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4408662 No.4408662 [Reply] [Original]

Is Uto the most successful indie vtuber so far? how did she do it and why there's such a long gap between her and other indies?

>> No.4408863

>Is Uto the most successful indie vtuber so far?
No, but shes up there
>how did she do it
Delivering a product HoloEN failed to
>and why there's such a long gap between her and other indies?
A lot of indies arent doing it for the money

>> No.4408910


>> No.4408912

> Is Uto the most successful indie vtuber so far?
No, that's Shibuya Hal by far in terms of views.

> how did she do it and why there's such a long gap between her and other indies?
There's no long gap. She's the 7th biggest indie

>> No.4408961

She’s on path to topple Ui it would seem. Surprise it took this long.

>> No.4408993

she was being backed up by a chinese company while using hololive tags for people to watch her you fucking newfag, indie my ass this bitch is everything that is wrong with vtubers

>> No.4409055

She got intitial attention by being related to Amelia and hololive. People thought she was cute and made a ton of clips. She's stayed popular by staying cute and pandering to EOPs, working hard to learn english.

>> No.4409059

by leeching

>> No.4409108


>> No.4409187

>hugely popular
>has close relationship with mama
>does her english reps better than 99% of JPs
>will collab with hololive
uto antis are in shambles, surprised they're still around

>> No.4409383

>Is Uto the most successful indie vtuber so far?
no, there are more succesful ones like Hal or Ui
>how did she do it?
short answer, leeching
>why there's such a long gap between her and other indies?
in my opinion cause she keeps pandering to EOPs

>> No.4409606

true, leeching do wonders.

>> No.4409662

Not the most, but she did an impressive job.
Ignoring the fact that she was (and might still being) backed up by some black company, Uto's formula is to pretty much provide the HoloJP experience while not putting a wall of language barrier between her and the EOP viewers. She's doing what all HoloJPs with a huge EOP following failed to do by actually doing her reps instead of being a lazy cunt which is usually the case for most japs when it comes to eigo. It's not like she had a choice though, she didn't have a JOP audience to come back to.
The only "bad" thing for her is that since she's basically an impromptu holo at this point, her relevance will be forever tied with hololive. I bet almost all her viewers come from HoloEN, if they decide to move on (be it gen 2 or whatever), she's pretty much done for.

>> No.4409957

I agree with everything but she built her own audience at this point that may have been true at the start she kept her average viewership even when she overlapped with ame one time

>> No.4409998

She isn't an indie.

>> No.4410297

Uto’s audience isn’t the same as Ame’s. Her viewers are usually Gura’s or Mori’s which is why whenever Gura streams at the same time, Uto will see a large decrease. Amelia’s teakeks and Uto’s tenshimps are basically the opposing groups as of now, neither watching one would watch the other.

>> No.4410656

>will collab with hololive
hololive wouldn't touch her with a 12 foot pole

>> No.4410726

this is false and there's no proof of it, just a widespread rrat

>> No.4410814
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I think this thread live long enough.

>> No.4410861
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>> No.4410886

Nobody is denying she used the metatags. She even addressed it in her statement and apologized for it, stopped doing it somewhere after a few weeks.
If we want to talk about metatagging, we can also bring up how Hololive used to metatag themselves using Nijisanji too.

>> No.4410907
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>> No.4411026

No one gives a single fuck about the meta tags. No one.

>> No.4411055

Except for searching engine

>> No.4411056

Tags haven't been used in Youtube's search algorithm for a while now. Look it up.

>> No.4411057

Her Nabi avatar is the proof. Also she admitted it herself on Twitter. What else do you fucking need, her to sit in your lap to whisper it in your ear?

>> No.4411082

What exactly am I looking at?

>> No.4411133

Not him but I can see hololive and shirakami fubuki tags.

>> No.4411154
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Promoted heavily as Ame's sister, i was there on facebook when it happened.
She even has a dedicated fanbase there.

>> No.4411163

If you're going to be using the bullshit about Nabi only drawing for companies or whatever, I hope you know that Nabi and Uto are friends. The JPs were only suspicious because how Nabi said she doesn't do commissions but the rrat about the company being chink is pure baseless fantasy. This is also the case for her rigger too, who is also one of her member,

The only true thing is that she was in some company, which she herself addressed in her statement.

>> No.4411165

why is kson on the list

>> No.4411183

I can tell you're a filthy SEAnigger

>> No.4411260
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>> No.4411264

she has a vtuber avatar that she used to use

>> No.4411266
File: 39 KB, 653x367, sure bro, tag meant nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was around the time when the hololeech started. Then Utofag begin to use the fact that Ame shared the same artist to begin littering Holoreddit with the Leech. And now we're here.
>Is Uto the most successful indie vtuber so far? how did she do it and why there's such a long gap between her and other indies?

>> No.4411267

Then why was she using them?

>> No.4411303

>we can also bring up how Hololive used to metatag themselves using Nijisanji too.
Fucking holowhores, and now holobronies on here dare to talkshit about niji

>> No.4411385

ShibuHalchad and Gatchmanchad I knee...

>> No.4411447
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I don't care anymore desu, she is just too cute.

>> No.4411683

Wonder why HimeHina is missing from this list. They're not managed by any VTuber agency AFAIK.

>> No.4411747

The major obstacle for small Vtubers is visibility. Uto got a lot of exposition on Twitter, Reddit and Youtube clips. The rest was the power of her moe.

>> No.4411805

What i don't get about Uto antis is they try to remind you about the tags and her backing company etc but they don't tell you about people staying on her stream and most importantly, coming back to it, how is that so hard to understand?

>> No.4411828

Not even close, the most popular indie is some shota kid who only plays apex. Has like more than a million subs

>> No.4411864

I also don't know why they still use those when they can also talk about her ghosting an artist or something, or about her past life when she had a hard fall out with her previous group. Why do they keep using the same pointless rrats that amount to nothing when there's much better bigger ones.

>> No.4411875

The Chinese part of that rrat was always false. Uto isn't even known in Bilibili.
Nabi just post that "I don't accept commission from indies" to stop nobodies from bothering her. Before becoming a Vtuber, Uto's channel had 35k subs, which big for a Japanese channel.

>> No.4411888

Every one leeched from eliene so it doesn't matter at this point

>> No.4411896

You said the same thing about Vshojo, look at what almost happened.

>> No.4411915


>> No.4411952

Will you shut up for 1500 yen?

>> No.4411961

Uto hasn't done anything to harm Hololive. She mostly stay away from them, especially after her break, and don't even engage with anyone unless they come to her. She even admit that she's a fan and after Amelia said the whole cousin thing doesn't even mention her name and had her mods stop anyone who even say anything who mention anything about them in chat. At best right now she's just doing her own thing, in her own little spot and not bothering anyone.

>> No.4411976

Cover approved it, and it literally would have happened if holo fans didn't harass the fuck out of the vshojos until they dipped.

>> No.4412016

>whenever Gura streams at the same time, Uto will see a large decrease
It happens to everybody. Your theory is odd to me because I don't like Gura's content.

>> No.4412019

>about her ghosting an artist or something
So you don't even know what actually happened.

>> No.4412037

It was more Veibitch's fault for double downing on her stupidity like it was a black cock then choking herself with it. She even tried to pin it all on Kiara, like the backstabbing cunt that she is.
I don't see anyone have any problem with Iron Mouse and Calliope's coming collab.

>> No.4412067

Shes just that powerfull, she tops both lists

>> No.4412097

After Cover rejected Veibae, they still asked Nyanners if she wanted to do an one on one collab with Kiara. The Vshojo collab didn't happen just because Nyanners backed down, because she felt bad for Veibae. Otherwise, yes, Hololive x Vshojo would've been a reality, bringing tears to all cucks on this board.

>> No.4412117

>OP asked reasons how she was so successful, must be magic
>People give multiple cold hard explanations to the question
>Uto fans:lalala I don't care she is cute whatever, why antis keep bringing that up? It is all magic

>> No.4412144

but she's cute

>> No.4412154

It's because Uto is moe. There's really no other reasons, beside getting Holo visibility because clippers, Nabi and Kiara tweets. You might care about "leeching" but 99% of people aren't political like you, we just want to watch cute anime girls doing cute things.

>> No.4412216

She is cute, but just because some people bring explanations at an open question, be them true or not, don't make them antis.

>> No.4412221

She also have a really good singing voice and plays interesting enough games to stick around and watch. Plus a big part of her success is her interaction with her chat, despite being all EOPs, she still speaks in a way that it's easy to understand and follow her unlike most JPs chuubas that talks but impossible to follow without a translator in chat.

>> No.4412240

>mind you about the tags and her bac
I found Uto right after Yogiri's forced 3d graduation and watching the debacle that was holofes2. Uto was singing her ass off for free and i found myself a new vtuber just to get away from hololive. Then came her big yabs and a month off and then another random 10 days off and i just had enuff of Uto's drama. I now watch Shirahari Uni (FBK's sister) for the holojp exp and she can talk in eigo since she spent a year in Canada, also her ikemen voice is legit god tier. She is essentially an Uto upgrade for me. https://youtu.be/CMJXdMwuawY?t=3263

>> No.4412267

I don’t understand if all these things she did are such a big deal why do the holos still follow her and join her streams often is it only relevant in this board???

>> No.4412283

Alright, but the argument is stupid.
>she gets exposed to a large crowd
>the people sub, donate and keep watching her for several months
No matter how you spin it, she's very likeable, and that's why she grew so much and is still growing.

>> No.4412291

I know her. She's the porcupine one, right? I find it funny how despite people giving shit at Nabi for samefacing, Fubuki's artist don't even try. Still looks cute, although if you didn't tell me I would have never thought she was a porcupine based motif and just another Fox friend.

>> No.4412318

Yeah, I like Uto for her interactions with chat.

>> No.4412359

>T-there's no proof!
>The p-proof doesn't m-matter!

>> No.4412370

>this board
Do you understand where you are?

>> No.4412374


>> No.4412397 [DELETED] 
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>>T-there's no proof!
>>The p-proof doesn't m-matter!

>> No.4412411

This is why it's useless to talk with autists. You might care for it, but realize that most people don't, because watching chubas is for unwinding the day.

>> No.4412422

yeah dude, the chinese invented an ultra radio wave that makes you love her and mixed with the visual high you get from the hololive tags it's just a success concoction, no wonder she is doing so good, it all makes sense now

>> No.4412436
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>Faggots keep bringing up the decomposing rrats
Look I mainly watch hololive, mostly holoEN. I don't really care about Uto's misdoings since she hasn't done anything malicious to hololive like that bitch from Vshojo. But I do also watch her when she does something that I find really interesting. I'm aware that hololive used to include niji tags back then when they were smaller, but so did Uto, more or less. Honestly, I thought that was pretty smart of her to do just that. Like work smarter, not harder. But that's all I know about her.

Anyway, just ignore the falseflaggers who kept bringing it up. They're probably SEAniggers who just want to start tribalism by baiting everyone into waging autistic wars with each other

Also, to answer OP's question:
She's actually up there though. She just needs to beat Ui, then the giga apex addict which will take some time for her to kill him.

>> No.4412446

yeh thats her. she just made $500 on her last uta. If she gets more clippers she has potential to pass uto. Also 'TeeTee Clipper [Nabi-Mama Family]' - who is a Nabi clipper and translator joined Uni's membership and has mod powers so she might start snowballing very soon.

>> No.4412451

>RNA nanobots that are in covid vaccines are activated by the chink utowave
>releasing covid 19 was simply a step for tenshi to take over the world

>> No.4412452

There's no nefarious plot here. She had the same artist as Amelia and she was incredibly cute and spoke English. That's really all it took.

>> No.4412477 [DELETED] 
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>>Faggots keep bringing up the decomposing rrats
>Look I mainly watch hololive, mostly holoEN. I don't really care about Uto's misdoings since she hasn't done anything malicious to hololive like that bitch from Vshojo. But I do also watch her when she does something that I find really interesting. I'm aware that hololive used to include niji tags back then when they were smaller, but so did Uto, more or less. Honestly, I thought that was pretty smart of her to do just that. Like work smarter, not harder. But that's all I know about her.
>Anyway, just ignore the falseflaggers who kept bringing it up. They're probably SEAniggers who just want to start tribalism by baiting everyone into waging autistic wars with each other
>Also, to answer OP's question:
>She's actually up there though. She just needs to beat Ui, then the giga apex addict which will take some time for her to kill him.

>> No.4412478

Because nips still believe it works, but it doesn't. That's also why JOPs were angry at her for it. Because they are nips that believe tags still work, but don't.

>> No.4412481

start vtubing tomorrow, use a known mother or father for you design and use hololive tags and tell us how well you are doing, seriously dude, you are missing your chance at being rich easy

>> No.4412499

>'TeeTee Clipper [Nabi-Mama Family]'
I'm apprehensive about this guy. I saw him clipping members only streams and such a thing is never a good sign cause it's a recipe to get DMCA. Doesn't help that he's also clipping from Voice-Ore and that dumbfuck of a company has been sending copyright to a lot of clippers.

>> No.4412535

Does all of this really matter if it was such a big deal the holos would have not interacted with her you are wasting your time defending and “attacking” her

>> No.4412619

This is why a collab would be positive, it would be official that they like her and antis would be gtfo forever.

>> No.4412638
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>how did she do it
leeching as always

>> No.4412658

Fuck no. A collab will intensify the antis going after her. Uto is doing fine right now, even better recently ever since she got her schedule out, and collabing with Hololive will be more of a negative than a positive. It would be better if they stay the fuck away from her and her to them, just keep doing what she’s doing right now.

>> No.4412737

>hololive invented youtube thumbnails
The good old schizo argument that made me stop supporting that trashbin company.

>> No.4412756 [DELETED] 
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>>how did she do it
>leeching as always

>> No.4412924

Why do holofags seeth this hard over a fucking meta tags?

>> No.4412926

>she has potential to pass uto
I think she's cute, but there's no need to create rivalry with Uto. We can support of them.

>> No.4412935

Yagoo being 30th. Based

>> No.4412961

As an avid utofag, this offends me. I'm not a corporate bootlicking holonigger to be upset about someone else who gets popular.

>> No.4413010

thank fucking god for that. The only vwhorejo who is acceptable to collab with holos are Ironmouse and Melody.

>> No.4413041

No one knows if she's still with the "black company" or if she bought out the model, Utofags always deflect when you ask them this.

Gura takes viewers from everyone, those 20k+ viewers don't appear out of nowhere, even Ina isn't safe from it.

>> No.4413044

Don't think Cover would allow them to collab with her, even if she's purer than V***ae

>> No.4413076

sadly. Melody is by far the best entertainer especially when you compare them to the trashfire that is vwhores. Iron Mouse is the close second.

>> No.4413154
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Well, I'm sure Mori will collab with Ironmouse eventually. #Deadmau5

>> No.4413174

In a recent member stream, Uto said she worked it out with the company and that there are no more problems, but she can't get into any details.

>> No.4413219
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She says she's indie. inb4
>h-h-h-how do you know she's telling the truth
the black company thing also came from her. Why believe her words for one thing but not the other?

>> No.4413240

I don't want anyone to try to stir up shit.

>> No.4414187

Because she is cute, very cute, but there're many cute streamers like Uto out there.
You need something to boost your popularity & for Uto, it is from her tag & her fangirlsm to Ame, & also from good timing, since it is also when Ame inclining hard in popularity.
Yes, associating yourself with Ame can give you EOP boost second only to Gura. Hell looking at their sisters & collab partners, I say right now Ame is better.

>> No.4414722

this. at the end of the day, people watch uto because she's interesting and eop friendly. her being friendly to holomems is also a plus for me

>> No.4415162

>Dec 20
By that time clippers were already feasting on her. No doubt facebook would follow too.

>> No.4415182
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its the crab!

>> No.4415391

Most successful leech, yes

>> No.4415437

kiara said yesterday she'd like to collab with her

>> No.4415528 [DELETED] 

Uto is not cute in the slightest. Her model looks off-puting enough for me to not watch her. But her leeching habits and annoying personality keep me away for good. Plus, she takes long, unprompted breaks that leave her fans wondering where she went. Fuck Uto and fuck her stupid, braindead fanbase.
