>> No.44151035

Anon she never came back for Hogwarts. Hogwarts was supposed to be the end of the break. Before the break means before any Harry Potter drama shit.

>> No.44151149

Go for the jugular, asmon.

>> No.44151168

kettlebros.../r9k/ is making fun of us again...

>> No.44151186

I believe it. If she truly wanted to keep doing this she wouldn't quit over something like this, especially with this short of a time to make the decision. This was at most the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.44151219

Kill yourself, Amerimutt trannygger

>> No.44151225

no she didn't at least watch clips before posting them retard

>> No.44151235

No mercy.

>> No.44151239

>linking your own thread that barely got any replies
kill yourself faggot

>> No.44151262

Of fucking cause this worthless leech would jump on Pikamee corpse just to get views. At least normies will know about it now so its not completely worthless.

>> No.44151270

>3view trying to damage control

>> No.44151289

Don't care if I get banned for life. This was my last safe haven and now it's gone. Fuck it. Do with this as you will

>> No.44151315

That starved ghoul wouldnt lift a finger to save his mothers life
No morals
No soul

>> No.44151321
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>> No.44151350


>> No.44151371

are we supposed to believe a used goods whore's words from trannysanj?

>> No.44151382

Pikamee is a martyr in that she demonstrates that the twitter left is not, in fact, fighting online rightoids, but aiming to destroy everyone who doesn't kneel to it and chops off their dick and/or tits.
It's precisely because Pikamee isn't right wing, or political, or offensive in any way, yet got attacked by the leftoids regardless, simply over wanting to play a videogame, that she lays out the left's agenda for all, even the most normie of normies, to see.
The left isn't fighting the right.
The left is fighting everyone.
The trans agenda isn't about the individual's right to their own body, it's about the trans movement controlling discourse and denying other people their bodily autonomy by way of gaining access to children and mutilating them, by way of allowing rapists into women's spaces so long as the rapists say 'I'm Trans'.
Pikamee has become a symbol of resistance against the trans agenda precisely because she was as inoffensive and apolitical as humanly possible, and it still wasn't enough.
For twitter, nothing is ever enough.
Neutrality is not an option.

>> No.44151390

nothing Pomu said proves that it wasn't trannies

>> No.44151402

Don’t bother the tranny mods will delete it as part of their pointless damage control.
There are discord servers larger than all of 4chan now dedicated to total tranny death.

>> No.44151406

All this planned by Vshojo to expand her jp branch.

>> No.44151441
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People never forgot, tranny, You will forever be branded as the trancel/incel board till the end of time

>> No.44151446


>> No.44151454

kill yourself faggot. Pomu is very close with Pikamee, and nothing in that clip says it wasn't because of the harassment so I don't know why he posted that clip.

>> No.44151466

>Trusting Nijinigger

>> No.44151472

Fucking debunked.

>> No.44151497

Pomu was literally one of her mods before she even became Mint.

>> No.44151507

Fuck you, Pomu is devastated, Pika was her kamioshi. Also imagine using viewership as an insult, Pika herself isn't worth discussing by that standard

>> No.44151542

Keep deleting these threads you tranny jannie trash. You just make us hate you more. Keep pushing.

>> No.44151543

Pomu averages 3.5 to 4k

>> No.44151558

It just keeps going, it has been almost an entire month with this shit

>> No.44151658

>Yes, the harassment was bad and needs to be addressed
Guess how I know you are a tranny?

>> No.44151678

>Amano Bikamii

>> No.44151690

Debunked by... a bad machine TL and a tweet that doesn't even directly quote it? Come on, you can do better than that. All it says is the announcement was sudden, which is the same thing that the EN announcement said.

>> No.44151692

the lack of crusade rhetoric?

>> No.44151696

Announcing a graduation is always "sudden". How do you explain they were discussing the graduation with Marui before announcing it? Do you really want to make Pikamee's graduation all about trannies?

>> No.44151715

Yes. Fuck them they deserve nothing but contmpt

>> No.44151722

Nice try faggot. Fuck off with your misinformation

>> No.44151735

Guess how I am certain you are a tranny given your reply?

>> No.44151775
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nothing Pomu said disproves what happend

>> No.44151806

Make Pika's goodbye all about trannies.
Afterall, hating trannies > loving Pikamee

>> No.44151811

Can't wait for Pikamee to say that it isn't about trannies and you won't care and still say it was them. I am waiting for her to say it.
Otherwise she will forever be remembered as that vtuber that couldn't handle some trannies sending her mean comments over a video game.

>> No.44151842


>> No.44151851

wtf we have unironic trannies in this board? what kind of fanbase brought them?

>> No.44151863

No one would believe that if she said it in a public statement
How mentally deranged are you?

>> No.44151877

not believing shit from that pozzed company

>> No.44151882

I like how as soon as actual consequences for this shit start to happen everyone wants to pump the brakes.

>> No.44151884


>> No.44151893 [SPOILER] 
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Come on anon, the coloring didn't tip you off?

>> No.44151910

Are you retarded? Do you really think VOMS management is gonna let her say it was trannies, even if it was?

>> No.44151916

You are fucking retarded if you really believe getting harassed has nothing to do with her decision to graduate.
She just wanted to play a fucking video game and make people laugh. God you are human garbage.

>> No.44151915

nigga lemme finna tell you a secret, there are even blacks in this shit

>> No.44151920


>> No.44151923

Are trannies the winners in this battle?

>> No.44151929

Pomu was literally one of Pikamee's mods before she even became an indie

>> No.44151935

More like as soon as the spam on my fucking board starts

>> No.44151936

It kind of sounds like there's not really enough proof yet to determine the circumstances of Pikamee's graduation either way. Although, I'm not sure why it matters so much why she graduated. It's not like that changes the circumstances of what happened.

>> No.44151940

I don't speak much Japanese, so take this with a grain of salt.The line in question is toward the top. 突然ではございますが. It literally means "Although it is sudden," but if the people in this link are to be believed, it doesn't necessarily mean that literally, and can be used to breach a new topic, like "By the way."


>> No.44151945
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>> No.44151949

Is that why Pikamee is liking a bunch of tweets specifically sounding off on the bullies?

>> No.44152017

Nothing Pomu said contradicts what happend. I don't know why he thought that clip proved anything

>> No.44152052

They are damage control tourists

>> No.44152060

You mean the same person that lied about her concert not being cancelled? Who the fuck would trust a pathological liar?

>> No.44152065

Graduation was planned ahead of time, but twitter trannies bullied Pikamee to stop streaming for a month.

>> No.44152080
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It's 'cause he's reposting takes from r/gamingcirclejerk. He's incapable of thought.

>> No.44152092

VShojo and /lig/

>> No.44152098
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This is from a vtuber census Yam Koumori did last spring.
I think it had almost 2k respondents.
You best start believing in the anime to faggot pipeline, you're in it.

>> No.44152121

Everyone point and laugh at this nijinig

>> No.44152122


>> No.44152158

It's only means anything about the clickbait video title
But basically this >>44152065

>> No.44152168

HoloSEAniggers really showing their quality in the replies, lmao. As shit brown on the inside as they’re on the outside, I guess.

Anyway Pomu sounds like she has a gun to her head dancing around the topic and then she bursts into tears for a solid half hour. Really doesn’t lend credence to the idea that tranny harassment had nothing to do with it - at the very least the troons chimping out was probably the last nail in the coffin for Pikamee’s decision. Like if this was a measured and highly planned out decision Pomu wouldn’t be talking like this.

>> No.44152178
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Nigga the NijiEN twitter said it would be rescheduled. They just don't have a date yet so they "cancelled" it in order to give people refunds. If they announced it to be postponed w/ no date you would all be crying that they're taking the money and running.

>> No.44152185

>reddit trannies are trying to damage control from their hivemind
So tiresome and futile. Same shit happened in /v/ with the constant "Didn't you know there's a transwoman in Hogwarts Legacy?!" thread spam.

>> No.44152192

>google her name
kek surprised it isn't 100%. You know audiences are different depending on the streamer/vtuber?

>> No.44152218

I know, I am a man. Crazy, right?
Deciding to graduate is her own decision. Trannies killing themselves is also their own decision. Like fucking no one makes you pull that trigger other than yourself.
But that's just my take. Go say your oshi was too weak to handle trannies, if it makes you happy. But I don't believe you care about Pikamee at all.

>> No.44152298
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>collabs with faggots and furries
Not surprised she's got such a fucking rainbow parade in her chat, really...

>> No.44152311

>shoving your dumb bitch into the situation like she matters after it's been proven it's a narrative that came from reddit
41 to 100.

>> No.44152316
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>> No.44152317

In any other scenario he would be attacking her for being too based but because he got shit on for wizard game he’s defending her. Kinda funny

>> No.44152320

I am aware. It was a survey of chuubas.
There was a section for hours streamed and a huge portion were vtweeters.

>> No.44152365

Pomu gets that way when any of her oshis graduate, to be fair. Once someone dropped news about an idol group during a stream and she just broke down right there

>> No.44152374

jk rowling literally tweeted she'd stand with trans if they were oppressed, it's just she doesn't believe trans women would understand what its like to be a real women.

didn't stop the death threats and her being modern day hitler

>> No.44152375

>too based
Kek she was just gonna play a video game without knowing any of the gay shit surrounding it. I took a shit more "based" than that this morning

>> No.44152420
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No mercy.

>> No.44152425

What is supposed to be the difference between cancelling a concert and holding another concert later and holding another concert at another date but with the same name? Nigga, this isn't a videogame release or a 3D debut, it's supposed to be a regular event. If it doesn't happen then it doesn't happen and that's it. Another similar event being scheduled at a later date (pending) has nothing to do with that.

>> No.44152426

She's still not coming back. You lost.

>> No.44152446

Pikamee was probably planning her graduation for a while, but the twitter troonout made her stop streaming for a month

>> No.44152499
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Guys, shes quietly fighting back in her twitter likes

>> No.44152517

God you’re fucking dumb, your brain probably looks like Swiss cheese from all the parasites. I’m pointing out nothing Pomu says here actually denies that troons/harassment were the cause of the graduation. The clip makes the freaks look worse, not better.

>> No.44152536

troon dama controle is hillarious.

More people are peaking everyday because most troons are legit assholes and sexual predators and there is nothing you can do about it.


>> No.44152554

Because why would they waste all the promotional art and videos they made for this concert, when they can simply reuse it later? Same with all the work Luxiem did - it's not like it's getting thrown in the trash, they'll just save it for later.

>> No.44152574


>> No.44152616
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They always have to be the victim

>> No.44152687
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