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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 9332F1F4-8CB3-4EC3-9AD5-4A6FF757AF70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43888945 No.43888945 [Reply] [Original]

>I love doing member stream more than public stream because I love you guys.
>Please don’t leave, I love memershrimps.
>Today, I will sing the same songs that I already sang like 100 times.
>I know you guys will like it and don’t bother for singing same songs.
>YEAH, THE NEW MERCH!! Is coming. don’t tell anyone. Okay? I will tweet about it tomorrow.

>> No.43888976
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>> No.43888980

goalposts moved, i see

>> No.43889155
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Another one

>> No.43889218

Gura knows that only paying customers are right. Too poor to pay the 72 dollar a year friendship tax? Then fuck you.

>> No.43889314

Uhhhh hello? Your math reps?

>> No.43889658

God I love Gura, no one does it better.

>> No.43889687

Memberrent is 6 dollars a month now, poorfag.

>> No.43889747

Honestly shitting on retards is funny but at a certain point
>abusive relationship
Nigga if she doesn't want to stream, watch someone else.
>But there's no one else
There are literally infinite gura clones and cunnytubers who copy her. I don't understand the actual hostage mentality the worst chumbuds have, like the smell of her cunny scent is what keeps you alive and you are literally dying without it. Just move on to the next thing why is this such a hard ask for you?

>> No.43889890
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I dunno, my currency allows me to pay $25 a year, get fucked

>> No.43889945
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>> No.43890043


>> No.43890048

ARS is being banned soon you fucking argie faggot. Even mexicans laugh at you.

>> No.43890073
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Is real. Holy. HAHAHA. Smart shark. She knows her loyal fans gonna pay no matter what.

>> No.43890118

She's doing members karaoke?
Jesus Christ what a shameless gold digger, she must have noticed the retards stopped paying monthly memberships after no content for months and had pull this off to get her members back.

>> No.43890164
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My currency is not ARS lol
And it's only getting banned for cards that are not from Argentina

>> No.43890223

her last public stream had 3k members in chat. she isn't hurting for members lmao

>> No.43890346

Lol she got embarrassed that her return stream made less SCs than Ina's

>> No.43890366

Holy shit, even some NijiJPs refuse to enable memberships because they don't want to paywall content.
Absolute weasel...

>> No.43890400

Lol. HAHAHAHA. She’s finished.

>> No.43890441

Truly making use of chumbuds sunk cost fallacy. At this point she's more of a figurehead than a streamer, being membered to her is like trying to vote for the British royal family

>> No.43890517

Maybe Ina was the Gura Killer after all

>> No.43890566

>3k idiots have been paying for months for nothing
No wonder modern women are so entitled, modern men are gullible idiots with no self-respect.

>> No.43890608

so true sister

>> No.43890647

Honestly. How does she not feel any shame doing this?

>> No.43890664

>Booo hoooo Gura only does member streams every two weeks wahhhhhh all she does is chat with us for two hours a bluu bluu bluuu
Meanwhile Takodachi get jack shit in regards to member streams. Be thankful for what you got.

>> No.43890940

kek what a golddigger

>> No.43890951

in a vacuum sure, it looks bad, but chumbuds deserve to be taken advantage of so it's fine

>> No.43891132

>Doesn't do membership streams
>reeeeeeeee chumbuds are getting taken advantage of
>Does membership stream
>reeeeeeeee chumbuds are getting taken advantage of

>> No.43891145

It amuses me how gura antis choose to flail about with these weak ass subjective claims that you could say about any vtuber when you could just bring up her alcoholism to actually stir up some shit

>> No.43891151

hasn't changed for me, so this is either bullshit or a you problem

>> No.43891573

oh nyo

>> No.43891643


>> No.43891704

On top of that Ina's membership is also cheaper.

>> No.43895121

I don't think she will ever stream more than 40 hours a month

>> No.43895613

greys stay mad

>> No.43895688

>On top of that Ina's membership is also cheaper.
Of course it is, you don't get any content out of Ina's membership.

>> No.43895758

I would do the same if I was her, ngl watching your fans meltdown is pretty fun.

>> No.43895787

Why are you nijijoggers always seething about same-chan?

>> No.43896006
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>$5 leaf dollar
anon, I...

>> No.43896282

If I have gullible fans with no self respect like that I'll probably do that too. Even Teamates know how to complain

>> No.43898097

Only for retarded iphone users. Google offloaded Apple's cut onto them.

>> No.43898236

Really? List all the Gura clones.

>> No.43898405

Why is this ESLsubhuman so mad all the time? lol

>> No.43898716
File: 1.99 MB, 1462x741, kana will ghost her fanbase again like gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 8

>> No.43898896

Of the ones I've watched, calling them similar to Gura is an insult.

>> No.43899092

Those retards are literally begging to be exploited. I can't blame her.

>> No.43900188

Do Anons these days actually believe shitposts on 4chan? Is this the point we've reached /here/?

>> No.43900988

Americans have no sense of morality or decency. Look at how they justify that behavior saying stuff like “I’d do the same”, “work smart not hard”, “quality vs quantity” and any other combination of retarded buzzwords. As long as you get a ton of money, no matter what you do to get it, you are smart and they enable you. The essence of their culture is money. Money is their morality, their professionalism, their hope, their dreams and their everything. If you have money, you are valid.
In the other hand you have a ton of japanese vtubers who do have some sort of real sense of professionality, decency and morality (outside of the zoomers) so they still work hard and try to achieve new highs because they aren’t money slaves or conformist subhumans. They have pride, dreams and they feel grateful towards people who support them, and culture wise the japanese won’t justify being a piece of shit just because you have money, because their culture isn’t “muh money”.

>> No.43901290

Is this how deadbeats cope for mori not fulfilling her 3 member streams a month promise?

>> No.43901327
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*streams more regularly than Gura*

>> No.43901579

holy weeb brain. spend some time in japan and you'll understand what they're really like. jesus christ.

>> No.43901697

>the indian call center scammer cries out in pain as he scams another grandma out of her 400$/month check

>> No.43901876

>weeb brain
I’m just not american. Seethe harder desu. Your culture consist of money and pandering to blacks. Not my fault.

>> No.43904568

Gura is nothing without her model
Like the fuck does she even do the only clips I have ever seen of her were regular gaming and fucking ukulele singing with dogshit audio quality.
Like is that it? Thats weak even for holoen
Shes just a fucking mascot
Popular because she is popular and keeps being featured because shes popular

>> No.43904673

>Gura is nothing without her model
Reminder that HERfags won and we stays winning

>> No.43905096

Teamates are whipped betas, not much better.

>> No.43905182

>membership is now 29.99
UH CHUMKEKS????????????

>> No.43905212
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>Gura seethe thread #96950
My oshi will never have to pay rent.

>> No.43905302
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>> No.43905726

Neither will the schizos that live free in your head

>> No.43906007

damn, the soviet propaganda is still at it.

>> No.43907092

I will never cancel my memebership. I have never once considered it.
