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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43899905 No.43899905 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.43900242

Literally who

>> No.43900357

>What is she doing?

>> No.43900448

>inb4 fags larping as Mel come here
come on, it's tiresome. She has a new account and is happy there so far.

>> No.43900703
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x1836, 20200215_153149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a new account because I'm not sure if I should even return to streaming. Streaming makes me so incredibly happy but I feel like I'm just being a waste of space or something.

Recent picture of Meebo to prove I'm Mel.

>> No.43900785

probably sex, it's been a while.

>> No.43900917
File: 1.91 MB, 250x332, 4chan-who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fair enough. Good luck on your future endeavors. I hope you manage to find some peace of mind and joy.

>> No.43900953

Not going to lie I miss your streams a lot. My long all nighters have been uncomfortably quiet, not a fan of it.

>> No.43901094 [DELETED] 
File: 1013 KB, 759x1080, Mel Nekomata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one wants to fuck this ugly cunt she should kill herself

>> No.43901132

Braptuber kys

>> No.43901158

How exactly do you figure you're being a waste of space?

>> No.43901187

What are you on about? I'd fuck that cat.

>> No.43901237

I'd fuck her.

>> No.43901421

Everyone is a waste of space. Do what you want to do.

>> No.43901520

Maybe it's different for you, but I feel like a waste of space no matter what job I have.

>> No.43901851


>> No.43901928
File: 608 KB, 1080x1628, Screenshot_20230226-164243_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted it herself. Guaranteed. And now she's once again trying to pin blame on someone better than her.

>> No.43902004

WTF mel you're a fucking liar, as some who is ACTUALLY UGLY(me), i can't relate to you anymore. now i know you claimed to be ugly just to farm sympathy points, you're no different from grifters like pipkinpikek who spout political stances they don't actually believes in themselves. i don't want to hear you say you're ugly ever again, whore.

>> No.43902064

She does know we can see deleted posts with an extension right? Once a liar always a liar

>> No.43902075

She's not even that ugly wtf.

>> No.43902137

Mel people have already suggested ways to start streaming again. Exercise the ban hammer and block words in your chat. You don't have to continue being miserable not doing something you love.

>> No.43902322

Never understood the obsession with the looks of the person behind a vtuber, a character. Plenty of flesh streamers out there if that's your thing.

>> No.43902381

Mel, if you're reading this. just stream you don't need new model, new identity or even new channel, just use this channel.

>> No.43902387

Woman, for once in your fucking life, use your brain, and STOP. COMING. TO. THIS. WEBSITE. JUST STREAM


>> No.43902554
File: 216 KB, 448x252, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and here we have yet another case of anon attempting to fix a menhera. He punches his desk in impotent anger as the menhera does the opposite of his sound advice. Anon is closer to menhera than he thinks, for both he and she do not learn from their mistakes and just like menhera will go down the spiral of madness again, anon will try to fix her again.
>Such is the circle of life

>> No.43902921
File: 333 KB, 1280x720, mellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost Media General

>> No.43903270

your ugly lmao

>> No.43903591

I don't understand what you're talking about. You want to stream. Your viewers want you to stream. What do you mean waste of space? In YouTube's servers? Regardless, I miss you. Your long streams unironically made work more bearable.

>> No.43903646


>> No.43905153


>> No.43907229

If you really need to know, she was shopping around for models and had one ready to go last week.

She had kept an old Twitter account open and was using it to communicate with new potential artists. The account eventually had one mutual follow and the model artist was announcing their model had been adopted and linked a new youtube channel. After being alerted to the account not being so secret, she cancelled the debut.

She's probably got another one picked out by now or at least a short list.

>> No.43908112

>she's back and she's burping again

>> No.43908238

>having fun watching the new scottish fauna and her occasional burps
>thinking about the good old days of Mel
>she suddenly starts streaming
I don't know if this is a blessed or a cursed Sunday

>> No.43908445

She's streaming again, WE WON.

>> No.43908541

>I hate birthdays
>She hates birthdays

>> No.43908586

You cant convince me its not her. Riifu ended her stream and Mel started hers right after
Stop lying we know this is you

>> No.43908609

Riifu Evergreen is who they're talking about.

New Scottish lady

>> No.43908634

I seriously doubt it, Riifu's accent is way too thick.

>> No.43908663

Its not her.
Riifus RM is actually hot

>> No.43908710

If she did join a corporation she couldn't tell us. So really any denial on the Mel channel can be taken as proof it's true.

>> No.43908751

My god it really is her!

>> No.43908787

>I've never even been contacted
Accepted without even needing an interview, sasuga Mel.

>> No.43908808
File: 935 KB, 644x644, Screenshot_142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are more schizo
Where do you think you are?

>> No.43908846

We need a dramacorpo that'll happily hire Mel and other menheras

>> No.43908869

>drama magnet
That's most VTubers honestly. They just hide it better...sort of.

>> No.43908894

Play Hogwarts Legacy

>> No.43908969
File: 670 KB, 822x1200, Reefer_Madness_(1936).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do kids these days really not know about this?

>> No.43908980

What a gaffe Mel you were really smart coming up with that one

>> No.43909031

She only burps so far

>> No.43909351

Play brotato, it's only 1 dollar on steam.

>> No.43909355

please don't come back, you are one of the most annoying whores on this board

>> No.43909553

Instead of wasting money on all those models you used for only a week, you could have a beast PC by now.

>> No.43910033

why have a discord server when you can have your own /vt/ general, amirite

>> No.43910147

discord is great for grooming tho

>> No.43910636

hello mel glad ur streaming i missed u ;_;

>> No.43910947

I wonder why she'd change, dogbear.

>> No.43910964

When the Ames fan server was shut down an admin invited those who he was friends with to another server. There's still a channel there dedicated to Mel. The admin doesn't even show up that often anymore, maybe 15 active users at any given time out of 45. All people do anymore is complain about mel or post racist memes.

>> No.43911304

Sadly, not having sex with me

>> No.43912877

mel love...

>> No.43912966

mel love! I really love hags!

>> No.43912995

Riifu is scotish, the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.43913062

im watching the stream at 2x speed because im behind and now im at the part where she's crying about being ugly and somehow shylily got something to do with it. can i get qrd on shilly part?

>> No.43913148

Shylilly is a vapid bitch and thinks attractiveness equates to successfulness in a medium where you don't even show your real face.

>> No.43913191

Mel love! Mel marriage! Mel unprotected sex!

>> No.43913308

Having unprotected sex with Mel since she's too old to have children anyway!

>> No.43913406

Come on now, that's not true, I enjoy you the way you are now.

>> No.43913459

this sounds like something that can get you canceled by the twitter crowd, why is there no backlash over this?

>> No.43913557

have you tried being less of a menhera?

>> No.43913590

I'll say this here Mel, Shylily was definitely right that a lot of popular vtubers are also attractive, but it was her point about that attractiveness making them naturally confident and personable throughout their life that works for them (unless being attractive is literally all they've got going for them, then vtubing takes away the only strength they have). As long as you have the second part, the physical attractiveness doesn't matter in a field where your appearance is a non-factor.

You kneecap yourself a lot by saying no one cares about when you're still more than a 1view, and that you're ugly when at worst you're a high 6 that probably got bullied by 7's and 8's that saw an easy target. Get over your own misery for five seconds and realize that there are people out there watching you on a regular basis that just want to see you having a good time with what you're doing.

>> No.43913761

Congrats, you made her hate you, faggots
This is why we can't have good things

>> No.43913861

So that WAS just another larper in the thread yesterday.

>> No.43913904

wtf i didnt say anything...

>> No.43913999

>A Twitch whore
>A popular Twitch Whore
>A Vwhorejo member no less.
Yea im sure Shylily and all the Vwhorejo members have only the highest of IQ takes.

>> No.43914046

If it makes you feel better I'd date you no problem, although I'm average at best.

>> No.43914062

which is funny because veibai said she's really ugly irl

>> No.43914222

I mean getting doxxed sucks, didn't mean to dismiss that. I've got a lot of physical insecurities too, but I don't exactly have people exposing them and shoving them in my face all the time either which I'm sure hurts more.

>> No.43914310

Well you've got a bunch of anonymous weirdos on the internet who are attracted to you, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.43914331

bitch you're not even ugly. like this anon said >>43913590 at worst you're 6/10.
before you say you're ugly how about you think about the feelings of real ugly people like me.

>> No.43914345

you dont need to post here, just read our messages :)

>> No.43914383

That's fine then, just know that "4chan" is not a single entity, there are different people posting here, and some of us genuinely like you

>> No.43914585

Just shut the fuck up and let's get married

>> No.43914644

>Somehow found a throwaway account without any hints
>Recently hacked
>DB proven to be that persistent
This faggot is at it again, good lord. Leave her alone already.

>> No.43914776

The man who wants to cuck 4chan strikes again.

>> No.43914865

Did you not hear about Lulu?

>> No.43914918

Seriously. At this point he's just being a child that needs to be locked up. The way she said that person did it because "someone else may" is retarded too because he's the only idiot that's gone to these lengths in the years I've followed mel.

>> No.43915177

Will no one rid her of this troublesome priest?

>> No.43915232

She should have atleast post her tits once...

>> No.43915248

She doesnt know the name of his account unfortunately so probably not.

>> No.43915290

Didn't some other anons dig up the email associated with it in a previous thread?

>> No.43915329

NTA but I'm the anon that offered to hack his account, that email wasn't the one associated with DB.

>> No.43915358

>He lacks critical knowledge.

>> No.43915376

I'm the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.43915392

She wouldn't legally be able to use the model if she got it through less than legal ways.

>> No.43915466

The guy doesn't own the copyright on the character.

>> No.43915478

She never ever posted her tits here.
>t. Been here since the start

>> No.43915507

What do you mean. If someone else just happened to have it then offered it to her for free how would she be responsible? Hypotheticly of course.

>> No.43915535

The artist does, and wouldn't want stolen property being used associated with their name.

>> No.43915556

I hope one day things will work out for you and you'll become a "regular" vtuber

>> No.43915674

The legal problem would be hacking to obtain a $2000 model from someone, actual felony crimes.

If the artist were convinced with a 200,000 Yen donation to sell another copy there's nothing DB Cooper can do

>> No.43915800

Mel i know you are here, post your titties please they dont have to be naked im too horny to work like this mel plss

>> No.43915817

Go back to twitch.

>> No.43915902

what the fuck is this

>> No.43915928


>> No.43915980

Not just twitchtards likes tiddies, Mel<3

>> No.43916231

Ebay your tonsil stones to fund a new model.

>> No.43916317

Don't think I'm depraved enough to be into tonsil stones, but maybe I'm too weak

>> No.43916446

Honestly the oyster vtuber idea is great

>> No.43916584

I get those stones out. With my cock.

>> No.43916675

Jesus Mel my fucking ears

>> No.43916773

Oh dear did she turn on donations?

>> No.43916863

here we go again

>> No.43916957

Link to the stream?

>> No.43916978


>> No.43916984

Reminder to not give this woman money.

>> No.43917171

Unless she posts her tiddies

>> No.43917235
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>> No.43917246

and you got her burb

>> No.43918079

I like where this is going

>> No.43918242

Like tooth brushing?

>> No.43919035
File: 36 KB, 385x290, 1664488510587478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to make me drop my drink if you keep screaming like that

>> No.43920739

You just missed an explosion.

>> No.43920747

If you aren't already in the stream get in here, I'm pretty sure she's brushing her teeth.

>> No.43920777


>> No.43921001

I honestly don't know whether to be aroused or depressed at this point, man.

>> No.43921120

I've been dipping back and forth between both

>> No.43921253

>come back to the stream
>new model and a toothbrush
Guess I'll have to save this one for later

>> No.43921318

Share with the rest of the class later.

>> No.43921611

Goddammit battery-kun

>> No.43921652

Depressed, because now the idiots hounding her to do this will be on her more including DB.

>> No.43921723

With the battery dead I've now gone to just depressed

>> No.43922650

She could pull a lot of lesbos with that look. A lot of really cutesy femmes go for the butch types exclusively.

>> No.43922969
File: 13 KB, 383x78, lmaoeven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever this chatbro is, if you're /here/ realize she doesn't give a fuck about her so called acquaintances, this is why she ignored you saying this. She said earlier she's waiting for them to pull a DB basically, so she has no interest in having friends.

>> No.43923871

This lol
>Thanks DB for ruining my bday
What no pussy does to a fucker.

>> No.43923922

Her friends all care more about Bae's birthday than hers, apparently. Can you blame her?

>> No.43924137

It's an ex-friend from last year. She didn't even know he current friends back then.

>> No.43924383

Think homie was talkin about the vtuber friends she made recently, but yeah I can see her being that way. I hope none of her "friends" think she likes them, especially kou since he's local lmao

>> No.43924728

In case you were wondering, Joseph Kony is still at large.

>> No.43925209

good to know she's alive

>> No.43925370


>> No.43925676

I found you randomly one night and had a good time watching you, id say just stream if you want and dont overthink it

>> No.43925685

mel post butthole

>> No.43925848

>Ignores being called out about her not caring for people
>Back to talk about her shitting
>Toothbrush usage in streams
We're home, lads! Welcome back Mel! We won in the end.

>> No.43925965

>Mom and Dad both used to play Apex
>An Apex squad has 3 people
Family streams when?

>> No.43926186

FPS isn't her thing

>> No.43926269

I just want her to sit on my lap and casually fart while gaming.

>> No.43926311

That's what makes it entertaining

>> No.43926508

Mel what are your thoughts on twitter.com/ywzzz_ ? Would you accept a man like him he is a fan

>> No.43926605

Sorry Mel, your dad is my oshi now.

>> No.43926687

i cant imagine having gamer parents
my mom still calls every game pokemon

>> No.43927192

i missed it, fuck...

>> No.43927253

It's OK, her battery died before much happened

>> No.43927392

If she didn't I would

>> No.43927406

I stumbled across him on a random discord and I linked him the toothbrush videos he said you sounded cute

>> No.43927763

Are you sure he doesn't have jerking vids on OF? I swear I've seen him cum before

>> No.43927797

Cant believe Mel would willingly get sodomized by a trap

>> No.43927869

here mel jerk to it later


>> No.43927881

Hope you remembered to charge that back massager, Mel.

>> No.43927908

why is she not trying to do any kind of new account? is the 2k subs on the channel really worth it?

>> No.43927957

His 2nd twitter account has a pepe on the banner I dont think that anon is bullshitting

>> No.43928069

Glad to know I was right

>> No.43928103 [DELETED] 

>not knowing about coomer.party
How new are you people

>> No.43928128

Her theory is that successful vtubers are usually hot. Hot people are more experienced with interacting with people because they are used to being talked to because of their looks, her words paraphrased. https://youtu.be/F3NBQqGQh6c

>> No.43928517

Qrd on db

>> No.43928581
File: 140 KB, 590x625, smugnene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See anon even you can make it just put on the skirt

>> No.43928927
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 1658553217769342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon, put on the skirt..

>> No.43929443

Don't kink shame me.
Nobody told you to shit on stream.

>> No.43929729

Why is she talking about doing videos on pornhub

>> No.43929763

are you gonna share the channel to the class or what

>> No.43929800

you slut...

>> No.43929806

Right, right, I have a friend too who has definitely asked for a very friendly tribute or two of things, things that friend has sent them; the aforementioned friend, definitely not me of course

>> No.43929884
File: 6 KB, 257x104, If_I_did_It_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43929904

Mel you gunna post a link or what? id like to ask you weird questions

>> No.43929942

found it kek

>> No.43929951

Pippas fruit toy

>> No.43930005

Mel, I will selflessly volunteer to jack off to your lewd photos in whatever way you want.

>> No.43930248

mel im investigating but this is really hard because im not gay

>> No.43930288

Just drop the guy's name, he's a content creator who needs subscribers too Mel.

>> No.43930367

We can zoom & enhance the reflection off his corneas.

>> No.43930406

You realize someone cam pay him money to get your nudes, right?

>> No.43930412

What's wrong with me just wanting to know if he has a nice dick?

>> No.43930476

ok how many views did your vid get

>> No.43930519

The dude is in japan, are you going to sue him there?

>> No.43930784

Kayfabe is when vtubers pretend to like their chat, for example.

>> No.43930955

Hi mel, i hate myself and you

>> No.43931044

Lets see:


>> No.43931070

Looked through a few channels out of curiosity, and I at least found a cute crossdresser, so thanks Mel

>> No.43931132

Kisses and hugs i love all of you, especially mel shes so cute and sweet. Please let me impregnate you so we can abort it together

>> No.43931154

She definitely hates that one cringe Zomily

>> No.43931256

The games don't hold my attention by I like Mel.

>> No.43931372

gdi mel i hate you im still investigating men masturbating trying to find the video i think is yours

>> No.43931499

haha you did a funny mel you made a straight man watch men masturbating haha good one mel

>> No.43931511

What way would you have asked him to masturbate?

>> No.43931510

I didn't expect this turn of events.

>> No.43931557

Talk constantly please the voices in my head need to be drown out

>> No.43932197

CoolieD is kino

>> No.43932662
File: 224 KB, 480x480, comfauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't heard your singing before Mel, but I like it

>> No.43933583

but lily herself is ugly and she's successful, so that theory falls apart immediately...

>> No.43934470

Did she talk about her suicidebaiting or are we just gonna pretend that didn't happen?

>> No.43934568

happy to see you again, your voice is nice

>> No.43934658

Said in the previous stream that it wasn't her.

>> No.43935816

Fuck off , become a flesh streamer and never come back here slag

>> No.43935864

Delicious tears, thanks for posting.
Indeed she’s fucking ugly

>> No.43935962

>seething femanon
Bitch you’re ugly, deal with it

>> No.43936031

Aw, yes the famous split personality of Mel, “Dogbear”.
Of course her fans are retarded like her

>> No.43936364

She should never come back, for her own good. She has latched onto streaming as her social outlet out due to lonely desperation.
The grand majority of us suffer that loneliness, you aren't unique in it. Find other ways to cope like everyone else. You brapped yourself into a shitty situation with streaming, the faggots will keep on finding you if you come back again.
Either become indistinguishable or give up, there's no point whining about it forever.

>> No.43936614

Night Mel.

Nothing of worth reading here, don't get too hung up on it.

>> No.43936786

Thanks for the stream today Mel, I know that things were a little rocky at the start but I'm glad it looks like you were at least having a little fun
