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44090171 No.44090171 [Reply] [Original]

why didn't any of her friends from vshoujo or hololive help

>> No.44091227

When she shows up in the next wave of either group you will know who helped her

>> No.44093628

She has "friends" in holo?

>> No.44093725

Vshojo? They were the leaders of the tranny brigades harassing people like Pikamee in the first place?

>> No.44093756


>> No.44093915

You are right anon I heard Silver was the leader of this right?

>> No.44093975

You mean froot?? kek
Homo gotta support the cause and management blocking all the girl because they love to sucking homocock

>> No.44094094

JP and ID lead by example
EN is currently held hostage backstage by Altare creating a clique around his politics
Too self absorbed

>> No.44094156

This is why LGHDTV is just stupid

>> No.44094252

Her graduation is for when she debuts as new Vshojo JP talent!

>> No.44094254

This is cope.

>> No.44094342

Isn't she more close with Nijisanji than those 2 corpos?
Oh yeah, right, you just can't rely on nijishit

>> No.44094373

Fuck you LG made the best HDTVs

>> No.44094450

Are you fucking retarded

>> No.44094780

She was ever only close with Ina and Kson maybe ironmouse to

>> No.44094898

So no one?

>> No.44094994

Froot and every single talent not going out and calling people out for harassing Pika.

>> No.44095053

I was disappointed that Kson literally did nothing for pikamee.
All she did recently was dox the roommates of Miraiakari and Calliope.

>> No.44095200

They’ve really gone downhill in quality the past 5 or so years. I’ve had several friends and family buy new ones only to have some kind of defect or eventual malfunction.

>> No.44095386

Oh so does that go for Hololive and Niji too?

>> No.44095439

When did Kson ever do anything to help anyone?

>> No.44095492

Just like tranny then

>> No.44095504

I hope you're right, anon

>> No.44095553
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>> No.44095563

What about the left 4 dead where everyone else joined niji en

>> No.44095638

Talent freedom, everyone.

>> No.44095735

>When did Kson ever do anything to help anyone?
A LOT of vtubers even DELUTAYA got help from Kson. You understand that she lives in japan and goes PERSONALLY to talk to them as a real person would do

>> No.44095763

fuck off tranny
this is samsung house

>> No.44095769

Still going to pretend this was the wrong decision after seeing this?

>> No.44095815

you are the reason this world is so shit

>> No.44095816

>a-actually pre-emptive censorship to bow down to troons is the right way
>not to support your japanese streamers against the americunts

>> No.44095879
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This time she'll get a good nepotism hire.

>> No.44095882

I wouldn't be surprised to see her in vshojo JP. Quite frankly what was there left for her in voms?

>> No.44095885

>unironically buying gookshit

>> No.44095908

Do you know what kind of person Nazuna is ?

>> No.44095950

Rent free.
But yes, absolutely although both are pozzed to the core so expecting anything out of them is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.44095956

>>not to support your japanese streamers against the americunts
you know that she is a menhera???

>> No.44095970

You don’t actually care about the streamers
Not as much as you care about trans people

>> No.44095971

why show up to another big group? literally the only benefit is that you get a quick burst of interest, but she already has half a million subs. you don't need another corpo.
Assuming of course this isn't some contractual thing.

>> No.44095982

Kson sacrificed herself to prevent harassment of haachama.

>> No.44095992

and with "help" you mean she pulls them into a pyramid scheme and keeps them in financial debt so they can't say or do anything against her?

>> No.44096007

Froot message her that everyone makes mistakes

>> No.44096014

>Comes back with Pako as her papa
I'd cry

>> No.44096041

The Talent Freedom campaign has proven to be nothing but hypocrisy.

>> No.44096044

Yes, I also know what kind of lies Vshojo made claims about when they hired her.
>talent freedom
>actually you jps should bow down to americunt trannies you can't even understand

>> No.44096079
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You realise vshojo are part of the problem, right? She's dumb as fuck if she even considers them.

>> No.44096137

Most Holos don't give a shit about culture war shit (atleast publicly)

>> No.44096157

>actually Rushia's a menhera
>that means she should change her stream to pander to americunts
>even though literally the only ones to have been targeted were english-primary streamers
Retarded faggots who don't understand a word she says and has never watched her members-only zatsudans.
Vshojo is a fraudulent american colonization project as always.

>> No.44096169

>helping her

>> No.44096199

It is more about that girl being not right in the head and more than a little sensitive. She had just had another mental breakdown a few days before that.
It is unfortunate that we are in a world where innocents like pikamee suffer harassment but I don’t want more martyrs. Let strong people like Tenma do it.

>> No.44096211

>and with "help" you mean she pulls them into a pyramid scheme and keeps them in financial debt so they can't say or do anything against her?

>> No.44096224

>why show up to another big group?
Lawyers. This is the new angle the corps are offering new talents.

>> No.44096229

If she really bought the Koolaid and retired to join VShojo JP, then poor dumb retard.

>> No.44096331

>Hololive restricted the talent's activities.
>VSJ restricted the talent's activities.
ok, it's good.


>> No.44096350

Rent FREEdom

>> No.44096358

>Quite frankly what was there left for her in voms?
What is even left in VOMS if and when she leaves? She is the face of the company.

>> No.44096411

Hope she joins one of the big two.
Fun fact Cover and Niji have both agreed to cooperate in dragging harassers of their talents to court.

>> No.44096512

>>VSJ restricted the talent's activities.
>ok, it's good.

>> No.44096536

>sacrifice herself for Haachama

>> No.44096586

Niji has one of their own English branch employees get caught multiple times harassing coworkers on twitter as recently as last month with no punishment for it. They are hypocrites.

>> No.44096622


>> No.44096670

She also was the one that convinced Haachama not to quit. Kson is a good person and means well.

>> No.44096674

No but EN management does, I meant "to the core" literally. But then again, even if they didn't, it's a big corpo and those usually want to stay as sanitized and friendly looking to the general public as possible. So it's natural they're going to either shut the fuck up, or support whatever narrative is currently viewed as the morally correct one (in this case, the troon one)

>> No.44096677

How do you know no one helped? Just because she decided to graduate doesn't mean she didn't talk with friends behind the scenes to help her come to a decision.

>> No.44096690

So you think Haachama is wrong?

>> No.44096733

The entire company turned on Silver and blamed her "mistake" for her own harassment.

>> No.44096845

for the fragile Nazuna? its understandable that the management avoid that drama.
the other Vshojo still trucking on.

>> No.44096922

>The entire company turned on Silver
why are you lying?

>> No.44097102

Come off it. Vshoujo has multiple troon panderers among the ENs and have harassed people for little but rumours.
The notion that they're about creator freedom is a fucking joke.

>> No.44097205

Well, let's see
>everyone makes mistakes
>oh, yeah, that... harassment is bad, m'kay?
Keep in mind that they all came in as one to shit on the faggot Nux that one time, so there IS a precedent for unity against a common external threat.

>> No.44097322


>> No.44097660

He is right.

>> No.44097826

>He is right.
Silver disagrees

>> No.44097864
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>> No.44098157

What help would they need?
>Help getting publicity
It ain't the hits, it's the heat. If Pika was as strong as other vtubers she could have just ignored it. But she isn't, for her own reasons. She just doesn't want any more to do with vtubing thanks to these woke shits
>Denounce the bullies
A good way to add oil to the fire, usually. Drawing attention rewards trolls, unless it's something major like legal action

>> No.44098282

Because they are all dealing with way more harassment than she ever has dealt with, so they probably didn't think a few people being mad online at her was a big deal. I mean, compare what mindbroke her, and what Mori puts up with every single day.

>> No.44098302

They still do, to the point that other manufacturers like Sony use LG panels for their OLED TVs.

>> No.44098662

>cries in Panasonic PDP factory
I will miss Pikamee 1000 times more than I miss Panasonic plasma displays. and I miss those a lot. I buy old ones and fix them

>> No.44098779

Yes dumbfuck Nazuna tried to play it and Vshitsho deny it becuase of the fucking retarded notion that you were transphorn fucking retard how is it not clear you fucking mouth breathing ape??
All go the talents NEVER said oh I support silvevale, they said “oh yea harassment is bad” you fucking retard
No the only retard appeares to be you kys

>> No.44101389

Hishojo grifters would sooner throw her under the bus than help

>> No.44101955

Yeah, Kson has always looked out for her friends. I have a feeling Kson joined vShojo as a package deal to pull Nazuna in and give her sometime to do. That girl was in a bad bad place after the bf yab and termination

>> No.44102011

Kson Curse.
Anyone who collabs with her will graduate.

>> No.44102048

>That girl was in a bad bad place after the bf yab and termination
she still is

>> No.44102207


>> No.44102210

wtf are you THAT guy on twitter/facebook restoring old TVs?
based if so

>> No.44102248

They already are, just wait for JP7

>> No.44102391

More like a ultimatum by whorejo
>we are only taking her in if you will tardwrangle her
Not a single person in whorejo can speak japanese

>> No.44102445
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Sorry the nepo spot is already taken, pic related

>> No.44102614

>THAT guy
I don't think so? I've only fixed a handful of them, and only started because my pops has one of the last beeg Vieras they made and the A/V board started to act up. my YouTube recs are basically dudes fixing electronics and chubas. If I come across a cheap one with no burn in that seems like an easy fix I don't think twice.

>> No.44102707

Holo and Ninisanji literally just did a joint statement for going harsher on harassment recently.

>> No.44103071

Hopefully this means GYARI will actually go back to making music again.

>> No.44103266

who is this

>> No.44103269

>people are being mean to me on the internet!!!111
100% she just wanted to fuck off voms

>> No.44103278

why would they help her? she knew what she was doing, everyone is going to harass trans people because of this. this is her childish way to take revenge because she really wanted to play that wizard game
no one is going to help her because she's a selfish person

>> No.44103334

If that happens then she can't be Flares true wife anymore.

>> No.44103453

A fellow man of taste

>> No.44103523

she played a stupid game, and she won a stupid prize. If I was her friend who worked for Avalanche I'd be pissed as fuck at her for advertising that. Vive la trans!

>> No.44103944

I now hate trans people and will do everything in my power to ensure they never have equal rights and every product that they try to push to support the cause will flop monetarily so that the corpos pull out from helping their diseased mental asses.

>> No.44104105

kys tranny

>> No.44104967

that is gonna do fuck all outside japan.

>> No.44105472

Yeah good fucking luck to em

>> No.44105489

And Silver isn't?

>> No.44106583

You’re retarded. It’s better to a big fish in a small pond then a small fish in a big pond.

>> No.44107319
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Why are people blaming trans folk when she was already planned to get the boot before the whole hogwarts shit?

>> No.44107620

what does that have to do with creator freedom? Just sounds like you're fishing for a reason to hate them

>> No.44107764

>trying to gaslight everyone and memoryhole the entire incident
Those people are absolutely shameless.
