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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43902588 No.43902588 [Reply] [Original]

A Gaod Time edition.


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song

All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Gen 3
【Aletta Sky アレッタ スカイ】

【Miryu Kotofuji 琴藤みりゅう】

【Peony Aeria ピオニー・エリア】

【Sava Safari サヴァ・サファリ】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス 】
【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

▼Kawaii """Friends"""
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya - https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Muge - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w
Yuyu Cosmos - https://www.youtube.com/@yuyucosmos
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>43859012

>> No.43902682
File: 48 KB, 305x492, PeonyWizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you now have smol penor

>> No.43902700

Nami is GFE

>> No.43902710

but when I see Peony, it becomes beeg penor

>> No.43902718

It worked!

>> No.43902725

>women acting like women isn't GFE
get a load of this retard

>> No.43902828

then the term has no meaning whatsoever if it only exists to describe female behavior you find attractive, you braindead sperg nigger. fucking oxygen thieving language bandit retard. hang yourself.

>> No.43902915
File: 1.56 MB, 744x1250, charzu cat and friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charzu cat + jeez man... + nene + reina + isla + hana + nami + shee + lua + aruru + aletta + sava + peony + miryu + ebi + rei + beryl + shiki

>> No.43902947

>most sane r*dditor
go back, cock-addicted faggot

>> No.43903253

Sava...she's gone...

>> No.43903279
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I'm missing her already

>> No.43903398

Peony is playing Elden Ring by the way, go watch her

>> No.43903706
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>> No.43904004
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>> No.43904298

Peony didn't know what rofl was

>> No.43904316


>> No.43904330

Peony is a child

>> No.43904410

I'm only a couple of years older than her and I kind of just assumed everyone knew what it meant, I guess she wasn't really online as a child

>> No.43904724

I'll have you know Peony once read one of my chat messages. She might as well be my girlfriend at this point.

>> No.43904816

She really needs to turn off the noise suppression or whatever it is on her mic, so many cute yelps lost in the void forever every stream

>> No.43904900

Why is her mic so shit, the fact she hasn't fixed the problem annoys me

>> No.43905028

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.43905819


>> No.43905947

>visible veins

>> No.43906164

I miss Sava

>> No.43906315

right now she's covered in sticky sweet bbq sauce and pork grease

>> No.43906436

That was a loud fucking scream jesus christ Rapeony

>> No.43906519

that's the type of scream that alerts more horny males to her location

>> No.43906558

Sava, don't type when you're covered in food grease. Go wash your hands!

>> No.43906619

sava is the only one 100% confirmed not here which is kind of ironic giving her interests and personality

>> No.43906678

Her ds/er streams are hilarious

>> No.43906688

if I were her neighbor I'd definitely be alerted to bash her fucking skull in, it's 0:30 in Germania

>> No.43906706


>> No.43906714

I want to rape flat Charzu. I want to lick her body and breed her...

>> No.43906768
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Luiji Freesuka my beloved

>> No.43906786

Peony didn't get to see squidface

>> No.43906801

this isn't your sekrit club and hasn't been for more than a decade. there is not a chance that EN chuubas don't come to the only place on the internet that sees constant autistic posts about them like moths to a flame

>> No.43906849

Id bash her skull in during the rape so i could enjoy her unhindered, inflicting pain on peony would be so much fun and extremely arousing

>> No.43906936

she didn't know about ai anon and she never had a /here/ moment as >her
>inb4 she's just really good at hiding it bro belib mi plz
don't even bother

>> No.43906954

>premarital hand holding? that's not allowed

>> No.43906994

stream froze

>> No.43907002

she literally addressed the nordschizo thing during a members stream lol

>> No.43907009

Hiding what? It's not difficult to just not be a dogwhistling retard

>> No.43907032

stream dead

>> No.43907077
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>> No.43907112
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Miryu in the chat

>> No.43907148

kinda fucked up how they terminated a girl just to have a pretty acronym

>> No.43907164

They are all here anon, mabey not everyday but you can bet they come here and check on things. Ive seen several of them indirectly or directly respond to things said here.

>> No.43907167

does she ever shut up in pre chat?

>> No.43907193

Wait has it really been 6 months what the fuck. I feel like they just debuted.

>> No.43907203
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her mom saw it and killed the stream

>> No.43907226

What's a nordshizo?

>> No.43907238

They got rid of the worst one, gross sea whore. Good for them

>> No.43907283


>> No.43907307

Peony's gone...

>> No.43907342
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>> No.43907349

I broke Peony's router and now I am brutally raping her btw.

>> No.43907386

How are you raping her when yuor pener is smol

>> No.43907408

Stop rapeposting about Peony, it's uncouth.

>> No.43907434


>> No.43907484

Her mom is fine with her screaming and wont check on her.... Good to know

>> No.43907526

The internet gives you adhd so you're sitting here and now it's 2031 and you're wondering where the last 8 years went as you eat your can of beans after hyperinflationary spiraling destroyed the world economy and enabled the ECB, BOJ and Fed to unite under the World Bank and issue the Globo currency to replace your fucked up worthless dollars, meanwhile the Omon (or Homo) was released by the Russians as a competing currency used by Russian and Iranian aligned states. And you missed all your life milestones too, besides living in poverty for 7 years.

>> No.43907532

She used to scream a lot when she was her age too, except it wasn't to videogames

>> No.43907601

Like mother, like daughter

>> No.43907831

i added anniversaries and birthdays to the teamup calendar, so if you have need to check any of that stuff, it's there.

>> No.43907894

Why would they come here though? This board doesn't really account for that much of their followers now does it? why does looking at these posts help them? How could Sava be confirmed NOT here too? She could just be feigning ignorance.

>> No.43907971

Isn't it uncouth to rapepost about any of them?

>> No.43908044

>She could just be feigning ignorance
see >>43906936
as of why she'd want to come here this place is a lot more honest, not as many yesmen than will tell her everything is okay and then walk
also, 30 posters is not a small number for her
still I don't think she's here, not in 4chan or in /vt/ but specifically here

>> No.43908078

Rape posting is always morally correct.

>> No.43908080

They are addicted to discussion about them. The contents here are stupid, and made by schizo, but are also unhinged and unfiltered.

>> No.43908087

>This board doesn't really account for that much of their followers now does it
this thread usually gets to 60+IPs, accounting for dupes and tourists, you can slash that in half to 30ish, most of the girls besides Nene and Aletta don't get over 200 ccv regularly, some don't even break 100

>> No.43908108

Peony is special, too frail and young to resist

>> No.43908118

yes, except charzu

>> No.43908125

People like attention and ego searching, especially people who have an online presence. These women are public entertainers, they probably enjoy attention more than the average person. And on top of that, sometimes it's just fun to read the stupid shit other people say about you.

>> No.43908192

Every vtuber with any significant audience comes here, because this is one of the only places that allows unfiltered discussion of vtubers. People like to know what other people think of them, we know for a fact that several of the other girls check /pkg/ at least occasionally. Vtubers openly discussing their community on 4chan is usually frowned upon though, see l Nami immediately ending stream after she accidentally switched to her screen browsing the thread.
tl;dr: Anyone denying that vtubers check their threads or /vt/ in general is completely retarded or in denial.

>> No.43908233

Attention, to see how they are perceived by non groomers/yes men. To get feed back on things(they post too), discord is useless to them and comments are the same. This is the only place for real feedback funny enough

>> No.43908276

But those are the best parts...

>> No.43908298

imagine the rape oyakodon

>> No.43908363

>rape oyakodon
you wouldn't be raping her mother, she'd be helping you rape Peony

>> No.43908371

Exactly, shes actually built for rape. And lives in Germany so the lore writes itself

>> No.43908383

>you wouldn't be raping her mother
Says you.

>> No.43908441

uh nami lol

>> No.43908523
File: 215 KB, 343x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, like I'd fall for that futa nami link, how retarded you think I am?

>> No.43908545
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I made it on stream bros

>> No.43908683

Yeah but not everyone here (in fact most people here) watches every girl, maybe 5-7 of that 60+ IPs do if we're being optimistic. So you need to compare that total number of IP's to the total number of people who watch kawaii in a given month, which is a very, very difficult number to calculate, but at minimum it would be in the thousands. If that number got to over 6000, then the 60 IP's in here would comprise 1% of the total kawaii viewerbase.

>> No.43908760

i watch 0 vtubers, i come here out of habit from back when I did watch them
i stopped watching like a month after gen3 debut

>> No.43908826
File: 582 KB, 720x1020, Thrusting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love Nami here.

>> No.43908832

While not a big amount the most important thing is actual feedback, every other place is filled with yesmen and retard who won't ever give actual criticism and will always say everything is fine.

>> No.43908862
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>> No.43908864

Its the same as the discord, you have like 10 of the same regulars who watch each girl and a few lurkers. The population of either is a very slim number of the fan base, expect here you can actually speak up and not just say yes queen

>> No.43908923

can't wait for this edit to be spammed by dramanigs in the coming weeks

>> No.43908991
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Fake news

>> No.43909117

Oh so she gets quiet when she gets raped, thats hot

>> No.43909132
File: 197 KB, 577x205, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will likely never top that level of unintentional acknowledgment by a vtuber ever again

>> No.43909201

the white letters in their names anon

>> No.43909224


>> No.43909297

nami nearly doxxed herself if you look closely

>> No.43909312
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>> No.43909393

scroll up, idiot

>> No.43909425

True, I'm part of the inner circle on discord just to complain about them /here/ and sexpost

>> No.43909460

Why use random letters from the middle of each name when they could have done M.A.P.S. navigating to your heart or some corny shit like that.

>> No.43909485

>they could have done M.A.P.S
Anon they would never live that down kek

>> No.43909525

Anon, you know what that acronym means nowadays right...

>> No.43909561

Thats hilarious

>> No.43909564

I don't think you know what that stands for, anon

>> No.43909594

The feesh educate yourself post and the nami fat post on screen just make the moment so perfect
And the no fun allowed slimiji as well

>> No.43909607

for a good amount of time when you used to google kawaii /vt/ and the threads were a good portion of the search results of course they are all here
discord is also here and the reddit is dead
this is where the most talk about them happens

>> No.43909616

How fitting

>> No.43909641

that acronym is used by twittertrannies for pedophile now

>> No.43909733

I guess not.
That explains why I didn't know. I don't spend all my time on twitter.

>> No.43909804


>> No.43909858

Let's be honest, this is the only place on Earth where people love Nami, cause she sounds like she's a fucking bitch irl. No offense.


>> No.43909891

It's funny because I feel like a few years ago it was just a 4chan meme joke but the internet always seems to find new depths.

>> No.43909921

That makes me want to rape her more desu

>> No.43909934

I 100% agree she sounds like an absolute bitch and just a huge downer. But i dont really watch her so maby im wrong

>> No.43909947
File: 68 KB, 272x246, 1677354845829535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're damn right I love Nami. She is a perfect woman.

>> No.43910005

That was when I was pretty much the sole baker and was trying to make a brand new OP image for every thread. Left is the original Krita file and right is the finished OP image that Nami saw in that video. Lots of IRL stuff came up soon after that though so I had to stop after a while, and that stuff is still ongoing. Gotta wait until there's no drama or antiposting bumping threads too. It won't top the /pkg/ AI renaissance though kek

>> No.43910093

For me Nami's too perfect. She's too much like me for me to be really into her.I feel like we met irl not knowing who the other is we would get along really well as acquaintances but there'd be absolutely no romantic chemistry because there'd be no personality differences.
That actually make her really good as a wife since there'd be no surprises but I couldn't wine and dine her.

>> No.43910143
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>> No.43910191

I agree. One day we'll get married and she'll help me raise a football team.

>> No.43910337
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>> No.43910388
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>> No.43910452
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>> No.43910457

please be nice she just has autism
she is the fat girl that will cry if you are actually mean to her

>> No.43910511

Its over, Charzu is numberfagging

>> No.43910513
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>> No.43910568
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every schedule posted so far

>> No.43910582

idk I'm not the biggest into vtubing but the youtube comments and tweets that I've seen don't seem to be more dishonest than anything I see here.
And beyond the idea of giving actual criticisms, what criticisms from these threads are useful to them growing as a business or reaching more of an audience?
The whole wanting to see discussion on yourself makes sense until you look at how full their twitter and youtube notifications are, in addition to the time they have to spend dealing with management, youtube, artists, etc.
What would make /here/ a worthy investment of time?

>> No.43910586


>> No.43910625

based horsewife

>> No.43910816

>Still hellbent on finishing FF8

>> No.43911009

We're twice as cute with bigger dicks than everywhere else.
Don't sell us short, we're the bee's knees, the cat's meow. We're veterans of a thousand psychic wars and we've been living on the edge so long where the winds of limbo roar that we're young enough to look at but far too old to see.

>> No.43911299

>idk I'm not the biggest into vtubing but the youtube comments and tweets that I've seen don't seem to be more dishonest than anything I see here.
Anything with a name and face attached is at least 50% false positivity bullshit because nobody wants to be known as one of the "bad ones." And you DO get treated differently for it, either by the VTuber or the other members going out of their way to have you ostracized. The bullshit with Letti a few days ago is the perfect example - everyone's comment gets a heart and no further attention, except for the guy who said he didn't believe her about not giving any preferential treatment to Discordfags, he gets publicly called out and shamed instead.

>> No.43911320

I can save her

>> No.43911388

What is the appeal of umineko?

>> No.43911629
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>> No.43911637

Stop overthinking it. It's the morbid curiosity of seeing what unfiltered anonymous people say about you on le funny internet hate machine website. Where else would you read people obsessing over your sweaty armpits? It's probably equally creepy and hilarious to read a comment like that being made about you for the first time, and then you're hooked.
If I had to guess a Kawaii chuuba that does not come here anymore, it's definitely Aletta. The antiposting for her has gotten too vitriolic and mentally damaging.

>> No.43911665

Production Kawaii hags...

>> No.43911958

based or no?

>> No.43912017

>everyone's comment gets a heart
I hate that. Apparently it's good for the algorithm, but it makes the special good boy stickers from mommy lose all significance

>> No.43912061

she does absolutely zero pandering, it's no surprise her numbers are low

>> No.43912086

>everyone's comment gets a heart and no further attention, except for the guy who said he didn't believe her about not giving any preferential treatment to Discordfags, he gets publicly called out and shamed instead
I think this was the moment a lot of the thread completely lost faith in Aletta, she went out of her way to isolate the one person willing to voice his opinion against her, and continued to defend herself which ironically proves that she does have favorites and is willing to kick anyone who doesn't suck up to her to the wayside. The discord themselves accidentally proved that she did in fact set up the "lottery", it's the kind of beautiful irony that completely works against you. It's amazing how she managed to completely shatter her "im so innocent and accepting of everybody uwu" persona in a single afternoon.

>> No.43912176

He gets points for honesty but this is the kind of honesty you keep to yourself.
Cast in the name of God, ye unbased.

>> No.43912298

Peony... Sava... Miryu... dont' look...

>> No.43912340

Shee didn't have an actual bed??

>> No.43912423


>> No.43912478
File: 355 KB, 512x512, 00332-2799173798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to contribute a lot more but I'm going back to school for another 4 years in July, won't have time to work and will be taking on massive debt so I'm trying to balance donating and saving/investing as much as I can

>> No.43912585

Donation goals are manipulative in nature but at the same time the "pressure" to donate to help meet a chuuba's goal is entirely self-enforced.

>> No.43912647
File: 217 KB, 500x500, ZQisYe_zGYjj8gSIpIqYAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my saviorfagging instinct aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.43912804

>will be taking on massive debt
Do americans really find this mentality perfectly normal

>> No.43912928

Doing literally anything in this country will put you in a lifetime of debt. Not exactly a mentality thing lmao

>> No.43912997

I'm more annoyed she had a numbers tab open

>> No.43913012

Shee poor lol

>> No.43913016

It hurts so bad. I want to make everything better for her and give her a good quality of life.

>> No.43913050

I'm a 29-year-old homeowner on the East Coast with no debt.

>> No.43913082

Dicking down a chick in an empty room except for a mattress on the floor is pretty hot in a depraved and skanky kind of way, but it's a little rough on the joints.

>> No.43913199

No, most of us see it for what it is but the truth is the more debt you go into the higher standard of living you paradoxically tend to wind up in. Our entire financial system is based off of debt and credit.
You actually can't do much of anything in this country without having strong lines of credit open or being willing to take out large bank loans. This is compounded by the problem that the normal hourly wage laborer makes barely enough to live off of, there's a stat out there that the average American has less than $500 in his bank account at any given time and from my own experience and from other people I know that reflects reality.
The only exception to this are boomers who made all of their wealth when you could buy a home and support a family of 4 on 50k a year who either directly or were complicit in in the financialization and de-industrialization of our nations economy. Which is why they get shit on so much, they both caused the current situation and benefited from it while having the satanic impulse to blame the generations following them for being too lazy to make a living.

>> No.43913227

normally I wouldn't have done it either, but it's medical school, which I'm pretty passionate about, and it should place me in a good position to pay it off since I'd be making 200k+ minimum assuming I match into a lucrative specialty, but admittedly that's far down the line. Charzu will likely have long graduated by the time I'm making that much too, sadge

>> No.43913283

Then you either inherited your wealth, work for the government or have some wack-o source of income like crypto investing.
You do not reflect the vast majority of people in our age-group.

>> No.43913416
File: 632 KB, 1078x1082, sad_shee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to treat shee to chuck e cheese's pizza and tell her everything's gonna be okay

>> No.43913454

you better have some refugees in that house goy you dont need all that space

>> No.43913514

>playing whack-a-mole with Shee
I dream and I dream but the world I wake up to is always different.

>> No.43913532
File: 609 KB, 735x718, 1676410614453720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take her to the craft store and let her pick out a coloring book

>> No.43913546

immediate blush, cold sweat and hard as rock hairy futacock...

>> No.43913588

She literally makes a donation goal ONCE, and you fags freak out over this. Meanwhile how many other girls have ongoing donation goals? Why do people have an issue only with Charzu and not let her have any fun?

>> No.43913651

Its over, Isla had her monthly braces adjustment

>> No.43913657

seething rentoid

>> No.43913660

Peony tried to do a donation goal once. Akane made sure that never happened again.

>> No.43913664

The pixel nami potbelly post was mine. I felt so valid knowing she saw it.

>> No.43913688

Okay but which part did I get wrong?

>> No.43913723

>reads 3 fairly neutral and/or harmless posts about her donation goal
>"everyone is freaking out"

>> No.43913731

Isla-sama's cheese grater irrumatio

>> No.43913762

what happened?

>> No.43913801

if memory serves he just completed the goal in a single donation

>> No.43913818

they dont watch streams

>> No.43913820

No one was even freaking out they were just talking about it and that guys tweet

>> No.43913830

I haven't watched letti yet, I'll have to be sure to check out whatever was a few days ago and see for myself. By publicly called out and shamed do you mean she made fun of him?

>> No.43914054

"called out and shamed" is an exaggeration. she gave every other comment a like since they were all in support of her, but there was one guy who called her out on lying about the lottery, so she left an angry response to his comment and obviously didn't like it

>> No.43914178

She always gets shit on though and plenty of people have the "shitting on is still giving attention" mentality.

>> No.43914185

and now hes rent free in her head and will creampie her just like KINGKevin with nami

>> No.43914583

Its over, Lua has woken up

>> No.43914691
File: 2.47 MB, 1080x2520, 1676135604456258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namiji Freesia's mammary glands

>> No.43914751

go back to sleep Lua

>> No.43914779

>so addicted she needs to look at this place even when she's streaming
holy kek
she's probably here right now

>> No.43914851

Nami if you're here tell Peony she's cute

>> No.43914934

Nami if you're here tell your genmate Shee to DM me

>> No.43914947
File: 152 KB, 1280x922, saint cloudtomo of kawaii in ecstasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is going live soon dayo

>> No.43915007

why is the 3dio black?

>> No.43915032

less white noise

>> No.43915079

good one

>> No.43915118

just tell her shee is here too

>> No.43915192

does that mean Shee has seen all of my gosling and hornyposting...

>> No.43915199


>> No.43915409

>tfw you see it

>> No.43915414

I need to rape Peony.

>> No.43915419

8 is suffering. People shit on 2s leveling system but at least it didn't have extreme level scaling

>> No.43915434

Nene's Sunday ASMR is supposed to give me strength to start the week but it only makes me less motivated to be alive.

>> No.43915486
File: 1.03 MB, 931x933, 1673643944901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43915541

namijiroo my beloved

>> No.43915622
File: 96 KB, 272x328, little_pegabro_looking_handsome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say what you want about Letti but I still love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.43915650
File: 662 KB, 400x300, HorsebandoHeart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they deserve better

>> No.43915773

I really like it when Nene uses simple japanese phrases that even I can understand. It makes me feel closer to her somehow.

>> No.43916483
File: 1.10 MB, 1152x768, 03702-2252831723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43916764

The worst part of Peony running an int build is the high likelyhood of her ending up using moonveil

>> No.43916990

Nami SEX

>> No.43917076

Kawaii summer swimsuit outfits would be so awesome

>> No.43917237
File: 165 KB, 312x311, smugiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not with that typo, loser

>> No.43917455


Blease unnerstan he habs a gold

>> No.43917486

Yeah, it was nothing major. He's just met the goals all at once the few times she's had a goal set.

>> No.43917491

I want to fuck Nene's tits

>> No.43917520

You and me both, brother.

>> No.43917646

I want to fuck chibi Nene

>> No.43917707

You and me both, brother.

>> No.43918237

Didn't FF8 kill her yet? I like the game but the final parts are really boring.

>> No.43918256
File: 226 KB, 400x400, 3312427846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still giggling at the thought of that anon that said he wanted to shout "SEX WITH PEONY!" during the phasmo stream, just so she could go awkwardly go
>ehhhhh? nani nani?

>> No.43918291

cool guns

>> No.43918587

handsome guns used to be cool niggas, before they allowed LGBT people into their ranks

>> No.43918726

This image is cute.

>> No.43918754

I'm glad my post made you laugh, anon.

>> No.43918912

Discordtroons like to use a different mascot, I think its like a balloon with wings or something

>> No.43919764
File: 48 KB, 848x162, 24223587956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its over, Isla had her monthly braces adjustment

>> No.43919833

isla give nami a sloppy blowjob

>> No.43920051

Its over, Sava's potato salad spilled all over her windshield

>> No.43920053

this except replace Nami with me

>> No.43920118

this except replace isla with me

>> No.43920490

I bet Sava gives the best head of any kawaii girl

>> No.43920688

Isla live soon :D

>> No.43920799
File: 133 KB, 352x316, SUGOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like XD

>> No.43921317
File: 312 KB, 1080x1051, isla happi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43921465

>German tranny is still there to comment on her tweet at 5 AM
Does anyone miss paypigs that would just donate a couple of grand and then just kinda lay low? This guy is pretty spammy.

>> No.43921944
File: 2.14 MB, 1093x935, smiley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post
>I like this face so much, he's just happy

>> No.43922008

chat was spamming it in the waiting room...

>> No.43922051

anon was Isla all along...

>> No.43922145

Isla would be able to blend in the best here.

>> No.43922448

isla was the nami futaposter and the charzu pornposter

>> No.43922519
File: 7 KB, 523x407, peonydumbo!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Isla

>> No.43922724

I wanna fuck her mouth with those braces, god i love them

>> No.43922866

Holy shit, this guy does two things, watches kawaii and cares about Ukraine.I wonder how much tweeting he was doing when Ukraine was shelling the Donbass and killing civilians prior to Russian involvement in the war. I wonder how much tweeting he was doing when a NATO/EU scheme literally overthrew Yanukovych

>> No.43922945
File: 85 KB, 1222x250, Cringemank .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43922957

Go ask him on twitter because no one cares about that here.

>> No.43922997

Thats some weird behavior, i get why peony accepts it but purposely donating everything just to hog the glory is sad. Nene has several whales but we at least share the love so others can contribute as well

>> No.43923001
File: 340 KB, 478x389, 237632543243242352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just blew a fat load to Lua

>> No.43923016
File: 9 KB, 516x50, Screenshot_20230227-112749_1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43923064
File: 706 KB, 2250x3150, FpOC9CAaAAY6LJl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just blew a load to fat lua

>> No.43923109
File: 123 KB, 871x662, dasc_76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43923283

Guys a weird fucker wish he'd abandon nene permanently and just groom sava all ready, some of these guys do nothing but watch and comment on kawaii shit. Kind of sad, also i believe he lives on the west coast

>> No.43923457

someone talk to her

>> No.43923519 [DELETED] 
File: 2.70 MB, 1290x2796, cringedomheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43923521

Lua just blew a fat load to me

>> No.43923599

Isla used to be smart...

>> No.43923664

what happened now?

>> No.43923707

She got into a good college and needed to be smart

>> No.43923749

why did you delete it?

>> No.43924072

oh nyooo the discord is making fun of us

>> No.43924087

us vs. them again...

>> No.43924128
File: 12 KB, 358x116, 1671504210876 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Kidney

>> No.43924166


>> No.43924222

I can't get this song out of my head help

>> No.43924262

What are they crying about now? AI art?

>> No.43924307

Listen to the song Over my head by the Fray. your welcome

>> No.43924321

anything that makes discordtroons seethe is a win in my book

>> No.43924360

They think we care is the hilarious part, half of them are here posting. What did we do this time?

>> No.43924391

Maybe me? Why hate him? Sure he has the goyim pride flag in his name but he donates without trying to shift direction or thinking he's his oshi's manager. Pretty good compared to other cringeworthy kawaii gachikoi

>> No.43924411

They're mad at the Ai art anon

>> No.43924465

for what, getting the girls attention and having them make AI tags?

>> No.43924511

looks like it

>> No.43924553

Yes, and that all AI art is plagiarism

>> No.43924577

Unless random actively browse this thread, how would that faggot even know ai anon came from /here/?

>> No.43924607

wew they must hate nene's thumbnail use of it then

>> No.43924621

Oh because he stole their thunder and now they cant steal ai art from here for extra points with their oshi, hilarious. Those fuckers think they own the girls, hey discord fags im a regular and im here and my oshi loves me. Fans exist everywhere not just ur hugbox for groomer queers and sea losers

>> No.43924711
File: 18 KB, 661x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actively searches his name, yes

>> No.43924730

wtf why? What was wrong with it?

>> No.43924748

nta but my guess is seething over evil 4channel giving the girls an asset making tool so they're no longer completely dependent on scribbles from their artfags

>> No.43924781

nta but probably
>it hurts so much more knowing she's real and never be mine

>> No.43924801

They never use those scribbles anyway, except for Nami

>> No.43924841

Aren't most of the searches for his name warnings that codename will block him?

>> No.43924865

>acts like he doesn't come here
>knows how to ego search himself

>> No.43924883

yes lmao

>> No.43924908

Random1-25 is a child molester and a registered sex offender in 42 counties. I can't believe he tongued all those little boy's anuses...

>> No.43924907

they're actually obsessed with us holy shit lmao, let's keep making them mald

>> No.43924923

lua uses ai the most and did it before ai anon heh

>> No.43924946
File: 326 KB, 547x259, faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43924987

I hear that Random1-25 was the shooter at the Mardi Gras parade Shee went to...

>> No.43925017

charzu would never :D she'd  ̄へ ̄

>> No.43925089

Ego searching here, as a random chatter now thats just sad. Random get some help

>> No.43925097
File: 295 KB, 389x420, 1656159780370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43925110

thats not real, fake news

>> No.43925135

CodeGOD wins again

>> No.43925156

So did nene, she was using ai thumbnails for months now. But 4 chin did it so ai art bad now

>> No.43925230

You're still a faggot Jay. Lose some weight

>> No.43925311
File: 441 KB, 825x476, 1673849137353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43925317

I can hear the braces in isla's voice now. god this is so good. i can't believe i just learned this.

>> No.43925325
File: 308 KB, 1070x535, emojis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better lighting

>> No.43925327

As a black PoC, I am offended that Random1-25 called me the hard R Nword and then found out where I lived and stood outside of my house and blasted Dixie for 8 hours.

>> No.43925382

braces are erotic

>> No.43925424
File: 26 KB, 509x412, braceface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this feel "uoh" worthy

>> No.43925425

Why are braces so hot, fuck man i love girls with braces. I want to fuck the princess

>> No.43925600
File: 520 KB, 698x541, isla braces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43925651
File: 42 KB, 542x483, 8723154678534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isla please please do a mouth breaking asmr with the braces. 2 hours.

>> No.43925761
File: 321 KB, 1376x2304, 43253253302678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh this was just the start. I didn't even get to the point where I start making pixel animations for them.
The ones that used AI images will keep using them, the ones spending 3000$ from their own pocket for thumbnails, will keep doing so, but at least the ones that want to save money can now have a 95% likeness instead of Aletta without fucking horse ears.
Also, no more stream delaying because the artist couldn't get x running on treadmill done in 2 weeks.

>> No.43925865

I don't like AI but I approve of your deeds because you make discord seethe

>> No.43925879

>ohh this was just the start
become the designated villain of the discord onegai

>> No.43925945

Ai anon is that you?, can i make a request for isla in a cute school girl uniform with braces. if you feel up too it

>> No.43925971

based attention stealer cucking the cucklings

>> No.43926012

Who tf is the german tranny and why would paypigs ever donate over 1K and then lay low? Seems to me that the point of donating is to try and get noticed by your Oshi.
>Holy shit, this guy does two things, watches kawaii and cares about Ukraine
Sounds like he's living the life
>some of these guys do nothing but watch and comment on kawaii shit
Are there even enough hours in the day to stay caught up on all the Kawaii videos?
Is looking into the profiles of people who comment a better use of time?

>> No.43926061

They are mad because you are taking some of the attention they want from their oshi away, its beautiful. I salute you good sir

>> No.43926071

Discordfags seething about the thread does track with yesterday and the suspiciously-timed posts about how preferential treatment is actually a good thing Isn't it sad to go somewhere you clearly hate just to argue with people you don't like to defend the character you don't have?

>> No.43926136

I kneel

>> No.43926211

Discord just becomes gayer and gayer with each passing day. I like the delusion that they are "true" fans just because they are in that shitty hugbox.
Btw random 1-25 posts some of the most cringeworthy comments in Luas chat. Unironically neck yourself you pathetic loser.

>> No.43926231

Have you been posting all of your AI art on twitter or anywhere, or are people just taking it from here and posting it around?
Also sweet, when are you looking into doing pixel animations? How long have you been doing animations?

>> No.43926233
File: 65 KB, 726x720, 398746283674897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nerd girl you never liked in high school that you now lay awake thinking about, night after night.

>> No.43926398

Every discord fag os there just for attention. All of them are confirmed creepy groomers. I literally post here to hopefully make some anons laugh with my retarded shit, while they are trying to slide into DM's of girls that they will NEVER actually meet.

>> No.43926468

I didn't have someone like that but if I somehow missed out on an Isla gf i'd kill myself.

>> No.43926510
File: 1.76 MB, 512x784, 09acd6f51f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some of it. I'm not spamming more than 5-6 posts/day.
As for animations, I can easily transform VUP's animations into everything I want and this was done before ControlNets were out. Now it should be even better.

>> No.43926563

If you donate that much, you will get noticed for sure. You dont need to spam her chat and twitter like a faggot on top of it to remind her that you are there. Men that act needy get dumped fastest.

>> No.43926613

I love the whole "we are the real fans", yes because sitting in a discord with the same 10 regulars being afraid to say what you really feel is what real fans do... The discord is the exact same as being here expect they need attention and think their shit doesn't stink. Its the reason they hide all their little projects for the girls, they just allow the same guys to participate and gatekeep attention from their chosen girl

>> No.43926664

tfw I have nothing substantial to contribute, I'm not an artist, my memes are bad, my chat and comments aren't funny or good, I'm a poorfag so I can't even donate as much as I'd like to, and I haven't even been around with them for a long time.
Sometimes I think I should just kms

>> No.43926695

I can just imagine the seethe on the groomercord in the future.
>"A certain site has been churning out more and more AI art for the girls, hahaha"
>"The girls should only accept content from the REAL fans like us, those other guys are only trying to sabotage them!"
>"They keep mentioning me by name over there hahaha n-not that I'm mad or anything"
>"On second thought I hate AI art and the girls should stop using it, they don't know about the place that's actually producing it!! They're taking away from the rest of the fanbase!!"
I kneel, AI anon

>> No.43926712
File: 2.11 MB, 1404x778, isla schoolgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43926735

You contributing a view is enough anon

>> No.43926751

>nothing substantial to contribute, I'm not an artist, my memes are bad, my chat and comments aren't funny or good, I'm a poorfag
these can be changed, it just takes one step at a time

>> No.43926760

uhhh ahkshually

>> No.43926769

If it's easy to learn, why don't more of us start doing it? We could probably come up with some great stuff for them with enough time and practice.

>> No.43926791

>a specific site
>thought it was actually fans
>sabotaging the rest of the fan base
they're so fucking jealous. aren't these the groomers that stole /pkg/ sings forever bloom?

>> No.43926808

I'll see what I can do.

The original plan was to make an endless runner with the Lettiverse by her birthday, with AI assisted coding, AI assisted animations, AI assisted everything. Then I got derailed into doing all the models and gave up on the idea for now.

>> No.43926870
File: 3 KB, 189x254, paintheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you have to do is start drawing, you won't be good at first, you might not even be good for a long while, but you'll get there as long as you keep going

>> No.43926905

What makes you count as a discord fag? Cause you and I are both in there and that's not what I'm about.
Isn't it against the rules to try and slide into the DMs of the idols anyway?

>> No.43926922

I only watch one girl, and its just something i do for fun, keeping track of regulars and what they post or reply, and too who, takes like 10 mins out of my day max. I like to see how they treat the other girls and if they are whores

>> No.43926990

How is it even possible to hide the projects if you're posting to the discord? Can't the girls see everything posted there?

>> No.43927015

No, the girls are not allowed in the discord

>> No.43927030

This, I'm honestly real interest in learning making AI works but I wouldn't know where to start. I'm also a certified retard so I need to be handheld to learn things.

>> No.43927041

>w-w-who is the german tranny teehee definitely not me teehee
fuck off

>> No.43927058

Their computers probably can't even run it which is why they're so mad

>> No.43927081

Yup, funny how the idea came up here and like a week later it magically appeared in the discord. Unfortunately they have managements backing since management knows they are whales.

>> No.43927095
File: 126 KB, 1077x714, this_has_escalated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would paypigs ever donate over 1K and then lay low? Seems to me that the point of donating is to try and get noticed by your Oshi.
I've donated almost 1k USD so far but it's to Charzu so I don't expect to get treated any differently. I kind of prefer it that way because I don't like being an attention hog; I went to school with people like that and I hated them. A genuine thank you is enough for me which she does. I like her content and her personality, I have some disposable income, and I get sad she doesn't seem to be compensated for what she does at least a little, so those are my motivations.

>> No.43927125

I have started drawing, I do art therapy every week and try to do a little sketching every once in a while outside of that. I've improved a bit but far from anything worth sharing and I don't think I could make a good depiction of my Oshi or any other idol

>> No.43927136

Management should ban them for talking about an alt-right hate site full of antis.

>> No.43927255

My guess is the girls see the projects or at least know since management is aware of all of them but they pretend to be surprised. The girls arent technically allowed in the discord due to the no one on one private chat rules. But there are definitely alts in their if i had to guess

>> No.43927280

Yeah I dunno why they allow Random1-25 in there with his hateful views

>> No.43927365


This is as retard-proof as it would get and does not require your own computer. Just follow the stars. You can just run it on Google's servers, until they block you for 48 hours

>> No.43927513

>>w-w-who is the german tranny teehee definitely not me teehee
>fuck off
tf are you talking about? I literally never commented on Sava's stuff, I'm not german, and don't frequent twitter either. Just didn't want to bother going through the comments looking for whoever the fuck that is.
sounds counter-productive for their attention whore goals to spend time in there then.
That is very kind of you. Charzu seems pretty cute and based so she deserves help like that.

>> No.43927593

If it makes you feel better, I'm in kind of the same boat. I start drawing this year as a new years resolution and bought a couple of art courses online. It sometimes feels like I'm not cut out for this and I regret not starting it sooner. But the fact is as lomng as you can make SOMETHING, it's better than nothing. I think about it like I've made more progress in 2 months than I ever have in my life. Guess it's kinda cope to think like that but it helps to keep me going. If you want, we can both try and draw something and share it together here. Help each other improve and whatnot?

>> No.43927626

From my experience Charzu doesn't give special treatment to top donors.

>> No.43927695

Just don't expect to get something quick. My first drawings took me 40-60 hours for a mediocre result.

>> No.43927716
File: 967 KB, 1280x720, 1657709570053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43927749

my cute nerdy princess

>> No.43927766
File: 51 KB, 692x720, adorable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43927882
File: 52 KB, 740x712, adorable2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43928043

I thought it would be possible to leave some comments/announcements in some of the public channels without it being one-on-one interaction.
But I think this is better anyway, it would be a waste of their time if they went in there.
>Unfortunately they have managements backing since management knows they are whales.
Fucking depressing. Why are the whales assholes?

>> No.43928058

Same here, prolly longer in my case. I once wanted to draw a request someone made in a /v/ drawthread and a week later, someone else had already done it.

>> No.43928160

Yeah I appreciate that. One of my criteria for a vtuber is that they appreciate all their fans, donor, regular, contributor or not, equally, and beneath the kayfabe I think Charzu does. I'm not a naturally funny chatter so I'm content with emotes, the occasional response to my chat questions, and a well-timed dono here and there. Otherwise let 'em cook as the zoomers say

>> No.43928196

I suppose I can try to share stuff here and I'd be happy to help you out if you like. I haven't tried to draw an anime girl in a long time, that's not usually what I work on at art therapy

>> No.43928454

Stop anon! The discord groomers are already dead!

>> No.43928835

Are there even any discordfags that aren't just completely brain dead? Every time I hear about one they just keep sounding more and more retarded.

>> No.43928847

thats because only the braindead ones get talked about

>> No.43928872
File: 927 KB, 4000x1487, 43253253302680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been actively showing the downsides of AI generation for a while now. Gonna show a new one, It has no idea what braces are. But dang it, it still makes a hot isla!

>> No.43928926

Every discord I have ever joined has been pure unadulterated cringe and retardation. Discord is the worst platform and attracts the worst people.

>> No.43928960

>isla loves Katawa Shoujo
Discord dweebs in shambles

>> No.43929032

She loves Emi, its over

>> No.43929076

really easy to find the alts desu

>> No.43929091

Isla flicked her bean to the anal scene....

>> No.43929140
File: 10 KB, 420x88, Screenshot_2023-02-27_001148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43929174

isla based lemon enjoyer

>> No.43929287

My girlfriend Isla

>> No.43929294

Yeah same. Im doing basic anatomy stuff right now and attempting to fuse anime style aesthetics with realistic stuff doesn't look right. Or at least I'm not good enough to make it look good lol

>> No.43929392
File: 725 KB, 1079x1083, skoolgurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43929479

Damn she looks good with that hair style, the uniform too my god. Braces would have made her perfect

>> No.43929655

No! Not that hateful website!

>> No.43929662

I want to marry Nene and start a family with her. I wish I was rich enough to give her the house of her dreams and lovely bedroom and get her ever game she could want to play

>> No.43929832

She doesn't need your money anon, she has more money then most of her whales, you cant buy her love. Also i all ready married her so you are too late

>> No.43929906

I have to thank digitalwarrior his autism asking everyone to play transformer war for cybertron. It has lead to a lot of funny Isla moments.

>> No.43930008

that game is based

>> No.43930112

Where is the discord-nuking cheese pizza anon when you need him...

>> No.43930115

go on

>> No.43930146
File: 165 KB, 912x1472, 43253253302682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the point where you would take the pic to fiverr, pay some SEA 5$ to get braces on the pic instead of getting whatever I can do with Inpainting. Meanwhile, ppl crying that AI will take our jerbs! Not if you become an AI image fixer!

>> No.43930206

two new threads again...

>> No.43930217

Ah its fine, appreciate the effort anon. Shes still cute

>> No.43930263

no difference between them

>> No.43930387

Nami will make fun of us again. :(
The gen 3 one is the correct thread, it was made first and linked here.

>> No.43930627

looks like the other one's getting all the comments

>> No.43930723

That works too. The other image can be reused for the next thread when that stream actually happens.

>> No.43930826

The gen 3 6month one doesn't have the passive aggressive quotation marks around friends
