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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43878719 No.43878719 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone point me to JP chuubas that stream in english? I dont know why, but listening to that is very relaxing and endearing in a way.
Lui's english streams or Haachamas english streams are a good example. Or Ayamy (I know she's not japanese but whatever) and Pochi mama speaking english is beyond adorable.

>> No.43878798

Pochi-sensei. She currently doesn't stream tho.

>> No.43878872

Pikamee. She's on break right now so you'll have to watch the vids

>> No.43878926

Anya Melfisa

>> No.43879034
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Meloco Kyouran for japanese ESL that was really hard to understand 2 months ago, now it is a lot better
Kotoka Torahime for japanese with english so good that its practically native
Tenma Maemi for pure japanese OL hag that sounds like a mexican mother when she gets angry
First 2 are nijis, tenma is phase connect

>> No.43879035

the xsoleil girls

>> No.43879164

Kotoka is Japanese? I only know Meloco and Oliver Evan

>> No.43879175


>> No.43879230

EN in name but JP in spirit, you can't deny this

>> No.43879340
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All girls in Xsoleil is a flavor of japanese
In order of pureness: Meloco > Kotoka > Zaion (PBUH)
Zaion learnt japanese when she met other japanese girls in school, she didnt learn it from her japanese parents. Kotoka has lived in the USA. Meloco is a pure japanese princess that studied a lot of english to join NijiEN because she didnt want to go through the bootcamp VTA just to join NijiJP

>> No.43879347

OP here. Holy shit I forgot about Meloco. I love listening to her. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.43879505
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Japanese born australian raised VA who voiced picrel in Love Live. Recently(-ish) debuted as a vtuber, though she also meatstreams a lot. Loves Gunpla a fuckton and sometimes collabs with other VAs. Hers is probably the best english you'll ever hear coming out of a japanese mouth, when she speaks it.

>> No.43879568

Zaion is japanese as well.....oh wait the faggot management canceled her.

>> No.43879657

She became full EN when she started saying lets go every 2min

>> No.43879767

>you can't deny this
If she was JP in spirit she wouldn't be clearly disliked by the JP branch members.
>But Watame!
Watame is too nice.

>> No.43879791

>Open channel page.
>Fleshtuber video starts playing.
>Closes tab.

>> No.43879813
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Onolumi. She's playing almost exclusively retro though

>> No.43879917
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How? The video that should auto-play is the one with her vtuber debut like in picrel. That said though, I did mention she meatstreams a lot too. Did you not read what I said?

>> No.43880015

Isnt she a Chindo living in Japan?

>> No.43880029
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NTA but it goes to a fleshbag video for me too

>> No.43880087

Ah! You're right. It only shows the debut video when you're subbed there. I had no idea they could do that.

>> No.43880163
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>> No.43880182


Nora speaks very good English (probably one of the best out of any native JP chuubas I've seen). If you are not into sex jokes she's probably not gonna be for you though. She has not done an English zatsu in a while but she will respond to English chat.

>> No.43880205

Maybe. But her Chinese is bad as far as i know.

>> No.43880339

I havent been keeping up with Luinee.
Does she still pander to english speakers? I know I havent seen a full english stream from her in a while.

>> No.43880481

Yes, I enjoyed her ESL very much. Sadly she is gone.

>> No.43880554

I actually started markedly improving my life after she left and I am continuing to do so. I do miss the threads though. Good times.

>> No.43882271

When will she return?

>> No.43883339
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A good shout for JP girl who streams in english is probably Tenma. Her streams are basically 98% english. And like the girl in your OP she's a hag and former office lady (a bonus if you like that kind of thing).
Another plus is that she isn't a hafu or someone who knows english through osmosis by having an english speaking parents. She's a full blooded jap entirely self taught from watching hollywood macho men movies.

>> No.43883428

>english bad too
>starts vtubing and decides to play Planescape: Torment

>> No.43886035

fellow accent lovers

>> No.43886115

version akai haato EN streams are the best ones ever.

>> No.43886224

I respect Tenma a lot but holy shit, she is just too loud for my taste.

>> No.43886505

Yeah, she's a perfect example of being a raging alcoholic

>> No.43887096

Is it me or most EOPs have either lost interest or moved to EN. You barely see English in chat these days and most JP members stopped bothering with pandering

>> No.43887326

Tenma Maemi streams exclusively in English

>> No.43887412

probably less common, still a few around
i wouldn't say JP pandering has stopped either

>> No.43889019

Maemi Tenma. Her accent makes her English sounds Scottish which is really funny

>> No.43892927

thanks for the recommendations

>> No.43893837

She sometimes sounds german to me.

t. bong

>> No.43893932

Zaion is only japanese by descent, she is less japanese than even someone like IRyS who is a happa and only lived in japan for half of her childhood.
Zaion is still cool though.

>> No.43894008

>she's a perfect example of being a raging alcoholic
When I think of raging alcoholic I think of someone like Calliope instead. It isn't something I have a good connotation with, though I guess there are some fun alcoholics like wamy but I wouldn't call them "raging".
Tenma is good though, probably the only actual good Phase.

>> No.43894033


Kichi fits the bill: https://www.youtube.com/@KichiAKAVirtual

>> No.43896111
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Nanamona my cute sheep.

>> No.43899757

>If she was JP in spirit she wouldn't be clearly disliked by the JP branch members.
But she isn't? JPs love her. wtf is with this stupid rrat?

>> No.43904308


>> No.43905714

Great taste. sometimes I call my Japanese friend just because I like to listen to the way she speaks English

>> No.43905778

I responded to the wrong post….

>> No.43909841

It's okay. I forgive you.

>> No.43910179
File: 1.61 MB, 480x536, TenmaOnMeds[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5tuo3c.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her accent makes her English sounds Scottish

>> No.43910867

Thanks anon

>> No.43915389


>> No.43918326


>> No.43918536

>S tier chuuba
>hated by the youtube algorithm
She deserved better

>> No.43918599

Tenma is good. Shame she's in phase, but it doesn't make her any less great.

>> No.43918657

>She's playing almost exclusively retro though
Stop, it's too based.

>> No.43919994

nta but at least Pekora doesn't like her, that much is certain

>> No.43920255

Honestly, one of THE most underrated vtubers ever. I didnt even like her design at first but she grew on me quickly.

>> No.43924698

Also she literally streams everyday. Lumi had maybe two weeks without streaming since debut

>> No.43930035

Maemi Tenma is only one that comes to mind.
Good picks for games and is generally very funny, but she is often too loud.
